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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]

Mon May 30, 2016 2:09 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the day

25 attacks by Putin on Ukrainians yesterday.
Update - 3 dead, 8 injured. Recall the day before Russian forces killed 5 Ukrainians.
May will have the highest death toll among Ukrainians this year - I understand since August 2015.

HUmid around Kiev. Rain and thunder overnight. 20C at 0900 this morning. High maybe of 24.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon May 30, 2016 6:09 am; edited 3 times in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty ATO: The situation escalates, [Russian proxies] using heavy mortars

Mon May 30, 2016 2:14 am
ATO: The situation escalates, fighters firing heavy mortars
Monday, May 30, 2016, 7:14
The situation in the area of ​​ATO continues to worsen, over the past day 25 times militants opened fire on the positions of Ukrainian units.
The press center ATO Staff reports page on Facebook.
"The hottest point is Donetsk area where militants fired 14 times our position in the area of ​​the mine and Avdeevki Module with small arms, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers of various systems, and mortars of caliber 82 and 120 mm", - the headquarters.
Near Luhansk and Novgorod militants fired small arms, heavy machine guns and automatic grenade launchers.
In Mariupol direction the positions forces ATO near Shyrokynoho, Hnutovoho, Pavlopolya, Kominternovoho terrorists opened fire with heavy machine guns and mortars caliber 82 and 120 mm.
Strengthening forces ATO near Birch Dokuchaevsk and evening with militants fired small arms, heavy machine guns and automatic grenade launchers...
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Terrorists did not allow the OSCE SMM into occupied Rovenky

Mon May 30, 2016 2:22 am
Militants did not let OSCE SMM occupied Rovenky
In the occupied Kadiyivtsi (former Stakhanov) militants refused observers OSCE Special Monitoring Mission access to indoor and warehouses of the military.
This LIGA: ZAKON the press service of the mission.
MSF saw 50 terrorists awards Cossack battalion. Observers also recorded the presence of shells from artillery shells (D-30 120 mm). Kadiyivka located 10-15 km from the boundary line.
In Rovenky pro Russian mercenaries demanded that SMM left the city. SMM reported it STSKK.
Observers also recorded a piece of MLRS rocket (BM-21 Grad, 122 mm) 1 km southeast of the occupied village. Merry Mountain, located 16 km north of Lugansk.
The missile was two meters from the road, with its visible part is 50 cm. It had traces of rust.
Pro-Russian terrorists do not miss OSCE in Novoazovsk opening warning fire in the air.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Legend of Savchenko: Story of Captivity [Engl]

Mon May 30, 2016 2:40 am

A nice write up, with photos in English from a few days' ago.
I was abroad in southern Europe when this story broke. Fantastic news.
But I had to enduring watching BBC World at times. Sick programming.
BBC idiots in Moscow - what do they report on?
Not that Putin has, to date, killed ten thousand people in Ukraine. No no no...
Putin visits some monastery in Greece. So what? I am sure Hitler visited churches also.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty President: Elections in Donbas are possible only after full implementation of the Minsk agreements

Mon May 30, 2016 3:04 am
....It goes about the withdrawal of occupation troops from the entire Ukrainian territory, restoration of Ukrainian control over the border and deployment of the OSCE armed police mission for preventing the supply of new units of Russian troops, ammunition and mercenaries....

Correct. Putin will never agree with this.
Putin wants Shaun Walker elections - elections held at the point of a Russian Kalishnikov. Or 10,000 of them. Putin elections.
But to retain its sovereignty in non-occupied areas Ukraine has no choice. If Putin gets political control in part of Ukraine, then the Yanukovich types will return, and so will de-facto Russian control over all of Ukraine. Currently Putin only controls occupied Crimea and Donbass.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty 'Most Orwellian winner yet': "The Invention of Russia" takes Orwell prize

Mon May 30, 2016 3:16 am
...An account of modern Russia, which in its investigation into media manipulation is “absolutely in [George] Orwell’s own tradition” has won the UK’s most prestigious prize for political writing, the Orwell prize for books.
Chair of judges for the prize Lord William Waldegrave compared Arkady Ostrovsky’s The Invention of Russia to George Orwell’s novels Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, saying that Ostrovsky’s non-fiction title was “absolutely about the central themes that Orwell is most famous of all for … the importance of language, and how he or she who controls the language, controls the narrative. And although there are many strong and brave liberal voices in Russia, if you get control of social and traditional media, you’ve gone a long way to controlling the message.”....


