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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:38 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the course of the day

News -
Reports of lots of aggression on the Russian side of the frontline. 35 times firing, or perhaps more.
At least one soldier killed - Azov regiment at Shirokino. Defending Mariupol from Putin and his dictatorship.
Update at 1330. Two dead. 13 injured in war against Russia yesterday.
Oil fire - plan now is to let it burn itself out. Apparently owned by a Regiions guy. (former)

Weather -
A little cool this morning, with a high only of 25C predicted.
I was planning on going for an early morning swim, but I may put it off until a little later now.
Only 18 at 0900.

Poroshenko today will visit Donetsk oblast (Commander-in-chief)

The G7 countries are ready to impose new sanctions against Russia-Biden (case)
[I think we all know - Putin included - what that statement means -
"we are ready to do nothing".

Last edited by Admin on Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:50 am; edited 2 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:41 am
In the Donbass fight Russian special forces (' 97)
Zakharchenko stated that he would "bomb anything" (Crime. TV)
29-th "Humanitarian-konvoj" from Russia arrived at the border (unian)

Separatists fire 35 times at the Ukrainian army positions (Тиждень.ua)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:42 am
Ukraine officially notified the Council of Europe Russia's occupation of part of the Donbass (fourth power)

In the battle under Širokino died a fighter Regiment "Azov" (FaceNews.UA)

United States Permanent Representative to the UN visited the Maidan and paid tribute to the dead (Donbass)

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Us_power_maidan
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:43 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:44 am
In English

Pope Urges Putin to Make a ‘Great Effort’ to Resolve the Crisis in Ukraine
[Putin asked for the meeting.
And then arrived over an hour late.
Personally I think Pope Francis made a big mistake in meeting Putin, and then saying nothing about him killing thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians.
But then the Vatican said nothing about Adolf Hitler either. Italians mostly in the Admin section - love fascism, one presumes.

Educated Ukrainians flee east Ukraine for new lives in Kiev
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:46 am
In English

Russian Soldier Captured in Ukraine Under Pressure, Offered Asylum

Pope Francis Urges Putin to Make Peace Effort in Ukraine
A stern Pope Francis has urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to make a "sincere and great effort" to achieve peace in Ukraine....
The word "cordial," which is used in nearly every Vatican statement about the pope's talks with a world leader, did not appear...
[Maybe in private Francis told putin that he was a lying scumball who would rot in hell.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:47 am
I just saw a tv news item in which I thought yats appeared in Washington, but perhaps it was archive.
Can't find anything about it in the Ukrainian press.
Oil fire - they're planning to let it burn itself out.


Russian mercenaries fired at roadblocks at "Zolotoi" and "Yosipovka," Defense Minister (No censor.)

OSCE: DNR Fighters attract minors for participation in hostilities (' 97)
[Shaun Walker's "DNR guys". You won't read about this in the Guardian, or from Amnesty International.
Putin won't allow it.
Over the past 24 hours in the area of ATO, killing two Ukrainian military, 13 injured, Lysenko (Donbass)(kanal 5)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The European Parliament called on the Hague tribunal to investigate the crimes of the Kremlin

Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:28 am
The European Parliament called on the Hague tribunal to investigate the crimes of the Kremlin

The European Parliament called on the Ukrainian government, the international community, the Hague tribunal to launch an investigation of war crimes committed during the illegal annexation of the Crimea and the conflict in the east of Ukraine.

The relevant resolution was voted on Thursday in Strasbourg during the plenary session of the EP.

"(EP) calls on the Ukrainian government to use all the tools at its disposal to investigate all war crimes committed on its territory; urges the international community, including the Hague Tribunal, to initiate an investigation of potential crimes committed during the illegal annexation of the Crimea and eastern Ukraine in the conflict ", - said in a resolution.

EP also condemned human rights violations in Crimea that occur from the time of occupation by Russian troops, including bullying, a growing number of enforced disappearances, censorship, violations of freedom of speech and the persecution of minorities, in particular ethnic and national minorities. "(EP) condemns the systematic persecution of the Crimean Tatars, who took part in demonstrations in support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, expressed solidarity with them and calls urgently to improve the situation", - the document says.

In this regard, the EP called on the Russian authorities to immediately stop the persecution of the executive body of the Crimean Tatars - Majlis and called on Russia to fully respect human rights in the Crimea. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Only a quarter of Russians want to see the Donbass in the RF

Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:32 pm
Only 24% of Russians want to see the Donbass as part of Russia. This is according to the American Research Center Pew.

