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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:16 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the day

31 attacks by Putin's Russian proxie forces yesterday. Including in the Mariupol area.
Will Putin try and push towards occupied Crimea again?
Update - sadly one soldier died yesterday, and another three wounded.

Cloudy morning. Perhaps 15C. No rain last night. I was expecting a thunderstorm or two. But it didn't happen.
High perhaps in the mid-20s today. Update - 26C at 1400. Humid.

Some great articles today in the Moscow Times.
See near the end of this thread for some good reads in that journal.

Last edited by Nelson on Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Intensified shelling in Mariupol direction - Staff

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:22 am
Intensified shelling in Mariupol direction - Staff
Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 7:46
Last day pro 31 times gang opened fire on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, of which the direction of Donetsk 15 Mariupol 14 and 2 in Luhansk.
The press center ATO headquarters.
Thus, the part of the temporarily occupied Donetsk and the surrounding area militants from small arms, heavy machine automatic grenade launchers and 82 mm mortars fired on strongholds of forces ATO south Avdeevki.
Also, militants fired 28 min in the direction of Opitnoe and Sparta.
Near Novgorod used against enemy soldiers Ukrainian small arms, automatic grenade launchers and snipers, and at Lugansk grenade and mortars of different caliber 82 mm.
Intensified shelling and the direction Mariupol, where the enemy fire from 120-mm mortar rounds fell near Pavlopolya MAT positions, and at Shyrokinoho enemy fire from machine guns carried large caliber, grenade launchers and 82 mm mortars.
At Talakivky conducted firing from automatic grenade launcher, and fortifications near Novotroitsk easel with anti-tank grenades.
Across the boundary line activated enemy snipers.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lavrov said that the ceasefire in the Donbas not

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:24 am
He said that control of the whole territory of Donbass international force does not provide the Minsk agreements.

Ceasefire in Donbas no law on the special status and amnesty insurgents "will never happen." The Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

"Quite simply - again there is talk about the chicken or the egg before. Now suddenly became the most important topic of security for President Poroshenko, with not just a cease-fire and ensure the safety of some international forces throughout the Donbas, "- said Lavrov.

He also noted that the control over the whole territory of Donbass international force does not provide the Minsk agreements.

"Donbass this will never go away. On the Donbas, according to the Minsk agreement, must coordinate each and every step to resolve, "- he said. According to Lavrov, Russia supports the strengthening of the role of the Special Monitoring Mission OSCE boundary and increase the number of observers who will raise hand and control stocks of heavy armament.

"One may hide behind the fact that security is not ensured. Ukrainians say that political reforms will begin only when security will be 100% for a few weeks or months. This will never happen, it's impossible, this does not happen in any conflict is not yet resolved the political aspects of the crisis ", - he said. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry said that it means the law on the special status that has enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, and militants amnesty law.   In Ukrainian/український

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty [Local] Parliament of a German city may recognize the annexation of Crimea

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:31 am
Parliament German city may recognize the annexation of Crimea
Left faction of the Parliament of the German city Kvakenbryuk (Lower Saxony) can bring to the local MPs appeal for recognition of Crimea part of Russia and the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions.
This was stated by the head of this faction left Andreas Maurer during his visit to Russia occupied Crimea, said "RIA" Novosti ".
"We can such questions to ask, how were raised in Italy. I thought I appeal to my colleagues in eastern Germany, as they are there in parliament majority, and it is realistic to make such an application. In my parliament I will question put clear, although we are not there most "- Maurer said at a press conference in the Crimean press center of MIA" Russia today. "
German politician said that the adoption of such A letter will "get a platform for discussion and an opportunity for argument" and will provide an opportunity to "show face other parties."
According to Maurer, anti-Russian sanctions and the loss of the Russian markets have led to a "catastrophic situation" in German agriculture.
Note that a delegation of German businessmen and politicians of up to 60 people at present is Russia annexed Crimea.
Earlier it was reported that the regional council of Lombardy, Liguria and Tuscany can recognize the annexation of Crimea after the council approved a resolution Veneto.

Seumas Milne type. Left wing, but supports the right-wing Putin. Trendy.
No morals. It's all about "money".

