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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources]

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:09 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the day.

25 Russian officers refuse to fight in Donbas.  Trump not sure of the involvement of Russia to disaster MN17. European sanctions significantly hit the Russian companies.  In Lublin Poles sentenced to three per banner "refund Lviv, Bandera kill".  The court finally refused to oblige the GPU to inform the EU about the "innocence" Arbuzov.

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The court finally refused to oblige the GPU to inform the EU about the "innocence" Arbuzov

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:11 am
The court finally refused to oblige the GPU to inform the EU about the "innocence" Arbuzov

Vyschy spetssud concluded that the presumption of innocence Arbuzov a letter to the Prosecutor General Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, not broken

High Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases refused to oblige the Prosecutor General to refute information on the state budget appropriation former Prime Minister Sergei Arbuzov by sending to the head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine the appropriate letter. This is evidenced by a court order on 26 September.

Arbuzov in the claim for protection of his honor and dignity substantiated their claims that March 7, 2014 GPO letter informed the head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Ian Tombinskoho abuse against officials times Viktor Yanukovych criminal proceedings on the facts of misappropriation state budget (under Art. 191 of the Criminal Code).
This information was the basis for the application to it of restrictive measures in accordance with the decision of the European Council of March 5, 2014.

in addition, Arbuzov said that information about crimes, which stated in a letter included in the Unified register of pre-trial investigations only May 7, 2014.

The courts of all three instances the claim of former prime minister refused. They concluded that the presumption of innocence Arbuzov a letter to the head of the EU Delegation in Ukraine, not broken, as outlined in its information does not include information that may be considered unreliable, given the fact that the letter is not seen data that evidence of proof of guilt of the former prime minister of committing criminal offenses.

Also seen from the case that the information which, according to Arbuzov is false, included in YERDR March 6, 2014, that is to send the message.

The former high state officials, including Arbuzov, suspected of appropriation of state property and funds in a large scale and their subsequent legalization.

in the summer of 2015 GPU when prompted media reported that as of October 2014 was blocked accounts Arbuzov to $ 49.5 million (Latvia) and $ 33.5 million. in the first half of September this year the media reported the confiscation in Latvia 50 million euros from the accounts of Ukrainian officials runaway times Yanukovych. Journalists speculated that comes to money Arbuzov, but he denied it.

December 1, 2014, First Deputy Head of the Main Investigation Department of the GPU Svyatoslav Lahanyak at a briefing in Kiev reported the blocking of 200 million USD in the accounts Arbuzov and his wife. However, according to him, was seized in the amount of $ 1.37 billion to more than 20 accounts of different companies in Cyprus related to the former prime minister. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty 25 Russian officers refuse to fight in Donbas

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:13 am
25 Russian officers refuse to fight in Donbas

25 Russian officers have refused to fight in the Luhansk and Donetsk breakaway republics, Ukraine army intelligence says Sept. 28.

The mutinous officers are commanding and technical staff in the 11th mechanized regiment (Makiyivka), 3rd infantry brigade (Horlivka), 4th and 7th infantry brigades (Alchevsk, Debaltseve).

A team of military police has been dispatched from Russia to Donbas to escort the mutinous officers back to Russia.

The main reason for MPs to come to Donbas is to see to it that the rebellious officers do not carry some compromising materials to Russia (maps, combat orders, photos, witness reports, audiotapes) that can be used in Russian and international courts as evidence of the Russian involvement in Ukraine, the Ukraine intelligence report says.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Lublin Poles sentenced to three per banner "refund Lviv, Bandera kill"

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:17 am
In Lublin Poles sentenced to three per banner "refund Lviv, Bandera kill"

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 262215

In Lublin sentenced to correctional labor and fines of three Poles who hung out at the stadium during the match rugby match between Poland and Ukraine banner with the words "refund Lviv, Bandera kill." Reported Lublin wyborcza .

Total had two banners - Polish and Ukrainian. Those who posted the first set failed, but three men who hung a banner in Ukrainian, fixed surveillance cameras.

Recall that the incident occurred in May 2015.

The judge decided that the banner is "calling for national hatred" and disagreed with the position of lawyers that the defendants just called to remember the history of the Polish city.

"The match is substantially the event, which aims to entertain, not to maintain the memory of any historical event. In addition, support for memory, as the name suggests, is preserving the memory of an event that took place in past and striving for in order to not forget about it, "- explained his judge.

As he added, the content of the inscription says plainly that it is not about the past but about the future.

News on: Groisman, Ukraine and Poland have a difficult shared past and future friendly
The prisoners - 32-year-old unemployed 29-year-old paramedic and 31-year-old storekeeper.

One of the men was six, the other two - in the first nine months of community service. In addition, each of them must pay 200 zloty (about € 46) to the "Foundation to hurt people."

