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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:32 am

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News -
Putin attacks Ukraine 55 times yesterday. Similar level of attacks now for 3 days. Higher than before.
Update - one soldier wounded near Gorlovka.

Weather -
+1 now. But normally it might be -7 at night. So although not super, well above average for this time of year.
High of +2 or 3 today.

Last edited by Nelson on Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:59 am; edited 3 times in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Yesterday the terrorists in Donbas continued intensive shelling Ukrainian military

Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:39 am
Total headquarters ATO recorded 55 violations of the truce. Ukrainian military also noted that the enemy stepped across the front line.
In Donetsk toward the enemy with grenades and heavy machine guns fired in strengthening our Mayorsku, Novgorod, Lugansk, Avdeevka, Mar'yintsi, Pisky, Opitnoe and the Butivka mine,
- The press-center staff.
In addition, the direction Mariupol militants for attacks using mortars caliber 82 and 120 mm.
At the headquarters of the ATO also pointed out that in the occupied Luhansk region bosses of fighters arrived from Russia, ...

Very similar report to yesterday. Similar level of aggression from Putin's army.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty German leader Seehofer's Putin visit stokes outcry in Berlin [Engl]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:51 am
...His visit is being cheered on by German business leaders who are keen to get back down to trading, particularly since eastern Ukraine looks set to become just another post-Soviet frozen conflict which the international community decides to leave unresolved.
President Putin may see a chance to exploit this division, in the hope of putting pressure on Mrs Merkel to ease sanctions....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko asks Economy Minister Abromavicius not to resign [Engl]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:00 am
This is getting interesting.
And I'm particularly interested what stance Tymoshenko will take on this.
She wants to be President. So - she wants to bring down the government and have new elections.
But she also wants to be seen as pro-Ukrainian, rather than just pro-Tymoshenko. She has been running a fine line between being part of the coalition, and criticising it at every opportunity.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Health Ministry: Flu kills 185 in Ukraine [Engl]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:03 am
...The largest number of deaths is in Odesa region – 34 cases, 13 cases in Vinnytsia region, and the same amount is in Cherkasy region....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "LPR" terrorists staged an "exercise" for the Russian Federation overlords (

Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:19 am
Militants "LC" staged "representation" for the curators of the Russian Federation (
...."According to the data on the territory of the self-proclaimed" LC "curators arrived from Russia with them came a group of officers of the General Staff of the Russian Federation in order to verify the system operational and combat training of illegal armed groups.", - Said in a statement.
It is noted that in order to demonstrate their training fighters of illegal armed groups in spite of the Minsk agreements 60 minutes of 82-mm mortars were fired in the direction Trehizbenki....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Navel" of the earth Novorossiysk [Russian source]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:34 am
Russian nationalists and Stalinists unite around the ideas of New Russia. In Moscow it was announced the creation of a "Committee on January 25," chaired by former Defense Minister Igor Strelkov DNR. While the area is needed for information exchange, but in the future its founders plan to engage in "gathering of the Russian lands" in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan and the construction of the nation-state....
A bunch of nutcases - fascists and Stalinists united "around the gun".
Civilisation v mad idiots. Ukraine v Russia.

OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Str
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty 'I Love Russia. I Am A Patriot:' Pussy Riot Strikes At Prosecutor [Engl]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:52 am
...The lyrics of the song tell the story of a Russia where, as long as you stay loyal to the leadership, you can get away with practically anything, even murder...
Found the video ))

nice line - "I love Russia, I'm a patriot; but I'd live in Switzerland". )))
Also nice touch with the gold loaf of bread - Yanukovich.
Sort of about the Russian prosecutor Chaika. In English this translates directly as "seagull". hence the bird masks.
Half a million views already. ! Recommended viewing! Very clear Russian.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty U.S. think tank RAND: Currently postured, NATO could not defend Baltic states

Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:12 am
RAND researchers have conducted a series of wargames to examine the threat Russia may present to the Baltic republics and found that as currently postured, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization could not defend the territory, according to a RAND report titled "Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO's Eastern Flank. Wargaming the Defense of the Baltics," by David A. Shlapak and Michael Johnson.

"Russia's recent aggression against Ukraine has disrupted nearly a generation of relative peace and stability between Moscow and its Western neighbors and raised concerns about its larger intentions. From the perspective of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the threat to the three Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania — former Soviet republics, now member states that border Russian territory — may be the most problematic of these. In a series of war games conducted between summer 2014 and spring 2015, RAND Arroyo Center examined the shape and probable outcome of a near-term Russian invasion of the Baltic states. The games' findings are unambiguous: As presently postured, NATO cannot successfully defend the territory of its most exposed members," the analysts said.

