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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources]

Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:42 am

Please scroll down to view news events added during the day

News -
I'm reading now, at 0700, that the Russian separatists fired 109 times yesterday at the Ukrainian army.
It had been 20 times,, then 30, and then 40 times a few days ago.
Putin has clearly given the order to start fighting again.
Two plans - to eliminate the mercenaries, so he himself will have complete control of everything.
And gain more territory in his march towards western Europe.

Weather -
It's going to be another very hot day. Perhaps 30 or more again. Yesterday was about 32C.
Blue sky and sunshine now at 0700.

I've received word that Admin is sending me to Vinnitsa, the "home" of the President, to check out the mood of the people in his city.
So I may not write too much for a day or two.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:53 am
Terrorists fired Ukrainian troops 109 times - ATO headquarters
KYIV. 14 June. UNN. During June 13 the enemy 109 times fired position Ukrainian troops in the area ATO. This is a record number of attacks by armed opposition groups in recent months. This UNN reports referring to the press center ATO.
According to a report in the evening hybrid pro troops intensified in the Luhansk region.
"For Novotoshkivtsi invaders twice hatyly of MLRS" Grad ", and near the Zolotoi torn 120mm enemy mines....
... near Shirokino ,,,enemy used artillery systems 152 mm. For Novgorod militants beat the 120-mm mortars.
Midnight recorded more than 16 attacks positions of Ukrainian troops, "- said the headquarters of ATO.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:59 am
The number of attacks in the ATO area has increased dramatically  (Telegraph)
Plotnitsky made a strange statement (Kriminal.TV) [LNR dictator]
Any public appearances Igor Plotnitsky accompanied by confusion, interspersed with absurd.
Opening yesterday in Lugansk fair LC leader again condemned the economic blockade, and at the same time pointed out that if it will be removed, the Donbass supposedly to finance APU. Meanwhile, according to him, most of the residents of ATU "republic" give money, but not great.
It should be noted, in recent months Carpenter constantly criticized Ukraine's position in relation to the prohibition of economic ties with the LC. On 13 June, he said that before the BP will pass a law regarding the embargo should be invited Merkel and F. Hollande as guarantors of compliance with the Minsk agreement that they influenced Petro Poroshenko. Like, if he understands how the EU refer to the situation ... In general, absurd....
once again promised the local entrepreneurs that "in two or three weeks," food prices will fall by 15-20%
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:07 am
Ukrainian forces repulsed a new attack militants in Marinka (apostrophe)

OSCE observers have recorded the disappearance of heavy weapons of the separatists (Fourth Estate)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Media: Putin to Austria to help organize the delivery of gas to Europe, bypassing Ukraine

Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:40 am
Construction of "Turkish stream" for Russian gas supplies to Europe will take over the Austrian company OMV, reports Die Presse. To promote the project will be the former head of Nabucco Reinhard Mitschek.

A spokesman for OMV declined to comment.

Nabucco - gas pipeline project to bring gas from Central Asia planned to deliver to Europe, bypassing Russia. The main suppliers initially considered Azerbaijan, Iraq and Turkmenistan. Project participants with equal shares of 16.67% in 2009, became the Austrian OMV, Hungarian MOL, Bulgarian Bulgargaz, Romanian Transgaz, and Turkish Botas and German RWE. In 2013, RWE sold its share and OMV withdrew from the project, and later bought a part of its share of the French GDF Suez SA.

Initially, the construction of Nabucco was planned to begin in 2011 and finish in 2014. However, due to problems with financing the project and the lack of guarantees for the supply of gas to start construction has been repeatedly postponed and in the end, it has not been started. June 26, 2013 OMV, heads the consortium to build Nabucco, officially announced the cancellation of the project.

"We are working on a" new Nabucco », but with one huge difference: instead of the Caspian gas will flow through Turkey and Russia, possibly Iranian gas," - he said Die Presse.

OMV - the Austrian oil and gas concern, which owns a balanced international assets in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons in 20 countries in six key regions: Central and Eastern Europe, North Africa, Northwestern Europe, the Middle East, Australia - New Zealand. In Russian

Last edited by Admin on Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty OSCE observers have recorded 140 bombings in the region of Donetsk

Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:43 am
Special monitoring mission of the OSCE in Ukraine for the past day were more than 140 explosions near the railway station in the region of Donetsk.

