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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:22 am

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News -
Putin attacks Ukrainians 70 times. Big increase by the Russian forces.
Update - 2 soldiers injured. Truck hit mine near Mariupol.

Weather -
Zero. Again. But should get slowly cooler during the day.
Most of the snow has gone. Roads clear. Cold spell weekend and next week predicted.

Last edited by Nelson on Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Terrorists violated the ceasefire 70 times yesterday - ATO HQ

Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:26 am
70 times violated the non-use of weapons - ATO headquarters
According terrorists pislyanovorichnyy beat your own record.
At the completion of the last day, 13 January, militants in the Donbas set a new record. The press center of Staff ATO.
According to reports, the day recorded 70 cases of violation of conditions of non-use by terrorists of weapons in the area of ​​ATU.
"After 18.00 hours thugs did not stop fire from small arms, heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades at army positions Ukrainian Donetsk and Gorlovka. The hottest was near towns Pisky, Opitnoe, Avdeevka, Marinka, Novgorod, Zaitsev and Mayorsk" - the in a statement...
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Only 7% of residents of Donbas want annexation to Russia (Krymynal.TV)

Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:38 am
According to statistics, 32% of residents of these areas want to both area as a whole remained part of Ukraine. Another 35% want to be a part of Ukraine, but with extended powers as a result of decentralization reforms. Autonomy supporting 8% and 7% - want to be part of RF...

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Last edited by Nelson on Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty For whom would Ukrainians vote for now? Published rankings of parties (Kriminal.TV)

Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:09 am
If early parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, for the Party "Block Poroshenko" Solidarity "would have voted 11% of respondents in Ukraine. +
This is according to a survey conducted by the sociological group "Rating" commissioned by the International Republican Institute (IRI), with the financial support of the Government of Canada.
In the second place, after the "Block Poroshenko" Solidarity ", which received 11% of the vote, the party would have in the" Batkivshina" and " opposition bloc ". They are ready to support 8% of respondents.
During the party "Samopomich" ready to give their votes to 7% of the issue.
Party "Freedom" (4%), the Radical Party, "Ill" (3%), "Renaissance", "Right Sector", "Gromadska position" and "Our Land" (2% each) did not overcome the 5% - First barrier.

Absolutely nobody is popular! Tymoshenko has money, and is making a comeback. Not good news. Who did the missing 50% vote for?!
The government need the economy to turn round, get a visa-free regime, inflation into single figures, and some other improvements, then opinions might change.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty At the weekend to Kiev will come "cyborgs" and families of dead soldiers (

Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:26 am
...On Saturday, Ukraine will remember the cyborgs who last defended the airport: in the House of Officers, soldiers and families of the fallen defenders of the legendary Donetsk airport will gather to meet on the evening of memory. Date chosen by chance, because it was January 16 last year, the airport began a hell for fighters militants blew up the terminal, after which the concrete collapsed, burying more than 50 Ukrainian heroes. Deadly standoff continued until January 20, when our soldiers left the territory of the airport, which was defended by 242 days. ..

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Last edited by Nelson on Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty United States Department of State has officially commented on Obama's words about Ukraine

Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:58 am
"The president (Obama - Ed.) In a speech meant the previous long-term efforts of Russia to strengthen the regime of former President Yanukovych to interfere with Ukraine to move further towards integration with Europe, and the current (n - Ed.) Occupation of Crimea it (Russia - ed.) wide-ranging efforts to support armed groups operating in eastern Ukraine and other efforts to destabilize the country "- the document says.

The expression "client countries" in Obama's speech was about the Yanukovych government - a source in the State Department
It notes that over the past two years, "United States work in close cooperation with European and international partners to help Ukraine to defend its territorial integrity and democracy".

In the State Department assured that in Washington "still have a strong commitment to help the Ukrainian people to build the country - a peaceful, prosperous, and free to elect their own fate.".............   In Ukrainian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Staff ATO confirmed the detention of the Ukrainian military by Russian border guards

Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:28 am
The head of the press center of Staff Alex Mazapa ATO confirmed the detention of the Ukrainian military by Russian border guards. He said this in a comment "UNN"

"The military yesterday, January 12, was arrested around 21.20 patrol of the Russian Federation on the streets of Friendship of Peoples, which is shared with. Cretaceous and village. Chertkovo. This contractor. His name is Maxim Trip. " - Reported O.Mazepa.

