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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources]

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:23 am
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News -
I am still puzzled by he lull in fighting on Saturday. Only 19 attacks by Putin's forces.
Today's figures just released - say 16 attacks.
Update - 0 dead, 5 injured - Lysenko briefing at 1230.
Putin has some plan. What is he doing now?
Has realisation of his stupidity finally set in? I doubt it. He has stoked up hate of Russia in Ukraine for generations to come.

Constitutional changes -
The Rada should vote on this today. Meeting scheduled for 11 am.
Update - Rada tribunal blocked currently - 11.30 - by Liashko and his gang. So expect nothing to happen.
Update at 1300 - passed. 265 votes - enough for a first reading.
But they will need 300 at a further reading for the changes to take effect.
Reports also of some violence outside the Rada. At least 10 injured.
Some reports now say 50 injured, other reports say 100. Reading now of at least one death.
Now say he was 24 year old - newly mobilized. Shrapnel from a grenade.
Svoboda look like the culprits from all I have seen this afternoon on tv. We will see. More below.

Now saying the murderer was a member of the SICH batallion - formed by Svoboda.
So NOT a provocation as some were trying to make out.

Weather -
Hot today. 16 at 0600. High predicted of 30-32. And 35 tomorrow.
Update at 14.00 - 31 where I am. 33 in Odesa. That's in the low 90s there. Toasty.
Real smell of burning in the air again this morning. Had it for the last few days. Peat fires, I am told.
It tends to disperse during the day - for whatever reason. More noticeable at night and early morning.

01 September -
Tomorrow, the first day of school for many young Ukrainians. Traditionally here school starts on the 1st of September.
Shopping malls were busy at the weekend. It will all quieten down shortly as people get back into their routines.
But they will not be used to the barmy weather. 35 predicted for the first day back.[/b]

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:56 am; edited 15 times in total

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty During the clashes at the RADA 124 law enforcement officers injured - the Ministry of Interior (RBC-Ukraine)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:23 pm
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty Poroshenko now live on tv

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:27 pm
kanal 5

Sympathy for those wounded.
Taking about dis-arming the terrorists.
Looks like he needs to disarm some Ukrainians also.
He didn't really say anything about what he would do. But the Rada now needs protection from idiots.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty Now saying 21 law enforcement officers were shot at the Rada today. New information.

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:30 pm
now on Kanal 5.
Earlier reports of shooting.
The boy who died they thought had been shot, but he was hit by shrapnel supposedly to the heart.
now saying 21 others shot.
Just like Yanukovich did to those at Maidan.
This news only from one source - kanal 5 - at the moment.

Maybe Svoboda are really trying to start a civil war. This is absolute madness.
As Yarosh himself said, Idiotism.

No word at all yet from Tiagnibok. Nothing. Silence.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty 2nd source saying 21 shot at the Rada. Twenty-one

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:38 pm
Минздрав: В результате беспорядков под Радой 21 человек получил огнестрельное ранение

"According to the SE" Ukrainian scientific-practical center of emergency medical care and disaster medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "as of 17 hours. 05 min. to the emergency teams (emergency) medical care for medical help turned 44 people (civilians and law enforcement officers), who have suffered 31 August 2015 as a result of clashes between protesters and law enforcers near the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ", - said in a statement.
It is noted that 21 of the injured were diagnosed with a gunshot wound.

In addition, affected obralilis in acute care about: poisoning - 2; slaughtering soft tissue - 4; polytrauma - 5; fracture of the left shin - 1; laceration - 2; ZKTG - 1; stress response - 2; ZCHMT - 4; contusion - 1; concussion - 1.


Strange that they are only now saying this.
I guess they thought they were grenade injuries. But fire arms also.

Found this video
Report says 5 policemen killed. I haven't heard that here yet.

Many other videos. Some blaming Putin, of course.
But the evidence it that it was a Svoboda member who threw the grenade at the police - fresh from the frontline.
Do a search рада граната
Rada grenade - and you will find many videos now. Different angles.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty Oleg Tyagnibok commented on the accusations (

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:03 pm

Now - he could, like Yarosh, have said it was madness and idiotism. And condemned it all but... he doesn't. He blames the Rada and the police.

Saying it was all a provocation... yeah...

Saying that the MPs who voted in favor of the new law were the first provocateurs.
And then the police attacked - they provoked the response.
And then - more provocation - so that the police threw grenades at themselves, and shot themselves, presumably. All a provocation.

There is good video of the guy at the back throwing the grenade. And he was found with a second grenade.
Presumably Tiagnibok will say the video was fake, and ... the grenade was planted on him... mega mega conspiracy....

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty "Svoboda" have blocked Goloseevskaya street, picketing district department of the Interior Ministry, demanding the release of detainees for a fight at BP. Photo-report (Tsenzor.Net)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:11 pm

I presume they want the SICH batallion member who threw the grenade, killing and maming many young people, including veterans of ATO, releasing.
Plus others who maybe shot the policemen in the legs.
Maybe lets release a few rapists and axe-murderers also while we are at it.
Svoboda is finished.
It could have condemned the murder. But instead it wants the murderers released.