"It can be hoped that Russia's double aggression against Ukraine is the result of a unique confluence of circumstances and that it does not portend a more generally threatening approach to the West. However, President Putin clearly appears to distrust NATO and harbor resentments toward it. His rhetoric suggests that he sees the Alliance's presence on Russia's borders as something approaching a clear and present danger to his nation's security. Aggressive acts, angry—even paranoid—rhetoric, and a moderate but real military buildup combine to signal a situation where it may be less than prudent to allow hope to substitute for strategy," the RAND researchers said.

According to the report, Russian forces knocking on the gates of Riga and Tallinn in two or three days would present NATO leaders with a set of highly unattractive options...........................

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty French movie star Pierre Richard regrets his Crimean tour cancelled

Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:24 am
Popular French actor Pierre Richard regrets the cancellation of his Crimean tour, he said at a news conference at Russian news agency TASS on Wednesday.

The actor was going to stage his comedy "Pierre Richard III" in Crimea on February 10 and 11 and almost all tickets were sold out, TASS reported.

"The situation has upset me," Richard said. "I consider myself to be an actor, touring different countries and making people happy, sharing emotions with the audience. I never wanted to be involved in any country’s political problems."

The actor said when the discussions of his Crimean tour became politicized, "we decided I will not go there.".........
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine's gold and forex reserves grow to $13.44 bln

Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:34 am
The gold and forex reserves of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) expanded by 1%, or $142 million, to $13.442 billion in January 2016, according to an announcement on the NBU's website.

The reserves grew after the placement of dollar-denominated domestic loan bonds, which let the government raise $486.1 million. The balance of swap operations was $84.5 million.

The government's payments to repay and service state debt in foreign currency in January totaled $422.7 million, including $344.2 million on repayment and servicing of state securities. Of the total sum, $173.5 million was transferred to the International Monetary Fund.

What is more, the NBU in January 2016 held auctions to sell or buy foreign currency to smooth fluctuations on the forex market. In particular, the NBU bought $43.5 million and sold $117.8 million. The net sales during the January auctions amounted to $74.3 million...........
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russian tycoon's company gets access to five production licenses in Norway

Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:37 am
DEA Norge, a Norwegian-based subsidiary of DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG with Russian tycoon Mikhail Fridman in its supervisory board, was awarded five new licenses by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, through its subsidiary DEA E&P Norge, in the 2015 Awards in Predefined Areas (APA 2015), according to a DEA press release.

Four of the licenses are located in the Norwegian Sea and one in the North Sea. DEA already has a strong presence in both areas, the press release said.

"These awards support DEA's long-term commitment to further growth on the NCS and prove the authorities' continued confidence in DEA's ambitions and competencies," says Hugo Sandal, Managing Director of DEA Norge. "All the awarded licenses are located in DEA's core areas on the NCS, and contribute to the further development of a strong and balanced DEA portfolio in Norway," Hugo Sandal added.

The following five licenses were awarded to DEA E&P Norge: PL 839 Skarv Unit (28.1%), PL 838 (30%), PL 837 (20%), PL 832 (15%) in the Norwegian Sea, and PL 782 SB (20%) in the North Sea.

Awards in Predefined Areas is the annual licensing round for award of licenses in mature areas on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The APA system was established in 2003. This year, the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy is offering shares in 56 new production licenses to 36 companies......................

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Parliament today will consider a number of bills for visa liberalization with the EU (RBC-Ukraine)

Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:52 am
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The missing: what have they done with our sons? [Engl]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:21 am
....“In 12 years work I thought I’d seen a lot of bodily damage,” Andrey Golubovich, the acting director of the Zaporizhia region medical legal bureau, told me. “But when I saw the result of a Grad bombardment, I realised I’d seen nothing.” He held out a palm cupped round an invisible handful. “Sometimes just 150g left from a body.”....
Unusual for the Guardian.
What Shaun Walker's "DNR guys" do for a living, gives this as a result. Russian "humanitarian aid" in 2014 - .
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty One soldier was wounded yesterday in the ATO zone - HQ

Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:57 am
Thursday, February 4, 2016, 12:49
One day in the area of anti-terrorist operation wounds suffered a Ukrainian military.
This at a traditional briefing on Thursday, spokesman of the Presidential Administration Alexander ATO on Motuzyanyk.
"For the past day because of fighting among our dead soldiers were not, but one soldier was injured. It happened near Gorlovki", - he said.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia may ban all elections until sanctions lifted, crisis passed [Engl]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 8:22 am
A Russian political analyst has submitted an appeal to Russia's State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin, proposing to amend the Constitution to refuse from holding parliamentary and presidential elections in the period of economic pressure from the West, which, in his opinion, aims to change the power in Russia, according to Russian information agency RIA Novosti....
Now that is funny! What is the point? The Russian elections are fixed anyway.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, based on information received as of 19:30hrs, 2 February 2016

