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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources]

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:23 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the course of the day

News -
I am still puzzled by he lull in fighting on Saturday. Only 19 attacks by Putin's forces.
Today's figures just released - say 16 attacks.
Update - 0 dead, 5 injured - Lysenko briefing at 1230.
Putin has some plan. What is he doing now?
Has realisation of his stupidity finally set in? I doubt it. He has stoked up hate of Russia in Ukraine for generations to come.

Constitutional changes -
The Rada should vote on this today. Meeting scheduled for 11 am.
Update - Rada tribunal blocked currently - 11.30 - by Liashko and his gang. So expect nothing to happen.
Update at 1300 - passed. 265 votes - enough for a first reading.
But they will need 300 at a further reading for the changes to take effect.
Reports also of some violence outside the Rada. At least 10 injured.
Some reports now say 50 injured, other reports say 100. Reading now of at least one death.
Now say he was 24 year old - newly mobilized. Shrapnel from a grenade.
Svoboda look like the culprits from all I have seen this afternoon on tv. We will see. More below.

Now saying the murderer was a member of the SICH batallion - formed by Svoboda.
So NOT a provocation as some were trying to make out.

Weather -
Hot today. 16 at 0600. High predicted of 30-32. And 35 tomorrow.
Update at 14.00 - 31 where I am. 33 in Odesa. That's in the low 90s there. Toasty.
Real smell of burning in the air again this morning. Had it for the last few days. Peat fires, I am told.
It tends to disperse during the day - for whatever reason. More noticeable at night and early morning.

01 September -
Tomorrow, the first day of school for many young Ukrainians. Traditionally here school starts on the 1st of September.
Shopping malls were busy at the weekend. It will all quieten down shortly as people get back into their routines.
But they will not be used to the barmy weather. 35 predicted for the first day back.[/b]

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:56 am; edited 15 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Soldiers of the ATO at Pisky came under fire from rocket-propelled grenades of terrorists

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:26 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Zakharchenko announced elections "DNR" October 18 "under his own law" (Pulse of Kiev)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:44 am
Donetsk separatists have confirmed that, contrary to the Minsk agreements are going to hold their own "election" on 18 October.
As one of the leaders of the terrorist group "DNR" in the occupied Zakharchenko Donetsk, these "elections", they intend to carry out "of their own law."
The representative of the same groups at the meetings of the Tripartite Liaison Group Pushilin claimed that these elections will not be a violation of the agreements Minsk. According to him, his own "election law" Donetsk separatists "agree to agree with the Ukrainian side."
He also confirmed earlier reports that on Monday the "official invitation" to watch these "elections" will be sent to the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

Is this Putin's latest game?
They won't even allow osce observers in, so election observers? That's why he's cut down the fighting? They'll get plenty of observers from Greece, Austria, and the ultra right wing in France Germany. Same from the ultra- left-wing. Fascists and communists in the same bed.
Putin knows that the west love an "election". Shaun Walker and others reported on the "elections" in occupied Crimea. This will be no different for him, or the Stalin loving editor at the Guardian, Seaumus Milne.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Videofact: Russian terrorist firing at Marinka from the courtyard of an apartment house (Commander)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:52 am

Think of all the weeks that Shaun Walker was in Donetsk - but he never once reported that his "DNR guys" were firing from houses, and hiding behind civilians. Not once...

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty "UDAR" will cease to exist - expert (

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:02 am
Klitchko's party is going to the elections with Poroshenko's block - BPP.
Will they merge for ever?
Klitchko and Lutsenko are both fairly popular in Kiev. Poroshenko and Yatseniuk less so - but then - they are trying to run a bankrupt country with a war against Russia. Not easy.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the Mediterranean Sea revealed one of the largest gas fields (

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:06 am
Eni announced the discovery of the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, one of the world's largest gas fields.
According to the company, Zohr deposit lies at a depth of about a kilometer and a half, according to preliminary estimates, contains 850 billion cubic meters of gas.
Eni CEO said the field, most likely one of the largest in the world and will provide Egypt with gas over the next decade.
Eli has full rights to develop fields in the region and is the largest energy company in Africa.

