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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]

Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:02 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the day

News -
68 attacks yesterday by Putin's forces on Ukrainians. Update - 4 soldiers wounded.
Impressive article in Bild (German magazine) stating that Putin fully controls the Donbass, with a functioning "Shadow" government. All Russians. See below.

Weather -
Another beautiful morning. Warmer than yesterday. +6 now at 10 am. High again near 12 predicted. Spring.

Last edited by Nelson on Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:22 am; edited 2 times in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Militants shell along the boundary line - ATO

Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:05 am
ATO: shelling were militants across the boundary line
Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 7:11
The militants over the past day 68 times fired on the positions of Ukrainian forces along the boundary line.
The press center ATO headquarters reported on the page in Facebook.
The most active militants of action observed in Donetsk area.
When terrorists fire fighters got the Supreme Court in areas Mayorska, questionnaire, Novgorod, Lugansk, Lenin and Nevel.
"During this period near Zaitsev and Avdeevki militants fired Ukrainian soldiers with prohibited weapons 22 times. The number of issued enemy mines and 82 120 fire at our positions exceeded the number 250. Also nearby Zaitsev illegal armed groups brazenly violating the Minsk agreement used by Ukrainian artillery caliber receiver units 152 mm ", - said the headquarters.
In Mariupol direction with small arms, grenade launchers, machine guns, large caliber were fired position forces ATU in areas Talakivtsi, water, Starohnativtsi. Near Shyrokynoho gunmen used mortars.
In Luhansk the positions Ukrainian fighters in Novozvanivtsi worked AGS. Near Happiness by ATU forces fired sniper.
Also, gunmen opened fire from a grenade launcher in the homes of civilians in Novooleksandrivtsi.
"It should be noted that in order to keep their positions Ukrainian military opened fire 20 times in response to small arms and grenades. Overall, the situation remains difficult but controlled by the ATO", - the headquarters.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Bild: Putin fully controls the occupied Donbas

Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:14 am
[Original I believe here. But blocks me.]
Russia has complete control over the occupied areas of Donbas.
This writes the German newspaper Bild, citing documents.
Thus, according to the records of the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission to provide humanitarian support to victims in South-eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine in the State Duma of the Russian Federation of 23 October 2015, the Russian government took under its control all the activities of the occupied regions.
The Commission was established in December 2014. It actually serves as the shadow government Donbass.
Control the breakaway regions of six working groups of five Russian ministries.
The shadow government controls the Donbass finance, taxes, restore infrastructure and industry, transport infrastructure, creating electricity market, trade, energy and more. Thus, the area regarded as occupied sovereign territory of Russia.
For example, among those who manage Donbass referred to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, who is also a close friend of Putin, Deputy Economic Development Minister Sergei Nazarov, Deputy Finance Minister Leonid Hornin. Manages the shadow government of the FSB.
The publication writes that at a meeting of the committee was a representative of DTEK, owned by Rinat Akhmetov....

You have to put your ad-blocker off to view Bild.
But also see, in English

Putin's shadow government for Donbas exposed: BILD Exclusive
The records of the "Inter-ministerial Commission for the Provision of Humanitarian Aid for the affected Areas in the Southeast of the Regions of Donetsk and Luhansk" from October 23, 2015 reveal what observers have long feared: The Russian government is steering all affairs of the "separatist areas" in the east of Ukraine, Germany's BILD newspaper reported on Wednesday, with reference to the documents obtained....

The commission, which an insider referred to as "shadow government of the Donbas" while talking to BILD, includes Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and close friend of Vladimir Putin; Deputy Minister for Economic Development Sergey Nazarov, Deputy Minister of Finance Leonid Gornin. The secret service "FSB" has supervision over each working group.
As the sole Ukrainian, a representative of the Ukrainian energy giant DTEK owned by the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov was present at the meeting in October last year, according to the record.......
As BILD has found out, regular meetings of the Commission were actually held at intervals of two to four weeks. But nothing was known about their content – until now.....