Thu Feb 04, 2016 8:45 am
The SMM observed a significant number of ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and several in Luhansk region. It continued to visit heavy weapons holding areas and permanent storage sites. The Mission encountered freedom-of-movement restrictions in areas not controlled by the Government.* It continued to facilitate and monitor repair works on critical infrastructure. The Mission monitored peaceful demonstrations in Kyiv and Chernivtsi....
Report dated yesterday.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukrainian lawmakers fret over Western aid after minister's exit [Engl]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:05 am
KIEV: The abrupt resignation of Ukraine's economy minister, followed by several of his deputies, over allegations of corruption has jeopardized Kiev's relations with its Western backers, threatening vital loan aid, politicians said Thursday.
Aivaras Abromavicius quit Wednesday, saying he would not become a "puppet" for corrupt vested interests, and accused a close ally of President Petro Poroshenko of trying to siphon off state funds.
Parliamentary Speaker Volodymyr Groysman said Ukraine was entering a "deep political crisis" and called for a government reshuffle, while several of Abromavicius's deputies resigned overnight. One compared working at the ministry to suffering a "death by a thousand cuts"....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine has its way: OSCE agrees to install cameras in rebel-held territories

Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:47 am
The OSCE has plans to install surveillance cameras in the rebel-held territories, OSCE deputy head in Donbas Aleksander Hug told the Ukrainian News Fab. 4.

The OSCE decision comes after days of protests by the Ukraine army about the lack of cameras in the rebel-held part of Donbas.

The OSCE is to install more cameras in the Donetsk airport area, at the Zhovten mine. These two cameras will monitor the situation in Spartak, Vodyane, Pisky and western fridges of Donatsk, A. Hug said.

OSCE doesn’t need any permits from the rebels to install the cameras, Hug reiterated.

The data from the cameras is encrypted and available only to OSCE staff, Hug confirmed.

I take it the pressure on the Russian OSCE representatives to be fair gave into it.

How sad that the Kremlin controls the UNSC and also the OSCE.

Russia was removed from PACE and the initial G8 (now G7). Perhaps they should be removed from the UNSC and OSCE, including the G20, to send them a message they can't continue to manipulate organizations that are trying to keep the peace. I believe the social media which is a force to contend with is working. Thanks to all.

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia vexed by check of its JCCC representatives on Ukrainian border

Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:27 pm
Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is outraged by thorough inspection of Russian representatives to the Joint Center on Control and Coordination of issues related to the cease-fire regime and the stabilization of the situation (JCCC) while crossing the Ukrainian-Russian border.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing in Moscow, Censor.NET reports referring to UNIAN.

"We are talking about a completely disgusting check and behavior of Ukraine's security forces who required 16 hours to inspect a group of Russian officers at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination, which returned to Russia under a planned and coordinated rotation," Zakharova said.

According to her, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the chargé d'affairs of Ukraine to notify him about the incident which occurred on Feb. 2-3 at Hoptivka-Nekhoteyevka checkpoint at the Russian-Ukrainian border. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko Bloc faction deputy head Kononenko resigns pending investigation: “I and Abromavicius must pass lie detector test”

Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:34 pm

Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction First Deputy Chairman Ihor Kononenko announced his resignation pending an investigation into the statement of Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Aivaras Abromavicius.
Censor.NET reports citing the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction press service.

"I have to make the following statement as for the situation that has developed and charges brought against me by Minister of Economic Development Mr. Abromavicius: Yesterday, I submitted and formally registered an appeal to the National Anti-corruption Bureau regarding the charges put on me. I urged to conduct an unbiased investigation and hold those guilty accountable.

"Secondly, I propose and insist that I and Mr. Abromavicius pass a lie detector test on the charges laid by him.

"And thirdly, I have decided to resign as Poroshenko Bloc parliamentary faction first deputy chairman pending an investigation. I also call on the faction members to support my decision," Ihor Kononenko said. In Russian
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lithuania's Power Play Challenges Russia's Energy Dominance In Baltics (VIDEO report)

Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:04 pm
It used to have some of the most expensive electricity prices in Europe and was reliant on Russia for all of its energy needs. Today, Lithuania is no longer at the mercy of Moscow, thanks to a liquefied natural gas terminal it has developed. The small Baltic nation is now helping its neighbors break their dependence on Russian gas. (RFE/RL's Moldovan Service, Mihaela Gherasim and Alexei Golubev)
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Video Shows Raid On Crimean Tatar Business (VIDEO report)

Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:17 pm
This activist video shows a Russian police raid on the Simferopol headquarters of SimSitiTrans, a business owned by the father of Crimean Tatar activist Lenur Islyamov. Masked men, dressed in black and carrying assault rifles, refuse to answer any questions or present any ID.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia target 450 athletes for Rio 2016 despite uncertainty over IAAF ban

Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:26 pm
Russian Deputy Sports Minister Yuri Nagornykh has claimed the country will have a team of around 450 athletes to this year's Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, despite uncertainty as to whether their athletics team will be able to compete.