According to the survey, 11% of Russians would like to see Ukraine as a part of Donbass under the same conditions and with the same rights as before the conflict began. 21% of respondents want the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine were part of a broad autonomy. 35% of Russians want to Donbass independence, 24% want those territories became part of Russia. 10% of respondents find it difficult to answer the question.

A similar survey was conducted among Ukrainians. The majority of Ukrainians (51%) would like the Donbass remained part of Ukraine on the same conditions and with the same rights as before the conflict began. 33% want the data to remain in the territory of Ukraine with wide autonomy. 4% want independence for Donbass, 2% want to see this area as a part of Russia. 10% of respondents find it difficult to answer the question. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The Russian Embassy in Kiev are going to arrange a holiday

Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:37 pm
On June 12, the Russian Embassy in Kiev are going to celebrate the Day of Russia.

As the apostrophe informed source, to be held a diplomatic reception, which received an invitation to the representatives of foreign ministries of many countries represented in the Ukrainian capital.

Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, the commentary "Apostrophes" confirmed that a ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow, but stressed that it is not a diplomatic reception.

"Tomorrow will be held in the embassy did the celebrations, but it will not be a diplomatic reception. This is my personal initiative ", - he said.

Other comments gave Zurabov.

It should be noted that the celebration could take place against the backdrop of the Russian aggression against Ukraine - the annexation of the Crimea and the war in the Donbass, participation in which Moscow denies, despite all the evidence.

Day of Russia (until 2002 Day of Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation) is celebrated every year since 1992, as a national holiday of the Russian Federation. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty From Hungary to Ukraine came military equipment for training

Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:08 pm
Military equipment from Hungary crossed the border with Ukraine to take part in Ukraine-US military exercises. This was stated today at a briefing the press secretary of the State Border Service of Ukraine Oleh Slobodian.

"Now the Yavoriv training ground held the Ukrainian-American exercises. And so, as part of these exercises, equipment units involved in the exercise, went to Ukraine ", - said Slobodian.

He also said that after the completion of the exercise equipment will return to Hungary. "After the end of the exercise it (military equipment, - ed.) And leave the territory of our state," - said the spokesman UASBGS.

Yesterday it was reported that in Hungary, on the border with Ukraine noticed a column of military equipment. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty At a meeting in the "Norman format" Russia was refused on the key points

Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:22 pm
At a meeting in the "Norman format" in Paris Ukraine, Germany and France urged Russia to fulfill the Minsk accords and declared that elections in Donbass must pass under the auspices and with OSCE standards.

This was announced by Ambassador at Large MFA of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba on your page to Facebook.

"For Russians, the meeting was not a cakewalk, because the three key points they received diplomatic-iron" no "- wrote Kuleba.

According to him, Russians denied attempting to launch a discussion on the expansion of the Tripartite Liaison Group to include representatives of the "DNR" and "LC".

"No shelling and attacks by terrorists and Russian troops. For anybody in the world knows that the cause of the deterioration of the security situation in the area ATO - it is the actions of terrorists "DNR" and "LC" and the Russian military "- said Kuleba.

According to him, the main failure of attempts to block concerned the preparation of local elections in some regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions under the supervision of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

"The presence of ODIHR in the electoral process must be urgently secured. In these elections - the key to swagger Minsk node. But while Russia's desire to fulfill that obligation can not see. Brazen terror so they would not allow the ODIHR mission to the territory referred to certain areas, "- he added.

According to the diplomat, even in Paris, we spoke about Shirokino, prisoners, so-called humanitarian convoys weapons. "And I tell you, it was not the most pleasant conversation, which happened in the life of Russian diplomats," - said Kuleba. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ally Olesya Elderberry died suddenly in Russia

Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:40 pm
In Russia, he died suddenly colleague murdered Ukrainian journalist Olesya Elderberry Eugene Morin. About this on his page on the social network he wrote journalist Alexander Chalenko.

"Jack Morin, a journalist and a long-term mate Olesya elder, died in his apartment in Moscow", - he said.

According Chalenko, Maureen passed away due to health problems.

He was 34 years old. Eugene worked in the online edition of the "Ukrainian News"

Recall Elderberry murder was committed April 16 at 13:20 in the center of Kiev.

According to the adviser to the head the Ministry of Interior, MP Anton Gerashchenko, elderberry may have been killed because of involvement in the financing Antimaydana.