Sounds like a book we all need to read.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Greece's Tsipras condemns sanctions against Russia [Engl]

Mon May 30, 2016 3:23 am
The Greeks are absolute 100% utter scum.
Like Marine Le Pen, the French Fascist party leader.
The Greek ultra left neo-communists love a good fascist like Putin.
Boycott all Greek goods.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Good Morning, Ukraine! Army Radio Seeks Colorful DJ to Mock Russians [Engl]

Mon May 30, 2016 3:28 am
....Other reports on channels such as Novorossia TV and Radio Free Novorossia highlight true, but unflattering, news about the Ukrainian government, particularly corruption accusations from the International Monetary Fund or the European Union. Novorossia TV and Radio Free Novorossia didn’t respond to a request for comment. Ukrainian officials say they are working on addressing concerns but add that pro-separatist stations exaggerate the problem.

One common theme from the separatist broadcasting is that the Ukraine government does nothing while its soldiers sit in the mud on the front lines.

“If I watch or listen to it for an hour or two, it hits you in the head,” said Lt. Col. Oleksandr Vasylenko. “Whether you want it to or not, it just influences you. Even though you know it is propaganda.”....

Good quote.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Criticism of Putin is censored by Corbyn aide: Seumas Milne blocks anti-Russia briefing note to Labour MPs [Engl]

Mon May 30, 2016 3:43 am
....Jeremy Corbyn’s hard-Left spin chief censored a Labour document on the EU referendum to remove all references to Russian aggression.
The Mail on Sunday has been told that Seumas Milne, the pro-Kremlin head of communications for the Labour leader, became angry when he saw a briefing note which had been prepared for the party’s MPs telling them what ‘lines to take’ on the debate.....
Mr Milne declined to comment....


For more on scumball Milne read our sticky topic, "Journalists reporting on Ukraine: the good, the bad and the ugly".
The British Labour Party hates Ukraine, and hates freedom. Such is life now under Stalinist Milne in the British Labour Party. Nutters.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon May 30, 2016 4:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Fog of Falsehood: Russian Strategy of Deception and the Conflict in Ukraine [Engl]

Mon May 30, 2016 3:52 am
...This report analyses Russian propaganda and disinformation – here collectively called strategic deception – concerning the conflict in Ukraine. The strategic deception is not exclusively a Russian term, but it does capture what we think is an essential feature of the current Russian foreign and security policy. It is driven by attempts to put the adversary into a defensive posture and off balance, and thus, to create conditions for surprise.

The methods utilized in contemporary Russian strategic deception are partly the same that were already used in Soviet propaganda. But where Soviet propaganda was anchored in ideological truth claims, the contemporary Russian variant can be compared to a kaleidoscope: a light piercing through it is instantly transformed into multiple versions of reality.

The main purpose of this report is to examine in detail the emergence and evolution of Russian metanarratives and the terms of distraction about the conflict in Ukraine, and on the basis of this analysis to ascertain the main policy objectives of Russian strategic deception inside Russia and in selected countries of the European Union....

Article is in the form of a pdf download - see link above.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Last image from @OSCE_SMM drone brought down Friday over separatist-controlled Donetsk shows Strela missile #Russia

Mon May 30, 2016 4:06 am
Last image from @OSCE_SMM drone brought down Friday over separatist-controlled Donetsk shows Strela missile #Russia
From twitter - Geoffrey Pyatt ‏@GeoffPyatt 23 ч

OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Strela
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russian Monument To Stalin's Victims Highlights Fate Of Executioner [Engl]

Mon May 30, 2016 4:42 am
......In the summer of 2004, a group of activists near the city of Saransk made a gruesome discovery: Some 500-700 corpses buried in shallow mass graves in a forest.

They were the bodies of victims of Josef Stalin's Great Terror in the 1930s. According to local historians, the victims were Orthodox priests, Muslim clerics, local teachers, collective farmers, and workers. Their names are unknown because the archives of the Soviet and Russian secret police remain closed....

On May 23, however, a monument was unveiled on the site, one of the few monuments in Russia devoted to "the victims of political repressions during the 1930s." But after a single line noting that fact, the monument's text then dedicates 12 lines to honoring one particular victim of Stalin's Terror: Valter Vand, the former head of the local branch of the NKVD, as the secret police tasked with carrying out executions and many other forms of political repression at the time were known....


You couldn't make it up.
The executioner from the Secret Police gets the big big mention! Only in Russia today.

