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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:28 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the course of the day

[Comments by Nelson]

News -
I'm reading this morning of continuous attacks by Putin's army on Marinka.
Either Putin wants to take this town, or he is trying to get rid of some mercenaries - maybe save some money.
Shirokino was shelled a lot this morning, but reports now say that the shelling has finally stopped.
Poro has signed the Rada resolution telling the SBU head to go. Dismissed.

Weather -
blue sky and sunshine, but cooler than last week. Perhaps 22 as a high. - 70 odd.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:43 am; edited 3 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The annexation of the Crimea brings Russia to a loss of the Far East - EC

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:31 am
The annexation of the Crimea Russia and the enormous costs of maintaining the Kremlin seized the peninsula steadily divert increasingly scarce resources of the northern neighbor. At the same time the Russian Far East comes to desolation, and becomes dependent on demographic and financial resources of the People's Republic of China.
What can cause such short-sightedness of Russia, in the near future, has analyzed the section of "Delta" group "Information resistance".

"Sacred Places"

Russia remains the largest country in the world, occupying an area of ​​over 17 million square kilometers. But in 2014 Putin this was not enough and he decided to get even "sacred place" - Crimea. As a result, more than a year, the Russian government is trying to present itself and its citizens annexation of Crimea as the greatest achievement of the Putin regime and the whole of Russia. Although fashion except dividends (within the country) Crimea Russia does not bring and unlikely to bring - only some costs.

Russian plans to increase the group's own aircraft in the Crimea peninsula will make in the near future into a huge military base. As you know, the military do not make money - they require expenditures. However, the Russian government has plans for socio-economic development of the Crimean peninsula and even illusions regarding the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait.

The bridge to the Crimea via the Kerch Strait at the last count is estimated at 300 billion rubles. Even at 750-790 million rubles a year will need to allocate for the maintenance of the bridge. Thus, only the implementation of the federal program and the construction of a bridge in the Crimea the Russian government for 10 years, plans to allocate from the budget of about 1 trillion rubles. And that's not counting military spending.

Places lower "sacredness"

Last year, the Russian government approved the state program of development of the Far East and the Baikal region for the years 2014-2025. The total budget allocation for the implementation of this program for 2014-2020 amounts to more than 346 billion rubles. Recall that the needs of the Crimea for 5 years allocated approximately 2 times the budget - 708 billion rubles.
It should be noted that the particular importance the Russian government assigns to attract foreign investment in the development of the Far East, in particular from China.

"Soft penetration"

May 24 at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, vice-president of China Li Yuanchao, speaking to members of the Kremlin leaders, outlined a vision of cooperation between Russia and China in the Far East: "Our cooperation is mutually reinforcing. As said our business in Russia, a vast territory, and in China most hardworking people in the world. If we can combine these factors, we obtain significant development. In Russia, a large area and few people in China - on the contrary. " Also, according to him, Russia and China may be created in the Far East, a single economic zone.

On June 11, the Chinese edition of the "People's Daily" reported that the Corporation "Zoje Resources Investment" (PRC) has confirmed the signing of its subsidiary "Huae Sinban" June 2 agreement with the Government of Trans-Baikal Territory of intent to lease for 49 years, fallow land and pasture area 115 thousand hectares for farming. According to data announced, rent fallow lands and pastures will be 250 rubles per hectare per year. In turn, China is planning to invest in agriculture in the region is about 24 billion rubles.

However, the implementation of an investment project in China connects Transbaikalia with the decision of the Russian authorities to lift the quotas on the stay of foreigners (ie Chinese) is the territory of the Russian Federation. In particular, the Chinese side is not satisfied with the existing border and migration regime in Trans-Baikal, which is seen as an obstacle for the implementation of the project the use of agricultural land in Russia.

In this regard, it seems that the priority for China will transfer its citizens to Russia for permanent residence for a period of 49 years rather than the development of agriculture, which is used as legalizatsionnoy screen. Mindful of the hard work of the Chinese, do not forget about their fertility - t.e.cherez 49 years instead of conventional subjects in 1000 in China Baikal is home to two or even four thousand hard-working people.

