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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill

Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:34 pm
See it for yourself what the intentions were by Russell Bonner Bentley III.  

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Screen-Shot-2015-11-26-at-4.50.23-PM-1

After extensive research, I've found what this creature's all about and what his twisted intentions were and are.  

This is what happened, when I started to reveal the real acts of this war monger.  I was suspended temporarily for tweeting this:

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Download

Inform him about what is known.  Twitter: @Donbacc_Texac

For those who don't know why this Donbas war started. It's very important to know.  

Putin accused Ukrainian government that Russian speaking people in Ukraine were being persecuted.  Remember!  This is an post-Soviet country.  For decades they had no choice than to speak Russian, although many would speak Ukrainian in their homes.  

Decades ago, Russia replaced Ukrainians that Stalin starved to death (up to 7 million in one year) with Russians. So it's obvious that many in eastern Ukraine would speak Russian.  I've been traveling to Ukraine since 2004.  Most in Kyiv and in Odesa for example speak Russian in the public.  My wife speaks more Russian than Ukrainian which she speaks in her home. I've, with not much choice had to pick-up more on the Russian language than Ukrainian.  It's a language. Not much of a big deal for me.

BUT! This is the excuse Putin used to invade Ukraine and start a war. NO Russians were being killed or jailed because they spoke Russian. That is TOTALLY false.  My extended family have never been persecuted for it and they live in the Odesa region.  Putin has been managing Russia's economy so bad, he needed and wanted to take back Ukraine, due to its riches it has in many sectors.  Many factories were closed near the Russian-Ukrainian border, because of its bad economy.  And now with the sanctions it's just made it far worse.  He NEEDS Ukraine and will do whatever he needs to take it, for his own gains.  There are over now, more than 40-60 thousand Russian troops, including mercenaries from other countries, INCLUDING Americans, which I'll be focusing on one in particular.  Lately!  Many mercenaries have been reported leaving the fight in Ukraine for lack of support and seeing what is being done to Ukrainians.  There are trucks daily that return to Russia with dead soldiers and mercenaries.  Many family members in Russia ask the government, what happened to their son's.  As many aren't told of their deaths.  

This wasn't started by the west or the US, as Putin wants all to believe.  This was done from personal desperation.  As Putin's in dire need.  One of his main concerns is, he's losing support and has been for quite some time.  That's where he uses propaganda on his own and globally to get and keep support.  Russell Bonner Bentley III is one that fell for his lies and doesn't know shyte of the truth in Ukraine.

Ukrainians wanted nothing more than to be closer and possibly join the European Union.  when Yanukovich (President till 2014) was forced, that's what started the Putin downfall of is plans with Ukraine.  Ukrainians wanted the European Union which the drive to it started back with president Yushchenko. When the agreement reached Yanukovich, Putin had him decline to sigh the Association Agreement.  That started the Maidan revolution.  Ukrainians were outraged that something so important to them and the future of their country was being taking away.  It wasn't a Nazi thing as Russell Bonner Bentley III wants to pain it.  He's going by the propaganda that's been fed in the US for years.  He was so weak, he fell for it.  Obviously, his college experience didn't make him smarter.  Now he's a Putin puppet that was too weak to separate the truth from lies fed to him.  If he wanted to know the truth, many of my followers would be able to educate him from A to Z and he'd change his mind on Ukraine in a heartbeat.  But he's so much in denial and doesn't want to accept that he's wrong, so he denies it and continues to think like typical "trailer trash" as we know it, in the US.  He's also blaming the US government he calls Nazi-fascist for purposely supporting the killing of people in Donbas.  Another fantasy.  He's in a dreamland and will never wake-up.

My associates and I have ALL the facts we need to show, that this Texas scourge is "dead" wrong.  But enough for education on what's going on within Ukraine.  I'll be supplying articles with sources, and videos showing how twisted this sorry excuse for a human is all about.  I'll also be supplying what  is known about him to organizations that are funding him in an illegal way.  It is illegal, according to the Geneva Convention, article 47 being a mercenary which I'll also again supply the breakdown on the article.  I'll also be forwarding all information found to federal law enforcement directly, including to Interpol and other global law enforcement organizations.  

FYI. Last I read, he said his Russian visa expired and can't get it renewed. So now the Kremlin doesn't even want him. He was recommended to leave via Ukraine, but he knows they'll arrest him.  This man's a loser and I'll show you how and why.  

Is it illegal to be a mercenary?

Yes, it is illegal for a citizen of the US, UK, France, German, Austria, and some other nations to serve as a mercenary.
The Geneva convention defines mercenaries as meeting all of the criteria in Article 47 (2a) through (2f)
Art 47. Mercenaries
A mercenary shall not have the right to be a combatant or a prisoner of war.
A mercenary is any person who:
(a) is especially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;
(b) does, in fact, take a direct part in the hostilities;
(c) is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a Party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party;
(d) is neither a national of a Party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a Party to the conflict;
(e) is not a member of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict; and
(f) has not been sent by a State which is not a Party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.
Basically, a mercenary is pretty fucked if they are on the losing side, and even if they win .. they will have a difficult time in their own country if it is discovered that they were a mercenary in the strict definition.

From: UK's Independent
"All are fighting the forces of the Ukrainian government and face possible arrest if they return home.

"One foreign fighter in Donbas not planning on a quick return to his homeland is Russell Bonner Bentley III, born in Texas, who said: “If I ever go back… I will do so driving a tank, man. America is now a fascist country, and what’s happening here is part of that. Washington is paying the Nazis in Kiev to keep this war going. They are paying those bastards to murder innocent people.”

Mr Bentley said he decided to join the rebel forces after seeing footage of a bombing by Ukrainian forces in Luhansk. “I said to myself, ‘I’m going to kill some of those mother-f*ckers who did that,’ and that’s what I did.”

Tex, as he is known, declared: “My life has been like a movie and this is the best part.” He was in the US Army for three years and had been involved in marijuana smuggling which led to shootouts in Mexico and a five-year prison sentence in America. Mr Bentley stood for Senate on a ticket to legalise marijuana in Minnesota and his involvement in drug trafficking was, he maintained, partly a political act.

He reached Ukraine in December, served with the rebels’ Spartak Battalion and now runs his own show on Radio Free Donbass. “When I was fighting, I could fire an RPG [rocket propelled grenade] 900 metres. With my radio show, I can reach all the way to the politicians in Washington with the truth.”".......

Access complete text of the editorial:

Russell Bentley III, aka "Texas" is a convicted drugs smuggler & “long-time Minneapolis drug-dealer” say U.S. Feds

"Russell Bentley looked somberly over his shoulder and blew a kiss to his wife.

