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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources]

Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:27 pm
Russia prepares for Ukraine the most dangerous period in history: the terms are named.  The FBI detained four Russians.  If Ukraine does not start taking action, the Azov Sea will simply become Russian. The next step is Odesa.  The Russians deliberately shot a passenger plane, an American journalist Sutter about MH17.  Ukraine plans to exchange Russian citizen Sedikov for a Ukrainian political prisoner, Denisova.  Putin threatens Georgia with a "terrible conflict" due to joining NATO.  An activist Kostenko released from prison in Russia is a citizen of Ukraine.  It is a gross violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine - the Foreign Ministry protests against Putin's visit to the occupied Crimea.  Russian mercenaries acknowledge they themselves bombarded Luhansk in 2014 to put blame on Ukrainian troops. Hackers broke Tinder of the British military and tried to find other military data on the new generation of F-35 fighters. Ambassadors of the G7 countries welcomed the completion of the formation of the Anti-Corruption Court and called for further cooperation of Ukraine with the IMF. The head of the ROC Kirill will meet with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew before the meeting on the "Ukrainian question".

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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia prepares for Ukraine the most dangerous period in history: the terms are named

Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:30 pm
Russia prepares for Ukraine the most dangerous period in history: the terms are named

From September 2018 Ukraine will enter, perhaps, in the most difficult period of its modern history.

About this "Apostrophe" was spoken by Deputy Minister for Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons Georgiy Tuk.

This will be affected by a number of factors, both external and internal.

"On the one hand, Russia's aggression is superimposed, since Putin's hands are completely resolved after the end of the World Cup, on the other hand there will be a growth of populist sentiment in the European Union, and it's not a secret that populist parties, usually ultra-right or ultra-right , cooperate with the Russian Federation, that is, it can be argued that the pro-Russian sentiment in Europe is sprouting, plus we are now entering a dangerous for us, but a very familiar turbulent period - electoral race", - said the deputy minister.

He also stressed that Russia would actively act in its interests, using Ukrainian weaknesses and contradictions. One of the directions of such activity may well be attacks on activists.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The FBI detained four Russians - the Russian Consulate

Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:32 pm
The FBI detained four Russians - the Russian Consulate

The agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested four Russians on suspicion of money laundering and fraudulent conspiracy.

This was reported by the Consulate of Russia in New York.

"Between August 1 and 3, 2018, four Russian citizens were arrested by the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Russia on suspicion of money laundering and collusion for fraud," the report said.

It is noted that one of them was detained in Boston and trafficked to New York. Two are in Los Angeles, the location of the fourth is not known at this time.

Recall that on July 16 it became known that in Washington, detained a citizen of Russia on suspicion of "penetration into the American political organization". In the Russian Federation declared that Butina is a political prisoner.

The Washington Post reported that Putin's suspect in the United States was rewritten with a Trump campaign member on the eve of the election.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty If Ukraine does not start taking action, the Azov Sea will simply become Russian. The next step is Odessa, - British Colonel Grant

Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:35 pm
If Ukraine does not start taking action, the Azov Sea will simply become Russian. The next step is Odessa, - British Colonel Grant

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

The military-political situation in the waters of the Azov Sea remains extremely critical. If Ukraine does not do anything, the sea will simply become Russian in the future.

According to a UK military expert, retired colonel Glen Grant, on air of the Espero TV channel, Censor.NET reports.

According to him, if we do not resort to unambiguous steps to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity, the state of affairs in the southern part of Ukraine and in the future will deteriorate.

He paid special attention to Mariupol.

"The city is simply deprived of commodity circulation. Despite the fact that Russia stops vessels sailing to Mariupol, businessmen will be busy with something else, because nobody wants to lose money and time, they simply will change the scope of their activities, and this is the tactic (Russians - Red .): actually suppressing any attempts to trade there, turning that part of the Azov Sea into Russian, and, in fact, it will indeed be true if Ukraine does not begin to take any measures at all. The Azov Sea will simply become Russian, and hence the space between Azov Sea and Crimea", - explained the expe ht

After that, the next object of the blockade and subsequent seizure, added Grant, will be "the territory from Crimea to Romania".

