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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:14 am

Please scroll down to view news items added during the day

News -
Putin's forces attacked Ukrainians 52 times yesterday.
Sadly - 2 soldiers died. Shelling at Avdeevka.

Weather -
+2 this morning. And more lovely sunshine. Forecast for +10. Looks like the start of Spring ))
Ukraine has survived another winter without Russian gas. Putin's system of blackmail is slowly failing.

Observation -
I've been visiting a member of the Ukrainian armed forces in hospital the last few days.
Looking out of the window of the hospital I've seen the grounds gradually greening up. Looking like Spring.
Also heard some political talk at the hospital that Yatseniuk had agreed to go. But this looks like pure speculation.
Many are not happy with the government. Times are hard, and many prices - gas, electricity - still rising.

Last edited by Nelson on Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:51 am; edited 2 times in total
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty "Hot" in Avdeevka and Marinka areas - HQ

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:16 am
Headquarters: "hot" was all about Avdeevki and Marynky
Sunday, March 6, 2016, 7:03
The militants over the past day 52 times opened fire on positions forces ATO.
The press center ATO Staff reports page on Facebook.
"37 attacks recorded in the Donetsk area, Mariupol 10 and 5 in Lugansk," - said in a statement.
For positions APU militants fired mortar and artillery large caliber, firing with about 150 mines and 22 shells. The most difficult situation was in the area Avdeevki.
Militants throughout the day until midnight and fired grenades from different systems, heavy machine guns and small arms reinforcement forces ATO near the towns Novgorod, Trinity, Luhansk, Shyrokino, Mayorsk, Zaitsev and Novozvanivka. Snipers fired Russian terrorists near Pisky and Starohnativky.
There remains a tense situation in the area of ​​Marinka. Checkpoints "Marinka" sniper fired...
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukrainians urged to go to Maidan to support Savchenko [today, noon]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:26 am
Ukrainians urged to enter the Maidan to support Savchenko
Sunday, March 6, 2016, 00:31
Ukrainian social networks calling for March 6 to enter the Maidan demanding release illegally arrested in Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko and MP.
Action under the slogan #FreeSavchenko! will start at 12:00 on Sunday, March 6, at the Independence Square.
"This is an international event. We set off our internal affairs to support our international policy. No party flags. Only state flags, symbols Ukrainian, women and wreaths hashtag #FreeSavchenko", - the report said activists.
Earlier, lawyer Mark Feigin Savchenko announced an international action in support Savchenko on the day trial 9 March.
Recall Savchenko announced a dry hunger strike after a court decision to postpone the meeting until 9 March...

It should be a lovely warm day. Particularly in the afternoon.
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Yatsenyuk reminded that it is "time to go"

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:33 am
Yatsenyuk reminded how important it is "time to go"
Saturday, March 5, 2016, 23:02
Ukraine needs a complete "reboot": notorious resignation of ministers and the Attorney General, deprivation of deputy mandates "gray cardinal" and change the prime minister who had lost the support of parliament, society and foreign investors.
This was stated by MP from the MFP Sergei Leshchenko in his blog on the Ukrainian Pravda.
According to him, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk is not a sufficient counterweight to President Poroshenko in curbing corruption: "The system of checks and balances in Ukraine is not working, and law enforcement agencies fully involved in the process of achieving political goals."
"In Ukraine Yatsenyuk and Poroshenko are not opponents. They essentially represent a party ... Instead of checks Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk just joined the conspiracy, corruption flows dividing and dividing spheres of enrichment," - said the MP....

Yatseniuk - I think being chosen by all as the "sacrificial lamb".
He brought in all the changes needed by the EU AA and the IMF. Got the loans. And now - the MPs - and many of the the people, I have to say - want him to go.
But - in all honesty - it will change nothing. Hard decisions still have to be made.
In my opinion Ukraine needs more direct help from the west. Otherwise people will be asking for Yanukovich to come back. Most of the babushkas are already.
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Between Minsk and Kiev a passport conflict erupted (Charter'97)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:42 am
...Department of Consular Service of the MFA of Ukraine issued a formal response to the statement of the State Border Committee of Belarus that the Ukrainian passport as ID-card (e-passport) is not regarded as a valid document for crossing the Belarusian border.
ABAC recalls that relations between the two countries is valid intergovernmental agreement on visa-free trips of citizens of 12 June 2009. In accordance with Article 1 of the Ukrainians must carry one of the following documents: passport of the citizen of Ukraine Ukrainian passport to travel abroad, a diplomatic, official passport, travel document child....

