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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources]

Sat May 21, 2016 3:24 am

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Merkel rejected the Obama proposal to extend the "Normandy format" - media

Sat May 21, 2016 3:28 am
Obama proposed to do this by Washington

In late April, US President Barack Obama, speaking with Chancellor Angela Merkel in the international industrial exhibition in Hanover, asked her to extend the "Normandy format" by Washington. Reported DT.UA citing sources edition.

"According to the our sources, in late April, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel talking with the international industrial exhibition in Hanover, asked her to extend the" Normandy format "by Washington. I received a polite refusal "- said in the article.

According to the newspaper, during the recent meeting of foreign ministers" Norman Quartet "and the last round of negotiations trilateral contact group in Minsk Kremlin once again tried to impose his plan ORDLO elections. "As far as we know, there again appeared stiff" majority "no less strict residency requirement (before the elections can not be allowed persons who have not lived in this area over the last year), limited admission Ukrainian mass media and political parties.

Ukraine rejected the plan and was supported by the Western allies. Step Moscow was rather a ritual, and the reaction to it - the expected. Equally unsuccessful (at least yet) was an attempt to "change" the release of illegally detained in ORDLO Ukrainian citizens on the entry into force of the law on amnesty ", - stated in the article.

Earlier, multiple members of the Minsk process admitted that talks in the Belarusian capital actually turned on the screen, and realize that potential breakthroughs can provide only top state officials. In Russian/русский
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty In "Ukrnafta" stole over 11 billion. Footprints lead to structures Kolomoisky

Sat May 21, 2016 3:31 am
The lion's share of the billions of the largest Ukrainian oil company was withdrawn in March - October 2015

State Fiscal Service has established a number of companies that have appropriated 11.6 billion hryvnia "Ukrnafta". The founders of these structures still are caught in a scandal over the withdrawal of "Privatbank" Igor Kolomoisky about two billion dollars.

Fiscal Service is investigating a case of theft and misappropriation of funds "Ukrnafta". Investigators found that the top management of five companies - "Halnafta", "Garant-UTN", "Tekhtreid Group", "TD" Prykarpattyanaftotreyd "and" Kotlas "- during the March-October 2015 seized funds" Ukrnafta "11 6 billion.

This was announced with approval Solomyansky Court of Kyiv on May 6, 2016.

According to court documents, the period of spring - autumn last year fell "activity peak output of multi-funds" Ukrnafta "through artificially created receivables". A direct consequence of this, according to prosecutors, is a decrease of 11.6 billion hryvnias amount of dividend distributions. This is, like, resulted in losses of the company.

"Ukrnafta" - the largest Ukrainian oil company. "Naftogaz Ukraine" owns 50% + 1 share "Ukrnafta" group of companies "Privat" Igor Kolomoisky - about 42% of the shares. Net loss for the company in 2015 amounted to about five billion.

As found "cupola", a company which, according to prosecutors guilty of unprofitable activities "Ukrnafta" are involved in problematic transactions "Privatbank" in 2014 worth about two billion dollars. As wrote "cupola", while the country's largest bank received refinancing from the National Bank, and later spent about a billion dollars (later "our money" clarified that this amount was about $ 2 billion) in loans knowingly failed transactions. Money "settled" in the accounts of foreign companies and lending scheme that was used by the bank, made ​​it unlikely their return to Ukraine. This three dozen lesser-known borrowers "Privatbank" and their foreign partners, the accounts were subsequently transferred billions were related to the business group "Privat".

Among them, for example, was of "Tehspetsmontazh" - because it "Privatbank" gave overseas $ 47 million. The founders' Tehspetsmontazhu "-" Staferton kommershial LTD "," Ballioti enterprayzes LTD "," Petrolink Holdings SA ", according to state register of legal entities, while controlling the company "Halnafta." The latter, as noted above, included in the list of structures that, according to DFS, washed money "Ukrnafta".

A similar situation with another cause of financial problems "Ukrnafta" - company "Garant-UTN". Its founder - "Olstrim vencherz Ltd" - simultaneously serving founder of "Paradise". Through the latter, according to "our money", two years ago, "Privatbank" gave overseas $ 56 million. As noted by the publication, at the time the "Olstrim vencherz Ltd" through a chain founders belonged "Privatbank".