U.S. District Judge Filemon B. Vela sentenced Bentley to five years and three

months in prison Friday, with an additional four years supervised release.

Behind bars since February, Bentley, described by federal authorities as a

long-time Minneapolis-based drug dealer, was the last to be sentenced among

eight defendants linked to a marijuana smuggling operation that stretched

across the country, from Mexico to Seattle, Las Vegas and Leavenworth, Kan.

"It's a substantial smuggling ring," said Assistant U.S. District Attorney........." article link

HERE, he admits that he's doing what "NovoRussia" wants him to do, not for the entire country of Ukraine. MEANING! He's a Putin puppet and will bow to his demands.  

In this video, he admits being an RPG gunner.  As you'll see in other videos, they're fighting in residential areas which means, he's shooting into civilians, including children. What he WON'T tell you is, which is a well known FACT, how many times have him and his terrorist thugs have sent missiles into residential areas and how many civilians they've killed. These aren't western or southern Ukrainians. These are civilians that supposedly are on their side.  Truth hurts.

This was supplied by @GlasnostGone

He's also known as a Kremlin Troll. In this linked article it shows a graph of his trolling history.  
American Foreign Fighter in the Service of the Kremlin


Organizations funding his terrorist acts

They probably don't know what he's doing which they will very soon, once I contact them to inform them and show them all this proof.  These fund organizations MUST stop his funding.  He's not fighting for Ukrainians freedoms, he's fighting for Putin's benefits.

This is from

"I leave for Russia on November 29th and currently do not have a return ticket. This is not a vacation or adventure trip. I am going to a war zone in Russia in winter. It will be dangerous. I am compelled to go for moral reasons and a need to know and share the truth."

Russell Bonner Bentley III wants funding for a book about when he fought in Donbas for Putin  This is one of his biggest funding organizations.

Another supporter of his self-proven murderous intentions.  

War Diary by Russell Bentley (“Texas”): The start of 2016   Another organization probably not knowing what he's really doing in Donbas.


Now listen to him carefully.  He's saying that Ukraine lied about the shooting down of MH17.  He's going by what Putin is wanting him to believe. And all evidence up till today proves that it was brought down by Putin's Russians.  Listen to him on how sick he thinks.

Here's a so-called journalist from the UK which many know as another Putin puppet. He's been shown at shooting Ukrainians.  He's been jailed in foreign countries and is wanted in many places, including by the Ukrainian government.

Now look how worried in fear some of these students are.

Want proof Russia's military's fighting in Ukraine?

Military actions in Donbass #1: Russian Orthodox Army Training, in battle, and firing D-30 artillery

PLEASE! Do your responsibility and contact these outfits I've added, to show them who they're supporting.  Someone that's lost in the woods on what he's really doing, and at the same time blaming the west for backing what he THINKS is a battle against fascism and Nazi's.  When he's the one doing exactly what Hitler and Stalin did.  He's supporting a Russian president that is clearly known for going into countries like Georgia and Moldova to steal their country and rule them.  All Putin wants is to get his old Soviet Union back. Unfortunately, Russell Bonner Bentley III has no idea of the leaders of Russia, since the days of the Romanov's and what they've always wanted to do, not only to their own population but also to those of other countries.  

This sorry excuse for an American MUST be stopped. Do what you can do for the peace and independence Ukrainians want from the hands of Putin's desire to rule the world.  I've just started contacting federal authorities, including foreign authorities also. I'm going to do my best to stop this war monger.  By the time I'm finished with him, he won't have any further funding, his websites will be shut down, his family will never be able to ever see him again, as he's currently stuck in Ukraine and Russia doesn't want him along with the US, very soon. If he does escape Ukraine, he'll be immediately put behind bars for the rest of his miserable brainless life. RIH, Bentley.

FYI.  If there's any additional info you want to share, please contact me via Twitter,   @discjocke52
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty "Donbass with Russell Bentley ('Texas') in video states He stands for Christianity, Lenin & Communism. States Christianity is Communism

Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:21 pm
"Donbass with Russell Bentley ('Texas') in video states He stands for Christianity, Lenin & Communism. States Christianity is Communism

So he believes that Christianity which he says he's a believer is about Communism. Is the schmuck that SICK? He should be in a straight jacket.
Tell me of ONE Christian pastor that will admit that Christianity is all about Communism on this globe. He should be put out of his alcoholic misery. Even documents show that DNR think he's unreliable because of his alcohol problems. He's a plain loser. He was probably kicked out of his family's home, WHICH he'll NEVER see again, once federal and foreign authorities that have been contacted about him catch-up with him.
SICK! Christianity is Communism? His mother should be slapped for giving birth to him.
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Target person: Russell Bonner Bentley - ”Texas”

Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:07 pm
Target person: Russell Bonner Bentley - ”Texas”

10.12.2015 – Confidential Document

Description of profile is made by request from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DPR

Russell ”Texas” Bentley is citizen from USA. He has been foreign volunteer in Donetsk armed forces since one (1) year ago because ideological reason ”against nazi's”, and he have served in Hun-battalion. He have served in Vostok and Sut Remedy combat units too. He quit military service in August 2015 and wehen he exit army service, he had difficulties with commanders of unit where he was serving.
Russell has served in frontline positions in places like Spartak and Donetsk Airport. There is no clear records of misbehaviour in combat units, but he has also never been promoted in military ranks. He speak some Russian, but not well. In time of his army service Russell was seen in many video's produced by Sut Remedy unit. By wide coverage of his video's Russell is quite well known person locally and in West where he has ”followers”.

In July Russell informed his will to join DONi Donbass International News Agency and Press Center to widen his Pro-Donbass media works. He was accepted, and he took appartment from Donetsk city. That time he cut his ties to military service. Russell didnt ask salary from his independent news works, so ”seat”, official position and other kind of media support was agreed with chief-editor Janus Putkonen. Russell worked in DONi Press Center about 2 months, but in which time none of his media ”ideas” didnt proceed to planned actions.

Problem with Russell came when DONi Chief-Editor and Director Janus Putkonen was working in Moscow. Apparantely because his drinking problem and other stressing issues Russell fall to mental disorder and he start to threaten DONi News Agency. He demanded money from not to publish materials, which could affect badly on reputation of DONi among western population. He demanded thousands of dollars, special staff appointed by him, and personal documents - like new Russian visa or citizenships.

In urgent situation Russell caused a direct threat and he was removed from DONi by security personel.
After losing job in DONi Russell has been living in Donetsk city and continued independent media works. He has collected money from his supporters in West. No contacts has been made between DONi and Russell since, but he has been warned twice by DONi about posting untruthful material in facebook about DONi. He is still in ”stop list” to both DONi offices in Donetsk City. Even salary was never agreed, in two months Russell received 25 000 rubles and smart phone from DONi. He have been claiming that ”he was left without nothing”, what is totally untrue, and receits from receiving payments are available.

