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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]

Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:37 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the day

News -
Sad news. The mad Russians killed 3 Ukrainians yesterday. 7 wounded
Politics - statement just appeared (one hour ago now) on the Presidential website, asking Shokin to resign.
He also seems to urge for a reformat of the cabinet, but does NOT mention Yatseniuk by name.
But he indicates that serious "surgery" is needed. See below for online translation. And link to original (Ukrainian).
Update - Rada held vote to dismiss the Cabinet. It failed. Only 194 votes. Rada session closed at 8 pm.

Weather -
Amazing day. +7 in Kiev. But cloudy. Looks like it will rain.
Tomorrow - still above average, but maybe only +2. But Ok for February.

Observation - So strange - walking around Kiev mid-February, and nobody fishing on the river, no snow, nothing.
People were still dressed up very warmly today despite the relatively high temperatures.

Last edited by Nelson on Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:18 pm; edited 4 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty 3 soldiers killed, 7 wounded in the ATO area yesterday - Staff

Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:41 am
Yesterday in the area killed three fighters ATO, 7 injured - Staff
Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 12:44
Yesterday in the area of ​​anti-terrorist operation 3 soldiers were killed and 7 injured.
This at a traditional briefing on Tuesday, spokesman of the Presidential Administration Alexander ATO Motuzyanyk.
"One day that passed, because of the fighting, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and seven injured," - said the colonel.
According to the colonel, the situation escalated in the area ATO. Every third fire fighters use heavy weapons prohibited "Minsk II."...
Asked by journalists whether the General Staff links the increase in the number of attacks to the "hum-konvoy Putin," the speaker said ATO:
"There is absolutely a direct relationship. Every time the humanitarian convoy of the Russian Federation arrives the next day the number of armed provocations and attacks increases significantly. The conclusion is clear - brought ammunition."

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko urges Yatseniuk and Shokin to resign

Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:50 am
President Petro Poroshenko urged Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Viktor Shokina Attorney General to resign.
The statement has already appeared on the site Poroshenko.
"This morning I had a meeting and thorough conversation with the Attorney General. I turned to Viktor Nikolayevich proposing that he wrote a letter of resignation," - he said.
Poroshenko spoke of Shokin's achievements in implementing reforms, but said that the GPU "failed to gain the trust of society."
"And that is why on the agenda is the resignation of the prosecutor general," - he explained.
He also believes that "with these same standards should approach to government."
"The Cabinet did much to save the country, stabilization of the economic situation and launch reforms. But society clearly decided that mistakes than achievements, and ministers refused to trust" - said Poroshenko.
The President believes that the current can not speak of partial and full reset only the government.
"While the Prime Minister may be possible to choose a better way to give space to implement this request. The total reformat the Cabinet of Ministers should be based on the current coalition of the" Solidarity "," Popular Front "," Samopomich "and " Batkivshina", - he said.
"Especially appeal to the" Popular Front "and its leaders, which the side-by-side passed the hard way, which is believed consider further considers his supporters and political partners", - said Poroshenko.
According to him, the appointment of a new government must be held with the participation and support of all factions of the coalition "on a technocratic basis of reforms."
He also spoke out against the possible early elections and assured the Council that exercise the right to dissolve parliament "only in extreme cases that we simply have no right to prevent."
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The situation in the ATO zone deteriorates; 79 attacks yesterday with mortars and assault guns

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:03 am
Headquarters: ATU situation in the area deteriorated - 79 attacks with mortars and assault guns
Tuesday, February 16, 2016, 6:58
For the past day 79 times pro fighters with mortars and assault guns opened fire on strongholds of forces ATO, there were military clashes with DRG enemy.
The press center ATO headquarters.
For a stronghold of the Armed Forces Zaitsev opponent than 120 mm caliber mortars, opened fire with a self-propelled artillery....
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Address of the President of Ukraine [Pres website]

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:07 am
[Not translated into English yet; expect that hopefully later today. Online trans below - ]