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Russia two Ukrainian businessmen found shot dead - Media

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:38 am
In Russia shot dead two Ukrainian businessmen - Media
Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 9:11
In the Tambov region of Russia were found two Ukrainian businessmen.
This was reported by "RIA Novosti" spokesman for the regional management of the RF IC.
"There is far expertise all appointed - the results yet. The only thing that can be said - they both have gunshot wounds in the head," - the source said, noting that the investigation is considering several versions of events, however, have not voiced their .
As noted, the bodies of two dead deputy director of "Building technologies" that disappeared more than two weeks ago, were found on May 26 in the river near the village Abakumovka Tokarevskiy district Tambov region of Russia.
The cause of death of 37-year-old Vitali Gubareva and 44-year-old Vitali Naidenko investigation has not articulated to the first data expertise.
According to investigators, 14 May Gubarev and Naidenko in a rented apartment in a working village Tokarivka Tambov region, together with a friend drinking alcohol.
As reported by the UK, about 22.00 their friend went to bed in the morning is not found or Naidenko or Gubarev, nor their car Toyota Land Cruiser Prado. Under the bridge in the territory Znamensky district were found May 16 on vehicle registration marks Gubarev, rubber boat, pillow and blanket with signs, like blood. Two days later in the village Duplyatovo-Maslivka Znamensky district found the car Toyota Land Cruiser Prado.
Upon disappearance deputy director of "Building technologies" was prosecuted under article "murder of two persons," which provides authorization to life imprisonment. WITH
and to local media, both deputy director arrived in Tambov region to work on 10 May.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Donbas to "never" see ceasefire until "political settlement" reached: Lavrov [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:46 am
Donbas to "never" see ceasefire until "political settlement" reached: Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that there would never be a ceasefire in Donbas until the "political settlement," adding that control over the entire territory of Donbas by international forces is not provided for by the Minsk agreements, according to an UNIAN correspondent in Russia....

Sounds like there are two clear and distinct versions of Minsk.
Lavrov saying Russia will keep the war going until Ukraine capitulates. He wants Ukraine to accept Russian "political" control of the occupied lands before stopping the war.
That, presumably would include a Russian veto over all Ukrainian laws and foreign policies. i.e. - a return to de-facto Russian control over all of Ukraine.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Savchenko shares first impression of work in Rada: 'Bazaar' [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:51 am
...Savchenko said it looked like a "bazaar," and some MPs were behaving as "lazy students."
"There are some who 'cut their classes' – they are just too lazy to work," she said....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Paruby refused to name deputies truants, it is my close friends

Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:09 am
Without public pressure fines for absenteeism in Parliament will not change anything, said Paruby.

The fines on MPs truants exist and operate. This was on "5 channel" in the "Look" said the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Paruby.

"Fines and there they are. That order, which I restored. But I always emphasize, without public pressure fines alone do not solve. There should be public pressure, "- he said.

According to the Speaker of Parliament, to improve people's deputies observe discipline soon.

"Communicate. I ask them, say "Guys, come, work, once went to the deputies, should come and work." I think listen. I think we will see improved discipline in our room, "- said Paruby.

But to call the names of absentees Parliament Speaker refused, replying that "it is my close friends."

glavcom.u   In Ukrainian/український

Who will do something about this, when leaders of the government allows it to continue as if it is legal? Certain old practices are changed but the rest goes on, due to many MPs have the money to avoid prosecution for not fulfilling their requirements? It's corruption as usual that is allowed to go on, without punishment from the higher ups in the government.

These practices erases what has been changed for the good of the people. These so-called representatives of the people continue to break the laws they were chosen to uphold. A sad state of affairs, from the top down.

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Putin Novorossia drain": among the militants in the Donbass panic through the application Lavrov

Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:19 am
Rumors that soon we can expect the cessation of any "help from Russia"

Statement by the Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov that Russia does not recognize "LDNR" caused a surge of panic among militants and their supporters among the local populations in Donbas. Reported group "Information Resistance."

"It is widely spread thesis that" Putin showers Novorossia "in the near future is expected termination of any" support from Russia, "and that Minsk dialogue is Moscow's only drive diplomatically refuse occupied territories ", - informs the group.
According to her, among the fighters Donbass rumors that allegedly agreed between Kyiv and Moscow on" amnesty "of terrorists, but it will apply only those fighters armed opposition groups who are not directly involved in hostilities, while the rest - and that the lion's share of personnel "1st AC DNR" and "2nd AK FSC" - will be considered "war criminals" and fall under the vigorous prosecution of the Ukraine.