According to him, the Ukrainian military is in the Department of the Border Service of Russia. This information is provided ATO headquarters of military parents.

"The reason for the circumstances of the incident turns out," - said the head of the press center of Staff ATO.

Recall, border department of the FSB of Russia in the Rostov region was detained in the village Chertkovo Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is illegal in the Russian Federation. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In the US, there was a fire on an oil rig

Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:34 am
In the southwestern part of the US state of Oklahoma on Wednesday, January 13, there was a fire on an oil rig, reports Associated Press.

It is noted that the tower owned by the American company Continental Resources, is located about 10 km east of Chickasha. Firefighters have managed to localize the fire.

Information about the victims have been reported. However, the company itself said that the evacuation of all personnel from fire and they do not know the cause of the fire.

A column of thick black smoke can be seen several kilometers away from the scene. Because of the incident it was closed several nearby roads that can be closed for several hours. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty MD: The drugs are effective against swine flu in the first 48 hours after onset of illness

Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:42 am
MD Sergey Kramarev in an interview with "Commander in Chief" said that Ukraine has a cure for this strain of flu that is now common, there is. There are anti-viral, anti-influenza drugs that are effective when the flu, said Kramarev.

"This so-called inhibitors neyroaminidazy (enzymes that are part of the membranes of many viruses): oseltamivir (commercially known as" Tamiflu "), zanamivir (commercially known as" Relenza "), and" Rimantadine. " But we need to focus on what they are most effective when appointed in the first 48 hours of illness onset. If they are appointed later, their efficiency is much less, "- said the physician.

Kramarev also warned that it is primarily those people who are at risk and have not been vaccinated should be aware of the existence of these drugs. The doctors of these patients since the early days of the disease should appoint them, says MD.

These drugs will be effective regardless of the strain of virus that infected people. "In any case against those strains that have circulated," - concluded the doctor. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Dozens Killed By Deadly Swine Flu Virus In Ukraine [Engl]

Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:05 am
An outbreak of the H1N1 swine flu virus has killed more than 50 people in Ukraine this winter -- an increase of 10 percent over last year, Ukrainian authorities said.

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Last edited by Nelson on Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Many Puzzled By Obama's Reference To Ukraine As Russian 'Client State' [Engl]

Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:08 am
After months of preperation for his annual address, nobody knows what he is talking about. Not very impressive, if you ask me.

White House: Obama’s Puzzling Ukraine Comment Referred To Kremlin Ally Yanukovych

?! What are the listeners supposed to be? Mind readers? Wierd. Too much golf in the strong sunshine maybe.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande discuss further steps to fulfill Minsk accords [Engl]

Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:31 am
...particularly coordination of modality of holding local elections in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions under the Ukrainian legislation and preparation to the restoration of Ukraine's full control over the Ukrainian-Russian border, according to the official website of the President of Ukraine....
Control of the border is not going to happen. It would mean the end for Putin's war.

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Last edited by Nelson on Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukrainian citizen dies in Alps avalanche [engl]

Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:41 am
No name. Apparently not with the Lyon school party that was also caught up in the avalanche in the French alps.
Read elsewhere that the slope was closed, but people had been going down it all day.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Obama discusses Syria, Ukraine with Russia's Putin: White House [Engl]

Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:45 am
Obama told Putin that a key next step in resolving the Ukrainian crisis was for all sides to agree on the modalities of local elections in the Donbas region of Ukraine, the White House said in a statement....
But elections under Russian guns?

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "The opposition bloc" demands by the end of January a law on elections in the occupied Donbass (Gordon)

Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:01 am
If the law is not adopted urgently, it creates a "risk of a resumption of war," said political force...
A nice little threat. See also -

Friends of Poroshenko looking for missing votes for the special status of Donbass (Visitor people)
Changes to the Constitution in terms of decentralization, involves, among other things, a "special municipality" for the individual areas of Donbass, are now ready to support 280 people's deputies with the necessary 300 votes....
Very controversial now. Divisive also.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The Kremlin has revealed details of the conversation Putin and Obama on Ukraine (Charter'97)

Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:34 am
"Putin declared, in particular, the need for full and strict observance of Kiev with its obligations under the Minsk agreements, including in terms of direct dialogue with the Donbas, harmonizing with him preparing amendments to the Constitution, the local elections, the entry into force of the laws of the special status and amnesty, "- noted in the Kremlin.
Putin wants amnesty from war crimes - obviously important for him. Does this include the Russian soldiers who shot down MH17? Or who shot dead prisoners of war?