"Observers have seen and heard the explosion of an unidentified 142 weapons and 34 anti-aircraft breaking from a distance of about 3-7 kilometers to the north, northeast and northwest of the observation post," - says the report of the monitoring mission.

According to Kiev, in the past day the fighting killed six Ukrainian military, another 15 were injured.

Observers also said that in the morning on June 12 was observed all of civilian cars trying to drive through the Kiev-controlled checkpoint "Birch" by the DNI, and the reverse was not trying to drive any car. Later in the afternoon around 50 cars expected to drive opportunities on both sides. Mission attributes this to the recent closure of the crossing points controlled by the government. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Militants attacked again Ukrainian position in Marinka

Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:47 am
Around 21:30, the enemy began firing Ukrainian position with 122 mm artillery and 120 mm mortars in the area of ​​Marinka. This was reported by Twitter APU Center.

"There were attempts to break DRG. As of 22:30 Marinka shelling our positions weakened, but continues. Our opened heavy fire on the enemy, "- the report says.

It is noted that in the Luhansk region, during the day, the enemy was shooting from mortars caliber 120mm Fortunately, the Crimean and marsh.

Recall, June 13 terrorist forces fired 65 times ATO. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Demchishin said, when Ukraine will cease to buy gas from Russia

Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:57 am
Energy Minister Vladimir Demchishin said that Ukraine is about to start production of gas in the territory of their country, and in three or four years to abandon the purchase of gas from Russia and Europe.

"Boring simply as areas provided by pipelines. I am sure that foreign investors are willing to come here. We can balance the situation with gas, increasing its own production and reducing consumption in a significant amount, "- he was quoted as saying ZN.UA

He said that Ukraine hopes to reach an agreement with Russia on gas prices over the next two weeks.

"I hope that the price will be lower than today. "Naftogaz" to "Gazprom" pays 247 dollars. The price for the third quarter, I am convinced, will be lower, and it is a question of negotiations ", - he said.

Demchishin also assured that the price of gas transit through Ukraine to Europe, pays "Gazprom" understated. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Oreshkin explained why Putin was a fiasco with the "Novorossia"

Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:46 am
Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to capture the eight regions of Ukraine, but overestimated their strength.
This was stated by Russian political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin, reports "Apostrophe".

"I believe that Putin overestimated his chances after he was so easily able to join the Crimea. As he later said," gently, quietly, without any problems. "He believed, and he said so that the entire so-called" New Russia " consisting of eight regions (east and south - Ed.) Ukraine as a ripe apple, fall into his hands, and then everything will be fine. That is to be a land bridge to the Crimea, a land bridge to Transnistria and pathetic victory march "- he said.

READ: Western media have described how the US is going to deter aggression Putin

According to him, Putin simply "caught in the wiring."

"And in general, it is one thing - mentality, including from Russia, which somehow genuinely thought that there is a historical territory as" New Russia ". It very quickly invented Mr. Dugin (Russian propagandist, - Ed.), And Putin this wiring got. I think that now he curses those their decisions. By the way, Dugin is now pushed to the farthest pocket, from which he does not get out "- said Oreshkin.

READ: In Germany, named the main objective of the dialogue with Putin In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Majority of Ukrainian ready to trade in rebel-held territories in Donbas for peace, survey shows

Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:54 am
The May survey done by the Kyiv-based Sofia Center for Social Research indicated that 61.8% of Ukrainians approve of giving up the rebel-held territories in Donbas in exchange for stopping the war.

22.9% of Ukrainians believe the war should be continued to regain control over entire Donbas.

15% of respondent were undecided.

Aboslutely not!!!

They've come this far to fight off the crazed ancient desires of this wannabe emperor and can't go back to being enslaved.

Ukrainians have always been known, including the Mongol Tatars to fight for their country. They must continue to fight for their country. This scourge in the Kremlin MUST be stopped, once and for all.

When was the last time we've seen western nationalists fight alongside eastern Ukrainians as they are currently? At one point, they were fighting each other. That should show you that this POLL is bullshit. Sofia also has been known as far back as 10 years ago to run polls that were suspect.

When was the last time in the Odessa region, there are more anti-Kremlin than supporters? In many regions and local conflicts are being fed by the Kremlin, not the local sentiment.

Ukraine cannot and will not go back. Communist and soviet emblems are being removed. Lenin statues are dropping like flies. Tell me again the majority wants to give-up ANY part of Ukraine. IF anyone believes that, they should be examined. No if, and's about it.

