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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources]

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:52 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the course of the day

News -
Massive massive increase in number of attacks by Putin. 175 times. 19 with Grad.
Putin just sent in a new "humanitarian convoy". Presumably lots of new missiles for Shaun Walker's "DNR guys", for killing Ukrainians.
The terrorists are reporting on the social networks that there is no shortage of ammunition.
Update - amazing, Ukraine reporting 0 deaths, 2 injured among the soldiers.
I have read, however, of civilian deaths.
Putin has called an emergency meeting of his Reich-meisters.

Weather -
much better this morning. It looks like the heatwave has subsided.
High maybe in the mid-20s today - more normal, comfortable. Still blue sky and sunshine though.

Thought -
Things are looking bad for Putin. The oil price is now settled below 50 dollars/ barrel. The ruble is over 60 to a dollar. 1 ruble = 1 penny.
The economy is in decline. And the future looks dark. Putin feels he has nothing to lose now by attacking further. Even just to see if there is any reaction at all from the west.  
In md-August the western politicians are on holiday, and anyway, Putin has found out that they are basically scared of him, and divided, and will do little to stop his imperial advance across Ukraine.

Admin sent me to Berdichev and Zhitomir today.
I will present a photo-report in a week or two's time.

Last edited by Nelson on Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:53 pm; edited 4 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Last day in ATO area terrorists set a new record for the number of attacks (Telegraph)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:57 am
In just the past day - 14 August the enemy 175 times violated the ceasefire. 25 times the militants used guns, 64 - mortars, 19 - multiple rocket launchers BM-21 "Grad", 93 - small arms and rocket-propelled grenades.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty A free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU should work on January 1, 2016 - The European Union (Tsenzor.Net)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:05 am
[On paper
In practice, Ukraine has lots and lots of Soviet type restrictive practices and taxes in place to stop free trade, and to discourage business with the west.
Maybe it will change, but those in the Rada have very small minds, and very small brains. ]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Donetsk, the Independence Day of the militants again hold the "parade of prisoners" (Pulse of Kiev)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:06 am

"Terrorist organizations" DNI "received instructions from Moscow August 24, 2015 to hold a parade," prisoners of war ". As "prisoners of war" is recommended to use "not illuminated" militants. Other times and methods remain the same. Such techniques loved to use as the SS of Nazi Germany and in the Soviet NKVD in Western Ukraine in the 40-50 years of the twentieth century ", - reported in the center.

[Who in the right minds can do this? And who would willingly want to live in such as society as Putin, Lavrov, Shaun Walker, and others construct?
That is why this evil from Putin must be fought by all civilised people in the world]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Press ATO: a record number of attacks during the last months (BBCUkrainian)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:14 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Terrorists disclosed tactical plans of Moscow in Donbas (at gunpoint)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:18 am
[more and more soliders, and more and more military capability.
It seems as if Putin is going to carry on the war until or if somebody is able to stop him. ]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko’s adviser tells how Ukraine artillery destroyed enemy ammunition and fuel depot

Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:33 am
Aug. 14, Ukraine army’s Grad missile systems destroyed the enemy artillery ammunition and fuel depot, Pres Poroshenko’s adviser Yury Biriukov wrote in Facebook Aug. 14.

He also cited enemy communication intercepts confirming the destruction of 3 D-30 howitzers and 120-mm mortars.

Earlier, the official told that the enemy troops were actively shelling Ukraine army’s dummy positions near Starobesheve. By doing so, the enemy exposed its artillery which were later destroyed by Ukraine fire, Yury Biriukov wrote.

Also what should be considered is, outfits like Blackwater aka: Academi have probably been hired to gather intel for the Ukrainian military. They've probably been involved since day one, along with western governmental intelligence outfits.

As we saw a few days ago a video showing the terrorists tanks being blown to bits out in an open field. Must have some key technical equipment to target them, or on the ground intel such as Academi.

So don't think Ukraine's ill-equipped as many think. Terrorists/Kremlin military have been the side getting their asses kicked around, not Ukraine. Many seem to shoot from the hip and underestimate Ukraine's capabilities. WRONG!
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukrainian JCCC envoys provide new facts of militants' crimes in Donbas to SMI OSCE

Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:16 am
"Russia-supported terrorists shelled Avdiyivka using 122mm artillery fire at 20:30 on August 13 and at 03:06 on August 14. A garage was destroyed at 27, Timiriazeva Street by shelling. A private house was severely damaged at 7, Timiriazeva Street," reads the report of Ukrainian JCCC envoys published late on Friday.