Chinese statement and Russian ministers indicate that the improvement of the socio-demographic situation in the Far East will take place exclusively at the expense of the Chinese people. A high-tech development in the region will be limited agriculture. At least, as long as the Chinese are their numbers will not create conditions for the urbanization of the Far East. And after 50 years, the Chinese recall Russia the right to their own history, their language and the right of nations to self-determination.
Then the question arises: should seize the Crimea, to 50 years in disgrace losing their territory larger than the area of ​​the peninsula several times. After the huge sums of money that go on looting and conditional socio-economic development of the Crimea, it could be to put to better use in the development of the Far East. And Ukraine with Crimea anywhere would not go away. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Head of "Dusi" Berezenko accused of bribing voters in Chernihiv (VIDEO)

Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:25 am
Parliamentary candidate for the electoral district №205 in Chernihiv region, the head of the State Administration Sergei Berezenko and his campaign headquarters was accused of buying votes they locals.

This was on condition of anonymity said the witnesses, reports RBC.

According to them, as the voice of local people offer 400 USD, and intermediaries - 1000 UAH for search and agitation ready for such a deal voters.

Thus, the network has a video in which a witness reported that employees Berezenko Staff working in areas predominantly inhabited by retirees.

"June 12 around 21.30 in the house came to us a young man who offered to be the" agitator "by Sergei Berezenko. For this, he proposed UAH 1000 and 400 hryvnia in case of victory of the candidate of each of the" short list ", which I will point out. I think it does no credit to any candidate or his team, "- he says. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Lilia Shevtsova said, when the split the Russian elite

Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:29 am
If sanctions against Russia will continue, they may cause more severe cracking within the Russian elite, and possibly split.
Such an assumption was of a Russian political scientist, journalist and historian Lilia Shevtsova in an interview with "Observer" .
"Now we can observe clear signs of fear and discontent with sanctions, did not manifest in the first round of the elite, and the second and third, which belong to the people working at the Kremlin. All the elite, irrespective of the field of activity - the raw material area," Gazprom "," Rosneft "" Rosvooruzhenie, "" Russian Railways "- has developed its own way of survival and way of life" - she commented.

All of them, according to Shevtsova, receive dividends in Russia and transferred them abroad, thus forming the Russian elite community in the Western world.

"Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, Austria - I know many Russian businessmen, who live there and earn Russia a rotational basis. This elite rent, and she, of course, by the method of the pro-Western their interests, but by the process of anti-Western sources for their production survival. She wants to close the Russian society, isolate it from the West, left open the border only for themselves, "- says the analyst.

According to her, they did not want Russia's transformation into North Korea and unhappy sanctions that violate at least in part their ability to live a rotational manner.

"People associated with the West, business partnerships, Timchenko, Miller, the same Sechin, whose multi-billion dollar contract for the exploitation of new fields in Eastern Siberia and the Arctic zone has been violated because of the sanctions, of course, unhappy," - says Shevtsova.

She drew attention to the fact that the sanctions restricting Russia's debt refinancing and Russian access to world financial markets, enter into another very important point: the Russian Federation can not export technologies which can be used in the defense industry, as well as the technology needed for research and mining, limited the possibilities of export of capital, the possibility of financing public-private partnerships. That is a huge blow for raw elite.

"And if the sanctions continue, they can certainly cause more severe cracking within the elite, and possibly split. But it is too early, while the principle of loyalty and survival of the system itself and around Putin regime prevails over the desire to, shall we say, to get away from it all. And the revolt of the elites, of course, happen if further pressure will be provided, and if this pressure will cause the crisis within "- sums Lilia Shevtsova. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The bishop does not believe that the Pope Francis will change "diabolical nature" of Putin

Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:33 am
Bishop of Kharkiv and Zaporizhia RCC Stanislav Shyrokoradiuk not share optimism about meeting Pope Francis with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This he said in comments "Internet Options."

"I do not share the optimistic point of view, because Putin has Putin. Such people do not change," - said the bishop. According to him, "it is the devil's stubborn nature - to the end he will be the same." In this context, the bishop added: "The problem is the devil that he can not repent," so "the people who shed a lot of blood, it's hard to beg the grace of conversion."