Dear compatriots!
Two years after the victory of the Revolution Advantages of our country has made serious and confident steps towards European integration.
We have launched a number of important and very difficult reforms.
And people demand more.
Obviously, society and government are not satisfied with the pace of change.
Obviously, we need to accelerate the positive transformation to open a second wind for reform.
It is clear that from the beginning, we not up to speed, and generally began to slow down.
The government lost the support of the coalition. To push through the parliament even strategic decisions have to often lend voices of the non-coalition groups and independent MPs.
Tension between the government and factions became so high-voltage, threatening the viability of the coalition. Its collapse is in turn inevitably plunge the country into a deep and long-standing political crisis.
Thus, the government team - as all power that the central, the local - working in very difficult conditions. This hostilities and the destruction of much of the industrial infrastructure. This aggressive closure of Russian market for our manufacturers and our blocking Moscow transit trade to third countries. Finally, there is a drop in world prices for key articles of our exports.
The objective result of such circumstances is multiplied by subjective mistakes. As a result - we have a decline in living standards of citizens of Ukraine and with it - and the people's confidence in government. According to opinion polls, 70% of voters in favor of the resignation of the Cabinet. This is an indicator that absolutely unacceptable for me to ignore.
The Constitution does not give the President the right to directly regulate the relations of the coalition and the government, let alone to decide personnel matters. But as the guarantor of the Constitution, as a man who claimed responsibility for the reform strategy, I can not indifferently watch what happens. While the two buildings on Grushevskogo like hot coals throw responsibility, not moving forward and stagnation whole country.
We lose precious days, weeks, months. And this at a time when the years and decades behind our more successful neighbors!
Out of stalemate requires political will on the part of the President and shared responsibility to the President, Parliament and Government.
This morning I had a meeting and thorough conversation with the Attorney General. I turned to Viktor Nikolayevich proposing that he wrote a letter of resignation.
Victor Shokin implemented the reforms, which the GPU doing opposition for decades, depriving the prosecution general supervision, the establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the State Bureau of Investigation, and more. It is on one side. In addition, GPU, unfortunately, failed to gain the trust of society. And that is why the agenda is the question of the resignation of Attorney General.
With these same standards should be approached and the Government. Cabinet did a lot to save the country, stabilization of the economic situation and launch reforms. But society clearly decided on the mistakes rather than achievements, and ministers refused to trust. Is it not clear that to carry out successful reforms could only government that enjoys the support of fellow high enough?
To restore confidence in therapy are not enough, need surgery.
Moment for partial renewal Cabinet lost. About him talking for too long and as a result - "zabalakaly." [babbling - talking without any meaning.] Now it is obvious request for a full reboot of the Government. While the Prime Minister may be possible to choose a better way to give space to implement this request.
The total reformat the Cabinet of Ministers should be based on the current coalition of the "Solidarity", "Popular Front", "Samopomich" and "Batkivshina."
Especially appeal to the "Popular Front" and its leaders, which the side-by-side passed the hard way; are believed consider further considers his supporters and political partners. Neither the fate of the government as a whole nor any personal ambitions of its members should not affect the pro-European democratic unity of our team. In coalition united not for jobs but for principles. At least people say so, is not it?
Appointment of the Government should be held with the participation and support of all factions of the coalition. On the basis of technocratic of reforms. From professionals without political influence and lobbying interests.
The task of the Cabinet - to ensure the growth of GDP and begin the restoration of life to organize a fair privatization, transparent management of public enterprises, implement strict anti-corruption steps to continue cooperation with the IMF and other international financial institutions.
This will only increase our strategic course towards EU and NATO, to strengthen the country's defense, on the welfare of Ukrainian, strengthening the foundations of our democratic parliamentary-presidential political system.
I am convinced that the country has a reserve time to less than two years for the fourth time to plunge into the election campaign, but also in terms of external aggression.
The internal political war of all against all - is the dream of our north-eastern neighbor. That's why I took the floor and expressed a vision out of the crisis - to avoid the worst-case scenario.
The dissolution of the Verkhovna Rada not the obligation, but only the right president. I will use it only in extreme cases that we simply must not allow ..

The question of restoration of confidence has to be resolved within the walls of Parlamentu.Dovira - a major resource that is needed in order to solve problems of the scale facing our country.
I look forward to Parliament for quick and statist solutions. And for me - will not happen.
Rely on support from the community, dear compatriots.

