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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources]

Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:56 pm
Russia allocates $350M for special services to intervene in Ukraine elections.  Maduro frightened: a representative of Russian mercenaries told about their transfer to Venezuela.  No one was sent, - Russia denied claims to send Russian mercenaries to Venezuela.  Amputation is threatened: there were alarming data about the captured Ukrainian seaman.  In Austria, for a long time, a separatist prison was sent to prison, which urged Putin to enter troops.  Putin's troops got into an armed conflict with Iran in Syria.

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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia allocates $350M for special services to intervene in Ukraine elections

Sat Jan 26, 2019 12:59 pm
Russia allocates $350M for special services to intervene in Ukraine elections

Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

Russian authorities have allocated $ 350 million destabilize situation in Ukraine. The aim is to intervene in Ukraine elections and to bring Ukraine under the Russian sphere of influence.

As reported by Censor.NET, head of Ukraine Foreign Intelligence Service (FIS) Yehor Bozhok told

"Their goal is to bring Ukraine under the Russian sphere of influence and to obstruct any revolutionary resistance. That is why Russia has allocated additional $350 mln for FIS, the FSB and the GRU to intervene in Ukraine elections," said Bozhok.

The head of FIS called propaganda and cyberattacks the main tools for Russia’s intrusion.

"The mechanisms are well-known. Firstly, it’s propaganda. The EU vs. Disinformation initiative reports that in 2018, almost 50 percent of fake information coming from Russia was about Ukraine. Secondly, Russia might hack into the Central Election Committee server. And this is just a drop in the ocean," Bozhok added.  In Ukrainian/український
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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Maduro frightened: a representative of Russian mercenaries told about their transfer to Venezuela

Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:00 pm
Maduro frightened: a representative of Russian mercenaries told about their transfer to Venezuela

The "conspiracy" against Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro allegedly was preparing in advance, and therefore there were thrown Russian mercenaries there.

This Russian media outlined the head of the All-Russian Officers' Committee, the Ataman of the Farmer's Cossack Society "Khovrin" Eugene Shabayev.

As noted, Shabaev is "protecting the interests of employees of private military companies".

"On the evening of January 21, a certain group of boys was instructed to quickly pick up the group and they ordered from private military companies," Shabayev explained. According to him, by that time in the middle circle of Maduro a conspiracy of the military was discovered, and therefore it was necessary to replace his personal guardianship with loyal people, which was done.  In Ukrainian/український
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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty No one was sent, - Russia denied claims to send Russian mercenaries to Venezuela

Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:02 pm
No one was sent, - Russia denied claims to send Russian mercenaries to Venezuela

Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

In Russia, they said that they did not send their troops to Venezuela to protect President Nicholas Maduro.

According to Cenor.Net, referring to "Interfax", said the member of the Committee on Defense and Security of the Federation Council Franz Klintsevich.

"No military personnel, including private contractors, have sent Venezuela to Venezuela," Klistsevych said.

"If President Nicholas Maduro and involved some private military companies, the Russian state does not know about it and it does not answer," the senator stressed.

On the eve of the Reuters agency , referring to its own sources, it reported that Venetians arrived in Russia to protect President Nicholas Maduro from the opposition and the protesters of the Russian PMC "Wagner".  In Ukrainian/український
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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Amputation is threatened: there were alarming data about the captured Ukrainian seaman

Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:09 pm
Amputation is threatened: there were alarming data about the captured Ukrainian seaman

Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova said that one of the wounded Ukrainian sailors, whom Russia seized in the Kerch Strait, Vasily Soroka, can amputate part of their hands.

She reported on this in Facebook.

Obtumadsman noted that he had met with relatives of prisoners of war.

"I learned from Viktor Soroka about the health of his injured son." The boy had more swollen and blue eyes, and if he did not provide emergency medical care, part of the limb would have to be amputated, "she said.

Denisova assured that she immediately contacted by phone from the acting Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun. He asked to intervene in the situation and find a doctor in Moscow, who will be able to get into the SIZO "Sailor's Silence", visit Vasily Soroka there and give his opinion on the urgent and urgently needed medical care.

Later, the ombudsman added that he had contacted the advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Mikhail Fedotov on this issue.

"The chief physician of the medical unit of the SIZO" Matroska Tisha "told Fedotov that the health of the Ukrainian prisoner of war was satisfactory. His examination was carried out by a neuropathologist and, according to doctors, the boy's hand was swollen because of the use of the expander," she said.

"But on my request, Fedotov agreed that next week (Monday-Tuesday) a guy to inspect the neurosurgeon," - added Denisov.  In Ukrainian/український
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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Austria, for a long time, a separatist prison was sent to prison, which urged Putin to enter troops

Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:12 pm
In Austria, for a long time, a separatist prison was sent to prison, which urged Putin to enter troops

The Graz Criminal Court (Austrian Federal State of Styria) sentenced 14 years of imprisonment to a self-proclaimed "presidential" Monique Ungher, who is also known for his appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to enter troops into Austria and transfer power to her.

This is reported by Ukrinform .

The court recognized the leader of the underground radical organization "Staatenbund Osterreich" ("Confederation Austria"), which was based on the denial of the legitimacy of the Austrian state and its laws, guilty of treason.

Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] 065c360873d7709f7db20c19e4b4db92

According to a judge, the verdict should be a clear signal that the crimes against the state in Austria will not be tolerated.

The total number of cases was 14 people. Deputy Monica, a former police officer, received 10 years in jail, others 9 months to 3 years.  In Ukrainian/український
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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin's troops got into an armed conflict with Iran in Syria

Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:13 pm
Putin's troops got into an armed conflict with Iran in Syria

In Syria, an armed conflict between two great allies of President Bashar al-Assad - Russia and Iran - has unfolded.

DW writes about it.

So, the incident occurred in the Al-Gab Valley in the northwest of the province of Ham. The units belonging to the corps of pro-Russian militants entered into clashes with units from the division of pro-Iranian militants, with both armored vehicles, grenade launchers and machine guns.

It specifies that the Russian-Syrian forces are superior to the Iranian-Syrian forces. In particular, they took control of several villages and reached a small town of Khvaiz.

According to Spiegel Online, since then the situation has stabilized somewhat. Both Iran and Russia are striving to control the valley of Al-Gab. What losses have suffered the party is unknown. According to the estimates provided by Spiegel Online, it can be about a few tens, and possibly about 200 dead.  In Ukrainian/український
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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty A large-scale publication of the DDoSecrets website on e-mail can highlight Russia's role in events in Ukraine, the New York Times

Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:51 pm
A large-scale publication of the DDoSecrets website on e-mail can highlight Russia's role in events in Ukraine, the New York Times

Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

On Friday, the DDoSecrets website posted a large-scale collection of emails received through hacking and information leaks in public access.

This was the first reported by The New York Times, reports Censor.NET with reference to the Voice of America.

Many people perceived the placement of this information as a symbolic "retaliation" for cyber attacks during the US presidential campaign in 2016.

However, Emma Best, a journalist from Boston who helped organize the DDoSecrets website, stressed that the operation was not intended to pay Russia.

"We tried to collect and distribute existing materials from an under-researched topic: Russian power circles, their interrelationships, and operations of influence," says Best in the commentary to the publication. "People have only a side view of it." In addition to a few experts, this topic has not been studied in detail and in the context of ".

Most of the materials called "The Dark Side of the Kremlin," the newspaper notes, sheds light on the Russian war in Ukraine, the Kremlin's ties with the Russian Orthodox Church, the operations of the oligarchs, and so on.

In part, this information appeared on other sites, however, this leak hit its size - 175 gigabytes of information.

"The dark side of the Kremlin (108 gigabytes), hundreds of thousands of messages and files from Russian politicians, journalists, oligarchs, religious figures and nationalists / terrorists in Ukraine," the DDoSecrets group reports.

Among the documents are materials from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which in 2016 refused to publish WikiLeaks, materials of the Russian hacking group "Shaltay Boltai", documents of the Russian export agency "Rosoboronexport" and the fact that the DDoSecrets was called a "hacker wave", which concerned the assassination of the aircraft MH17 over the Donbas in 2014.

The website run by Mrs. Best is built like WikiLeaks - he invites hackers and activists to send and distribute sensitive documents, says NYT.

According to the publication, the following factors contribute to the sources of information: Ukrainian hackers worked actively to cover secret Russian operations in the Crimea and the Donbass; activists are trying to highlight the violations of the police and security services, and the oligarchs use hackers in the competition.  In Ukrainian/український
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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Trump more than 100 times contacted the Russian Federation during the 2016 election, - NY Times

Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:11 pm
Trump more than 100 times contacted the Russian Federation during the 2016 election, - NY Times

Donald Trump and his representatives contacted more than 100 times with Russia during the US presidential election in 2016

This is reported by HB with a message to the New York Times.

According to the publication, at least 17 representatives of the presidential campaign Trump and his advisers contacted the Russians, representatives of Wikileaks or with intermediaries.

It's about more than 100 personal meetings, telephone conversations, emails, sms and correspondence in twitter. At the same time, the investigation said that such contacts from the RF repeatedly rejected.

With the most Trump after nominating his candidacies to the post of President of the United States several times contacted the businessman Aras Agalarov and his son, Emin Agalarov.

Businessmen also helped organize a meeting in Trump Tower in 2016.

The investigation also talks about six personal contacts of the American leader, about the 17 meetings of his former lawyer Michael Cohen and his son Donald Trump Jr.

The Russians contacted the ex-counselor of President Michael Flynn five times personally and 18 times - ex-counselor Roger Stone.  In Ukrainian/український
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Russian - Ukraine News. Saturday 26 January. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Scandalous Putin politician proposed to make Venezuela part of the "Russian world"

Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:11 pm
Scandalous Putin politician proposed to make Venezuela part of the "Russian world"

Russian propagandists were surprised by the new pearl of Venezuela 's belonging to the "Russian world".

The corresponding video was posted to the Salladin account on Twitter.

"And with the people, what should we do? We must show our strength and strength that we not only win in Syria, but also on any continent." From any point of the world, if we are treated, it is the highest authority of Russia. saves the regime in distant Venezuela,"- said the video on the video of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, a deputy of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

"Where are you to bury all of them ?????" - commented on a video blogger.  In Ukrainian/український
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