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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:52 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the day

35 attacks by Putin's Russian forces yesterday.
Sadly one more soldier killed, and seven wounded by Putin's murdering terrorists - i.e. Russians

Much cooler this morning. Down to 12 last night. High just under 20 for the next couple of days. Ok.
Lots of strawberries available now, and the cooler weather should help them last longer - maybe another week.
Some cherries, but rather early in the season yet. New potatoes also available. I love this time of year.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Headquarters: ATO forces repelled an IFV attack by militants

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:04 am
Headquarters: ATU forces repelled IFV attack militants

Over the past day in the area of ​​ATU 35 times militants opened fire on the positions of Ukrainian military 19 in Mariupol, 13 in Donetsk and Luhansk 3 directions.
The press center ATO Staff reports page on Facebook.
In Lugansk area under fire from terrorists infantry fighting vehicles, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers were Ukrainian forces in Stanitsa Luhansk. At Novozvanivky militants also fired from anti-aircraft installation ZU-23-2.
In Donetsk area near the positions of the Armed Forces Avdeevki, Opitnoe, Pisky, Butivka mine, Mayorska, Mironivskyi and Lugansk militants except small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, mortars fired from different systems. Terrorists also fired at Ukrainian military Novoborodivky 40 rounds with ACS.
"Around 21.30 DRG opponent of up to 10 people attempted to walk along the railway track near the station Mayorsk which attacked the observation post. Our soldiers opened fire on defeat. Under cover of 120 mm mortars saboteurs were pushed back," - said in a statement.
In Mariupol direction under mortar fire fighters were nearby units and Pavlopolya Krasnogorovka. With small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers of various militants fired position forces ATU in the area Marinka, Krasnogorovka, Novotroitsk, Shyrokynoho and Lebedinsky.
In some cases, Ukrainian troops opened fire.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty UN has credible reports on troops, heavy arms arriving from Russia to Donbas [Engl]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:08 am
UN has credible reports on troops, heavy arms arriving from Russia to Donbas [Engl]
After two years of war against Russia....
No wonder the UN is completely useless.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine and the IMF are close to finalizing their revised memorandum

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:22 am
Ukraine and the IMF are close to finalizing the updated memorandum
.....In an interview with TV channel ICTV Deputy Chairman David Lipton Foundation, commenting on the talks in Kiev.
"We are in the final stages of negotiations, we have reached agreements with the Ukrainian government on key issues. There are a few minor points to be agreed upon," - he said.
However, the deputy head of the IMF did not specify exactly which key issues were agreed.
Lipton said that raising the retirement age in Ukraine is not in question.
"Difficult aspects of the Pension Fund will be discussed in the future, this issue is complex. ....

Leaders of the parliamentary faction "Fatherland" and "Radical Party" Yulia Tymoshenko and Oleg Lyashko require the government to publish the text of the memorandum with the IMF's obligations shall Ukraine....

Ukraine needs to keep working with the IMF. A difficult time for the people, but hopefully soon the country will see some light at the end of the tunnel, by way of increased investment from western Europe. I know it is started in certain industries - agriculture, building materials, and so on.
Of course, the opposition, Putin, Tymoshenko etc will want to know the details - then they can attack the government further.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty ‘Who are the anonymous people terrorizing those who criticize Putin?’ [Engl]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:36 am
‘Who are the anonymous people terrorizing those who criticize Putin?’
...When she received the earlier threats, Chernobrodova did what any citizen would think to do: she turned to the police. But the police refused to help her because they said she had not provided any concrete details of a threat. Had they been willing to take up the case, they would have found what they needed to bring charges easily enough....
Police? In Russia? They only act in Putin's interest - not for the people, not for the nation.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poroshenko blackmails Kolomojsky and Kuchma - expert says

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:36 am
The transfer of case materials on Kuchma and Kolomojsky to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau indicates Poroshenko’s wish to keep them on the hook, the expert said.

In the opinion of legal expert Hanna Malyar, Poroshenko is simply blackmailing Kuchma and Kolomojsky to be on the safe side and imitating the fight against the oligarchs. 

 “All this looks like political blackmail, not fight against the oligarchs. So far, not a single tycoon has been put in jail. What we’ve seen are merely loud declarations, the expert told Voice of Capital radio May 5. 

