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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:10 am

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty GPO considers illegal the decision of Kiev court for questioning Yanukovych to Russia

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:13 am
GPO considers illegal the decision of Kiev court for questioning Yanukovych to Russia

Prosecutors will require clarification.

In the General Prosecutor of Ukraine considered illegal court decision requiring the investigator to question a Russian ex-president Viktor Yanukovych in the case of copyright, and intend to seek clarification in court. This was the comment of "Radio Liberty" said Head of the Department of Special Investigation Prosecutor General Sergei Gorbatyuk.

"This decision, in our opinion, is unjustified and illegal. Because, according to international agreements, without investigating and law enforcement without a country not conduct investigations. We can not conduct investigative actions in Russia without the law enforcement agencies of the country. It's illegal, "- he said.

According Gorbatyuka court decision can not be appealed, but you can get clarification. "We appeal to the court to explain how to implement the decision, which is illegal. We hope that the court will cancel this decision ... "- he said.

In addition, Gorbatyuk stressed that Russia sent requests for Yanukovych stay in the area and the possibility of him investigation, noting that without the participation of the Russian side and without receiving a response that is not possible under the law. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Matios called non-combat causes loss of Ukrainian military in Donbas

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:16 am
Matios called non-combat causes loss of Ukrainian military in Donbas

Chief military prosecutor said that only during the last day ATO forces suffered three non-combat losses.

Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine - Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios called non-combat causes loss of Ukrainian military who are serving in the area of ​​anti-terrorist operation (ATO).

"Nobody voiced daily discards - and non-combat health. The reason - in place of stagnation, social problems contingent called up, not contractual, drunkenness, abuse - not to a large extent - drugs, hazing, negligence weapons, ill health, injuries and accidents, "- said on the air Matios "Pry Evening" on TV channel "112 Ukraine".

According to him, only during the last day ATO forces suffered three non-combat losses.

"Their parents believe that they killed at war and they can not give the status of the ATO's because (they lost) is not in the performance of combat missions. And these people are not hundreds but thousands, "- said Matios.

In addition, the chief military prosecutor said that the Attorney General reported on the number of crimes committed by Ukrainian soldiers, and the head of the GPU already written relevant resolutions.

"But we have to reduce the total reform of the prosecution. Military Prosecutor should add at least 50 investigators who could investigate it, because now everything is investigating Natspolitsiya. A Natspolitsiyi investigator who is not reformed and equipped state investigators in the zone ATO does the fact that the computer is considered thing, and in the living embodiment of this case at least one piece of paper is not "- said Matios. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty US Ambassador to the OSCE accused Russia of disrupting the settlement of the conflict in Donbas

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:17 am
US Ambassador to the OSCE accused Russia of disrupting the settlement of the conflict in Donbas
Daniel Baer said that the Minsk agreements spelled out the steps required to complete the conflict.

US Ambassador to OSCE Daniel Baer criticized Russia for what it disrupts the implementation of the plan to resolve the conflict.
It is reported by Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty.

According to the American diplomat, the United States and other OSCE participating States are very worried that the words of Conflict and its real actions do not match.

"We see continuing flow of arms and fighters. We see the provocations that cause conflict will continue. We see the limits of observation missions, drones destroy mission as soon as they fix a Russian heavy weapons where it should not be ", - said Baer.

He assured that the Minsk agreements spelled out the steps required to complete the conflict.

"We have two years know what to do. The problem is not that we need to solve some challenging puzzles. The problem is political will, "- said the ambassador.

Reported that last week the number of violations of the ceasefire in the zone of combat in Donbas increased by a quarter. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lutsenko said Matios refusal to sign suspicion Onishchenko

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:20 am
Lutsenko said Matios refusal to sign suspicion Onishchenko

According to the chief military prosecutor, the suspect was stylistic, linguistic and legal flaws.

Disclaimer Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko to sign the notice of suspicion MP Oleksandr Onishchenko was associated with the presence of the original version of the document a number of drawbacks. The broadcast "Evening Pry" on TV channel "112 Ukraine" said Deputy Attorney General - the chief military prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios.

Earlier today, the People's Deputy faction "Block Poroshenko" Sergei Leshchenko on his Facebook page said that the refusal to sign the GPU Chapter suspicion Onishchenko last time to go to the UK and to legalize their stay. As a result, Onishchenko wanted ads not give any results because London just does not give parliamentarians Kyiv, said Leshchenko.

