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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources]

Sat May 20, 2017 2:02 pm

Please scroll to view news items added during the day.

Russia tried to recruit US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.  Trump-themed beer production launched in Lviv.  SBU foiled Russian provocation aimed at inciting ethnic hatred in Transcarpathia. Impeachment of Trump no longer impossible.  Klimkin explained Russian social media ban to Council of Europe: Their activities generate hatred and wrangling.  Ukrainian Facebook audience grown by 35% after blocking of Russian social networks.  Terrorists in the occupied part of the Donetsk region employees fired guns mission of the Red Cross.  State Border Service completes the installation of "The Wall" at the border with Russia in Kharkiv region.  Alexei Navalny accused "cook Putin" stealing 8 billion rubles.  Russia continues the persecution of Crimean Tatars - the US representative to the OSCE.  

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty SBU foiled Russian provocation aimed at inciting ethnic hatred in Transcarpathia

Sat May 20, 2017 2:12 pm
SBU foiled Russian provocation aimed at inciting ethnic hatred in Transcarpathia

Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine prevented a Russian provocation aimed at inciting ethnic hatred in Utah.

As the Tsenzor.NET, this statement by the press center of the SBU.

As noted, the Russian special services planned to use a conference of representatives of national minorities, which was to be held in Uzhgorod, to announce calls for granting autonomous region status.

These slogans have to push patriotic forces of national minorities edge. The Russian side also planned to attract paid for psevdoaktyvistiv inspiruvannya clashes and confrontations with the police. In addition, under Russian provocations in three districts at night illegally posted campaign design with inscriptions in Hungarian.

Due to the fact that these banners were installed without the permission of the executive branch, they were dismantled utilities. It is established that removed campaign materials were produced by printing on demand now Kyiv individuals who maintain contacts with the Russian Information Center. No locals to the production and placement of these materials have no relation.

Also May 18 SBU detained a man who was filming ensure provocations in Transcarpathia. During the meeting with the security services operatives, he said that 10 thousand received the order for the biased material from a person who uses the phone Russian mobile operator. He said he repeatedly executed orders from Russia, including the coverage of May 2 in Odessa. Obligatory condition of Russian cooperation customer always advocated respect for classical services for special requirements conspiracy. The citizen was questioned as a witness in an open earlier criminal proceedings under Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Trump-themed beer production launched in Lviv. VIDEO

Sat May 20, 2017 2:15 pm
Trump-themed beer production launched in Lviv. VIDEO

Pravda brewery in Lviv, Ukraine, made a craft a beer dedicated to U.S. President Donald Trump.

Its full name is "Trump. The President of the Divided States of America."

On the label, you can spot Russian President Vladimir Putin, a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, and the character Kevin McCallister from "Home Alone 2" where Trump played a small part.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Impeachment of Trump no longer impossible

Sat May 20, 2017 2:17 pm
Impeachment of Trump no longer impossible

Some 10 days ago, U.S. president's staunchest critics might have called Trump a national disaster but essentially unimpeachable.

Censor.NET reports citing an op-ed by Lawrence Douglas for The Guardian.

Now it seems like just a matter of time before he is removed from office, the author believes.

The announcement that the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, has appointed Robert Mueller III, the former FBI director, to serve as special counsel overseeing the Russian probe only strengthens the spreading sense that Trump is finished.

What makes this appointment fatal to the president is not Mueller's well-earned reputation for doggedness. It is the fact that the president's own self-destructive behavior has altered the scope of the probe. No longer will the possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign be the focus.

Front and center will be whether the president has obstructed justice - first, by entreating Comey to "let go" of the Flynn investigation, and second, by firing Comey. Also at issue will be whether Trump's tweet - "James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" - represents an attempt to tamper with a witness in an ongoing investigation.

A White House with a presumption of regularity might be able to weather these allegations. A "regular" president might be able to convince the American people that Comey's contemporaneous memo misstated or mischaracterized the president's entreaty, which expressed a hope, not a command. Of course, even a regular president might not succeed.
Republicans should ask themselves how many nanoseconds they would have let pass before drawing up articles of impeachment had Barack Obama asked Comey to "let go" of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

And now comes the news that in appointing Flynn his national security adviser, Trump disregarded not only the warnings of Obama and the acting attorney general, Sally Yates, but the very fact that Flynn was already under criminal investigation.

Erratic behavior, extravagant narcissism wedded to a lack of discipline, and a pattern of arguably impeachable offenses: we can only hope that Mueller's appointment sounds the death knell of this brief, dangerous experiment in presidential waywardness. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Klimkin explained Russian social media ban to Council of Europe: Their activities generate hatred and wrangling

Sat May 20, 2017 2:18 pm
Klimkin explained Russian social media ban to Council of Europe: Their activities generate hatred and wrangling

At the Council of Europe meeting, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin explained the sanctions implemented in Ukraine against some Russian websites and social media.
As reported by Censor.NET, Klimkin announced it on Twitter.

