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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources]

Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:38 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the day

News -
Read this morning of 72 attacks by Putin's forces on the Ukrainian army yesterday.
He is not letting up.
I also read yesterday of another protest in Donetsk against the war.
People are beginning to criticise the electrician - self proclaimed ruler of Donetsk, Zacharchenko.
And opposition and disquiet with his rule will only increase over time.

Weather -
Pleasant. 24C predicted. Comfortable. Blue sky, a few white clouds. Weather looks stable for the next week.
But no rain. Not good, in that respect.

Waterloo -
Saw an item on the Ukrainian tv news last night about Waterloo - apparently the 200th anniversary. A big re-enactment.
After Waterloo, and the dictator Napoleon was removed, there was calm in Europe for several decades - until the Crimean war.
Now Europe faces a new dictator - Putin.

Online translators -
Sometimes they give bizarre results, as here ....
Большая колонна российской военной техники и боевиков направилась на Донецк (Хвиля)
Big column enlarged military techniques and boevikov there in San Antonio (wave)
[Yes - the original does say Donetsk - Донецк]

Last edited by Nelson on Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:12 am; edited 3 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:45 am
British lawyers are preparing a class action lawsuit to Putin over the downed Boeing (' 97)

ATO Forces cleared separatist DRG near Mariupol ' (Telegraph)
Ukrainian military night found and removed DRG fighters near the village of Lebedynske under Mariupol '.
About it informs the press centre at the ATOS Facebook page. In general the night fighters in the Donbas NVF violated cease-fire 10 times. So, in an area Of 152 mm howitzers were used, as well as 120-mm mortars. One of them fired several localities Zaytsevo, Kurdûmovku, Kirovo, Majorsk and Leninske. In the area of Donetsk were subjected to shelling Marinka, Pisky, Opitnoe and Krasnogorovka.
Also a number of settlements have been subjected to shelling by NWF on the boundary line. As we have informed, on June 19 for a day militants violated the silence mode 72 times.

New term for me - I think it means Diversantni ... Group... basically a reconnaissance group of terrorists.
But not 100% sure...
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:01 am
A large convoy of Russian army military vehicles moved into Donetsk (Russian)
Sunday, June 20, about 7:30 through the town of Shakhtyorsk passed a convoy of military vehicles. The convoy followed the 12 "Uralov with live power, 9 infantry fighting vehicles (IFV), multipurpose legkobronirovannyj 1 (Mt-lb) and 1 command and staff vehicle (CSV), which was transported on a trailer field kitchen and water tank.
[June 20, today, but Saturday, I believe! ]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:05 am
Poroshenko dismissed from posts the entire top of the SBU (Channel 5)
[SBU - formerly the KGB]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:10 am
Militants in the Donbas per day 72 times violated the Armistice – headquarters of the ATO (Radio Liberty)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:22 am
10:00 am
"The concrete embankment" named Vitali Klitschko (Radio Liberty)
[Not much detail, but asking why Klitchko is supporting developers who generated money for laundering under the Yanukovich dictatorship. ]

In the Odessa area consignment of smuggled cigarettes from Russia (Ligabusinessinform)
57.5 thousand packs of cigarettes of various brands of Russian production totaling more than 500 thousand. UAH,"
[From that you can work out that a packet of cigarettes in Ukraine costs about 10 hryvnia. Half a dollar.
No wonder smoking is in epidemic proportions here!
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:27 am
"Grad" from militants destroyed neighbourhood of Popasnaya (photo)
Today, in 10:06 "Commander in Chief"
19 June, observers of the general coordination and monitoring centre (OCKK) issues a cease-fire violation - documented attacks southern outskirts city Popasna, Luhansk oblast, from multiple launch rocket systems "Grad".
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:33 am
In the sector "b" detained some separatists, among which is a Russian -  headquarters ATO (UNIAN)
One of the diversantìv turned out to be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
[What will Lavrov and the lying Shaun Walker "journalists" say? He got lost on his way to the local supermarket in Moscow? ]

New OSCE Representative in the tripartite group will be the Austrian diplomat (UkrInform)
[Basically NOT good news for Ukraine.
Austria is one of the scumball countries, along with Greece, Cyprus, that has not done anything at all to ratify the AA with Ukraine.
Austria - where Adolf Hitler was born - clearly have a soft spot for dictators like Hitler, Putin.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:47 am
In English

Putin: Russian Pipeline Project to Help Greece Pay Its Debt
Tsipras [Greek scumball PM - ]
"We are starting a new era in Greek-Russian relations

[The Greeks - scumballs.
Ukrainian blood on their hands - no morals, just a desire to steal and support murdering dictators.
I ask you never to go to Greece, don't buy anything made in that disgusting country.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:55 am
In English - also NY Times