The murder of the journalist by police officers opened criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Article 115 "Murder" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine .. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The US budget for 2016 laid down more than $ 500 million for Ukraine

Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:15 pm
The draft budget for 2016 US fiscal year laid down $ 513.5 million, which is planned to allocate Ukraine TASS reports.

This is stated in the budget report of the US Congressional Research Service.

As noted, the funds will be allocated for Ukraine economic reform, promoting democracy and combating corruption, as well as support for additional loan guarantees of $ 1 billion, if progress is made on the reforms proposed by the International Monetary Fund.

Earlier, US Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Payette said the United States will provide Ukraine a further $ 1 billion in financial assistance in the event of the success of the reforms. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Caught on a bribe prosecutor is the son and brother of judges Poltava

Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:25 pm
Today, Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine, David Sakvarelidze said that he created two weeks ago, the Investigation Department to investigate criminal proceedings against prosecutors (the so-called General Inspectorate) led by Irina Didenko arrested one of the inter prosecutors Poltava region for the fact of corruption.

The arrest was made on handling the entrepreneur who turned himself into the police for help. His company was seized equipment, and against him was a criminal case, which has promised to close the detainee 5 thousand dollars.

Prosecutor General's Office did not disclose the name of the arrested prosecutor, however, Poltava media found out that it is an inter-district prosecutor Lubny Poltava region Andrey V. Kulish, born in 1983.

We also know that his father - Victor Kulish is deputy head of the Court of Appeal of the Poltava region, and his brother, Yuri - the judge of the Kyiv district court Poltava.

Victor Kulish face immediate dismissal for violation of the oath, and from 5 to 10 years' imprisonment under Art. 368, Part 3 of the Criminal Code. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty National Security Council: Russia is preparing for an invasion

Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:35 pm
NSDC Secretary of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov said that Russia is preparing for an invasion. He said this on Channel 5.

"According to our information, Russia is preparing to invade, to unleash aggression, and that is why the task of our military, military-industrial complex is fully prepared for this," - said Turchinov.

Turchynov stressed that the conflict in the Donbass can move into an active phase.

"We must objectively say that the theme of the conflict go back to the active military phase - it is not removed. Moreover, it is very crucial especially in the coming days, "- he said.

Commenting on the battle for Marinka, Turchinov suggested that it was a reconnaissance in force.

"We do not rule out that the attack in Marinka - it was a so-called reconnaissance. They wanted to see how quickly the forces of Ukraine react to military provocations, "- said Turchinov. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine was in the worst possible position - Aslund

Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:02 pm
In Ukraine, the situation is much worse than in the Nordic countries. In addition to high public spending and thus taxes are inefficient state , off-scale corruption and powerful oligarchs who enriched themselves through state subsidies, particularly in the energy sector. Ultimately Ukraine was in the worst possible position.

About this in his book "Ukraine: what went wrong and how to fix it," says the Swedish economist Anders Aslund, the translation of the passage which leads LigaBusinessInform .

"First, it (Ukraine. - Ed.), One of the highest levels of public spending in Europe on a par with France, Sweden and Denmark.
Secondly, it is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe and can not provide their citizens with the most basic public services, such as law and order, not to mention the good and quality education and health care, "- said Aslund.

Third, but no less significant reason, according to foreign experts, are high government spending that force to impose the population and the highest business taxes in the region, which further exacerbate the corruption, and inhibit the growth and development of entrepreneurship.

"Ultimately, even in such conditions Ukraine will not be able to finance its huge public spending, moving from one financial crisis to another, enjoying the tenth program of assistance from the IMF for two decades," - said the economist.

Aslund believes that this may not proceed further. "If Ukraine wants to be a normal state with a market economy and the potential for development, it is obliged to reduce their government spending drastically from 53% to 35% of GDP," - suggested the expert. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty "Gazprom" announced inadequate gas prices for Ukraine - Gonchar

Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:07 pm
Voiced by "Gazprom" the new retail price of Russian gas for Ukraine in the third and fourth quarter of 2015 is inadequate.
This is in exclusive comments "Observer" said the director of energy programs center "Nomos" Michael Potter.

"Of course, this price is inadequate. If we say that we now receive Russian gas at $ 248 per thousand cubic meters, then what we need to get it in the III and IV quarter more? The dynamics of oil prices in the second half of 2014 and in the first quarter 2015 has been downward, that is decreased. Therefore, I believe that it is not permissible in this case. And, obviously, this will be negotiated, and to show the inadequacy of the price or the inadequacy of the approach, "- he said expert.