"The Pope prays for him, Dad tells him what to say. But he will take note of this? I doubt it. He can unscrew the opposite. He might say," I understand the Pope, the Pope supports me. "Better yet, ask the Pope blessed him such a thing. And this can ask for. "

"Observer" asked the bishop what today can make the Pope Francis to help solve the problem of the armed aggression of Russia towards Ukraine? "He does what he can. He has not goldfish or the Lord. He - vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, the successor of St. Peter. He turns, he appeals, he calls, he always says he is praying. The Pope has appealed to the country, clergy for help Ukraine - material and spiritual. It is also of great importance - if the pope asks for help Ukraine ", - added the bishop. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Donbass caught korrektirovschitsu terrorists "Minor": photo

Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:39 am
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] 141451

Ukrainian security officials in the Donetsk region in the course of the special operation detained a resident of the village. Mironovsky, born in 1981, named "Small".

This was reported by the head of State Ministry of Interior of Ukraine in Donetsk region Vyacheslav Abroskin.

Lined, at the request of his cousin Ruslan Gordienko, born in 1985, militants DNI, gunner named "proud" of it to collect and transmit information on the location of the APU products, the number and types of military equipment in the residential areas under the control of Ukraine, close to Debaltsevo (Mironovsky, Luhanka, Rota, Red Plowman).

Four months of "Small" to collect information, including local residents and reported "proud" of his requests, the information gathered.

"Some time after her messages to specified military positions APU clumping of heavy artillery from Debaltsevo. Then" proud "she called back and wanted to know whether the successful hit. For the militants had been detained and informant and spotter", - the report says.

According to the court remanded her in the form of arrest.

Delayed supposedly repented and gives detailed evidence for his work on the terrorists.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] 602908 In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:08 am
Russia's conflict with Ukraine, including the annexation of Crimea, can drag on for decades-Khodorkovsky (Crimea. Realities)
[It probably all depends on how long "dictator for life" Putin lives for. ]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:11 am
In Nikolaev knocked down Lenin monument (detail)

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Stela-prostojala-s-1977-goda_rect_7c0dd4d442a3888aab2417da075f506d
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] 11425178_1610627345860154_5283614310075779305_o
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:15 am
Three times separatist fighters tried to break into Mar'ïnka -the headquarters of the ATO
The situation in the zone of ATO was complex, but completely controlled by Ukrainian units that, in particular, the militants almost 80 times shelled their positions and three tried to break through the defenses.
About it informs the press-centre of the staff of the ATO.
Last day, June 17, militants of the Russian-terrorist troops three times tried to break our defense Maryinka, and Luhansk oblast. Our units are successfully repelled the attacks of the enemy, said in the summary.
In General, during the last day had 79 times opened fire on positions of Ukrainian troops along the entire line of delimitation of the whole of the existing arsenal in them. "In particular, were forbidden the Minsk agreements at levels 120, 122 and 152 mm, as well as the RSZV" Grad ".
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:49 am
According to Soros, Europe is not doing enough to help Ukraine (UBR. UA)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:58 am
New details of the explosion in Donetsk: 44 occupiers destroyed or missing (' 97)
New details of a massive explosion in Donetsk, which posted storage base heavy shells at the municipal plant chemical products. As it turned out, as a result of the incident 29 Russian military killed, and 6 wounded.
[Apparently while unloading shells from Putin's "humanitarian convoy". ]

Last edited by Nelson on Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:02 am
Map of the fighting in the East of Ukraine (FaceNews.UA)

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Ato18
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:08 am
3 Ukrainian fighters killed in the Donbass, 14 injured (Commander-in-chief)
"Over the past 24 hours as a result of the fighting, clashes and provocations, three Ukrainian military were killed and 14 were wounded," said Lysenko.
As we have informed, the militants in the past days, 17 June, three times tried to break through the Ukrainian position near Mariinka (Donetsk region). In General, including the battle of Mar′inkoj during the past days, the militants again fired at the 79 positions of Ukrainian troops across the boundary line from the entire available arsenal.

Marinka, two Ukrainian military dead (Donbass)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:51 am
Russia Won't Comment on Aid to Greece Ahead of Tsipras Visit ]in English]
While his government is locked in those talks, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is traveling to Russia, his second visit since April, to meet President Vladimir Putin. Tsipras' visit has given rise to speculation that the Greeks could be seeking Russian loans.
Tsipras is traveling with four cabinet ministers and is due to arrive Thursday and stay in St. Petersburg until late Friday, when he will meet Putin.
Asked by The Associated Press whether Russia is going to offer Greece money, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said he "cannot comment on specific decisions."