The same common ground can be found and the other defendants in the case for loss "Ukrnafta" 11.6 billion USD. For example, among the founders of the above "Kotlas" is company "Global chemikal servisez Ltd", co-owner of companies "Rapita" and "Profit" that due to controversial operations "Privatbank" two years ago received $ 50 million.

Striking that "peak activity" for the withdrawal of capital from "Ukrnafta" started last year after the adoption of the law on the reduction of quorum for the general meeting of shareholders of companies from 60% to 50% + 1 share. From these changes benefited the state, which was in "Ukrnafta" 50% and 1 share, but still could not call a meeting of shareholders and receive dividends under lock controlled by Kolomoisky structures.

Debt "Ukrnafta" to the state budget as of 1 January exceeded 10 billion USD for non-payment of rent payments, VAT and income tax. Only rent payments debt in 2015 reached 3.3 billion USD, which was the reason for criminal proceedings. Prosecution investigators suspect that "in order to obtain undue advantage for companies' top management of the oil company in 2015 deliberately did not pay royalties to the state budget.

Earlier it was reported that "Ukrnafta" refuse to pay the state 1.8 billion hryvnia dividends for the last three years, citing the fact that "Naftogaz" took in her gas 2.6 billion.

Recall from September 2015 "Ukrnafta" led by Briton Mark Rawlins County. At the new head of Ukraine's largest oil company was the challenge - to end the monopoly of the group "Privat" management "Ukrnafta". This was not possible any Ukrainian government since 2002.

Already in April, the State Fiscal Service demanded that "Naftogaz Ukraine" to terminate the contract of Rawlins County. Derzhmonopolist refused this, citing that the issue can be resolved only at the general meeting of shareholders. In Russian/русский
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Terrorists fired from 120-mm mortars in Mariupol sector. Militants' sniper spotted at Taramchuk, - ATO press center

Sat May 21, 2016 4:26 am
The relative cease-fire in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) area did not last long as the insurgents traditionally intensified their attacks after dark yesterday. The militants opened fire at Ukrainian troops for 20 times.

Censor.NET reports citing the ATO press center.

According to the report, the illegal armed groups once again shelled the positions of Ukrainian troops at Avdiivka and Opytne from the suburbs of the temporarily occupied Donetsk. They fired from small arms, grenade launchers, and 82-mm mortars there.

The same arms were used for attacks at ATO strongholds near Zaitseve and Horlivka.

Most cease-fire violations were reported in the Mariupol sector. The defenders of Shyrokyne were shelled with grenade launchers and 82-mm mortars. ​The illegal armed groups fired at Ukrainian military positions from anti-aircraft installations and 120-mm mortars. Militants sniper was reported near Taramchuka again.

It was not calm in the Luhansk sector. In particular, the militants fired at ATO forces' positions at Triokhizbenka from grenade launchers and from small arms at Novozvanivka.

Terrorists' reconnaissance activity intensifies as seven flights of drones were reported over Donetsk and Mariupol sectors yesterday.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Germany stands against welcoming Russia back to G8

Sat May 21, 2016 4:35 am
As a result of its military intervention in Georgia, Russia should be temporarily barred from G8 meetings, said a leading conservative parliamentarian in Germany, according to Deutsche Welle.

The leading industrial nations should meet as the G7 without Russia, Eckart von Klaeden, foreign policy spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats in parliament, said on Sunday, August 31, Deutsche Welle reports.

"The West took Russia in as a member of the G8 grouping of the most important democratic industrial nations even though it fulfilled neither the economic nor the political requirements," von Klaeden said in the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

"These nations should meet in the old G7 format as long as Russia is not prepared to find a solution under the framework of the United Nations," he added..................
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Moscow Times: 72-year-old Turkish cancer patient arrested on spy charges in Moscow

Sat May 21, 2016 4:37 am
The man has not yet been able to speak to a lawyer and has not been visited by the Turkish consulate

A 72-year-old Turkish man dying of cancer has been arrested on suspicion of spying in Moscow, a member of the Public Oversight Commission NGO wrote on Facebook Friday, the MediaZone news website reported.