Update - apologies for posting this again. Just noticed Admin posted it two days ago. But - what a mad place Russia has become.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon May 30, 2016 7:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Today in Mariupol the new police started working (UNN)

Mon May 30, 2016 4:53 am
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Savchenko tomorrow will open the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada (RBC-Ukraine)

Mon May 30, 2016 4:58 am
Savchenko tomorrow will open the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada (RBC-Ukraine)
Parubі said that the current plenary week would be busy
Speech by MP from the faction "Batkivshina" Nadia Savchenko will open the plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine tomorrow, May 31, 2016. On May 30 during a meeting of the Conciliation Board of the Verkhovna Rada chairman of Parliament Andrew Paruby, RBC-Ukraine reports.

"We have agreed that our session will start tomorrow with a presentation by Nadia Savchenko, our friend, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. I think that is a good sign when it is with the high tribune of the country will be able to apply not only to the deputies, but also to all Ukrainians" - said Paruby.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Donbas separatist praises Kernes and Dobkin for 2014 putsch

Mon May 30, 2016 5:03 am
The Donetsk breakaway republic separatists, calling themselves ‘Kharkiv guerillas’ said in the winter of 2014 Kharkiv’s mayor Kernes and oblast council chairman Dobkin supported the separatist movement, one of the separatists says in a video statement he posted on YouTube, Novorosiya information agency says May 30.

 “The separatist movement was organized by Governor Dobkin and Mayor Kernes,” the author said.

At the start of the separatist campaign, there were 6,000 members in the movement, he admitted.

However, security service SBU has arrested many activists and put them behind bars.

The separatist threatened to stage a march in Kharkiv after the victory.

Kernes is still Kharkiv's mayor and Dobkin is oblast council lawmaker.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty 3 soldiers killed, 8 injured yesterday in the ATO zone - Staff

Mon May 30, 2016 6:06 am
At night in the zone ATO 3 soldiers killed, 8 injured - Staff
Monday, 30 May 2016 12:37
One day in the area of anti-terrorist operation killed three Ukrainian soldiers 8 more injured.
This at a traditional briefing on Monday, spokesman of the Presidential Administration on ATO Andrei Lysenko.
"During the last day of hostilities three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 8 were injured. It happened in Donetsk and Mariupol directions", - said the colonel.

Three dead yesterday, five dead the day before.....
I understand that the total number of deaths of Ukrainian military this month is the highest since August last year.
Two thoughts.
Putin is using more and more sophisticated weapons, and more drones, to seek out the defenders of free Europe.
A different thought.
Until recently Ukraine has been under-reporting the number of deaths in order not to alarm the public.
Perhaps now Ukraine is reporting the true figure of dead soldiers each day.
I have little doubt that one or two years ago Ukraine was reporting 2 or 3 soldiers killed, and the true figure was ten or twelve. But this is pure speculation on my part; partly based on the speculation of others. But also talking to some military, or ex-military.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty He died Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in Ukraine

Mon May 30, 2016 6:53 am
Official information about it yet

Today died Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in Ukraine Andrey Vorobyov. This is reported by Izvestia in Ukraine , citing people on social networks.

Last post at the Embassy of Russia in Ukraine Sparrow is dated May 9, 2016. On this day the Russian Embassy diplomats in Kiev, headed by Charge d'affaires of Russia in Ukraine Vorobyov laid wreaths to the monument of Eternal Glory at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the monument to Soviet military commander Vatutin.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Chubarov called one of the killers of the Crimean Tartar

Mon May 30, 2016 6:58 am
Killer caught thanks to the brothers Mumine

Head of Majlis of Crimean Tatar people, MP of Ukraine Refat Chubarov MFP confirmed the killing of the Crimean Tartar.
"Day May 30 began with the terrible news of another crime committed in the Crimea against Crimean Tatars ... May 29, 2016 in Old Crimea abused and killed Mumine Aliyev, 35, resident of the village Izyumivka Terekskoho-Islam (of the former. - Kirov) area "- he wrote on his page on Facebook.

OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  22

Chubarov said that hot pursuit thanks to brothers killed Mumine, one of the rapists and murderers caught. "They found Hnyezdylov Alexei, a resident of Old Crimea", - he said.

The funeral Mumine Aliyeva held today at 15:00 in the village. Izyumivka. "I know that dzhenaze (funeral. - Ed.) Already went a lot of people from all over the Crimea. Family killed Mumine - mother and two brothers - need our moral and financial support ", - said Chubarov.