And the Greek scumballs still want to drop sanctions against Russia?
Boycott Greece. Boycott anything Greek.

Last edited by Nelson on Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:54 am; edited 3 times in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Batkivshina" will not join Groisman's Cabinet - Tymoshenko (Columnist)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:51 am
"Motherland" will not go to the Cabinet Groisman - Tymoshenko (Columnist)
Obvious. So they can criticise and criticise, and build up a following for the next elections.
Tymoshenko wants to be President. 100%.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In the "Narodni Front" still waiting for a new coalition with Lyashko (24 channel)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:01 am
In the faction "People's Front" still hope that the Radical Party faction will join negotiations on a new coalition.
This Wednesday morning on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada said the head of the faction "People's Front" Maxim Bourbaki, "Interfax-Ukraine".
"Now the negotiations. Maybe Radical Party after all, still aware that we need to overcome this crisis continue to promote the country to return to negotiations", - said Bourbaki.
According to him, the position of their faction remains unchanged: the coalition should be formed in a constitutional manner. He added that not surprised by the position of "Batkivshina."
"Julia has long taken the role of an opposition party in the coalition, it is always critical of the government and did not support the budget and program of government action," - said Bourbaki.

Well well well.
Sounds just like what I wrote in the post above about Batkivshina. Yulia wants to be President. Even if Putin becomes PM.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Four soldiers injured yesterday in the ATO zone - Staff

Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:24 am
At night in the area ATO injured four soldiers - Staff
Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 12:48
One day in the area of ​​anti-terrorist operation 4 military wounded.
This at a traditional briefing on Wednesday, spokesman of the Presidential Administration on ATO Andrei Lysenko.
"Last night there were no losses sunk, but four soldiers were wounded," - he said.
According to Lysenko, last night dramatically stepped up attacks on militants in the Lugansk area.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Tymoshenko claims that her ultimatum will not worsen relations with the IMF

Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:35 am
What she says here is different from what she said a few days' ago.
She was talking about reducing the price of gas and electricity for everybody. And the hryvnia also back to the old Soviet days.
Good for electioneering -
Free gas for all. Free electricity. 8 hryvnia to a dollar.
Tymoshenko - the ultimate survivor, populist, billionaire, and politician.
Aside -
I had some visitors last weekend. One was chatting on Skype with his laptop - with his friends. Two teenagers.
His friends were sat together - in shorts.... yes... that is all. Just shorts.
Where, is western Europe do you sit in shorts when it is 5C outside? Ukraine. Soviet heating mentality. Things need to change.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Bankova tried to put together a coalition without Tymoshenko

Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:44 am
Bankova tried to put together a coalition without Tymoshenko
Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 11:10
On Tuesday evening at the presidential administration tried to assemble a coalition without the services of Yulia Tymoshenko.
This "Ukrainian Truth" said deputy Serhiy Leshchenko.
"The president and the leadership of AP held a number of meetings with unaffiliated majority constituencies, inviting them to join factions MFP and the Popular Front in order to prove the strength of the two factions to a size that will 226 votes" - said the deputy.
"So try to neutralize Tymoshenko golden share. On whether the game managed to bring Tymoshenko is understandable, will announce the introduction to fractions NF MFP and deputies are not members of these factions," - said Leshchenko.
As reported, on Tuesday Tymoshenko had a personal meeting in the office of Speaker Volodymyr Groisman, where she voiced their demands.
As you know, the recent negotiations were conducted on the format of the coalition of the Radical party of Oleh Lyashko, but at the meeting of March 29 statement was issued in which radicals withdraw their signatures under the coalition agreement.