Greece - the new Nazis in Europe. Refusing to repay 50 billiion borrowed from Germany alone, and now kissing dictator Putin's butt for money for themselves.
Lazy, fascist, thieves, with Ukrainian blood on their hands. = Greeks.
The absolute lowest life-forms in Europe.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:02 am
France Gave Advanced Shipbuilding Techniques to Russia Before Mistral Deal Frozen ]in English]
France transferred several pieces of advanced technology and know-how to Russian shipbuilders before the Mistral warship deal was put on ice following Western sanctions, a news report said Thursday.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:17 am
Putin Versus a Vast Conspiracy ]in English]
[rather bizarre, in my opinion]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:24 am
Meet the foul-mouthed governor fighting to hold Ukraine's war-torn east together [in English]
Earlier this year, President Petro Poroshenko signed a law turning parts of the government-controlled areas of Ukraine's two rebellious regions — Donetsk and Luhansk — into “military-civil administrations.”
That means Moskal, a commanding figure who often speaks in a peculiar mix of Russian and Ukrainian, balances day-to-day administrative tasks with ensuring security in the heavily militarized region.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:33 am
Ukraine crisis: Violent arrest of leading Russian reporter fuels fears for journalists covering the conflict [In English]
Novaya Gazeta reporter Pavel Kanygin had gone for a meeting in a café with officials from the rebel Donetsk authorities on Tuesday. He told The Independent that he was held, beaten, and subjected to a five-hour interrogation by the Donetsk security services before being released on the Russian side of Ukraine’s border crossing.
He was accused of being a drug addict and working for “hostile” Ukrainian media. “They took a urine sample and within two minutes said that I was positive for a whole range of narcotics.

[Sounds just like Russia. No law. Bandits rule ok in the Donbass.]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:01 am
United States and the EU are ready for tough sanctions against Russia (European truth)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:04 am
The threat of radiation found in Donetsk Donbass: chemical plant had stored nuclear waste (Explorer)
Became known [at Minsk] the latest military plans of terrorists DNR-LNR (' 97)
At best they are going to sign a document on the withdrawal of part of the weapons.
[Basically nothing.]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:13 am
Putin has too many friends in the EU -  a member of the European Parliament (Сегодня.ua)
Fear of war makes people justify the actions of the President of the Russian Federation, believes Harms
Russian President Vladimir Putin have too many friends and supporters in the European Union, so it has no need to think about a de-escalation of the conflict in the East of Ukraine. This was stated by the head of the Greens in the European Parliament Rebecca Harms in an interview Meduza portal.
"The main problem is that Mr Putin very many friends, too many support him — supported until very recently. Someone is afraid of war, such as the Germans. The Germans are pacifists, and especially against the war with Russia, and there are good reasons, "she said.
"Fear leads people to try to explain and justify all that comes from Mr Putin," said Harms.
"Among supporters of Putin many influential people, former chancellors, European Commissioners and so on. And until his false statements about Ukraine, fascists seized power in Kiev, find support in Germany, France, Great Britain, until these influential people argue that Russia's actions cost objective reasons — he need not think about leaving (the situation.-ed.), "said MEP.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Donbass counted about 42 thousand. Militants

Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:53 am
Russia continues to accumulate along the border with Ukraine, a significant number of troops, some of whom continue to be illegally on the territory of Ukraine. On this day, June 18, at a briefing in Kramatorsk deputy head of ATU Sergey Galushko.

"Just along our borders, Russians hold 45 battalion tactical groups of 18 company commander and tactical groups. In our territory we are talking about 15 battalions and six battalions. The total number of units of Russians are now in our territory is 8960 persons, 190 tanks, 532 armored vehicles, 153 artillery systems unit, "- he said.

Galushko noted that along with the illegal armed groups "DNR" and "LC" common militant groups account for 42,000 people, more than 550 tanks, 1470 armored vehicles, 520 artillery pieces, more than 280 combat vehicles of various types. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian airborne troops are ready for rapid operations abroad

Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:57 am
As part of the Russian Airborne Troops formed more than a dozen airborne and air assault battalions are ready to instantly respond to sudden threats to Russia's security. This was stated by the Commander of the Airborne Troops Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov.

"For immediate parry military threats from any direction is now a part of our troops there for more than ten battalions of the VDV, which are able to proceed immediately to perform combat missions both in Russia and abroad", - said the commander.

However, he stressed that "the battalion immediate response give a modern means of strengthening and support, as well as the required number of military transport aviation."