The Russian team for the London 2012 Olympics numbered 436 in 24 sports and Nagornykh expects the figure to rise.

That, however, would require a ban issued to Russia by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) to be lifted in time to allow them to compete at Rio 2016.

The IAAF handed out the sanction after the first World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission report revealed widespread state-supported doping in the country, as well as cover-up and blackmail plots.

An IAAF Task Force is overseeing Russia's potential reinstatement, with the country given a list of targets it must meet to be welcomed back into the fold.

A timeframe for a return has not been set, however, so Russian athletics participation is very much in doubt.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Fall in oil price below $33/barrel will be problem for Ukrnafta

Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:13 pm
PJSC Ukrnafta, the largest oil company in Ukraine, builds the budget for 2016 on the basis of the average price of Brent oil of $33 per barrel, Ukrnafta Board Chairman Mark Rollins has stated.

"At that price we maintain profitability, however almost at the breaking point," he told journalists in Kyiv.

"If the price falls below $33 for Brent oil [and Ukrnafta produces a little bit lower quality oil], this will be a problem," Rollins said.

Ukrnafta in January-September 2015 posted a net profit of UAH 4.062 billion, which is 5.3 times more than in the same period last year. Its net income for the first nine months of 2015 increased by 15.5%, to UAH 21.011 billion.....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Death rate from flu in Ukraine reaches 192 this epidemiological season

Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:18 pm
Over 3.2 million people with flu and acute respiratory illnesses have been registered in Ukraine since the beginning of the epidemiological season (between September 28, 2015 and February 2, 2016) and 192 deaths have been registered, the Health Ministry press service reported on Thursday.

"According to operative information, over 3.2 million people with flu and acute respiratory illnesses have been registered since the beginning of the epidemiological season (28.09.2015 - 02.02.2016) in Ukraine, 8.3% of the population have been ill [...] According to operative information, 192 deaths from flu, which have been confirmed by lab tests, have been registered since the beginning of the epidemiological season, including three children under the age of 17 and one death of a pregnant woman. The atypical type A flu virus has been identified in 22 people, the Type B virus has been identified in two people and the Type H1N1 (pdm09) flu virus has been identified in 152 people," the Health Ministry reported.

The most lethal cases have been registered in the Odesa region (34), Vinnytsia and Cherkasy regions (13 each), the Zaporizhia region (12), Rivne region and Kyiv (11 each)...............

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty VOA: Poland relaunches inquiry into 2010 presidential jet crash in Russia

Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:24 pm
Poland's new government on Thursday, February 4, relaunched an inquiry into the death of President Lech Kaczynski in a plane crash in Russia in 2010, a move likely to strain Warsaw's relations with its former overlord, already fragile over the Ukraine crisis, according to Voice of America (VOA).

An inquiry by the previous government returned a verdict of pilot error but the winner of Poland's October election, the Law and Justice (PiS) party led by Kaczynski's twin brother Jaroslaw, says an onboard explosion could have caused the crash, VOA reported.

Speaking at a ceremony to announce the decision, Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz also hinted at an explosion as a possible cause, saying the plane had "disintegrated" meters above the ground before crashing.

Though the PiS has never accused Russia of orchestrating the president's death it has said the Kremlin benefited from the crash, which also killed the central bank chief, top army brass and several lawmakers, triggering a period of political turmoil.........
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine complains over propaganda film about Euromaidan aired on French channel

Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:29 pm
Journalist Ethics Commission will submit a complaint to the Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe on the activities of French Canal+ and Paul Moreira for broadcasting an anti-Ukrainian documentary about Euromaidan, according to the report of the Commission published on its website.

The complaint will relate to the controversial documentary titled "Ukraine: The Masks of the Revolution," which was broadcast on Canal+.

Ukraine requests that France review and evaluate compliance with the professional ethics of journalism of a reporter and editor who prepared the release and took the decision to broadcast the film.

It is noted that the French press has already expressed its readiness to consider the complaint.

Read alsoAzov troops troll Russian propaganda"The complaint will be based on materials of the Ukrainian and foreign journalists who are outraged by tendentiously chosen visuals, syncs that twist the meaning of the comment and, in fact, are the author's attempts to create the "evidence base" that confirms their preconceptions," Journalist Ethics Commission Secretary Tetiana Kotiuzhynska said.....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 04 February [Ukrainian sources]

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