Russia and Greece Flaunt Solidarity at Business Forum, but Deals Are Scarce
The leaders of Russia and Greece produced a grand pageant of solidarity, friendship and supposed economic cooperation at Russia’s annual gathering for global business executives Friday,
[Hitler and Mussolini - the sequel, the Greeks replacing the Italians as the fascists in Europe]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:00 am
In English
Putin says Fifa's granting of World Cup to Russia 'should not be questioned'
[Strange. In Guardian, but no mention of names.
Scumball Russiaprofile - Guardian reporter Shaun Walker, moscow resident for 15 years, is known for his love of Putin and football, in that order.
But no names to the article. Walker never writes anything critical of Putin. Never. Like Shameus Milne, Stalin loving editor at the Guardian.
[I just read through the article.
Garbage from the Guardian. Basically quoting Putin throughout. Written by a man/ woman with no brain. Not worth reading, in my opinion
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:50 am
Greece crisis: Alexis Tsipras woos Vladimir Putin as Greeks rush for their savings
[My own personal online translator. "Greek" = "Scumball".]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty No amnesty – no local elections in Donbas, rebels say

Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:38 am
There can’t be any local elections in Donbas unless Ukraine declares amnesty to separatists, self-proclaimed Donetsk republic leader Denys Pushylin told journalists June 19 during talks in Minsk, Interfax reports June 20.

“Everything is stalled because there is no amnesty law. No local elections can be held without this law,” he said.

Pushylin ignored an important provision of the Minsk agreements whereby the amnesty can be declared only if the war stops and foreign troops leave Donbas.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin is facing a multi-million-pound legal action for Boeing crash

Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:47 am
Vladimir Putin is facing a multi-million-pound legal action for his alleged role in the shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet over eastern Ukraine

Last week, lawyers from McCue & Partners, the London law firm, flew to Ukraine for discussions about how to bring the case and where it should be filed. Victims' families will be invited to join the action, Censor.NET reports citing The Telegraph.

McCue and Partners have previously brought claims in the US courts against the former Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi for sponsoring IRA terrorism in Northern Ireland and on the British mainland.

The case against Putin could be worth hundreds of millions of pounds, possibly more, in potential damages. The action is likely to be brought through the US courts and could - if held liable - eventually see assets of Putin and those closest to him frozen if any resulting compensation is not paid.

The case would further damage relations between Putin and the West, but politicians would be powerless to prevent it.

Read also: Netherlands release almost 600 documents on flight MH-17 crash in Donbas. 147 remain classified

There is overwhelming, but largely circumstantial, evidence that Russian-backed rebels mistakenly brought down the Boeing 777, killing all 298 people on board, having mistaken it for a Ukrainian military aircraft. It is almost certain the aircraft was brought down by a Russian-made SA-11 missile fired from a Buk mobile launcher that appeared to have crossed into Ukraine from Russia. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty U.S. Senators Call For Arming Ukraine

Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:52 am
At a press conference in Kyiv on June 20 with two other visiting U.S. senators, McCain (Republican-Arizona) said it would be "disgraceful and shameful" for the West not to act as Russian President Vladimir Putin, in McCain's view, sought to dismember Ukraine.

McCain, one of the most vocal supporters in the U.S. Congress on arming Ukraine, said the Ukrainians had "proven they are willing to fight."

"This is shameful that we will not provide [the Ukrainians] with weapons to defend themselves. They are fighting with 20th-century weapons against Russia's 21st-century weapons. That's not a fair fight," McCain said.

Asked how to best counter Russian propaganda on the Ukraine conflict, McCain said RFE/RL and Voice of America had been crucial to winning the Cold War.

"One of the major factors in winning the Cold War without firing a shot was our information capabilities such as Radio Free Europe, Voice of America, it was beamed into the then-Soviet Union," McCain said.

Speaking alongside McCain, U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (Republican-Arkansas) said Western leaders had offered Putin numerous "off ramps" to deescalate the conflict in eastern Ukraine, but Putin, according to Cotton, had ignored these chances.

Now, Cotton said, was the time to start building "road blocks," including the supplying of arms to Ukraine's military.

Senator John Barrasso (Republican-Wyoming) said he was impressed meeting "innovators" in Ukraine, including those building drone aircraft practically from scratch during a visit to Dnipropetrovsk on June 19.........................

Read further at link:
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Historian Timothy Snyder: 'History Is Always Plural'

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:02 am
Yale University historian Timothy Snyder has become one of the unexpected "celebrities" of the conflict in Ukraine.

He has written a string of articles and given dozens of lectures in which he offers his correctives to narratives about the history of Eastern Europe that have emerged from Vladimir Putin's Russia. In particular, the author of Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler And Stalin, has waged a one-man campaign against Russian claims that Ukraine is not, to use Putin's words, "a real country."

Snyder spoke recently with RFE/RL Russian Service correspondent Yaroslav Shimov about the roles the interpretation and reinterpretation of history are playing in the current conflict in Ukraine and about the dangers of the Russian government's attempts to "obtain a monopoly…on historical interpretation."