Looks like they've reached a dead-end.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko starts 4-day working visit to U.S. [Engl]

Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:47 am
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko to discuss Sakvarelidze's return to PGO with new PG [Engl]

Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:49 am
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is planning to discuss with the new Prosecutor General the reinstatement of the dismissed Deputy Prosecutor General Davit Sakvarelidze and his team, Sakvarelidze said in an interview with the Ukrainian news magazine Novoe Vremya after his meeting with the president....
The guy Shokin sacked before he himself was sacked by the Rada.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Terrorists use antipersonnel mines prohibited by Geneva Convention near Avdiivka, - ATO press center

Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:26 am
....POM-2 is a self-destructing mine which triggers itself after the combat operation period (from 4 to 50 hours) expires. At the Donetsk direction, Avdiivka is the only settlement where such an inhuman weapon is employed. Pro-Russian mercenaries are ready to go to any length to move forward in this area of the front, using advanced weapons of Russian production," report notes.
Putin throwing more and more evil into the Donbass. Revolting man - on a par with Hitler, in my opinion.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko Bloc faction: Radical Party leader wants to chair Rada [Engl]

Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:38 am
...."I can confirm that the Radical Party is seeking the speaker's post," deputy head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc's faction Oleksiy Honcharenko told reporters at the Verkhovna Rada on Wednesday....
Liashko later announced his party would remain in the opposition, as their proposals had not been taken into account.
He also said his faction would not support incumbent speaker Volodymyr Groysman's candidacy for the post of prime minister.

Plus and minus.
Liashko is a complete and utter clown. Real nutcase. As a speaker he would have everybody laughing.
But - at least there would be a coalition....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Putin’s dilemma: Why pushing back against NATO “encroachment” makes Russia’s NATO problem worse

Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:50 am
...One reason why Moscow’s long-term security outlook vis-à-vis the West is likely to deteriorate in the coming years is obvious: the Russian economy is trouble. That was true before the Ukraine crisis, the collapse in oil prices, and the imposition of Western sanctions made the country’s economic travails even worse....
[ending] ....some kind of compromise between Kyiv and Moscow over the status of Crimea.....

Idiot. Like Chamberlain with Hitler. Peace in our time. Idiot.
"some kind of compromise"  - with a Russian occupation???!
Author is some American university prat who doesn't understand history..
And also doesn't have the vaguest idea what Ukraine has gone through to simply get to where it is now.
One short lesson for this prathead goofball -
1939 - Hitler invades Poland. America - mmm.. does nothing. Leaves UK alone to fight against Hitler.
1940 - Hitler fights on. Invades other countries. America does ... mmm... nothing...
1941.... America does... mmmm ...  nothing.
1942 - Pearl Harbor... oh dear me.... What has happened?
"Oh dear me. We can't do nothing now. ."

"Oh say - does that star-spangled White flag still wave...
O'er the land of the free and the home of the wimps". This guy's real national anthem.
Let's all hope the people in Congress and the White House are not so stupid this time round. Prevention is better than cure.

A nice photo - actually taken yesterday - which cleverly represents American foreign policy in 1939.
Yes - the guy on the left is the Air Egypt hijacker. Note the suicide belt. The guy on the right - an idiot. What a photo!

OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Amer39
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Ivano-Frankivsk first passenger flight from Turkey was met with a round loaf (Zik)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:41 am

Last edited by Nelson on Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poltorak: 60% of applicants for senior positions in the Ministry of Defense did not pass the polygraph (RBC-Ukraine)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:44 am
60% ????!!!! SIXTY!!!
"Mr Putin offers you 100 dollars to betray your country, and reveal the location of Ukrainian troops. Do you accept his offer?
"no"... Beeep.... red light. = lie.
Follow up:
"Thank you for coming to interview. Regarding the results, don't phone us; we'll phone you".
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The Deputy PM of Russia declared his innocence regarding control of the "DNR" and "LNR" (Radio Liberty)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:53 am

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak not involved in the management groupings "DNR" and "FSC" that control areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, said its spokesman.

Commenting on the Russian TV channel "rain" post German newspaper Bild , which wrote about shadow control from Moscow occupied territories, a spokesman Kozak said at the Russian government listed as vice-premier, and there is not a word that he is engaged in some regions outside Russia.