This Gonchar stressed that even the price of $ 248, according to which Ukraine is buying Russian gas, is overstated.

"If we look at the dynamics of the European gas markets, even the price of $ 248 in some way higher than the prices of the spot market in Europe. Today, Ukraine receives a higher price for gas than, for example, the same consumer" Gazprom " - Germany. In addition, the average export price of gas, which was founded Russia for 2015 is $ 222 per thousand cubic meters. However, voiced by "Gazprom" figures for Ukraine for III and IV quarter - $ 287 and $ 262 - quite far from this average price. It is not excluded that in the IV quarter of German and Austrian companies, for example, will receive gas at even less than $ 200. The question then arises: why do we need to buy the gas from "Gazprom" for their proposed price? " - Is perplexed expert.

However, Mikhail Gonchar commented on the issue of a possible "Gazprom" announced by the discount to the retail price of "blue fuel".

"As for the so-called discount, it's just an element of propaganda games. What they (" Gazprom ". - Ed.) Talk about some" discount "(I purposely take it in quotation marks), it is not some charity, they just is not in a situation when they can dictate their price conditions. Because this depends directly on the amount of revenue they receive. Today the behavior of "Gazprom" - it exposes them to the position of the auction: "want $ 200? Well, we can sell you for $ 200, but you need to take, for example, 30 billion. Cubic meters of gas. "Just why do we need so many? We have 20 billion cubic meters, and it is not necessary. Therefore, in the forthcoming negotiations will depend on the right side "Naftogaz", which consists in the fact that we will not pay - either in price or volume ", - the expert said in conclusion.

Recall settlement price of gas, "Naftogaz", voiced by "Gazprom", without the discount for the third quarter of 2015 - $ 287.15, the fourth - $ 262.5 per thousand cubic meters. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Savik Shuster got his own TV channel

Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:11 pm
TV presenter Savik Shuster became co-owner of TV channel.

This was announced at a meeting of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting on Thursday, June 11 reports , "Left Bank ".

The channel changed its name from Pravda Russian World chanel on 3S.TV, and was replaced by the ownership structure, and therefore asked to renew the license. Previously, the sole owner of the channel (legal entity TRC "World Information Service") was Paul Elizarov, managing partner of "Savik Shuster Studio" (3S). Now he has left the share of 50%, the rest of the owner became Savik Shuster.

The National Council postponed consideration of the renewal of the following week. Create PRAVDA Russian world channel (LLC "TRK World Information Service") began at the end of last year. It was planned that the basis for the new channel should be the program "Shuster LIVE" Savik Shuster. However, after Schuster failed to agree on its program for the display 112 of the channel.

Recall the program before leaving Schuster also ICTV (titled "Freedom of Speech"), then on "Inter" ("Freedom of Savik Shuster"). "Shuster LIVE" she began in 2008, when the lead went to the "Ukraine". It then moved to the "First National", then back to "Inter", then back to the "First National", and since the beginning of this year its 112th broadcast channel. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Sexton called the trump card in the fight against the United States Russia

Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:21 pm
The United States has two major trump card that can hold back the aggression of the Russian Federation. This "Observer" said political commentator Oleg Ponomarev, summing up the results of the summit "Big Seven".

" Arms supplies to Ukraine - it is one of the biggest trump cards. In total there are two - still SWIFT. The Americans hold the trump card. Because if they will lay it on the table, and then, God forbid, the escalation of the conflict will increase in Donbass, what then spread? Yes, there is an escalation, but it is not as terrible as it could be. So this card holds, and I understand the United States. The weapon you're done - it's already in the Baltic States, delivering his three o'clock, "- stressed Sexton.

He added that President Putin certainly heard those bad messages that were sent to him the leaders of G7. "He must perform the second Minsk agreement. Otherwise, Putin will have new sanctions and arms supplies to Ukraine. And then in Russia will go thousands of coffins. I think he heard. Another thing - that he will decide. That we can not predict," - said columnist.

In addition, he noted that the results of the meeting of the "Big Seven" expected, produced no sensation. "The adoption of the necessary decisions - is the result of the summit. These decisions are disappointing for Putin, not in his favor. That is all going according to plan", - summed up the sexton. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Pope must indicate Putin on his hypocrisy - Ambassador of Ukraine

Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:28 pm
Pope Francis should during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 10 to remind him about the hypocrisy of the Russian leader.

This was stated by the Ukrainian Ambassador to Italy Eugene Perelygin, reports ANSA .