Among Russian mercenaries in turn, distributed the information that Russia will not allow them to leave the Donbass and return to Russia "framed" so under persecution from the Ukraine, adds "IP".  In Ukrainian/український

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Russia, killed two businessmen from Ukraine

Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:04 am
Business shot in the head

May 26 in the river near the village Abakumovka Tokarevsky district Tambov region of Russia found the bodies of two businessmen from Ukraine - deputy director of "Building technologies" that disappeared more than two weeks ago. The cause of death of 37-year-old Vitali Gubareva and 44-year-old Vitali Naidenko investigation has not articulated to the first data expertise.

On Tuesday, May 31, spokesman for the regional management of the RF IC RIA Novosti that businessmen from Ukraine was killed shot in the head.

"There is while the examination is appointed - still no results. The only thing that can be said - they both have gunshot wounds in the area of the head "- a spokesman said.

He said the investigation is considering several versions of what happened, but so far not voiced them.

According to investigators, 14 May Gubarev and Naidenko in an apartment that was filmed in the village Tokarivka working together with a friend drinking alcohol. As reported by the UK, about 22.00 their friend went to sleep and in the morning did not reveal any Naidenko or Gubarev, nor their car Toyota Land Cruiser Prado. Under the bridge in the territory of the Sign District on May 16 was found from the vehicle registration marks Gubarev, of rubber boats, pillow and blanket with signs, like blood. Two days later in the village Duplyatovo-Maslivka Znamensky district found the car Toyota Land Cruiser Prado.

Upon disappearance deputy director of "Building technologies" was prosecuted under article "murder of two persons", which provides for punishment up to life imprisonment. According to local media, both deputy director arrived in Tambov region in industrial affairs on 10 May.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty U.S. Special Envoy for Human Rights of LGBTI persons Berry to travel to Ukraine for Pride Festival

Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:24 am
U.S. Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI persons Randy Berry will visit Kyiv on June 7-8.

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine informs, Censor.NET reports.

"June 7- 8, Special Envoy Berry will visit Kyiv, Ukraine, to participate in the country's Pride Festival and meet with various civil society organizations and government officials," the message of the Embassy reads.

Prior to his visit to the Ukrainian capital, Berry will travel to Ottawa, Canada, and Bologna, Italy.

Fifth International Forum of LGBT "Kyiv Pride 2016" will take place on June 6-13, 2016 in Kyiv. More than 20 educational and discussion events will be held during the festival.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Putin's agents in Germany are prepared to hold the same provocation, as in Italy

Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:29 am
German leftists intend to seek recognition part of the peninsula and lifting of sanctions

German politicians who visited the occupied Crimea intend following the example of colleagues from the Italian province of Veneto seek recognition part of the peninsula and lifting of sanctions. This at a press conference in Simferopol, devoted to results of visit of the German delegation to the occupied Crimea, told the head of the Left in Kvakenbryuke (Germany) Andreas Maurer, wrote mouthpiece occupation authorities Peninsula Kryminform.

"I can speak on behalf of my left parties, we can ask the same questions that have been raised in Italy (Veneto province in parliament). I think appeal to our colleagues in East Germany, as they have the majority there, so this is a real project that we can implement. And, of course, in my parliament I will definitely put this issue ", - the politician said, and stressed that the issue of the lifting of sanctions must be heard at the regional level.

Maurer also said that anti-Russian sanctions in the German regions are strongly protests cause since from them primarily affected domestic producers. "At the federal level sanctions argue easier, and at the local level, where the backs are companies that have losses due to the sanctions do not so easy. In Germany, the situation is catastrophic in agriculture, prices for meat and dairy products have fallen so that theoretically our farmers if sanctions will last 2-3 months, go bankrupt, "- he said.

Recall Regional Council of the Italian region of Veneto in May adopted a resolution Russia's recognition of the status of Crimea and the lifting of sanctions on Russia.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The militants are spreading rumors about "snipers mercenaries from Latvia" able to ATO

Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:32 am
Alleged "mercenaries from the Baltic States" fired on civilians KPVV "Golden"

Among the militants so-called "FSC" and the local population accelerated rumors about alleged "armed provocations" by the ATO forces units "mercenaries from the Baltic countries." Reported group "Information Resistance."

"According to local media, citing" officials "and representatives of the command" 2nd AK FSC "group" snipers mercenaries from Latvia "fired civilians in KPVV" Golden "to discredit "the young republic," - said in a statement.

in addition, "IP" informs that the units of the Russian-terrorist forces "1st AC DNR" created "a group of special propaganda" for the purpose of information and psychological actions (operations) tactical level ( impact on personnel advanced units ATO forces and the local population in the front-line).   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty As a result of the fighting in the Donbas killed 68 children - Paruby

Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:34 am
June 1 is International Children's Day

During the conflict in Donbas killed 68 and injured 186 children. This was announced by Parliament Speaker Andrew Paruby at a meeting of parliament.