"Do not defend Yuriy Lutsenko to Leshchenko, but know that stylistic, linguistic and, to some extent, legal imperfections draft suspicions that was submitted for signature to the Prosecutor General, has led and forced him 2 days back for revision in the anti-corruption prosecutor and detectives, and all this time they did (the project reports of suspect - ed.) improved in accordance with the law. And when it was sent, it was signed a few days ", - said Matios. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Human rights activists claim that the occupied Donbas increased cases of human trafficking

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:26 am
Human rights activists claim that the occupied Donbas increased cases of human trafficking

According to human rights activists, to fix the slave trade in the area of ​​fighting very hard

Over the past two years in the occupied territories of Donbass increased incidence of human trafficking. The broadcast of the public reported rukovoditelnitsa programs to support victims' A21 Campaign "Alla Zorenko.

"We have statistics that in recent years the number of cases of human trafficking in the occupied territories of Donbass increased. Since there is no official statistics, the data collected on individual cases that really use and forced labor and sexual slavery "- said Zorenko.

According to her, to fix the slave trade in a combat zone is very difficult because the victim "only a person can apply to law enforcement for their own use.' In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty For the past day militants fired 52 times forces ATO

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:27 am
For the past day militants fired 52 times forces ATO

In the area of ​​ATU Russian occupation forces continued shelling positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

During the last day recorded 52 cases opening fire. Of these, 23 in Donetsk, Lugansk and 16 to 13 in Mariupol directions.

In particular, the opponent led toward Donetsk fire on our troops with grenades, heavy machine guns and small arms in Lugansk, Avdeevka, Verhnotoretskym, Novgorod, Kalinovka and questionnaire. In violation of the Minsk agreements enemy opened fire from 120 mm mortars on our fortifications in the sand, Luhansk, Staromyhaylivtsi. Nevelsk In addition, the enemy used a 122 mm artillery fire and in Luhansk with BMP. In addition, the Luhansk enemy carried 15 rounds of 152 mm artillery.

In Lugansk area as enemy applied forbidden 120mm guns. During repeated mortar attacks and hit Novoaleksandrivka Popasna, which also used the fire from heavy machine guns, grenade launchers and small arms.

In Mariupol direction of enemy fire was conducted with small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers in Krasnohorivtsi, Starohnativtsi, Mar'yintsi, granite and water. Krasnogorivka also came under fire 82 mm mortars.

In Maryintsi and Avdiyivka worked snipers.

In Donetsk area were recorded flying UAV. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Kiev, beaten and robbed journalist

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:37 am
In Kiev, beaten and robbed journalist

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  .jpg_13

The screenshot shows that the whole body is heavily covered with bruises.

In Kiev unknown attacked the journalist and musician Leila Kondakova. She was beaten and robbed. She wrote on his page on Facebook.

She also posted his photo after the attack.

The screenshot shows that the whole body is heavily covered with bruises.

More details wrote chief editor Catherine Venzhyk where published Kondakova. The editor said that the attack occurred at the hem. She also hinted that this is not the first time, but the police did not hurry to respond to such statements In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Putin, help!" Residents Lugansk wrote plaintive letters to the Kremlin

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:51 am
"Putin, help!" Residents Lugansk wrote plaintive letters to the Kremlin

Employees of Lugansk utility "Luhanskelektrotrans" recently wrote a letter to the Kremlin President Vladimir Putin, which complained to management "FSC".

The letter was published on the page of the separatist movement "Lugansk Guard".

The blogger Denis Kazan, who published a quote from the document, said that the letter gives an idea of the current situation in Lugansk:

"The President of the Russian Federation VV Putin of workers Lugansk utility" Luhanskelektrotrans "FSC
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, we have to turn to you for help. FSC Since we have appealed to all authorities, including our problems head of the republic knows carpentry, chairman of the Council of Ministers Kozlov. But none of them are making an effort to solve the problems of enterprises and workers. Even the chairman of the trade union republics Akimov, which inherently should protect the interests of employees, never met with the workforce, not listened to their problems and took no steps to address them.