Before the rape and murder of Crimean Tartar told media.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In the occupied Crimea raped and killed Crimean Tatar

Mon May 30, 2016 7:02 am
In the case already detained two suspects

In the village of Kirov district Izyumivka Russia occupied Crimea raped and killed Crimean Tatar Mumine Aliyev. She was 35 years old.

According to preliminary information, there has already arrested two suspects.

Locals say that when the woman returned home, sat in trucks. Driver robbed her, raped and killed and his body buried.
The woman lived with her ​​mother in the village Izyumivka and worked in the shop "UYUT" in Old Crimea.

Information is verified.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Nadia Savchenko's lawyer asks Putin to pardon other Ukrainian prisoners

Mon May 30, 2016 7:06 am
Ukrainian citizens who have been convicted in Russia, should be shown mercy because of the obvious artificiality and political nature of the charges

Lawyer released from Russian captivity People's Deputy of Ukraine Hope Savchenko Mark Feigin addressed an open letter to the Russian president with an appeal to pardon other prisoners Ukrainian citizens.

"The circumstances of the pardon Savchenko and further its exchange Evgeny Erofeev and Alexander Alexandrov inspired some hope of resolving the situation of other prisoners Ukrainian citizens staying in Russia. Among them Yuri Soloshenko, Gennady Afanasiev Oleg Sentsov Alexander Kolchenko, Alex Czyrna Nicholas Karpyuk Stanislav Klyh, Valentine Vyhovsky Sergei Litvinov, Hayser Jemilev Alexander Kostenko and some others, "- he told" Interfax ".

The lawyer expressed hope for that Savchenko pardon "will develop into a single system that will result in settlement of Russian-Ukrainian relations."

"pardon aforementioned citizens first, give us a return of Russian citizens who are in the prisons of Ukraine and dozens, if not hundreds of soldiers and so-called volunteers, secondly, will provide a more complete implementation of the Minsk agreements, "- said Feigin.

The lawyer added that" Ukrainian citizens who have been convicted in Russia, should be shown mercy because of the obvious artificiality and political nature of the charges. " "Pardon pull no more sense. Therefore, I address a call to release (exchange) is right above the citizens of Ukraine, and thus to end it all "- said Feigin.

Recall that before the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said in a television interview that there is a preliminary agreement with the management of on return convicted in Ukraine in Russia and Gennady Soloshenko Yuri Afanasyev.

Later, the TV channel shown the full version of the interview, the president said that the negotiations also involved and all the resources of the Ukrainian side, including the format of trilateral contact group to resolve the situation in the Donbas and 'Norman format "for the release of 25 Ukrainian, who are in occupied territory Donetsk and Lugansk regions.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukrainian intelligence confirmed that the Russians in the Crimea have nuclear weapons

Mon May 30, 2016 7:19 am
Russian military regularly work out the delivery of nuclear weapons on the peninsula

Today in the occupied peninsula of Crimea is medium tactical nuclear weapons - this aircraft and ships. This was stated by representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Vadym Skibitskyy at a press briefing.

He added: "During the exercise is working out the issue of nuclear delivery to the Crimea." According to him, the last such study was conducted in April.

As reported, from May 25 to June 8 in Feodosia Russian stage of the competition will flying schooling "Aviadarts 2016". Ukrainian intelligence indicated that the purpose of these exercises - testing capabilities Crimean airport and intimidation of its neighbors.

One of the central events "Aviadarts" - a large-scale demonstration of the newest aircraft - the show "Aviamiks" will be held at the site Chauda, ​​located on the southern edge of the Kerch Peninsula. Occupants equipped training ground and sea targets - an obvious naslidokoperatsiyi in Syria - long narrow goals that mimic naftopererobnikompleksy enemy vehicles and columns on the march.

Chief of aerospace forces of the country-aggressor, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev praised the quality of Ukrainian Chauda test site.

Recall, the Russian bomber Su-24M and Mi-2 8AMTSH "Terminator" have been relocated to the territory occupied Crimea to attend the All-Russian stage of the competition flight schooling "Aviadarts 2016".   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Latvia, China have proposals to develop Ukraine’s agriculture

Mon May 30, 2016 7:39 am
Ukraine and Latvia will implement a number of projects in agriculture. This will involve sharing expertise in forestry and safety of food storage as well as introducing innovation technologies in the countryside, Ukraine minister for agriculture Taras Kutovy says.

The ministry for agriculture opts for ending Ukraine’s status as raw materials exporter and developing the agriculture into a processing sector, the minister said. 

