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Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources]

Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:30 pm
The decision to extend sanctions against the Russian Federation has been published in the EU Official Journal: it will come into force tomorrow. "Crimean" UN resolutions drive Russia into a corner and turn it into a rogue. Russia made new provocations against NATO: details have become known.
Russia has begun direct intervention in the Ukrainian elections, - Poroshenko. Ukraine is interested in finding an authoritative partner with the EU and the US to manage the GTS. Russia's foreign policy course is helpless. The country is waiting for a revolution, disintegration and controlled chaos, - Archpriest ROC Chaplin. From the beginning of occupation, Russia brought from 800 thousand to 1 million Russian citizens to Crimea.

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Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The decision to extend sanctions against the Russian Federation has been published in the EU Official Journal: it will come into force tomorrow

Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:49 pm
The decision to extend sanctions against the Russian Federation has been published in the EU Official Journal: it will come into force tomorrow

Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

The decision of the Council of the EU on December 21 to extend the six months to 31 July 2019 of the EU's economic sanctions against Russia was published on Friday in the EU Official Journal.

"This decision comes into force the day after it was published in the Official Journal of the European Union," reads Censor.NET, referring to Interfax-Ukraine.

The decision of the Council of the EU on the further extension of sectoral sanctions was adopted unanimously by written procedure, the press service of the council previously said.

This was the legal approval of the relevant political decision of EU heads of state and government adopted on December 13, 2018 at the EU summit in Brussels. They followed the reports of French President Emmanuel Macron and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel that there was no progress in the implementation of the Minsk Agreements with which the EU bound these restrictive measures.

These sanctions were originally introduced on July 31, 2014 for a period of one year "in response to Russia's efforts to destabilize the situation in Ukraine." They were reinforced in September 2014. On March 19, 2015, the European Council imposed sanctions on the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements.

The measures concern the financial, energy and defense sectors, as well as dual-use goods.

Economic sanctions include:

- Restriction of access to the primary and secondary market of EU capital for five Russian financial institutions with a majority stake of the state in the authorized capital and their subsidiaries in which these organizations hold a majority stake and established outside the EU, as well as for three large Russian energy companies companies and three defense companies;

- export and import ban on arms trade;

- the introduction of a ban on the export of dual-use goods to Russia for military needs or for the Russian army;

- Restricting Russia's access to certain strategic, technology and services that can be used to develop and extract oil.  In Ukrainian/український
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Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Empty "Crimean" UN resolutions drive Russia into a corner and turn it into a rogue, - Dzhemilev

Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:16 pm
"Crimean" UN resolutions drive Russia into a corner and turn it into a rogue, - Dzhemilev

Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

The Russian Federation continues to ignore recent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly on human rights violations in the occupied Crimea and its militarization, but they provide grounds for strengthening sanctions against the aggressor country.

According to Censor.NET, referring to Ukrinform, the leader of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Dzhemilev, said during a discussion in the Crimean home.

"Russia does not comply with the requirements of these resolutions (adopted by the UN on December 17 and 22, ed.) And does not fulfill them in the same way as the requirements of other international organizations, including the OSCE, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. But this does not mean that these they are more and more pushing the aggressor country into an angle and turning it into a land of rogue states. It can be said with certainty that Russia takes seven-step steps towards the status of "great North Korea." And secondly, these resolutions give grounds for new and more severe sanctions against the country-aggressor and in the end Of course, they will lead to positive results, "said Dzhemilev.

The politician reminded that at the end of this year, on December 17 and 22, two resolutions were adopted directly related to Ukraine.

"The first draft, presented by Ukraine and supported by the co-sponsors of the 40 states, is about the militarization of Crimea by Russia, the second, five days later, a resolution on the human rights situation, both resolutions passed, and our first deputy foreign minister Kislitsa, having made the correct diplomatic step, said that it should be adopted by at least two thirds of the votes in order to demonstrate its strength", - said Dzhemilev.