Слава Україні  героя Слава
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Anti-Ukrainian provocation in USA was bankrolled by S. Liovochkin

Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:38 pm
Ex-Regions heavyweight member Serhy Liovochkin was behind the anti-Ukrainian provocation in the United States aimed at declaring the ‘Azov’ volunteer battalion a neo-Nazi unit and banning to give Ukraine mobile AA missiles, Ihor Mosijchuk, a Radical party lawmaker, writes in Facebook June 14, citing his own investigation.

“The links to US Congress adopting a ban to provide instructors for ‘Azov’ servicemen and supply mobile AA Stinger missiles lead to Kyiv,” he writes.

The lobbying was done, under contract with Liovochkin, by US spin doctor Paul Mannafort whose services had been used by ex-president Yanukovych, Mosijchuk says.

The ban was initiated in the Congress by Congressman John Conniers.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty From Siberia To Mariupol: Teen Flees Russia, Fights Against Separatists In Ukraine (INTERESTING VIDEO)

Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:44 pm
Back in Siberia, Valentin knew plenty of people who protested against Russia's involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, and a few who hung flags and posters around his home city of Krasnoyarsk.

The 19-year-old took his views about the war a step further: He's fighting in it, on the Ukrainian side.

Under pressure from the authorities over his activism, Valentin fled to Ukraine in January and joined the controversial Azov Battalion, a volunteer militia that has played a prominent role in the fighting against Russian-backed rebels in the Donbas.

"When I came here, I had two choices: to live in Ukraine as a refugee or go to the war," he told RFE/RL's Russian Service................

Read further at link:
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty It became known how much money from the Russian budget goes to DNR and LC

Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:54 pm
Russian monthly imports to the occupied militants DNI territory to 4 billion rubles. cash.

This writes the Russian newspaper Slon article on the economics of the DNI and the LC.

"Sources Slon amicably nod to the Kremlin. According to them, Russian imports in each month alone DNI to 4 billion rubles. Cash (the banking system is not there). And this is only "civil" costs, and there is humanitarian aid and, possibly, military spending "- the newspaper writes.

According to the newspaper, "the potential annual transfer of the DNI of Russia is 38-48 billion rubles. without military spending."

The article states that in April and May and terrorists DNI LC began to pay pensions, social benefits and public sector wages. At the same time big business, which operates in the occupied territory, pay taxes to the budget of Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The "LC" invaders forced miners to work without pay, threatening to mobilize

Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:47 pm
Manual "LC" threatens to take away the ranks of illegal armed groups striking miners, if they do not come to work.

This was announced during a briefing on Sunday, a representative of the presidential administration of Ukraine on ATO Alexander Motuzyanyk.

"Guide" LC "announced an ultimatum to the striking miners: either they go to work, despite the lack of salaries, or they are taken into the ranks of the illegal armed formations" LC "- said Motuzyanyk.

He also added that the leader of "LC" Igor Carpenter ordered to stop issuing coal miners for household needs. In Russian

Is this the way they go by, in order to attract supporters? Let them have local elections, to see what the sentiment towards them is. Stupid is as stupid does.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The consequences of the occupation: The cost of gasoline in the Crimea, the highest in the European part of Russia

Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:03 pm
As the cost of gasoline Crimea and Sevastopol outperforms both Russian capitals, holding the championship most expensive in the European part of the Russian Federation.

According to Rosstat, the average price of a liter of gasoline in the Russian Federation was 33.21 rubles, while in Simferopol and Sevastopol, respectively - 38.06 and 37.76 rubles, the newspaper writes News Sevastopol.

On average, Russian gasoline A-92 - 32.24 rubles for the A-95 motorists pay 35.11 rubles for diesel - 34.39 rubles.

At the same time in Sevastopol, the average price of A-92 gasoline is 36.76 rubles, and 95 is an average of 38.93 rubles. In the Crimean capital of 37 rubles and 38.93 rubles, respectively.

The publication notes that the price of gasoline and diesel fuel above the Crimean only in remote areas of the Far North and the Far East. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty After the occupation of the Crimea rental apartments on the peninsula is more expensive than in Sochi

Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:11 pm
In Crimea, the cost of rental housing is actively growing. In May 2015 compared to July 2014 rates for apartments have risen on average by 18% and in the segment of private homes - 20%, writes the edition "Izvestia".

The journalists, noted that the Crimean prices are lower than in the Krasnodar region.