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Last edited by Nelson on Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Ukrspirt" signed a contract for the supply of alcohol to Poland (Levыy bank)

Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:39 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Two soldiers injured yesterday in the ATO zone - Staff

Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:41 am
Thursday, January 14, 2016, 12:43
The last day in the area of anti-terrorist operation passed without loss, two soldiers were wounded.
This at a traditional briefing on Thursday said a spokesman for the presidential administration Alexander Motuzyanyk ATO.
"Nearby Mariupol truck MAT hit a mine, resulting in the wounding of two of our soldiers. More power losses ATU per day not suffered," - he said.

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Vorkuta [Russia] burned books bought with Soros Foundation funds

Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:49 am
In Vorkuta burned published with the help of the Soros Foundation book
Vorkuta mining and economic college burned books published with the support of the Soros Foundation. This is stated in the reply of the Ministry of Education at the request of Komi edition "7 × 7". Total burned 53 copies of two different books.
According to the head of the college library Elena Vasilieva, one of the books it was called "World" and was "a little religious." Vasilyev explained that the book was not popular among students.
In Vorkuta Polytechnic College seized 14 copies of six books, published with the support of the Soros Foundation. They destroyed using shredders. About 400 books were seized in Ukhta State Technical University....

Putin burning books.... mmm... Archive photo of a different dictator burning books, a few decades ago ...

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Burnbooks

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty OSCE opens two Forward Patrol Bases in Krasnoarmiisk and Svitlodarsk [Engl]

Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:12 am
...enabling monitors to be based and accommodated closer to the contact line in these areas...
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Dutch report on MH17 flight crash wrongly determines possible missile launch site – Rosaviatsiya

Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:20 am
The authors of the final Dutch report on the Malaysian Boeing crash have wrongly determined the spatial position of the missile relative to the plane at the impact moment and the site from where the missile was launched, Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya) deputy head Oleg Storchevoi said in his formal letter to Dutch Safety Board Chairman Tjibbe Joustra....
Not the clearest of translated articles. Mis-translated on purpose? Did somebody working at Interfax miss out "Russian Federation" intentionally??

This is basically Russian propaganda. Storchevoi works for the RUSSIAN Federal Air Transport Agency.
The Russians still trying to say - it was not a Buk missile, and it was launched by Air Force One - personally by Obama on holiday in Turkey... Something like this.
I am sure Shaun Walker can fill in the missing details with the help of his "DNR guys".
Question. Why are the Russians trying to discredit the report? The answer is obvious. And absolutely nobody else is trying to do doing this.

The interfax original here clearly states that the origin of the "story" is from Russia.

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko press conference live now on tv 1500- 1600 - ..

Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:12 am
On lots of tv channels. Incl. Espresso, Kanal 5, 24, etc etc etc

Ongoing comments here
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty RE: Many Puzzled By Obama's Reference To Ukraine As Russian 'Client State' [Engl]

Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:29 pm
Nelson wrote:
After months of preperation for his annual address, nobody knows what he is talking about. Not very impressive, if you ask me.

White House: Obama’s Puzzling Ukraine Comment Referred To Kremlin Ally Yanukovych

?! What are the listeners supposed to be? Mind readers? Wierd. Too much golf in the strong sunshine maybe.

To clear the air, here's what Obama meant by "client state" and I saw the speech two times. What the problem is, people don't listen to every word he said. The key word was "were" a client state which many ignored from total ignorance.

United States Department of State has officially commented on Obama's words about Ukraine
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Klimkin urged the Secretary General to strengthen the capabilities of the OSCE mission in Ukraine

Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:48 pm
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin met with OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier during a visit to Vienna to participate in the special meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council. It is reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

Klimkin Zannier discussed the situation in the Donets Basin and the activities of the OSCE in Ukraine SMM.

In particular, Klimkin stressed the need to strengthen the technical and operational capability CMM to ensure effective monitoring and verifying implementation of agreements Minsk and stressed the need to strengthen the monitoring functions of the CMM in the Donbas.