In fact, he stressed, the resolution was adopted not by two thirds, but by three quarters of the votes, and it expressed a sharp condemnation of the aggressor country, and assessed the events that took place in the Sea of ​​Azov as "real piracy on the part of Russia."

As to the human rights resolution, the politician said that "this is not the first resolution, which deals with illegal arrests, torture, numerous deportations, the settlement of Crimea by citizens of Russia, contrary to the requirements of the 1949 Geneva Convention on the Status of Occupied Territories."

Recall, on Monday, December 17, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution on the militarization of the Crimea. It expresses concern over the security threats that progressive militarization by Russia of Crimea is with Ukraine, the Black Sea region and Europe as a whole.

For the first time in the text, it is mentioned that, occupying the Crimea, Russia violated its obligations under the Budapest memorandum. The resolution calls on Moscow to withdraw troops from the Crimea and complete its temporary occupation of the Ukrainian peninsula.

The document also condemns the attack on Ukrainian ships and Navy seamen on November 25 and calls on Russia to be released immediately without any additional conditions.

On Saturday, December 22, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted resolution A / C.3 / 73 / L.48 "Situation with the human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine". For the 65 Member States voted against, with 27, 70 delegates abstained. This is the third UN-initiated UN resolution on human rights in the Crimea over the past three years. The first two were adopted by the General Assembly in 2016 and 2017.  In Ukrainian/український
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Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia made new provocations against NATO: details have become known

Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:18 pm
Russia made new provocations against NATO: details have become known

Last week, NATO fighters patrolling the airspace of the Baltic States doubled up for the identification and support of Russian military aircraft in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

This was announced on Thursday, December 27th, by the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania, reports the "European Truth".

So, on December 17, NATO aircraft intercepted two Su-27 fighters flying from Russia's mainland to Kaliningrad. Russian airplanes were turned off on-board transponders. They also did not provide flight plans and were not on the radio with the regional air traffic control center.

On December 20, an Alliance fighter aircraft intercepted one IL-20 reconnaissance aircraft flying from the mainland of Russia to Kaliningrad. His on-board repeater was turned off. However, the plane had a pre-scheduled flight plan, and its crew maintained radio communication with the regional air traffic control center.

As you know, the NATO Air Traffic Police mission in the Baltic States is based on the Zaknay Airbase in the city of Šiauliai in Lithuania, as well as in the Amari airbase in Estonia.

As reported by the "Apostrophe", earlier passenger aircraft warned of danger through the Russian missile.

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Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia has begun direct intervention in the Ukrainian elections, - Poroshenko

Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:40 pm
Russia has begun direct intervention in the Ukrainian elections, - Poroshenko

Russia uses information technologies to discredit the leadership of Ukraine and Moldova.

This was stated by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during the opening ceremony of the Ukrainian-Moldovan checkpoint "Palanka" on Friday in the Odessa region, reports Censor.NET with reference to Interfax-Ukraine.

"Russia is trying to use modern information technologies, first of all to discredit the leadership of Ukraine and Moldova, and the consequences of this policy are felt not only by Ukraine and Moldova, but also by most of the European Union countries," said P.Poroshenko.

He reminded that next year in Ukraine there will be presidential and parliamentary elections, and in Moldova - parliamentary. "Unfortunately, the Russian Federation began to implement a scenario of direct interference with the electoral process, and it is the fifth column that is ready to run immediately and conduct negotiations on the conditions of capitulation," the head of the Ukrainian state said.

P.Poroshenko stressed that nobody wants peace in the east of Ukraine more than Ukrainians themselves, but peace on the conditions of international law and national interests of Ukraine.  In Ukrainian/український
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Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine is interested in finding an authoritative partner with the EU and the US to manage the GTS, - Groisman

Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:44 pm
Ukraine is interested in finding an authoritative partner with the EU and the US to manage the GTS, - Groisman

Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman declares interest of the Ukrainian side in finding a strong partner for the joint management of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS).