Last edited by Nelson on Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:41 am; edited 5 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russians banned from privatization in Ukraine by Rada

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:18 am
The Verkhovna Rada has banned Russian citizens and legal entities from participating in privatization of state assets in Ukraine.

The bill No. 2319a-д was supported by 257 deputies, Censor.NET reports citing 112 Ukraine.

The document suggests that privatization should be prohibited for buyers and beneficiaries acting as legal entities registered in the countries which the Verkhovna Rada has recognized aggressor states or against which Ukraine has imposed sanctions. Legal entities whose shares are owned in any quantity by a resident of an aggressor state are also banned from privatization.

All potential buyers, in addition to liability for accuracy and completeness of data submitted in order to take part in privatization, are obliged to prove their right to purchase state property. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty USA to give Ukraine border surveillance equipment

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:31 am
The first sets of such equipment are already undergoing customs clearance, Radio Svoboda reports Feb. 16.

Ukraine’s arms producer Ukroboronprom Corp. reiterates readiness to manufacture surveillance equipment in Ukraine in a joint project with Americans,

The equipment will soon be installed at the Ukrainian border. They can spot movements of people, vehicles or vessels in the border area.

Ukraine engineers have already prepared foundations to install the equipment, Ukroboronprom director Roman Romanov says.

The first systems are to be installed on the sea Black Sea border. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Security measures enhanced in Kyiv due to terrorist threat

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:37 am
On Tuesday, Feb. 16, increased security measures were announced in Kyiv due to a threat of terrorist acts.

Censor.NET reports citing TSN.

See more: Militants from Moscow brought their child to Donbas, train him to shoot and kill, - blogger. PHOTOS

The security measures will last from Feb. 16 until the end of events commemorating the second anniversary of Revolution of Dignity and bloody events of Feb. 18-20, 2014 at Maidan. Police announced that 4,000 police officers will be guarding the streets of the city together with police dogs. Five groups of bomb disposal experts will be on duty these days.

Law enforces will also install frames and use metal detectors, as well as might ask to show personal belonging upon a check-up.

On Monday, Feb. 8, unknown person informed of mining of the Kyiv state city administration building. Bomb disposal experts and police officers operated at the scene. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russian militant videoed beating Donbas resident to death

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:53 am
The man videoed being mercilessly tortured by a Russian militant has been recognized by local residents who confirm that the man was Alexei F., a resident of Komunar (on the outskirts of Makiyivka) who, ironically, had himself supported the Kremlin-backed rebels back in 2014.  The residents say that he vanished in October-November 2014 and it has now, unfortunately, become clear what happened to him...
Shaun Walker's "DNR guys" doing their "work" for Putin.
Video is at this link. I haven't viewed it.
It was on youtube, but has been blocked.

Last edited by Nelson on Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:00 am; edited 3 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia completely bans Ukrainian trucks from its territory

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:53 am
The Russian Federation has completely suspended the movement of Ukrainian transit vehicles through its territory.

Censor.NET reports referring to Russia's Ministry of Transport press service.

"In view of the ongoing blockade of Russian trucks' movement across the territory of Ukraine, which started at noon on Feb. 16, 2016, the Russian Federation completely suspends the movement of Ukrainian transit cargo vehicles through its territory. Delivery of goods to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, stipulated by the decree of the president of the Russian Federation of Jan. 1, 2006, No. 1, will be continued by the carriers from other countries," the statement reads.

As noted, the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport has so far suspended the movement of 324 Ukrainian vehicles through the territory of Russia.

"The restrictions will stay effective until the settlement of the situation around blocking Russian vehicles by the Ukrainian side," the authority stated, adding that "as of noon, Feb. 16, 2016, the movement of Russian trucks across Ukraine is still obstructed. It is impossible to enter its territory from the European countries." In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Militants from Moscow brought their child to Donbas, train him to shoot and kill, - blogger. PHOTOS

Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:57 am
Terrorists in the Donbas engage children in their activities.

Blogger Myroslav Oleshko wrote on Facebook, Censor.NET reports.