Meanwhile, China is interested in expanding Ukrainian food export and producing agriculture goods in Ukraine, the minister said.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Railway workers working on the "DNR", demanding money from Ukraine

Mon May 30, 2016 7:52 am
OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  39_main

At the rally sounded prohrozy Kyiv

At the railway station Yasinovataya rally railwaymen working on the territory controlled by rebels "NPT". The participants demanded that the salary they paid from its budget Ukrainian state.

The rally was organized by leaders of the separatists, who had been brought to Yasinovataya workers train stations Ilovaiskaya, Gorlovka and Debaltsevo.
services to illegal armed groups "DNR" and "FSC" railway employees actually left without salaries. Since February, they do not get any money from Ukraine or from militants who refused to pay the railroad, despite the fact that they serve the territory under their control. In recent months, people receiving only food packages and humanitarku.

In the hands of protesters were holding placards "We do not want to Ukraine", "Ukraine, bring salaries", "Ukraine - reward", "We will not release any of the car in Ukraine."

omovtsi who spoke before extras, promised that May 30 will launch its trains no longer controlled by militants from territory to territory controlled by Kyiv when "Ukrzaliznytsya" did not give them money. The fact that such a move likely will stop the industrial enterprises of Donbass, the protesters were silent.   In Ukrainian/український

They (terrorists) took it from the state. If the workers want to get paid, they should be asking who took over the region which it wasn't the Ukrainian government. So it should be the terrorist'd headache, not Ukraine's government.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lutsenko gives his first press conference as Attorney General (VIDEO)

Mon May 30, 2016 7:56 am
Talk about reforming the prosecution

Today, May 30, at 14.00 am press conference by Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko.

The event will highlight the issue of reforming the organs and personnel issues.

See the online broadcast of the press conference Lutsenko:

Recall, May 12, Parliament agreed to the appointment of Yuriy Lutsenko Attorney General. During the relevant draft resolution voted 264 deputies.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lutsenko promises to withdraw immunity from prosecutors

Mon May 30, 2016 8:26 am
He is convinced that the fight against the mafia needs to be addressed is with the prosecution

New Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that all employees of the prosecutor's office responsible for committing the offense. He said this at a press conference.

"In a lot of Mafia Ukraine: agrarian, deputies, police, etc., and is inviolable Mafia - prosecutors," - he said.

Lutsenko is convinced that the fight against the Mafia is necessary with prosecutors.

"Untouchable is no longer here. Start with their recovery have "- he stressed.

Summarizing the problem for a year, he said: "Cleaning system: not dozens, but hundreds dishonest prosecutors workers; and provide examples of the public to bring to court cases of so-called "VIP-officials of the former and the current government."

Recall Lutsenko agreed with their US counterparts format and schedule the creation of the General Inspectorate, which will detect "werewolves" in the GPU.

Lutsenko gives his first press conference as Attorney General.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The Daily Vertical By Brian Whitmore (VIDEO report: The Cost Of War

Mon May 30, 2016 8:48 am
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The court arrested property "forester Yanukovych"

Mon May 30, 2016 11:57 am
Arrest imposed on property that is registered directly on Sivtsev Victor and his wife

Pechersky District Court in the capital arrested the property of the family of former leader of the State Agency of forest resources Sivtsev Victor, who is suspected of receiving undue benefits to the tune of over 140 million.

This is in the comments correspondent UKRINFORM reported a source in the prosecutor's office.

"The court arrested four houses, two cars and corporate law as a share in the charter capital," - said the source.

The source said that the arrest imposed on property that is registered directly on Sivtsev and his wife - a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Prosecutor General's Office on May 26 reported a suspected former head of State Forestry Agency in 2011-2014 Sivtsev Victor and his wife.

In particular, the investigation revealed that the former head of State Forestry Agency by prior agreement with his wife and other unknown persons in 2011-2014 years regularly received illegal benefits in cash from foreign businesses for the opportunity to purchase in Ukraine wood and timber for a total worth over 140 million USD, which were later legalized through a scheme using controlled offshore companies.

Within the framework of international cooperation could detect these accounts and arrest further cash from crime in excess of 3 million US dollars.

As reported by the media, the family Sivtsev owns three plots of land in Pechersk on the street. Michurina, which is an estate area of ​​1 thousand.85 square meters. m. Also, the property is Sivtsev house of188 sq. m The old village Bezradichi that the Obukhov district.

Wife of ex-leader of State Forestry Agency owns 95.6% shares of PJSC "Klevanske timber mill" Ray. "

As you know, Siwiec headed the State Forestry Agency from 2011 to 2014.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lyashko played a proactive, said that money Yanukovych did not

Mon May 30, 2016 12:03 pm
Lyashko sure that his name "pop up" in the so-called "black accounting" Party of Regions

The leader of the Radical Party said that in the near future in his address and his political power in the information space will be done "vkyd" on the funding of his party and former Regions.