A core question is - are employees of the company within 8 months of not receiving current fee, despite the fact that total debt is 25 months. Moreover, the issue of wages and debt added another concerning the closure of the tram traffic in the capital of the Republic of Luhansk. All this is done via the head of administration Pilavova MV and director of the company Lordkipanidze I. through nominees who own taxis and their competitors in the form of tram traffic not needed. Therefore, they practically destroyed the tram fleet and infrastructure. Moreover, the orders Pilavova MV contact wire removed from almost all tram traffic routes, and Lordkipanidze I. it passed in Chermet. What caused the company losses of about 60 mln. Rubles. Even before the fighting Pilavov always said that zakataye tram lines in the city center to break up the company and remove competition. Therefore, we ask you to help us in solving the problems that have arisen because they ignore the level of the republic. Employees of the company have simply lost faith in justice and the rule of law. Therefore appealed to you as the only hope for you.
Sincerely, employees of the company "Luhanskelektrotrans" FSC ".

"It's certainly funny, but at the Donbass still believe Putin and hope that Russia their rescue. Accidents l * chi, which cynically lit and framed, unwilling to believe that what happened to them, still clinging to the hope that Putin where Moscow has no idea what is happening in Donetsk and Luhansk. what if properly ask him for help, he heard "- commented the letter blogger.

However, as noted Kazan, do not have to wonder - could be different in a city where tram depot workers run the machines on rails?

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  151339

"I can imagine how bellow the administration of Putin when reading a message. Just think, even trade union leader Akimov does nothing! Ahahaha. That staff tramparku REALLY LED and think that they have a genuine trade union leader, who must protect the interests of employees. They really write it without emoticons without quotation marks, "- he added.

As reported by the "Observer", formerly a journalist Roman Bochkala told about life in the "FSC" in terms of absolute lawlessness. In Ukrainian/український

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty What Ukrainians supported Moscow Orthodox procession. Survey results

Sat Jul 30, 2016 1:17 am
What Ukrainians supported Moscow Orthodox procession. Survey results

Only 16% of respondents believe procession MP 'action for peace in Ukraine "

84% of Internet users do not support Moscow church procession. These are the results of the survey "Commander ."

Only 16% of Internet users have the opposite view - they expressed support for the procession of the Moscow church and called it "action for peace in Ukraine."

More than half - 53% - believe this procession march FSB anti-Ukrainian, another 31% expressed support for the move, but what made Kyiv Patriarchate 28 July.

In total, the survey polled more than 12,000 Internet users.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  111_01

Recall that in Kiev the procession of the Moscow church, which was completed on July 27 in the capital, and gathered about 10 thousand faithful.

According to police convoy in the procession, which passed on Wednesday after the prayer n and Vladimir's Hill to the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, was 9 th. People.

Also, police seized several knives participants of the procession.

As reported in the social network Facebook photos were ministers of the Moscow church, participating in the procession, from under the robes they are visible camouflage. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russian opposition: If Babych becomes Moscow’s amb, he will set up spy ring

Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:43 am
Russian opposition: If Babych becomes Moscow’s amb, he will set up spy ring

Russian opposition members, ex-Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev and political refugee OIha Kurnosova do not want Pres Poroshenko to agree to a new Russian ambassador Mikhail Babych proposed by Putin, they said in a press conference July 29. UNIAN reports.

The dismissal of the present ambassador, Mikhail Zurabov, will leave Poroshenko without informal ties with Russia diplomats, Kurnosova said.

Babych is an ex-military. He was head of the Chechen republic government. His promotion to Kyiv indicates that Putin is preparing for the early elections in Ukraine, she added.
Babych has experience in rigging the elections in Russia. He will do everything to influence the election campaign in Ukraine in Russia’s interests, Ponomaryov said.

On Friday, Russia sent an enquiry to Ukraine on whether Babych can be accepted by Kyiv as Moscow’s ambassador.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ex-MP Yefremov arrested in Boryspil airport as he tried to flee to Vienna, - PGO

Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:56 am
Ex-MP Yefremov arrested in Boryspil airport as he tried to flee to Vienna, - PGO

Law enforcement officers arrested former Party of Regions MP Oleksandr Yefremov in Boryspil airport.

PGO press secretary Larysa Sarhan wrote on Facebook, Censor.NET informs.

"Former head of the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Yefremov has been arrested in Boryspil airport with a ticket to Vienna where the son of the odious ex-MP lives," she specified.

Information on the second arrest of Yefremov has been published today by Prosecutor General Yurii Lutsenko.