They also banned to attend matches that take place in "Arena Lublin" match between Poland and Ukraine. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty OSCE disproves claims of alleged monitoring suspension in Luhansk region

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:18 am
OSCE disproves claims of alleged monitoring suspension in Luhansk region

In response to claims that OSCE observers allegedly stopped monitoring in some areas, the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine reports that it continues to monitor the security situation across the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Censor.NET reports citing the fact check by the OSCE SMM.

The statement reads: "The OSCE SMM continues to monitor the security situation across Donetsk and Luhansk regions. However the Mission has been restricted in its freedom of movement by the presence of mines.

"The SMM is ready to be present and perform its activities on a daily basis. In order to fulfil this task the Mission need safe, secure and unconditional access for the SMM monitors," the fact check reads. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty European sanctions significantly hit the Russian companies

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:21 am
European sanctions significantly hit the Russian companies

Russian reserve fund of funds which the support of victims of sanctions the companies at the current rate of spending has completely run out in early 2017

European and American economic sanctions debilitating as Russian companies and state funds that provide them support. According to a new study published by the US State Department over the past two years, sanctions have deprived of Russian companies that come under them thirds of operating profit, half of the assets and a third of employees, writes the Belgian edition

Russian reserve fund of funds which the victims support companies at the current rate of spending has completely run out in early 2017, the authors of the study. However, they emphasize that sanctions have created uncertainty, which forced a number of investors 'lower risk' of leaving Russia, even in cases where their investments were not directly related to the Western "black lists".

The study also noted that most affected the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises increased by only two or three percent. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Trump not sure of the involvement of Russia to disaster MN17

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:25 am
Trump not sure of the involvement of Russia to disaster MN17

According to Trump, the perpetrators of the tragedy and can argue for 50 years and "nobody will ever know. Probably, it was Russia '

US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Donald Trump said that there is sufficient evidence that Russia supported separatists shot down in 2014 in the skies over the Donbas airliner "Malaysian Airlines". He said this in an interview to CNN.

«What happened is terrible. It is disgusting and shameful, but Putin and Russia say they did not do this, on the other hand say they did it. No one probably knows who did it, probably, Putin knows who did it. Maybe it was Russia, but they totally denied it, "- said Trump.

He said the perpetrators of the tragedy and can argue for 50 years and" nobody will ever know. Probably, it was Russia. "

"They (Russia - Ed.) Say it's not them. Perhaps this was done to their guns, but they did not use it, do not shoot, they even said they fired on the other hand, accusing them. I mean, honestly, that you will probably never know it for sure, "- said Trump.

He said the United States should concentrate on their own problems and not to" get involved "in foreign conflicts, even if they" are horrible as this."

Statements Trump appeared on the background of a message from the State Department, who welcomed the interim results of the investigation of the 2014 shooting down aircraft Donbas" Malaysian airlines ", so that killed all 298 people. At the State Department recalled that Secretary of State John Kerry in the first days after the tragedy said that the missile on the aircraft launched from territory controlled supported Russia separatists.

Recall, September 28 were released preliminary results of a criminal investigation into the shooting down a flight MN17 . International joint investigation team (JIT ), which is investigating the shooting down of the plane, concluded that "Boeing" knocked territory near the village of Pervomaisk near Snow in the Donetsk region. This area is controlled by Russian-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine. As stated in the report, investigators know the names of 100 people who are involved in traffic "Buka."

The Russian Foreign Ministry citing the investigation biased and politically motivated. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Pechersk in Kiev at night the restaurant thundered two explosions

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:29 am
Pechersk in Kiev at night the restaurant thundered two explosions

As a result of the explosion damaged a wall of glass and institutions, no victims

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 262213

In Kiev Pechersk in the restaurant at night thundered two explosions. Reported metropolitan police.
The explosion rocked the restaurant, which is located on Park road.

"Law enforcement officers found that about 1:00 in front of the main entrance to the restaurant there were two explosions. As a result, the scene removed metal fragments grenades F-1. The second explosive device is not set," - said in a statement.

As a result of the explosion damaged glass and pomerezheno of the walls of institutions . Victims do not have .

Police investigating the case on grounds of crime , stipulated hours. 4. 296 ( " hooliganism" ) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine .

Also, police are trying to establish involved in the explosion.

News by topic: The cause of the deadly explosion at the site "Wide Lan" in July is faulty mine
Recall that on September 19 night, unknown detonator exploded in the parking lot next to the shopping center "Grand Volyn" in Lutsk, damaged five cars. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Today, Parliament will convene turn to free judges

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:33 am
Today, Parliament will convene turn to free judges

Parliament on Thursday is to free all the judges who violated the oath

On Thursday, 29 September, Parliament will hold an extraordinary plenary session.
The agenda of the meeting is only one issue - the dismissal of judges.

Start the Verkhovna Rada is scheduled for 10 am.