Ahmed Sakha Unlu was arrested two days ago at his hotel on espionage charges and is now being held in at the Lefortovo pre-trial detention facility..............
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine launches restructuring of defence, security sectors to join NATO - Poroshenko

Sat May 21, 2016 4:40 am
The National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine chaired by President Petro Poroshenko has considered the Strategic Defence Bulletin, which has been elaborated with participation of experts from NATO and the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, according to the president's press service.

"The given project is virtually the beginning of real restructuring of security and defense sector aimed at joining NATO. It doesn't mean that the decision on the accession is being made now. Certainly, we remain in the sphere of our international commitments, but it is a milestone for our Armed Forces and national security and defence sector,".............
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Bodies of 21 occupants delivered from Donbas to Russia, - Defense Intelligence

Sat May 21, 2016 8:25 am
More losses among the troops of the Russian occupants in the Donbas have been reported.

Censor.NET reports citing the press service of the Defense Intelligence.

Bodies of 21 Russian soldier were transported to the territory of the Russian Federation through Marynivka checkpoint on May 20.

Losses are reported in the following units:

- "7th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade" (Debaltseve) of the "2nd Army Corps" - one Russian soldier killed, four wounded;

- "11th Separate Motorized Rifle Regiment" (Makiivka) of the "1st Army Corps" - three troops wounded (at Mineralne);

- "9th Assault Separate Regiment of Marines" (Novoazovsk) of the "1st Army Corps" - one serviceman killed, three injured (at Sakhanka).   In Ukrainian/український

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Relatives of victims of the disaster "Boeing" over the Donbas filed a lawsuit to the European Court of Human Rights against Russia and Putin

Sat May 21, 2016 8:31 am
Australian law firm LHD Lawyers (Sydney) filed a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of families of victims of the disaster Malaysian "Boeing" (Flight MH17), shot down in 2014 over the Donbas against Russia and President Vladimir Putin.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia is counting on the lifting of sanctions in 2017 after the change of power in the US, Germany and France - "Mirror of the Week"

Sat May 21, 2016 8:42 am
Russia expects the abolition or weakening of Western sanctions after the elections and change of government in the US, Germany and France.

As Tsenzor.NET, writes about this in his article, the first deputy chief editor of "ZN" Sergei Rakhmanin. "Russia has practically no secret of how she is interested in lifting sanctions. Turnover state, according to official data of the Federal Customs Service, in year fell by more than a quarter. Revenue from oil exports, according to some, fell three times. During the sanctions the EU trade turnover (by the way, the main trading partner) fell by half. Moscow desperately needs access to Western financial resources and technology market " - says the author . See also: "Russia has not abandoned his desire to capture Ukraine", - Poltorak "It is anyone's guess, the Kremlin put up with the fact that by December the sanctions will continue. And even plans to use this fact as a mobilizing factor for the autumn parliamentary elections. "The whole world against Russia!" as always ... " - said in the article . " But in the near future Moscow expects favorable foreign policy changes. Western diplomats say privately that their Russian counterparts radiate confidence, after the elections in the US Germany and France leaders will come to power, much more loyal to the policy of Putin. The Kremlin believe that in 2017 th they will not only achieve the lifting of sanctions by the EU, but also raise the issue of lifting the sanctions the US. How justified such optimism seen. But the fact that Ukraine should advance to prepare for adverse scenarios for it, obviously, "- writes the journalist.  In Ukrainian/український

Keep dreaming. A change of leaders won't change the overall sentiment of the constituencies. As they're the ones that have called for action for their leaders.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Australian law firm filed claim against Russia and President Putin in ECHR for downed MH17 flight

Sat May 21, 2016 8:47 am
Australian LHD Lawyers law firm (Sidney) has filed a compensation claim against Russia and President Vladimir Putin in the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of families of victims of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, shot down over the Donbas in 2014.

Censor.NET reports citing Reuters.

The firm acts on behalf of the 33 closest relatives of the victims from Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia. The application seeks $10 million in compensation per passenger, the report said.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Stunning idea by Russian professor

Sat May 21, 2016 8:58 am
Aleksandr Ageyev, director of the Institute for Economic Strategies at the Russian Academy of Sciences proposed giving voting rights to 27 million Soviet citizens who died in WWII, reports May 21.

Social networks reacted to the proposal with thousands of sneering comments. 

