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Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources]

Tue May 09, 2017 8:33 am

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US senators urge Trump to meet Poroshenko ahead of seeing Putin. Trump is due to meet with Poroshenko before his meeting with Putin.  Tillerson detailed control of the situation on the Russian aggression in Donbas.  There was a video activists fighting OUN security forces in Kiev.  Terrorists ISIS showed video of his execution in Syria Russian "officer".  In Kharkiv and Zaporozhia held clashes with pro-Russian activists: published video.  The Russian government has promised to check out the video of the beheading Russian officer in Syria.

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Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Trump and Macron agreed to meet at the NATO summit

Tue May 09, 2017 8:36 am
Trump and Macron agreed to meet at the NATO summit

US President-elect Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron in the first telephone conversation agreed to hold a meeting on May 25 at the NATO summit in Brussels

As reported Tsenzor.NET , reported by Reuters with reference to the statement by the White House.

"President Trump emphasized his desire to work closely with the president-elect Macron in dealing with common challenges and noted a long and solid history of cooperation between the United States and its old ally - France", - he said at the White House., Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty US senators urge Trump to meet Poroshenko ahead of seeing Putin

Tue May 09, 2017 8:40 am
US senators urge Trump to meet Poroshenko ahead of seeing Putin

Republican Senator Rob Portman has published the text of a bipartisan senators' letter to Donald Trump calling on him to meet with President Petro Poroshenko before meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 conference in July.

Censor.NET reports referring to Portman's website.

Trump is encouraged to prioritize U.S. relationship with longstanding allies and increase support for institutions and European governments that help preserve the international order.

"We strongly encourage you to meet with senior leaders from Ukraine, including President Petro Poroshenko, in advance of any official meetings with senior Russian officials including Russian President Vladimir Putin," the letter says.

"Meeting with democratically elected representatives from Ukraine would send a strong signal that the United States continues to prioritize our relationship with longstanding allies, and will continue our commitments to support Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of ongoing aggression," the senators add.

Portman was joined in sending the letter by Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ), John McCain (R-AZ), Bob Casey (D-PA), James Inhofe (R-OK), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Tillerson has detailed situation of Russian aggression in Donbas - Klimkin

Tue May 09, 2017 8:46 am
Tillerson has detailed situation of Russian aggression in Donbas - Klimkin

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson knows about the aggression of Russia against Ukraine in detail, since it discussed and continue to discuss the various options for resolving the situation.

This was told the first day of his visit to Washington, Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, reports Tsenzor.NET referring to Ukrinform.

"I am thoroughly discussed this with Tillerson, first here in Washington, and we had a meaningful meeting in Brussels at the NATO-Ukraine Commission. It is understood not just in the overall logic of our common position and aware of all the details," - said head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

In this regard Klimkin expressed hope that the Secretary of State "puts pressure on the Russian side for the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

Asked whether there is a chance that Washington will join Norman format, Ukrainian Minister noted that in this regard is important, not so much "geometry process" as its effectiveness.

"Will it be a parallel process - Norman format and US pressure on Russia, we will be able to create various stages of common elements. This talk will be" - he said. He informed that the last time he discussed this in great detail with US Secretary of State. He said that at this stage the idea is to achieve real results on the very important first points of the Minsk agreement - establishing security and free the hostages.

"If it can be done better coordinating efforts, we will do so" - said Klimkin. However, he did not rule out taking "political decision" involving settlement in eastern Ukraine, the United States or of the Geneva format "combination of Budapest and Normandy format".

"All the talk about these issues, but the main course, the result," - concluded Ukrainian minister. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Terrorists ISIS showed video of his execution in Syria Russian "officer"

Tue May 09, 2017 8:49 am
Terrorists ISIS showed video of his execution in Syria Russian "officer"

Militants of the terrorist organization "Islamic State" published a video killing so-called "Russian Colonel Eugene Petrenko."

This is stated on the website of the organization SITE Intelligence Group.

Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Fd44b8030d52db3b3d9698151109f32c

It is reported that the video shows a man in a black suit, which is called "Russian Colonel Eugene Petrenko."

Male urges the Russian military in Syria seem IDIL action then cuts his throat with a knife.

It is noted that at present degree of reliability of video recording date and identity of the person in a black suit is not installed.

As reported by "Apostrophe" Earlier it was reported on the elimination of the leader of terrorist group "Islamic state" in Afghanistan Abdul Hasiba during the operation carried out by Afghan intelligence agencies and the US in the eastern province of Nangarhar. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The Russian government has promised to check out the video of the beheading Russian officer in Syria

Tue May 09, 2017 9:06 am
The Russian government has promised to check out the video of the beheading Russian officer in Syria

Russian Defense Ministry will check the veracity of the video distributed "Islamic state", in which the execution of the Russian colonel named Eugene Smith.

This was stated by head of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Viktor Ozerov, transfers "Interfax".

"Of course, the Ministry of Defense do not disregard any communication relating to our soldiers, especially of this nature. Will be tested and the results it will be known, "- said Ozerov.

The senator said that he knew nothing about the content and the degree of truthfulness of this video.

According to Ozerov, to determine whether there is video Russian military executions, "you can invite all the commanders of military units that are located in Syria."

It was reported earlier that the militants ID announced the beheading of an officer in Syria., Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhya held clashes with pro-Russian activists: published video

Tue May 09, 2017 9:10 am
In Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhya held clashes with pro-Russian activists: published video

In Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhya clashes occurred between the patriotic forces of the pro-Russian activists.

Thus, in Kharkov in the Memorial Hall, which now gathered wishing to hold an action "Immortal regiment," a fight with the representatives of nationalist organizations, said "MediaPort" .

"The soldiers at the Memorial of Glory seen Spartacus Golovachev, accused of assault Kharkiv Regional Administration in 2014, and the representative of" Right Sector "Yuri Lihota. Now all is calm," - said in a statement.

Keeping column protesters "Immortal regiment" chanted "Fascism will not pass", "Thank you for the victory grandfather", "Victory will be ours."

Police said the incident began with the fact that one of the pro-Russian activists tried to take away St. George ribbon. The fight did not last long.

In turn, Zaporozhye conflict occurred between the parties pro-Russian action "Polk victory" and veterans of ATO in Donbas.

The clash occurred near the City Hall, where participants prokremlыvskoyi action brought flag of the USSR and staged a rally under Soviet songs, reports .

This angered patriotic activists who demanded to remove banned in Ukraine symbols. In the situation of police and soldiers intervened Natshvardiyi who took a pro ring activists, among them former Regions Andrey Ivanov and Communist Alex Baburin.

Provocateurs withdrew from the crowd. Suffered head of patrol police novel Pylypenko. During the clashes between members of people used gas cartridges , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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Location : United States

Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty There was a video activists fighting OUN security forces in Kiev

Tue May 09, 2017 9:14 am
There was a video activists fighting OUN security forces in Kiev

At the office of the Ukrainian nationalist clashes between activists and law enforcement organizations.

Law enforcement officers blocked streets and transportation to office UNO. On the causes of conflict currently unknown. The police did not comment on these events. Information about the victims during clashes also available.

Police detained several members of OUN organization. Information about the number of detainees yet.

The activists threw smoke bombs at police and other items. Periodically OUN between activists and police conflicts arise.

As reported by "Apostrophe" before the network published photos of clashes activists of nationalist organizations of the participants of the march "immortal regiment" in Kiev metro station "Arsenal". , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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Russian - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Tuesday 9 May. [Ukrainian sources]

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