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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources]

Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:30 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the course of the day.


There's a move now to verify that the terrorists are violating the cease-fire that continues. I don't believe they'll ever follow the Minsk Agreement, as that's not what the Kremlin wants. It wants to continue causing desalinization in Ukraine. They believe that will destroy Ukraine internally. They want to cause a civil war, as we've seen not long ago some ultras attempting it. IMO, their goals have failed. The majority of Ukrainians know what the Kremlin's goals are and don't want to go back to pre-1991 years.

Pressure's also continuing to brew within Russia, as there was another protest that emphasized the removal of Putin. Putin wants to force the west to recognize or at least try to get them to believe that they're still a powerful force to be dealt with. None of their plans are working out as they wished. Putin failed totally in eastern Ukraine. NATO's now setting up outfits in most, if not all countries on Ukraine's and Russia's western borders. Exactly what Putin fought against for many years. It seems the west has finally gotten fed-up with their intimidation and aren't in the mood to negotiate. The Kremlin's losing its effectiveness to scare the west. The US doesn't want to side with them within Syria, NATO's building up where they didn't want them at, pressure to let go of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, other many countries in the UN want to remove their veto power, it's schemes in Syria are threatening their relationship with Turkey and of course its economy's getting worse every day. As I see it, the Kremlin has no successful future to look forward to. But how much will it cost the west, to finally paralyze the Kremlin.


kyiv will be looking at -5c and sunny weather today, as the southern are will be mostly cloudy and +6c.

Last edited by Admin on Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Nuland found for Ukraine, the best antidote to the Russian aggression

Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:31 am
Ukraine, in particular, must overcome corruption and stabilize the banking system and the economy, reform the judiciary. This was stated on Thursday in the proceedings before the International Relations Committee of the US Senate, US Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland.

"The best antidote to the Russian aggression and its pernicious influence is the success of Ukraine as a democratic, prosperous European state. Ukrainian government should continue to implement these promises to the people and to keep the confidence of the international community ", - she said.

According to her, first of all, you need to make great efforts to "clean up endemic corruption of the government and society at all levels, stabilize the economy, to break the link of corrupt state-owned enterprises and oligarchs, as well as to reform the justice system."

Nuland explained that the major steps in this direction include, in particular, reform of procurement and revenue management in the gas sector; GPU upgrade the example of the new police force in Ukraine; the creation of the office of the Inspector General under the General Prosecutor's Office; assigned to the short-term anti-corruption prosecutor.

In addition, the US representative stressed the importance of improving the investment climate in Ukraine through the elimination of overlapping functions, transparent privatization of about 1.8 thousand. State-owned enterprises and the recapitalization and recovery of the banking system of Ukraine.

"The practice of transparent management and business that make corruption impossible, is the basis for attracting foreign investment and development opportunities," - said Nuland.

Ukrainians should also get incorruptible justice system, said the representative of the United States. She stressed that to date only 5% of the population of Ukraine fully trust the judiciary. "To stimulate the confidence you need to take a constitutional amendment to limit the immunity of judges, increase the level of legal and ethical standards, and to thoroughly investigate violations of court with disciplinary action and dismissals," - said Nuland. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty OSCE: Militants fail to withdraw heavy weapons near Mariupol

Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:34 am
The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observers continue to record heavy weapons of pro-Russian militants in the Mariupol direction.
As reported by Censor.NET, it is announced in mission's report of Oct. 7.

The SMM drones continued to observe, in violation of respective withdrawal lines, presence of heavy weapons in "DPR"-controlled areas.

In particular, in the area of Sontseve (60 km north-east of Mariupol) twelve main battle tanks (MBTs), in the area of Michurine (56 km north-east of Mariupol) three MBTs and in the area of Kozlivka (42 km east of Mariupol) four 122mm self-propelled howitzers 2S1 "Gvozdika" were observed. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin needs new triumphs to distract Russians from interior problems while domestic appetite for war to dwindle soon, - The Guardian

Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:51 am
If Vladimir Putin’s game plan has been repeatedly to surprise the west and keep it off balance, it is working. But distracting Russians from domestic problems by wars for any longer is unlikely in his power.
Censor.NET reports citing Julian Borger, The Guardian diplomatic editor, who says that the firing of cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea has certainly caught western capitals unawares. Springing surprises put Putin at the center of the world stage, the dramatic actor to whom the world is forced to react.