In the course of a rapid reaction force (RRF) on the basis of the number of battalions VDV immediate response will increase significantly, Shamanov said. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty British expert: Russia needs a "Minsk-3" to finally destroy the independence of Ukraine

Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:07 pm
Senior Visiting Fellow of the Royal Institute of International Affairs Chatham House (UK) James Sherr said that Russia is seeking the adoption of the new Minsk Agreement, which will be spelled out in even worse conditions for Ukraine to destroy its independence. He said this in an interview with "Commander in Chief" .

"What is happening is a clear logic. First, Russia has violated the so-called agreement Minsk-1, violated the most direct and provocative way - began a massive offensive. In response, Angela Merkel, who had been committed to an extremely tough stance, did not say: "OK, now we give up its denials concerning the supply of weapons to Ukraine." Instead, she jumped at the "Minsk-2" agreement, which eventually turned out to be even worse than the "Minsk-1". And it sent a clear signal to the Kremlin that if you click on them to break the agreement, they will go for another big concessions. And we have seen what happened at Marinka. This is a great violation of the agreements ", - said Sherr.

According to him, from the Russian side it was a reconnaissance in force. "This is a prelude to something big. Undoubtedly, after the "Minsk-2" Russia wants to achieve conditional Minsk-3, even the worst of the agreement (for Ukraine), and finally destroy the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine. This is what they are doing. And the signals that they receive from the West, saying that it is quite possible ", - the expert believes.

He also said that the agreement "Minsk-2" filled with risk, uncertainty. "In fact, they secured the freezing of the conflict in Ukraine. While at first we exclude this possibility. All that will happen in the future in these occupied territories, will take place only if there is agreement on the illegal authorities ("DNI" / "LC"), which we do not recognize. If the Kremlin wants it, this situation will last forever, "- said Sherr.

He believes that "Minsk-3" is possible. "But whether it will be effective? Of course not. Quite the contrary. We all need to change the direction and substance of this policy, "- said the expert. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:45 pm
About 40 attacks. Separatists continue to fire on Ukrainian positions (Island)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty .

Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:52 pm
"DNR" demands an amnesty (
One of the acknowledged leaders in Ukraine to terrorist groups "DNR" Denis Pušilìn requires from Kyiv to adopt a law on amnesty, according to UNIAN.
As stated by Pušilìn, which with reference to separatists quoted by Radio Liberty, this law is "an integral element, which will hold elections in Donbas.
"Without this law, there can be no election," said Pušilìn.

Terrorist Strelkov threatens to come back (
[Calls the current terrorists "clowns". Says "unlikely" that he will return]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Minister threatens to expose "Ukrnafta" to sell, if you do not pay the 5 billion USD of debt

Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:53 pm
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of seven days may revoke a license "Ukrnafta" on the extraction of natural resources. This was during a briefing the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Igor Shevchenko.

"If" Ukrnafta "will not pay 5 billion debt within 7 days, then its license for the extraction of natural resources will be canceled, and the company will be put up for sale", - he said.

Recall that during the last meeting of the Supervisory Board Chairman of "Naftogaz Ukraine" Kobolev reported that, according to him, "Ukrnafta" has 6 billion hryvnia debt on tax payments.

The chairman of the Supervisory Board, Peter Vanhecke said that "Ukrnafta" in 2014 paid more than 6 million hryvnia taxes owed to the state and only 1.7 billion, and not 6 billion as the chairman of Cobol. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:58 pm
The outskirts of Donetsk are again under fire
In Donetsk on the outskirts of a fight. Fighting in the northern outskirts of the city of Donetsk, said in a statement. According to some reports, the fight goes in the region of the village of Oktyabrsky....
"For nearly an hour from the West and Northwest, mostly large decor small interspersed with bahami, arrivals does not seem to be," according to local residents.
In addition, people hear the work of mortar and small arms fire....
The sounds of the shots heard in Voroshilovsky and Kalinin regions of Donetsk
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty "Gazprom" has agreed to build a new gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:05 pm
Today, June 18, the Russian monopolist "Gazprom" has signed with European gas operators memorandum on the construction of a new gas pipeline to Europe under the Baltic Sea. It is reported by the press service of "Gazprom".

Signatures to the relevant documents delivered today Chairman of the Board of "Gazprom" Alexei Miller, board member of E.ON SE Klaus Schaefer, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell Ben van Burden and a member of the Board of OMV AG Manfred Leitner.