RFE/RL: Your book is about how the struggle between Russia and the West played out in Eastern Europe in the 1930s and 1940s. Are we seeing something of a repetition of this now?

Timothy Snyder: The book is not so much about Russia and the West. If anything, the Soviet project was a kind of Western project because it was about modernizing a huge country that its leadership saw as backwards. So I wouldn't want to say Bloodlands was about Russia and the West.

Bloodlands is much more about a competition of two colonial projects -- where the Soviet project aimed to take land and people and force them into the future and the Nazi project aimed to conquer land and people and force them into the past. What is special about the region that I call "the Bloodlands," which is western Russia, the Baltics, Belarus, Ukraine, and most of Poland, is that these were the lands that were touched by both of these projects. So the question is not West and East or West and Russia. The question is what kinds of projects have contacts with these territories.........................

Read further at link:
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty .

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:18 am
Italian party wants to abolish sanctions against Russia, Ukrainian Ambassador expressed his indignation (
[Italians and Greeks. The worst. Scumballs one and all.]

By Marinka detained Russian citizen as part of separatist group (RBC-Ukraine)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:23 am
In Lugansk drunken militants threw a grenade out of the window of a house (Commander)
At Marinka killed one civilian and three military wounded under fire (Fourth Estate)
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia testing new weapons in Donbas - Poroshenko

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:30 am
Meeting with a delegation of U.S. senators led by John McCain on Saturday, Poroshenko informed them of the situation in Donbas, noting that Russia and militants were escalating the hostilities and failing to comply with the Minsk agreements.

Ukraine has managed to build a strong army, Poroshenko said. "However, we are fighting with 20th century weapons against 21st century weapons, as Russia is shipping modern weapons to Donbas, using Ukraine as a test range for testing its advanced systems," Poroshenko said.

The Ukrainian leader thanked the U.S. for backing Ukraine at a difficult time, mentioning the importance of Ukrainian-U.S. joint exercises.

He also welcomed a defense budget act passed by the U.S. Senate, saying that this shows that the U.S. can support Ukraine not only financially. "This is not only financial and economic assistance but also support of our security," he said......
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:36 am
McCain has been a good supporter of Ukraine, unlike most of the American politicians - hot air...
In Donetsk, gunmen broke up another rally near the building of ODA (
Today, under the walls of Donetsk Regional State Administration militants stopped a second weekly rally of civilians.
Previously, the people welcomed the arrival of Russian fighters, and now dissatisfied with their situation and demand to stop the war. The first rally was held peacefully. This time not everything went so smoothly.
As they say in social networks, people demanded a meeting with the leader of the "DNR" Zakharchenko, and even tried to enter the premises RSA. But they are driven armed insurgents. The most active protesters detained.

[They're not crying out, "Rasseeeya" anymore!
There problem is, you're not allowed to protest against dictators. Shaun Walker's "DNR guys" under Zacharchenko, the electrician turned dictator.]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:45 am
In Moscow, was a protest in support of Ukraine (RBC-Ukraine)
[These people are brave.
You don't get Guardian journalist Shaun Scumball Walker criticising Putin, or Shameonus Milne, Stalin lover.
The first photo - путин не хорошо быть оккупантом!
Criticism of Putin. These people are brave.
i'm surprised Putin's titushki did not attack them and beat them up.
Maybe he'll send Nemtsov's killers after them.
Brave brave people. Not all Russians are sheep.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty British lawyers are going to do with Putin as with Gaddafi

Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:31 pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin may face a multi-million dollar lawsuit in court for his alleged role in the crash of Flight MH17. This was reported by the British newspaper The Telegraph.

British lawyers arrived in Ukraine to prepare a class action lawsuit against the President of the Russian Federation on behalf of the families of the victims. Matter of compensation for victims of the Malaysian Boeing 777 has been the London law firm McCue & Partners, which at the time to file a claim against the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Source publication reported that the collection of evidence in a civil case is easier than in a criminal investigation. Therefore, high-ranking Kremlin policy, including Putin, may be held liable in civil courts.

The case against the Russian president that could cost hundreds of millions of pounds and more. But Putin's assets may be frozen, if the payment will not be paid.

[] In Russian[/url]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Donetsk proceeded large column of military equipment the Russian Armed Forces

Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:35 pm
On Saturday, June 20 at about 7:30 through the city Shahtersk A column of military equipment. The convoy followed 12 "Ural" with manpower, 9 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), 1 multi-purpose lightly armored truck (MT-LB) and 1 command and staff vehicle (CSV), which is transported on a trailer field kitchen and water tank.

According to local residents, the column was the symbolism of the Armed Forces and was sent toward the occupied Donetsk. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty "Grad" militants destroyed neighborhoods Popasnaya (PHOTOS)

Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:49 pm
June 19 observers of the General Center for the Control and Coordination (OTSKK) issues a ceasefire have documented attacks on the southern outskirts of the city of Luhansk region Popasnaya of multiple launch rocket systems "Grad".

