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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:54 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the course of the day

News -
Putin's Russian terrorists and troops again firing mortars at Ukrainian people yesterday.
Update from noon ATO briefing - no dead, one soldier injured by shelling.
Report on German tv of Putin's gang in the east using child soldiers. No surprise.
I'll post below; original, of course, in German. Also a video.
Update -
The Rada finally - at the sixth attempt - passed the anti-discrimination employment law - necessary for the visa-free regime. 234 votes.
Dimitri Yarosh has resigned as leader of the Pravi Sektor - apparently due to some internal conflict.

Weather -
Same as yesterday. Cloudy. Warm overnight. 8C. High today of around 12.
Normal would be 1 at night, and 6 during the day - for Kiev. So above average.

Footie -
European Championship playoffs start tonight with Norway v Hungary.
First leg of the Ukraine game is on Saturday evening.

Last edited by Nelson on Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:36 pm; edited 4 times in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Child-soldiers in the Frontline [in German]

Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:59 am
Kindersoldaten im Front-Einsatz
In an Internet video of the separatists of the 16-year-old Bogdan Kravchenko is presented as a war hero. This Frontal21 investigation sought the boy. In an interview Kravchenko reported then that he was already fighting for the second year in a battalion of the separatists in Lugansk - and that he had also killed people: "I killed only fascists, no people," says the boy. "When the fascists there are no people."
Traumatic experiences on the front lines
In the propaganda film of the young people is praised by his commanding officer as a brave and responsible. The local politician Alexander Kolesnik justifies in the use of child soldiers and blames the central government in Kiev. They make sure that people would suffer in the Donbass and the children would have to defend their homeland. Larissa Sajez, activist of a children's organization of separatists, also confirmed that many children were employed at checkpoints separatists.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Separatists fire on ATO positions with 82 mm mortars

Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:06 am
Militants fired on positions of strength ATO 82 mm mortars
Thursday, November 12, 2015, 7:58
Russian-terrorist mercenaries fired power ATO with 82-millimeter mortars, grenade launchers and small arms.
The press center ATO.
So in the Lugansk area near Trohizbenky evening November 11 Russia-terrorist mercenary forces fired on positions of ATU 82-millimeter mortars.
In Donetsk towards terrorists were point-blank fire from grenade launchers and small arms on the sand, and Avdiyivka Trinity. And near Mariupol - provocative fire on our positions in the region of Bogdanovka.
November 12 in the area Gorlovki the territory controlled by the militants, the whole morning was heard loud explosions.
Staff also reported that in Svatove military engineers continue daily eliminate the consequences of the disaster. By yesterday cleared about 1 hectare territory and destroyed 3418 explosive items.
Earlier, OSCE reported receiving written messages from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and "DNR" about the withdrawal of mortars from the boundary line.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty The situation in the area of ​​ATO: In Mariupol militants engaged in provocative shelling and explosions are heard at Gorlovka (UNIAN)

Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:12 am
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Egypt and Russia secret data on accident A321, - WSJ (

Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:17 am
...Russian aircraft accident investigation A321 is contradictory and operates in a mode of secrecy, experts are concerned that the main evidence may be destroyed.
It is reported by Ukrainian Pravda, citing the publication The Wall Street Journal.
The article noted that two weeks after the disaster wreckage scattered over a large area has not been collected. In addition, the Russian side did not indicate whether autopsy was carried out the bodies of passengers who could provide important information about the causes of the tragedy.
Also still do not know the commission to investigate the causes of the accident....

In the interests of both Putin and Egypt to cover this up. But not in the interests of the Russian people.
They should be told the truth, but they won't be - again.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Visa-free regime for Ukrainians: last chance for the Rada (

Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:20 am
Today MPs - the last chance to adopt the amendment to the Labour Code prohibiting discrimination against sexual minorities in employment. The previous three times MPs have failed vote. According to the deputy head of the faction BPP Igor Kononenko, 12 November - an extreme date. The EU has warned that if Parliament does not vote on 15 December in a report the European Commission will not give the green light to the abolition of visas for Ukrainians in the second half of 2016.
Article also suggests a deal - giving massive reductions in the gas price to people in return for support for the visa-free regime.
And then, I presume, the IMF will withhold money... ?
Stupidity - as of old - from the Ukrainian politicians. Born and bread in the Soviet mentality.