The transfer of case materials indicates that Poroshenko may take further steps if unruly oligarchs do not toe the line, Hanna Malyar said.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Police Break Up Protest In Crimea Over Beach Access

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:44 am
Among those hauled away at the June 4 gathering in the city of Alushta, some 50 kilometers from Crimea’s capital, Simferopol, was local lawmaker Pavel Stepanchenko, who resisted police officers’ demands to halt what they called an “unsanctioned” public meeting.

The officers dragged away Stepanchenko and other protesters who stepped in to defend him amid chants of “shame” from the crowd of protesters that numbered in the dozens.

The crowed also reportedly yelled criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ruling United Russia party and called the police officers “Banderovtsy,” which in Russia -- including on state-run television -- is used as a derogatory term to describe Ukrainian nationalists.

Stepanchenko managed to get away, while three other demonstrators were reportedly detained and charged with minor offenses, including participating in an unsanctioned rally and resisting police..........

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia 2030: By Brian Whitmore (PODCAST report)

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:49 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Transcarpathia the road between Hoost and Lvov hit with mudflows (GolosUA) 10:35

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:55 am
In Transcarpathia the road between Hoost and Lvov came mudflows (GolosUA)
Some heavy rain clealy in places in western Ukraine. Dry in the capital.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty It rains again in Ukraine (Bagnet)

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:00 am
It rains again in Ukraine
Fairly detailed forcast. Maybe more rain by mid-week. Maybe thunderstorms also.

Start -
This week, Ukraine is waiting for warm weather, but with little precipitation. According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center of tomorrow will only slight rains in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Lugansk regions. On the rest of the country will be cloudy, but no rain. day temperature - 18-22 degrees of heat, and at night from +7 to +11.

On Wednesday afternoon pomorosit only in the Kharkiv region. In other regions of the country will be dry and warm in summer: 19-22 degrees Celsius during the day and cold at night - from +6 to +10.

On Thursday, the Western Ukraine, as well as the Chernigov and Sumy region in the north of the country will be covered and thunderstorms. However, despite the rain, the temperature will remain stable warm....
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Crimean peaceful protesters get violent awakening to Russian real world

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:02 am
Among the 50 or more Crimeans violently dispersed while trying to hold a peaceful protest on June 4 was one communist deputy who played an extremely active role in supporting Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea. Judging by the outraged cries from the protesters, Pavel Stepanchenko was not the only protester confused by the face presented of Russian reality.

The protest was over the appearance of commercial outlets and funfair attractions blocking the beach in Alushta. Local residents are convinced that corruption among the authorities is behind the loss of access to their beach.

The Internet site Your Newspaper informs that an attempt by the initiative group to agree the protest on the beachfront with the city authorities had been rejected. Having failed to get permission, they avoided any loudspeakers or other items that could get them accused of holding an unauthorized protest, and tried to call their peaceful action a ‘meeting with city council deputy Stepanchenko’. Such meetings cannot be banned. At least not in Ukraine they can’t.

Article 39 of Ukraine’s Constitution states quite unambiguously that “citizens have the right to assemble peacefully without arms and to hold meetings, rallies, processions and demonstrations, upon notifying in advance the bodies of executive power or bodies of local self-government.”

Notification does not mean asking for permission. If the authorities want to ban a meeting, they must apply to the court. Court bans became extremely common during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, though not those meetings formally referred to as between MPs and their voters.

Crimea, however, has been under Russian occupation now for over 2 years, with Stepanchenko reportedly having even received an award for his part in ensuring Russia’s seizure of control.

Despite this, he was clearly taken aback when police arrived within seconds and demanded to see their “permit”. He can be heard on the video here actually telling the police that there is a notification system, and that they had ‘notified’ the authorities.

Russia’s Constitution undoubtedly speaks of freedom of peaceful assembly, but permission has long been required, and normally refused, for any public protest, march, etc. While Crimea remains under Russian occupation, such restrictive measures will apply there also.

The police soon physically grabbed Stepanchenko and tried to drag him to a police car. The other protesters tried to prevent this, and the police called in reinforcements. The officers eventually pushed Stepanchenko into the car which was then surrounded by enraged protesters, including several women with children.

In seriously confused fashion, the protesters chanted both “Shame on Russia” and “Banderovtsi!”. The latter refers to supporters of the Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera and has long been used in all Russian and pro-Russian anti-Ukrainian rhetoric.

The same newspaper reported later that Stepanchenko had been released after 7 hours, with his clothes ripped and with signs of bleeding on his back. Two other protesters were at that time still being held in custody. Stepanchenko told the paper about his “illegal detention” saying that the police had hurled him to the floor in their minivan and proceeded to kick him. He was then taken to the police station and says that for the first three hours he was not permitted to call his lawyer.