"The game will begin, during which they will try to block access to Odesa... It is obvious that this will be the next step of the Russians", - said the colonel.

At the same time, as he noted, American warships standing near Odesa during exercises or during scheduled routes will not go to open fire on Russians. But Ukraine should now ask the United States to give it the United States ships at its own disposal, as Winston Churchill did, since the Army, like the British Army at the beginning of the Second World War, now does not have a strong fleet, Grant added.

"Churchill simply begged America about the warships, that is, he went to America and prayed for the warships, but I do not see anyone calling for warships here in Ukraine," he concluded.    In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The Russians deliberately shot a passenger plane, an American journalist Sutter about MH17

Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:43 pm
The Russians deliberately shot a passenger plane, an American journalist Sutter about MH17

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

The Malaysian Boeing was not destroyed by mistake. Probably the victim of a provocation was to become a Russian passenger plane that was nearby.

Such an opinion was expressed by the consultant in the investigation of the catastrophe MH17, a journalist, publicist David Sutter, who wrote books about the crimes of Putin's Russia related to the blasting of houses and the crimes committed by the Soviet regime on, reports Censor.NET.

"I think we have already confirmed the important facts. There are some issues that we can not fully answer to the end. But I think it's already clear that the Malaysian Boeing was not eradicated by mistake." I myself, more or less, supposed that they did not intentionally destroy it (the Malaysian plane. - Ed.) I thought that they gave this "Beech" installation to separatists who did not know how to use it and fired at some obscure object and accidentally destroyed a civilian plane. We know that this is not true. In fact, it was identified with the help of the organization Bingleket that it was p The whole section of the specialized, crossing the border with this installation, planned this operation and carried out with the crew, who also came from Russia. If they deliberately destroyed a passenger plane, this raises issues that are still important. What will it say about Russia, the nature of the Russian regime, Putin's regime? In addition, we must ask ourselves what we are prepared to do in response to this? "- said the journalist.

He also stressed that "it is absolutely impossible to confuse a passenger plane with a cargo aircraft used by Ukrainian troops. And Boeing 777 is a huge airplane that has two sources of heat, they are very powerful, can be captured by the equipment that is part of the installation" Beech""

Moreover, "well-trained people can determine by sound - and be sure to be well-trained if you manage such a setting as"Beech"- it can be determined visually, by sound," - says David Sutter.

He also points out that the "Buk" was placed directly under one of the most busy corridors for passenger aircraft: "Those who participated in this operation could not have known this, since during the Soviet Union, when Ukraine and Russia studied in like institutions - it's all studied where the corridors are located."

In addition, the expert observes that "those who shot and destroyed the aircraft, they waited about 5 hours before the time they were firing, what they mean, and what they were waiting for. When they were told that the object was approaching, they went there and made a shot. I do not see the possibility here that it was made mistakenly."

According to David Sutter, it was a provocation aimed at "defaming Ukraine and in one way or another creating a background for the invasion and expansion of hostilities."

There is another "very mysterious and important issue - they really wanted to destroy the Malaysian aircraft, or they wanted to destroy another plane that was nearby - the Russian plane with people who were flying from Moscow to Larnaca. Perhaps they believed that by destroying the Russian plane, they can justify the capture of half of Ukraine. And, as it is not sad and terrible, we can not eliminate this version, because it is very logical."

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] 650x476

Also, the American journalist says: "We do not have enough evidence to this end, I'm ready to say that I personally believe they deliberately destroyed a passenger plane." I tend to think that they did not want to destroy the Malaysian plane, but wanted to destroy the Russian plane. I have not enough evidence yet. "

David Sutter is an American journalist and journalist, author of books on the collapse of the USSR and post-Soviet Russia. Former correspondent The Wall Street Journal and Financial Times in Moscow, an expert on Russia and the Soviet Union, who wrote several books on the fall and collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent history of post-Soviet Russia.

Recall that the Boeing 777 aircraft of the Malaysian Airways, which traveled from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down July 17, 2014 in the Toreza area (Donetsk region). As a result of the fall, 298 people died.