Recall, September 27, President of Petro Poroshenko urged Parliament to collect extraordinary session of parliament for dismissal of judges.

"I turned to the Speaker calling convene until September 30 extraordinary session of parliament for dismissal for violation of oath by all judges , on which the submission by the High Council of Justice, including those involved in the illegal arrests maydantsivtsiv" - wrote Poroshenko.

Poroshenko stressed that the unresolved issue of the negative impact on the functioning of the judiciary and judicial reform.

Later, Parliament Speaker Andrew Paruby signed on extraordinary is the convocation of the Verkhovna Rada on September 29. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the UK for the first time its citizens arrested for communication with militants in Donbas

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:37 am
In the UK for the first time its citizens arrested for communication with militants in Donbas

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 262231

UK Police brought charges citizen Benjamin Stimson for communication with militants self-proclaimed "DNR" and "FSC" in eastern Ukraine. It is reported by The Telegraph .

The charges he launched yesterday at Westminster court.

By 7 October he was taken into custody, reports the BBC .

41-year-old from Stimson Oldhema - the first Briton accused on links with militants.

He is accused of "intent terrorist acts and involvement in preparing for the implementation of these intentions" and "facilitating terrorist acts."

The publication notes that Stimson in October 2015 gave a comment Donbass British BBC. He said he was ready to kill if his life would be in danger and he sees it as a manifestation of the war.

Although last month he said the journalist told him to take up arms. He denies allegations of involvement in hostilities. He said he arrived at Donbass to steer an ambulance, and at the time of the interview trying to leave the war zone.

Recall, the UN said that the Donbass on the side of insurgents fighting many foreigners. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Deputies finally began to dismiss judges

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:42 am
Deputies finally began to dismiss judges

After two hours Paruby urged to call the heads of factions and MPs to call them to the session hall, MPs finally managed to gather 226 or more votes

Parliament began to vote "for" dismissal of judges who violate the oath.

After Andrew Speaker of Parliament for two hours Paruby urged to call the heads of factions and MPs to call them to the session hall, MPs finally managed to gather 226 or more votes needed for decision making.

However, the voting takes place, according to Parubiya, "on the edge": while most voted "for" 232 deputies. Several decrees on dismissal has been delayed due to insufficient votes. According to the speaker, to vote on these people's representatives are back. Resolution on the release of some judges immediately Paruby puts on a second vote if no objections in the hall.

Recall, September 27, President of Petro Poroshenko urged Parliament to collect extraordinary session of parliament for dismissal of judges.

"I turned to the Speaker calling convene until September 30 extraordinary session of parliament for dismissal for violation of oath by all judges , on which the submission by the High Council of Justice, including those involved in the illegal arrests maydantsivtsiv" - wrote Poroshenko.

Later, Parliament Speaker Andrew Paruby signed on extraordinary is the convocation of the Verkhovna Rada on September 29. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The troops of Russia in Donbas rampant looting, robbing people and their warehouses

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:44 am
The troops of Russia in Donbas rampant looting, robbing people and their warehouses

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 85_main

Armed robbery at Donbass often lead to fatal consequences

Inadequate advanced divisions of Russian troops in Donbas food, which significantly worsened during the establishment of a "regime of silence", leading to increased cases of looting civilians and armed robbery military depots including with lethal consequences. This was reported by the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine.

"26 September in Donetsk. committed armed robbery food will be 1 AC (Donetsk) Armed Forces which resulted in the killing of two separate military commandant regiment corps kidnapped two machines and about 800 kg of canned meat and other food products, "- said in a statement .

According to the investigation, the crime suspected servicemen 5 separate motorized rifle brigade (Makiyivka) 1 AC (Donetsk) Armed Forces, including Chief dining Kondrashov Sergey (born 10/12/1990) and company financial security driver Kamienna Vladimir (born 12/20/1988).

"27 September, when locals attempted robbery n.p.Komunarivka and committing armed resistance, members of the Russian military commandant was detained serviceman Donetsk 1 battalion 5 separate motorized rifle brigade (Makiyivka) 1 AC (Donetsk) armed Forces Shyryaykin Oleg Vladimirovich (born 07/07/1985) in full battle gear and armed automatic rifle with grenade launcher ", - informs Defence.

on 27 September near towns Cossack, during a night robbery attempt cellar private accommodation, blew up in a homemade mini prescribed by locals to protect against looters, two 9 separate military assault Mechanized Regiment Marines (Novoazovsk) 1 AC Armed Forces. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Prosecutor's Office detains deputy mayor and city council member of Kherson for bribe-taking, - Lutsenko. PHOTO

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:49 am
Prosecutor's Office detains deputy mayor and city council member of Kherson for bribe-taking, - Lutsenko. PHOTO

The two officials accepted 80,000 hryvnia ($3,080) in bribe and were caught red-handed.

This was announced by Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yurii Lutsenko on his Facebook page, Censor.NET reports.