Stepanchenko was also angered that he had been illegally held for over 3 hours and rang the police number to inform of this. One of the heads of that department came running within 10 minutes, but not with the result Stepanchenko expected. Instead, the police head shouted at the officers because they had let Stepanchenko hold on to his mobile phone!

He and the other two men detained face administrative charges – for ‘organizing a illegal public event’ and ‘not obeying the demands of a police officer’.......................

To read further go to this link: 
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lutsenko Hrycak Lutkovska and come with a test to SBU jail

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:07 am
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  151397_main

Testing is performed in response to the statement of Assistant Secretary General of the UN Human Rights Ivan Šimonović of torture

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko, the Commissioner of Human Rights Valeria Lutkovska and head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Hrycak conduct unscheduled jail SBU. According to the press secretary Lutsenko Larissa Sargan on his page in Facebook.
«Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko asked the Ombudsman V. Lutkovska and head of the SBU Basil Gritsak check one of the detention centers in response to the statement of Assistant Secretary General of the UN Human Rights Ivan Šimonović cases of torture Ukraine on the part of separatists and the SBU ", - she wrote.

Recall, June 3 met head of the SBU Basil Gritsak Assistant Secretary General of the UN Human Rights Ivan Šimonović in which they agreed to cooperate denser.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Oil price stable around 50 dollars a barrel

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:44 am
Oil price stable.
West Texas Intermediate.
$48.62 ▼-0.55 -1.13%

Brent Crude Oil
$49.64 ▼-0.40 -0.81%

Hopefully the price will stick around here. Some stablity is needed - especially in Ukraine - for planning.
I noticed that the price went up 1 uah at the pumps a couple of days' ago. Oko Oko now 25 for 95 octane.

A price near 50 - ok I believe for some shale-gas producers. And they will keep production up in America - by far the largest consumer of oil in the world.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty President noted support of IMF and World Bank in implementation of necessary reforms in Ukraine

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:55 am
President noted support of IMF and World Bank in implementation of necessary reforms in Ukraine
President Petro Poroshenko participated in the meeting of the Regional Group of the IMF and the World Bank that is taking place in Ukraine for the first time.
The Head of State expressed gratitude to the Ministers of Finance and Governors of National Banks of 15 countries that attended the meeting for their consistent support for Ukraine on the track of necessary transformations.
“Your assistance and solidarity are very important for successful macroeconomic stabilization of Ukraine,” the President said.
Petro Poroshenko assured that Ukraine stayed committed to reforms actively implemented with IMF and World Bank.
The President informed on the achieved progress on that track, particularly in the context of struggle against corruption and judicial reform. “We have rebooted the fight against corruption, restore trust in the banking system and the right to justice,” the Head of State noted......

...In her turn, Governor of the National Bank Valeria Gontareva noted that Ukraine had managed to overcome the biggest problems and achieve positive changes. However, it would have been impossible if it hadn’t been for the support of the IMF, World Bank and all countries of the Regional Group.
The President also met with First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund David Lipton and discussed Ukraine-IMF cooperation.....

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The Russian Spy Run by Dumb and Dumber [Engl]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:03 am
The Russian Spy Run by Dumb and Dumber
....But Buryakov’s arrest and sentencing serves as a firm reminder that despite the end of the Cold War, covert Russian espionage in the U.S. is prevalent and ongoing....
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Putin’s Friend Timchenko Most Successful Russian Billionaire of 2016 So Far [Engl]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:10 am
Putin’s Friend Timchenko Most Successful Russian Billionaire of 2016 So Far
....Timchenko's company Volga Group grew by 30.6 percent during the past five months, adding an extra $2 billion to its overall value, Bloomberg reported. The overall value of the company is now rated by Bloomberg at $8.6 billion. The success allowed Timchenko, who was named as by Putin as a “personal friend” earlier this year, to take the 12th spot on the list of richest Russian billionaires and 136th richest person in the world....
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, based on information received as of 19:30, 3 June 2016

Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:23 am
Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, based on information received as of 19:30, 3 June 2016
...According to several residents, “DPR” armed members usually fire towards Ukrainian Armed Forces positions from residential areas in the village; afterwards incoming shelling and shooting towards the residential areas from Ukrainian Armed Forces positions take place.....
The SMM was allowed to proceed to a shop located in the village, where later on, an armed “DPR” member approached the SMM. He told the SMM that he would be present to ensure that the SMM did not discuss any sensitive issues with the local population,

Shaun Walker's "DNR guys" ensuring that there is no freedom of speech in the occupied territories. The road to North Korea.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty One more Ukrainian soldier killed in the ATO zone

Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:21 am
One more soldier killed in the ATO zone
The ATO area killed one Ukrainian military
June 6, 2016, 13:10
These losses Ukrainian troops suffered during the battle under the Mayorsk and during the attacks under Avdeevka.
Andrei Lysenko
Over the past day in the zone of the ATO one Ukrainian soldier was killed and another seven injured -Get.