Not good news for Putin. Maybe some gas for Europe from there also.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Today, Parliament will consider amendments to the Constitution to decentralize power (

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:08 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty The terrorists asked for a truce in the area of ​​Mariupol - fighter ATO (Columnist)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:14 am

also very strange.
Putin changing plan? Now going for Russian "elections" i.e., Zacharchenko as President, with elections held at gunpoint, but he needs some lull in the fighting to get the fascist observers from France plus Shaun Walker and Stalin apologist Seamus Milne into the Donbass?
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Odesa Avtomaidan activists opened 'castle' of Yanukovych's crony Kivalov to the public. PHOTOS

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:21 am
Odesa patriotic activists seized Serhii Kivalov's house in Odesa, better known as 'Harry Potter's House', which officially belongs to the International Humanitarian University, but de-facto was the residence of the former Party of Regions MP. Source:
Lots of photos at the link. Two here -

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Kir1

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Kir2

Probably the university teachers were living in poverty, while the Yanuk bandit was stealing all the funds for this place.
"humanitarian university" - rather like Putin's "humanitarian convoy".

Found a video here

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty From tomorrow alcohol in Ukraine will rise in price by a third (LIGABusinessInform)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:02 am
Ukraine has a massive alcohol problem. And I have seen it destroy so many lives - and families.
This is a move in the right direction - although it will be subject to much opposition, by alcoholics and businessmen.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty The opposition bloc will support the amendment of the Constitution (Business)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:06 am
Together with members of the faction of the Radical Party and "samopomich" their votes for the presidential amendments to the Constitution will give members of the opposition bloc
I thought Liashko and Samopomich were against giving special status to anybody. .. we'll see.
Tymoshenko hasn't decided yet whether to support the changes or not.
Presume she is waiting to see which will give her most Popular support.
The RADA should open at 11.00.
Nothing on any tv channels currently. Now 11.10.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty DNR has invited the OSCE to monitor the "election" (RBC-Ukraine)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:16 am
Note "local elections" in the occupied part of the Donetsk region. held on October 18 on the basis of "the Constitution of the DNR" and its "laws."
Putin's democracy in action.
They won't let the osce into over half of the Russian occupied areas, to observe weapons withdrawal - that never took place - but they can observe elections? What a joke. But a good election for Shaun Walker and the Moscow Putin butt-kissers to observe.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Odessa unknown damaged the office, "opposition bloc", - the Ministry of Interior (RBC-Ukraine)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:21 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty RADA - vote on constitutional changes

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:26 am
Now 11.23
I'm watching News One. Nothing currently on Kanal 5 or Rada TV.
News One shows lots of people in the corridors - press with cameras, some Deputies.
Also they have a feed from a sizeable protest outside the Rada. Presumably people against any changes, rather than in favor.

I expect BPP and Narodni Front to vote in favor.
As for the other parties, anything can happen.
The Opposition Block - Yanukovich's old party - presumably still controlled by Putin - will probably support the changes.
Liashko, Samopomich and Tymoshenko. Anybody's guess.
I presume they need a 2/3rds vote. 300 votes...

Groisman summoned the leaders of the factions (
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Opponents of the constitutional changes blocked the road near the Verkhovna Rada

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:31 am
Opponents of the constitutional changes blocked the road near the Verkhovna Rada
Activists put the car on the carriageway of the road in the government quarter of the capital, so the limited movement of cars on the street Hrushevsky of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the House of officers.
On Monday near the Verkhovna Rada of activists protesting against the vote on amendments to the Constitution, put the car on the carriageway of the road, through the limited movement of cars on the street Hrushevsky Parliament to the House of officers. Reported the State Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev

"Activists put the car on the carriageway of the road in the government quarter of the capital, so the limited movement of cars on the street Hrushevsky of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the House of officers" - said in a statement.