Russell is uneducated person, devoted communist, and kind of ”cowboy” and ”street guy”, using unsophisticated language. He have good social skills, but no diplomatic skills. In matter of short time this friendly behaviour appear in medium-level narcism. Russell keeps himself as ”perfect person” and cause for all problems is always outside of him. He has some ties left to his family in US, but no strong connections to family or friends. Russell have served several years in US prison from Marihuana smugling from Mexico.

Russell can not be seen direct threat to DPR national security because he is anti-fascist in his nature. He also has never speak badly from DPR leadership or armed forces.

Problem with Russell is alcohol, what he uses daily, and because of his heavy drinking, he can be unreliable also in his behaviour. Russell ”speaks a lot” and he can also be source of untruthful rumors, and that is confirmed because of lies spread from DONi News Agency. Russell should be followed by officials because he is well known and reacted from side of national security, if he misbehaves. Deportation from country should be last option if situation goes difficult, even DPR prison is better option, if some punnishment is needed.

Russell has strong dream to stay in Donetsk for rest of his life, and what we can see, that is almost only option he has left. He have fight bravely to defend Donbass and to achieve his dream to stay in DPR, and even he has tendency of unstable behaviour, he tries to help Donbass people as he can. It should be noted among officials, that he cant go back to West, he is wanted in Ukraine, and he have no visa to Russia.
Signature: Janus Putkonen DONi News Agency, Director and Chief-Editor
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Militants burned wheat field in the Donets Basin, PHOTOS

Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:29 pm
Militants burned wheat field in the Donets Basin, PHOTOS

In the Donetsk region by gunfire from the insurgents so-called "DNR" on July 20 fire destroyed wheat field.

This was reported in the State Emergency Service.

Notice on the fire outside the village Novohorodske received by firefighters at 12:37.

Before the arrival of experts to the scene the fire destroyed about 60 hectares of crops. Also found were four pockets of fire with a total area of ​​one hectare. Probable cause of fire experts called the fighting taking place in the vicinity of the field.

In fire suppression taking involved 24 people personnel and four pieces of equipment, and four pieces of equipment and six persons from the agricultural company.

Firefighters also showed photos from the event.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 8c6f6a676bf1c2f9f817868d357cf07b
Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 367d8fd5ca0a8c5cabc27d5f93cdfc88 , Original in Ukrainian / на українському

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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Again! Russell Bonner Bentley III admits he went to Ukraine to kill

Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:46 pm
Again! Russell Bonner Bentley III admits he went to Ukraine to kill

As the entire world knows and it's been proven with photos and videos that a Russian BUK missile shot by Putin's terrorists in the Donbas region shot the airliner down, with 298 innocent pasengers. NONE, NYET, Hi proof has been shown that Ukrainians shot the MH17 flight down. This is pure propaganda being pushed by this American terrorists trailer trash that is being funded by @Indiegogo and @gofundme to go to kill people.

Above it shows that they're setting fires to THEIR OWN crops. They're in their own occupied area. Might be a sign that they'll be leaving soon and want to cause as much destruction as they can, before they leave.

There was a report yesterday of the Russian terrorist bombing home with civilians in them. But of course, as Putin's reputation is well known, Russell Bonner Bentley III will blame the other side, KNOWING who actually did it. The scumbag is sick. EVEN the FSB showed a report that he's 'unreliable", due to, he has a drinking problem and is an alcoholic. In other words, he's a loser.

As I've mentioned earlier, the FBI, CIA, Interpol, Interpol-USA and Ukraine's SBU have been contacted and given information on Russell Bonner Bentley III from Texas, USA.

Also, information has been found that his family left him in the USA, due to his mental problems he has.

He won't be able to go back home to the USA, as he's now been found to be an admitted terrorist. And he can't leave via Ukraine, as they've been notified. And! As mentioned above, Russia won't renew his visa, due to his mental issues. So he's stuck in Donbas and will die there. RIH, дурак

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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty What Russell Bonner Bentley III is involved in

Tue Jul 25, 2017 2:31 pm
What Russell Bonner Bentley III is involved in

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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty The communist soldier using charity sites to fund his war

Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:02 pm
The communist soldier using charity sites to fund his war

However, Bentley and others have been using these crowdfunding websites to fund their own personal war efforts in Ukraine. In November 2014, Bentley launched a GoFundMe page to finance a "fact finding mission" to Donbas, the conflict zone that includes the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Bentley raised $2,000 and hasn't returned to the United States since.

After spending six months fighting with separatists on the front line, Bentley was reassigned and now works, he says, as an "information warrior" - producing regular pro-separatist propaganda videos on the Ukrainian war.
Bentley is affiliated with the Essence of Time movement - a Russia-based communist group which seeks to create "USSR 2.0", involving the break-up of Ukraine.

In the videos, Bentley encourages fellow Americans to join him in eastern Ukraine. One of his recommendations is for volunteers to raise money via crowdfunding before they travel. Bentley states in one video: "Don't show up here broke… You can do a crowd fundraiser - a GoFundMe or an Indiegogo Say you're coming here to help. Say you're coming here to find the truth. Don't say you're coming here to fight."

But most crowdfunding websites - including GoFundMe and Indiegogo - strictly prohibit campaigns designed to raise money for violent purposes.

Despite the site's rules, Bentley's most recent campaign, hosted on Indiegogo.................

Access complete text of the editorial:  In English
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty It became known how the "DPR" strikers killed Ukrainian student Chubenko

Sat Jul 29, 2017 12:09 pm
It became known how the "DPR" strikers killed Ukrainian student Chubenko

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill DF6l4JsXgAEPBgi

"They beat his teeth, then five shots to the head... Did not cry and did not beg for mercy before death," details of the terrorist killing of the 16-year-old Ukrainian student Chubenko

The media have published excerpts from interrogations of witnesses and accomplices of the murder of militants "DNR" in 2014, the 17-year-old Stepan Chubenko from Kramatorsk.

This is reported by "Novaya Gazeta".

Thus, one of the witnesses of the murder told the investigator that the boy was shot five times.

"They pushed from their feet while sitting, tied up under the commandant's office, knocked out their teeth, carried them to the banks of the river, arms twisted behind their back with a tape, a T-shirt - on their heads, they took off the crossover from him before shooting, looters," Kerch "shot to the head. Shots five", said one of the witnesses.

Also, journalists published excerpts from the interrogation protocol of the militant Moskalov nicknamed "Zhora", who directly participated in the shooting. It says that former commander of the "Dnieper" Battalion Battalion "Kerch" Vadim Pogodin suspected Chubenko in participation in the "Right sector". He killed the fighters Sukhomlinov and Moskalov to kill the student.