"The Main Investigation Department has detained Deputy Mayor of Kherson and his accomplice, a city council member, who were demanding a 15-percent payola for settlement of works. 80,000 hryvnia were the last for them," Lutsenko wrote.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 640x779 In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian Federation sought to discredit preliminary findings on MH17 even before they were released, - Power

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:52 am
Russian Federation sought to discredit preliminary findings on MH17 even before they were released, - Power

U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samantha Power said such behavior fitted with Russia's attempts to obfuscate its participation in the eastern Ukraine conflict.

Power commented on JIT findings on MH17 downing over eastern Ukraine in 2014, released yesterday, in a statement, Censor.NET reports.

"The first results of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) criminal investigation released today mark an important step in the direction of accountability. The thorough, impartial report - carried out by independent investigators from five nations - offers strong evidence that, the night before the attack, a Buk surface-to-air missile system was transported from Russia to separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine; that MH-17 was shot down by a Buk missile system, which was fired from separatist-controlled territory; and a Buk missile system was returned shortly after the attack from separatist-occupied territory in eastern Ukraine to Russia. The report also contains extensive findings pointing to attempts to cover up the movement of this missile system into and out of separatist-held territory in eastern Ukraine after the attack, on the part of Russia and Russian-backed separatists.

"Unsurprisingly, the Russian Federation sought to discredit the preliminary findings even before they were released - calling into question the quality of the investigation, and peddling conspiracy theories that have long since been thoroughly debunked by the rigorous research reflected in the interim findings. This behavior fits with Russia's attempts to obfuscate its arming, training, and fighting alongside separatists in eastern Ukraine.

"Investigators have said their next step will be to identify suspects involved in this crime, in preparation for seeking criminal indictments. We fully support this step. Those responsible for carrying out and ordering this attack must be held accountable. The loved ones of the victims, the eleven nations from which they came, and the international community all demand it.

"Four days after MH-17 was shot down, members of the Security Council, including Russia, unanimously adopted Resolution 2166, which expressed its support for efforts to establish an independent international investigation and demanded that all states cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability. We continue to support the full implementation of Resolution 2166, and we call on the Russian Federation to do the same," Power wrote.

As reported earlier, findings of JIT investigating the MH17 Boeing downing above separatist-controlled areas on July 17, 2014, were presented to the public Sept. 28.

The JIT said the plane was shot down with a Buk missile from a separatist-controlled area. The missile launcher arrived there from Russia, investigators say. They have identified about 100 people involved in the transportation and shooting. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty One Ukrainian soldier killed, two wounded yesterday, - ATO spokesperson

Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:39 am
One Ukrainian soldier killed, two wounded yesterday, - ATO spokesperson

One Ukrainian military was killed, two received injuries in the course of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in the east of Ukraine on Sept. 28.

This was announced by Defense Ministry spokesperson on ATO matters Oleksandr Motuzianyk at a news briefing on Thursday, Censor.NET reports.

"Over the past 24-hour period, unfortunately, one Ukrainian soldier was killed, two our military received injuries," he said.

As reported earlier, Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council estimated 10,000 Ukrainians were killed, more than 20,000 wounded since the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine's Donbas in 2014. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty US warns Russia about the possibility of terrorist attacks

Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:58 am
US warns Russia about the possibility of terrorist attacks

Kirby said that the terrorists operating in Syria can attack Russian cities

Terrorist groups operating in Syria, may extend the "geography" of its attacks and carry out terrorist attacks in Russia. This was stated by US State Department spokesman John Kirby, said Bloomberg.

"Extremist groups will use vacuum in Syria to expand its operations, which will include and attacks on Russian interests, possibly in the Russian city", - said Kirby.

In addition, he warned of the possible consequences of the abolition of the agreement and the United States on Syria, "Russian military will continue to return home" in bags for corpses ", and the state will lose substantial resources."

Recall, the United States does not rule out a possible extension of sanctions against Russia because of its actions in Syria. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin Advisor finally expelled from the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:02 am
Putin Advisor finally expelled from the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Putin in 2014 Glazyev appointed curator of events in the east of Ukraine, because he had come from Kiev and has remained a member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences

On Thursday, September 29, Institute of Demography and Social Studies, headed by Ella Libanova sent a proposal on the exclusion from the National Academy of Science adviser to President Russian Federation Sergey Glazyev. This is reported by sources As of Thursday, September 28, with the exception of votes Glazyev was, but this morning the situation has changed. As noted, the decision was taken unanimously. Now, under the statute, to be held a general meeting of NAS, but when - is unknown. Earlier, Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko called the names of 18 Russian military officials, who reported the suspicion of war with Ukraine. a key person in the organization called war adviser to the president of the Russian Federation Sergei Glazyev . Glazyev called "delirium" Prosecutor General of Ukraine accusations of his involvement in crimes against the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the outbreak of war. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The deputies did not disperse until the fired judges - offenders oath - Paruby

Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:06 am
The deputies did not disperse until the fired judges - offenders oath - Paruby

The Council did not disperse until the release of judges who handed down unlawful decisions regarding Square

The extraordinary plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will not end until the MPs not fired the judges who handed down unlawful decisions regarding Maidan. This speaker Andrew Paruby said during the plenary session of the Council, the online broadcast is available here .