The diplomat expressed the hope that the Pope during his meeting with Putin, "will repeat what he said recently in Sarajevo who speaks about peace, war spending is a hypocrite."

In particular, the Pope said at the time that all are able to talk about peace, even hypocritical and sly manner, however, the present peacekeeping is to "make peace" in deeds and not in words.

Perelygin also expects that the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi bring to the attention of Mr. Putin thought leaders of the "Big Seven".

"Violation of the world order is unacceptable, not with Kalashnikovs or nuclear weapons," - said Perelygin.
The diplomat called for continued sanctions imposed against Russia.

"Russia still does not realize the consequences of their aggressive actions. Continued sanctions would be the right solution," - he said. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian General Prosecutor's Office transferred the case to court Ukrainian director Sentsova

Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:28 pm
Russian General Prosecutor's Office transferred the case to court Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsova accused of preparing terrorist attacks in the Crimea. This was on Thursday, 11 June according to the website department.

General Prosecutor's Office approved the indictment on the criminal case. Sentsova accused of creating and directing terrorist community, preparation of a terrorist act, committing a terrorist act, attempted illegal acquisition of explosives and illegal acquisition, transportation and possession of firearms and ammunition.

Other defendants in the case are Gennadi Afanasyev Alexey and Alexander Cirno Kol'chenko. Last contained in a Moscow remand prison. He is accused of involvement in a terrorist action community.

Cirno and Afanasyev earlier gave a confession and made a deal with the investigation. They were sentenced to seven years in prison each.

The staff of the Federal Security Service of Russia detained a Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsova in the Crimea in May 2014. The investigation alleges that he organized the arson in the department of "United Russia" and the office of "Russian community" in Simferopol.

Sentsova also accused of preparing an explosion in Simferopol monument to Lenin. The charge of illegal possession of weapons he presented in mid-April 2015. Later, the Moscow City Court extended the term of the director's arrest until 11 July.

Lawyer Sentsova said that in the Crimean prison Ukrainian tortured. The director admitted guilt. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia wants to increase the number of OSCE observers in Ukraine

Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:53 pm
Russia insists on increasing the number of special observers monitoring the OSCE Mission to Ukraine, reports "RIA Novosti" . This was stated by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov.

According to him, it is necessary that the parties considered their presence.

"Instead of accusations about who fired who need a greater presence of the special monitoring mission, you must provide them with more opportunities for verification. We all voted for an increase in mission to a thousand people, but they are still less than 600. These people are needed in this area to check to attend, forcing the parties to tailor their actions to the presence of the OSCE, "- said the bag.

He added that "the only way out of the crisis Ukrainian - is a political decision." In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Kharkov, attacked by unknown group of people, there are wounded

Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:23 pm
In Kharkov, in the street Klochkovskaya attacked by unknown group of people with knife wounds was taken to hospital. This was reported by Twitter IT Sector Kharkov.

"Kharkiv. A crowd of people (about 30 people) attacked a group of people on Klochkovskaya. Seven people were taken to the 4th emergency hospital with knife wounds, "- the report says.

Recall, on June 11 in Kharkiv, near the Russian consulate took action. About 50 people gathered under the administrative buildings of the Consulate of the Russian Federation with the intent to prevent local officials congratulated the representatives of the Consulate of the Day of Russia. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Right on target: Ukrainian troops blew up the ammunition to terrorists meteovyshke

Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:29 pm
Ukrainian servicemen exact hit militants destroyed the ammunition that was in meteovyshke near the airport in Donetsk.
This was reported by soldiers of the 90th Battalion in the area ATO transmits Tsenzor.NET.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] 330x220_420480

According to the Ukrainian soldiers, they returned fire to suppress the points battle militants after terrorists fired Pilot.

The soldiers were in meteovyshku near Donetsk airport in which there was ammunition militants. As a result, exact hit ammunition exploded. According to the military, now the tower is one of the leaders of the militants, "Nightmare" with his accomplices.

Earlier, the "Observer" reported as Ukrainian soldiers in the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine equip a life in extremely difficult conditions, under constant fire from the Russian-terrorist life. In Russian

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Terrorists have struck the outskirts of Mariupol banned artillery systems - the headquarters of ATO

Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:34 pm
The situation in the zone of the antiterrorist operation in the Donbass region remains difficult.

As the press center of the ATO, controlled by Russian terrorists continue to violate the terms of the Minsk agreements prohibited by this Agreement shall apply models of weapons.