June 19 around 4:50 the night of the locality were fired volleys 2 to 20 charges each. Task Force OTSKK recorded 17 explosions in an open area. The rest of the shells fell in the forest belt. They were awarded a direct hit in a residential area and the destruction of two flats in two five-storey residential houses.

One shell struck the roof of high-rise buildings and ripped in the ceiling of the fifth floor. Another struck a balcony, overlap between the ground floor and basement and exploded in the air-raid shelter-furnished beds. Miraculously, no one was hurt. Residents of homes were sleeping in another room. They also found two unexploded shells. They have been cleared by the demining group.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302518-n-00302914
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302520-n-00302914
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302522-n-00302914
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302524-n-00302914

According to representatives of OTSKK, residents reacted to the incident with understanding. They asked the military how to behave in such cases, and will not break the remnants of the shells are sticking out of the ground around. Ukrainian soldiers reassured residents and instructed on how to proceed.

Documented OTSKK regular violations of the agreements Minsk handed over to the Special OSCE monitoring mission.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302528-n-00302914
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302530-n-00302914
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302534-n-00302914 In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Stets told what will be the Ukrainian analogue of Russia Today

Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:01 pm
Ministry information policy creates a channel broadcasted on the basis of channel CMB established the former head of the National Bank Sergei Arbuzov. The channel, which many associate with Russia Today will be broadcast in four languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English and Crimean Tatar The minister of Information Policy Yuriy Stets said in an interview with "Commander in Chief" .

He noted that CMB - is one of the best technical bases in Ukraine.

Stets said that every half hour on TV news will come out.

"Unlike Russia Today he will be called Ukraine Tomorrow, because Russia has only today, but Ukraine has a future. Russia Today said in English, and our audience, which we hope - 30 million Ukrainians living outside Ukraine, people who communicate in Russian, and receive information from a single source - Russian propaganda channels. The slogan, which uses in its activities the Ministry of Information - "The best counter-propaganda - it's true." And we do the tools to communicate this truth. News will come in Ukrainian and Russian with English subtitles. A software product will be duplicated in the Crimean Tatar Ukrainian and Russian. 50 percent, perhaps more, this channel will be Russian-speaking, "- said the Minister. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Yatseniuk called the United States a global leader in the fight for the independence of Ukraine

Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:06 pm
In Ukraine, appreciate and rely on US support. This was stated by Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk at a meeting with US senator, a member of the Armed Services Committee, John McCain.

He stressed that the United States - "a global leader in the fight for the independence of Ukraine." "We really appreciate it and look forward to your support," - said Yatsenyuk.

He also commented on the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine and the role of Russia in the conflict in the Donbass. "Putin - the aggressor. And Russia has to pay the price for the illegal annexation of the Crimea and the invasion of Donetsk and Lugansk. Russia must act as a country-permanent member of the UN Security Council, not to infringe international law and not to endanger the whole world ", - said the prime minister.

"We are different people and different states" - said Yatsenyuk.

During the meeting they discussed the US Senate recently passed a law on granting Ukraine of weapons, as well as issues of cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in the energy sector.

The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude for the support of foreign partners is "to make Ukraine more energy efficient and more energy independent."

"On the one hand, the government is working to develop an effective energy policy and closer to market rates, on the other - we need to provide subsidies of those in need," - said Yatsenyuk. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty US two years will be able to supply gas to Ukraine - Senator

Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:11 pm
The United States will be able to supply gas to Ukraine and other European countries in about two years. This Saturday at a briefing in Kiev, said the US Republican Senator John McCain.

"The United States will supply natural gas to Ukraine and other parts of Europe in two years" - said McCain.

This statement was part of his answer to the question of non-compliance with the pro-Russian separatists Minsk arrangements, in particular, that may come to replace them. Senator admitted that "Minsk agreement are violated daily and hourly," and it should have been an occasion to strengthen the EU sanctions against the Kremlin. But the obstacle is - gas Europe's dependence on Russia, he admitted. Thus, according to him, to get rid of this dependence of the European countries can be considered no less important priority than military assistance to Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Moscow, the Communists defeated the tent to collect aid for the "DNR"

Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:13 pm
In the Communist Party say that in Moscow, unknown smashed their tent, where the collected aid for so-called "New Russia". According to the press service of the party.

The incident occurred Friday evening near the metro station "University".

"Last night on the picket of the Communist Party, collecting humanitarian aid for the civilian population of Donbass near the subway" University "in Moscow, was attacked. Skinheads in camouflage with cries of "On you for your" DNR "," If not for your quilted jackets in Ukraine there would be war, "etc. Communist Party defeated the tent and struck several blows on duty in her activist, "- said in a statement.

According to the party, one of the attackers was detained by police. No other details were reported says Ukrinform. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In occupied Lugansk activists in pink glasses demanded the OSCE to "open the eyes" (PHOTOS)

Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:19 pm
On Saturday, June 20, in the controlled militants "LC" Lugansk near the office of the OSCE representatives Rally "Stop the blockade."