"Parents from Moscow (Tanya Mosayeva) came to seize Crimea, received awards from Aksenov, and proceeded to wrestle away the Donbas along with other fighters and Russian military. They've brought their child, train him to shoot and kill. Sick bastards!" he wrote and published a few family photos of Russian terrorists.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  640x800 In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty See Oligarchs' Mansions On The London 'Kleptocracy Tour'

Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:10 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The parliament introduced a resolution of no confidence in the Cabinet

Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:10 am
The leader of the faction "Block Petro Poroshenko," Yuriy Lutsenko introduced to the Verkhovna Rada a resolution of no confidence in the Cabinet signed by 158th MP. Told informed source.

According to the law on the Cabinet of Ministers, resolution of no confidence is considered accepted if for it voted not less than 226 deputies. If it is supported by the government resigns. If a sufficient number of votes is not reached, the matter can not be lifted before the end of the current session of Parliament.

Earlier it was reported that the Verkhovna Rada at the evening plenary session will consider the confidence in the government, if it collected 150 signatures.

Who listens to the Verkhovna Rada a government report. Watch the live broadcast. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Shokin wrote in his resignation - media

Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:13 am
Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin wrote a letter of resignation. This was reported Ukraїnska true , citing a source in the Prosecutor General's Office.

Recall now the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in his address to the nation he said that this morning he had a conversation with Shokin, during which he called on the Attorney General to resign .

In addition, the President requires a complete reboot of the government. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russian fighters sent to Donbass two echelons with military equipment, ammunition and fuel

Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:20 am
Russia continues to supply weapons to militants in the Donbass, and military equipment. It is reported General Directorate of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine.

"There are new weapons supplies facts and military equipment, ammunition and fuel and lubricants Russian armed forces in the occupied territories", - informs the intelligence.

According to her, the railway station, the two-tier Ilovaysk arrived with military equipment (12 tanks, BMP-six), ammunition (500 tons) and diesel fuel (up to 300 tons). In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In "Oppobloke" believe that the war in the Donbas can be stopped by adopting appropriate laws

Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:35 am
Implementation of the Minsk agreements - the only way to resolve the conflict in the east of Ukraine. This was stated by the chairman of the faction "opposition bloc" Yuriy Boyko on the results of the meeting with the German-French delegation.

According to him, representatives of the foreign delegation, which included the Commissioner in Eastern European affairs, the Caucasus and Central Asia, Andreas Peschke, authorized the Minister of France, Florence Mangin, Ambassador of Germany to Ukraine Christoph Weil, was interested in resolving the conflict in the east of Ukraine.

Boyko said that the only way to resolve the conflict in the east is the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

"The main thing now - to avoid the frozen conflict - to which we, unfortunately, came when ended active hostilities", - the politician said.

According to the MP, the conflict in the Donbass should be resolved by political means. "We need to enact appropriate legislation, and in addition, it is important to support and mediation in Europe", - said Boyko. In Russian

They of course, as all of us know are supported by the Kremlin. They would want nothing more than to give Dombas region federalism which is what they want. And if there are parties that aren't from POR that are in the opposition, it's those that want to see Poroshenko purely fail. So there shouldn't be any kind of laws that will go further than decentralization, which gives more responsibility for each region to do what's right for that region, and it gives the people more say in how the region's run. That is how it is in the US states. But no federalization.  

And also, Tymoshenko would want nothing less than Poroshenko being removed, and we all know why. She's a power hungry witch and has always been, since I've known her for the last 12 years. Don't put it past her to vote for the change in the laws to accommodate DNR and LNR and also to appease Putin, like she did, when she agreed with the $400 price on gas from the Kremlin. Wonder how much she made personally, from that deal.

DNR and LNR want to power to dispute government laws in front of the Rada, and they also want to be free to deal with Russia, without any say from the Ukrainian government. That won't happen. You'll have Kremlin trash in the region's local governments. We know that's been in the works for some time in that region and also in the Rada, via POR. So they must adhere to Minsk or continue to have their own troops abandoning them and less support from the Kremlin coming in. Russia would rather run the war on their own, seeming they're already in. So stop ANY change in Minsk.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Russia equated caravans demonstrations

Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:08 pm
The Russian State Duma adopted in the first reading of a government bill, which equates to a mass protest shares caravans and tent camps.