This was during the briefing said the representative of PA on ATO Andrei Lysenko, according to "word and deed" with reference to "UNN".

"For the past day by fighting one Ukrainian soldier was killed and seven - were injured. These losses Ukrainian troops suffered during the battle under the Mallorcan and during the attacks under Avdiyivka ", - informed Lysenko...
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty M.Dzhemilev: free journalism in Crimea almost completely destroyed (UNN)

Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:28 am
M.Dzhemilev: free journalism in Crimea almost completely destroyed (UNN)

This won't read this story from "journalist" Shaun Walker in Seamus Milné's Putin loving Guardian "newspaper".
Nor in the Greek right-wing, or ultra-left wing press.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia threatens new crusade against Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia

Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:09 am
Russia does not to observe calmly how the Russian-speaking population of former USSR republics becomes a target for repression in the area of education and language, Duma Speaker Valentyna Matvienko said June 5, Novosti Russian Information Agency reports.

 “The Russian culture and language has become the target for repression. The human rights of Russian speakers ion Ukraine, Estonia and Latvia are being restricted,” she said. 

The confrontation regarding Russia, Russo phobia and efforts to isolate their citizens from the great Russian culture are being made in these countries, the Russian official said.

There exist no facts that the Russian speakers in these countries are not loyal citizens, promote the interests and influence of Russia to harm the countries where they live, she said.

Recall that Russia successfully used the Russian World concept to stir up separatist protests in Donbas that led to the emergence of breakaway republics.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia's GRU plotted attack on SBU's jail in Kyiv, - Hrytsak

Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:15 am
The Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of Russia planned a bomb attack on the Kyiv detention facility of Ukraine's Security Service.

As reported by Censor.NET citing 112 Ukraine, this was announced by SBU Head Vasyl Hrytsak.

"It is this detention facility that could have been bombed under order of Russia's GRU. We have recorded a conversation of persons who made reconnaissance of this facility, where they say "there are separatists there," "someone else is there, no problem," "we'll have a car full of explosives and blow it up," etc. They planned to attack this very jail," he noted.

"We've unclassified this conversation so that people can see what Russia's GRU officers are involved into," Hrytsak said.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Kyiv Says French National Arrested In Ukraine Planned 15 Terrorist Attacks

Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:26 am
SBU chief Vasyl Hrytsak told reporters on June 6 that the man intended to blow up "a Muslim mosque, a Jewish synagogue, tax collection organizations, police patrol units, and numerous other locations."

On June 4, the Ukrainian Border Guard confirmed reports that a French national with a cache of weapons and explosives was arrested on the Ukrainian-Polish border in late May.

Hrytsak said the man “obtained five Kalashnikov rifles, more than 5,000 bullets, two antitank grenade launchers, 125 kilograms of [explosive material,] 100 detonators, 20 balaclavas, and other things."

Security officials in Europe are on high alert after gunmen killed 130 in Paris in November last year and suicide bombers blew themselves up at Brussels airport and on the metro in March, killing 32.......
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Right Sector" intends to block the march of equality: they do not care that will fight

Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:48 am
"Right Sector" against the propaganda of LGBT - is the norm

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  20_main

Speaker "Right Sector" Artem Skoropadsky said that political forces would "strongly discourage" holding equality march on June 12, as against the 'propaganda that LGBT - is the norm. " He said this in a comment edition of "Gordon".

Asked whether interpreted as a threat to his words that in Kiev during the march would be "bloody mess" Skoropadskyi said: "Given the experience of previous years and tense situation in society, there can happen anything. You remember at the meeting on August 31 last year in Parliament generally thrown grenade. And there is much less of confrontation and misunderstanding than between the LGBT community and nationalists."

" Certainly, we are going to take part in actions against the march and we strongly discourage his conduct "- said Skoropadskyi.

To clarify what exactly techniques he said: "Just block the move, that's all. Well, perhaps it could provoke a fight, we understand, well, so what's next? Renounce their beliefs? .. So will fight, but we would not care that it will fight, we will express our position as we believe possible."