The PGO had already arrested ex-MP Yefremov. He was arrested with the possibility of release on 3.7 million hryvnia bail and bailed out by his colleague MP Borys Kolesnikov.

The court ordered the controversial ex-deputy to wear an electronic bracelet.

According to the investigators, the current charges against former MP Yefremov are related to financing of separatists in the Luhansk region.

The PGO also announced that several criminal proceedings are opened against Yefremov. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Sustained cease-fire is precondition for OSCE armed police mission in Donbas, - U.S. Representative to the OSCE

Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:02 am
Sustained cease-fire is precondition for OSCE armed police mission in Donbas, - U.S. Representative to the OSCE

U.S. Representative to the OSCE Daniel Brooks Baer mentioned sustained cease-fire as the main condition for possible introduction of the OSCE armed police mission in the Donbas.

Censor.NET reports citing U.S. Department of State press service.

"The focus right now is on restoring the ceasefire and getting a stable, sustained ceasefire because that is a precondition for everything else I think once there's a ceasefire on the Line of Contact, once there's a sustained ceasefire on the Line of Contact, it will be necessary to assess what further enhancement to security is necessary in order to have free and fair elections. But the first step, no matter what, is a ceasefire," Baer said.

The official has also mentioned that the current OSCE SMM is a civilian monitoring mission with unarmed monitors. At the same time, police mission may be necessary but only after establishment of sustained cease-fire.

Moreover, Daniel Baer stressed that the situation has gotten dramatically worse in the last weeks.

At the same time, Geoffrey Pyatt, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, added that Russia is completely responsible for destabilization of the situation in the Donbas.

"Ukraine has passed an amnesty law. Ukraine has had the first reading of a constitutional amendment. Ukraine has passed a special status law. But it's very clear that Russia has not discharged its obligations. The troops and equipment have not been withdrawn. A ceasefire has not been implemented. All hostages have not been released," Pyatt added. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty 180 people from militants' swap list refuse to return to "DPR" and "LPR", - Tandit

Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:05 am
180 people from militants' swap list refuse to return to "DPR" and "LPR", - Tandit

The prisoner swap lists offered by militants include people who have never been captured by Ukrainian defense and security authorities as well as mere criminals.

Adviser to the chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine YuriI Tandit said on air of Hromadske Radіo, Censor.NET reports.

According to him, last year in Minsk, the Ukrainian side received a list of people who the self-proclaimed republics wanted to exchange. It contained 1,102 names.

According to Yurii Tandit, more than 300 people from the list have never been detained by Ukrainian law enforcers, while more than 180 are reluctant to return to the occupied territory.

"100 people could not be identified at all. There are some nicknames, some strange aliases, confused names. The interesting thing is that more than 40 people have nothing to do with the anti-terrorist operation and the contact line. They didn't defend any principles. Some of them are sentenced to different terms. For example, one man is jailed for dodging alimony," he said.

Now, this list has been shrunk to 602 people. And terrorists insist on the "all-for-all" formula.

Tandit calls it "delaying tactics."

"The neighboring country employs delaying tactics... They have already announced the postponement of elections until November. They are putting pressure and trying to lobby their interests in the West in order to legalize those criminal authorities and leave everything as is," the adviser noted.

Tandit also added that militants had disrupted the previously announced exchange of 25 Ukrainian hostages for 50 people from the militants' swap list. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukraine Condemns French Lawmakers' Visit To Crimea

Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:10 am
Ukraine Condemns French Lawmakers' Visit To Crimea

The 11-member delegation is on a three-day visit to Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula from July 29 to July 31.

In a statement released on July 30, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said the French delegation has "defiantly violated the Ukrainian legislation as well as international law, having neglected the official position of their own state that remains committed to defending Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

The statement added that Kyiv sees the visit as a "manifestation of a deliberate support to the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine."

The French delegation is in Crimea to hold talks with local leaders, residents, and Russia's Black Sea Fleet.......

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia responsible for Aleppo humanitarian disaster, says Germany's Steinmeier

Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:51 am
Russia responsible for Aleppo humanitarian disaster, says Germany's Steinmeier

Germany's top diplomat has rebuked Moscow for contributing to the "terrible humanitarian catastrophe" in Aleppo. The UN has called on Russia to hand over control of a humanitarian operation in the besieged city.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Friday placed part of the responsibility for the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Syria's Aleppo on Russia.