"The memorandum reflects the intention of the parties to implement the project of construction of two gas pipeline strings off the coast of Russia through the Baltic Sea to the German coast. Performance of the new pipeline will be 55 billion cubic meters. m per year, "- said in a statement.

The press service also reported that in the near future the parties will proceed to the creation of a joint company for the new project.

The parties also noted that the draft of such a plan is very important for the stability of gas supplies to Europe, and announced plans to expand cooperation with "Gazprom" in the project "North Stream". In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:07 pm
Kramatorsk and Slavyansk again under fire artillery. Video



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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The US and EU are going to accelerate the introduction of new sanctions against Russia

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:10 pm
In the United States and the European Union prepared a new sanctions against Russia in case of strengthening its military aggression Ukraine and want to speed up the process of imposing sanctions. This writes The New York Times.

A new approach in the framework of the strategy of "sanctions on line" will introduce restrictions against immediate energy and financial sectors of the Russian economy.

Last resort for the most serious violations will be stiff financial penalties, including shutdown of Russian banks from the system SWIFT.

Minimum restrictions include expanding blacklist of Russian officials and businessmen who will be denied entry to the West and prohibited business practices in Western countries.

US and European officials added that the new measures will be aimed at restricting exports of Russian energy, the excommunication of Russian banks from international financial markets and the deprivation of Russian companies to conduct profitable business opportunities abroad.

Washington insists on measures against foreign "daughters" of Russian companies, as well as against the new sectors of the economy - mining and engineering, according to RBC. Restrictions in the energy sector could include sanctions against businesses engaged in gas exploration or production and installation of equipment for the production and transportation of oil shale.

The administration of US President Barack Obama noted the importance of coordination of sanctions with Europe in order to achieve the maximum economic benefit. However, the need to harmonize sanctions by all 28 EU Member States leads to delays in the process of administration. As part of the renewed strategy will be agreed in advance restrictions.

The West fears that militants in the summer and the Russian Federation can launch an attack on Kharkov, Mariupol or occupy the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which are under the control of the Ukrainian government.

Yesterday it became known that the ambassadors of the EU countries have agreed on the extension of sanctions against Russia for another six months - until the end of January 2016. They will be extended sanctions on energy, defense and financial sectors of the Russian economy. "It is expected that during the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the EU in Luxembourg on Monday, June 22 sanctions will be extended for six months, without discussion," - said a source in the EU. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:14 pm
Tony Blair speaks at Putin's 'vanity forum'... and considers a job with Ukraine
Tony Blair appears at St Petersburg International Econonomic Forum, hours after he is offered a post advising the President of Ukraine...
Mr Blair appeared on stage in St Petersburg in a session hosted by Herman Gref, the chief executive of Sberbank, an entity which has been hit by US sanctions in response to the annexation of Crimea and the presence of Russian troops and tanks in eastern Ukraine.

[This guy is one mega-scumball multi-millionaire. Maybe billionaire now. ]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty OSCE expects escalation of the conflict in the Donbas

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:22 pm
OSCE Mission warns that the possibility of a sudden intensification of hostilities in the ATO high.

On Thursday at a briefing in Kiev, said the Special Representative of the OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine Michael Botsyurkiv.

"Despite the fact that the situation over the past 48 hours remained relatively calm, the possibility of a sudden intensification of hostilities remains high," - he stressed.

According Botsyurkiva, the overall situation in the Donbass remains unstable and tense.

"The level of hostilities remained high. The parties continued to exchange fire in most cases - artillery and mortar "- said Botsyurkiv. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty .

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:23 pm
Putin the uniter [ In Englsih]
The changing mood manifests itself on Ukraine’s streets. There is a movement to boycott Russian goods: markers noting “Russian products” dot Ukrainian supermarket shelves. A sign in Kiev’s Museum of Mikhail Bulgakov (a Kiev-born writer who wrote in Russian) tells visitors who “support the military occupation of Ukraine” that they are not welcome. Not far from the Friendship Arch, vendors who once sold Soviet kitsch now tout patriotic Ukrainian wares and anti-Russian souvenirs. “The selection has changed with the people’s tastes,” says Artyom Shumilov, who sells varieties of toilet paper plastered with Mr Putin’s face at his stall in Kiev’s Andreevsky Descent.
The longer the war drags on, the more entrenched opinion becomes.