In addition, this has a narcotic affect on Russian domestic opinion, helped by lots of video footage and graphics of missiles blasting off from ships and travelling hundreds of miles to pinpoint supposedly terrorist targets. In a new poll, 72% of Russian respondents declare themselves in favour of the Syrian adventure.

However, wars fought for domestic consumption are, however, inherently unstable. They require constant novelty and reports of new triumphs, which are hard to pull off in the real world. Having rallied supporters in eastern Ukraine to the Novorossiya flag, Putin has put the insurgency on hold amid a rising death toll among Russian soldiers who were not officially supposed to be there. The Ukrainian campaign only solidified NATO and gave it a new sense of purpose.

The war in Syria also threatens to backfire, for all the reasons that the U.S. has sought to stay out. To the Sunni world, Russia looks like it has taken sides, uniting all the disparate rebel groups in a shared hatred of its "occupation", and inspiring jihadis the world over to turn their eyes towards Moscow.

Backing Assad to the bitter end is a strategy that is likely to suck Russia deeper into a war it cannot afford with an economy shrinking 4% a year. Standing by and watching Russia self-harm also carries costs for the west . The bombardment of rebel-held areas around Idlib and Aleppo will boost the outflow of refugees, and put off the prospect of local cease-fires gradually dampening down the wider conflict. The chance of a collision or shootdown between Russian, Turkish, U.S. or other NATO war planes continues to mount, as does the risk of an escalating proxy war.

"Putin's mastery of surprise has put him in the driving seat, but there is little sign so far he knows where he is going," the article reads. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko: Putin wants to global instability

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:01 am
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in his interview with "Bi-Bi-Si" said the Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks to ensure that "undermine global security order."

"I think it is clear that Vladimir Putin wants to global instability. And exactly 18 months ago, when the Russian soldiers appeared in the Crimea, and exactly 15 months ago, when Russian soldiers appeared in the Donbass, and now, when they were in Syria - the goal is the same, "- he said.

Poroshenko said that the president of Russia, in its opinion, pursues these objectives due to the economic problems and the loss of support within the country. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Near Mariupol kidnapped a woman with pro-Ukrainian position

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:07 am
Near Mariupol kidnapped a woman with pro-Ukrainian position
Today at 05:47
"Commander in Chief"

In Kominternovo that under Mariupol, unknown stole a local woman with a pro-Ukrainian position. It is reported by the press service of the State Ministry of Interior of Ukraine in Donetsk region.

"Kominternovo is on the boundary line with the temporarily occupied territory. Previously established that a group of people intoxicated attacked the village and abducted a local woman. Some of the attackers spread out in the forest, on the other cars drove into the village. Insurgents have learned from a local resident addresses of people who have an active pro-Ukrainian position. One of the women had been kidnapped. Currently, it is not in the village, "- said in a statement.

It is noted that the circumstances of the accident are established. Continue investigative-operational measures.

"Investigation Division Volnovakha PO incident prequalification of Part 2 of Article 146" Illegal deprivation of liberty or kidnapping "of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Currently, the location of a woman unknown ", - the report says.

According to eyewitnesses, the evening of 6 October, unknown people entered the village. It is assumed that they were sizing to the environment and to identify the target of plaque. Happy October 7 Kominternovo began looting in which several houses were looted, stolen cars.

"Everything stopped after the intervention of our military and representatives of the OSCE," - write witnesses. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The residents of Donbass mass return home from Russia

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:10 am
The residents of Donbass began returning to their homes from Russia after the establishment of the ceasefire. It was reported the head of the Federal Migration Service of Russia Konstantin Romodanovsky.

"Judging by the Rostov region, on average 10 days of 1300-1500 people come back to Ukraine", - he said on the TV channel "Russia-24".

"From the Ukrainian us entered more than 2.5 million people. 1.5 million people came from central and western Ukraine, and about 1 million people - residents of the southeastern region, "- said Romadanovsky.