Allowing the dead to vote will consolidate the Russian society, the professor says, and influence the development of the country they had saved by their feat.

The families of the dead can vote for them, the professor clarified.

He failed, however, to specify what categories of the dead will have  voting rights reinstated, soldiers or millions of political dissidents and victims of Stalin persecution.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Why West softens pressure on Ukraine about elections in Donbas

Sat May 21, 2016 9:34 am
Western leaders have decreased pressure on Ukraine regarding the elections in the rebel-held territories of Donbas, influential journalist Serhy Rakhmanin wrote in his article for The Dzerkalo Tyzhnya May 21.

 “As before, the leaders of the USA and Europe are eager to make the progress in Ukraine their trump card in the 2017 election campaigns. But they are aware that rushing things may backlash on them.

The situation in Ukraine has changed a stable decline in power’s and even worrisome nosedive in president’s popularity. On the other hand, the number of those against stopping the war with Russia at any cost is growing.

According to the recent Razumkov Center poll, 56.4% of Ukrainians are against giving the rebel-held territories a special status, 52.5% against holding elections there prior to establishing Kyiv’s control over the territory, and 42.3% against amnesty for rebels.

The conclusions apparently made in the west are: too much haste regarding the elections in Donbas may intensify internal pressure in Ukraine; Pres Poroshenko does not have enough clout to railroad the issue in the Rada; the enforced implementation of the Minsk agreements, something the West has been recently adamant about, may destabilize Ukraine and weaken the power’s positions, eventually playing into Moscow’s hands.

Any rush with the elections in Donbas may lead to the real escalation, not peace,” Serhy Rakhmanin wrote.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko urges OSCE to decide on armed mission to eastern Ukraine

Sat May 21, 2016 9:52 am
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko held phone talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande on Saturday, May 21. The leaders discussed the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The local elections and security situation topped their agenda.

During the talks, Poroshenko urged Germany (Berlin is currently holding the rotating OSCE Chairmanship), to make a decision on the armed police mission to the occupied parts of Donbas.........
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty U.S. present in talks on Donbas not physically, but ideologically - official

Sat May 21, 2016 1:30 pm
The format for settling the situation in eastern Ukraine with the participation of European countries – the Normandy Four – is unlikely to be expanded. The United States is present in informal consultations, Deputy Ukrainian Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze has said.

"I do not see how to change the official [Normandy] format in the near term. I wish the United States was there. I am glad that the United States is present in informal consultations," she told reporters in Kyiv on Saturday.

She said that the United States is present at the talks "not physically, but ideologically."...........

Interesting that since day one, I heard many-many times, "what is the US doing for Ukraine?". But when the US wants to be a part of the Normandy talks, they don't want them included. So if they don't want then in the talks, then they (Europe) should be doing much more than the US is currently. Why don't I hear "what is Europe doing for Ukraine?". Always push everything on the US, and if it's not to their liking, they then bash the US. These are people that don't know what the hell they're talking about, from the beginning. What European country has done more for Ukraine than the US? I'd REALLY like to know. Of course, not one person will come up with one. How about if the US Pulls out of doing anything for Ukraine and leave it up to Europe alone? Guess who'll they'll bash.

Nothing but brainless twits are the ones bashing the US.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Reaction to NATO Missile Defense System Is Just One Sign of Russia’s Growing Paranoia

Sat May 21, 2016 1:46 pm
NATO’s deployment of a missile defense system in Romania this month brought the requisite Russian snarls and vows of countervailing action, such as reintroducing a movable, rail-based missile system that Moscow abolished in 2008.

The Romanian system is the latest piece in a strategic chess match between Russia and the West that is based on polar-opposite views of who is the threat to the region.

Russia, which has been invaded by the Mongols, Napoleon and Hitler, freaks out when it sees a force on its doorstep that it believes could be the vanguard of a new invasion.

The West, meanwhile, wants a strong military presence on Russia’s borders to insure there is no repeat of the Soviet subjugation of Eastern Europe that lasted from the end of World War II to the USSR’s collapse in 1991.

So which perspective is right: Russia’s view that it needs a military-free buffer zone on its borders to protect it against a new invasion, or the West’s view that it needs troops on Russia’s borders to prevent Moscow from subjugating its neighbors again?

My view is that the West’s perspective is correct...................