[not a bad article]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:29 pm
Putin ally proposes early election to get through Russia's storm [in English]
It is not clear whether Kudrin has discussed his idea with Putin, who won a six-year third term in 2012 and is eligible to run in 2018, or whether it is backed by others in the Kremlin.
[Bizarre - Putin would get elected even if he ran on a ticket to shoot everybody in Russia.
The only reason for an election would be PR - propaganda - when he gets a 108% turnout, beating Yanukovich's 107 in Donetsk.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:33 pm
EU Agrees to Extend Economic Sanctions on Russia Until January [in English]

[So - will Putin decide he has nothing to lose, and launch a new attack?]

Lack of Action Questions Forum's Reform Agenda [in English]
While two years ago German Chancellor Angela Merkel came to the event and held talks with Putin, this year Alexis Tsipras, Greece's recently elected prime minister, was the only Western leader expected at the forum.
[Putin's joke forum in St P with Tony Blair, German scumball ex President Schroeder, and other scumballs. ]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty .

Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:53 pm
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
I used to have respect for the Moscow Times, but now...
an amazingly strong anti-American article about Ukraine, which, as far as I can tell, uses the word Nazi numerous times, but doesn't mention Putin once.
But I have only skim-read it....
Is this the beginning of the end for the Moscow Times? One of the last "independent" papers in Russia?


Losing Patience With Ukraine Mess (Op-Ed) [in English]
...neo-Nazi ideology...wear the Nazi wolfsangel ...Hasn't the West already had enough of the Nazis.....
at least the semblance of presidential elections as soon as possible after Maidan, and after that, equally questionable elections for the Verkhovna Rada. ...
are unaware that those "Nazis" are not simply handing out flowers among the civilians of eastern Ukraine.,,
...The "Nazis" only "notified" Poroshenko of their maneuvers....
it is possible that Ukrainian neo-Nazis will lead the next revolution.....

We are talking mega-propaganda value here. How many times can you use the word "nazi" in a paragraph?
The author, Pyotr Romanov - the same name as Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia?  -
well, I can't find much about him, except that he worked alongside scumball Shaun Walker at Russiaprofile, and later RIA Novosti... say no more...
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Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:17 pm
Paris Air Show: On board Antonov's new cargo aircraft [ín English']

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty British expert James Sherr: Signatures on the "peace agreement" will not save Ukraine

Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:32 pm
Senior Visiting Fellow of the Royal Institute of International Affairs Chatham House (UK) James Sherr in an interview with "Commander in Chief" said that does not consider the peace accords really effective way to resolve the conflict in the east of Ukraine and Donbass free from Russian occupants.

"Neither the NATO countries, as Ukraine is not a member of NATO or the UN can not solve the issue of weapons of Ukraine. How then Ukraine can effectively defend themselves? "- Said the expert.

He believes that no signatures "peace agreement" will not help Ukraine. And our country must strengthen its forces to counter Russian aggression in Ukraine.

"It requires practical help not only from the West and NATO, as well as significant efforts on the part of your defensive structures. We need to create such institutions, which will be able to ensure the country's defense, including civilian agencies, "- said James Sherr. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Donbas is millstone around Putin’s neck, expert says

Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:44 pm
The Kremlin rulers have not decided what to do with the occupied part of Donbas, political analyst Vitali Portnikov writes in June 17.

“If the rebel leaders implement the Minsk agreements, they will pave the way to the disappearance of their breakaway republics. What will their leaders do after that? Will they get a new assignment from Moscow, like the former TransNistria leaders did moving over to Donbas?

“It is quite possible that they like their present assignment. Where else will they get such a possibility to line their pockets? Even if they go back to Russia and get lavish pensions, such rewards cannot compare with the possibilities the racket in Donbas gives them,” Portnikov says.

“They have realized in the Kremlin that Ukraine does not want the destroyed Donbas and its loss won’t kill the Ukrainian government but cause the feeling of relief.  But the paradox is that Russia doesn’t or ever wanted Donbas either.

Russia needed Donbas as a noose around Ukraine’s neck,” Portnikov says.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Senate Passes Defense Bill Over White House Objections

Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:51 pm
The Senate voted 71-25 to approve the bill, which Obama has threatened to veto.

The bill now must be reconciled with the version passed by the House of Representatives.