During consideration of the bill by representatives of all factions, except the "United Russia", voted against the proposed amendments.

We are talking about changes in the law "On Meetings, Rallies, Demonstrations, Processions and Picketing", according to which the rally will be equated to the demonstrations and tent camps - to picketing.

This means that if the bill is approved, the organization of caravans and tent camps have previously agreed with the officials, otherwise the participants will face a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.

Explaining the need for the bill, its authors cite statistics Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2014, in Bashkortostan, Belgorod, Moscow, Rostov, Chelyabinsk regions, as well as in several other regions have been protests, during which the tents were installed in public places. In total, the statistics, in the 27 regions of Russia held 126 events, which were attended by 4000 people with 1500 vehicles. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Rada in session now. Live on tv

Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:13 pm
Litvin, another old bandit from the Yanukovich days, currently talking in the Rada.
Could be an exciting evening to watch - we'll see.
Live now on Rada tv at 1913 hrs.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "This government did its possible best," - Yatseniuk [Engl]

Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:20 pm
...."We are well aware that there is discontent with the government, the parliament, and all Ukrainian authorities. But I call on you: no matter what your decision will be, we have no right to stop. We laid the foundation of a new country. Let us together build a new Ukrainian home, a new European Ukraine, which this nation deserves. We will accept any decision of this parliament. Regardless of this decision, I ask the parliament, the president, and responsible political class to continue going the path of reforms," the prime minister concluded. ....
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "President is right - country is in political turmoil due to PM’s reluctance to hear voice of Ukraine," - MP Lutsenko

Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:24 pm
Looks like Yatseniuk is the sacrificial lamb.
Who do they replace him with?
I agree with what he said - he put Ukraine onto the European path.
But the populists will have their day. The Batkivshina main spokesman is talking now -
big taxes, hryvnia falls - it is all Yatseniuk's fault. No. It is the result of trying to move the economy on 20 years in 12 months. And requirements of the IMF for billions in loans. The old politicians still have the old Soviet brains. And many journalists also. Young and old, Ukrainian and English speaking also.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Rada registers bill on no-confidence vote in Ukrainian Cabinet [Engl]

Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:29 pm
So - looks like the entire cabinet will go. And then what - weeks of talking about a new cabinet?
And what will change?
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Rada in session - Deputies literally lining up to have a go at Yatseniuk

Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:41 pm
Live tv.
Lots of obnoxious deputies having a go at yatseniuk. Prices are up. Gas prices up....
The babushkas will be clapping their hands. And Putin and Tymoshenko and maybe some at the Yulia Post - Kyiv Post, who still dream of kissing Tymoshenko's butt.

Yatseniuk replying right now.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty My opinion - Yatseniuk spoke very well. Groisman now talking

Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:47 pm
yatseniuk spoke well. Yes, everyone is blaming him for putting up gas, communal charges. etc etc.
But he did what was necessary. Lots of reforms to move Ukraine forward.
Groissman asked the Rada to think carefully about what they are doing - dismissing the cabinet.
He is talking now. 1947.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Various votes at the moment. But - my opinion - I think the cabinet will be dismissed

Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:55 pm
Rada is very very noisy. Like wild-animals baying for blood.
They want somebody to blame for all the unpopular decisions that have been made.
Lutsenko talking now. 1954.
But I am fairly sure that the cabinet will be dismissed.
And then what? I do not see anybody to replace him. Nobody will want his job.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty On the European Square to the parliament goes 5000th column (PHOTO)

Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:11 pm
About five thousand activists with state flags and banners demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk headed by the European Square on the street Grushevskogo to the Verkhovna Rada.

Activists have occupied two lanes of the carriageway of the street Grushevskogo.

The column is now stretched from the stadium Lobanovskiy name to the building of the government, reports UNIAN.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  O-00416412-n-00362292

The protesters accompanied by police patrol, and the National Guard under short about 30 men.

Vehicle traffic on the street Grushevskogo completely blocked.