[live on News One channel]
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Looks to me like Liashko has blocked the tribunal. Nothing happening.

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:32 am
Looking at tv now. News One channel.
Looks like kanal 112 have now picked up on this, interviewing people blocking the forum.
Now 11.40. A normal day's work at the ukrainian parliament - nothing happening.

My photo from tv. Looks like Liashko has disappeared - presumably for a meeting with Poro and co.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7648

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk came to the Verkhovna Rada. "Radical Party" continues to block the presidium (Photo)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:44 am
08/31/2015 11:24.
"Radical Party" continues to block the presidium of parliament, representatives of the coalition trying to persuade them to cease these actions
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Groisman trying to get things going - but shouted down by Liashko's gang

Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:11 am
Amazing scenes currently in the Rada.
Looks like Groisman is going to try and conduct proceedings from the lower level.
Liashko controls the speaker's chair. And they are chanting away, trying to stop the Rada working.
320 deputies registered however. Enough - if all vote - for a majority.
Now also on Kanal 5. An absolute farce.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7652

Groisman still speaking now - at 12.16. Liashko chanting away.
Photo below from earlier, Liashko. Parubiy attempting to address the Deputies.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7651
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Amazing scenes in the RADA

Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:27 am
The meeting is going ahead - but almost drowned out by Liashko's gang chanting.
And what is the old witch Tymoshenko going to do?
Normally she will do anything that might be bad for Poroshenko. She wants to be supreme ruler, just like Yanukovich.

Two photos from 2 minutes ago - off the tv...

Tymoshenko still deciding what to do. What will give her the most votes when she runs again for President?

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7653

Liashko's gang screaming, banging around, chanting... and occasionally listening.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7654

I also saw a fight starting between a couple of deputies, but this is nothing new for the Ukrainian parliament.

The wicked witch herself talking. Tymoshenko. Previously Samopomich leader, and Oppostion block - I think Boiko. ?
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty 3000 protesting outside the Rada - against decentralization

Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:50 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty It passed. 265 votes

Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:02 am
Groisman seems happy. But I thought they needed 300 for constitutional changes? Maybe not.
They are now singing the national anthem.
A lot of votes against. A lot of red that I saw.

The Council approved a constitutional amendment on first reading
The bill came during the preliminary voting 265 votes but to vote in general such amount will be insufficient.
Parliament previously approved Petro Poroshenko President proposed text amendments to the Constitution to decentralize power. The decision was supported by 265 MPs.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the ATO zone yesterday 5 soldiers injured; no deaths

Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:12 am
Lysenko briefing.
2 injured in mariupol area. 5 drone flights by Putin's bandits.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Today's vote on the constitutional changes - breakdown photo

Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:20 am
OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Con_vote

Order of parties, going downwards, listing in favour - against. Other numbers in photo - abstentions, did not vote.
Block Poroshenko 115 - 5
Narodni Front 69 - 1
Opposition Block 38 - 0
Samopomich - 5 - 26
Liahko Party - 0 - 21
Batkivshina - 0 - 18
Vidrodjenia Party - 11 - 0
Volya narody - 14 - 1
To get 300 votes. Theoretically BPP has 150 deputies. Also Volya has 20. Narodni Front 82. That's another 50 votes. They would need 35 more to get to 300. for 2/3rds.
Wiki - on the current balance in the Rada
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine Sees ‘Significant’ Drop in Fighting During Past Few Days

Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:07 am
Russian-backed rebels stopped using heavy weapons on Sunday and reduced the intensity of shelling to the lowest level since April 19, Ukrainian officials said yesterday.
In the past 24 hours, rebels fired at government troops from rifles, machine guns and grenade launchers in only 19 instances.