"According to my information as a result of Russian aggression killed 68, injured 186 children," - he said.

In his turn, MP from "the Opposition bloc" Yuriy Pavlenko said that in this time killed 199 children.

We recall today, June 1 is International children's day.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The court arrested the owner of a home for the elderly in Litochkah

Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:48 am
The fire at a home for the elderly killed 17 people

Brovary district court of Kyiv region chosen as a preventive measure detention of 40-year-old founder of a home for the elderly in Litochkah Brovary district, Kyiv region. The press service of the Prosecutor's Office of Kyiv region.

Recall, on Sunday 29 May, about four o'clock in the morning, there was a fire on the ground floor for the elderly, because of which killed 17 people.

The owner of this establishment reported a suspicion of a criminal offense provided ch. 2, Art. 270 (violation of fire safety legislation requirements) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

At present, pre-trial investigation continues.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Speaker admits that fines will not make MPs sit at meetings

Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:45 am
Yytannya discipline always pursues Parliament

New Parliament Speaker Andrew Paruby claims that the Parliament is only a small group of truants. He said this in an interview with "Commander" .

"This convocation most - active, effective MPs who go to committees, working groups go to work and vote. When we speak of absentees, we are talking about a small group ", - assured Paruby.

According to him, the issue of discipline - complex. "It always pursues the Parliament, well, maybe except for those times when" knopkodavstvo "was in favor, and a quorum gathered even when the hall was a small number of deputies," - said the head of BP.

He said that the restored ancient order the deduction of salaries of deputies for the days when they did not come. "It is technically. We have morning and peredobidnya registration. Now, when the deputy morning not registered in written registration, Southern be removed wages. No signature and registration evening - for a day removed salary, which is about 700 hryvnia per day "- said Paruby.

He believes that this measure by itself will affect the attendance. "It is important here and public pressure, and work with fractions. By and large, the faction responsible for the work of MPs. So I always appeal to the heads of the factions to active deputies. Because eventually when bills are not accepted only because of the lack of deputies in the hall, are all negative, "- said Paruby.   In Ukrainian/український

I never did care for Paruby to begin with. How he got into his current position is beyond me.

He complains about MPs not showing up, then earlier said may of them are his friends. He's talking, but yet to really have offered an idea on how to fix the issue. Who's he going to blame, Yanukobich, Poroshenko, Baba Yaga?

He's suppose to be a leader. it's time he starts acting like one and do something good for a change, instead of complaining like an old lady.

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Three persons killed, five injured as drunk driver mowed down group of people in Chernihiv region

Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:50 am
A drunk driver mowed down a group of people in theChernihiv region, killing three of them.

Censor.NET reports citing a statement by the Chernihiv Regional State Administration.

An intoxicated driver of a Toyota Camry drove into collision with a group of parents and relatives accompanying high school graduates in the village of Tomashivka in the Ichnia district of the Chernihiv region today, June 1, at 4:15 a.m. The car smashed into a tree after that.

Three persons died on the spot, including a woman born in 1985, and two men born in 1972 and 1976. Besides, three women, the driver and a passenger of the car received injuries of varying severity and were taken to the central district hospital in Ichnia.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty NATO plans to adopt support package to increase practical assistance to Ukraine at Warsaw Summit

Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:55 am
NATO plans to make a political statement confirming the Alliance’s support to the Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as approve the support package and increase practical assistance to Ukraine subsequent to the results of the summit scheduled to be held in Warsaw July 8 and 9.

As reported by Censor.NET citing Interfax-Ukraine, this was said by Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine and Director of the NATO Liaison Office Alexander Vinnikov in an interview with news outlet published on Wednesday, June 1.

"We expect the two main outcomes of the meeting with Ukraine at the summit. The joint political statement will confirm unwavering support of the Alliance to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Adoption of the comprehensive support package will increase our practical assistance to Ukraine. This will speed up the existing efforts on support and bring new elements into a single support package, which will cover all areas of cooperation between NATO and Ukraine," Vinnikov said as translated from his interview, published in Russian.

He also noted that Warsaw will host a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the level of heads of state and governments.

"This meeting will provide an opportunity to evaluate the reform progress in Ukraine and discuss our joint efforts to support Ukraine in terms of the security sector and defense reforms," the NATO Liaison Office director said.