On Thursday, June 11 in the direction of Donetsk terrorists fired Sands, experienced, Granite, Andreevka, Novomihaylovku 120-mm mortar shells, 122-mm howitzers, small arms, grenade launchers, and weapons combat vehicles.

Also fired 120-mm mortars and tanks were again Marinka. In addition, the militants again fired from a tank of water in residential areas.

Near Mariupol illegal armed groups fired two 152-mm artillery systems Novoselovka second location. In the area of ​​Chermalyku beaten 120-mm mortar militants.

It is reported that close to Lugansk, near Artemovsk, the position of the Ukrainian military gunmen fired mortars.

ATC also reported that, according to the Joint Center for control and coordination of the ceasefire and stabilize the sides of the demarcation line, yesterday, June 10, at about 22:00 with Gagarin mine, located in the temporarily controlled "DNI" territory, was beaten by gunmen western outskirts of Gorlovka 120-mm mortars. The shelling killed three civilians, the same number injured.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] 350163 In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty According to Moscow's line in Ukraine dealt a blow - the UOC-KP

Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:01 pm
Moscow will not interfere with the unification of the Orthodox churches in Ukraine , but its lines are already struck.

This "Apostrophes" said Mr. lava Information Management UOC-KP, Archbishop Eustratius (Zorya). Commenting on the meeting of the Commission for Dialogue Church Kiev Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, the question of their union, and the presence of the hierarchs of the Patriarchate of Constantinople there.

According Eustratius, UOC-KP and UAOC already tried to negotiate a merger, but attempts ended in failure every time. "We believe that this time we will have is not easy. There are forces that will try every way to prevent the unification process", - said Zorya.

The "forces", he was referring to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), claiming that it is disadvantageous preparing Union. Concerns that party explains Bishop Eustratius endorsing the initiative to unite the UOC-KP and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.

"The presence of the ambassadors of Constantinople at the meeting of our committees - a blow to Moscow's line. In Moscow and their supporters in Ukraine for many years asserted that nobody wants to have anything to do with those whom they call" dissidents "- Kiev Patriarchate," - said the bishop .

Note that at the meeting of the Commission in early June, which had announced plans to merge the two churches, the Patriarchate of Constantinople attended by bishops - Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada Hilarion (Rudyk) and the Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the United States Daniel (Zelinsky). In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Russia, told how the war could last in the Donbas

Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:06 pm
According to the Russian opposition journalist and political commentator Sergei Parkhomenko, the war in the Donbass can last autumn long.

He stated this in an interview with " Gordon . "

This Parkhomenko said that the Russian authorities, this war is very profitable.

"I think the war will last for a very long time. Russia today's situation in the east of Ukraine is very necessary and very beneficial. The motto of the current government of the Russian Federation:" There is no end of the war in the Donbass! ", But because Russia will continue indefinitely and maintain this conflict do everything that embers do not decay, "- said the journalist.

This Parkhomenko said that the country does not imply a whole, and those who run the state.

"I emphasize: Speaking of Russia, in this context, I am not referring to the country as a whole, and the political regime, or rather group, which now controls the Russian state. This is a limited group of people with interests quite clear - to stay in power at any cost. It is this group interested in the endless continuation of the war. He who believes that war harms only Ukraine is very much mistaken. The same moral, economic and political damage it causes and Russia. What will result from Russia and Ukraine after the war, no one knows " - said the journalist. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine may get a new way of putting pressure on Russia, what you need to do

Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:55 pm
Ukraine may get a new way to deal with the Russian aggression and instrument of pressure on the Russian Federation, if achieve reforms in the UN, particularly the Security Council of the organization.

This was reported in an article for "Apostrophes" chairman of the board of the International Centre for Policy Studies Vasily Filipchuk.

"The United Nations established, in fact, to prevent violent conflicts, was powerless (the situation with the annexation of the Crimea and the war in Donbas - Ed.) Because of outdated mechanisms. The vision of the principles of a global universe of 70 years ago is not only morally and politically out of date and does not meet modern realities, but more importantly - can not solve the most important contemporary issues. The UN has no alternative in the modern international legal order, but some of its mechanisms and structures are in urgent need of revision. It is enough to have an example of that in the case if the aggressor country is a permanent member of the Security Council, it can violate international law with impunity, take the opportunity to veto any decision of this body. And this right, as the experience of recent events, the Russian side has enjoyed quite willingly. Among other things, it is because -this veto of the Russian Federation in March last year, the Security Council failed to adopt a resolution on the illegitimacy of the referendum in the Crimea, and in the fall - the condemnation of the "elections" in the so-called LC and DNR. For this reason, the initiative of the Ukrainian authorities on the introduction of Donbass UN peacekeeping force is also practically impossible, unless, of course, under the peacekeepers did not have in mind the Russian soldiers or the implementation of the Russian concept of "peace" in the Donbass ", - notes in particular it.