At the beginning of the column car rides with sound reinforcement technology, of which dealt Ukrainian folk songs. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Rada session closed. No vote on dismissing the cabinet

Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:11 pm
Just finished. 2008.
Had a vote of those who do not trust the cabinet. Only got 194 votes. So Yatseniuk survives another day or two maybe. Not sure.
Anyway, Rada session closed.
My opinion. The most intelligent person in the Rada is Yatseniuk.
And now everybody is baying for his blood. A lot of really obnoxious and stupid language used in the past hour.
Populism gone mad. At times I wonder if it is worth Ukraine surviving when I see how many idiots seem to always end up in the Ukrainian parliament.
Idiotic school kids. Why of why can't they work together for the good of Ukraine?
Answer - money, and greed, and money.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Rada failed to get the Cabinet to resign (Left Bank)

Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:14 pm
Verkhovna Rada failed to adopt a resolution of no confidence in the government. The draft scored only 194 votes with a minimum of 226.[needed]
Prior to this, MPs urgently collected 159 signatures (at least - 150) for bringing the matter to a vote the resignation of the Cabinet. The project has made the head of the Bloc Petro Poroshenko Yuriy Lutsenko.
"For" vote 136 deputies from the BPP, 28 no party, Oppoblok 8 members, 25 deputies from the "samopomich", 15 members of the Radical Party, 6 deputies from the group "will of the people" and the 15 members of the "Batkivshina" . "People's Front" and the "Renaissance" did not give any votes.

So why did the vote fail??
Coalition members (265)
Petro Poroshenko Bloc (139)  People's Front (81) Self Reliance (26)  Fatherland (19)
Opposition (107)
Opposition Bloc (43) Revival (23) Radical Party (21) People's Will (20) Non-affiliated (50)
Vacant (28)

So most of the Poroshenko block, Samopomich, Batkivshina, and Radical Party voted for the dismissal of the Cabinet.
But they didn't get 226 votes!!!
BPP 136/139 Samo 25/26 Batkivshina 15/19 Radical 15/21. Voted to dismiss the cabinet.
Telling - Opposition block - only 8 / 43 voted for dismissal. And no-party, only 28/50. Volya Narodu only 6/20 .

Last edited by Nelson on Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:38 pm; edited 3 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Parliament failed to express no confidence in the Government

Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:25 pm
The Verkhovna Rada did not support the draft resolution of no confidence in the government. "For" vote 194 deputies needed at 226.

Thus, Parliament can no longer trust the government to initiate this session.

Recall now the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in his address to the nation he said that requires a complete reboot of the Government .

The Verkhovna Rada has recognized the government's performance unsatisfactory. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Can't be another vote of confidence in the Cabinet this current session

Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:43 pm
I think I found what I was looking for here -
I was wondering if they can do the same thing tomorrow, and have another vote - but no - I think....
Parliament closed the evening session
The Verkhovna Rada has closed the evening plenary session.
This was announced by chairman of the parliament Vladimir Groisman, Tsenzor.NET reports with reference to Ukrainian News.
Read the "Tsenzor.NET": The resignation of the Cabinet failed. For confidence in the government voted 194 deputies
The meeting was closed after the vote was made the adoption of confidence to the Cabinet of Ministers resolution (implies the resignation of the entire government structure) and has not received the minimum required 226 votes.
The question of the responsibility of the government, according to the Constitution, can not be considered by Parliament more than once during a single session.

next question -
how long does the current session of parliament last for?!
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty 4th session of Rada - length

Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:54 pm
02 FEBRUARY 2016, 10:43
Verkhovna Rada Chairperson Volodymyr Groysman hoping Parliament's work during 4th session will be more effective
( Press Secretary of the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine )

Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Groysman hopes that during the fourth session, the Ukrainian Parliament's work will be more effective.
Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Groysman said this in his opening speech at the Tuesday plenary meeting.
The Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada reminded that during the morning part of the plenary day, the Ukrainian legislature will close the third session and within the framework of the evening part of the plenary day it will open the fourth session....

So - they can't have another vote until maybe November this year.
The 2nd session (last year) ran from February to July. I don't think the 3rd session started until November!
Interesting stuff.
But - how can the coalition survive when almost all of Batkivshina and Samopomich voted against the cabinet?!