Democrats have objected to the way the National Defense Authorization Act avoids congressionally mandated spending caps by pouring extra money into a war-fighting fund that is not subject to the caps.

Top Senate Democrats wrote their Republican counterparts ahead of the June 18 vote, urging the two parties to enter negotiations to end the across-the-board budget caps known as sequestration.

Obama and Democrats argue that any move to lift sequestration on the defense side should be met with similar action on domestic, nonmilitary spending.

The measure allots $300 million worth of military aide to Ukraine, including radars and antitank weapons.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko says Russia changes tactics towards Ukraine

Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:16 pm
Russia has changed its tactics towards Ukraine, which is now facing new challenges in view of Russian aggression, according to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

"Russia has changed its tactics," Poroshenko said during a meeting with senior officers of the Security Service of Ukraine, or the SBU, during which the president introduced interim chief of the SBU Vasyl Hrytsak, who had worked as the SBU's first deputy chairman prior to his appointment, according to the presidential press service.

Poroshenko says that if earlier the Russian Federation counted on military success along the contact line, it has now set a task to intensify subversive activity inside Ukraine amid the increased efficiency and combat capacity of the Ukrainian army.............. In Ukrainian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Eagles do not bow to bears, I’m sure that NATO will not bow to Russia either! – US Air Force Secretary

Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:42 pm
Air Force Secretary Deborah James at the Paris Air Show stated that Russia was as the “biggest threat on my mind” while listing the greatest threat faced by the U.S. Air Force.

Air Force Secretary underlined the U.S. could deploy a squadron of F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Europe in response to the stepped-up aggression by Russia in the region................

Read further at link:
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty DNR SAYS NO SHORT-TERM SOLUTION TO CONFLICT IN DONBAS

Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:58 pm
One of the leaders of the Donetsk People’s Republic militant organization, Denis Pushylin, has said that one should not expect a quick ceasefire in the Donbas.

According to Pushylin, "the pace of implementation of the set of measures of the Minsk Agreement" does not suggest the ceasefire regime.

"I am disappointed by the pace of work on the agenda of Minsk talks, this pace does not suggest we can talk about an imminent ceasefire. It is necessary to understand why there is inertia in the talks," Pushylin said. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty US senators are allowed to provide Ukraine lethal weapons

Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:34 pm
According to the adoption of the draft law is expected to provide military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $ 300 million. Assistance will include radar systems and anti-tank systems, the report says the agency AFP, reports Deutsche Welle .

As it is known, until now, Washington has provided Ukraine only non-lethal weapons, such as SUVs, equipment, radar systems and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Recall, US senators overwhelmingly allowed Ukraine to provide lethal weapons. This item contains adopted on Thursday, June 18, the majority vote of the Senate of the law on the defense budget for the next fiscal year. The adoption of the financial plan of the Pentagon in the existing wording occurred despite warnings from the White House.

Pentagon spending volume of 612 billion US dollars maintained their votes 71 senator. 25 members of the upper house of parliament voted against the American.

The new fiscal year begins on October 1, this year. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty We are waiting for the riot? BMP terrorists in Lugansk crushed 3 women (PHOTO)

Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:55 pm
The number of victims of accidents caused by terrorists in the BMP in Lugansk has increased to three.

It is reported the so-called "PGO" LC ".

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Thursday 18 June [Ukrainian sources] 330x220_741692

"On Thursday, June 18 BMP" People's Militia ", moving from the market" Kolos "down the street Smolenskaya for unknown reasons, while crashing into pavilon.Po least parse the rubble resulting from the accident, was found a third body. As a result, killing three women, "- said in a terrorist department.

"A criminal case on grounds of crime under Part. 2, Art. 415 of the Criminal Code. The mechanic BMP placed in the brig," - said the "prosecutor's office", adding that currently under examination for its location in an intoxicated state.

It is also noted that in connection with an event "will be thoroughly investigated and those responsible for the deaths of civilians will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. In the case of a guilty plea combat vehicle crew members, he faces up to 10 years in prison."

As reported by the "Observer", on March 16 in Konstatinovke under the wheels of airborne combat vehicle found themselves three pedestrians : Girl, 8 years old, died on the spot, woman and child who was in a wheelchair, were taken to hospital.
After the tragedy of angry residents threw stones convoy brought the bus to the hostel war, knocked the glass out there and burned the bus. In Russian
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