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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:17 am

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Russia's still getting pounded by the sanction results. Swiss banks closing Russian accounts, which then the money's have to be moved elsewhere. But the sanctions will affect the from moving it. A loss of interest gains won't make oligarchs happy, especially when the Ruble is in a stagnant position currently.

Flights either have stopped or will be stopped, between Russia and Ukraine. Seems Belarus is trying to pick-up the slack on that issue, or passengers will have to go to another country, then transfer to Ukraine via another non-Russian airline. Costly and very frustrating.

Also, some new proof regarding the downing of the MH17 flight pointing the finger at the Kremlin terrorists.


Today's current forecast is, +9c both in Kyiv and Odessa regions. Plenty of sunshine.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Trump: U.S. shouldn't lead pushback on Russia over Ukraine

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:19 am
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump believes European countries like Germany - an "economic behemoth" that is selling the United States "a Mercedes Benz a second" - should lead the pushback against Russian aggression in Ukraine . "I think Ukraine's a wonderful place.

"I think Ukraine's a wonderful place. I've been there and I think it's great," Trump told "Face the Nation" in a recent interview. "But Germany and all these countries should be doing something. Why is it always us? What do we have to do with Ukraine? It's wonderful. We have NATO, we're going to work with them."

But "why is it always the United States that has to go and be the policeman of the world?" Trump asked. "We're now up to $19 trillion in debt, we don't know what we're doing, we're getting clobbered by everybody, we don't have victories anymore. You know what? I'm all for helping the Ukrainians, but we shouldn't be the lead. The European countries should be the lead."

I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with Trump, but he's telling the truth. Germany and the other EU countries should be the lead, and I've been repeating that line for nearly a year or more. Same as the Saudis do by asking for help from the US, with all the money they have the EU does the same. Wonder why the US is hated so much? We do their dirty work and we're looked down on.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Belarusian airlines ready to increase frequency, capacity of flights, capacity if flights between Russia, Ukraine stop

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:26 am
"The decisions announced by Russia and Ukraine do not make us glad. We'd like that it was clam in neighbor countries. Nevertheless, we worked on and discussed the situation if the passenger flow from Ukraine to Russia and from Russia to Ukraine goes via Belarusian airports," he said.

"The issues have been worked out and we’re waiting for October 25 and we're ready for everything," he said.........
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Dutch investigators confirm U.S. findings that militants downed MH17 – U.S. Department of State

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:28 am
"And from the very beginning, we have said that – and we had information that made clear to us that the general launch area was in separatist-held territory. And I think that that's supported by what the Dutch Safety Board has reported – that that area that they reported it coming from is the same area where we believed it came from at the time," he said at a briefing in Washington on Wednesday.

According to him, the report doesn't specify the exact site from where the missile was launched.

"But in terms of the general area in which it occurred, their findings concurred with our findings at the time that it was in an area that was controlled largely by separatists," Kirby said.

As reported, the Dutch Safety Board released a report into the cause of the MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine which concluded that the plane was shot down by a Buk surface-to-air missile system on July 17, 2014.

The 320-square-kilometre area from which the missile was launched has been determined on the basis of various simulations. "Additional forensic investigation will be needed to establish the exact launching location; however, such an investigation lies outside the scope of the Dutch Safety Board's mandate," the report said.............
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin Says Russian Economy Stabilizing

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:40 am
President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday strove to deliver a positive message on the economy, even as output continues to shrink.

“We have generally reached the peak of the crisis and overall our economy is gradually adapting to these new economic circumstances,” Putin said during a speech at the VTB Capital “Russia Calling!” international investment forum in Moscow.

The Russian economy has been wrestling since last year with sharp falls in the price of oil, its main export, and Western sanctions over Ukraine.

Despite slumping output across large swathes of the economy, Putin said the situation was stabilizing and showered praise on government and Central Bank officials.

“Our management team in the economy has demonstrated a high degree of responsibility, consistency and the ability to achieve results,” he said, adding that this was a sign of Russia's investment attractiveness.