Article slightly wrong.
It is dated today, 31st, but says 19 attacks - but that was Saturday's number. Yesterday - 16.
The question the article should ask is - why?
But it doesn't. Putin has changed plans. But that is not necessarily a good thing.
Maybe a lull, and then all out attack... or suggest a withdrawal again... and then occupy more territory? Who knows...
Putin, Lavrov, Churkin, are mega-liars. You cannot trust them with anything.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty ATO map for 31 August at 00.00

Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:44 am

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] At31

Very quiet.
Putin's next plan about to go into operation, but what is it?

1. A lull, and then all out attack?
2. A lull - fake withdrawal, and then attack and occupy further territory?
3. Realise that the policy in the Donbass was incredibly stupid, has alienated all of Ukraine, and cut your losses before Russia itself disintegrates in a year's time from exhaustion of the emergency fund?
4. Putin himself doesn't know what to do yet?
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Protest continues outside the Rada 15.00

Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:05 am
Photos taken from Kanal 5, live, about 5 minutes ago.
Line of police with riot shields. A few demonstrators left, but not many.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7663

Just noticed the Headline under the photo says more than 10 injured in the protests

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7664

And a couple more photos from inside, earlier -

Turmoil as Groisman tries to get things moving, and Liasko and gang try to stop proceedings

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] DSCF7654

Lutsenko summing up

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Rr7
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Groisman said that the coalition is not destroyed and remains united (Telegraph)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:52 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty In parliament unconstitutional coup takes place - "Right Sector" (Hvilya)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:54 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine Kiev protest blast wounds 100 police after MPs vote [Engl. bbc]

Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:12 am
A missile was hurled from the crowd of demonstrators, many of whom were carrying banners supporting ultra-nationalist Svoboda (Freedom) party.
A loud explosion rang out and an AFP reporter described seeing several people covered in blood.
One policeman's leg was torn off below the knee, Interfax Ukraine reported.
Journalists who had been covering the developments were also among the wounded.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Avakov - outside the Rada more than 90 injured

Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:19 am
Аваков: Під Радою поранено близько 90 осіб
«Це результат кинутих декількох вибухових пристроїв з боку людей у ​​футболках партії „Свобода“,
Clearly blaming Svoboda for the trouble.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty "Samopomich" have excluded from the faction deputies who voted for decentralization

Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:22 am
5 voted with Poroshenko.
Looking harder and harder for Poro to get the 300 votes needed.
And if he fails, then what?
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty One of the National Guard wounded outside the Rada, has died in hospital, - Anton Gerashchenko (Tsenzor.Net)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:25 am

There was an explosion. I thought it was a smoke grenade, but.. looks more serious. Much more serious.
They need to put the barriers up again around the Rada. Too dangerous.
Unarmed policemen getting killed. Blown up.... That is not right outside any parliament anywhere in the world.
Another senseless death in Kiev.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Yatseniuk to make a statement about events outside the Rada

Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:29 am
Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk on Monday will make a statement about the events at the Verkhovna Rada on this day.
As the agency "Interfax-Ukraine" in the government, the prime minister is expected to appeal about 17.00 on Monday.

I also read that Poroshenko is going to make a statement on tv.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Killed in fighting under the Rada National Guard member was shot - Gerashchenko (RBC-Ukraine)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:37 am
Wow... and I was there just a week ago. Right there. Taking a photograph.
This really is a disgrace for Ukraine. Svoboda?
That policeman has certainly lost his freedom.

Reading more - 25 year old conscript from Kherson.
You would have thought being outside the Kiev Rada was safer than being at Shirokino. .. but not in his case. Poor lad.
Update - saying that he was not shot, but hit by shrapnel in the heart.
So somebody was throwing grenades.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:19 am; edited 2 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Jarosch talked about the violence at the Rada (Telegraph)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:41 am
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Poroshenko urgently prepare an appeal to the people (

Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:47 am
TV address.
Klitchko has said that several police officers were killed.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Rebels squabble and exchange fire

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:03 am
The Russian / rebel troops were engaged in firing at their own positions, Information Resistance NGO head Dmytro Tymchuk writes in Facebook Aug. 31.