Censor.NET repeatedly reported on the investigation of the causes of the Boeing disaster of the MH17 flight, and also unveiled exclusive hangar photos and photographs of the elements of "Buk-M1-2", which appear in the materials of the criminal case. The prosecutor's offices in the Netherlands and Australia have prepared a very convincing evidence base. In particular, it was found that the elements that struck "Boeing" exactly coincide with the filling of the combat part of the most recent Russian anti-aircraft missile "Buk-M1-2". The "Buk-M-1-2" complex was developed in 1997, put into service by the RF Armed Forces in 1998 and never delivered to Ukraine. Also, independent experts from Germany, England and Poland, studied fragment fragments and made their point: it is part of the Russian missile "Buk". The modern chemical examination absolutely accurately established the composition of the metal, discovered the particles of the material of the sheath and the glass of the destroyed liner, which pierced these elements before striking people.

In November 2015, President Poroshenko during his visit to the Netherlands stated that Ukraine is using membership in the UN Security Council to investigate the Boeing tragedy of the MH-17 flight.

In May 2016, the Australian law firm LHD filed a lawsuit against Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on behalf of the relatives of the Boeing victims of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, shot down on July 17, 2014 over uncontrolled territories of eastern Ukraine parts of the country. The lawsuit, in which RF and V. Putin are identified as defendants and who claim compensation of $10 million for each passenger, was filed on May 9.

Last autumn, the International Investigation Team (JIT *) presented the findings that Malaysian "Boeing" was shot down by the "ground-air" missile from the "Beech" installation, which fired from the area of ​​the Donbas town of Snizhne (which at that time was under the control of the DPR ") The investigation team is represented by five countries: Malaysia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, Ukraine. Russia refused to participate in the joint investigation of the group.

On May 24, the International Joint Investigation Team informed that the MH17 flight over the occupied Donbas area on July 17, 2014 was shot down by the Buk missile system, which belongs to the 53rd Air Defense Forces missile defense team of the Russian Armed Forces, which is stationed in Kursk.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine plans to exchange Russian citizen Sedikov for a Ukrainian political prisoner, Denisova

Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:46 pm
Ukraine plans to exchange Russian citizen Sedikov for a Ukrainian political prisoner, Denisova

Currently, there are about 70 Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia

This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova during the meeting of Alexander Kostenko, released from the Russian prison by a political prisoner, reports Espresso .

She stressed that the Ukrainian side is constantly working on exchanging Ukrainians convicted in Russia.

"We are currently negotiating with Moskal'kova (Ombudsman of Russia, ed.) In order to make an exchange at least one at a time - to exchange Sedikov for our political prisoner, anyone. At least to begin with. You know how many hits were from Ukraine, from the president, for any appeal of Ukraine has not been answered, therefore, we will try and will try to do our best so that our guys will come back, "Denisova said.

Oleksiy Sedikov is sentenced to death in Russia by a Russian who is serving punishment for terrorism in the Bucha Penitentiary Colony. On Friday, August 3, Denisova wrote to Facebook that Sedikov is asking him to be exchanged because he needs medical help.

The ombudsman added that it would be desirable to exchange for those prisoners who also need medical care - at Sentsov, Baluch, Klich, or Kolchenko.

-Recall that on August 3, Aleksandr Kostenko , a Crimean citizen , was released , serving punishment in the Russian penal colony №5 in Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region.

-On his way out of the colony he met the Ukrainian consul Gennady Breskalenko. Together they went to Moscow.

-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko had a chance to talk with Kostenko on the phone .

-The Foreign Ministry confirmed Kostenko's Ukrainian citizenship and said that he was not wanted.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin threatens Georgia with a "terrible conflict" due to joining NATO

Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:49 pm
Putin threatens Georgia with a "terrible conflict" due to joining NATO

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that Georgia's accession to NATO could lead to catastrophic consequences.

This is reported by the Russian media.

"It can provoke a terrible conflict, it is not clear why it is necessary," Medvedev said about Georgia's possible accession to the Alliance.

The head of the Russian government also noted that the war in Georgia in 2008 could have been avoided. "There was no inevitability," Medvedev said.