On August 14 from 00:05 to 00:35 militants shelled the territory of OJSC Avdiyivka coke plant.

"After examining the territory of the plant, nine shell holes were registered by Ukrainian JCCC envoys," reads the report. The plant was damaged.

Many shell holes were seen on the way to Avdiyivka coke plant. Heat transport system to Avdiyivka, power lines were destroyed by shelling. The shell holes have average diameter of 1.6 m, depth of 0.6 m.......
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Defense ministry saves over UAH 60 mln in a week thanks to electronic procurement

Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:19 am
"This week 76 military logistics support tenders were held in the Prozorro electronic state procurement system worth some UAH 353 million," she said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday.

Havryliuk said that thanks to the system the ministry managed to save UAH 61.7 million, or 17% of the expected cost of products.

The ministry signed agreements worth UAH 26 million after holding the tenders. Trading continues for 192 lots worth UAH 715 million.

She said that since early 2015, a total of 49 supplement agreements and 362 agreements worth over UAH 2 billion have been signed, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine has received 182,000 summer uniforms, 91,000 pairs of army boots, 48,000 bullet-proof vests, 74,000 helmets, 44,500 uniforms for various types of branches of the armed forces, 91,500 water-proof clothing, 91,200 sleeping bags and over 1,000 tents.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Last day - no deaths of soldiers, 2 injured

Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:27 pm
15.08.15 12:59 За минувшие сутки погибших нет, ранены 2 воинов, - спикер АТО
During the past day, no deaths, injured 2 soldiers - Speaker ATO

Very lucky, given that Putin launched a record number of attacks. 175 in a day.
I have read of civilian deaths, but no military deaths - lucky.
Putin fired a lot of Grad missiles yesterday. Presumably sent in his latest "humanitarian convoy" - to "help" the people of Ukraine.

Today Admin sent me to Berdichev - I reported a few days ago on the decimation of the large jewish population there in the 1940s. Hitler.
He then asked me to go on also to Zhitomir. I will try and present a photo report from both cities in the next week or so.
But Admin has also asked me to return to Kiev next weekend for the Independence day celebrations.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Berdichev and Zhitomir

Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:36 pm
The Jewish cemetery in Berdichev.
Some victims of Hitler's regime.
Here - Krystal - I would think a brilliant craftsman. They were the last to be killed by the nazis. 1945.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7373

The jewish population of the town was wiped out by 1945.
And the graves of those who died earlier - nobody is left to remember them.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7374

In Zhitomir, the victims of another mad dictator, Vladimir Putin -

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Zhitomir - graves of the fallen heros

Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:43 pm
Contrast the victims of the Hitler regime, with those of the Putin regime, in Zhitomir, half an hour's drive down the road. Another graveyard...

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7403

A flag, over one of the graves, the 95th airbourne,

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7404

As I said, I'll try and post photos reports on Berdichev and Zhitomir in a week or three.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Terrorists "DNI" paint tanks in the yellow-blue: preparing a provocation (PHOTO)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:52 pm
On Saturday, August 15 Ukrainian scouts discovered in Novoazovsk, which is under the control of terrorists "Donetsk People's Republic", 6 tanks, tanks that are masked by taking part in the anti-terrorist operation.
This was stated by the press officer of the sector "M" Yaroslav Chepurnoy reports

According to him, all the tanks are yellow and blue symbols and flags of Ukraine.

"Preparing a provocation", - he stressed.

Chepurnoy also warned that Novolaspe scouts discovered BTR-82, which is armed with only the Russian Federation. In Ukraine, there is no such equipment.

As reported by the "Observer", in the area of the ATO tension situation is growing again . During the last day recorded the highest number of attacks by illegal armed groups over the past 6 months.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] 330x220_402096   In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Luhansk Russia experienced the newest tanks T-90A: (PHOTOS)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:59 pm
Not far from the Lugansk on the road between the villages and Roadside Novoannovka were seen Russian tanks latest T-90A.