"Sukhomlinov, being on the edge of the trench, made a shot at the minor area of ​​the minor Chubenko, who was on his knees in the trench with the back of his hands. Given that after the shot Chubenko gave signs of life, Pogodin took Sukhomlinov a gun and made no less Four shots in the occipital area of ​​Chubenko's head, "the document said.

It is also reported that after that Pogodin ordered Moskalov to bury the dead Chubenko.

Recall that schoolchild Stepan Chubenko  was killed in the summer of 2014 after being subjected to torture by militants for his pro-Ukrainian stance. At the time of his death, he was 16 years old. In addition, he was the goalkeeper of the youth football team "Avangard" from Kramatorsk.

The song about the 17-year-old goalkeeper "Avangard" Stepan Chubenko , who was killed near Donetsk in 2014, appeared in social networks.

The General Prosecutor's Office  asks Russia to hand  over Vadim Pogodin, the former leader of the DPR, to Ukraine , who brutally killed Donetsk schoolboy Stepan Chubenko in 2014.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 379x942, Original in Ukrainian / на українському  

American terrorist Russell Bonner Bentley III from Texas whom in his Twitter (@Donbacc_Texac) profile ADMITS to being a part of the Russian sponsored terrorist "DPR" =  Donetsk People's Republic who was the group that killed this young student, JUST for having blue and yellow colors which are Ukraine's flag collors. 16 YEARS OLD!  

This has also been passed on to the: FBI, CIA, INTERPOL, INTERPOL_USA and Ukraine's SBU.  

FYI. His Russian visa has expired, and he won't be able to leave via the rest of the civilized Ukraine.  So his life ends in Donbas. Once it is returned to Ukrainian control, he'll be caught and won't be able to return to Russia, as even the DPR sources state that he's unreliable and has an alcohol problem. No wonder he couldn't succeed in the US and his family left him. Typical American loser.
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Another act by Russell Bonner Bentley III's group Released from captivity, Lyudmila Surzhenko with a disability was tortured in torture chambers by "DPR-LNR"

Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:58 pm
Another act by Russell Bonner Bentley III's group Released from captivity, Lyudmila Surzhenko with a disability was tortured in torture chambers by "DPR-LNR"

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Censor_news_big3

Deputy Chairman of the Lugansk Regional Military Civil Administration Yury Klimenko said that a woman who was taken prisoner by the LNR terrorists on July 13 by the Luganskaya Stanitsa from the territory under her control was tortured.

He wrote about this on his Facebook page , Tsenzor reports .

"MGB LNR" exerted pressure on our citizen, including physical (plucked finger on the hand) with a view to promulgating a video later with her "confessions" in work for Ukrainian special services, "he wrote.

According to him, on July 29, 2017 Lyudmila Surzhenko was released, she independently managed to cross the "Luganskaya Stanitsa" in the difficult psychological state, after which she was provided with the necessary medical assistance.

"The provincial power renders all necessary assistance to Lyudmila, appeals to international organizations and courts on the flagrant violation of human rights have been prepared!" Another material for the Hague Tribunal, "Klimenko said.

July 13, 2017, Lyudmila Surzhenko was detained at the "Luganskaya Stanitsa" in the KPVV. A woman with a child with hearing problems. According to her mother, at the time when she was on the line of demarcation, the batteries on the hearing aid went out of order and she could not respond to the terrorists when they applied to her.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 24ad492abd7ebed1faeeff7caa755ac4 , Original in Ukrainian / на українському  
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty The Indiegogo Crowdfunding platform blocked the projects of the two US propagandists "DPR / LNR."

Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:35 am
The Indiegogo Crowdfunding platform blocked the projects of the two US propagandists "DPR / LNR."

The popular American public funding website Indiegogo froze fundraising projects for advocacy on the Donbas of two US-born Russell Bentley and Patrick Lancaster.

It is reported by Tsensor.NET with a link to the message on the site of the platform.

According to the BBC , Russell Bentley, a US citizen, helps terrorists and collects money for publishing books about his participation in the war on the Donbass. At the time of blocking this initiative, more than half of the necessary $ 9,000 was collected.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 640x336

Indiegogo also blocked the account of another propagandist named Patrick Lancaster, which the terrorist comrade himself reported on his YouTube channel. Read on "Tsensor.NET": Russian propagandist al-Khatib killed in Syria Interestingly, these actions most likely provoked the above-mentioned material on the Air Force, which describes the activities of Bentley and Lancaster, and also mentions their involvement. To raise funds for advocacy in the Donbass, in particular through the Indiegogo platform.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 640x356, Original in Ukrainian / на українському  

Glad to see that the efforts of @GlastnostGone at Twitter, BBC and myself have paid off.  The truth will always prevail.  Evil will always find its demise.  

For those that haven't read the entire page report on Russell Bonner Bentley III from Texas, he entered Donbas via Russia, but his visa expired and can't get it renewed.  He can't leave the country via the unoccupied part of Ukraine as they've been informed about him, including the FBI, CIA, Interpol and Ukraine's SBU.  So when he attempts to return to the United States, he does not pass go.  He'll go directly to prison.      

Not only did Indiegogo froze his funding, so did Gofundme.  He thought his lies would protect him, but as we see, he was dead wrong.  Want to know more about Bentley, scroll to the top of this page.
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty American terrorist Russell Bonner Bentley III @indiegogo campaign has been cancelled

Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:59 am
American terrorist Russell Bonner Bentley III @indiegogo campaign has been cancelled

Thanks to @GlasnostGone and others that worked hard to end the funding of this self admitted American terrorist that went to Ukraine's Donbas via a now expired Russian visa to kill innocent men, women and children.  We've seen plenty of news reports of the damage they've done to civilians which included civilian homes and buildings.  

Evil will always lose, in the end.  The fight's not over.  @gofundme also ended his campaign funding, along with Putin cutting supplies and support to them, as reported recently.  

Russell Bonner Bently III will neve step foot in the US or in un-occupied parts of Ukraine, as I have informed in detail the FBI, CIA, Interpol, Interpol_USA, along with Ukraine's SBU.  So he's got nowhere to go but six feet under.  

The DPR even have a report on his unreliability for their needs and even reported he has a drinking problem, so he has no future for them, and they'll eliminate him once they have no more use for them.  Russia didn't renew his visa, so they'll also abandon him.  His twisted mind had him thinking he was going to be victorious, but he was dead wrong and will end in that fashion, from his own doing.  RIH.
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Russia strengthens the border with the DPR / LNR, so that militants do not escape back

Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:16 pm
Russia strengthens the border with the DPR / LNR, so that militants do not escape back

Russia strengthens the border with the occupied Donbas to limit the penetration of militants into their territory
This was on air "Channel 5" said the head of the State Tax Administration Petro Tsigikal, reports Interfax-Ukraine .