Also, he said, more than 600 thousand residents of Donbass got temporary asylum or a temporary residence permit in Russia. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko called the conditions for the election in the Donbas

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:15 am
Kiev is ready to hold elections in Donbass, but it needs to out foreign troops were withdrawn, the Ukrainian president said Poroshenko.

"The only thing we need - just to foreign troops were removed from the area," - he said in an interview, "the BBC" Newsnight.

According to Poroshenko, Ukrainian parliament is ready to take into account the specifics of the election in the Donbas.

"We have half a million internally displaced persons, who had to leave the territory of the Russian aggression, and we are in a democratic society should give them the opportunity to vote" - said Poroshenko. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty US Defense Secretary: If Russia wants to stop its isolation, it must abandon the Crimea

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:18 am
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said that if Russia wants to terminate its international isolation, it should stop the aggression in the east of Ukraine to give up the occupation and annexation of the Crimea and the attempt to comply with its obligations under the Minsk Agreement, according to "Krym.Realii".

According to Carter, NATO will not be distracted from the problems of Ukraine due to Russia's actions in Syria, and should force her to perform in Minsk agreement.

"This focused on the meeting (of defense ministers - Ed.) NATO," - said Carter.

Carter warned the Kremlin that "bind Russia to the sinking ship - a destructive strategy." According to the head of the Pentagon, Moscow still has the opportunity to change the course of events and make the right moves.

"However, I do not know whether they want to do this. From Kamchatka peninsula, through Central Asia, the Caucasus and around the Baltic countries, all Russia itself continues to lock themselves in isolation. Only the Kremlin may decide to change it, "- said the head of the US defense department. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin moved to the red line - expert

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:23 am
The only way to put an end to the antics of Russian President Vladimir Putin - to ensure that the pressure of external circumstances forced him to stop. So says Ukrainian diplomat, former Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ogryzko.

"The recent actions of Russia in Syria - Syrian territories shelling from the ships in the Caspian Sea, and air support launched an offensive army of Assad - if not crossing the red line, then at least dangerous to her approach. After crossing that line the West will finally make a decision whether it will take an absolutely brazen policy of Russia in support of Assad, or leave it unattended that from the Caspian Sea to shoot missiles that fly in a few countries to Syria, or whether he will make a decision and dare to react to events, "- he writes in a blog on Ogryzko "New time" .

Ogryzko said that the United States continues a policy of appeasement of Russia, despite all its recent actions.

"I think that in some cases, European leaders took a tougher stance than the United States. It is not for the benefit of the consolidation of the West, as well as transatlantic cooperation as a whole. I'm afraid that the deadline is approaching, and if the West does not show sufficient determination and firmness, we expect a much more serious consequences of the Syrian crisis, "- said the diplomat.

Ogryzko adds that concern and negotiations will not make Putin's stay.

"After all, the only argument that Putin understands - force. No deep concern, no negotiations will not force him to stop, and the US should realize that. The only way to put an end to Putin's escapades - to ensure that he was forced to stay under the pressure of external circumstances "- he said. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian media reported that Saakashvili may be brought before the court in The Hague

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:26 am
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague has decided to initiate an investigation of events in South Ossetia in August 2008, writes "Kommersant".

According to the study materials provided by the Russian side, it was decided that during the conflict there were a series of war crimes in connection with which the central figure in the investigation may be the head of Odessa, the former president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

To make a decision a special commission to examine the document that will be provided to the prosecutor and other supporting material.

Ex-deputy chairman of the PACE Monitoring Committee Elene Tevdoradze from Georgia emphasized that the data contained in the materials, can afford to bring to justice for the conflict, Saakashvili, in which case he could face 30 years of imprisonment to life sentence. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty US will not recall Pyatt for PGO criticism; such statements are fake, - US Embassy

Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:36 am

The United States does not intend to withdraw its Ambassador to Ukraine Pyatt for his criticism towards Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office.
This was stated in the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine press office's commentary regarding statement by the deputy head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction Ihor Kononenko, Censor.NET reports citing

He said that President Poroshenko in his conversation with the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden allegedly pointed to inadmissibly harsh criticism of the Prosecutor General's Office by Pyatt.