"Thus, according to Avito and Domofond, the room can be rented for 2% cheaper than in Sochi, - for 751 rubles per day. Rent one-room apartments in the Crimea will cost 32.5% lower (1170 rubles), two-room - 47.4% (in 1611 rubles), and three-room - 21.7% (in 2724 rubles), "- published" Izvestia " .

The publication notes - cheapest room cost in Feodosia (over 609 rubles per day), and the highest prices in the Crimea in Yevpatoriya (917 rubles per day). Rent one-bedroom apartments and studios was the most expensive in Sevastopol - 1344 rubles, and two- and three-bedroom apartments - at Yalta. Two-bedroom apartment there cost 3649 rubles, which is even more expensive than in Sochi.

Recall of Moscow's role in destabilizing the situation in Ukraine, the West has introduced a number of sanctions against Russia, which together with the fall in oil prices, have caused a sharp devaluation of the Russian ruble. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Former Regions: In the third year of presidency Yanukovych is 100% hooked to Putin

Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:32 pm
Former Regions, former head of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine Vasyl Khara said that the peak of social tension in Ukrainian society came in the third year of his presidency Viktor Yanukovych.

He said this in an interview with "Commander in Chief."

"In the third year of presidency Yanukovych actually retired, and perhaps most importantly, when it is 100% hooked to Putin. For all the shortcomings of Yanukovych path to the EU, he has done more than his predecessors, as well as the path to NATO membership. And only at the finish line, after the famous meeting in Moscow, he abruptly changed his mind, "- said Hara.

According to him, the threat from Russian President Vladimir Putin was so great that Yanukovych Rezo changed his mind about the entry of Ukraine into the European Union.

"I can imagine what was said to him and what was the threat posed by Putin, when Yanukovych has dramatically changed its course and turned back to face Russia. First, disclosure of information on its negative deeds. In particular, as president. Second, it could come down to the physical elimination. Russia is not difficult. All the main structures were in the hands of Russian citizens who were in the FSB of Russia ", - said ex-Regions. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Symonenko and Vitrenko united in the Left Opposition

Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:36 pm
Five political parties, including the Communist Party and the Progressive Socialist Party, 13 non-governmental organizations and six individuals have created a movement of the Left Opposition.

On Friday, at the constituent assembly has been accepted manifesto of the Left Opposition, and the Coordinating Council and was elected co-chairmen.

It is headed by Communist leader Petro Symonenko, leader of the Progressive Socialists Natalia Vitrenko, academician Valery Soldatenko, in 2010-2014 he headed the Institute of National Remembrance, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games Rudolph Povarnitsyn (the first in the world took 2.40 in the high jump) and the academician- Communist Georgy Kryuchkov, the website of Natalia Vitrenko.

As reported, in late May, the head of the Communist Party Petro Symonenko has created a public organization "Left March: work, salary protection."

Recall, May 25 Kyiv District Administrative Court withdrew the production ban the Communist Party.

As reported, the Ministry of Justice and Ukrgosreestr appealed to the District Administrative Court of Kiev with a suit to ban the Communist Party in Ukraine July 8, 2014.

In turn, the head of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaychenko said that to ensure the security necessary to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Yatsenyuk: Ukraine should become energy independent in ten years

Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:45 pm
Ukraine ten years to become completely energy independent country. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseny Yatsenyuk said in an interview to the Ukrainian "Channel 5".

Yatsenyuk noted that this year the government managed to reduce the deficit "Naftogaz" five times.

"That is, it was 10 billion last year. This year we expect 1.5-2 billion, according to what will be the situation ", - he said.

Premier added that you must first bring utility tariffs for the population to an economically viable level.

"No other way than bringing the tariffs to the market figure, no. What is the goal we are pursuing? The purpose of the following - in 10 years Ukraine has become completely energy independent country. This is a challenge. And we're moving to this problem, including through market prices ", - said A. Yatsenyuk. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Yatsenyuk: the UN does not fulfill its function and should be reformed

Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:55 pm
The UN must be reformed, because it does not perform its basic function. Such an opinion in an interview with "Channel 5" stated Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

"The United Nations must be reformed. It does not perform at the moment its main function - the protection of international law, human rights and freedoms, and fight against those who grabs someone else's land, and who violate the fundamental principles of the UN, "- said the head of government.

He recalled that Russia blocks any decision on Ukraine in the framework of the UN Security Council.