Recall, September 27, President of Petro Poroshenko urged Parliament to collect extraordinary session of parliament for dismissal of judges.

"I turned to the Speaker calling convene until September 30 extraordinary session of parliament for dismissal for violation of the oath of judges , on which the submission by the High Council of Justice, including those involved in the illegal arrests maydanivtsiv" - wrote Poroshenko.

Later, Parliament Speaker Andrew Paruby signed on extraordinary convocation of the Verkhovna Rada on September 29. In Ukrainian/український

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Kiev and Odessa will feel: seismologist not rule out a new earthquake in Romania

Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:14 am
In Kiev and Odessa will feel: seismologist not rule out a new earthquake in Romania

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 300x200_zona_vrancha_zemletryaseniya

In Romania can occur new powerful earthquake to be felt in Ukraine.

This "Observer" said the deputy director of the Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine Oleksandr Kendzera.
Commenting on the forecast, voiced by former director of the Romanian National Institute for Earth Physics George Mermuryanu that the next magnitude earthquake in Romania could reach 7.4 on the Richter scale, Kendzera admitted: "Earthquakes in the Vrancea area can reach 8 magnitude as 7.4, certainly can be. "

He explained: "Vrancea zone - is one of the three areas on the planet, which always generates a very strong earthquake. The center of the earthquake is located at a depth of 90-180 km, ie the size of the zone - about 80-90 kilometers, and in any place in this zone may be an earthquake. " "It's part of the great seismic zone of the planet, which is constantly fueled by the energy of that vast continents are going to meet each other, so this is not surprising," - said seismologist.

However, he said, studying the processes that occur at such depths, very difficult. "There are many hypotheses that explain them. But a lot of them, and scientists have not come to a consensus," - said Kendzera.

"Observer" asked whether the new focus of the earthquake to be in the same place was the previous cell. "The centers can be in any place in this zone," - he explained.

According to seismologists, when Romania held earthquake 7.4 points, it will be similar to the earthquake in 1977. It will feel as Moldova and Ukraine - warned Kendzera. - In Moldova can be 6-7 points, Odessa - about 6 points in Kiev - 4-5 points on 12-point scale. But it is not dangerous if the building is not in a state of pre".

However, he stressed that the earthquake can not be predicted - "neither physically nor from a scientific point of view."

Wrote "Observer", a former director of the Romanian National Institute for Earth Physics George Mermuryanu said that the magnitude of the next earthquake in Romania could reach 7.4 on the Richter scale. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty SBU detained the organizer surrogate production, which led to the death of 35 people

Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:38 am
SBU detained the organizer surrogate production, which led to the death of 35 people

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 462819
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Wx600_208668
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 722913

Security Service of Ukraine and the Prosecutor of Kharkiv region have detained the organizer of manufacturing surrogate, which caused mass poisoning and death of 35 people.

This was Facebook deputy head of the State Fiscal Service Sergei Bilan.

"Worked five days in a row ... along with" Alpha "and the provincial prosecutor's office conducted an operation to detain the organizer surrogate production, which caused mass poisoning and death of people. And also detained three of his accomplices," - said in a statement.

He said security forces seized more than four tons of alcohol and technical equipment for the manufacture of a surrogate.

"We work on. There should not only work out the channels through which imported alcohol, but also the place of sale of products which had spread in Ukraine", - concluded Sergey Bilan.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] E82db9f0ff1943649ac37de9adfe1f44

As reported by "Oborevatel" on Tuesday, September 27, the prosecutor's office, investigators DFSU and employees of the SBU was able to identify the manufacturer of surrogate alcohol. In Ukrainian/український

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Rada dismissed 29 judges on the planned 33

Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:46 am
Rada dismissed 29 judges on the planned 33

Ukraine Parliament at a special plenary session on Thursday, September 29, dismissed for violation of oath of 29 judges from 33, which is scheduled to release today. Stream led channel "112 Ukraine ".

Note on two judges of the Appeal Court of Kyiv, which is accused of an unjust decisions concerning members of the Maidan, Parliament held in the amount of 29 votes.

Extraordinary meeting lasted 4.5 hours, with a break in the work of the Council is not declared.

After that, Speaker Andrew Paruby closed the meeting, recalling that the next time the deputies gathered at the session hall on Tuesday, 4 October. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Rada dismissed 12 judges who sided with the militants "DNR"

Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:48 am
Rada dismissed 12 judges who sided with the militants "DNR"

Overall parliament today dismissed 500 judges

Parliament of Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada) dismissed 12 judges who violated the oath and went to work in the "courts" self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" ( "NPT"). For each judge deputies conducted a separate vote.