"I have informed the Council of Europe about the NSDC decision regarding Russian websites and social media," he wrote.

Ukraine's FM explained that Ukraine was forced to implement sanctions against a number of Russian legal entities, the activities of which pose a threat to national information and cyber security, as well as generate hatred and wrangling.

"The implemented limitations constitute purposeful countermeasures adopted under the proportion principle against the Russian Federation as a state that has to be held accountable for its deeds," Klimkin said., Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukrainian Facebook audience grown by 35% after blocking of Russian social networks. INFOGRAPHICS

Sat May 20, 2017 2:24 pm
Ukrainian Facebook audience grown by 35% after blocking of Russian social networks. INFOGRAPHICS

After the providers began blocking access to Russian social media, the Ukrainian Facebook audience grew by about 35% per day. Also, the audience of Ukrainian portals and has grown significantly.

Censor.NET reports citing the marketing research conducted by TNS KANTAR.

"Analysis of TNS KANTAR CMeter data for the second day after the announcement of the blocking of Russian media makes the tendency of sustainable growth of Facebook coverage clearly visible," the TNS Ukraine report reads.

Facebook grows most dynamically in the East of Ukraine, because of the initially lower rates of Facebook in this region. The situation with is identical.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] 640x319

Most likely, the users aged 14-20 react to the ban of Russian social networks the most, and they give the largest increase in Facebook audience. Though, this category of users ignores

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] 640x440 continues to beat records on the growth of coverage, with the largest increase observed in the audience 46+.

As the coverage of the media is reduced, the information boom has started to decline.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] 640x283

As reported earlier, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko enacted the decision by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) on implementing sanctions against social media websites. Internet providers are banned from offering their consumers access to services by "" ( and socially oriented media VKontakte ( and Odnoklassniki ( The list also designates services by Kaspersky Lab, Doctor Web and Yandex including Yandex.Money, Yandex.News, Yandex.Photos, and its e-mail service. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Terrorists in the occupied part of the Donetsk region employees fired guns mission of the Red Cross

Sat May 20, 2017 2:26 pm
Terrorists in the occupied part of the Donetsk region employees fired guns mission of the Red Cross

Terrorists fired on the mission of the Red Cross, which distributed humanitarian aid to the occupied part of the Donetsk region.

As the Tsenzor.NET , this statement reads Ukrainian side STSKK

The information note: "May 18, 2017 during a planned distribution of food and hygiene kits in the village uncontrolled territory dolomite in Ukraine pro-Russian government mercenaries were fired employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Several machine-gun bursts were close to the people and cars mission. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.

Study the circumstances and registers violations of the cease-fire showed that the shelling of representatives of the Red Cross is held by SMF Horde and he was carried from the territory of the Horde.

Machinegun fire place distributing humanitarian aid carried SPC horde to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine, spreading panic and fear among the local population and representatives of the ICRC.

To ensure humanitarian action, the ICRC 5/18/2017 Armed Forces of Ukraine gave written security guarantees, while the troop of the SPC provided such guarantees were not. Representatives of ICRC carried granting humanitarian aid on their own and at their own risk.

Ukrainian side STSKK strongly condemns the actions SPC Horde and qualifies them as a serious violation of international humanitarian law." , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty State Border Service completes the installation of "The Wall" at the border with Russia in Kharkiv region

Sat May 20, 2017 2:30 pm
State Border Service completes the installation of "The Wall" at the border with Russia in Kharkiv region

State Border Service of Ukraine completes work on creation of intellectual model of the state border with Russia in the Kharkiv region, work continues in Sumy and Luhansk regions.

As the Tsenzor.NET , told the State Border Service head Viktor Nazarenko in an interview with " Interfax-Ukraine ".

"Today we complete all planned activities in the Kharkiv region have already started work in Sumy and Luhansk regions", - said the head of the State Border Service.

He recalled that in 2015 the government approved a plan arrangement of the border, it is designed for three years.

"Since the middle of 2015 and to date we have arranged over 273 km anti ditches, 47 km of trace control lanes, 83 km barrier fence rokatnyh 153 km of roads," - said Nazarenko.

According to the border agency, for the current year budget provides 200 million USD for the program, which is 17% of target. "Today we have about 30 million and use the money for this project. In 2015 allocated 400 million, which is generally 40% of the target. With this attribute and not too rapid advancement of the project. But he still needed we will implement it, "- said Nazarenko.

He said that the border areas equipped border violations reduced to zero, and it confirms the effectiveness of the project.