"Russia shoulders particularly great responsibility in this difficult situation on account of its support for the Syrian army and air force," Steinmeier said in a statement from Berlin.

He urged Moscow to "implement a ceasefire" and work with the UN to facilitate "humanitarian access" to Aleppo's besieged residents, who number between 250,000 and 300,000 people.

"Exercising military restraint and allowing humanitarian aid to reach people trapped in besieged areas are what is needed right now. We need there to be an end to violence and a return to the negotiating table," he added.
Remarks made by Germany's top diplomat come a day after the Syrian regime and Moscow announced it would launch a large-scale humanitarian operation by opening corridors in Aleppo for civilians to flee and rebels to surrender.................

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But at same time, he'd be up to lifting of sanctions against Russia, along with France's Francois Hollande wanting to do the same. They'd be happy to give into Putin.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Lutsenko: Yefremov suspected of helping creation, activities of terrorist organization LPR

Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:12 pm
Lutsenko: Yefremov suspected of helping creation, activities of terrorist organization LPR

"A week ago we received direct testimony about the involvement of Mr. Yefremov in establishing the LPR. Mr. Yefremov is suspected of misappropriating property of Luhanskvuhillia, taking deliberate actions to change the borders of Ukraine, violation of the Constitution, which led to the loss of life, and helping in organizing and providing other assistance in the establishment and activities of the terrorist organization LPR," the prosecutor general said at a press briefing in Kyiv on Saturday.

Lutsenko also said that a former member of the Party of Regions, lawmaker of the fourth and fifth convocations, Volodymyr Landik, is not the only one who testified against Yefremov.

According to the prosecutor general of Ukraine, Yefremov is suspected of having committed a number of criminal offenses - misappropriation of property (Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code), committing deliberate actions to change the boundaries of the territory of Ukraine in violation of the Constitution, which led to the deaths and other severe consequences (Part 3 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code), in organizing the terrorist organization LPR and providing other assistance in its activities (Part 1 of Article 258-3 of the Criminal Code).

As reported, Yefremov was detained on suspicion of violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. He was detained at the Boryspil airport with a ticket to Vienna on Saturday morning.

Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine" envisages life imprisonment if these actions resulted in deaths or other serious consequences.

On November 21, 2015, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine (PGO) sent materials regarding the indictment of former Party of Regions MPs Oleksandr Yefremov and Oleksandr Stoyan, and Serhiy Hordiyenko of the Communist Party, to a court over their voting for the "dictatorship laws" on January 16, 2014. The former MPs are suspected under Part 2 of Article 364 (abuse of power or office), and Part 2 of Article 366 (forgery by an official) of Criminal Code of Ukraine...................

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Ukrainian "Hold" - among the best tanks in the world

Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:03 pm
Ukrainian "Hold" - among the best tanks in the world

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  11_main

"Hold-M" was in the top 10 best modern combat vehicles

Ukrainian "Hold" is recognized as one of the best tanks in the world.
This is according to the foreign specialized editions, reported the media. In particular, the top-10 tanks in the world Ukrainian car brought such publications as Army Technology and Military Today .

Western experts say that the armor "Hold" may protect against cumulative and armor-piercing shells as well as from anti-tank missiles,. Additional protection provides a smokescreen and a system of optical-electronic suppression "should."

"The last Ukrainian tank is not as accurate at long distances, as his Western rivals, but it can fire guided anti-tank missiles, as conventional ammunition. "Hold-M" has the makings of a hunter-killer ", - stated in the review Military Today.

Outstanding specifications Ukrainian tank most obvious comparison BM "Hold" and the Russian T-14 "Armat" .

While "Hold" has only army in Thailand. But Ukrainian officials promise that the car will appear in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The main tank of the same national army currently has modernized Soviet machine - T-64m "Bulat".

Production BM "Hold" was launched in 2008. In 2009, the tank was adopted for the Armed Forces, but the car is not delivered to the army. Although the armed forces concluded a contract for the supply of 10 "Hold", the agreement has not been funded. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Just no of money." In Russia acknowledged that soon there will be money to pay state employees

Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:51 pm
"Just no of money." In Russia acknowledged that soon there will be money to pay state employees
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  2_main

Deputy Finance Minister Tatyana Nesterenko said that in the absence of reforms in the economy, by the end of 2017 budget will not provide benefits in the public sector.