According to the draft resolution №4940, among released - Appellate Court Judge Donetsk Administrative Court of Appeal Amvrosiivskyi District Court of Donetsk region., Kalinin district courts and Nikitovskiy Gorlovka, Donetsk Budennovsky District Court, Central District Court of the City of Makeyevka and Donetsk Regional Administrative court.

The Council has dismissed a judge district court Kakhovka Kherson region Oleg Kryukovsky in respect of which entered into force on indictment and who is now in prison serving a sentence for murder.

In addition, people's representatives dismissed a large number of judges who wrote the application for voluntary retirement, can not exercise its powers for health reasons, and those who turned 65 years old.

As chairman of the parliamentary committee on legal policy and justice Ruslan Knyazevich generally parliament today dismissed 500 judges.

News by topic: Rada dismissed for 193 half an hour Crimean judges who violated the oath
Recall, September 6, the Council agreed to the detention and arrest of a judge Dnieper District Court of Kyiv Nicholas Chaussy suspected of corruption. As reported, the servants of Themis caught on a bribe of 150 thousand. Dollars. Money Chaus kept in glass jars.

Note Deputy Attorney General - the head of anti-corruption prosecutors Holodnytskyy Nazar said that according to current data, Chaus now in the occupied Crimea. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Odesa mourner Tsipko bamboozle Russian volunteers, stealing aid for Donbas

Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:01 pm
Odesa mourner Tsipko bamboozle Russian volunteers, stealing aid for Donbas

Odesa mourner Tsipko Maria, she's a soldier's mother, she's a widow volunteer, she is an activist of the Kharkov "Antimaydana" and just an actress, whose performances on Russian television so handy for zombie spectators, lit up in a new scandal.

This time Tsipko charged with fraud and theft of humanitarian aid. On a fishing rod mourners, in particular, caught the Russian TV presenter and actress Yana Poplavskaya, which has its own charitable foundation.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Picturepicture_58183016162425_78815

"Know her face - Maria Tsipko. She Fom Elena - Maria Pogodin - Maria Bavykina -. Mary Orthodox, etc. We she introduced herself as the deputy director of the "Charitable Foundation New Martyrs and Confessors of Christ" - writes Poplavskaja on his page on Facebook. - Who is she hiding behind my name, receives humanitarian aid from various donors and organizations in parishes and dioceses, and sends an unknown destination. There are serious reasons to believe that part of this aid is merely appropriates, as the goods never reached beneficiaries in the amount of 100 per cent. "

Poplavskaja said that in 2014 Tsipko turned to her and offered to help in the delivery of humanitarian aid to Donbas. It has provided an e-mail letters of guarantee, letters and copies of the proxy requests.

"We passed through her children's shoes, baby food and personal hygiene. But we have not received any reports! Where did the goods - it is not clear! On our complaints we have received threats and tantrums session - added Jan Poplavskaja. - Contact us now guide New Martyrs and Confessors of Christ Foundation and reported that their organization Maria Tsipko irrelevant. It works with forged documents and printing. As far as we know now, it continues to use my name and the name "NiIH" Foundation, is attempting once again to ask for humanitarian aid and fundraising, already registering their charitable foundation "Virgin triumphantly." In Russian/русский
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukrainian roads ranking one of world’s worst

Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:38 pm
Ukrainian roads ranking one of world’s worst

Ukraine is ranking 134th out of 138 in the roads quality rating.

Censor.NET reports citing 112 Ukraine TV channel.

Ukraine is in 134th position out of 138 countries in the rating of the quality of roads made by the World Economic Forum. The rating was published on the organization's website.

According to the global competitiveness report, Ukraine is at the 75th place. In particular, the experts assessed the quality of Ukrainian railways as the world's 34th, air transport took 103rd place, while the roads were ranked at 134th position.

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Number of deaths from fake alcohol increase to 37

Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:41 pm
Number of deaths from fake alcohol increase to 37

The number of deaths caused by fake spirits in Ukraine has increased to 37 people.

Censor.NET informs citing the update by the press office of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection as at 5 p.m. Sept. 29.

According to the Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the Kharkiv region, 58 residents of this region applied to hospitals with symptoms of poisoning by fake alcohol as at 5 p.m. Sept. 29. 25 of them died. According to the forensic examination findings, the methyl alcohol was found in the blood of 10 of the victims.

Besides, according to the Consumer Protection Service Main Directorate in the Donetsk region, nine persons poisoned by fake alcohol were delivered to central regional hospital in the town of Lyman between Sept. 25 and Sept. 28, 2016. Five of them died. One person in critical condition is in the intensive care unit. Two patients in the moderately severe condition are in the internal medicine department. One more person was discharged from hospital in satisfactory condition.