In Tbilisi, they have already managed to respond to loud statements by the Russian prime minister.

"This approach is annoying to our northern neighbor, and it is for this that we must write off the sharp statements by the Russian authorities. We made a choice, it is a sovereign choice for the Georgian people. Our choice is democracy, stability, peace, strong institutions, and this can be reached directly by the European and Euro-Atlantic integration, "said Georgian MP Tamar Hulordava.

"In the statement of Dmitry Medvedev there is nothing new, we have heard many such statements," she added.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty An activist Kostenko released from prison in Russia is a citizen of Ukraine - the Foreign Ministry

Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:52 pm
An activist Kostenko released from prison in Russia is a citizen of Ukraine - the Foreign Ministry

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

Activist Oleksandr Kostenko, who served punishment in a colony in the Kirov region (RF) and released on August 3, has Ukrainian citizenship.

Reported Cenzor.NET with reference to Interfax-Ukraine.

"I do not know if he has a Russian passport.... I can officially confirm that Oleksandr Kostenko is a citizen of Ukraine, which was also recognized by Russian law enforcement agencies," said the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andriy Zayats at a briefing.

According to A.Zayats, the penitentiary service of the Russian Federation returned O.Kostenko to his Ukrainian passport.

He added that the Foreign Ministry does not know if O.Kostenko is in search.

We remind you that on February 5, 2015, the FSB detained Kostenko in Simferopol. Against an activist, they fabricated a case under paragraph (b) of Article 115 § 2 (intentional infliction of minor harm to hatred or hostility towards any social group) and part 1 of Article 222 of the Russian Criminal Code (illegal storage of weapons). In May 2015, Kostenko was sentenced to 2 years of general regime up to 4 years. The accusation in the process was supported personally by the then "prosecutor" of the occupied Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya. He did not admit guilt.

Following the review of the appeal, the term Kostenko was reduced to 3 years 11 months, and the cassation instance reduced it for another 5 months.

After the arrest, Kostenko was tortured and broke his arm. It is known that the FSB operatives from Major Andrei Tishenin and captain Arthur Shambazov participated in the bullying. The fracture did not grow. The delayed operation, carried out after the sentence, did not help. He refused from the new operation offered to him in the colony, demanding that he be hospitalized in a civilian hospital. Lawyer Dmitry Sotnikov clarified that Kostenko needs joint prosthetics.

Father Oleksandr Fedir Kostenko disappeared on March 3, 2015, after he drove to the occupied Crimea from continental Ukraine, returning from a Kiev press conference devoted to the cause of his son.

The younger brother of activist Eugene Kostenko in July 2016 was fined 60 thousand rubles for fabricated charges in the form of a judge of the Kiev district court of Simferopol Viktor Moshelyansky during the announcement of this judge's verdict.

On August 3, 2018, Kostenko was released from a colony in the Kirov region of the Russian Federation in connection with the expiration of his term of imprisonment.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty It is a gross violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine - the Foreign Ministry protests against Putin's visit to the occupied Crimea

Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:10 pm
It is a gross violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine - the Foreign Ministry protests against Putin's visit to the occupied Crimea

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed a protest in connection with the next unconfirmed visit of Ukraine to President Vladimir Putin's visit to Russia-occupied Russia.

"Ukraine considers this visit and any so-called trips of Russian officials to the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (Ukraine) a gross violation of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, cynical and demonstrable neglect by the Russian side of generally recognized principles and norms of international law, "According to bilateral and multilateral treaties to which Ukraine and Russia are parties, in particular the UN Charter," the statement reads by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, reports Censor.NET.

The Foreign Ministry recalled that the Crimea and Sevastopol are an integral part of Ukraine in its internationally recognized borders.

"This is recognized by the entire international community, which has repeatedly assessed the internationally wrongful acts of the Russian Federation by approving the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and other international organizations, as well as imposing sanctions against the Russian Federation as an invading state," added the diplomats.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian mercenaries acknowledge they themselves bombarded Luhansk in 2014 to put blame on Ukrainian troops

Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:13 pm
Russian mercenaries acknowledge they themselves bombarded Luhansk in 2014 to put blame on Ukrainian troops

In order to discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Russian-backed separatists committed artillery strikes on Luhansk they themselves occupied.