Organizers of the action - social activists "Lugansk economic union" and the Federation of Trade Unions - picketed the office in pink glasses with the requirement to really look at the situation in the "LC". It is reported by "Mia Source".

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302566-n-00302994
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302568-n-00302994
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302570-n-00302994
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] O-00302572-n-00302994 In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the case of all-out war with Russia Ukraine may beat - expert

Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:01 pm
One of the scenarios of further development of relations between Ukraine and Russia in connection with Russian aggression in the East is the scenario of "total war." This was in an article for ZN.UA writes Vladimir Gorbulin, Advisor to the President of Ukraine, Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

According to the author, such a scenario is possible, subject to Russian government decision to launch open military aggression to obtain a land corridor to the Crimea and unhindered access to its military contingent in Transnistria. In this case, Ukraine will be deprived of the choice of a possible settlement in the Donbas, and will be forced to defend its independence, using all available resources.

"The development of events in such a scenario would mean for Ukraine's full militarization of society; economic, political, cultural and ideological propaganda and mobilization; imposition of martial law; maximum self-reliance, due to the inevitable international isolation, at least in the early stages of an all-out war and a corresponding reduction in the proceeds from external resources; uncompromising focus on the destruction of the enemy; attacks against critical infrastructure of the enemy; active guerrilla and sabotage activities; denial or minimization of diplomatic and foreign economic cooperation with an enemy government and its satellites; the complete subordination of the armed forces and diplomacy, war propaganda, "- said Gorbulin.

At the same time, the expert said, Ukraine has a chance to win an all-out war, as opposed to her country with limited technological and financial resources; low "margin of safety" of the political system; population, which is inherent negative demographic dynamics and the inability to resist the aggressive national minorities; "Nedomodernizovannoy" army.

Gorbulin believes that the resistance of the Ukrainian people of the Russian aggression, sooner or later it will return the location of the leading states of the world, as well as deepen the international isolation of Russia. In addition, its demoralizing and demotivating role play fighting on the territory of Russia itself, which inevitably arise in conditions of total war. "In the case of Russia's defeat in such a war will be finally resolved the issue Amenities Donbass and Crimea, Ukraine to get rid of the current" fifth column "outspoken supporters of the" Russian world ", will get its own" heroic epic "as a ground for the patriotic education of future generations. Most of the issues of Ukrainian-Russian relations will be resolved definitively and historical paths of both peoples diverge forever, and the level of antagonism to reach the highest rates. Even in the case of capture by the Russian army of the Ukrainian territory war is over - will continue the guerrilla movement and subversive activities against the occupiers. According to this scenario, the inevitable intervention in the conflict in the Western one form or another, the introduction of new, severe sanctions against the Russian Federation, the total political isolation of the Russian leadership, perhaps, the exception of the Russian Security Council and other international organizations. On the other hand, the price of victory would be destroyed infrastructure and economic potential of Ukraine, numerous victims among the civilian and military "- says the expert.

Gorbulin noted that Ukraine's total war is purely defensive. It does not necessarily lead to mass casualties; on the contrary, the readiness for such a war would be greatly deter aggressors fear of significant losses and the threat of transfer of hostilities on its territory. The motto of the defensive war is formulated as "totally mobilized in order to survive," the purpose - "totally reject the superior forces of the aggressor on its own territory by inflicting maximum losses demotivating."

This scenario, according Gorbulina - the most heroic and sacrificial, though the least likely. The desire to fight as a whole is not like the Ukrainian and Russian people - no one wants to lose the benefits of modern life for the sake of peace whims of a handful of political adventurers, advisor to the President of Ukraine.

"In general, the scenario of total war aimed for Ukraine to win and preserve its territorial integrity. History knows many examples of successful viscous semi-guerrilla wars of small and medium-sized states against larger and much more powerful. However, this scenario can bring not only victory, but also a significant loss for the country. But in any case, such a scenario is not the goal of Ukraine. The government will be forced to follow it only in case of a full-scale attack by the Open Russia ", - says Gorbulin.

In all, he identified five basic scenarios on Donbas and Ukrainian-Russian relations in connection with this, the three of them radical, two - intermediate compromise. The first radical scenario - the scenario of "total war", which is possible, subject to the Russian government decision to launch open military aggression to obtain a land corridor to the Crimea and unhindered access to its military contingent in Transnistria. The second radical scenario - the scenario of "cut-off" or "wall", provides the ultimate failure of Ukraine from the occupied territories and a complete break with them. Third radical scenario - a scenario "satellite" to find ways to provide a separate peace with Russia on favorable terms, neglecting the interests of the Western partners, the recognition of the autonomy of the Donbass, the rejection of the return of the Crimea. The fourth scenario - the scenario of "freezing" is to "freeze" of the conflict along the lines of Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. The fifth scenario - the scenario of "no war, no peace" or "limited war and permanent negotiation." In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Since July 1, residents of the Crimea will raise prices for gas

Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:28 pm
According to the State Committee on prices and tariffs of the Russian government of Crimea, the growth rate for the consumers who use less than 6,000 cubic meters. m. of gas per year will reach 10%.