Last edited by Nelson on Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Fatherland," recalling his minister from the Cabinet

Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:55 pm
The leader of the faction "Fatherland" Yulia Tymoshenko said that the faction withdraws Youth and Sports Minister Igor Zhdanov from the government. She announced to journalists on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada.

"We are now, as a fraction, declare that we are withdrawing our only Youth and Sports Minister in the government of Mr. Zhdanov. And it depends on how it will make that choice ", - said Tymoshenko, quoted by UNN .

Recall, the Verkhovna Rada recognized the unsatisfactory work of the government , but did not support the draft resolution of no confidence in the Cabinet. In Russian

This witch of the east will do whatever her obsession for power will take.

She helped bring down Yushchenko and now she wants to bring down Poroshenko, so she can get a head-start to get herself in Bankova. I hope all Ukrainians realize why she's doing this. Trying to break down the cabinet with her own moves.

If there's issues with the cabinet which there might be, they should be recalled and start a new cabinet, but by their own doing, or by Poroshenko. Not from some crazes oligarch that wants again to rule Ukraine like Yanukobich did. Remember, she made a deal back in the late 2000's to share power with him. AND! That's a fact which I'm well familiar with.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Yatsenyuk victory was formal, the Cabinet will not be able to carry out reforms - Lutsenko (MFN)

Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:05 pm

Last edited by Nelson on Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty OSCE chief warns against erosion of Nato-Russia ties (Financial Times)

Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:08 pm
The system of checks and balances that has maintained the military concord between Nato and Russia is breaking apart, the man charged with overseeing it has said.

Endorsing remarks at the weekend from Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s prime minister, that the world had stumbled into a “new cold war”, the head of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe told the Financial Times that the situation was in many ways worse.................

To read further go to this link:

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty So - now what for the Rada? Opinion

Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:20 pm
Yatseniuk and his Cabinet surivived the vote of no confidence.
The initial resolution only got 194 votes out of the required 226 to send them packing.

BUT - most of the votes against the cabinet came from coalition partners.
And now Lutsenko - in charge of the largest block - Poroshenko block - has called for a re-shaping of the cabinet.

Tymoshenko, who wants to be President, has already withdrawn her minister from the cabinet. She is still playing games.
She is part of the coalition, but is actively working against it. A traitor within, one might say.
Liashko has left the coalition. But - he realises if there is a new general election, then probably his party will disappear.

What does Yatseniuk do? He can try and stick it out. If Samopomich and Tymoshenko want new elections, then they can withdraw from the coalition!!!
But will they??
Political games. Ukraine. Political games. And instability.

What to expect? A lot of negotiations over the next 2 or 3 weeks, before the next meeting of parliament.
And if most of the cabinet stay, then what? Bring down the coalition is the only other option, for people who want new elections.

Footnote on the opposition block
Read here that 33 of their deputies were "absent". Probably still on holiday on an Egyptian or Thailand beach.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Eastern Europe defies the gloom (Financial Times)

Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:40 pm
Region posts growth of almost 4% as cheap oil fuels spending boom

A commonly heard refrain in the current doom-laden environment is that the slump in oil prices is failing to spur consumption and economic growth in oil-importing nations, and is thus proving a powerful headwind for the global economy at large.

Fortunately, the good burghers of eastern Europe are not listening to this mantra and are happily spending their oil-induced windfall, providing a bright spot in the prevailing gloom...............

Recommend to read further, if you have access to Financial Times, the go to this link:  

Seems what Russia wanted to do to Europe is actually aiding them in many ways. The fall in oil prices took effect, soon after a meeting between the Saudis and the US, in efforts to decrease the amount of income for Russia. Since then per this report, many European countries have come out smelling quite well. So! IMO, what Russia's plans were to get back at the low oil prices has backfired on them. And this was without the likes of the EU, as they didn't have anything to do with the lowering of oil prices. And for them lagging on aiding Ukraine, now they have a major issue with what the Kremlin's caused with the influx of immigrants. So they shot themselves on the foot. I don't see a bright future for the EU. It's possible that European countries might be better off without them.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 16 February [Ukrainian sources]

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