Read more: Shokin offers Pyatt to attract US experts to investigate "diamond" prosecutors case
"As far as I know, the president rigidly said to Biden that the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt should not have made the statement regarding the quality of the Shokin's PGO work. In response, he [Biden - ed.] agreed and said that Pyatt would be withdrawn from Kyiv next February," Kononenko said as quoted by RBK Ukraine.

The Embassy press office said that Biden had not said these words, when commenting on Kononenko's statement.

The press officer of the Embassy said that the Vice President Biden's press office would confirm his words that these statements were fake. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty U.S. Keeps Tough Line On Russia Despite Ukraine Truce

Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:46 am
The conflict between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatists has killed more than 7,900 people since April 2014.

Nuland also said that sanctions imposed on Russia after it annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in March 2014 would remain in place until the Kremlin agrees to withdraw Russian forces.

"We will judge Russia and the separatists by their actions, not their words," she said.......
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The Daily Vertical: Seriously, Mr. Juncker?! (VIDEO)

Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:50 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia's other war in Eastern Europe

Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:11 am
In the early stages of Russia’s initially covert invasion of Crimea last year, a woman outside the parliament in Simferopol told a Maclean’s reporter why she thought so little of the protesters in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, who had forced the departure of Ukraine’s pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych, days earlier.

They had been drugged, she explained of the demonstrators. Some sort of hallucinogenic had been slipped into their tea. A local man had gone to Kyiv, taken part in the protests and returned, whereupon doctors in a hospital discovered traces of the drugs in his blood, she said. Another woman in Kyiv who also opposed the street demonstrations told an almost identical story.

Both women said they learned about the drugged protesters from watching Russian-language television. They didn’t say which stations, but they were almost certainly ones controlled by or beholden to the Kremlin.

This disinformation campaign was part of what Jerzy Pomianowski, a former Polish diplomat who now heads the European Endowment for Democracy (EED), describes as Russia’s “hybrid war.” In addition to sending troops to Crimea, and later into eastern Ukraine, Russia used media propaganda to convince people in those areas that “fascists” in Kyiv threatened them and that Russia would protect them.

“In a moment of war, when a people really don’t know what to think and how to understand a situation, that makes them naturally not able to properly react when a group of 1,000 or 2,000 separatists suddenly seize control of a city. Having no alternative information, the people living there tend to agree: maybe yes, this is the solution for our situation,” he says...........................

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Nuland says Ukraine's PGO should be reinvented like police force

Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:18 am
"Like Ukraine's police force, the Prosecutor General's Office has to be reinvented as an institution that serves the citizens of Ukraine, rather than ripping them off. That means it must investigate and successfully prosecute corruption and asset recovery cases - including locking up dirty personnel in the PGO itself," Nuland said in her speech before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington on Thursday.

In her opinion, the newly created Inspector General's Office within Ukraine's prosecution service must be able to work independently and effectively, without political or judicial interference...............
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine and Kazakhstan will strengthen cooperation in the energy sector

Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:28 am
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said Ukraine and Kazakhstan will strengthen cooperation in the energy sector. He said at a business forum in Astana on Friday.

"We have noted today that the position is a very promising cooperation in the field of energy. This coal that today Ukraine needs it, and cooperation in the oil and gas industry, and we are waiting for the representative of the "KazMunaiGas" to us in Ukraine to see and analyze shared access to the markets of the enterprises for manufacture, production and processing of petroleum products, "- said Poroshenko .

He added that the parties agreed to create a powerful and efficient transit network, which will be agreed preferential tariffs that will make the direction of the "Kazakhstan-Ukraine" as a basic element of the "Silk Road".

"We are talking about agricultural engineering, we are talking about the development of agriculture and food industry of the IT-industry, talking about the joint production of both the Ukrainian enterprises on the territory of Kazakhstan, and we are waiting for Ukrainian oil and gas industry in our oil and gas reservoirs," - said the President .