"The world is a global conflict, at the heart of Europe, there is a war with Russia. And the whole story of the most significant body of international co-operation - the United Nations is to ensure that the met, talked and went, "- said Yatsenyuk. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty General Staff: Almost 300 military reported missing in the area of ​​ATO

Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:07 pm
In the zone of the antiterrorist operation missing considered 289 Ukrainian servicemen additional 127 are in captivity. This was announced by the speaker of the General Staff Vladislav Seleznev, the TV channel "" .

"We do not know the fate of 289 soldiers, which as of today are the lists of missing persons, but we can not with absolute certainty that they are dead or in captivity. In addition, to date 127 Ukrainian servicemen, including one military men - Hope Savchenko, - are in captivity, on the territory, which is now under the control of the militants and the Russian Federation ", - said Seleznyov. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty ATU soldiers defeated the headquarters of terrorist Givi near Donetsk (PHOTO)

Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:35 pm
Warriors of Ukraine Avdeevka Donetsk region by return fire hit the ammunition storage located near the headquarters of the leader of terrorist group "DNI" Givi.

Militants struck back at Avdeevka, reports " No details "Irina Baglaĭ.

According to her, ammunition detonated within 40 minutes, spreading all around.

Enraged militants started firing of artillery located in the Donetsk airport on residential areas Avdeevka and Avdeyevskiy Coke plant. In particular shelled 9-storey residential building. On the plant and shells rained.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] 706933 In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty US Ambassador to the UN peacekeeping mission, which will suit Putin will not work Ukrainians

Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:49 pm
To resolve the issue positively to the establishment of the UN peacekeeping mission in Ukraine, it will be necessary to overcome the Russian veto and the conditions of Russian President Vladimir Putin may be acceptable for Ukraine. In an interview with TV channel "1 + 1" said US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power.

"The issue of the peacekeeping mission connected with the Russian veto, so any of the Russian peacekeeping mission would require the consent. I guess that is the peacekeeping mission, which wants to see in Ukraine, Putin is unlikely suit the Ukrainians ", - she said. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Power of the speeches Churkin: this falsehood to be answered with facts and truth

Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:26 pm
On the lie that sounds from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Vitaly Churkin, you must answer the truth and the facts. In an interview with "Facts week with Oksana Sokolova," said the US representative to the United Nations Samantha Power.

"It is better to meet the false facts and the truth, because that is black, he (Churkin - Ed.) Describes as white. I have to remind the representatives of other countries that may not be so deeply interested in the situation in Ukraine, what is happening" - she said.

"My biggest problem - that's what I'm Irish by birth. We redheads, have a strong character and self-control - a really important question for me," - added Power.

As reported by the "Observer", formerly the US permanent representative to the United Nations Samantha Power visited the Independence Square in Kiev to commemorate those who died for the opportunity to choose the future of Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The "DNR" announced a possible merger with the "LC"

Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:55 pm
The leader of the self-proclaimed militant Donetsk People's Republic Purgin Andrew said he did not rule out unification of the two republics Donbass Donetsk news agency reports. He said this on Radio "Crimea".

"On the unification of" DNR "and" LC ", in principle, possible to say. And I think that this needs to work ", - said Purgin. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The leader of the militants Givi wounded near Donetsk - social network

Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:36 pm
Soldiers of Ukraine, which are near the village of Pilot at the Donetsk airport reported that injured one of the leaders of the militants, known as Givi.

Also, they said, on June 12, she was allegedly killed by one of the assistants Givi nicknamed "Nightmare."

"Nightmare" was in meteovyshke near the airport of Donetsk, which hit the Ukrainian military. The rig exploded ammunition militants.

"Givi 300th. Glory to the Heroes! AQL Seeds and OTG 93 team worked with a bang! It is hoped that this dog will soon meet with the "nightmare" in the other world "- wrote Vasily Andreev in Facebook.

At the same time, the soldiers did not report where they got this information.

Recall, June 14 near Donetsk hard fight, in which the headquarters of the militants blew Givi. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Sunday 14 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The village of Troitskaya came under fire

Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:00 am
Evening of June 14 the village was shelled militants Trinity (Popasnjansky district Luhansk region). According to local residents, about 16:05 in the village were heard tears.

Tentatively, the fire was conducted from the "Castle."

According to preliminary reports, the fire damaged two houses.

Further details are being investigated.

Recall that the previous shelling Trinity occurred on the night of 8 to 9 June. In Russian
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