I know there is no love lost between Avakov and Tiagnibok, but this violence - murder indeed - cannot be excused or simply forgotten.

Incidentally, I presume this is the police station fairly close to the central bus station. A pleasant residential area - or it was.
Quite close also to the old Karl marx chocolate factory.

Last edited by Nelson on Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty Only one armed provocation by militants in the area of ​​fixed ATO on Monday (Interfax-Ukraine)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:19 pm
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty 20:20 The president called those who did not vote for amendments to the Constitution, "selfish politicians» (

Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:28 pm
«егоїстичними політиканами» Egoists. Tymoshenko for sure. She wants to be president. Nothing has changed there.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty The United States approved the adoption of amendments to the Constitution

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:32 pm
US State Department welcomes the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralization and calls for bringing the perpetrators of the clashes at the parliament. This at a briefing in Washington, said the Deputy Speaker of the US State Department Mark Toner.

"We welcome the vote by the Ukrainian Parliament of the draft constitutional changes regarding decentralization. This is an important step towards good governance for all Ukrainians, it will also help to realize another important part of the Minsk agreement ", - said Toner.

Also, a State Department spokesman said, "We condemn the violence at the parliament, which reportedly resulted in the death of at least one police officer, and dozens injured."

Toner said that the State Department sympathize with the family and friends of the victims and to the families of those injured.

"We urge all Ukrainians, regardless of their political affiliation or association, respect for law and order," - said Toner.

In addition, the United States, he said, fully supported the right of Ukrainian participation in peaceful protests, but "in a democratic community of all disputes should be resolved peacefully and in accordance with the law." In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty Poroshenko called today's bloody events under the Rada "stab in the back"

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:55 pm
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that today's events at the Verkhovna Rada - it is anti-Ukrainian campaign.

He said this in his speech because of the events in Parliament and outside it.

For her, all the organizers must bear a strong responsibility, law enforcement officers are given clear objectives regarding the transparency of the investigation.

"Also as a stab in the back as you can still call the events that unfolded after the vote today in the Verkhovna Rada. It was anti-Ukrainian campaign, for which all of the organizers, without exception, all the representatives of the political forces should bear a strong responsibility. As the legal and I will check, because today I had a meeting with all the security forces are given clear objectives regarding the transparency of the process of investigation and to bring to justice not only the perpetrators, but also the organizers, including the political, "- he said. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty The leader of the militants, "LC" spoke again about joining the "republic" to Russia

Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:09 pm
The leader of the militants, "LC" Igor Carpenter did not rule in the occupied territories of the Luhansk region a referendum on joining the "republic" to Russia.

As leader of the terrorists, the people will support it.

"How can there be against the grandmother who stole the retirement Yatsenyuk, children Day, who wake of the bombing?" - Was quoted as "RIA Novosti".

Recall that the "referendum" which addressed the creation of "Lugansk People's Republic" was held May 11, 2014. In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty Radio Liberty journalists filmed person, who probably threw grenade near Rada. VIDEO

Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:14 am
Radio Liberty journalists Iryna Stelmakh and Levko Stek have filmed a man throwing a grenade towards the law enforcers guarding the building of the Verkhovna Rada.

Radio Liberty posted the footage on its website, Censor.NET repots.
The statement reads: "The moment of explosion was filmed from two angles: from the building of the Verkhovna Rada and the square in front of the parliament. The video clearly shows a man pulling out an explosive device from black backpack and throwing it at the cordon of law enforcers. The person has escaped from the scene immediately after that. It is evident from the video filmed by the other camera. It is difficult to identify the person while his face is covered by a medical mask."

To read further go to this link: In Russian
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Monday 31 August [Ukrainian sources] - Page 2 Empty PACE Сondemned the Visit Of the French MPs To the Crimea And Is To Develop Rules For Visiting the Occupied Territories

Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:40 am
Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has considered a conflict situation regarding the unauthorized visit of the French MPs, including the head of the Monitoring Committee Thierry Mariani, to Crimea.

This was said by the head of the Ukrainian delegation to the PACE, Volodymyr Aryev, who participated in the meeting of the Bureau, during his interview with Evropeiska Pravda.

As you know, a deputy of the National Assembly of France Thierry Mariani was the leader of a group of deputies who visited Crimea in late July.

According to Aryev, the Bureau was unanimous in condemning the French politician, but did not have legal instruments to punish him.

The governing body of the Assembly, however, decided that there is a need to develop rules that would guide the rest of the PACE members when visiting the occupied territories in the future.

“The case of Mariani was sent to the procedural committee. Bureau proposed to develop recommendations for such visits. Regarding distrusting him as a head of the committee – he said that if accused of manipulations to the Committee, he would immediately resign, “- said Volodymyr Aryev.

The meeting of the Migration Committee on the migration will take place in Strasbourg on 28 or 29 September, during the regular session of the PACE.

All five Ukrainian members of the Migration Committee, including Nadiia Savchenko, have signed an appeal to the Committee on Mariani’s resignation from his post.
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