He reiterated that Russia's economy would remain open, and there would be no capital controls.

Putin pointed to a capital inflow of $5.3 billion in the third quarter — Russia's first quarterly inflow for five years — as proof of the economy's strength. However, according to Central Bank data, more than $400 billion has flooded out of the economy since the last inflow in 2010, and officials expect another net capital outflow in the last quarter of this year.

Putin also used his speech at the forum to sound a soothing note on international issues, at a time when Moscow's support for Ukrainian separatists and intervention in the Syrian civil war have put many countries on edge.

He said Nord Stream II, a planned gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea to Germany, was not aimed at undermining the role of any country in transiting gas to Europe — a reference to Ukraine — and reiterated his commitment to imposing the Minsk peace deal for eastern Ukraine, according to the Reuters news agency.

Meanwhile, he said Russia was not looking to take control in Syria and called Turkey one of Russia's most important partners. Moscow and Ankara have taken opposite sides in the Syrian conflict, where Russian is using air strikes to support President Bashar Assad, and Turkey has protested Russian violations of its airspace.

Putin's bullish outlook on the economy echoed his speech at Russia's last major investment forum in St. Petersburg in May, when he announced, “We have stabilized the situation, absorbed the negative short-term fluctuations, and are now making our way forward confidently through this difficult patch."...................

To read further go to this link:

His lies are really getting deep from major fear. Sad that many in Russia will believe him.

He lost $4 billion dollars yesterday alone, in oil income. That doesn't sound like stabilization. Russians are still protesting, and now they're actually going directly after him to step down.

Seems the meeting in St. Petersburg was to plead with foreign investors not to turn away from doing business in Russia which foreign money is badly needed, with the current Ruble's health. Doomed to fail.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The EU Has Lost the Plot in Ukraine

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:46 am
Aeschylus, the “father of tragedy,” is credited with the invention of a plot device known as deus ex machina in the fifth or sixth century B.C. In a nutshell, when in the course of a play the situation seems utterly unsolvable, a thoroughly unexpected event occurs that resolves the situation and allows the plot to go forward. In Greek drama an actor was either dropped down from a crane or emerged upon stage via a trapdoor. The audience reaction was an immediate and emotional one, thankful that the gods chose to intervene in such a way. Whether by accident or design, the European Union’s sanctioning of certain former Ukrainian officials has often resembled a sort of deus ex machina – it is the nearly magical key to solving the unsolvable problem, and it is intended to inspire a sense of moral awe and appreciation from among the hoi polloi that the gods have acted and done so appropriately. However, the EU are no dramatists. Their sanctions have turned the tragic situation unfolding in Ukraine into the modern equivalent of Moose Murders, and it’s beyond time the farce of ham-handed sanctions be yanked from the world’s stage.

The presumption of innocence has been the basis of Western law for almost two millennia, separating a legitimate court from a witch-hunt. However, in their zeal to find a scapegoat, the European Council has seen fit to shift the burden to the accused. Early last year it compiled a secret list of those former Ukrainian officials it deems responsible for the use of force in and during the Maidan. But it’s obvious to even the most casual of observers that they have acted entirely too quickly. It took the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s word as fact and, after unilaterally determining a fair and open trial to be too time consuming, considered the listed individuals guilty of the atrocities charged and froze their assets accordingly. The unexpected list was compiled in secret and remained secret until Ukrainian activists obtained it and leaked it to the world. The Council did not advise the accused of the existence of the list, the evidence used to justify the inclusion on the list, or any other pertinent documents or evidence related to a person’s place on the list. Nor does the council provide this information to the European Court of Justice, which, to its immense credit, has consistently fought against this system.