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian journalists visit Jamala's parents under false pretences

Sat May 21, 2016 1:50 pm
The Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists (the Russian newspaper commonly known for spreading propaganda and disinformation), got into the house of 2016 Eurovision winner Jamala's parents under a false pretext and secretly recorded a conversation with them.

Watch also "When Putin dies people will realise you've been lying all along"

"My mother made them a bed, gave them food, while they were recording what they were talking about… They turned out to be Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists, who later stated they ‘visited Jamala's relatives'," the Ukrainian singer said at the briefing in Lviv, on May 21.

"Next morning my mother found out that they were not our acquaintances. It is simply disgusting when journalists stoop so low," Jamala added.................

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Lugansk drunken Russian soldier on car knocked down a woman and fled

Sat May 21, 2016 2:01 pm
The tragedy occurred at the stop public transport

Continuing decline in morale of Russian soldiers who perform criminal orders of the Kremlin in Donbas. This was reported by the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine.

"19 May Luhansk on public transport stop committed a road accident with a military vehicle hitting 2 AK (Lugansk) to a young woman. The driver, a Russian soldier was drunk, fled the scene, "- said in a statement.

A Russian soldier 20 May 11 2 separate engineer battalion Infantry Brigade (Luhansk) 2 AK (Luhansk) Armed Forces while intoxicated, lost personal weapons and official documents (maps, diagrams engineering equipment and minefields products) Information intelligence. In Russian/русский
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian security services are cyberwar against Germany - Media

Sat May 21, 2016 2:14 pm
Attacks aimed primarily at institutions that deal with energy policy and security

Russian special services conduct aggressive kiberkampaniyu cyber campaign against government agencies and non-governmental organizations in Germany. This was reported by the German newspaper Bild on Friday, May 20, with reference to the report of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany. According to the document, during cyber attacks are carried under the supervision of the Federal Security Service and the General Intelligence Agency of Russia involved "significant resources and outstanding technical capabilities."

"Russian intelligence electronic attacks on German facilities in most cases are part of long-term transactions with kibershpyhunstva cyber campaign international scale ", - quotes Bild report of the Federal office for the protection of the constitution. According to him, some attacks are tracked for seven to ten years, ie since 2006.

It is reported that Russian cyber attacks fall into two categories: those that are made ​​for information (kibershpyhunstvo), and those whose purpose is to sabotage and distortion or deleting data. This attack aimed primarily at institutions that deal with energy policy and security, and foreign policy, military and defense issues. Hackers working for Russian intelligence services are also interested in information about the decision-making processes within the EU and politics in Berlin in the Middle East, the newspaper notes.

Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution concluded that the chances of Russian cyber attacks on success are high, but so great is the statement, they can cause. According to Bild, this is due, firstly, to the fact that Moscow is obviously investing in cyber attacks on Germany and other countries in a significant amount. Second, Russian hackers targeted use "subtle manipulation" to get information from other people or change their opinion, adds the publication. In Russian/русский
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 21 May [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Ilovaysk from Russia arrived 4 cars with ammunition

Sat May 21, 2016 2:17 pm
Also found places stockpiling ammunition and military equipment repair using the civilian infrastructure of Donbass

In areas of Donbass, temporarily occupied by pro-Russian militants continued escalating security forces from the territory of the Russian Federation.

As reported in the Directorate of Intelligence Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, from Russia to the railway station Ilovaysk came with 4 cars ammunition (160 tons) to the area n.p.Scherbak (Novoazovsky area) - 3 trucks with guns on trailers.

"Ammunition (120 tons, three cars) that May 18 had come from the Russian Federation to the railway station Debaltseve, unloaded and transported to a transit base central authority in the industrial part of the city", - reported in intelligence.

Also found places stockpiling ammunition and military equipment repair using the civilian infrastructure of Donbass.

In particular, n.p.Komsomolske (area brick factory) found the ammunition depot and storage of military equipment in Gorlovka (territory of the plant "Concern Stirol") - workshop for maintenance and repair of armored vehicles.

"In areas n.p.Donetsk, Komsomol, Lower Krynka, Amvrosiyivka and side-Platov recorded the presence of tanks, self-propelled guns and 122-mm MLRS" Grad " , - reported in Defence. In Russian/русский
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