Belarus dictator Lukashenko now trying to cause problems for Ukrainians also. For people who live near the border and visit relatives - this must cause serious problems.
Will Ukraine react likewise?
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Russia have counted more than two thousand Russians who "died" in the Donbas (NewsOboz)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:50 am
As of September 1, as a result of hostilities in the Donbas killed 2081 Russian. The corresponding list with the names of the victims published in the Community "Cargo-200 from Ukraine to Russia".
As reported in a community of more than 2 thousand dead buried only 649 people. The community also urged the Russians to print lists and distribute in their area, because people need to know the truth, reports

People need to know the truth?
We're talking about Russia. In Russian people need to know what Putin tells them to know. Nothing more, nothing less. Mindless sheep waving the flag.
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty "Ukraine can get visa-free regime" in 2017 - an interview with the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius (

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:57 am
This really is becoming a joke.
It was summer 2015, then January 2016, then July 2016, and now 2017 !!!! The EU playing games with Ukraine.
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia ‘stoking refugee unrest in Germany to topple Angela Merkel’ [engl]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:19 am
Russia is trying to topple Angela Merkel by waging an information war designed to stir up anger in Germany over refugees, Nato’s most senior expert on strategic communications has claimed.
The attempt to provoke the removal of the German leader, who has been a strong supporter of sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s regime, is said to have been identified by Nato analysts...
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry: NATO should stop feeding the trolls Russian

Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:59 am
"Enough: NATO should stop feeding the trolls Russian!" - Writes in his column for POLITICO Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius.

The head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that for many years the Alliance talked to Russia, as a partner. The basis of this dialogue was the confidence that the Kremlin simply abused. He intimidated his neighbors, and trying to block accession to NATO countries of Central Europe.

"And all this time the Alliance continued to hope for a constructive dialogue with Moscow. NATO agreed to cooperate with Russia in the field of air defense, even after the military aggression in Georgia in 2008, restricting only the abolition of a number of official meetings. This approach is due to the West's belief that any disputes can be resolved at the negotiating table. But this approach needs to be changed ", - writes the Lithuanian diplomat.

Linkevičius notes that NATO should finally understand all the discussion - is just a cover for the aggressor. "Relations between Russia and NATO is now the worst in recent years. But it was not because the governments of democratic countries expressed "deep concern" over Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Bad relations with NATO - and it is a result of the Russian aggression, "- said head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry.

Linas Linkevičius also points out that Russia grossly violated international law and the sovereignty of Ukraine, annexing Crimea. "Her tanks still romp through the streets of Donetsk, as well as all Russian bullets kill Ukrainian soldiers defending their homeland" - outraged Lithuanian.

Also, according to him, outside of Ukraine Kremlin continues massive propaganda campaign aimed at the split in NATO and the European Union. And Russia has gone so far as to use for propaganda purposes migration crisis.

"Are these actions correspond to Dmitry Medvedev's statements on willingness to cooperate?" - Asks Linkevičius.

According to the diplomat, a sincere dialogue between Russia and NATO should assume specific actions. For example, Moscow could start with the removal of troops from Donbass and transmission control borders Ukraine. Also, according to Linkevičius, Russia should return the Crimea.

"It will not happen overnight. But Russia must take the first steps to prove that she really wants a constructive dialogue ", - believes Linkevičius.

Lithuanian Minister sure: if Vladimir Putin met principled position of the West in the Crimea, the residents of Lugansk and Donetsk regions would not have to live in conditions of war.

"In relations with Russia, the West must start from the fact that Moscow does, not what it says" - sums up Lynas Linkevičius. In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukrainian Catholics asked the Pope to help end the war in the Donbas

Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:02 am
Representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the members of the Permanent Synod met in Rome with Pope Francis. This was reported by "The League" , with reference to the diocese of St. Vladimir the Great in Paris.

On behalf of the UGCC asked the pontiff to help end the war and alleviate the humanitarian crisis triggered by Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

"We have come to reaffirm our unity with the Holy Father and ask for his annual charity to help people who are suffering in Ukraine. Dad heard us, "- he said after the meeting the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Sviatoslav Shevchuk.