Speaker of the aircraft also joined the debate correspondence with the head of the house Natspolitsii Dekanoyidze. "We absolutely incomprehensible position of the National Police. Yesterday it rukovoditelnitsa Dekanoyidze said that, then we must show that we are a European country, and therefore strictly police respond to any attempt to march suspension. And I would remind her that in fact in her native country, Georgia, from which she came here recently, such as gay parades pretty hard dispersed faithful and just unhappy people this time. And two - surely you can not see the extent to which the European, in fact, hold gay parades do not spend, "- said Skoropadskyi.

" That was no provocation, there is only one way out - to cancel the event, "- he said .

asked why the "Right sector" does not want to give the LGBT community an opportunity to express their position, political power speaker said: "This is not just our own position, we are tired to answer the same question. We are not against sexual minorities, we are against the imposition of unhealthy things that are inherent to 1% of people in the community to be imposed on the whole society. Ukraine - very traditional country. As the same Georgia. It never becomes a norm. We are opposed to imposing rules and not against the fact that there may walk in his hands."

In his view," any street action is propaganda, and so gay parade - it is propaganda that LGBT - is the norm but we do not believe this is the norm."

Recall, on June 12 in Kiev representatives of LGBT equality march planned.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Poll: Nearly half of Russians believe that the worst of times - still ahead

Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:55 am
Optimistic, only 19% of Russians - in their opinion, the worst behind

Almost half of the residents of the Russian Federation - 48% - believe that the most serious socio-economic challenge for the country is yet to come. The results of the survey VTSDHD (VTsIOM, All-Russian center of research the Public Opinion - Ed.), Published on the website of the Centre .

However, 23% of respondents indicated that they believe the Russians are experiencing hard times now. Another 19% of respondents believe that the worst is behind us and the future socio-economic situation will improve soon.

10% of respondents could not answer the question.

The survey was conducted May 28-29. The sample size was 1,600 people. The sample represents the population of 18 years of age and older. The maximum size of the error (including design effect) with 95% does not exceed 3.5%.

As previously reported, the main enemies of residents believe the United States, Ukraine and Turkey. These are the results of the latest survey "Levada Center" dedicated against the Russians in other countries. 72% of Russians believe that the most hostile to Russia configured USA. Second place with the highest in the history of observations occupies Ukraine - 48% (in 2015 thought so 37%).   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Italy, died in an accident scandalous friend of Putin

Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:12 am
The tragedy occurred on June 5th in northern Italy

Italian MEP from the party "Lega Nord" Gianluca Bonanno died as a result of the accident on Sunday, 5 June. According to The Telegraph, 50-year-old politician died at the scene.

The incident occurred around 17:00 local time in the municipality Throat Maggiore in northern Italy. Bonanno, who in May 2014 served as mayor of the city of north Borhozeziya (Novara province), at the time of collision with another car was in the car together with another passenger. As a result of his injuries, 50-year-old politician died, others accident injuries of varying severity. His wife, who was also in the car, is in the hospital.

Bonanno to his election to the European Parliament held a deputy seat in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament in the period from 2008 to 2014.

According to the publication, the death of politics on the web reacted ambiguously. Some sympathized, and some literally rejoiced, saying that "death was the only way to get rid of it."

The politician is famous for its controversial anti-immigration statements and stunts that caused sharp reaction in social media. One of the biggest scandals occurred in October. Then the deputy was fined 3,060 euros and suspended from work in parliament for 10 days after he wore a T-shirt with the image of Adolf Hitler and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a plenary session. Also during other discussions with Merkel Bonanno wore a mustache in the style of Hitler and "zyhuvav."
Italian MEP has repeatedly supported the policy of and ardently supported Putin. During one of the hearings on the ratification of the Association Agreement Ukraine with the EU in Strasbourg, he appeared in a T-shirt that says "No sanctions against Russia!".

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  16_01   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty The Kremlin worried that Germany considers Russia enemy

Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:21 am
Peskov said that Russia seeks cooperation, not confrontation

The new position of Germany on actual recognition of the enemy could lead to confrontation. This opinion was expressed press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, President, commenting on the new edition of the German security strategy - "White Book", reports TASS .

"If this new edition of the" White Book "is true, then it can cause both sadness and concern at the same time - said Peskov. - Too bad because this is the apparent lack of understanding of the merits position of the Russian side, which is well known, which is consistent, and is not aimed at confrontation, and to create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutually beneficial cooperation in Europe ... This position, of course, can lead to some confrontational process that does not contribute to mutual trust and mutual cooperation. "

Recall, the government of Germany renews security strategy, which, along with terrorists and hackers migration crisis, Russia recognized the enemy in Germany.