Vinnikov also noted that in response to the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the Alliance had already adopted a number of decisions to strengthen its defense capabilities, including the Readiness Action Plan stipulating for the NATO build-up in the eastern member states and creation of the minor headquarters in these countries. According to him, this will promote stabilization of the Euro-Atlantic area, and deter any further Russian aggression.

Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine also notes that the Alliance sees only a political solution to the conflict in Donbas.

"NATO supports the full implementation of the Minsk agreements. We believe that this is the only way to achieve peace, the only way to a political settlement of the conflict. We call on all the parties to fully comply with the obligations set out in Minsk, and emphasize Russia's obligations in this matter," he said.

"Unfortunately, in recent weeks and months, we observe an increasing number of violations of the cease-fire, which we expected to be established several months ago. And this fact certainly raises our great concern, and we reiterate the need to fulfill Minsk agreements, starting with the full and sustainable cease-fire. We support every effort that could lead to a political settlement of the conflict as we do not see a military solution for it. NATO also supports all efforts to achieve a sustainable peace," Vinnikov added.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Preparations for the Summit. Russia wants to show where its zone of influence - Skibitskyy. VIDEO

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:04 am
Increasing the number of attacks by the Russian-terrorist troops in Donbass due to the approach of the NATO Summit in Warsaw.

As Tsenzor.NET about it on the air "on Channel 5," said the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Vadym Skibitskyy. "We must not forget that we are preparing for the NATO summit, which is scheduled in Warsaw in July this year. This - just an opportunity for Russia to demonstrate where its area of influence, where her area of interest. this clearly indicates that today the Russian Federation is fighting not only with Ukraine, but it is a beginning, perhaps armed confrontation with other European countries, especially - NATO ", - he said.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia has agreed to the placement of armed OSCE

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:09 am
Kostyantyn Yeliseyev announced details of the negotiations in "Norman format"

The Russian side has agreed to the deployment of armed police mission in Donbass, say in the administration of President of Ukraine. This was in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine said Deputy Chairman Konstantin Eliseev AP. "Following the talks in" Norman format ", we reached a unity of approach and agreement that we start work in Vienna at the level of Permanent Representatives of states Parties "Norman format" in the OSCE and in the future - with the involvement of all countries in the OSCE, "- said Elisha. " After all, we will need the consensus of all the members of the Organization on deployment of the mission in Donbass. This agreed to the Russian side ", - said the deputy head of the AP.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine breaks own grain export record [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:29 am

Ukraine's future - agriculture. And feeding Europe.
This year, so far, weather has not been bad. Rain, sun, quite warm.
But that can all change. So far, so good.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukrainian army had one fatality in Donbas in past 24 hours [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:33 am
One Ukrainian serviceman was killed, and another three suffered injuries in hostile attacks in the anti-terrorist operation zone in Donbas over the past day, ...
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Landik: Capture Lugansk Russian troops uzhodzhuvav Efremov

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:35 am
A former member of the Party of Regions, told how Efremov personally negotiated the overthrow of the Ukrainian authorities in Luhansk

Former head of the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada and the former governor of Luhansk region Oleksandr Yefremov arranged the capture region by Russian troops.

In an interview said the former Regions Volodymyr Landik.

"In February of 2014 in Luhansk was shodnyak. Arrived brother (Natalia) Royal (Royal Constantine - former Deputy Minister of Regional Development of Russia - ed.) And Sergei Glazyev, Putin's adviser, who often traveled to us. They met Ephraim and agreed how to divide assets after the fall of the Ukrainian authorities in Lugansk, "- he said.

Landik added that this meeting took place in the house of Ephraim.

According to him, Russians allegedly promised the Lugansk Ephraim control after the invasion.
"And distributed: who would get the local business of mine who Severodonetsk" Nitrogen ". In Lugansk - whom the department who - markets. And Efremov under warranty Putin promised that "redistribution" of his entourage, "- he said.

Landik assured him that the information reported by the "people of Ephraim coming" and that he gave her the SBU, but there he was asked to distribute it. Also, ex-MP said that the Service is recording conversations this meeting.

According to him, after the capture of Lugansk Russians deceived Ephraim.

"And that's how it happened: when Putin went to Lugansk, he threw Ephraim. I went and our Russian blatota zlydota please, "Rob! Kill! "And those who believed Ephraim, is selected, all cut for scrap. But Putin an easy excuse, "Ukrainian army did not let us in Kyiv, so I did not fulfill the promise - force majeure!" - He added.