"If nothing has changed by the end of next year we will not have neither the reserves nor the possibility to pay salaries, we will have serious economic problems. Public Sector - our major internal challenge "- Deputy Finance Minister of Russia.

Among the main steps to stabilize the economy of Nesterenko called: increasing the retirement age, increasing labor efficiency and economic activity and mobility.

"This is a situation when everything calms down. When everything is quiet and safe, but in fact we are already in the center ... The fact that we got and will twist - it is obvious "- quoted Nesterenko RIA Novosti.

Earlier, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that the country's budget is balanced if the price of oil at $ 82 a barrel. According to the forecast, announced in January 2016, if the government does not take action, the budget deficit will double. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Do not resist": French MP in Crimea kissed the girl on the monument "green men" (PHOTO)

Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:22 pm
"Do not resist": French MP in Crimea kissed the girl on the monument "green men"

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Wx600_967137

During a visit to the Crimea occupied by one of the members of the delegation of French deputies kissed a girl occupiers of the monument, which was opened on the eve of Russia.

This writes the "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Recall, the network drew attention to the strange composition of the monument: a little girl holds out a bouquet of flowers "little green men", which rubs up against the cat.

Group of French parliamentarians arrived in Crimea to July 31 in Sevastopol to participate in the celebration of the Navy of the Russian Federation. They deliberately violated the laws of Ukraine and international law, ignored the official position of their own country.

As reported by the "Observer", in March 2016 in the occupied Bakhchisaray put strange monument to the Russian military, who "raped" cat. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty If Ukraine turmoil aggravated, Russia will introduce troops - military prosecutor ATO

Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:20 pm
If Ukraine turmoil aggravated, Russia will introduce troops - military prosecutor ATO

If this fall, due to the aggravation of the political situation and rising social tensions in Ukraine will start riots, Russia could go on prospective step and enter the army.

This was told the military prosecutor ATO Konstantin Kulik in an interview for the transmission line .

"All this talk of armed revolution in Ukraine this fall - another attempt of Russia to weaken society based on those who want to come to power, fall greedily for" bread "posts. If there are riots oligarchs definitely will take part in them. And on the other side where they will be profitable. Use under the control of armed people who fund, provide their own media and other resources. But proponents - those people who try to go to this wave to power politics. I think that the data is all intelligence, it clear and progressive part of the population ", - said Kulik. In Ukrainian/український

They'll use the same excuse they used, for starting the conflict in the Dombas region. Problem is, not many Russians in the rest of Ukraine that are being discriminated against. But! I wouldn't put it past them to fully invade Ukraine, as they've been itching for an excuse to do so. And as we all know, they're already in Ukraine.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Wolf in sheep's clothing: a fighter "Azov" was a spy from Vladivostok Russia (PHOTO & VIDEO)

Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:39 pm
Wolf in sheep's clothing: a fighter "Azov" was a spy from Vladivostok Russia

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  924713

Russian Alexey Filippov spetsnazivets who fought in the Ukrainian battalion "Azov" and "Right Sector", was a spy.
This was announced by Russian Alexander Zhuchkivskyy engaged in smuggling "volunteers" from Russia in Donbas, said the publication "The View."

"Some Russian military as Alexey Filippov decided to continue to" service "in the ranks of the Armed Forces or Nazi battalions to supply us with information and conduct sabotage and subversion. Alexey Filippov joined the national liberation struggle in the Donbas at the end of 2014. Enrollment Filippov was in January 2015, he crossed the border of Ukraine of Sumy region and announced himself as a volunteer, who defected to Ukraine to combat criminal Russian authorities, "- said Zhuchkivskyy.

According to him, the main task Alexis were collected and transfer to DNR information about Nazi Ukrainian battalions (including the "Azov" where he "served"), information about their funding supplies from abroad for the Armed Forces of technology and weapons of movement and deployment capabilities of the enemy.

"Filippov became probably the most successful" So Undercover "real partisan in the occupied territories" New Russia "our" Stirlitz "- said Zhuchkivskyy.

He said that the main success Filippov was not only the value of the information supplied by him, and the result of sabotage carried out by a spy, but that he was able to completely "get in way," to be his Ukrainian.