This was written on his page in Facebook community activists "euromaidan" and posted the relevant photo.

"From the" You're lying! Russian troops in Ukraine, and there was not. "The latest Russian tanks T-90A were previously seen between roadside and Novoannovkoy Luhansk region," - said in a statement.

At the same time, the user under the name Andrei-bt in the "Learn "claims that these photos were taken in the past year.

"T-72B3 in Ukraine have repeatedly shone, and now it is the T-90A. However, lit pictures only after a year. Photography, as indicated by the source, made between roadside and Novoannovkoy Lugansk region, August 2014", - he said on LJ.

"What can I say, the Armed Forces participate in the events on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions try to deny just absolutely sick in the head. And there is nothing surprising in the trials of the latest technology in actual combat conditions. As for the photos themselves, refer to the tank jammed all the same beloved by many edkozelenoy paint "- he adds.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] 137982
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] 636573
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] 188059 In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty ATO fighters return fire; destroyed several pieces of terrorists' equipment (Charter'97)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:05 pm
were able to destroy two mortar from which gunmen opened fire on a regular basis, and fuel storage.
[posssibly posted earlier by Admin, in which case, apologies.]

Last edited by Nelson on Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty US intelligence explained the worsening war in Donbas (FaceNews.UA)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:18 pm
Russia's desire to retain influence over Ukraine.
[For "influence" read "control" maybe.. ]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Tymchuk discussed the possibility of a large-scale Russian offensive (Hvilya)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:20 pm
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Terrorists have hit Pervomaysk with Grad missiles - Staff (

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:27 pm
[also writes]
August 15 midnight to 1800 hours in the area ATO observed some decrease in activity of the enemy. The press center ATO.
It is reported that illegal armed groups, mainly used shooting weapons and grenade launchers.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Odessa, radicals attacked the LGBT Festival: (VIDEO)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:37 pm
In Odessa, announced earlier Queer Festival LGBT attacked by radicals.

This "Observer" reported by the representatives of the organizing committee of information "OdessaPrayd."

It is worth noting that after the ban of the Odessa Court for the march, organizers decided to hold it closed, but noted that they were denied any previously leased sites, including a hostel, where they were to live participants. After these events had to shorten the list of events and hold them in a room of the youth cultural center.

However, before starting the action in the room broke into a crowd of radical-minded youth and threw firecrackers present and smoke bombs. Fortunately, meeting time to react and left the back door of the building. None of the protesters was injured. At the same time the organizers point out that law enforcement officials had time and drove radicals.

"We have during our events stormed a group of radical young people. The people threw a few firecrackers, but no one was injured. The attackers quickly left. All events will be held in full", - said the spokesman "OdessaPrayd" Cyril Bodelan.

"We have during our events stormed a group of radical young people. The people threw a few firecrackers, but no one was injured. The attackers quickly left. All events will be held in full", - said the spokesman "OdessaPrayd" Cyril Bodelan. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Under Shirokino Marines "covered" a group of separatists: 15 killed and wounded (Hvilya)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:42 pm
[Ukrainian marines returned fire on Russian terrorists. ]

[On the map here, you can see how important Shirokino is for the defence of Mariupol - and how essential both are to Putin, for his land corridor towards occupied Crimea.]

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Shir
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty One of the leaders of the Opposition block "hid his family in a" safe place " in Austria (

Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:46 pm

[Ex regions scum. Happy for Putin to kill Ukrainians, but these traitors get their own people out to Austria - lots and lots of criminal money there. ]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin ready to attack Ukraine – military expert

Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:16 pm
Russia may launch a big offensive operation in late Aug.-Sept, military expert Col.Volodymyr Lartsev told Aug. 14.
“The Independence Day on Aug. 24 may be the most likely date for the Russian offensive. The season is good for large-scale military operations,” the expert said.

Its aim may be to push the touchline farther west.

“The rebels have a powerful technical base for the attack. There may be 3 directions of the attack, one (to Mariupol) for distraction and two near Donetsk and Luhansk.

The offensive will be used by Putin to bolster up his popularity.

The Kremlin leaders are caught by hysterics.

“It’s not an agony, but some hysterics. Russia’s economic situation is good for nothing due to Western sanctions and dropping oil prices.