Landik also said that immediately separatist movements in the Luhansk region funded PR and leadership of the Communist Party, in particular - the leader of the Communist Spiridon Kilinkarov Luhansk, which, according to Landik, received the money in bags in Kiev office CPU leader Petro Symonenko.
In particular, according to the ex- MP, in his presence Kilinkarov giving money packs Rubizhne first secretary of the city committee of the Communist Party Nellie Zadyratsi who then proclaimed himself "Minister of Foreign Affairs of the FSC."

Landik assured that Kilinkarov that "now goes to Moscow and calmly pours shyte on Ukraine", continues to live in his apartment in Kiev. He also says that the apartment Kilinkarov received the assistance of Ephraim.

The former MP said that several times in the National Security Council Secretary Alexander Turchinov and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov also talked about these actions Ephraim, but they are not interested. "

As you know, in March, Prosecutor General's Office closed the criminal proceedings in respect of Ephraim inciting hatred, and the court ordered the return of collateral in the amount of 60,900 USD.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russian woman accused of terrorism Leonov told where her money

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:45 am
"Money'm in the locker"

Russian woman accused of terrorism Anastasia Leonova that deals in Ukraine volunteering, financial help mom. This Russian woman said in an interview with "Commander".

"In Kiev, when it began to rent an apartment, worked as sommelier. Besides an apartment in Moscow, which leases mother and me money transfers here. Money taking a bedside table. When asked where the money and say: with tables "- told Leonov.

Recall that in the night from 9 to 10 December 2015 SBU during the antiterrorist operation near his rented apartment in Kiev was detained a Russian citizen Anastasia Leonova. As part of the same transaction operatives during the assault one of the capital's apartments donechchanyna shot by Oleg Muzhchylya named "Forester", which was previously associated with the "Right Sector", but withdrew from the movement for sharp criticism at the time leader of Dmitry Yarosh.

Russian woman charged with breach of Part 1 of Art. 258.3 of the Criminal Code (creation and participation in a terrorist group or terrorist organization), as well as violation of Article 15 of Part 3 and Part 2 st.258 Criminal Code of Ukraine (attempt to commit a terrorist act by a group of people). Leonov accused of Muzhchylem they were planning, organization and implementation of terrorist attacks, including in Kiev and Odessa. Instead she accused suspect in their relations with the Russian special services, details of which began to emerge in social networks, denies.

May 31 investigating judge Kyiv Court of Appeals rejected the prosecutor in the appeal, that refused to extend the detention for Russians Leonova.  In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty EU-Ukraine mini-summit to take place in Brussels on June 27 [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:53 am
....we expect that these consultations will be attended by three EU leaders – President of the European Council Donald Tusk, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz," ....
The top EU maharajhas. Can we expect something serious? Like the announcement of a date for the visa-free regime?
Or will they decide also to drop sanctions against the Russian occupiers? Or both at the same time?
10,000 dead, but the Greeks are only bothered about money. Also the French and German communist and fascist parties, of course.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Merkel sees no reason to roll back Russia sanctions: spokeswoman [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:59 am
.... German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Tuesday some EU states were skeptical about extending sanctions against Russia
"I can only tell you that the Chancellor is in talks with the Foreign Minister and that both agree that the Minsk peace process needs to be continued and the chancellor currently sees no reason at all for rolling back the sanctions," government spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz told a regular news conference.....

Some EU states?!
Greece for sure. Scumballs. Italy? They like a good fascist.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Smuggled Message from Twitter’s Gulag!

Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:03 am

Transcript of note from the 146% legitimate President of Russia!


Your 146% legitimate President is being unjustly held in Twitter’s gulag! However, through a trusted, loyal courtier I have managed to smuggle a message to the outside world. (Ok, I scribbled note this on a spare copy of the Minsk Agreement in my pocket when I was arrested and jammed it up Medvedev’s backside for him to smuggle).

Appeals against this kangaroo court and travesty of justice have begun and the USA’s lickspittles have indicated that a compromise is possible. However, be warned, I still have neighbors I have yet to invade in order to distract my citizens from shitty roads and falling wages.

With this in mind I urge the CIA’s stooges in Russia’s illegally annexed California Oblast to release me from this unjust detention.

In the mean time, please keep tweeting your support with the hashtag #NoTwitterGulagForDarthPutinKGB to remind the fascists that this will not stand.