New tariffs explain the adoption of the Federal Tariff Service decision to increase the wholesale price of gas.

"Experts Committee carried out a calculation on the basis of the orders approved by the Federal Tariff Service and determined that the retail price of gas for the population, provided that consumption of less than 6,000 cubic meters. m. of gas a year, from July 1, 2015 will make 3225 rubles per thousand cubic meters. m. of gas, "- said the head of department Olga Igoshina.

The final price for gas for the population, with an annual consumption of more than 6,000 cubic meters. m. of gas per year from July 1, 2015 will remain at the level set previously and will make 8267 rubles per thousand cubic meters. m. of gas - write Krym.Realii .

Prior to that reported raising tariffs (15%) of gas from January 1, 2015, at the same time by the same amount raised to pay for electricity, and on July 1, is planned to raise the price of electricity by 15%.

Since January 1, the overall price for all utilities in the Crimea has grown by 8-17%. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Romania will start tomorrow in military exercises with the participation of Ukraine and the USA

Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:37 pm
On Sunday, in Romania start military exercises Saber Guardian / Rapid Trident 15, which will be attended by Ukrainian and American military. Some of these exercises will be carried out on the territory of Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian command, to conduct these exercises in Ukraine will be raised from 270 to 290 instructors from the United States, writes , "Left Bank" with reference to the Voice of America.

According to the website of the Ministry of Defense, the program of exercises designed to improve the efficiency of joint operations in Ukraine, the United States and other NATO countries.

According to the law on the admission of foreign troops on the territory of the country, the Ukrainian part of the exercise Saber Guardian / Rapid Trident 15 is scheduled for 25 days between July and October, with the participation of 500 Americans and 600 representatives of other NATO members and participants of the program "Partnership for Peace", and and 1000 Ukrainian soldiers. They employ up to 5 planes and 10 helicopters.

Recall that in the Lviv region almost the whole year will continue the teachings Fearless Guardian-2015. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty US Defense Secretary will travel to Evromu discuss what to do with the Russian aggression

Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:01 pm
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter on Sunday, June 21 is sent to Europe to meet with NATO colleagues.

As the Ukrainian service of "Voice of America" ​​with reference to the Pentagon, Carter will be in Europe from 21 th to 26 th of June. The purpose of his visit - along with European colleagues to review the progress of NATO in solving security problems, particularly in the context of Russia's aggression. In addition, the defense ministers of NATO countries, he will discuss further steps to improve the efficiency of their work.

The head of the North Atlantic Alliance reported on the biggest events of NATO to strengthen its defense capabilities in the last decade. This statement was made after Moscow announced plans to increase its nuclear arsenal this year.

Carter for the first time as head of the Pentagon meets with NATO defense ministers. Among other things, the two sides will also discuss the relocation of heavy military equipment in the eastern European member states of the alliance.

In his speech at the forum in Berlin, Allianz Carter points to the importance of the US-German cooperation and hold a meeting with German Defence Minister, noted in the Pentagon - writes "UNIAN" .

On Tuesday, Ashton Carter will visit Estonia, which will assure the Ministers of Defence of the Baltic States in US security guarantees. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Britain, he held a protest march "against the policy of savings"

Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:05 pm
Opponents of the Conservative government in the UK held a protest march on Saturday "against the policy of savings."

It is reported by "Ukrainian Truth" referring to the publication of The Telergaph.

Demonstrations were held in major cities across the country, the largest - in London. Protesters gathered outside the Bank of London, held not far from the headquarters of the prime minister and ended march rally at the parliament building.

Organizers said 250,000 people attended. At the same time, a photo of the meeting shows that its number - ten times less.

However, it is reported that the protest rally - one of the largest in recent years.

The demonstration ended with the burning of posters, which bore the protesters near the parliament building. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Senator McCain called the mistake of NATO rejection of closer integration with Ukraine

Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:22 pm
Senator John McCain, who heads the US Senate Committee on Armed Services, said the mistake of NATO, the alliance in the past decade to stop Ukraine's path to membership.

This McCain said during a debate at the Security Conference GLOBSEC in Slovakia.

Responding to a question about whether the alliance should take Ukraine under the protection of the fifth article of the Charter of NATO (the collective guarantee protection of all members of the alliance), the senator said that previously supported the rapprochement with Kiev - writes "Ukrainian Truth" .

"I believe we should do it (to accept Ukraine into the alliance). Despite the fact that in Ukraine, then there were internal problems ", - he said.

"It (the refusal of NATO from closer integration with Ukraine in 2008) was a mistake. But I think it can still be corrected, "- said McCain. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Gorlovka terrorists shot 22-year-old boy on his birthday

Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:46 pm
The militants occupied "DNI" Gorlovka terrorists shot 22-year-old Vladimir Goncharov.