The Court already threw out one set of anti-terrorism sanctions against the Tamil Tigers as it was based apparently upon “imputations derived from the press and the Internet”. Another set of sanctions against the Iranian central bank were thrown out because they were based on reasoning too vague to respond with anything other than a “general denial”, as the arguments had nothing to do with the relevant case law. One of the individuals sanctioned by the EU at Kiev’s behest, former Minister of Tax Oleksandr Klymenko, took to YouTube to express his frustration at the shortcomings of the sanctions regime. In a video ironically titled “Revolving doors” that borrows a page from M.C. Escher’s absurdist drawings, the former minister castigates the hypocrisy of the EU, which denies the accused any legal remedies.

The Council is quickly losing credibilityin this arena (assuming of course that they had any to begin with) due to their “shoot first, ask questions later” approach. This spring, Yanukovich’s security chief was dropped from the list after the Ukrainian authorities (from whom the EC clearly takes its marching orders) failed to initiate formal legal proceedings against him and for failing to present any evidence to back up Kiev’s claims. EU officials have stated that they intended to prevent the flight of stolen assets from the Ukraine by acting quickly. But, in the typically paternalistic fashion for which the EU has always shown to its eastern neighbors, due process is for friends and family only..........................

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Remains of three Ukrainian soldiers found near Donetsk Airport in east Ukraine

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:49 am
The remains of three Ukrainian soldiers have been found near the Donetsk airport in east Ukraine. The bodies are now being sent for DNA testing.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military said overnight Wednesday into Thursday morning was calm along the frontline..............
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Decision expected on location of trial of Russian soldiers captured in east Ukraine

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:51 am
Where to try two Russian soldiers captured in east Ukraine earlier this year - that decision is being taken today.

Their lawyer says the trial should be closer to where his clients were detained - in other words in the the Luhansk region. Prosecutors want proceedings to stay in the Ukrainian capital for security reasons..........

When you're in the military in active duty, your commanders must know where you're at, or you can be considered AWOL. If those Russian soldiers are in Ukraine or in Syria, those commanders know it, or else they're in deep shyte. If Putin didn't want his soldiers in Ukraine, they wouldn't be there. Why would the go to fight in Ukraine without getting paid for it. Vacation! The money has to come from somewhere, which is income from being in the military. Why go to a place where there's a war for vacation?

Last edited by Admin on Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Bread consumption rises in Asia pushing rice off the menu

Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:54 am
Ukraine, Russia, Canada among beneficiaries of major upsurge in Asian consumption of wheat flour

South Korea is losing some of its appetite for rice in favor of wheat as bread and pastries become a trendy new staple.

From working mothers, who find toast more convenient to prepare for breakfast, to city dwellers flocking to trendy eateries for baguettes, South Koreans are at the forefront of an Asia-wide trend that has seen wheat demand climb at nearly twice the rate of rice consumption since 2008.

Kim Geon-Hui, 34-year-old South Korean working mother: "I am very busy in the morning because I have to drop my children off at kindergarten. So, I have bread for breakfast. And I often meet up with my friends at a cafe and enjoy bread with coffee over the weekends."

South Koreans spent an estimated USD 5.37 billion last year on bread, sandwiches, bagels and pastries according to one croissant and baguette chain. South Korea's rice consumption hit a record low per person last year, while flour consumption was at its highest since 2006, industry and official data shows...............
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The Kremlin surprised by the intention of Kiev to demand $ 1 trillion for the annexation of the Crimea

Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:18 am
The Kremlin has expressed surprise at the intention of Ukraine to demand from Russia at least $ 1 trillion over the occupied Crimea and Donbas.

"Crimea - is the territory of Russia. Donbass - is the territory of Ukraine. And here 1 trillion? It is not clear, "- said Tass press secretary of the president of Russia, Dmitry Peskov.

He noted that the satisfaction of the requirements of Ukraine is not on the agenda. "This question does not have the legal plane. He is not on the agenda "- said Peskov.

He also said that Russia's position on the issue of Ukrainian debt has not changed. "On duty no change in Russia's position is not" - said a Kremlin spokesman, commenting on today's statement by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who again called on the Russian Federation to agree to restructuring debt. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Kremlin threatens Ukrainian media "take action" for the publication of data on Russian troops in Syria

Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:21 am
The Kremlin called "hostile action" appearance in the Ukrainian media the personal data of Russian pilots in Syria and stressed that the protection of troops will take the necessary measures.