According to him, now is the best time to bring together and start working together. "A war we will stop, because to us the truth, and God is with us" - summed up Poroshenko. In Russian

These projects were started back during the Yushchenko years but that would've taken income away from the Kremlin and Gazprom. Then the great deal of $400 signed by Tymoshenko came into play. Wonder how much she made on that deal. Hopefully, this time it'll go through. Less income for the Kremlin/Gazprom.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources]

Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:52 am
Admin wrote:Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague has decided to initiate an investigation of events in South Ossetia in August 2008, writes "Kommersant".

According to the study materials provided by the Russian side, it was decided that during the conflict there were a series of war crimes in connection with which the central figure in the investigation may be the head of Odessa, the former president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

To make a decision a special commission to examine the document that will be provided to the prosecutor and other supporting material.

Ex-deputy chairman of the PACE Monitoring Committee Elene Tevdoradze from Georgia emphasized that the data contained in the materials, can afford to bring to justice for the conflict, Saakashvili, in which case he could face 30 years of imprisonment to life sentence. In Russian

Mikheil Saakashvili, who was Georgia’s president in 2008, welcomed an ICC probe into the war.

“It’s important that the Georgian prosecutor’s office hands over information about everything including ethnic cleansing,” he wrote in a statement published online
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty One third of Ukrainians are nostalgic for the Soviet Union - opinion poll

Fri Oct 09, 2015 11:17 am
One-third of Ukrainian citizens (31%) regret the collapse in 1991 of the Soviet Union, while more than half (56%) - no, 14% - undecided. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by the sociological group "Rating" in October 2015.

"The dynamics shows that decreasing every year the number of Ukrainians who regret the collapse of the Soviet Union: in 2010 the figure was 46%, whereas in 2013 - 41%, in 2014 - 33%, and in 2015 - 31%," , - the report says the group "Rating".

Almost half of the residents of the South (49%), 39% of residents of the East and the fourth center regret the collapse of the USSR.

The older the respondents, and the lower their level of education and income, the more they regret the USSR. Rue collapse of the USSR relatively more women.

The number of respondents who are nostalgic for the Soviet Union among the Russian-speaking twice as high as among the Ukrainian language.

The study was conducted 1-6 October 2015 Audience: Ukraine's population of 18 years and older. The sample is representative by age, sex, region and type of settlement. The sample of 1800 respondents. Private formalized interview (face-to-face). The error margin of not more than 2.4%. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Experts from Germany are predicting growth of the Ukrainian economy

Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:16 pm
The experts of the German Advisory Group on Ukraine Giucci Ricardo and Robert Kirchner believes that Ukraine has clear signs of economic stabilization.

"In recent months, there are clear signs of economic stabilization and shift towards economic growth", - experts say.

According Giucci and Kirchner, industrial production in the country, as well as the retail trade turnover reached the bottom, then began weak growth; exchange rate seems to have stabilized since April, budget deficit and current account revenues declining confidence in the banking system returns. "The purpose of stabilization, apparently has been reached. Characteristically, it is an achievement of the government that - unlike previous years - goes to the constructive cooperation with the IMF ", - the report says.

In the context of Ukraine's actions, which could give an impetus to growth, rather limited, including it's too difficult to make due to the growth in domestic consumption. Economists Advisory Group see as the main incentive of economic growth is now "external sector", in particular, foreign direct investment, which contributed to the growth of exports and GDP. The advantages for the country in terms of access to the EU market for the FTA is quite low, and therefore competition, labor costs and depreciated currency (60% in 2014). One factor that hinders the attraction inoinvestitsy is still imperfect tax legislation (the German government, for example, provides guarantees to German companies) and political risks. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The invaders came to take away for the Russian army of about 1,000 Crimean

Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:25 pm
The Ministry of Defense of Russia claim that as part of the autumn conscription intend to attract to serve in the Russian army of about one thousand recruits from the annexed Crimea. It is said in a statement posted on the website of the Kremlin authorities.

According to the report, annexed the Crimea and in other districts of the Russian Federation has about six thousand people passed draft boards and get ready to send the troops. In particular, the occupiers have seized 400 recruits in the peninsula.