"The rebels opened fire directed to the depth of their positions several times on Aug. thirty.

Near Svitlodarsk, between Lohvynove and Kalynivka, active small arms fire was observed, followed by the exchange of fire from large-caliber machine guns, bazookas and 82-mm mortars.

More automatic arms fire took place near Pisky and Opytne, with the enemy firing at its flanks.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Under the Rada was killed by shrapnel a National Guard [conscript] (LIGABusinessInform)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:07 am

Looks like Svoboda have joined forces with Putin in killing Ukrainian soldiers.
No other explanation currently for this stupidity.
Has Putin paid Svoboda to start a civil war?
No wonder people are trying to avoid the draft.
Who wants to stand in front of the Rada and get blown up by Svoboda?
The poor lad didn't even get extra pay for being in an ATO zone.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Live briefing now on TV about the death of the national guard conscript

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:14 am
Kanal 5.
If Svoboda members are found to have been throwing grenades, and are responsible for the death of Ukrainian soldiers, I think that is the end of them as a party.
They should be banned, just like the Communist Party. Murderers.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Yatseniuk now live on tv

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:20 am
Kanal 5.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Among those injured under the Rada - two journalists (LIGABusinessInform)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:29 am
At the moment, the metropolitan authorities have identified 56 injured as a result of the clashes near the Verkhovna Rada, of which 54 - law enforcement officers, and two - the journalists. The journalists said the deputy chairman of the KCSA Mikhail Radutsky, reports Ukrinform.

Seems lower than the bbc figure of 100. But who knows...
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Avakov directly accuses Tyagnibok and his party "Svoboda" in the events under the Rada (Interfax-Ukraine)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:40 am
Certainly Avakov now looks like a defender of Ukraine, and Svoboda as killers of Ukrainian conscripts.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Avakov about today's explosion: Attacker detained, about 30 people arrested, more to follow

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:52 am
No political objectives can justify today's violence near the Verkhovna Rada.

As reported by Censor.NET, this was announced by the Interior Minister Arsen Avakov on his Facebook page.

"About 90 people injured near the Verkhovna Rada, including some of them in grave condition. This happened after several explosive devices were thrown by people wearing T-shirts with Svoboda (political party - ed.) insignia, having engaged in a fight with the National Guard officers near the Parliament. Mr. Tiahnybok, would you tell us the difference between Svoboda and the scum firing at our soldiers at the front?!

See more: About 100 law enforcers injured near Verkhovna Rada, 10 in grave condition, - Interior Ministry. PHOTOS

"No political objectives can justify what you have done today near the Verkhovna Rada. This was not a political rally you organized today near the Parliament - you brought the scum, who injured among others more than fifteen soldiers, having returned from the front! Four fighters have got very serious injuries of eyes, abdomen, neck and legs.

"Investigation and punishment are inevitable. About 30 people have already been detained. More arrests are to follow. The attacker has been detained, with grenades, including an F1 anti-personnel fragmentation grenade, having been seized from him.

"I ask for society's full support of the hardest punishment against those involved in the violence in the heart of Kyiv! If we all do not respond, the country will plunge into chaos, following the orders of villains with grenades!" Avakov wrote. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty As a result of the clashes near the Parliament wounded 122 people - A.Avakov (UNN)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:57 am

At that rate Putin doesn't need to invade. He can use Svoboda to wipe out the Ukrainian military!

My take on the situation.
The right-wing in Ukraine have been incredibly stupid - and given Putin a lovely publicity coup.
Deaths in front of the Rada. Ukraine without order - or the order of the Right Sector and Svoboda.

Emotions are running high, of course, but you cannot dictate politics by blowing up Ukrainian soldiers.
Nobody can - neither Putin nor Svoboda.
Svoboda - I don't think Avakov would accuse Svoboda without knowing they are behind this attack.