Please scroll up or down to view other news items

Last edited by Nelson on Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko says Ukrainian troops allowed to return fire if attacked

Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:52 am
"The Ukrainian servicemen have a firm order to fight back the enemy in case of a threat to their life amid attacks. We will not let the enemy take us by surprise," he added.
I hope this is really true. I've heard too many stories to the contrary.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian TV stations broadcast secret nuclear torpedo plans [Engl]

Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:01 am
...The nuclear torpedoes, to be fired by submarines, would create “zones of extensive radioactive contamination making them unsuitable for military or economic activity for a long period”, says the document, which is clearly visible in the footage for several seconds....

OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Torp
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, based on information received as of 19:30hrs, 10 November 2015

Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:13 am    [in English]
... The SMM received written notifications of the completion of withdrawal of mortars. The SMM recorded over 90 explosions and bursts of small arms fire at the outskirts of Donetsk city, including the impact of an 82mm mortar round....
Currently the latest report on the site.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Over the past day no dead. As a result of shelling wounded one Ukrainian soldier - Speaker ATO (Tsenzor.Net)

Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:10 am
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Terrorists "LNR" issued an ultimatum to transfer the border with Russia to Ukraine (Columnist)

Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:28 am
"The discussion will begin only after the elections, and after all points of the Complex measures will be fully carried out without reservations. This is the last phase, the final implementation of measures", -
How can you have free elections under Putin's control? The two are mutually exclusive.
Basically this is Putin saying that the old border will never return, and the Donbass will be turned into another Transdniestr wasteland.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Oil price is steady

Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:39 am
This is what keeps Putin's war machine in check. The oil price. It determines how much he can spend on weapons while keeping the docile Russian peasants quiet.

WTI Crude Oil (Nymex)
USD/bbl. 42.89 -0.04 -0.09% DEC 15 06:02:00

Brent Crude (ICE)
USD/bbl. 45.76 -0.05 -0.11%

I would guess that the price of Russian Urals is about 44.50. Normally between WT and Brent prices.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Anti-discrimination law passed

Thu Nov 12, 2015 11:57 am
Just watching the tv news at 1830.
Says that the anti-discrimination law - for employment - has finally passed in the Rada. 234 votes.
This should help lead to a visa-free regime in a year or so for Ukrainians.
Рада проголосувала безвізову антидискримінаційну поправку
Верховна Рада без обговорення ухвалила у другому читані антидискримінаційну правку до трудового законодавства.
За відповідний закон №3442 проголосувало народних 234 депутатів
Parliament adopted without debate at the second reading amendments to the anti-discrimination labor laws.
According to a law №3442 voted 234 people's deputies.
Issues on the agenda proposed to make the speaker Volodymyr Groisman.
But the vote for the proposal without amendment MPs could discuss only the sixth attempt.
For this speaker even had to declare a 15-minute break after the first five unsuccessful attempts to vote.
After consulting with leaders of factions Groisman once again declared the full text of the amendment.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty RE: Anti-discrimination law passed

Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:21 pm
I'm surprised it didn't pass the first time it was put forward, as most if not all Ukrainians would want visa-free regime. It's obvious that many weren't voting according to their constituency. Probably another option to make Poroshenko look bad.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Jarosz resigns because of conflict within the PS [Pravi Sector]

Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:23 pm

Translation online via google - not always to be trusted...
Ярош пішов у відставку через конфлікт всередині ПС
Jarosz has resigned due to a conflict within the aircraft Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Some people calling for revolution - again!
The last thing Ukraine needs - unless your name is Vladimir Putin.

Last edited by Nelson on Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:24 pm
Admin wrote:I'm surprised it didn't pass the first time it was put forward, as most if not all Ukrainians would want visa-free regime. It's obvious that many weren't voting according to their constituency. Probably another option to make Poroshenko look bad.