On the question of the journalist, if the information is true, that Russia stepped up the border with the terrorists in order to prevent the transfer of members of gang members to its territory, Tsigikal said: "Yes, the fact is confirmed by various sources."

At the same time, the head of the State Border Guard Service added: "This is a signal for us that not everything is so good for us." , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою

I know you're reading this, American terrorist Russell Boner Bentley III Twitter: @Donbacc_Texac). You have nowhere to go but six feet under. Your puppet master Putin has thrown you to the dogs. How does it feel being used for his failed endeavors? A boy like Putin has cut you down to size. You know you can't go to Ukraine's center or west. So you're stuck in Donbas to your last days. LMAO!!!!
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty In Donetsk, militants fired on residential blocks of Marinka

Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:17 pm
In Donetsk, militants fired on residential blocks of Marinka

Another example of what American terrorist Russell Boner Bentley III which has admitted he's a part of it is doing to innocent civilians:

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Kk32jphbl11i3mymsjmi

The fighters of the self-called "DPR" fired the residential quarters of Marinka town in the Donetsk region.

This is reported by the headquarters of the ATO.

The houses of local residents were shot with mortars and grenade launchers.

"Due to the hit of one of the mines, a roof has been damaged and the walls of an adjoining building near the residential building on Shevchenko Street have been broken," the report said.

As a result of the fire, none of the locals were injured.

Earlier it was reported that one Ukrainian serviceman was killed during a shelling in Marininka. , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Russell Bonner Bentley III an admitted American terrorist in Donbas, Ukraine's Twitter account: @Donbacc_Texac was suspended

Wed Aug 16, 2017 10:14 pm
Russell Bonner Bentley III an admitted American terrorist in Donbas, Ukraine's Twitter account: @Donbacc_Texac was suspended

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Kk32jphbl11i3mymsjmi

Thanks to others, like @GlasnostGone, among others

If he WAS telling the truth and trully fighting an enemy and saving the innocent, his account wouldn't have been suspended.  Twitter, after a lot of persistence by us finally took all the info we gave them to show the facts that he's not a friend of humanity, but an enemy of it.  The truth will always prevail.  Maybe one day he'll finally wake-up and realize that he's fooling his own mind, not others.
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty First day of "school-year ceasefire" in Donbas: militants launch grenades, 2 ATO troops wounded

Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:08 pm
Another example of American terrorist Russell Boner Bentley III which has admitted he's a part of what they're doing to innocent civilians:

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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty "DPR" prepares a shelling of Donetsk to accuse the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:23 pm
"DPR" prepares a shelling of Donetsk to accuse the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Command of the occupation prepares a provocation against the Armed Forces of Ukraine
This is reported by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense in Facebook.

"The command of the Russian occupying forces prepares for another provocation to accuse the ATO forces in violation of the Minsk agreements, and the occupiers plan to shell out the outskirts of Donetsk," the statement reads.

It is noted that the Russians are going to blame the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In this regard, in Donetsk, militants have increased the number of patrols.

"Within the framework of preparation of such actions in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, there is an increase and increase in the number of patrols of the so-called" security forces of the DPR ", especially during the curfew," the intelligence writes.

Thus, patrols should detain potential possible witnesses for the movement of mortars and artillery systems of militants. , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Terrorists provoked the elderly and women with children were forced to flee and seek refuge in the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:43 am
Terrorists provoked the elderly and women with children were forced to flee and seek refuge in the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Censor_news_big3

On Sept. 20, Russian occupiers once again demonstrated their attitude to the civilian population by launching yet another provocation against the elderly, women and children.

This is announced by ATO HQ press office on Facebook, Censor.NET reports.

"Being aware of the Maiorsk checkpoint ending its work at 6:30 p.m., militants once again committed a provocation, letting about 20 cars with civilians outside their checkpoint.

"Thus, people who tried to enter the government controlled territory became prisoners of the situation. At the same time, militants opened fire on our positions. The civilians, including old people and women with children, found themselves in the firing line and had to flee and seek refuge in the positions of Ukrainian servicemen," the HQ says.

The incident was immediately reported to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination in the Donbas and the U.N. observation mission. The terrorists agreed to cease fire but within five minutes started shooting again.

According to the HQ, the civilians were promptly evacuated to a safer place.

"This provocation clearly indicates that militants neglect the safety of civilians and cynically violate the truce," the report sums up. , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty On the occasion of the celebration of the Rosh-a-Shana Uman was visited by over 33 thousand foreigners from 16 countries

Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:29 pm
On the occasion of the celebration of the Rosh-a-Shana Uman was visited by over 33 thousand foreigners from 16 countries

This year, more than 33 thousand Hasidic pilgrims from 16 countries around the world flooded the celebration of the Rosh-a-Shana Uman.

Tsensor.NET informs about it , citing the National Police Department of Communications .

In total, more than 500 police officers and 17 Israeli police officers representing the YSAM division of the Israeli police were involved in the provision of public safety and order and road safety in Uman during the celebration of the New Year on the Jewish calendar.

Law enforcers worked in venues of religious events in the round-the-clock mode in two changes. , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою

Admitted American terrorist Russell Bonner Bentley III from Texas says that Ukrainians are all Nazi's.
I've been traveling to Ukraine since 2004. Whenever I travel from Kyiv to Odesa, there's always a stop in Uman, Ukraine. Till this day, I haven't seen or heard of ANY uprising from the Jews in Ukraine. For the simple reason, they get along with Ukrainians. There are no walls in Uman. There are no forces in the streets.

So! This shows you the Russian propaganda the Bentley's pushing and MANY fall for it, simply because he's being brainwashed by Putin and is too dumb to know facts from fabrication.

ALSO! Bentley's and admitted Communist and he THINKS in Christianity Communism is practiced. If that's not sick,
I don't know what is.

For those following him, I really feel sorry for you that have fallen for his propaganda. Very sad.
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Mercenaries of the Russian Federation fired residential neighborhoods of two villages in the Donetsk region

Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:59 am
Mercenaries of the Russian Federation fired residential neighborhoods of two villages in the Donetsk region

In the evening of September 22, terrorists fired on the positions of the units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the settlement Zaitsev-Severnaya. Under fire Russian mercenaries also hit residential quarters.

As informs Tsensor.NET , this is stated in the message of the Ukrainian side of the Joint Center for the control and coordination of issues of the cease-fire and stabilization of the line of delimitation of the parties, which is published on the press-center of the ATP headquarters in Facebook.