According to the expert, "the UN Security Council, as well as the organization as a whole, have become hostages of the national interests of individual countries." "Moreover, Ukraine is the most striking, but not the only example of the failure of the UN to appease the aggressor and to reason. Recall the Russian aggression in Georgia. Recall the Iraq adventure US declaration of independence of Kosovo, and so on and so forth. Examples are more than enough" - said Filipchuk.

Also, he said, "the theme of the need to reform the organization will remain relevant even after the settlement of the conflict in the Donbass. The UN should be the only organization that is able to vary, including military means to restore peace and to punish the aggressor. And for this to be developed new and equitable principles of functioning of the organization, along with more effective mechanisms of realization of decisions made. "

"Discussions on the reform of the UN have been conducted for over 20 years. Many experts talked about the need for changes in the principles of the organization even after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Cold War. At the end of the 1990s, the United Nations called an organization that does not meet the realities of the time, and conflicts the Middle East, Africa, the former Yugoslavia, Georgia, and now in Ukraine only became a case in point. Therefore, the reform of the United Nations is needed, and today Ukraine has all the moral and political reasons to become the initiator and leader of the process. At the heart of the proposals should be have new ideas reformatting of the Security Council on the principles of democracy, justice, transparency and proportionality contribution to strengthening the country (or vice versa - to the destruction) of international security ", - the expert believes.

He also named three possible ways of re-formatting of the organization:

- T ransformatsiya UN more democratic and equitable organization. This scenario, in particular, involves the abolition of the veto and the status of "permanent member" of the Security Council. Thus, any decision taken in the Security Council will be supported by two thirds of votes, ie 10 out of 15 members.

- Conservation status of "permanent member" of the Security Council during the constant rotation in this category. Changing countries, according to this scenario should take place on the basis of geographical origin: the mandate of the five permanent members of the Security Council must move from one continent to another representative. At the same principles and mechanisms of the rule of change is still to be worked out.

- Rotation and granting the status of a permanent member of the Security Council, based on the specific role of the state in the international arena. That is, it should be a country whose contribution to the international aid, sending peacekeepers and security support in conflicts is greatest. Using these criteria Russia can not become a permanent member of the Security Council, and it can take place, countries such as Japan or India.

"To implement such initiatives is not easy. Under the existing rules, to change the charter of the United Nations needs the support of the relevant ideas not only from the 2/3 of representatives of the General Assembly, but its ratification by countries constant governmental members of the Security Council. Thus, without the consent of all of the Russia is the implementation of this idea is almost impossible. However, history knows examples where, despite the position of "great powers", including members of the Security Council, the position of the majority of countries still prevailed. An example of this can be called an institution in 1998 International Criminal Court, which is not supported by neither the US nor the Russian Federation. In spite of the opinion of those States, with the support of the European Union and many other countries, the idea of the Rome Statute is gaining greater credibility.

Therefore, despite the possible resistance of the permanent members of the Security Council, the rational idea of ​​UN reform should be discussed. The initiator of this process could be Ukraine. Our state has set a precedent by giving up nuclear weapons and later becoming a victim of foreign aggression. Therefore, the leadership of the country has the moral right to speak with its own idea. That, at least, will actively debate and become another element of pressure on Russia ", - said the author. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty As Ukraine does not allow the new Crimea and Donbas: Three variants of pressure on Russia (RE: United Nations)

Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:29 pm
The organization has more than twenty years, does not correspond to the realities of world order

Russia unleashed war in the Donbas and Crimea illegal incorporation into the Russian Federation became clear confirmation of the ineffectiveness of the existing system of international security. Responsible for the world order, the United Nations (UN) has been unable to adequately counter the imperialist ambitions of them, Vladimir Putin, and in need of reform. The restructuring of the United Nations should be held in the near future, and based on the principles of democracy, equity and efficiency.

The current visit of the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samantha Power in Ukraine is another expression of support from the West, which, since the annexation of the Crimea remained on the side of our state. US and European officials have repeatedly expressed "deep concern" over Russia's actions and commitment to democratic values, the rule of law and the inviolability of Ukrainian borders. However, in addition to the imposition of economic sanctions and political pressure on the Russian Federation, the international community, in fact, no real instruments of influence on the aggressor country.