The Minister noted that the critical is to ensure full access of observers SMM to the entire territory of Donbass, including border station, as well as a significant expansion of monitoring by the OSCE on the Russian-Ukrainian border, which is now limited only by the two Russian checkpoints ("Gukovo" and "Donetsk"). In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Germany intends to contribute to solving the issue of elections in the occupied part of Donbass

Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:52 pm
Germany as the OSCE chairman will focus on achieving progress in the political sub-group of the Tripartite Liaison Group to ensure the holding of elections in the territories beyond the control of Kiev Donbass. This was stated by Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at a press conference in Vienna.

"There must be political progress in the work of the subgroup, and the issue of local elections should be lifted. If the validity of the elections will be held, it will bring certain laws in these areas, "- said the head of the German Foreign Ministry.

According to him, the issue "should be discussed within subgroups," and Germany "will focus on this during the work of the OSCE."

Steinmeier said that in general he is satisfied with the meeting of the Tripartite Liaison Group in Minsk on 13 January. He believes that it is important to "build trust in the conflict" and not to compromise existing tools settlement.

German Foreign Minister also announced the continuation of work in the near future to resolve the conflict in the east of Ukraine at the level of Foreign Ministers, "Norman format." In Russian

I trust Germany/Merkel as far as I can throw them. They're not concerned with the well-being of Dombas. They're more concerned about getting the sanctions lifted, in order to relieve their economy and get those Rubbles back into the country, although they're worthless now.

Guaranteed, they'll ask for more autonomy for Dombas terrorist big wigs than the Minsk calls for. They want Ukraine to sellout to them.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Militants fired at houses of peaceful residents near Kominternove, provoke clash, - ATO

Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:00 pm
A clash between a subversive and reconnaissance group of the militants and Ukrainian soldiers took place near Kominternove today, Jan. 14.

Censor.NET informs citing the situation report by the ATO press center.

"The enemy's subversive and reconnaissance group has been spotted near the temporarily occupied village of Kominternove located in the so-called "neutral area" not far from Mariupol today at about 10.30 a.m. The saboteurs were going to commit another armed provocation, planning to sacrifice the lives of the residents of Vodiane village located nearby to achieve their goal. The militants provided accurate fire at the houses of the local residents and then attacked the positions of one of the Ukrainian detachments performing tasks in this area. The Ukrainian soldiers immediately gave battle and rescued locals from the irreversible consequences," the report reads.

It is also reported that according to the Ukrainian intelligence, Kominternove village, which was high-handedly occupied by the invaders despite any agreements, became one of the bases for training subversive and reconnaissance groups of the enemy: "In the near future, the leaders of the militants are going to use these specially trained organized crime groups for further escalation of the conflict, to invite the ATO forces to violate the already uneasy truce, and psych out civilians, who have become hostages of the criminal activity of the Russian-supported thugs." In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty IMF accepts Ukraine’s budget, changes to tax code pending

Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:17 pm
Revisions to the state budget and tax code are still needed to secure $4 billion in financing from the International Monetary Fund and other Western lenders when parliament reconvenes on January 26, officials say, according to The Kyiv Post.

Jerome Vacher, the IMF’s envoy to Ukraine, said that the budget itself is “consistent with the (IMF) program’s objectives,” The Kyiv Post reported.

However, discussions continue on some remaining issues - notably on structural fiscal reforms that are needed to ensure medium-term fiscal sustainability, Vacher said.

Ukraine's Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko said the IMF is considering not only the adoption of the 2016 budget, “but the execution of all the preliminary conditions and structural benchmarks, the terms of which were scheduled before the end of December 2015, when making its decision about the disbursement of the next tranche.”......
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko excludes metallurgy from priority sectors of Ukrainian economy

Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:23 pm
"Today the Ukrainian agroindustrial complex is a priority sector, as well as IT industry, energy efficiency, modernization of energy facilities, investment in nuclear power, water-storage facilities. And metallurgy? It's no longer among the priorities as requires large investments," Poroshenko said at a press conference.

The president said among the priorities is also the development of military-technical cooperation and the military-industrial complex.

"In the conditions of global destabilization, the demand for products of the Ukrainian defense industry, which, unfortunately, has a unique huge combat experience, and investment in these sectors are very useful," Poroshenko said.......
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty

Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:36 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 14 January [Ukrainian sources]

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