The Ukrainian side of the SCCC reports that the roof of a residential building on Mayorska Street, 27, was damaged as a result of shelling by militants from manual anti-tank grenades, large-caliber machine guns and small arms. None of the locals was injured.

It is noted that in the village Zaytsev, the observation group of the Ukrainian side of the SCCC clarifies information on other consequences of the bombardment.

"And from 21:30 to 21:50, during the fire on the side of the NDF of the ORDO the positions of the ATU forces in the area of ​​the settlement Granitne (Mariupol region), the residential blocks of the mentioned settlement were hit by fire. As a result of the firing of large-caliber machine guns, the NDF of the ORDO from an ammunition burned a dwelling house on Kuinji Street, 18. Local residents were able to locate the fire, and fortunately no civilians were injured, "the SCCC said.

"The Ukrainian CSCE emphasizes that the NDFRDO once again violated the" school "armistice, demonstrated the reluctance to abide by the cease-fire regime and the deliberate violation and non-fulfillment of the Minsk accords, and condemns the actions of the NDF of the ODOs dealing with the shelling of settlements that threatens life and health of the civilian population, "the statement said. , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою

Russell Bonner Bentley III an admitted American terrorist in Donbas, Ukraine. This is what his group of terrorists are doing, then they say they're saving people. Sick!
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty More American Terrorist Russell Bentley actions: Militants fired at Marinka housing districts

Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:04 pm
More American Terrorist Russell Bentley actions: Militants fired at Marinka housing districts

The whole evening of September 25 and the following night, the militants continued to shell out Ukrainian Marinka, resulting in damage to at least 7 houses.

This was announced by the official website of the police of the Donetsk region.

The bombardment of September 25 began at 16.20, as a result of which houses in the streets of Prokofiev, Zhovtneva and the neighboring streets suffered. The greatest incident occurred in the area of ​​the former boarding school.

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Residents of seven houses turned to the police with requests for help in repairing injuries. , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Another act by Russell Bentley & friends The mercenaries of the Russian Federation fired the residential quarters of Marinka: the building was destroyed

Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:56 pm
Another act by Russell Bentley & friends The mercenaries of the Russian Federation fired the residential quarters of Marinka: the building was destroyed

The mercenaries of the Russian Federation are firing positions of the ATU forces in the area of ​​the city of Marinka, Donetsk region, one of the mines fell on the residential quarters of the city and destroyed a residential building.

This was written by Pavel Zhebrivsky, Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Civil-Military Administration, on his Facebook page , reports Tsensor. NET.

"Marinka is shaking again from explosions: orcs are plunging into positions of Ukrainian military mines, one of them fell in a residential quarter on Zhovtnevy Street, 174 and destroyed the building." Fortunately, there are no casualties among the civilian population, as Volodymyr Moroz, head of Mari 's RIA, the shelling continues - there are isolated explosions in the area of ​​the positions of the Ukrainian military, "- said Zhebrovsky.

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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 640x854
Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 640x854 , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty The Russian militants fired at apartment buildings in Avdeevka

Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:11 pm
The Russian militants fired at apartment buildings in Avdeevka

Action "DNR" fired with grenade launchers in Avdeevka

As reported in the press center ATO headquarters, fire occurred at night on October 28.

"The militants, grossly violating the Minsk agreements, once again carried out the shelling of the houses of the old Avdiyivka, as a result of the hit of the enemy grenade from the AGS, the roof of the summer kitchen was partially destroyed at the address of the street Nekrasov, 127 and the gate to the yard on 130, Nekrasov str. - said in a message.

The Ukrainian side of the SCCC recorded a fire.

There are no victims among the peaceful inhabitants.

As you know, on October 28, an increase in shelling of Ukrainian positions by militants in the Donetsk direction was recorded, and one Ukrainian soldier was killed. , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty A drunk Russian mercenary ran down two people in Makeyevka

Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:17 pm
A drunk Russian mercenary ran down two people in Makeyevka

Russian mercenary in the state of alcohol intoxication drove to two locals in Makeyevka and disappeared.

According to Tsensor.NET with reference to "Espresso.TV", this was stated during a briefing by the Speaker of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on ATO Andrey Lysenko.

He noted that he received this information from representatives of the Ukrainian Main Directorate of Intelligence. It turned out that an employee of the so-called "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR" was driving a drunk car , resulting in an accident in the occupied populated area of ​​Makeyevka.

"Two civilians perished, and the culprit has disappeared from the crime scene," Lysenko said.

[b] , Original in Ukrainian / Українською овою/b]

Just like Russell Bonner Bentley III is known to get while killing innocent victims.
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty The SCCC has shown the consequences of the terrorist attacks on residential homes of civilians in Zaytsevo. PHOTOS

Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:38 am
Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Screen-Shot-2015-11-26-at-4.50.23-PM-1
Russell Bonner Bentley III an admitted American terrorist in Donbas, Ukraine. This is what his group of terrorists are doing, then they say they're saving people. Sick!

The SCCC has shown the consequences of the terrorist attacks on residential homes of civilians in Zaytsevo. PHOTOS

The Ukrainian side of the CTSK showed the consequences of the Russian mercenary shelling of the settlement Zaitsev on November 12.

As informs Tsensor.NET, this is stated in the message of the Ukrainian side of the SCCC on the ATO press-center page in Facebook.

"On November 12, at about 03.15 am during the firing of the positions of the Armed Forces units in the village of Zaytsevo, houses of peaceful residents of the said settlement were also flooded under the fire of large-caliber machine guns of the NDF ORDO," the statement said.

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It is noted that as a result of infiltration of firearms, a fire occurred in the courtyard of a private residential building on the street Arsenyev, 37. Commercial premises and property were burned down. In addition, on the garden in the back of the yard were found bullets of 12.7 and 14.5 mm. Fortunately, no locals were injured.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 640x412

"The Ukrainian side of the CTSK condemns the actions of the NDFRDO for shelling of settlements, which endangers the lives and health of the civilian population, and such actions by the authorities of the ORD indicate an interest in further escalation of the conflict, demonstrate the reluctance to abide by the cease-fire regime and the deliberate failure to comply with the Minsk accords, - stressed in the SCCC.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 640x460, Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Russian mercenaries shot the Ukrainian village of Optino near Donetsk forbidden by the Minsk artillery dealings. VIDEO

Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:00 pm
Russian mercenaries shot the Ukrainian village of Optino near Donetsk forbidden by the Minsk artillery dealings. VIDEO

A video of a Russian terrorist attack on the village of Opytne near Donetsk appeared on the network.
According to Cenzor.NET , mercenaries are firing at the Minsk-based heavy- handed artillery dealings. Джерело: , Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Russian proxies heavily shelled residential neighborhood of Popasna, - National Police

Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:55 am
Russian proxies heavily shelled residential neighborhood of Popasna, - National Police

The residential neighborhood of Popasna in the Luhansk region came under heavy artillery strike committed by the illegal armed groups of the “Luhansk People’s Republic” terrorist organization better known as “LPR”. The projectiles hit the village at 1 p.m. today, Nov. 17.