Bild published an investigation, which states that the factions "DNR" and "FSC" in the occupied territories of Eastern Ukraine manages shadow government from Moscow, which controls all areas - from the collection of taxes and funding the restoration of infrastructure to trade in energy.

Beeeep... Red light  = lie.
[re the allegations, documents, in Das Bild. ]
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty [Russian] Paratrooper from Ryazan died in Donetsk, fell from railing in the shopping center (Visitor people)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:07 am
From the 3rd floor. [UK = 2nd floor]. Not a big fall really, but - apparently very drunk. One more heading back to Russia in a box.

OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Ruspar

Last edited by Nelson on Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty OSCE observers recorded the mortar shelling of Gorlovka (UNN)

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:34 am
But nothing will happen. Peacekeepers are needed. But Russia, of course, blocks any move in this direction. Putin and Lavrov want war, dead bodies.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The Ukrainian military note another batch of Russian "cargo 200".

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:43 am
Ukrainian soldiers "drawn up" another batch of Russian "cargo 200"
Wed, 30/03/2016 - 16:23
In the battles of Avdiyivka Russian occupants continue to be irrecoverable loss and health.
This was reported by the press service of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR), the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
"Recorded another loss in the connections 1 AC (Donetsk), the Armed Forces, participating in clashes near the settlement Avdeevka. March 29 - three killed and five injured Russian military intelligence units 3 (Gorlovka) and 5 (Donetsk) separate motorized rifle brigade, operating as part of sabotage and reconnaissance groups ", - reported in the WTP.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty US accuses Russia of dismantling security agreements

Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:34 am
Russia is “slowly but surely” dismantling the security and arms control agreements that were put in place in Europe at the end of the Cold War, according to a senior US state department official.

Speaking ahead of a major international nuclear security summit in Washington this week that Russian leaders are boycotting, Frank Rose, assistant secretary for arms control, said that Russia now saw many of those agreements as a sign of weakness.

“My personal view is that Russia no longer sees value in that architecture put in place at the end of the Cold War,” he said, citing Russia’s withdrawal from a conventional weapons agreement and its alleged testing of medium-range ballistic missiles..................

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Son of Odesa ex-mayor Bodelan wanted in House of Trade Unions arson case

Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:43 am
The National Police has updated its wanted list with one more person: former chief of State Emergency Service Department in the Odessa region, son of former Odessa mayor Volodymyr Bodelan. The case concerns the investigation of the tragic fire in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, May 2, 2014.
Censor.NET reports, referring to Interior Ministry official website.

Bodelan is wanted by the police as a suspect in committing an offense under part 3, article 135 (deliberate abandonment of a person in life-threatening conditions, resulting in death or other serious consequences) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In Russian/русский

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Odesa judge who was found to be a bribe-taker by NABU attempted suicide, - head of Judicial Council

Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:48 am
The Judicial Council has announced a suicide attempt by Malynovskyi district of Odesa city judge Oleksii Buran, who is suspected of bribe-taking.

This was announced in the Council's press service statement, Censor.NET informs.

"Head of Judicial Council Valentyna Symonenko is concerned by the fact that during the detention of a judge of the Malynovskyi district court of Odesa, who is a subject of a pre-trial investigation under the criminal proceedings on the grounds of a criminal offense (part 4, article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - receiving undue gains), the methods and actions of National Anti-Corruption Bureau and National police officers led to a suicide attempt of the suspect," the press service notes.

According to Symonenko, law enforcement agencies, which are often interested in making crime's prevention and investigation a "bright theatrical show," do not care that such actions "concern the fate, health, and life of a person": "Our history already saw similar attitude to a person in the '30s of the last century, therefore, this kind of history repeating in democratic Ukraine is redundant."

"It's a shame that our modern society sees the position of judge as closely connected with corruption and unfair practices," Judicial Council complains.