The UN created, in fact, to prevent violent conflicts, it was powerless in this situation because of outdated mechanisms. The vision of the principles of a global universe of 70 years ago is not only morally and politically out of date and does not meet modern realities, but more importantly - are not able to solve the most important contemporary problems. The UN has no alternative in the modern international legal order, but some of its mechanisms and structures are in urgent need of revision. It is enough to have an example of that, if the aggressor country is a permanent member of the Security Council (SC) of the organization, it can violate international law with impunity, take the opportunity to veto any decision of that body. And this right, as the experience of recent events, the Russian side has enjoyed quite willingly. Among other things, because of the veto of the Russian Federation in March last year, the Security Council failed to adopt a resolution on the illegitimacy of the referendum in the Crimea, and in the fall - the condemnation of the "elections" in the so-called LC and DNR. For this reason, the initiative of the Ukrainian authorities on the introduction of Donbass UN peacekeeping force is also practically impossible, unless, of course, under the peacekeepers did not have in mind the Russian soldiers or the implementation of the Russian concept of "peace" in the Donbass.

Thus, the UN Security Council, as well as the organization as a whole, have become hostages of the national interests of individual countries. Moreover, Ukraine is the most striking, but not the only example of the failure of the UN to appease the aggressor and to reason. Recall the Russian aggression in Georgia. Recall the US Iraq adventure, the proclamation of independence of Kosovo, and so on and so forth. Examples are more than enough. Therefore, the theme of the need to reform the organization will remain relevant even after the settlement of the conflict in the Donbas. The UN should be the only organization that is able to vary, including military means to restore peace and to punish the aggressor. And for this to be developed a new, equitable principles of functioning of the organization, along with more effective mechanisms of realization of decisions taken.

It should be noted that such discussions on the reform of the UN have been conducted for over 20 years. Many experts have talked about the need for changes in the principles of the organization even after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Cold War. Already in the late 1990s, the United Nations called an organization that does not meet the realities of the time, and the conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, the former Yugoslavia, Georgia, and now in Ukraine only became a case in point.

Therefore, reform of the United Nations is needed, and today Ukraine has all the moral and political reasons to become the initiator and leader of this process. At the heart of the proposals should be new ideas reformatted Notices of the Security Council on the principles of democracy, justice, transparency and proportsionalnos minute contribution to the strengthening of the country (or vice versa - to the destruction of) international security. The international community can offer at least three options for reform of the Security Council.

The first - is the transformation of the UN into a more democratic and equitable organization. This scenario, in particular, involves the abolition of the veto and the status of "permanent member" of the Security Council. Thus, any decision taken in the Security Council will be supported by two thirds of votes, ie 10 out of 15 members.

The second option - the preservation of the status of "permanent member" of the Security Council during the constant rotation in this category. Changing countries, according to this scenario should take place for the principle of geographical origin: the mandate of the five permanent members of the Security Council must move from one continent to another representative. At the same principles and mechanisms of the rule of change is still to be worked out.

A third option is also based on the principle of rotation, but it provides for permanent membership of the Security Council, on the basis of a specific role in the international arena. That is, it should be a country whose contribution to the international aid, sending peacekeepers and security support in conflicts is greatest. Using these criteria Russia can not become a permanent member of the Security Council, and it can take place, countries such as Japan or India.

However, to implement such initiatives is not easy. Under existing rules, to change the charter of the United Nations needs the support of the relevant ideas not only from the 2/3 of representatives of the General Assembly, but also its ratification of countries constant governmental members of the Security Council. Thus, without the consent of the same Russian implementation of this idea is almost impossible.

However, history knows examples where, despite the position of "great powers", including members of the Security Council, the position of the majority of countries still prevailed. An example of this can be called the establishment in 1998 of the International Criminal Court, which is not supported by neither the US nor the Russian Federation. In spite of the opinion of those States, with the support of the European Union and many other countries, the idea of ​​the Rome Statute is gaining greater credibility.

Therefore, despite the possible resistance of the permanent members of the Security Council, the rational idea of ​​UN reform should be discussed. The initiator of this process could be Ukraine. Our state has set a precedent by giving up nuclear weapons and later becoming a victim of foreign aggression. Therefore, the leadership of the country has the moral right to speak with its own idea. That, at least, will actively debate and become another element of pressure on Russia. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 11 June [Ukrainian sources]

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