Yours, topless


Via the great Brian Whitmore.
re the blocking by twitter of DarthPutinKGB .... idiots.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia's Supreme Court refused to review the sentence Sentsov

Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:11 am
The judge issued a decision not to transfer the case and appeals for review in the court of cassation court

Supreme Court refused to reconsider the verdict against Oleg Sentsov citizen sentenced in Russia to 20 years in prison on charges of "organizing terrorist acts" in the Crimea. This was reported on Wednesday, the press service of the court.
From cassation complaints requesting the cancellation of the sentence the court addressed Sentsov, the other defendants in the case, Alexander Kolchenko, received 10 years in prison, and the Commissioner in.

"The judge ruled refusing to transfer the case and appeals for review in the court of the court of cassation, "- said the representative of the court.

Justice Ukraine earlier asked the Russian authorities on the transfer of sentenced citizens of Ukraine Oleg Sentsov, Gennady Afanasiev, Alexander and George KOLCHENKO Soloshenko home for punishment. According Sentsov protection and KOLCHENKO, they filled the necessary documents in April, but a decision on their transfer is still pending.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty “We already started dialogue on US's next year budgeting to increase financial aid for strengthening Ukraine’s defense capability,” - Yelisieiev

Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:17 am
Ukraine expects the U.S. financial assistance to increase.

This was stated by Presidential Administration Deputy Head Kostiantyn Yelisieiev in an interview to Interfax-Ukraine, Censor.NET reports.

According to him, Ukraine expects to sign a document with the United States on providing $1 billion in loan guarantees in the near future.

Read more: U.S. to allocate $50 million to support National Guard and Border Service

"We have also already started dialogue with the United States in the context of the U.S. budgeting for the next year in order to increase financial assistance by the United States for strengthening Ukraine's defense capability," the Presidential Administration deputy head said.

It should be reminded that the U.S. defense budget-2016 stipulates for providing $300 million to Ukraine in the form of the direct inter-governmental assistance.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Suspects on Regions ‘bribe payments sheet’ must be held accountable – Rada speaker

Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:52 pm
Politicians and officials figuring on the Regions ‘bribe payments sheet’ must be responsible criminally and politically if convicted by court, Rada Speaker Andry Paruby said May 31, Kanal 5 reports.

If the payment sheets are authentic, it’s a great shame. The charges must be proved by prosecutors and go to courts, he said. 

 “Even if NABU can’t prove their guilt in full but Ukrainians see that the suspects are incriminated, there must be political responsibility,” Paruby said.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine Detains Two Suspected Islamic State Militants

Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:18 pm
In a statement on June 1, the SBU, Ukraine’s national security service, said the two, allegedly from Syria, were detained in the northeastern city of Kharkiv, although it was unclear when.

"The Kharkiv national security service of Ukraine has uncovered an attempt to send supporters of the Islamic State international terrorist organization from Syria by transit through Ukraine to western European states," the SBU said in the statement.

The SBU said the two were assisted by an individual from an unnamed "neighboring country" who was in the country illegally and wanted by Kyiv on suspicions of possible terrorist activity.

A senior source told the AFP that the individual was a Russian national...........
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine Proposes Working With U.S. To Replace Russian Rockets

Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:22 pm
The head of Ukraine's Space Agency, Lyubomyr Sabadosh, said on May 31 that he proposed the plan to replace Russian RD-180 rocket engines, which the U.S. Congress has ordered to be phased out by 2019, on a visit to the United States last month.

"We have proposed using our capabilities for implementing a joint design solution. ... It's quite a complicated task, but we can cope with it," he said.

Sabadosh said the United States expressed an interest in the idea. He said further talks will be held in Kyiv in November and will address the time frame for development, conducting tests, and funding.

Congress directed the U.S. military to find alternatives to the Russian rocket engines in 2014 after relations between the United States and Russia deteriorated sharply with Moscow's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

The Pentagon has said U.S. private contractors need time and incentives to develop alternatives, however, and trying to replace the Russian engine immediately would be costly......
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Belgorod-Dniester blew store: there are victims

Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:33 pm
Arson is a grocery store in the city of Belgorod-Dniester, Odessa region has led to an explosion.
As the press-service of GUNP, two women were injured in the explosion, they were taken to the hospital.

OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Picturepicture_76250618150590_58208

At the scene investigative team and Explosives found that after midnight the unknown, going to the back of the shop, has carried out an arson utility room, which led to an explosion. Also damaged adjoining store room.