Blogger Necro Mancer said quoting the statement by Russian mercenary Andrei Komov on Vkontakte social media, Censor.NET reports.

"Komov: Cornet and Plotnitsky bombarded Luhansk in the summer of 2014," Necro Mancer quoted the Russian mercenary Komov.

"I have long stayed quiet about how Igor Kornet seized power in the LPR's Interior Ministry and what did he do to merit the right to still run this body. He is obviously above the court ruling sacking him....

"When banderivtsi (pejorative term used by the pro-Russian separatists for the Ukrainian patriots - Ed.) came to power in Ukraine in 2014, he was one of those sending police officers loyal to the LPR (breakaway "Luhansk Peoples Republic" in eastern Ukraine - Ed.) to guard the checkpoints. Although he never personally guarded any chreckpoint, he and Plotnitsky were nourishing the idea of seizing power [in the "LPR"]. And he succeeded. It was him and Plotnitsky who plotted artillery strike on Luhansk and he was personally watching the Zaria battaloin aiming its guns at Luhansk and bombarding it. He was the first among those who shouted from the housetops in Luhansk that Ukrops (pejorative term used by the pro-Russian separatists for Ukrainians - Ed.) slaughter peaceful residents of the LPR," the pro-Russian separatist Komov said.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Hackers broke Tinder of the British military and tried to find other military data on the new generation of F-35 fighters.

Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:17 pm
Hackers broke Tinder of the British military and tried to find other military data on the new generation of F-35 fighters.

This was reported by Daily Mail with reference to the Air Force internal document. Information about evil was also confirmed by the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense.

Fraudsters met with other military men on behalf of the military, and in the correspondence they tried to find out something about the F-35 Lightning fighter aircraft that had recently arrived in the UK Air Force.

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Im-8888888888888888888

The publication notes that fraudsters could not know anything, because the girl timely warned the authorities and the Tinder administration about the breakdown of the profile. In addition, the military, who wrote hackers, were not associated with the F-35 Lightning program, so they could not tell anything.

The UK Defense Ministry issued a statement that warns the military of the consequences of dating in social networks with the unknown. It is still unclear who could stand behind the hacking account.

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Im-999999999999999

In the ministry's statement there is no clarification who could stand behind the hacking. The military once again warned of the danger of hackers who have social engineering. "A skilled and compelling operative can get information through friendship or compassion," added the Air Force.

-Anti-hacker keychain: At the Google Cloud Next conference, the company introduced its new development Titan Security Key - a physical key that serves as a user ID.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ambassadors of the G7 countries welcomed the completion of the formation of the Anti-Corruption Court and called for further cooperation of Ukraine with the IMF

Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:20 pm
Ambassadors of the G7 countries welcomed the completion of the formation of the Anti-Corruption Court and called for further cooperation of Ukraine with the IMF

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

Ambassadors of the G7 countries made a statement on the completion of the legislative process on the formation of the Higher Anti-Corruption Court (WACS), and also encouraged close cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF.

As Cenzor.NET writes, the statement was published on Twitter by the "Support Groups of Ukraine" within the framework of Canada's chairmanship at the G7.

"The G7 ambassadors welcome the completion of the legislative process on the formation of an anti-corruption court. We are ready to support Ukraine's aspiration to create an effective court, a key component of the system of independent anti-corruption institutions in Ukraine, the integrity of which must be protected," the report says.

In addition, ambassadors encourage close cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF on the implementation of all other necessary measures to obtain the next tranche from the fund.

"We also call for closer cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF on the implementation of all other necessary measures to obtain the next tranche of the IMF, which is important for supporting economic growth and macroeconomic stability," the statement said.

Recall that on June 13, the parliamentary newspaper "Holos Ukrainy" published the Law "On the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court" passed by the Council.

The Center for the Elimination of Corruption (CPC) has found a norm according to which appeals in the cases of NABU, which are already pending in the courts, will be held in courts of general jurisdiction, and not in the new Anti-Corruption Court.