Putin sees only one option – to play out  the nationalism card, accuse the West and Ukraine of Russia’s domestic hardships.

On the other hand, dissatisfaction in the Russia elite is on the wax and many criticize Putin’s erroneous foreign policy of confrontation with the West,” the expert said.

Meanwhile, Putin has failed in his major aim – to destroy Ukraine. Ukraine is not falling apart, taking huge pains to defend itself, the expert said.

If it's going to happen, it'll be before the winter sets in.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the Kyiv city center car burned belonging to the US Embassy

Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:29 pm
The car of the US embassy in Ukraine burned near the House of Trade Unions in the street Khreshchatyk in Kiev, according to "Ukrainian News" .

"Around 19.25 the car caught fire Subaru with license plate DP002053. The car caught fire front, fire spread to the interior (in the driver's seat and front passenger). Along with the ignition cars arrived on the scene patrol police in Kiev. About 19.30 officers arrived fire service, which for 5 minutes the car fire was liquidated, "- said in a statement.

Embassy officers arrived at the scene around 19:45, have confirmed the car belongs embassy.

Along with them came a burning car driver.

"I just went, and it (the car) suddenly caught fire," - he said.

Other details of the accident or the driver nor embassy staff were reported. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Sevastopol, a blogger was taken to the FSB after placing social networking news about Cemil

Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:40 pm
A blogger from Sevastopol Irina Gorelikova was forced to appear for questioning by the FSB after on his Facebook page shared material from the press conference of the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev. It is reported by "Center for Investigative Journalism" .

"In Sevastopol blogger Irina Gorelikova taken away for questioning by the FSB after on her Facebook page, she shared the news with reference to the press conference, Commissioner President of Ukraine on the Crimean Tatar people, MP Mustafa Cemil," - said in a statement.

According to her, FSB interested objectives of its "active confrontation in the networks" and asked if she does not call thus to revolt.

In addition, the FSB was "concerned the integrity of a state like Russia," and asked why the post of a blogger article on Dzhemilev.

"Answers that this is my opinion, and a lot of respect and trust him Cemil" wrote Gorelikova.

She said that FSB officers asked her to move out of Sevastopol on Ukraine's mainland, to which the blogger said that to go anywhere from your home is not going to.

"I offered them physical elimination, as to leave not even think," - quoted Irina Gorelikova Center for Investigative Journalism. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the Donetsk region have detained militants "DNR" with arms

Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:11 pm
In the Krasnoarmeysk district of Donetsk region. law enforcers detained the insurgent battalion fighters "DNR", "East" with weapons. It is reported by the press service of the Interior Ministry.

"Soldiers of the summary group of militia central board of the Donetsk region who are serving in the Maryinsky district, arrested militants of the illegal armed group" East ". Attackers seized two anti-tank grenade launcher and two grenades, "- said the Interior Ministry.

Police officers received information that the village Berestki Krasnoarmeyskiy district arrived an active member of the militants. The man was arrested while trying to hide an arsenal of weapons.

The police said that the gunman born in 1992, resident. Berestki, came home three days ago to perepryatat weapons and ammunition. It was established that in April-May 2015, he fought in the ranks of the "Vostok" battalion, besides six months on duty at checkpoints occupied zone. Then he drove out the militants controlled territory of Donetsk on a free bag with two RPGs and grenades "RGD-5" and "F-1".

"Ammunition attacker hid his aunt, but now decided to move a dangerous hiding place to another house. Commando detained pursuant to Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. He admits his guilt and give testimony "- added to the Interior Ministry. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty He came home on leave. Terrorists "DNI" caught with a bag of weapons: (PHOTO)

Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:39 pm
Employees of Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Donetsk region have detained terrorists "DNI", who came home on the territory controlled by Ukraine on leave.

It is reported by the press service of the State Ministry of Interior of Ukraine in Donetsk region.

"Action born in 1992, resident of the village Berestki, came home three days ago, to hide weapons and ammunition. It was established that in April-May 2015, he fought in the ranks of the terrorist group" East ", besides six months on duty at checkpoints occupied zone" , - the report says.

He brought from Donetsk to bag two RPGs and grenades "RGD-5" and "F-1", which hid his aunt, but decided perepryatat elsewhere.