Representatives of the UGCC Synod and prepared public appeal, which refers to the aggression and hybrid war against Ukraine, as well as the suffering of millions of people.

"The Church condemns the atrocities, abductions, detention and torture against individuals and groups in the Donbass and the Crimea, especially against the Crimean Tatars, as well as disregard for religious freedom and the dignity of millions of people", - the report says.

UGCC has assured that it is willing to provide a transparent administration of international aid for the whole Ukrainian society, not taking into account nationality, language or religion of people.

"We are ready to cooperate with other governmental and non-governmental organizations. Enough suffering. They can be prevented. They can heal. Let's make the year a reality of God's mercy for the Ukrainians ", - said the head of the UGCC. In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty UK collects on Putin's dossier to the tribunal

Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:33 am
British intelligence and the police collect evidence of crimes of the Russian military in Syria for Vladimir Putin's persecution. This was reported by the British edition of Daily Mail.

Journalists claim that representatives of Scotland Yard are now in the capital of Lebanon - Beirut, to monitor the air strikes, which Russia does in neighboring Syria. Numerous sources of British intelligence reported that the Russian bombing led to hundreds of civilian casualties. Under the strikes hit hospitals and schools.

According to British press reports, London has collected secret dossiers on Putin, that proves his involvement in crimes against humanity. And it can be used against the Russian president at the international tribunal.

Daily Mail notes that the collection of compromising material on Putin's information came after British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond warned Moscow that the bombing of hospitals can be regarded as war crimes. In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Kyiv, threw fireworks at the Embassy of Russia (VIDEO)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:33 am
In Kiev, on the night of March 6, unknown attacked the Russian embassy. Video attacks participants posted on the network.

Judging by the roller, the protesters pelted pyrotechnics embassy building and damaged several cars with sledgehammers with the numbers of the Russian Embassy Series «D001». The machines have broken glass, mirrors and hoods.

Embassy Guard fired several shots into the air to scare away the attackers.

The participants of the attack said that dedicated their action Hope Savchenko.

/ In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Kyiv will hold picket the Russian Embassy

Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:01 am
Today, 6 March, in Kiev activists gathered under the Russian Embassy, ​​demanding the immediate release Ukrainian pilots, People's Deputy Hope Savchenko and other Ukrainians from Russian captivity, reports "RBK-Ukraine".

"If before 12:00, March 9, Hope Savchenko and other political prisoners (Nicholas Karpyuk, Oleg Sentsova, Stanislav Klich et al.) Are released from Russian jails, President Petro Poroshenko must immediately break off diplomatic relations with Russia and send a diplomatic representative of the Russian Federation from the territory of our state, "- require the organizers of the picket.

Activists believe that the whole Russian business should be stopped in Ukraine. "Banks, businesses and other movable and immovable property which belongs to the representatives of the aggressor, should be immediately nationalized" - they added.

Recall, as reported by "Commander", yesterday, March 5, actions in support of Ukrainian pilots started in the Czech Republic. In Prague, activists have begun a five-day strike under the walls of Prague Castle. In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russian plane flying to India, made an emergency landing

Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:02 am
Flying from Moscow to Goa airliner crash sat in Astrakhan. This was reported by the Russian news agency "Interfax".

"Boeing" airline "Royal Flight" had to land due to electronics failure. On board were 224 passengers, said the spokesperson of the central board of Emergencies Ministry in the Astrakhan region, Dmitry Dubrovsky.

Recall, as reported by "Commander", in February this year had to emergency land another Russian vessel - Boeing 777 "Orenburg airlines" are sent from the Dominican Republic to Moscow.

The plane made an emergency landing at the airport in Punta Cana a few minutes after takeoff. On board were tourists from Russia. of victims of the incident did not have data.

Then it was noted that the cause of problems in the operation of the aircraft could become a mechanical failure. In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In Chastye district detained Russian. He was drunk and armed (VIDEO)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:28 am
On the night of March 5, the city of Luhansk region Chastye Ukrainian armed military detained a citizen of Russia. This broadcast channel "112 Ukraine" said the press officer of the sector "Lugansk" Eugene Silkin.

