Crisis in Venezuela: Trump has suggested the possibility of military intervention, Maduro threatened to repeat Vietnam
Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:29 am
US President Donald Trump does not reject possible military support for the Venezuelan interim president Huang Guaido.
He stated this in the Face the Nation program on CBS, Cenzor said. NET with reference to The Hill.
"As an option," Trump said, answering a question about the possible use of military force in Venezuela. At the same time, he clarified that he would not want to talk about it.
Former ex-president of Venezuela Nicholas Maduro has warned Trump for his part that America will receive second Vietnam if it dares to take such a step.
Trump will leave the White House with "blood on his hands" if he enters the troops in Venezuela, he said.
On January 23, Huang Guaido declared himself a temporary president of the country, because earlier the parliament recognized the re-election of the incumbent president, Nicholas Maduro, to the post of President of the country unconstitutional. Immediately thereafter, US President Donald Trump said he recognized Guaido as the new interim president.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday urged Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro to hand over his credentials to the chairman of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Huang Guaido. In Ukrainian/український
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