Censor. NET reports citing the statement by the Communications Department of the National Police.

Police say the shelling damaged several household outbuildings, shattered windows of the local police precinct, and cut power lines leaving 128 houses without energy. Law enforcers provided no information on civilian casualties.

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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 640x854
Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 640x854, Original in Ukrainian / Українською мовою

Another act by an alcoholic American, Russell Bonner Bentley III group of terrorists, destroying and killing innocent Ukrainians.
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty The Russian militant fighters which admitted American terrorist, Russell Bonner Bentley III blocked the recovery of electricity in two settlements in the Donbas

Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:06 pm
The Russian militant fighters which admitted American terrorist, Russell Bonner Bentley III blocked the recovery of electricity in two settlements in the Donbas

ODOs and ORLOs are blocking the reconstruction of civilian infrastructure in the Donbas

This was announced by the Ukrainian side of the Joint Monitoring and Coordination Center.

For more than two weeks, residents of the Maynev region (Donetsk region) remain without centralized electricity, which was stopped as a result of damage to the power line by militants.

In a similar situation, residents of the village Katerinovka (Lugansk region) were found.

The Ukrainian side organized and provided all the necessary conditions for repair works.

"In turn, the ORDO and ORLO commanders intentionally block the restoration of damaged power lines and declare that" their repair is inappropriate, "the statement said.

It is noted that taking into account the deterioration of weather conditions and the decrease in temperature, living conditions of inhabitants of these settlements deteriorate daily.

-Recall that for the past day in the area of ​​the anti-terrorist operation, one Ukrainian soldier was wounded.  In Ukrainian/український
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty The local population was abducted, killed and raped, a terrorist of the DPR, who gave himself up to the SBU, told about the Russian military in the Donbas

Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:56 pm
The local population was abducted, killed and raped, a terrorist of the DPR, who gave himself up to the SBU, told about the Russian military in the Donbas

Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine returned to the peaceful life of a former militant who testified about the Russian military presence in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the framework of the program "Waiting for you at home".

This is reported by Tsensor.NET with reference to the press service of the Security Service  of Ukraine.

Special service operatives documented that a resident of Donetsk Oblast in 2014 joined the illegal armed formation of the so-called "All-Large Donskoy Force".

Being in the ranks of terrorists, he witnessed the Russian citizens, in particular the native of Chechnya, engaged in robbery of citizens' property in Donetsk, and also involved in murders and rapes among civilians. Arriving in the area of ​​the city of Debaltsevo, where according to the testimony of the former militant were staffed troops of the Russian Federation, he received the task of painting the marking of tactical marks of Russian military equipment.

Separate personnel of the Russian Federation, according to her husband, was turned from the "Cossacks" ammunition of Russian production to alcohol and drugs. After the internal gang raids, which led to the "disbandment" of his group, the Donetsk citizen was recruited by the "DHS DHS" and directed to the so-called "separate Slavic motorized infantry brigade", in which the commander of his "company" was a citizen of the Russian Federation. As part of the bandit formation, a man was involved in business activities, and also reported to his "curator" on the activities of group leaders.

Having disillusioned with such "service", a resident of Donetsk Oblast decided to voluntarily leave the bench of terrorists and return to peaceful life. Learning about the SBU Program "Waiting for you at home", he crossed the line of delimitation and immediately approached law enforcement agencies.

The testimony of a former militant about the Russian military presence in some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions is currently being verified as part of a criminal proceeding that had already begun.  In Ukrainian/український
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Re: American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill

Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:33 pm
Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Screen-Shot-2015-11-26-at-4.50.23-PM-1

Admitted killer, Russell Bonner Bentley III's (above) terrorists group again killing civilians.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Censor_news_big3

As a result of the shelling of Russian mercenaries MRL Novoluhanskoho the Donetsk region are civilian casualties.
This informs Tsenzor.NET with reference to the press-center headquarters ATO.

"On December 18, around 17:00, the Russian occupation troops from the settlement Horlovks made cynical and barbaric shelling of multiple launch rocket systems Settlements Novoluhanske that direction Luhansk region ATO.

Have a look at the "Tsenzor.NET": Mercenaries RF fired with "Grad" residential sector Novoluhanskoho - Zhebrivskyi

Unfortunately, there are civilian casualties and the destruction of houses in Novoluhanskomu. The number of victims and the extent of destruction set, "- said in a statement.

Accepted urgent measures to evacuate local residents and localization of fires caused by fire.  In Ukrainian/український
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Observers told how DPR-LNR fighters again use "living shield" with civilians

Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:02 pm
Observers told how DPR-LNR fighters again use "living shield" with civilians

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Screen-Shot-2015-11-26-at-4.50.23-PM-1
American terrorist Russell Bonner Bentley III fighting on Russia's side, from Austin Texas

During a "New Year" truce, militants from illegal armed groups of the DPR and LNR arrange fire positions near residential buildings of civilians.

This is announced on January 7 by the press center of the ATO headquarters.

"Thus, in the report of the OSCE SMM on January 3, 2018, such violations were found in the eastern part of the city of Kalmiusk (Komsomolskoye, 42 km south-east of Donetsk), where the equipment and the equipped military object are located near the residential building. the equipment of trenches and trenches was fixed at a distance of no more than 300 meters from the village of Kalinovo-Borshchuvat (Luhansk oblast) and directly around the residential sector of the village of Steele (Donetsk region)", - the report says.

The forces of the ATO regard such actions of militants as a plan to use civilians as a "living shield".  In Ukrainian/український
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty American terrorist, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine

Sun Jan 21, 2018 12:09 pm
Russian-terrorist forces fired on a passenger bus in the "gray zone" near the checkpoint of entry-exit (KPVB) "Olenivka"

As a result of the attack, one person died, another injured, reports the press center of the ATO headquarters in the Facebook.

The place where the incident occurred is located temporarily not under the control of the Ukrainian government in separate regions of the Donetsk region (ORDO).

At the same time, pro-Russian and Russian mass media spread false information that the bombing of the bus was allegedly committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, emphasized at the headquarters.

"According to local authorities, who at that time crossed the line of collision through the CPCB, one civilian was killed and one injured," according to local police officers. announcing the ATO headquarters.