According Zhuchkivskoho at the end of April Alexei said with Kyiv it much at risk in the near future it possible disclosure. After this spy returned to Russia. In Ukrainian/український

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Moscow radicals attacked the protesters against the war in Russia, Ukraine

Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:18 pm
In Moscow radicals attacked the protesters against the war in Russia, Ukraine

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  203549

In Moscow, an attack on participants of protest against Russian aggression in Ukraine.

"Provocateurs movement of Serbs and GCD just a fight for the agreed picket movement Solidarity" - wrote in Facebook protesters.

In place of the event arrived employees of law enforcement bodies.

As reported by the "Observer", last year SBU eliminated 30 terrorist groups , prepared by Russian security services to sabotage not only in the area ATO, but peaceful regions of Ukraine. 22 people already convicted. In Ukrainian/український

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Russia says spyware found in state computer networks

Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:53 pm
Russia says spyware found in state computer networks

Russia's intelligence service said on Saturday that the computer networks of 20 organizations, including state agencies and defense companies, have been infected with spyware in what it described as a targeted and coordinated attack.

The Federal Security Service, the FSB, said the malware and the way the networks were infected were similar to those used in previous cases of cyber espionage found in Russia and other countries. The agency did not say who it suspected of being behind the attacks.

"Information technology resources of government agencies, scientific and military institutions, defense industry companies and other entities involved in crucial infrastructure have been infected," the FSB said in a statement on its website.

The FSB's announcement follows reports of cyber attacks on the U.S. Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the fundraising committee for Democratic candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives..........
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty Religious procession in Kiev (Drone VIDEO): the Kremlin do not work out, "the horror film"

Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:09 pm
Religious procession in Kiev: the Kremlin do not work out, "the horror film"

In Kiev, completed the procession of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate.

About 10 thousand people under the care of a dense several thousand law enforcement officers marched through the capital, ending the procession at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

Unprecedented security measures have produced their results - use a procession to create a "horror pictures", which had hoped to receive in the Kremlin, did not work.

"Observer" followed the procession in the capital and took it from the air.

In the morning the city waited the procession were blocked downtown streets, from the passage of the faithful placed police forces and the National Guard under.

At the same time, except for those believers who walk passed the planned route of the Pochayiv and Svyatogorsk Lavra, the capital gathered massively buses from Kharkov, Odessa, Kherson and other cities of Ukraine.

Despite the road closures, traffic jams grand, which would stalled the entire city, managed to escape. The streets quickly overlap and the minimum time necessary.

In the hour of the day at the monument to Prince Vladimir the beginning of the liturgy, which, according to law enforcement estimates, attended by about 10 thousand people.

Given the crowd of people, the majority of which was retirement age, a hot windless afternoon, many protesters have begun to seek medical help. Its location provided on duty physicians.

Total addressed about one hundred participants in the liturgy to the doctors, most of which have received heat or sun stroke.

After completion of the liturgy at Vladimir's Hill, the procession went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the column stretched several kilometers long.

In this part of the faithful he decided not to wait for the prayer service in the abbey itself. People began to diverge as early as 17 hours.

Given the increased security measures, the very religious procession passed without provocation, a picture which so eager to show Kremlin media.

After all, even in the morning the Russian propaganda channel LifeNews produced pandemonium in quality fake a "radical" who threatened to "shoot the tower."

"Provocations and skirmishes avoided - work smoothly and the National Guard under Natspolitsiya bore fruit and conducted prevention and safety measures introduced.", - Said the head of Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov to Facebook.

At the time of this writing, it is known that the police detained six people who were trying to go with the poster "Donbas - a Russian World".

National Guard under arrested four men volunteer battalion "Sich", who wanted to enter the territory of the prayer.
In addition, outside the territory of the celebration was bred a group of girls, who brought with them an image burning in hellfire Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill.

". No images for the media foes, and no provocations routine - and no Russian world!" - Summed up the head of the Interior Ministry.

Earlier, the "Explorer" took off from the air procession, which moved to Zhitomir highway.

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty In Zakharchenko admitted that troops without Putin "DNR" and "FSC" will not last

Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:19 pm
In Zakharchenko admitted that troops without Putin "DNR" and "FSC" will not last

Without Russian military aid terrorists and so-called NPT FSC will not last long.

This interview interview "Komsomolskaya Pravda" said one of the curators of Russian fighters "DNR" Alexander Zhuchkivskyy.

He said the morale of the terrorists no longer as high as in the years 2014-15, as they are tired and vymotalysya of uncertainty and delayed the war.