"I call on all law enforcement officers, judges, court and all judiciary personnel to remember that the honor and dignity of a human being is the cornerstone of the Convention on human rights and the basic feeling of a person living in the society. Neglecting the honor and dignity of another person can lead not only to suffering but also to their death," Symonenko summed up.

On March 29, the NABU reported that the judge of the Malynovskyi district court of Odesa opened fire at law enforcers and escaped during an attempt to apprehend him while accepting a bribe in the amount of 500,000 hryvnia (about $18,500).  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia police say blast kills officer, Islamic State claims responsibility in Russia's Dagestan region

Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:14 pm
One police officer was killed and two injured late on Tuesday when two vehicles were blown up by an explosive device in Russia's Dagestan region, police said, while the Islamic State group said it was behind the attack, according to Reuters.

"Two cars were blown up, the type of explosive device has not been established yet," Fatina Ubaidatova, a spokeswoman for the Dagestani police, told Reuters by phone.

The Amaq news agency, which supports the Islamic State group, posted online a statement saying its local affiliate was behind the attack.

The Amaq statement said the blast killed 10 security officers. Reuters was unable to independently verify the casualty numbers.........
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Time bomb": media reveals how Opposition Bloc MPs offer Ukraine to legalize "DPR-LPR"

Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:19 pm
According to bill No.4297 tabled by a group of Opposition Bloc’s MPs, in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, determined according to the Minsk agreements, the Rada shall create an inter-regional territorial association Donbas (“MTO Donbas”), according to Chetverta Vlada.

In addition, MTO Donbas, as an integral part of the territory of Ukraine is supposed to enjoy the status of inter-regional association with an independent state administration system, according to the draft law. The MTO is formed on a temporary basis and shall not be an independent subject of the system of administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine.

The bill also stipulates that the authorities and local government of MTO Donbas decide on the establishment, structure, the number of units of people’s militia for the protection of public order and coordinate their activities.

The publication reports that, according to the bill, the supreme representative body in MTO Donbas shall be the Representative Assembly of MTO Donbas, which shall perform representative, rule-making, control functions and powers within its competence.

The head of MTO Donbas shall be elected on the basis of “universal, equal and direct electoral law by secret ballot for a term of five years.” A candidate for the position of head of the MTO Donbas may be a citizen of Ukraine, not younger than 35 years old, with university degree, no criminal record for committing an intentional crime, or with a criminal record removed in accordance with the law.

It is reported that the head of MTO Donbas, in particular, represents a territorial association in relations with the Ukrainian state authorities local governments; determines the strategic direction of economic recovery and development; represents MTO Donbas in foreign economic and trade relations, concludes agreements on cross-border cooperation in the economic field with the subjects of the Russian Federation and other countries, and other administrative and territorial units of those states, submits to the Representative Assembly of MTO Donbas nominations of heads of law enforcement agencies, security service and prosecutor’s office of MTO Donbas for granting consent to their appointment; within his authority, issues orders and instructions...................

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Govt moves not to raise gas price for households until May [Engl]

Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:20 pm
A wise move, in my opinion. By May people should be using much less gas for heating. If any...
Although they need to address the mad situation where there is one price in winter, and a different price in summer.
They need one price throughout the year.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty No country was eager to sell Ukraine even non-lethal weapons due to fear of Putin, former Australian PM Abbott says

Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:24 pm
...Mr. Abbott explained that no country was eager to sell Ukraine even non-lethal weapons due to fear of Putin adding that it was difficult to understand why the legitimate democratic government, which was under real threat, was not provided with the anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, which the West so easily supplied to mujahideens in Afghanistan. ....
Straight talking from the Aussie.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russian COMINT warship spotted off Mariupol coast

Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:34 pm
Russian warship with communication intelligence equipment was spotted off the coast of Ukraine-controlled strategic port city of Mariupol, press officer of the M "Mariupol" sector Oleksandr Kindsfater said, with reference to 0629 local news website.