Kanal 5 news - right now.
Saying - live from a hospital. 1 dead. 1 in a coma. 4 very badly injured.
More than Putin injured today.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine terminates agreement with Russia on defense enterprises

Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:08 am
This has been said in a Cabinet’s decree of August 26 posted on the government website on Monday.

The agreement was extended automatically once in every three years on condition that none of the parties reports a wish to terminate it in writing at least six months prior to the end of the appropriate period.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Why protest? 50 hryvnia and a t-shirt

Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:26 am
Kanal 5 5 minutes ago.
Interviewed two people at the protest and asked why they were there.
One said she was given 50 hryvnia and told to go there.
The second - babushka - said she was given a t-shirt and 50 hryvnia.
Both said that they didn't have the faintest idea what the protest was about.
So - who organised it all? Lots of Svoboda flags, that is for sure.
Police arrested 30 people.
Yatseniuk said that they will find the murderer and prosecute him (or her).
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Who threw the grenade?

Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:42 am
Just watching 2+2 news.
they have already isolated the person who threw the grenade on video. He was stood at the back, in dark clothes.
Surely they can find footage of him. But - if he was wearing a mask, then it will be hard to identify him.
But many others also throwing stones. Some foreigners - tourists injured also.
I don't think they'll be coming back to Ukraine in a rush. Other journalists also injured with stones.
But, of course, the worst injuries were from the grenade. Footage of one French journalist injured in the lower leg.
A lot of blood on the ground after that protest - they showed several pools -
right now -

Saying they've found the guy.
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Join date : 2015-05-29

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty They detained the guy who threw the grenade - batallion SICH.

Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:44 am
Apparently on a break from the frontline.
So NOT a provocation.
One Ukrainian killing another Ukrainian. Madness - playing straight into Putin's hands - just like a civil war. Idiotism, as Yarosh had the guts to say.

Avakov, Arsen. "Погибший солдат Дебрин -24 лет - из Херсона - все-таки осколок в сердце, не пуля. Задержанный гранатометчик - свободовец из Сичи.". Twitter. Retrieved 31 August 2015.

The Sich Battalion (Ukrainian: Батальйон "Сiч"), named after the Sich of the Zaporozhian Cossacks which challenged the Polish, Russian, and Turkish rule of Ukraine, is a special police battalion formed from volunteers in the Kiev area.[1] The unit was formed by the Svoboda party in June 2014[2] and is composed of around 50 volunteers some of whom have prior military service. On 26 August 2014 the battalion had its oath taking ceremony officially making it an active unit.[3] The battalion underwent 2 months of basic training prior to activation, other territorial defense units such as the Svyatyi Mykolai Battalion or Donbass Battalion formed from volunteers at the start of the War in Donbass and began engaging Russian insurgent forces with minimal training or equipment. While Sich Battalion much smaller than the other volunteer territorial defense battalions it was designed for the specific purpose of combating insurgents in the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine.[4]
The head of Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov said a Sich Battalion member was arrested after a member of the National Guard of Ukraine was killed during rioting in Kiev on August 31, 2015.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:59 am; edited 3 times in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty SSU bans entry to 16 Russian artists and media activists

Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:50 am
The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) banned 16 Russian artists and media activists from entering the country, the SSU’s press service said in response to Ukrainian online news source Apostrophe.

In particular, Russian writer Vladimir Kucherenko, Russian publicist Yegor Kholmogorov, and Russian economist and publicist Mikhail Khazin are declared personae non grata in Ukraine.

In addition, the list includes 13 artists: Russian singer Oleg Gazmanov, MP of the State Duma and Russian singer Iosif Kobzon, Russian singer Valeriya Perfilova, Russian music producer Iosif Prigozhin, Russian actor Sergey Bezrukov, Russian actor and singer Mikhail Boyarsky, Russian singer Nikolai Rastorguev, Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin, Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov, Russian singer Grigory Leps, French actor Gerard Depardieu, who was earlier granted Russian citizenship, Russian singer Stanislav Piekha and Russian filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Flowers laid on the Rada steps

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:15 pm
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources]

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