"A real fighting capacity of the army-militia can be tested only in major battles of Debal'tsevo operation. The first shot we certainly survive, and further will depend on what forces will involve opponent. If he will throw us all his collection in the Donbass army - I'm afraid we long without help from outside protrymayemosya not "- he said.
Earlier, the military expert Alexei Arestovych said the Kremlin withdraw its troops from Donbas. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty As Putin's system devours itself

Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:37 pm
As Putin's system devours itself

Sometimes the snake starts eating its own tail, deeper absorbing his own body, and, in the end, he is killed. There were also cases of cannibalism and eating their own offspring. Are they so stupid, why snakes eat themselves?
In the process of food it is very important to the sense of smell, which snakes unconditionally trust. And for good reason: as practice shows, it brings them regularly. If the tail of the snake will smell of the animal to which it is fed, it may fail in the perception of their own smell and the attack itself. So poisonous snake repeatedly biting himself and died from the poison, others swallowed part of his body.

If the two snakes were fed one animal, one can feel the second smell of food and eat it. There are even cases when the snake ate cousin, which is longer than it most - the truth, and then regurgitate the excess.

"Self-blame" the serpent was seen by people in ancient times. In Egypt, archaeologists have found an image snake eats its tail. Drawing at least 1,600 years, and is depicted on it being named after Urboros. This snake is a symbol of eternity and cycling life.

In the offspring of eating has another explanation - the snake eats no surviving pups and some of the dead eggs, to regain energy. The snake is very weak time to hunt, feed and because the offspring. It was found that the average snake eat up to 11% of their own offspring. Sometimes a tooth fall and live cubs, had not managed to crawl away in time from the mother......................

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 30 July. [Ukrainian sources]  Empty "Moscow decided on the course": that means a change for Ukraine Russian Ambassador

Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:05 pm
"Moscow decided on the course": that means a change for Ukraine Russian Ambassador

The resignation of the current Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov means that Moscow is determined by its long-term course and already picked up by the course of the right person.

This is in exclusive comments "Observer" said the Russian political scientist Ivan Preobrazhensky.

"Changing the Russian ambassador to Ukraine -. Long-awaited event, Mikhail Zurabov in office looked strange even during the Maidan, as it is, rather, an economic lobbyist said he repeatedly asked to release him from this position, but the Kremlin considered it pointless since. embassy performed quite decorative function in the past two years now, apparently, Moscow determine its long-term policy with regard to Ukraine and, most likely, have to find a suitable person for this course ", -. the expert commented.

Transfiguration added that called his name officially can not yet, as it has to be agreed with Kiev. And ideally - before the appointment represented the Europeans and Americans.

"Because through it in the future should go a considerable part of communication with Ukraine makes no sense to appoint a new ambassador, if all the contacts are, as before, to go over his head.", - The politician said.

According to him, it is with this is the fact that as a potential Russian ambassador called Mikhail Babich, who now holds the post of presidential envoy in the Volga Federal District.

"On the one hand, it has combat experience during the Soviet period, on the other - served in the KGB troops in the 1990s, he has worked as the head of such a strategic military enterprises as CJSC." Corporation "Antey". He has performed and very effective lobbyist, and while working in the State Duma made friends with some Russian politicians and businessmen who have interests in Ukraine and is still, in spite of the Crimea and Donbas. For example, the notorious Alexander Babakov, who is using Babic, as they say in the State Duma passed in due time, "United Russia", - said the Transfiguration.

He added that, however, confident that this will be Babic, no no. With the same success ambassador could be Sergei Toropov, a career diplomat, appointed time is an attorney whose previous Latvian government was accused of having links with the Russian special services (Toropov previously held the post of first secretary of the Russian embassy in Latvia and was responsible for relations with the media -. Ed. ).

"In general, after the change can be delayed, especially if now in the plans of Moscow increased pressure on Kiev missing after -. It's always a bad sign for the diplomats," - said the analyst.

Later it became known that Russia has asked Ukraine agrement to the appointment of Babic's ambassador to Kiev.
As reported by the "Observer", 28 July, Putin dismissed Russia's ambassador to Ukraine.

According to Russian media reports, the new ambassador of Russia in Ukraine can become a presidential envoy in the Volga Federal District Mikhail Babich, who served in the Airborne troops and the KGB.

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