"Plastic bottle with a characteristic odor of fuel and lubricating fluid was found, fragments of burnt yellow cloth, plastic and polyethylene, - said the head of the Belgorod-Dniester police department Vitaly Ovcharenko. - The police are taking measures to establish the person who committed the arson. "

Explosive devices, explosives or structurally similar to these items in the store were found.

Criminal proceedings opened under Part 2 of Article 194 (intentional destruction or damage of property) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In Russian/русский
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The Unraveling Of Moscow's 'Novorossia' Dream [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:24 pm
...Very soon, however, the militant groups in Donbas “turned into bands occupied with violence and looting,” Aleksandr said. “People were taken hostage and released for ransom. Often they fought among themselves for spheres of influence.”

“I knew the situation was hopeless when I found out that our fighters themselves had fired on a truck with our wounded that were being evacuated from the Donetsk airport on May 26,” he said. “My good friend was killed in that bloodbath. That’s when I understood it was all over, that people had been deceived and sent to die for nothing.”

“In the pro-Russian zone [in Donbas], weapons were handed out to criminals and drug addicts who robbed people, ‘commandeered’ businesses, homes, and cars,” he said. “The situation for the Russian World project became more and more catastrophic. That romantic of the Russian World, Girkin, could not cope with the anarchy that was developing around him.”....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The Daily Vertical: Cracks In The Media Facade [Engl; video, 2 mins.]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:29 pm
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Pensioner in Smolensk Region Fined for Complaining to Putin [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:35 pm
....The group had written to President Putin complaining about the difficult socio-economic situation in the area.

“There is virtually no industry or agriculture, there is no investment, jobs are being cut … There are so many problems in the region: roads, housing services, unemployment, the closure of schools, the deterioration of the health-care system” the letter said.....


This is not a joke.
How do you stop people "complaining" in russia?? Fine them!! lol!
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Why Greece Is Fighting Russia's Corner [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:40 pm
Please note!!!
Article is written by a scumball Greek MP.
So - no reference at all to
a) Ukraine
b) the occupied territories
c) 10,000 dead
d) Nadia Savchenko and other prisoners.

Conclusion - the Greeks are money grabbing mega-scumballs. No morals whatsoever - which is probably why they get on so well with the Russians.
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty How Kiev and Moscow Agreed To Ignore Each Other [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:46 pm

[Good article from jeans boy Oliver Carroll - see our "Journalists reporting on Ukraine; the good the bad and the ugly" sticky, for more on him.
Basically a good overview. One point missed - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker due to visit Moscow in a few weeks' time.
Is Putin beginning to look for an exit? ]

Extract -
...Peskov's comments were important, Strelkov says, because they represented a broader trend: "It showed that Putin is ready to give Ukraine back, if not by unconditional capitulation, then by one with a few strings attached. He's stepping back because the people around him can't stand the heat."

The Savchenko affair had been a disaster for Russia and an "obvious victory" for Ukraine, he said. "The whole process was an absurdity." The Ukrainian soldier should have been tried, he says, but "in a military tribunal" and "for crimes she really did commit." He pauses. "If it was up to me, of course, I'd deal with her in even more severe ways."

The prospect of Russia disowning eastern Ukraine would be welcomed by liberal parts of the Russian political establishment. In the past week, reforming former ministers German Gref and Alexei Kudrin made both covert and overt appeals to Putin to "tone down geopolitical tension." According to a recent investigation by the German tabloid Bild, supporting the region is costing the Russian taxpayer a minimum of 1 billion euros yearly....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Over 1 Million Russians Are Modern Slaves — Report [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:55 pm
...Russia appeared in 16th place on the index, ahead of Malawi, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Eritrea, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland in joint 17th place.

North Korea was ranked in top position, ...

Modern-day slavery comprises of human trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage and commercial sexual exploitation.


I am sure, with Putin as President for another 10 years or so, that they can take over the top position.
The road to North Korea.....

Also MT
Kremlin Experts Blame Condoms for Russian HIV Epidemic
Russia going backwards and backwards under Putin. Neanderthal man beckons....
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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty New drone footage shows militant positions in eastern Ukraine [Engl]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:08 pm

..."Trenches of combined Russian-separatist forces near the ghost village of Shyrokyne in the Donetsk region are located a few hundred metres from the Ukrainian Army positions. Buildings near the Azov Sea are nearly destroyed by artillery and tanks", Radio Liberty comments....

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OSCE -  Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Wednesday 01 June. [Ukrainian sources]

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