"This norm appeared in the text of the amendments to the law, distributed to the committee one hour before the vote, and today - in the already published law. This norm was not also in the proposed committee of the edition of the comparison table to the second reading, published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada," - noted in the CPC.

On July 12, the Verkhovna Rada amended the law on the judiciary and the status of judges with an amendment to transfer to the Supreme Anticorruption Court (VACS) all cases of its followers from the day it began to work, maintaining the requirements of anti-corruptionists. On August 2, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" On the Judiciary and Status of Judges "in connection with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine" On the Highest Anti-Corruption Court".  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The head of the ROC Kirill will meet with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew before the meeting on the "Ukrainian question"

Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:23 pm
The head of the ROC Kirill will meet with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew before the meeting on the "Ukrainian question"

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill will visit Istanbul on August 31, where he will meet with Patriarch Constantinople Bartholomew.

This was announced on Monday in the office of the secretary of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, reports Censor.NET.

The meeting will be held at the request of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. During the visit, Cyril will discuss with Bartholomew and "the competent bodies of the Mother of the Church bilateral issues of interest."

In July, a delegation from the Church of Constantinople visited Moscow and met with Cyril. According to the results of the meeting, it was reported that it discussed, among other things, the situation in Ukraine. Earlier, the head of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion stated that the delegation of the Constantinople Patriarchate "traveled one by one around the churches" after the receipt of the appeal of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

As it was reported earlier, on September 1-3 in Synod will take place Syntax - the meeting of all the supreme bishops of the Constantinople Orthodox Church, headed by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Experts in church circles believe that the meeting will raise the issue of autocephaly of the Ukrainian, as well as Macedonian church. In this regard, the sharp reaction of the representatives of the Serbian and Moscow churches is expected, respectively.

On September 10 in Constantinople, another council was appointed, in which the issue of tomos for the Ukrainian church can be formalized already legally. In July, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew confirmed his intention to donate autocephaly to the Ukrainian Church.

Recall that on April 17, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko announced that he had decided to appeal to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with a request to issue a tomos about autocephaly of the Ukrainian Local Church.

On April 8 he met with the primate of the Orthodox churches of Ukraine and officially accepted for the transfer to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Appeal on the provision to the Ukrainian Church of the Tomos of Autocephaly with the signatures of all the bishops who supported this decision.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate urged the UOC-Moscow Patriarchate to support efforts for the canonical recognition of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Ukrainian Church Independence.

For his part, the representative of the UOC-MP, deputy head of the Department of External Church Relations of the UOC Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich said that an attempt to create a Ukrainian national autocephalous church would not produce results.

On April 19, the Verkhovna Rada supported the address of President Poroshenko to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to grant the Ukrainian Orthodox Church an autocephaly.

On April 22, Poroshenko said that the Ecumenical Patriarchate began to consider the request of Ukraine.  In Ukrainian/український
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Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Japan has protested Russia through the deployment of fighters on the Kuril Islands

Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:54 pm
Japan has protested Russia through the deployment of fighters on the Kuril Islands

Crimea - Ukraine News. Monday 6 August. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

The Japanese government has expressed Russia's protest in connection with the location on the island of Iturup of the Su-35S fighter jets.

This was announced on Monday by the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan Yoshida Suga at a regular press conference, according to Censor. NET with reference to TASS.

"A protest was made through the embassy in Moscow to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs," he said, commenting on a request from journalists that Russia had placed Su-35S fighters last week at the Yasnoy airport on the island of Iturup. Suha also stressed that the actions of Moscow "are contrary to the position of Japan and cause deep concern."

At the same time, Yoshida Suga noted that the government of Japan will continue to "maintain close and active dialogue with the Russian side to resolve the issue of the membership of the four northern islands (as the southern Kuril Islands refer to in Japan - Ed.) And the conclusion of a peace treaty."

As you know, in Russia and Japan there is a territorial dispute over the four islands of the Kuril ridge, which, after the Second World War, passed under the control of the USSR. This dispute is the main obstacle to the signing of a peace treaty between Russia and Japan, which since the capitulation of Tokyo in 1945 has never been concluded.  In Ukrainian/український
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