This was stated by presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the information about the alleged appearance in the Ukrainian media and social networks photographs and other personal data of the Russian Armed Forces troops, according to Tass.

"It is no exaggeration to hostile action against our country and against our troops, and of course, for certain measures will be taken to be taken to ensure the safety of our military," - said the representative of the Kremlin.

However, he also noted that first hears about these publications, but "certain intelligence agencies closely monitor behind this."

Recall, September 30 Russian aerospace power is applied to the air strikes on the territory of Syria's alleged positions of the "Islamic state."

According to media reports, the Russian air strikes in Syria are accompanied by a ground operation troops Assad.

October 7, during a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that Russia launched a missile attack on Syria, using a fleet in the Caspian Sea. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the village of Lugansk, two women were killed by the explosion

Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:03 am
In Thursday, October 15, two women were killed in the blast in the village The village Lugansk.

It is reported by the press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Luhansk region.

"Today in the town of Lugano The village (near the monument) on the street. Donetsk in an unknown explosive device blew up two female luganchanki 1960 and born in 1976 ", - the report says.

Women were injured, incompatible with life.

This fact is included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigation and is qualified under Art. 258 of the Criminal Code (a terroristic act).

Recall from last night is at least the third such incident in Stanichno Luhansk region. Wednesday evening on the outskirts of the district center were blown up, two soldiers, and in the Red Talovka blew up a truck with border guards in the wounding three people. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Netherlands postponed the ratification of the Association Agreement EU-Ukraine

Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:20 am
Ratification by the Netherlands of the Association Agreement EU-Ukraine suspended because of this issue of the general referendum, which is advisory in nature. According to the results of a final decision on the ratification of the Parliament should take.

So to clarify the situation with the ratification of the Agreement UNIANu political party D66 group in the Second Chamber (in the Netherlands, two-chamber system), which is one of the largest political parties in the country. D66 is the party of liberal and now is in opposition to the government.

The group recalled that the Association Agreement has been ratified by both chambers.

"However, due to the ratification of the referendum has been postponed. D66 wants to hold the referendum as soon as possible. For the referendum campaign begins D66 "Yes" ("Yes," the Association Agreement), "- explained in the parliamentary group.

It is expected that next week will set up a commission to conduct a referendum that is likely to be held next spring.

Recall October 14, the Electoral Council of the Netherlands, considered the appropriate treatment, decided to hold a referendum in the country, which will put the issue of ratification of the Association Agreement EU-Ukraine. The appeal has 427 thousand. 939 valid signatures. The turnout should reach 30% of the total number of those who have the right to vote, then the government should take a decision on the Association Agreement EU-Ukraine. The result of the referendum is advisory in nature.

It was initiated by the group GeenPeil, a leader of the campaign - Jan Roos (Jaan Roos), which is known, he believes that one of the causes of "civil war" in the east of Ukraine is the European Union, which signed the document with Kiev.

In the EU, on this occasion said that the internal procedures for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU Member States are a matter of national competence. Until the full ratification of the document Agreement applies on a provisional basis - from 1 November 2014 used his political part, and on the January 1, 2016 will use the document in terms of a deep and comprehensive free trade area.

As of today, 22 countries have notified the General Secretariat of the EU Council on the ratification of this document. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Case Russian Grushnikov consider Holosiivskyi District Court of Kiev

Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:22 am
Supreme Specialized Court of Ukraine for consideration of criminal and civil cases determined that the case Russian commandos Yevgeny Yerofeyev and Alexander Alexandrov will consider Holosiivskyi district court of Kyiv.

VSSU supported the prosecution motion.

At the same time, the court did not support the defense motion to change the preventive measure Alexandrov. "It is not to be considered VSSU" - said Judge Stanislav Kravchenko.