"A Russian military ship approached Mariupol," the website wrote and published a snapshot of the vessel.

The warship was spotted 19 kilometers from Mariupol....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Impossible to balance Ukraine's situation without U.S. - Lukashenko

Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:35 pm
Alexander Lukashenko remarked that sooner or later the threats emerging in Eastern Europe can have a strong impact on the situation in Europe in general.

"It is impossible to balance the situation here, I mean the situation in Ukraine and other trends, without the USA," the Belarusian President said. He stressed that he is firmly confident in it and reminded that he had spoken about it in public several times even before the Normandy Four summit took place in Minsk........
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Dutch Minister says Ukraine could be world's largest agricultural supplier

Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:39 pm
Ukraine is capable of supplying the whole world with agricultural goods.

This is according to Dutch Foreign Trade Minister Liliane Ploumen. She stated this during the opening ceremony of the joint Ukrainian-Dutch forum in the city of Nootdorp.

Ms.Ploumen is sure Ukrainian agricultural potential is high enough to provide the European Union with food supplies. The Association Agreement and free trade zone in particular are to assist Kyiv in increasing the cooperation............

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lutsenko called the attack on Parasyuk attempted murder

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:23 pm
Today's attack with a grenade in the People's Deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk - attempted murder. Such an opinion on his page on the social network Facebook has expressed his colleague Igor Lutsenko, examined the scene.

"Judging by what I see here - attempted murder. Throwing a grenade sighting, but apparently prevented the branches. At the time when he came home, parked, he threw something on power as the RGD. Fortunately, not reached 5 meters. The nearby car has assumed the explosion, "- said in a statement.

People's Deputy says that the attackers knew where and approximately when coming Parasyuk. In Russian/русский


In Natspolitsii told the details of the attempt on Parasiuk

Around 22:00 on the main national police headquarters in the city of Kiev, it was reported by one of the deputies of the explosion in the center of the capital. According to People's Deputy, he kind of saw the unknown person threw an object resembling a grenade. It is reported by the press service of Natspolitsii.

At the scene immediately came patrol police officers, investigative team of the Pechersk district of the capital management, management of police headquarters in the city of Kiev, specialists explosive-service, rescue workers, doctors.

We already know that as a result of this incident, which occurred on the boulevard Lesia Ukrainka, three cars were damaged. No harm done.

According to first deputy chairman of the National Police of Ukraine Vadim Troyan, he had already talked to the people's deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk.

"I personally talked to Vladimir. All is well with him. Our offices all measures are taken to trace the offender, "- said Vadim Troyan.

Event information entered in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations under Article 112 (attempt on the life of a statesman or public figure) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Law enforcers have carefully examined the scene and the surrounding territory, interrogate possible witnesses and eyewitnesses. In Russian/русский
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty There was a (VIDEO) from the scene of the attack on Parasyuk: People's Deputy from the machine hopper

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:30 pm
The blast near the vehicle to People's Deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk remained funnel. Video from the scene posted on YouTube-channel

The video shows that cars that were parked close by, have minor damage. In particular, broken windows.

Recall, MP Volodymyr Parasyuk unknown people threw a grenade under the car. He was taken to hospital in a state of shock. The police have already commented on the incident.

A lawmaker Ihor Lutsenko and Anton Gerashchenko state that abandoned car in the People's Deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk pomegranate - it attempted murder. In Russian/русский

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Kiev, detained a drunken patrol police captain who opened fire

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:35 pm
In Kiev on the Boulevard Friendship of Peoples patrol detained a 30-year-old police captain, who began to shoot in the middle of the street. It is reported by the police patrol Ukraine to Facebook.

"Around 23:00 inhabitants of the house on the Boulevard Friendship of Peoples called patrol, because they have heard the noise and gunshots. In place of the detained 30-year-old drunk man who filed a police captain's license, with a friend who was also drunk, "- told law enforcement officers.