According to the latest update by the Main Directorate of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the Mykolaiv region, five residents of Mykolaiv's Ternivka neighborhood died between Sept. 21 and Sept. 24, 2016. Forensic examination showed methyl alcohol in their blood.

According to the Main Directorate of the Consumer Protection Service in the Luhansk region, fake alcohol purchased online claimed lives of two people in the Luhansk region's town of Rubizhne as at 5 p.m. Sept. 29. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty US about to suspend talks with Russia on Syria, Kerry says

Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:44 pm
US about to suspend talks with Russia on Syria, Kerry says

The United States is on the verge of suspending talks with Russia on cease-fire deal implementation to end the violence in Syria.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday, Censor.NET reports citing Reuters.

"We are on the verge of suspending the discussion because it is irrational in the context of the kind of bombing taking place to be sitting there trying to take things seriously," Kerry told an audience in Washington.

"It is one of those moments where we are going to have to pursue other alternatives," he added. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russians to returns controlling stake in Zaporizhya aluminum plant to Ukraine

Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:46 pm
Russians to returns controlling stake in Zaporizhya aluminum plant to Ukraine

Russia’s AvtoVAZ-Invest acquired a 68.01% stake in the Zaporizhya Aluminum Plant in 2001. One of the sale’s conditions was the repayment of the $75 million plant’s debt to the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine.

The buyers of the stake, AvtoVaz-Invest (Russia) and VELBAY holdings Ltd.(Cyprus) dodged the implementation of their investment commitments and had not repaid the $75 mn debt. 

Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine protested in court the failure to meet contractual commitments by the Russian buyers, with the court ruling to return the stake to state property.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Merkel, Putin Speak About Ukraine Conflict, Syria

Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:49 pm
Merkel, Putin Speak About Ukraine Conflict, Syria

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to stabilize a fragile cease-fire in Ukraine and do all he can to improve what Merkel called a "catastrophic humanitarian situation" in Syria.

A German government spokesman said Merkel made the remarks in a September 29 phone call with Putin.

Earlier, the Kremlin said Merkel and Putin had agreed on a schedule for future contacts about Ukraine’s conflict under a format that would bring together the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and France.

The Kremlin statement said the two discussed the conflict in eastern Ukraine within the framework of "reactivating work for a full implementation of the Minsk agreements.".......
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia steps up trolling attacks on the West, U.S. intel report finds

Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:54 pm
Russia steps up trolling attacks on the West, U.S. intel report finds

A new U.S. intelligence report says the Russian government is conducting a wide-ranging and "opportunistic" campaign to expand its political influence in Europe by deploying Internet "trolls and other cyber actors" to challenge pro-Western journalists and spread pro-Kremlin messages in social media forums, according to Yahoo News.

Yahoo News obtained a declassified summary of the report, which also describes the role of two state-owned media outlets, RT and Sputnik, in what some experts say is an increasingly aggressive "information warfare" campaign. According to the report, the outlets promote Russia's political aims with programming targeted to "activist" audiences including "far-right and far-left elements of European society." It adds that the RT channel gives "disproportionate coverage and airtime to the European Parliament's more extreme factions."

The report, by the office of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, was originally requested by congressional intelligence committees late last year. The panels also asked for a separate report on Russia's use of political assassination. Classified versions of both documents were delivered by Clapper's office to Capitol Hill in July. The decision to declassify brief excerpts from the first report coincides with recent disclosures about suspected Russian cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political groups. Many in the U.S. intelligence community believe that indicates Russia has expanded its cyberwar and disinformation efforts to the United States. "This is the 21st century version of 'active measures,'" said Heather Conley, director of the Russia program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a reference to the Cold War term for the Soviet Union's efforts to manipulate Western opinion by spreading false information, such as the claim that U.S. scientists had manufactured the AIDS virus as part of a biological weapons project at Fort Detrick, Md.................

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Lyashko Tymoshenko and work as a single political force - the first deputy head of the MFP Kononenko

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:18 pm
Lyashko Tymoshenko and work as a single political force - the first deputy head of the MFP Kononenko
Igor Kononenko Lyashko accused Tymoshenko is that they work as a unified political force

The leader of the Radical Party, Oleg Lyashko and head of Union "Fatherland" Yulia Tymoshenko take his populist statements destructive position and work together as a single political force. About this in comments to Ukrainian television said the People's Deputy of Ukraine, First Deputy Chairman of Petro Poroshenko Bloc Igor Kononenko.

"Today the Verkhovna Rada adopted the really important decisions on more than 30 judges. First of all, those accused of illegal actions on the Maidan activists. This decision would be impossible without the position of our party. For all vote - and you can see and count at Parliament - 40% of votes gave the Bloc Petro Poroshenko, "- said Igor Kononenko, commenting on the results of voting in parliament. He also stressed that he personally voted for all resolutions.