Reported community in a social network " Vkontakte "," typical Gorlovka "referring to the local residents and blogger Nikita Sinitsyn. Also confirmed the killing of friends and acquaintances of the deceased in the comments to the post.

Vladimir Goncharov shot "employees commandant Gorlovka" for violation of the curfew. The murder took place near the building of "commandant" at the last stop on the bus route №27 street 40 years Ukraine. According to the blogger Sinitsyn, 22-year-old man with friends to celebrate a birthday with friends and went to the stall after curfew.

"The reasons for which a young man was killed, and was not sent to dig trenches, as is usually done, a few: the company was trying to escape from the patrol" commandant "and they started to shoot, or someone from the guys started to swear and fight with the staff of the commandant's office, and Vladimir tried to separate them, "- the authors suggest.

In comments acquaintances Vladimir write that between militants and young guys started the brawl, during which the terrorists opened fire. Two bullets hit Goncharov in the back - light and the region of the heart - and he died on the spot. I hurt one of my friends birthday - he got a bullet wound to the head at the hospital and is now in serious condition.

"It's true. My father killed Vladimir works in the" Stirol ". But I have heard a different version. Workers 'commandant' were completely drunk. They began to swing their rights to young people. Young people told them that they are unlimited. The result you know ... Workers "commandant" who were involved, was transferred to another city, "- written by Alexei Novikov. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Frustrated terrorist "DNI" surrendered to soldiers ATO: (VIDEO)

Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:51 pm
At one of the checkpoints in the village Shirokino 37 Battalion soldiers together with the soldiers of the regiment "Azov" detained militants "DNR."

This was reported in the press service of the regiment.

"Mercenary Army" DNI "is originally from the city of Nikolayev. The detainee was released at the position of the Ukrainian military, where he was arrested," - said in a statement.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 379306

According to the detainee, he joined the ranks of the militants "DNI" at the end of February 2015. But later he became disillusioned Ukrainian fighters and left the illegal armed group, and then gave up Ukrainian soldiers.

Detainee advised those who are going to fight for the rebels not to commit this mistake, otherwise they would have to "answer to the Ukrainian people." In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty The "DNR" declared the evacuation of the population

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:04 pm
Self-appointed authority "DNI" for two weeks will remove from combat zones to 1,300 people.

It is reported by the separatist website "DNR24"

"According to our calculations, we have to evacuate the 1200-1300 people who are directly in the combat zone. I think that in two weeks we will do it. At least 20% of that number - children up to 18 years" - said the "head "Kuibyshev district of Donetsk city administration Ivan Prikhodko.

Prikhodko also said that Saturday's evacuation of residents Oktyabrsky passed without incident.

As reported by the "Observer", before the terrorists have declared the evacuation of all the miners mine them. Zasyadko. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty Eydman told why Putin can not go to Kiev

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:27 pm
The story of the arrest of Russian state property in some European countries, impotent tantrum caused the Russian authorities once again stressed the main weakness of the Putin system.

He writes about this in Facebook Russian political scientist Igor Eydman.

"Her Achilles heel - the contradiction between the aggressive revanchist foreign policy and integrated into the global market economy dependent on it. It has become a commonplace comparison with Putin's course Hitler's aggressive policy in the pre-war Europe, the Russian aggression against Ukraine - and the dismemberment of the capture of Czechoslovakia, the annexation of the Crimea - with the Anschluss. "

Political scientist explained the significant difference in situations.

"Before the beginning of the aggression, Hitler created the German economy and the mobilization achieved its relative autarky. This economy, although it depended on the supply of strategic materials from the allied countries, was very sensitive to external pressure, to fluctuations in global economic conditions. Only provide such an economic basis for its aggressive plans, Hitler began to implement them. Putin is, as they say, reached into the water, not knowing the ford. Its economic model is largely created by liberal economists headed by Kudrin. It is absolutely unsuitable for the confrontation with Western partners and vulnerable to them pressure. To Hitler did if the year that way in 1938 some German assets arrested Belgium? I think the next day all the property of the Belgians in Germany (and perhaps themselves) would be immediately arrested. Putin may be I wanted to do the same. But fear. Such a decision would cause it to international sanctions, anger the world's major economic players, as a consequence - a sharp drop in the ruble exchange rate, shares of Russian companies, the outflow of capital, investments and the termination, in the end, the most powerful crisis ", - he said.

Eydman believes that the economic vulnerability of the system - the only thing that restrains Putin.

"If not for that, he had not only Kharkiv and Odessa to Kiev troops moved", - he said.

"It is no accident that radical chauvinists such Glazyev and Prokhanov long offered Putin to implement mobilization, autarkic economic development model. They understand that without tea of ​​imperial revenge Russia is doomed to ignominious failure fast. And Putin, apparently, before the end of this I am not aware of. He wants to reconcile the irreconcilable: the cross of the imperial revenge and loose pants dependent economy, demonstrating cut much opportunity to implement the ambitious foreign policy agenda.