He was detained in accordance with Article 208 Code of Criminal Procedure, the detainee pleaded guilty and testifying.

As reported by the "Observer", in the forest belt near the village Bahmutovka in the Luhansk region Security Service of Ukraine together with the border guards have detained a truck with weapons.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] 513819 In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty ATU soldiers defeated the enemy position Shirokino

Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:56 pm
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] 330x220_335688

Around 18:20 on Saturday, August 15, the Ukrainian military - in response to the provocation of terrorists- covered by return fire enemy position on the outskirts of Shirokino.

Reported referring to the Marines.

Noticing the prepared provocation with mortars, soldiers opened fire in response.

It is reported that on the radio conversations among the terrorists there was information about the losses in killed and wounded 15 people. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Lavrov has accused Ukraine of "unconstructive approach" to demilitarize Shirokino

Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:59 pm
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov has accused Ukraine of "unconstructive" approach to the issue of demilitarization Shirokino.

The Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the basis of telephone conversations Lavrov and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the two sides called for early implementation of agreed "Norman format" measures Shirokino demilitarization and removal of heavy weapons, reports UNIAN.

The Russian side expressed "concern about the non-constructive approach of Kiev to the implementation of these measures."

At the same time, both sides expressed serious concern at the continuation of violations by both sides of the ceasefire that leads to new casualties, particularly among civilians, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, and threatens further escalation of the conflict.

As reported by the "Observer", before special observers monitoring mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe captures the use of weapons by both sides of the conflict more than 120 mm caliber , which was to be set aside from the confrontation line in the area of counter-terrorism operation in accordance with the agreements Minsk. In Russian

Terrorists since day one continue to attack the Ukrainian military and towns aggressively and non-stop, destroying everything in sight and killing civilians. Can Lavrov (lapdog) guarantee that they won't come into Shirokino? Everyone knows how important it is for the Kremlin to take this town. He's guaranteeing that he is out of touch with reality.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Losses of Russian troops in Shirokino totaled 800 people - Biletsky

Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:11 pm
The battalion commander "Azov" vnefraktsionnyh lawmaker Andrei Beletsky said that the loss of the Russian troops during the fighting in the vicinity of Mariupol Shirokino amounted to about 800 people.
He said this in an interview with " LIGABusinessInform ."

"Russian losses in killed, wounded and prisoners - about 800 personnel. Of course, after their victories at the airport, Debaltseve and so on, for them it is a moral and psychological blow," - said Biletsky.

According to him, Russia is insisting on the "demilitarization" Shirokino to have a convenient platform to attack Mariupol in the case of aggravation of the situation.

"If they will not Shirokino, in Mariupol they will batter for a long time. Therefore, it is understandable why Russia insists on demilitarization Shirokino. Russia puts pressure on the West, the West just presses on Poroshenko. Therefore, the issue of demilitarization - a purely foreign policy issue, and in any not a military, strategic, or some other "- said the MP. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin: Donbass - not Crimea, where the situation is different

Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:10 pm
P resident of Russia Vladimir Putin said chtov Donetsk and Lugansk on the "referendum" in 2014, "people voted for independence," writes Ukrainian Pravda .

This was Putin said the Italian edition Corriere della Sera, commenting on the question of whether in the east of Ukraine Crimean repeat scenario.

According to him, the decision about the "reunification of the Crimea with the Russian Federation" was based on the will of local residents.

"Crimea is not the script associated with the position of the Russian Federation, it is associated with the position of the people who live in the Crimea ... In Donetsk, Lugansk and people voted for independence, and the situation is different," - he said.

"If someone wants to these territories (Donbass) remained part of Ukraine, it is necessary to prove to these people that, in the same state they will live better, more comfortable, more reliable, in this state, they will be able to ensure their lives and their children's future "- said Putin and said that" to convince these people by force of arms can not be."....................

To read further go to this link: In Russian

We know he's saying this so his own people which he's losing in droves can look at him as a kind person. He's not talking to Ukrainians, as eastern Ukrainians didn't have any issues before he invaded. Does he really want to destroy something he wants in his hands? What will it cost him, especially when his own economy's taking a dump? He' stolen a lot of machinery from its industries. He'll have to replace it all, in order to get all its factories back to normal. Does he really want the burden?
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Saturday 15 August [Ukrainian sources]

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