The captain admitted that he shot. He said he did it to scare off the street dogs.

Eyewitnesses assert that men pootryvat license plates of cars with strangers.

"Or is it the case, set the effect. Patrol found close to the sleeve from a traumatic weapons. We are waiting for the arrival of the investigation group, "- said in a statement. In Russian/русский
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Sakvarelidze: I was offered a bribe for "protection" of oil circuits

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:39 pm
Ex-prosecutor Odessa region, David Sakvarelidze said that he was offered a bribe from the former head of State Customs Committee Anatoly Makarenko for the management of corruption schemes. This he said on the air "Gromadska telebachennya.

"It was a fact, I told him about the bribe offer. Sign up production, but the facts are not checked. The man identified himself as a "man of Makarenko", - said Sakvarelidze.

According to him, the person who offered the bribe, he was previously acquainted.

"He was a very familiar face, and we have met before. He said, "You're in high office - there were schemes, if you are ready to manage the schemes, it may be interesting topics, you can negotiate with people. Selling petroleum products ", - Sakvarelidze said.

As reported, the Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin Sakvarelidze sacked on Tuesday. This was preceded by a long conflict between the two officials. Sakvarelidze stated that Shokin, in particular, prevents the investigation of the case "diamond prosecutors." In Russian/русский
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Rada registered a draft to lift immunity of judges of Odessa arrow

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:56 pm
The Verkhovna Rada registered a draft resolution on granting consent to the detention (№4340) and arrest (№4341) judges Malinovsky District Court of Odessa Alexei Burana, who made a fire in his own home during a search conducted by members of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.

Yesterday in the Odessa region on a bribe of half a million hryvnia Judge Alex Buran was caught. He opened fire on the detectives NABU, and SSA stated that he tried to commit suicide, and this resulted in the actions of the police and NABU. In Russian/русский
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The State Russian Duma in a rage: "Ukrainian scumbag" decided to respond to the "List Savchenko"

Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:55 pm
The Russian State Duma urged to introduce sanctions against Ukrainian politicians in response to the "List Savchenko Sentsova".

This in an interview says Moscow told a member of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Roman Khudyakov.

"When administered against us idiots sanctions thugs and mentally ill people, then of course, that in any event to respond we must impose sanctions against those who illegally came to power in Ukraine, from Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, and ending with all the officials, that any side in the direction of Russia is bad to say, "- in the best traditions of Russian propaganda, he said.

"The most important thing - this is something that they have not been able to call on the Russian territory if they are in Russia some business, it is necessary to close and start finance in Donetsk and Lugansk to charity.", - Said the deputy. In Russian/русский
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The judge, who shot in the NABU staff disappeared from the hospital

Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:17 pm
Judge Malinovsky District Court of Odessa Alex Buran, who during the search of his house opened fire on the staff of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and climbed out the window and disappeared from the hospital.

On it informs "Channel 5".

According to media reports, the hospital said that until the morning Burana guarded by law enforcement officers, and then he disappeared in an unknown direction. In Russian/русский
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 30 March [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Tymoshenko to meet with Poroshenko

Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:47 am
The negotiations on the conditions of formation of a new parliamentary majority, were among a group of Commissioners "Fatherland" of deputies, the President of Petro Poroshenko and the Speaker of BP, Vladimir Groisman, said in the program "Evening prime" on the TV channel «» leader of the "Fatherland" Yulia Tymoshenko.

"Talk together was not behind closed doors. We came to the part of the faction, deputies, which authorized the faction, Sergei Sobolev, Kozhemyakin, Kirilenko. On the part of the president was Groisman and the President ", - said Tymoshenko.

She also noted that now there is a process of "engaging" free deputies or deputies from other factions in the NP and BPP.

"They are now trying to build up your muscles, attract members who agree to go to their faction to form a coalition for two", - said Tymoshenko. In Russian/русский
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