"Regarding accusations Lyashko and Tymoshenko. Today they showed that operate as a single political force on populism and destructive position based on unfounded accusations. As for the decisions and the facts, you can open the site of the Verkhovna Rada and see what decisions and by which political forces were taken, "- said the People's Deputy of Ukraine. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Merkel calls Putin discussed the situation in Ukraine

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:20 pm
Merkel calls Putin discussed the situation in Ukraine

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] 78_main

Telephone conversation between Merkel and Putin took place on the initiative of Germany

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with German Chancellor Angela Merkel by telephone the situation in Ukraine, the press service of the Kremlin.

"Continued discussion of Ukrainian issues in line with the intensification of work on the comprehensive implementation of the Minsk agreement of 12 February 2015", - said in a statement.

It is reported that the agreed schedule of further contacts in "Norman format" on different levels.

It is noted that the conversation was held on the initiative of the German side.

Earlier it was reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed to help with the treatment of the deputy Mejlis Ilmi Umerov. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Advocate killed in the crash MN17 threatened Russian hackers

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:40 pm
Advocate killed in the crash MN17 threatened Russian hackers

Jerry Skinner, counsel families killed in the crash MN17, Russian hackers attacked, threatened him over the phone. It Skinner said during the discussion of the report in Bellingcat Atlantic Council, which broadcasts public.
"I was threatened by hackers, I even had to change all their phone numbers," said Skinner.

As we have previously reported that the anti-missile system "Buk", which was shot down Malaysian "Boeing" MN17, was brought to a controlled militants Ukraine from Russia and then taken back to Russia.

This is the conclusion reached international joint investigation team (Joint Investigation Team, JIT - Ed.) To investigate the accident Malaysian flight MN17, which was hit by 17 July 2014 at the Donbas. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty SBU unmasked multi embezzlement during the construction of housing for military

Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:43 pm
SBU unmasked multi embezzlement during the construction of housing for military

As a result of the examination, housing does not meet state building codes, and the real cost of apartments is several times lower

Security Service of Ukraine jointly with the military prosecutor accused multimillion mechanism embezzlement of budgetary funds allocated to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for housing military personnel and members of the antiterrorist operation in Kamenskoe in Dnipropetrovsk region.

This is stated in the press service of the SBU.

"The two businesses last year won a tender for the construction of housing for the military, the budget received more than 21 million. Employees of intelligence services found out that dealers instead of the construction of a new home bought an old unfinished projects, which identified the apartment and servicemen, "- said in a statement.

As a result of the examination, housing does not meet state building codes, and the real cost of apartments is several times lower.

In addition, it is reported that during the searches in offices, cars and the residence defendants in the case, law enforcement officers seized 10 thousand dollars and documentation that proves exercise deals with budget funds.

"Opened criminal proceedings under Part. 3. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Continued operational and investigative measures to bring to justice all persons involved in the embezzlement of public funds. The size of losses caused to the budget set, "- said in a statement. In Ukrainian/український
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Thursday 29 September. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia has explained that Putin prevents confess elimination MH-17

Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:39 pm
Russia has explained that Putin prevents confess elimination MH-17

Russian President Vladimir Putin has never acknowledged the destruction of Russian troops "Boeing" at the Donbas.
This opinion in their Facebook expressed Russian sociologist and journalist Igor Eydman.

"Some naive people wonder why Putin admitted that Russians downed Malaysian Boeing, apologize and pay compensation to relatives of the victims. No, Putin can not do so" - said Eydman.

"After the destruction of the Boeing - a crime committed while the other is a larger crime. If during a bloody bank robbery, gangster opened fire on a policeman and killed a passerby. If we accept that this gangster killed a passerby, one must admit that he police killed and robbed a bank. If we accept that Boeing was shot down by Russian "beech" will automatically recognize the Russian military aggression, as a result of which he (and many others) was in the Ukraine and knocked Ukrainian military aircraft, "- he explained.

"In this case, Putin actually considers himself an international war criminal. Of course he will not do" - said the Russian expert.

Also Eydman said his outraged comparison with other cases where military mistakenly shot down peaceful planes.
"The unique history of the Malaysian Boeing that it was shot down not by mistake, and during the crime. The secret destruction of Russian" beech "military Ukrainian aircraft was also a crime that violates international law. We should not forget this," - concluded sociologist .

As reported by the "Observer", representatives of the international investigation team said the plane MH-17 was shot down by a missile from the complex "Beech" , brought from Russia in Pervomaisky district of Donetsk region, which at the time of the disaster has been under the control of terrorists.

In the Defense Ministry said that Russia refuses to acknowledge the report of the Prosecutor's Office of the Netherlands about the accident MN-17, if in a place where fired on the aircraft will be available occupied by terrorists of Donetsk region. In Ukrainian/український
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