According to the new edition of the "White Book" , Russia is presented as "a threat to the established post-Cold War world order in Europe."

"Russia is ready to promote their interests by violent means - as happened in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine - and unilaterally move guaranteed by international law abroad. Therefore, it is a threat to the established post-Cold War world order in Europe ", - stated in the updated document.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine thwarts Euro 2016 terror plot (Financial Times)

Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:29 am
Ukraine claimed on Monday to have thwarted a plot to conduct massive terrorist attacks during this month’s Euro 2016 football championship in France by last month arresting a French national seeking heavy weapons and explosives in the country’s war-torn eastern regions.

The arrest occurred in late May, according to authorities, and the suspect appears to have harboured far-right views.

“We were able to prevent a series of terrorist acts,” Vasyl Hrytsak, chief of Ukraine’s SBU state security service said at a press conference in Kiev on Monday.

“The targets of explosions were to include: a Muslim Mosque, a Jewish synagogue, an institution collecting taxes from French citizens, autobahn surveillance points and many other spots. All together, 15 terrorists attacks were planned,” he added............

To read further go to this link:   Financial Times
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "After year-end celebration, all left home happy, and here we go in the evening," - Russian militants shelled Pervomaiske, destroyed kindergarten. VIDEO

Mon Jun 06, 2016 10:35 am
Russian terrorists shelled Pervomaiske village from large-caliber artillery.

As reported by Censor.NET citing TSN, about 50 shells have exploded in the center of the village and its suburbs. As a result, one local resident was killed. The shells destroyed a kindergarten. Its children were celebrating the end of the school year on that day.   In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Buk fragment found at MH17 crash site, - Dutch prosecution [Engl]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:21 am
Buk fragment found at MH17 crash site, - Dutch prosecution
The MH17 investigation team found the “exhaust” of a BUK missile at the site of the crash in eastern Ukraine.......

The missile part is a so-called Venturi. It is located on the bottom of a Buk missile and the gasses that propel the missile are released through it.
This is the first time it's been revealed that such a large part of a Buk missile was found at the site where the Malaysian Airlines plane crashed on July 17, 2014. All 298 people on board were killed, including 196 Dutch....
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine may get next IMF tranche in mid July [Engl]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:26 am
Ukraine may get next IMF tranche in mid July
...."We'll look at the policy followed next month [in June]. This is what we will evaluate, this is the basis upon which the Board of Directors will make its final decision on whether to allocate the tranche," he told Ukrainian TV Channel Inter in an interview broadcast on Sunday evening.

The work done by Ukraine to implement reforms will be assessed late in June, he said....


As long as Ukraine can keep Liashko and Tymoshenko's mitts off the money, it stands a chance.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Donetsk faces a creeping Russification [Engl]

Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:37 am
Donetsk faces a creeping Russification,Authorised=false.html?
Have to pay to view. Article states that re-integration into Ukraine is becoming harder by the day.
Personally, I think if people find out that food now is half the price in free Ukraine compared to the Donbass, then they would be more than happy to kick the Russian occupiers out. Given the chance...
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russian invaders from Murmansk's 61st brigade of Russian Army spotted in Luhansk. PHOTOS

Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:06 pm
Russian invaders from Murmansk's 61st brigade of Russian Army spotted in Luhansk. PHOTOS
A new OSINT investigation has revealed another group of Russian marines from the 61st separate marine brigade of the Murmansk oblast, who posted images from their "Ukrainian trip" in 2014. ....
Posts : 6613
Join date : 2015-05-29

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty MH17 - Investigation into the weapon system

Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:17 pm
[MH17] Investigation into the weapon system

....The Venturi is located at the bottom side of the Buk missile and emits the gases from the propellant, similar to the exhaust of a car. This Venturi was found at the crash site in Ukraine......

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Bukfromputin

Some interesting reading. See also
After ten days the mission was completed. After returning to the Netherlands, Noort and the team submitted their report. The secured soil samples were transferred to the team leader of the JIT. Chemical research and analysis should reveal whether the result is supportive, with incriminating or exculpatory evidence....

about soil samples.
have they got a match between the Russian buk spotted by so many people, and rocket fuel at its supposed launch site?
I would think so. They wouldn't write this stuff up if they didn't.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Monday 06 June [Ukrainian sources]

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