"We are interested in finding a serious authoritative partner for the joint management of the gas transportation system from the European Union, the United States," said V. Hroysman in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine, reports Censor.NET.

"They are interested in receiving gas in Europe, and we are in providing transportation volumes, so we are interested in joint management," the head of the Ukrainian government added.

The prime minister also noted that he expects to receive from NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" in January 2019 the final timetable for holding the division, which will be approved by their supervisory board: "monthly with the release on January 1, 2020, with the abandoning, with the new operator , which we have created, - "Ukrane main gas pipelines".

"He (the new operator - Ed.) Has to be already certified by European legislation, I would like us to eventually get a real strong player in the European gas market," said V. Hroisman, adding that it was precisely from This is related to the search for a serious partner for the joint management of the GTS in Ukraine.  In Ukrainian/український
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Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia's foreign policy course is helpless. The country is waiting for a revolution, disintegration and controlled chaos, - Archpriest ROC Chaplin

Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:47 pm
Russia's foreign policy course is helpless. The country is waiting for a revolution, disintegration and controlled chaos, - Arch priest ROC Chaplin

Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

Former Speaker of the Russian Orthodox Church, Arch priest Vsevolod Chaplin called the "West's Impact" among the risks in 2019, which, owing to the "ostrich" policy of the Kremlin, could lead to the collapse of the Russian Federation.

He stated this in an interview with RIA "New Day", reports Censor.NET.

The foreign policy course of Russia, according to the arch priest, has weakened in the last two years.

"It is becoming more helpless, so we sometimes be able to respond to the incident in bright words, we could actively act in the same Syria, for example. But the last two years is an ostrich's policy," he said.

Chaplin explained that in the long run, the "worse scenarios" will follow the actions.

"The provocations of the revolution, the collapse of the country, the dictatorship of the western prostitute, or simply controlled chaos, the death of a large number of people and rigid external management. We do not need deeds, but offensive," the priest said.  In Ukrainian/український
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Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Empty From the beginning of occupation, Russia brought from 800 thousand to 1 million Russian citizens to Crimea, - Dzhemilev

Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:50 pm
From the beginning of occupation, Russia brought from 800 thousand to 1 million Russian citizens to Crimea, - Dzhemilev

Ukrainian - Ukraine News. Friday 28 December. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

First of all, housing in the Crimea is received by military men, internal affairs workers and FSB employees who have resigned, said the leader of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev.
From the moment of occupation Russia brought to Crimea from 800 thousand to 1 million of its citizens. This was announced on December 27 in Kiev by the leader of the Crimean Tatar people, People's Deputy Mustafa Dzhemilev, reports Censor.NET with reference to UNIAN.

"There are some sources, I will not speak about them now, which gives grounds for telling us how much the number of people in the occupied Crimea has increased. We have their plans for a sharp increase in the population of Kerch, Sevastopol." To what extent they are fulfilled? They are even over-fulfilled - this also visible", - said Dzhemilev.

He recalled that he had previously stated that since the occupation in the Crimea brought about 500,000 Russian citizens. "When our compatriots arrived, they said that we reduced the figure, according to our compatriots - there from 800 thousand to 1 million", - said Dzhemilev.

The leader of the Crimean Tatar people stressed that the Crimea has a very high mortality rate, which is 33% higher than the birth rate. The highest mortality rate among indigenous people, he added.

According to Dzhemilev, in the first place housing in Crimea is received by servicemen, internal affairs officers and FSB officers who retired.

"They get a certificate that gives them the right to purchase 16 m² of housing for one person, and the state is obliged to pay cash to purchase housing, if these certificates are issued in other regions of Russia, then in Crimea these certificates are immediately granted," - he added.

According to him, in Crimea, especially in Evpatoria, Sevastopol and Simferopol, housing is being actively built, primarily for immigrants from the Russian Federation.  In Ukrainian/український
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