Recall Initiative Ukrainian authorities on the border with equipment called "European Val". Initially, the project called "The Wall". November 19, 2014 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to approve the decree of the President of Petro Poroshenko lines denote Ukrainian-Russian border. The project involves the construction of trenches, ditches, and special projects. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Alexei Navalny accused "Chef Putin" of stealing 8 billion rubles

Sat May 20, 2017 2:34 pm
Alexei Navalny accused "Chef Putin" of stealing 8 billion rubles

Alexei Navalny accused of stealing, businessman Prigogine 8 billion rubles. This is stated in the investigation Fund to Fight Corruption.

As the Tsenzor.NET, reported by Radio Liberty.

Prigogine also known as "Chef of Putin." According to the legal fund established cartel Prigogine, who mimicked competition and received an order for 25 billion rubles. A third of the money allegedly stolen.

on May 22, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia must make a decision on the cartel. In this regard Navalny expressed concern that the agency will not put pressure on people with Russian President environment and greatly mitigate the business, appointing minimum fines or even closing it.

Alexei Navalny said that Prigogine is behind the attack on Sergei moss - man lawyer FCO Love Sable, who participated in the investigation of the so-called "case of the cook." , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia continues the persecution of Crimean Tatars - the US representative to the OSCE

Sat May 20, 2017 2:36 pm
Russia continues the persecution of Crimean Tatars - the US representative to the OSCE

US remembers the history of deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944 and noted that Moscow does not cease to haunt people today.

This was announced at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, Charge d'Affaires at the US Mission to the OSCE Kate Burns, said Tsenzor.NET referring to Krym.Realiyi .

"Today marks the 73 rd anniversary of the mass deportation of more than 230 thousand Crimean Tatars from their homeland by order of Soviet power. Almost half of them, mostly women, children and elderly people, were killed between 1944 and 1947", - said ochilnytsya US delegation.

The history is closely intertwined with the present day, when the Russian government continues its campaign of violence and persecution in Crimea, said Kate Burns. The American diplomat said that still reports of killings, disappearances, imprisonment and torture of Crimea who dares to speak the truth about the Russian occupation of Ukraine.

She also recalled that about 20 thousand Crimean Tatars were forced to leave Crimea since the beginning of the occupation. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia tried to recruit US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

Sat May 20, 2017 2:39 pm
Russia tried to recruit US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2012 warned of the GOP Congressman Dana Rorabeykera that Russian agents are trying to recruit.

As the Tsenzor.NET, this tells The New York Times.

The newspaper said the FBI behind closed doors five years ago Rorabeykeru reported that Moscow is trying to bring it as "agents of influence" - those whom the Russian government could use to control politics of Washington.

As Rorabeyker said in an interview, the focus of the meeting was given his contact with one of the employees of the Russian Foreign Ministry during a trip to Moscow.

"They told me that it is somehow linked to Russian intelligence," - he said. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Recruited by Russia, the DPRK released a video questioning the organizer of the attempt on Kim Jong-un

Sat May 20, 2017 6:57 pm
Recruited by Russia, the DPRK released a video questioning the organizer of the attempt on Kim Jong-un

North Korean Uriminzokkiri portal published a YouTube video featuring a man who admits to planning the assassination of the leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un.

It is reported "GORDON" .

According to the MGB DPRK perpetrators allegedly had become a citizen of North Korea's Kim Song-il, who in 2014 worked in the Khabarovsk region of Russia, where he was recruited by South Korean intelligence.

The attack was to take place during a military parade. In MGB claim that Kim handed techniques for communication and money to bribe accomplices planned the crime.

According to Kim Song Il, he was deceived hostile propaganda against the republic, and his drawn into a "terrible crime" Special forces of South Korea and the United States.

Among the methods considered attempted use of toxic substances and a special device to spray her, he said. Also, the video shows the tablet computer and smartphone South Korean company Samsung - they can probably conducted correspondence with the exploration of South Korea.

Note 5 May the Ministry of State Security (MGB) North Korea reported that the US Central Intelligence Agency in cooperation with the secret services of South Korea intended to "send to the country of terrorist groups" for the elimination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un using biochemical substances.

Yesterday, 19 May, the US sent the aircraft carrier "Ronald Reagan" to the Korean Peninsula for joint exercises with the aircraft carrier "Carl Vinson" on the rising tension in the region. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 20 May. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russians boasted that may affect Trump because Flynn

Sat May 20, 2017 7:06 pm
Russians boasted that may affect Trump because Flynn

Russian officials in private conversations during the presidential campaign in the US in 2016 boasted that they have built a strong relationship with the now former advisor to the US President Michael Flynn, and can use it to influence the Donald Trump.

It is reported by CNN , citing current and former US officials.

These conversations representatives of Russian Intelligence troubled employees, and so they tried to limit the amount of classified information, which shared with Flynn.

According to one of the officials of the Obama Administration, Michael Flynn regarded as a problem of national security.

It is noted that in conversations that have received US intelligence officials, representatives of Flynn regarded as an ally. However, CNN sources said that the Kremlin could overstate the effect that might have on its surroundings Trump.

Representatives Michael Flynn refused to comment on the information. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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