"About 400 recruits selected in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. In total during the autumn draft of the Crimea will be spent for military service about 1,000 people, which is 2 times higher than in the previous spring draft ", - the Russian authorities.

Note, this is not the first call in the Crimean Russian army. Earlier it was reported that in April this year to serve in the Russian army were called about 500 Crimean conscripts. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko hopes that Russia changes its mind to introduce an embargo on Ukrainian products

Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:56 pm
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is convinced that Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organisation and implementation of a January 1, 2016 a deep and comprehensive free trade zone between Ukraine and the European Union will contribute to the development of relations between the two countries. It is reported by the press service of the head of state.

During the communication with the media Poroshenko congratulated Nursultan Nazarbayev on the completion of negotiations on accession to the WTO.

He noted that Ukraine remains a subject of the agreement on free trade zone CIS, which clearly spelled out the rights and obligations of the parties. "The problem is only that all parties adhere to the agreements and commitments upon signing and ratification of all agreements, including the 6th application," - said the President.

Speaking about the ongoing negotiations in the format of the EU-Ukraine-Russia, Poroshenko said: "I think that the result of these agreements will be the decision of the Russian government to abolish the possible limitations, she is going to enter without any reference to any documents."

"And Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan are members of the WTO must comply with their obligations", - said the President.

Speaking about cooperation between Ukraine and Kazakhstan, Poroshenko noted that today's talks were designed to strengthen the practical component by reaching out to specific high-tech projects.

Nazarbayev, in turn, noted that Kazakhstan will adhere to the agreements signed with Ukraine before, and will continue to cooperate for the purchase of Ukrainian equipment. At the same time, he added, the country will stick to its obligations under the customs union and a free trade area within the CIS. "We know the position of Russia as from January 1, next year will come into effect an agreement between Ukraine and EU about the association, there may be changes in the supply of goods from Europe through Ukraine to Russia - there's your bilateral relations. And we remain true to that which was signed earlier, "- said the President of Kazakhstan. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty EU lifted sanctions against the Russian Rocket Fuel

Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:59 pm
The European Union lifted restrictions on trade with Russia propellants.

According to the statement of the European Council, it is a hydrazine and its derivatives - unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (heptyl) and monomethyl hydrazine.

These components are necessary for the implementation of European space programs and launch satellites manufactured in European countries.

Hydrazine is widely used in rocket technology and is used in many launch vehicles, including Russian "Proton" and the French "Arianna", he wrote UNIAN .

Earlier, the EU said he was not considering the possibility of imposing additional sanctions on Russia over the situation in Syria. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia estimates the Ukrainian army as a powerful body - Muzhenko

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:11 pm
Russia estimates the Armed Forces of Ukraine is higher than it is done by Ukrainian media. This was stated by Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko during the official meeting with the officers to work with the staff, the press service of the General Staff on his page on Facebook.

"An interesting feature: our enemy - Russia - appreciates our armed forces as a powerful body that can give a decisive answer," - said Muzhenko, stating the fact of negative publicity about the Ukrainian Army in the media in Ukraine.

Chief of General Staff believes that this can only oppose the timely and full and constant awareness of personnel, especially in the area of ​​the ATO. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Obama called Yanukovych "Putin's corrupt puppet"

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:38 pm
US President Barack Obama called the fugitive former president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych "corrupt puppet," Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The head of the White House, said in an interview to CBS, according to

"When I took office as President, Ukraine led a corrupt ruler who was a puppet of Putin," - said Obama.
It became known as Yanukovych spent on the construction of "Mezhyhirya"

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with CBS said that "knows" about the US role in the overthrow of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

As reported by the "Observer", a former lawmaker Ihor Markov, who was arrested in Italy on August 12 said that the fugitive President Yanukovych was trying to blackmail the Russian theme of European integration of Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The "DNR" again moved their "elections"

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:43 pm
Local elections in the "DNR" postponed to March 20, 2016.

This is stated in soostvetstvuyuschem "decree" terrorist leader "republic" Alexander Zakharchenko, transfers separatist edition DAN.