Read also: Who to judge in the Donbas. The experience of punishing the killers of the Third Reich

ATO headquarters said that the actions of Russian mercenaries were aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian army on the eve of the visit of the first OSCE PMM in Ukraine Aleksandr Hug to the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

"In the near future, we emphasize that the forces of the ATO strictly adhere to the Minsk accords", - added the Ukrainian military.  In Ukrainian/український
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Another act by American terrorist Russell Bonner Bentley III and company: A dwelling house was burned down in the Donetsk region by militants shelling

Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:25 am
Another act by American terrorist Russell Bonner Bentley III and company: A dwelling house was burned down in the Donetsk region by militants shelling

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Screen-Shot-2015-11-26-at-4.50.23-PM-1

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 26_main

Terrorists shot bullets from a large-caliber machine gun, deliberately targeting residential buildings

Pavlov Zhebrivsky, the head of the Donetsk regional military-civilian administration, said that a residential building was burning in Zovanets, Donetsk Oblast, as a result of hostile fire.

"Zhovannik burned a dwelling house as a result of a bombing carried out by pro-Russian mercenaries. As Volodymyr Veskelkin, the head of the VCA (military-civilian administration - ed.) Zaytsev, told me, the racists shot the balloons from a large-scale machine gun, deliberately targeting residential buildings, "Zebrivsky wrote on his Facebook social page on Tuesday.

According to him, during a fire, when one of the houses burned, Zhovanki residents tried to extinguish the fire on their own before the arrival of the State Service of Emergencies, but could not save the house.    In Ukrainian/український
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Russian mercenaries shelling populated areas of Donbas with "Grad"

Thu May 17, 2018 11:32 am
Russian mercenaries shelling populated areas of Donbas with "Grad"

Russian mercenaries continue to use heavy weapons by firing settlements in the Donbas

This is stated by the Ukrainian side of the SCCC, it is reported on the OOS page in the social network of Facebook.

"Today, at 8 o'clock in the morning, pro-Russian mercenaries launched a shelling of the settlement of Nikolaevka-2 from artillery systems of 122 mm caliber. In just 45 minutes, the enemy again used heavy artillery in the Svitlodarsk settlement, according to photographic fixation by the observers of the SCCC. the civilian infrastructure of the settlement Nikolaevka-2, the enemy drove from the settlement Gol'mivskyi, and the shelling of the peaceful inhabitants of Svitlodarsk's Russian-occupying forces was carried out from the direction of the people Lozovoy", - said in a message.

There was recorded a direct hit of ammunition in residential buildings and utility buildings on Steppes street in Mykolayivka-2 and in the yard of high school №11 in Svitlodarsk.

Also, on May 16, about 20 hours, the Russian-occupying forces invaded the residential area of ​​the settlement of Stara Avdeyivka from the direction of the Yakovlevka settlement for almost an hour, using 10 rounds of the "Grad" MRZV and releasing 11 mines with mortar guns of 120 caliber.

None of the locals was injured. The OSCE SMM was informed about the bombardment.

"The Ukrainian side of the SCCC regards this as an explicit provocation aimed at discrediting the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which would allow representatives of the Russian media to accuse the Ukrainian side of the failure to comply with its obligations to comply with the cease-fire regime," the statement states.

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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 32763752_373923349766954_193676847223930880_n
Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 32740269_373925046433451_1005259609847365632_n
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Re: American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill

Mon May 21, 2018 12:31 pm
Another attack by American Russian puppet terrorist Russell Bonner Bentley III on innocent civilians they were suppose to be protecting.

On Monday, May 21, Russian militants fired on the residential sector in the old part of Avdeevka's Donetsk region

This is reported by the press service of the National Police.

The firing took about 5:00. One of the shells of the militants hit the house on the street. Ostrovsky, where a 60-year-old pensioner lives. The house was damaged as a result of the explosion. An elderly woman who was at the time at home was not injured.

Read also: Chigari Southern. What kind of village was liberated by the Armed Forces

Criminal proceedings were opened under Part 2 of Art. 258 (terrorist act) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Screen-Shot-2015-11-26-at-4.50.23-PM-1

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Im-1644

Recall Russian occupiers fired from the artillery settlement Southern in the Donetsk region, damaging the building of the Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation, where there were 28 children.  In Ukrainian/український
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Russian mercenaries in the Donbas took one of the private houses and fired on the locals who protested - intelligence

Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:11 pm
Russian mercenaries in the Donbas took one of the private houses and fired on the locals who protested - intelligence

Russell Bonner Bentley III from Austin, Texas
Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Screen-Shot-2015-11-26-at-4.50.23-PM-1

Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Censor_news_big3

In the occupied territories of the Donbas, Russian mercenaries took one of the private houses and opened fire on local residents who tried to test the tyranny of the invaders.
As the Tsenzor.NET about it at a briefing spokesman of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Colonel Alexander Motuzyanyk, referring to the Intelligence Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Thus, according to intelligence information, in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the number of crimes against the civilian population (looting, robbery) committed by servicemen of the 1st and 2nd Army Corps of the Armed Forces of Russia with the use of weapons continues to increase.

"Servicemen of one of the units of AK 2 took one of their private homes and opened fire on local residents who tried to protest against the tyranny of the invaders," Motuzianik said.

The speaker noted that the impunity of the militants and the concealment by the commanders of the Russian occupation forces of their criminal activity leads to the discontent of the civilian population with the occupation authorities.

This leads to attacks by locals on terrorists who are outside the subdivision.  In Ukrainian/український
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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill Empty Russian mercenaries fired on residential neighborhoods of the South, - SCCE. PHOTO

Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:51 pm
Russian mercenaries fired on residential neighborhoods of the South, - SCCE. PHOTO

The Ukrainian side of the SCCC reported that the Russian armed forces continue to shell out the positions of the Joint Forces, as well as settlements along the line of demarcation. We actively use weapons prohibited by the Minsk accords.

According to Censor.NET, this information is being communicated to the  PFR Center of the United Nations.

"Contrary to the norms of international law on the prohibition of attacks on civilian objects, as defined in the Hague Convention of 1907 and the Geneva Convention of 1945, the armed formations of the RF from 20.45 until 22.00 on August 12, 2018, launched a shelling of the settlement Southern, using mortars 120 mm in caliber and easel anti-tank grenade launchers LNG-9.

As a result of the bombardment, residential and commercial buildings were destroyed. And only timely actions of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine prevented losses among the civilian population, which managed to withdraw from under the fire.

The fact of the bombing was immediately reported to the Military Prosecutor's Office and representatives of the OSCE's SMM, "the statement said.

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Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 650x488
Donbas - American, Russell Bonner Bentley III admits going to Ukraine to kill 650x488  In Ukrainian/український
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