Manic anti-gay mentality, me thinks. Crazy - but deputies afraid of what the voters will think.
I'm also reading something about that the deputies changed the law anyway, so this new bill will only apply for a limited period.
So really no protection for minorities. So the EU may reject this. Really it should do. Or they may turn a blind eye.
Here's what I read -

OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Anti
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Nov 12, 2015 3:01 pm
Admin wrote:I'm surprised it didn't pass the first time it was put forward, as most if not all Ukrainians would want visa-free regime. It's obvious that many weren't voting according to their constituency. Probably another option to make Poroshenko look bad.

Sleep Sleep

It isn't a case of MOST Ukrainians. It is 100% dependent upon the idiots in the Rada. Most possibly do not require a visa-free regime as they most likely have 2 or more passports (as will have their family members), enabling them travel to almost any country.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Obama to discuss situation in Ukraine with European allies

Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:44 pm
U.S. President Barack Obama plans to discuss the situation in Syria and Ukraine during G20 summit.

Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting Ben Rhodes said Thursday, Censor.NET reports citing Interfax-Ukraine.

According to Rhodes, after the G20 summit, the U.S. President will hold five-lateral meeting with the European allies - the British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

Ben Rhodes informed that the operation against the ISIS and the situation in Ukraine would be discussed at the meeting.

Assistant to the president also noted that the U.S. was working closely with its European colleagues regarding the support of the Ukrainian government, the Minsk process, and deterring aggressive actions of Russia, which violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Kiev mayor's office complaining that they can not raise the salaries of employees, because "the hysterics begins"

Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:16 pm
City council secretary Alexei Reznikov complains that Secretariat staff can not raise wages. He said this in an interview with "Commander in Chief".

"I wanted to hire staff in the secretariat of the city council with the normal and reasonable salaries. But one scoring the proposals to amend the city budget immediately caused hysterical at all, because then it is necessary to raise wages and to the KSCA and RGA. Plus, we will tell you what the people of Kiev will not support the increase of salaries to officials, "- said Reznikov.

According to him, the utilities a little easier. "Because it is, in fact, self-supporting enterprise, can be tied to the results of the salary management of financial and economic activity of the enterprise. In terms of competition is precisely specified, but the candidates are invited to answer the question, how are they going to reward and how to pay for their work, and their employees, "- said Reznikov. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia sends to the occupied Crimea newest fighter

Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:19 pm
Black Sea Fleet naval aviation in 2016 received a shipment of new multi-role fighters Su-30cm, which will replace the Sukhoi Su-24. This was announced on Thursday, the acting head of the department of information support of the Black Sea Fleet Captain second Rank Nikolai Resurrection.

"In accordance with the plan of the Black Sea Fleet rearming for new military equipment in 2016. Naval aviation fleet received several Su-30cm. Also in January of next year 20 Black pilots to be retrained for new aircraft types, "- he said.

According to the Resurrection, it is currently being completed upgrading the Su-30cm assault aviation squadron separate maritime Attack Aviation Regiment (about 16 aircraft) BSF. Simultaneously with the arrival of new fighter aircraft is updated arsenal of destruction, which are able to apply modern planes.

Double multi-role fighter-interceptor Su-30 cm for the control group fighting in the conquest of "air supremacy", the destruction of assault imaginary enemy in the air, as well as for aerial reconnaissance and destroy ground and sea targets. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Soldiers ATO killed four terrorists in the battle of Gorlovka

Thu Nov 12, 2015 9:12 pm
In the area of ​​temporarily occupied by Russian troops and terrorist Gorlovka clash occurred.

As reported in detail fighters ATO, was eliminated four terrorists.

"They're here yesterday (11th November. - Ed.) Have gone just a hundred meters from rifles opened fire. According to our intelligence, they have four 200th. The bodies we found, but traces of blood found", - told the soldier with callsign "Bus".

He added that after the terrorists re-used mortars supposedly reserved to pull their dead and wounded.

"Move forward to the positions opened fire. They tried to outflank. Nifiga did not happen. There were also spotted gaps mortars. Somewhere vosmidesyatki. Breaks are not counted. The answer they got very sour," - says officer APU "Back.

Resolution of the command to open fire waiting for about 20 minutes, according to the soldiers.