"To postpone the day of the first election of local chapters, some decree of the head of the Donetsk People's Republic of September 16, 2015 № 58, October 18, 2015 March 20, 2016," - said in the text of "decree".

As reported by the "Observer", the so-called terrorists and LC DNR agreed to postpone the local elections on the temporarily occupied territory of Lugansk and Donetsk regions from 18 October and 1 November to 21 February 2016.

The terrorists believe that the Ukrainian party allegedly obliged to grant special status to the Donbas, avoid prosecution and punishment of the participating events in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as peregolosovat amendments to the Constitution in a new coordinated with them, terrorists edition. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The governor of Lviv region: "Freedom" did not meet the people's trust, and therefore lost the electorate

Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:12 pm
Head of Lviv Regional State Administration Oleg Sinyutka believes that "Freedom" has lost the electorate because it does not live up to the trust of the people. He said this in an interview with "Commander in Chief".

"They did not meet the people's trust," - said Sinyutka.

He noted that "when the people you trust the steering wheel, they have a right to ask." "And to the question" What have you done? ", In my opinion," Svoboda ", unfortunately, is not the answer", - said Sinyutka

Recall Sinyutka was appointed chairman of the Lviv regional state administration in December 2014. Before that, he worked for a long time deputy mayor of Lviv Andrew Garden. Today Mr. Sinyutka fully associates itself with the presidential team and are actively involved in the campaign, topped the list BPP- "Solidarity" in the Lviv regional council. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the UK, collecting signatures for the recognition of the Holodomor in Ukraine as genocide

Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:07 pm
The site of the British Parliament there was a petition for recognition of the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933 as genocide.

The authors demand to recognize the Holodomor as an act of genocide, as defined in the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

According to the authors of circulation, the year of the famine have died 7.5 million people. "25 countries now recognize the Holodomor", - the report says.

The petition scored 328 signatures.

By law, if the petition is gaining 100 thousand. Signatures, it must consider in the British Parliament. In Russian

This brings back memories when a group of us, including @SteveKomarnycky tried to get it on the ballot at the UK parliament. It's been a while, so I don't remember many details (growing old), but I recall Steve was working with the MEPs. I was working with with others on trying to get a "Holodomor" Awareness concert at Hyde Park. Didn't quite get there, but the effort was worth it, to bring it out in the open.

A reminder! The US accepted it as a genocide but the UK hasn't. If I recall, there was static from some MEPs. Probably didn't want to open any old closets or pissing off the wrong people.

I hope to the Almighty that it goes through this time, as it's clear, when over 7 million are purposely starved to death on just one year the world should acknowledge it. Perhaps now that the scenario in Ukraine can show what they've had to endure in the past and now from the likes of the somewhat still alive USSR, it will be acknowledged in the UK. I hope they're not that beholden to the Kremlin.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Britain and Estonia against Russia for the lifting of sanctions before the Minsk Agreement

Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:46 pm
British Prime Minister David Cameron and Estonia, and Taavi Rõivas favor of maintaining sanctions against Russia to the full implementation of the Minsk Agreement, according to "RIA Novosti".

According to the Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Russia and discussing the situation in Ukraine, the prime ministers of the two countries agreed that the sanctions should remain in force as long as Minsk Agreement will not be fully realized.

Earlier, the EU excluded from the sanctions list against the Russian component of rocket fuel needed to run within European space programs. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 09 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The Kremlin responded to a comparison with Yanukovich because Obama saying he was "Putin's corrupt puppet"

Fri Oct 09, 2015 11:16 pm
A spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, said the words of US President Barack Obama, who called the former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych "Putin's corrupt puppet", reports on Thursday, October 9, "TASS".

"To call a puppet of the former president who was ousted forcibly in an armed coup, organized and sponsored from the outside, it is hardly appropriate," - said Peskov.

Earlier, Obama in an interview with CBS television network called Yanukovych "a corrupt puppet of Putin." Also in the interview, Obama said that Syria was the only ally of Russia in the region. Rather than count on Syrian support and maintain regional base that has been there for a long time, according to the American president, Putin is now "pays its own troops, their own military forces only to" on the living thread "to strengthen the position their only ally." In Russian
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