"I warn society that informprostir preparing to release information that if I or Radical Party received funding from the Party of Regions. This information is allegedly contained in the so-called black accounts department of the Regions, which delivered NABU former deputy head of the SBU Vitaly Trepak "- wrote Lyashko on Facebook.

The leader of the radical future vkyd called "sensational revelations" that were "designed to order special services Poroshenko."

Warning society in informprostir prepares the information about what I think or the radical party have been funded from the party of regions. This is the sort of information contained in the yes zvaniy black accounting rehionaliv that handed the nabu former vice chairman of ssu trepak vitali.
What to do with similar "Sensatsiyni Unmasking" is done eating spetssluzhbamy president poroshenka dirty spetsoperatsiya, whose purpose is to distract attention from society need economic enquiry and ofshory poroshenka itself and its surroundings, zvynuvatyvshy in corruption our opozytsiynu political power. Customer document character against us kompromatu attempt dyskredytuvaty us and beneath this just an excuse provalyty in parliament voting for creating t·sk on the investigation of corruption the president and his neighborhood. Zvynuvachuyuchy us in corruption, the president poroshenko rozpravytysya after goal with us for our opozytsiynu political position.
Please support the citizens of Ukraine. Don't make us vyhaduvala koruptsiyna offshore power, we do not stop the fight and dob fight crimes investigation of highest public posadovtsiv

"It's dirty special operation, whose purpose - to distract public attention from the need to investigate corruption and offshore Poroshenko himself and his entourage, accusing the opposition of corruption in our political power. Customers have invented against compromising try to discredit us under this pretext to fail in parliament vote on the creation of TSC to investigate corruption the President and his entourage, "- says Lyashko.

Head Radical Party believes that the way the president "pursues deal with us for our opposition political position."

Recall, the former first deputy SBU chairman Victor Trepak transferred to NABU documents confirming payment of the Party of Regions illegal cash several former and current officials.

As told in an interview he Trepak DT.UA , said the so-called "black accounts" Party of Regions common benefits worth about $ 2 billion.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine offered the US jointly produce engines for missiles

Mon May 30, 2016 12:23 pm
Head of the State Space Agency of Ukraine said that the US is interested in the proposal

United States interested in cooperation with Ukraine in developing and manufacturing rocket engines to replace Russian, on which depends entirely on the US space industry.

This at a press conference Head of the State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) Lubomir Szabados, commenting on the visit of Ukrainian delegation to the USA on 23-27 May.

"We offered the possibility to implement joint development to produce liquid motor, which is now bought in. With our partners, there is an understanding that this problem is very complex, but we can cope with it, and the discussion will take place at the level professionals, "- said Szabados.

He added that during the negotiations the parties should discuss terms of development, testing and funding.

"From the US experts provided the following information:" We are interested to have alternate suppliers of engines. We understand that this project can not be implemented tomorrow. " Ukrainian side handed stance CB "Southern" about the negotiations and discuss the conditions under which cooperation will be built, cost, terms, "- he said, adding that the negotiations between the parties will be held in November in Kyiv.

Earlier it was reported last week that management of the State Space Agency of Ukraine held talks with the management of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to enhance cooperation between Ukraine and the USA and joint projects in the space sector.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Anti-Corruption Bureau began to investigate the "black accounts" former Regions

Mon May 30, 2016 12:31 pm
The National Anti-Corruption Bureau believe that excessive publicity may damage case

National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine launched an investigation at the request of the former first deputy SBU chairman Victor Trepaka of "black accounts department of the Party of Regions." This povilomlyaye NABU.

"On Monday, May 30, the relevant information to the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigation Bureau detectives were made by prior legal qualifications for part 4 st.369 Criminal Code of Ukraine (the offer, promise or giving of an undue benefit an official). However, it should be noted that a public statement by former first deputy head of the SBU Bureau Trepaka deprived of certain operational capabilities. Also surprising fact that the application of appropriate and available documents Trepak he told the media before applying to NABU, "- said in a statement.

In NABU said that excessive publicity would prejudice the exposure of corruption offenses and the prosecution of those responsible.

As you know, in an interview Trepak DT.UA said that conveyed to NABU documents confirming payment of the Party of Regions illegal cash several former and current officials.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 30 May [Ukrainian sources]

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