Dependence on the world market, of course, a strong deterrent, but its influence is not unlimited. The Russian president is rapidly losing the remnants of adequacy. If the Putin regime in the near future is finally torpedoed economically, it can and climb back to economic naked into a new, even more ambitious foreign policy adventures. Win - will not win, but still a lot of blood shed, "- he wrote. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] Empty We were one of the imported g ***! In the Crimean social networks complain products from Russia

Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:15 am
In occupied the Crimea is still possible to buy food and many other products made in mainland Ukraine. According to local residents, Ukrainian production is not only cheaper, but also much higher quality of Russian.

The fact that the Ukrainian meat and dairy products are the best of their counterparts from Russia, said and written a lot. But, as it turned out, some sausages and jelly is not limited to, writes Krym.Realii.

For example, users otssetey not hide their outrage and complain tasteless food from Russia.

Dmitry Carney

Agree. And almost two-time divorce. And the weight of the same ...

Tatiana Kerov

About sugar is not the first time I've heard. It was in the Crimea. And familiar Tatar market told me that 8 trucks sugar 1ostaetsya in Crimea and East. 7 go to Raska with pereklepanymi birochkami on bags.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 445857

match full zhah .... very bad burn. 50% just faded out.

Vera Vi

More and more of our friends ordered my husband tends to buy in Ukraine lekarstvo.Dazhe tsitramon Russia is somehow different from the Ukrainian.

Dmitry Carney

characterized in that it has no sense of general

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 828378

Lenura Engulatova

My husband constantly how it is on the mainland, so skuplyaet half a pharmacy almost no bulk. Pharmacists have always suspicious, incredulous look. However, someone comes into my head to buy penny dry cough tincture Ternopil production of 10 bottles, pepper patch packages or kaptopres tons? Crimeans only because such basic products or quality counterparts simply do not have and never will.

Oksana Dissident

With some difficulty found the Ukrainian medicine (probably more residues) and sent to Moscow-law. As soon as it comes to health and cotton wool it ceases to be suddenly called Nenko Ukraine, Bandera and not)))) and medications do not disdain ...

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 289372

Tanya Cherchenko

and instructions on the Ukrainian immediately becomes clear Smile
On this basis, in the Crimea happen even family conflicts:

Ayse Ametova

Similarly, in the p. Market: aunt asks "Is Crimean rice?" Seller (old old man) - "Yes, but" Tetenka- "So it's Rosiska" Prodavets- "Well, where we live?" Auntie - "I want Crimean rice" Sold - "Crimean figure in the Crimea was!"

Vera Vi

Haha! .. About curds podtverzhdayu.Kupila cheap in Auchan, an r .... More never such did not buy

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 894735

Farid Kurbanov

All the way it is not possible to eat the Russian one GMOs

Emin Tajmazov

Listen, but not even in the case of GMOs. Just not much tasty. Chocolate, butter, vegetable, sausage, tomato paste, some dairy products, cereals. Yes, do not live by bread alone, but all the same the difference is noticeable.

Dmitry Nikolaev

On relish yak givno. Yakist takazh. By purchasing yogurt, Helix on Slavyanochka NAME. Viliv.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 437256

Elzara Abduramanova

In today's market the sellers talked about poison against the Colorado potato beetle, "This is German, she is the best, it is Ukrainian, too good, and cheaper. And the Russian - r ....!

Dmitry Carney

I needed paint. The most common, PF. He came to the penny market dealer. Sell, tell me a good, low-cost ink. Answer approx. same. "Good and inexpensive Dnepr did, and now I only Russian." And do not sell. Although trade have near-zero. A unique case. I bought at the epicenter of Ukrainian and costs Tikkurily.

Zaire Smedley

Bought Kuban sour, like chalk and starch, most pleased with the production date, the number of tomorrow! I decided for myself firmly, more products of the future will not buy better from yesterday!

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 659837

Tanya World

My friend says that kids also prefer Ukrainian children's yogurt, a Russian they do not like.

Abram Kats

Kaka tried juice that I and so-called valleys condensed milk)), I pass !!
What to say if even pets prefer Ukrainian products:

Ivan Shevchenko

Not my cat wants to eat the cream ryuzkuyu under any pretext. Ukrainian eats slowly.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 960902

Natalia Tsyganets

She took three times as canned fish - three times, even my cat did not want to have - thrown out, and stand as the sturgeon.

Dmitry Carney

Most products simply can not be there. Even animals nose gate. Exceptions also have tea, rice, sweets there are good, but are already in Ukraine European imports.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 361031

Kate Rina

We really driven real g ...))), those products are in demand at all did not use. But the bill will blockade - as we then have to negotiate with their stomachs? ))

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 20 June [Ukrainian sources] 569780 In Russian
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