According to the Criminal Code were judged Grushnikov Novoaydarovskom area in the Luhansk region. Since the possibility of such a court is not, the case will consider Holosiivskyi district court of Kyiv, as in this area live some victims.

"I do not understand why the district court, probably, it is advantageous Military Prosecutor's Office," - said the lawyer Yerofeyev Oksana Sokolovsky. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian billionaire - on the situation in the Russian Federation: "The worst is yet to come"

Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:39 am
The next nine months, the Russian economy will continue to be at the "bottom", says Deripaska

Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska believes that the worst for the economy of the Russian Federation is yet to come, at least, the search for the "bottom" will last three quarters, according to CNBC.

"Russia is still a crisis, we still see a lot of problems that need to be addressed. I believe that in the next nine months we will stay at the bottom," - said the businessman.

Deripaska said that Russian authorities to solve a lot of problems before the economy will see some improvement. Particular attention is paid Deripaska volatility in commodity markets, as well as over-the hope of state for public companies.

The businessman also noticed the inefficiency of the country's debt markets and the entire Russian financial system as a whole.

Earlier Oleg Deripaska during the investment forum "Russia Calling!" He contested the statement of the head of VTB that in Russia there is no economic crisis. The businessman also called on the authorities to deal with the economic policy. In Russian

When these guys start speaking out, this is a good indication that Putin's got some major issues. These have been the guys putting their money on him. Once he starts causing them to lose millions daily, you bet they're going to do something about it. They don't give a damn how much machoism he wants to show. Their main concern is their money. So Putin might have some huge issues coming around him personally, very soon.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine's Foreign Ministry calls on the Russian Federation to ensure the security of the OSCE mission in the Donbas

Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:08 am
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine urges Russia to facilitate the access of OSCE observers to certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as uncontrolled land border with Russia. This was announced today at the briefing said Foreign Ministry spokesman Marjan Betz.

"We urge the Russian Federation to immediately cease any action that would hinder the freedom of movement of the CMM of the OSCE", - she said.

In addition, the speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that Kiev urges the Russian Federation to ensure the safety and access of international observers, including the border with Russia, as it was agreed in the talks the leaders of the "Norman Quartet" in Paris. Betz has listed a number of cases when observers faced with obstruction and restriction of their activities in the Donbass, which she said, "is a vivid demonstration of the reluctance of Russia and its puppets perform the Minsk agreement." In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty The European Parliament will collect assistance for the displaced from the Donbas

Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:13 am
The European Parliament held a charity event to collect the necessary things for displaced persons in Ukraine. The initiators of the charity event began MEPs that are part of an informal group of Friends of European Ukraine.

The organizers, among them MPs Petras Aushtrevichus, Anna Maria Bildt, Mark Demesmaker, Ana Gomes, Rebecca Harms, Andrew Plenkovich Pavel Svoboda, invited all concerned, starting from October 20, to deliver a certain place in the room the EP in Brussels on things that can useful for persons with Donbass during the winter period. It is a warm clothing, shoes, bed sheets, sleeping bags and toys.

Help will be accepted until November 30, and will be transported to Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine has become a non-permanent member of UN Security Council

Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:58 am
The Member States of the United Nations during the voting Ukraine elected a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

On the vote in the UN General Assembly on Thursday voted for this decision 177 countries.

Besides Ukraine, the non-permanent members of the UN Security Council can also be Egypt, Senegal and Uruguay. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief.u Thursday 15 October [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko: The vote in the United Nations confirms the creation of a global coalition of pro-Ukrainian

Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:09 pm
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko congratulated his compatriots on the election of Ukraine's non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

"Yes, we did it! 177 votes - in favor. We did it! Ukraine - a member of the UN Security Council, "- he wrote on his page on Facebook.

Poroshenko said that the results of the vote clearly proved its approval to establish a global coalition of pro-Ukrainian.

"This opens up new opportunities for Ukraine to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity", - said the President.

Recall now the UN Member States during the voting was elected a non-permanent member of the Ukraine the UN Security Council. In Russian
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