While small arms - that remains after removal of the Minsk Agreement - was enough to repel the attack. The battle lasted several hours.

As reported by the "Observer", 12 November snipers terrorists shelled the town and the village of Experimental Avdeevka Donetsk region. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty The deputy head of the SBU resigned: he says, can not fight corruption because of Shokina

Thu Nov 12, 2015 9:19 pm
First Deputy Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine, Head of the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime of the Central Management Victor Trepak wrote a letter of resignation addressed to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

On it informs edition "The Mirror of the week."

According to the newspaper, the reason for the resignation Trepakov, he said, was the inability to fight corruption in an environment where Victor Shokin holds the post of Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

As reported by the "Observer", the deputy head of the parliamentary faction "Bloc of Petro Poroshenko," Mykola Tomenko said that Ukraine and the challenges facing its power Shokin not suitable for the role of Attorney General after the Revolution of dignity, but his resignation is likely to will not. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Sergey Bubka in the scandal Russia defends against doping

Thu Nov 12, 2015 9:46 pm
The head of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, member of the executive committee of the International Olympic Committee and Vice-President of the International Athletics Federation (IAAF) Sergei Bubka suddenly denounced the proposal WADA head Pound Richmond exclude Russia from the 2016 Olympics because of doping scandal, according to "Details".

"What I experienced in 1984 must not be repeated. Many talented athletes did not get a chance to compete for Olympic medals. We have a duty to protect 'clean' athletes from every form of mass disqualification. They can not be punished, "- he said in an interview Bubka AIPS.

Legendary Ukrainian athlete believes that to pay for their guilt must violators, but not honest athletes.

«IAAF, as the most interested party, is obliged to act. We must work closely with WADA, which relies on the full support of the government, national associations and Olympic committees. We must remember that the scandal is not only athletes, but also their environment.

"All those responsible must pay the price - officials, coaches, administrators and managers. But the honest athletes who are not involved in it, should not miss a single tournament, "- said Bubka. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty US: Russia time expires in the Donbas

Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:05 pm
US Permanent Representative to the OSCE, Ambassador Daniel Baier made to the Permanent Council of the Organization to support the proposals of Ukraine on holding local elections in the occupied territories in the east. He stated this on Thursday, reports "Ukrinform".

"As we approached the end of 2015 - the period established by the Minsk package of measures, we need to progress is now more than ever. It is time for Russia and it supports separatists immediately commit itself on the proposals of Ukraine on holding of local elections in some regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions - elections in full accordance with Ukrainian legislation and international standards ", - said the US diplomat.

In particular, according to him, it is about ensuring the free participation of Ukrainian political parties, civil society, media, and monitoring by the OSCE ODIHR.

"If this is not done, it will be a failure to Minsk agreements which are directly related to sanctions against Russia," - said the ambassador.

Bayer also said that Russia, which has signed the Minsk Agreement, is to "remove barriers to the work of the Special Mission of the OSCE monitoring (SMM) in order to implement the agreements and control over their implementation."

In addition, he called for the safe access of humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected regions. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Hague court make a preliminary conclusion about the crimes on Independence

Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:47 pm
The International Criminal Court in The Hague previously found that Ukrainian law enforcement agencies have not committed crimes against humanity during the events on Independence in 2013-2014. Relevant conclusions explained the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, reports «Deutche Welle» with reference to the news agency AFP.

"Although the circumstances indicate that the crimes that were considered not correspond to the notion of crimes against humanity, the Court notes that on Independence there were serious violations of human rights" - she commented.

Bensua noted that during the clashes on Independence took "an attack directed against the civilian population." It is not lack of information that would confirm that such crimes were widespread and systematic, and that's one of the criteria, which defines " crimes against humanity. "

Now the Hague tribunal continues to check for previous crimes against humanity elsewhere in Ukraine - Russia annexed the Crimea and the Donbass. As the representatives of the Sudan should the investigation on the case of the downed Malaysian airliner flight MH17.

As is known, Ukraine recognized the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which applies to offenses committed on the Independence and during the conflict in the Donbas. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 12 November [Ukrainian sources]

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