According to Silkin, the Russian military is a terrorist organization "LC". The officer reports, the gunman was drunk and went to the Ukrainian military accidentally. "He was armed with small arms, but he was in a state of alcoholic intoxication, so our military believe that he just lost, but he was captured, verified and submitted to the Security Service of Ukraine", - said Silkin.

Recall, today the Security Service of Ukraine reported on the detention of an informant, "DNR". In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Two Ukrainian soldiers killed in Donbas yesterday [Engl]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:48 am
...."In the last day, we lost two Ukrainian soldiers as a result of military clashes. It happened near the town of Avdiyivka after the enemy was firing 120mm mortars on our position," Motuzianyk said.....
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty 'I saw how people were sent for training in the Rostov region', – ‘DPR’ militant apprehended in Donbas. VIDEO [Engl]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:58 am
....Employees of the SBU apprehended the militant in his home village on Ukraine-controlled territory, where he came to visit his parents. ...
See also two posts' up, post by Admin.
Another of Shaun Walker's "DNR guys". Why doesn't he just move to Russia? And why doesn't Walker report about Putin training terrorists in Rostov? Shaun Walker, correspondent for "Russiaprofile" formerly RIA Novosti, and also writes Kremlin propaganda for Seaumus Milne, the Stalinist side-kick of Corbyn, at the Guardian.

Last edited by Nelson on Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty High-ranking Russian officers arrived at Donbas to investigate data leak, - Defense Ministry Intelligence. PHOTOS [Engl]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:14 am

Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported about new facts of participation of staff officers of the Armed Forces of Russia in war crimes in the Donbas. The International Criminal Court will be provided with this information.

Censor.NET reports citing the press service of Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense.

Major General Igor Timofeev (cover name - Sokolov) is the commander of the 3rd separate motorized rifle brigade (Horlivka) of the 1st Army Corps (Donetsk) of territorial troops Center of the Southern Military District of the Armed Forces of Russia. Before arriving at the Donbas, he commanded the 33th separate motorized rifle brigade (Maikop) of the 49th Army of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces.

According to the intelligence data, Commission of Southern Military District of the Russian Army has arrived at the headquarters of the 1st Army Corps (Donetsk) on March 5.

The main task of the commission is to establish the causes of disclosure of real names and positions of Russian staff officers in the Donbas. The basic version is a deliberate data leak as a result of domestic conflict or the desire for early return to Russia (to avoid battle actions).The main inspectors are: the commander of the 1st Army Corps Russian Major General Valeriy Asapov; his deputy, Colonel Evgeniy Chirkov; the commander of the 2nd Motorized Rifle Brigade (Luhansk) of the 2nd Army Corps Colonel Andrei Ruzinskiy; the commander of the 9th special motorized rifle regiment of marines (Novoazovsk) of the 1st army Corps Colonel Dmitriy Bondarev. ...
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty More than two thousand Russians killed in the Donbass - volunteers [Ru source]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:23 am
On the Donbas killed more than 2 thousand Russians -. Volunteers

On the Donbas killed more than 2 thousand Russian citizens, including -. Journalists and Russian soldiers
Among the 12 journalists killed, all but one were members of Russian or separatist media.
The updated list compiled by volunteers, contains the names of 2081
On the Donbas killed more than two thousand Russian citizens, including -. Journalists and Russian soldiers. Write about this "News of Donbass" with reference to the group of volunteers "Cargo-200 from Ukraine to Russia" to Facebook.
The updated list compiled by volunteers, contains the name of 2081. It is noted that the volunteers do know about the burial of 649 Russian soldiers who took part in the fighting in the Donbass, and the circumstances in which they died.
Information about another 194 citizens specified by volunteers.
Among the 12 journalists killed, all but one were members of Russian or separatist media....

And these are only the ones we know about.
I wonder if their families think it was worth the sacrifice, just to create some propaganda for Putin's next re-election campaign?
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia has deployed in the Donbass 5 more tanks, 4 SAUs, 6 howitzers and 5 BMPs - Intelligence (Tsenzor.Net)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:36 am
Russia has deployed in the Donbass 5 tanks, SAU 4, 5 and 6 howitzers BMP - Exploration Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (Tsenzor.Net)
....Russia throws the occupied Donbass arms and military equipment, ammunition and fuel and lubricants.
According Tsenzor.NET referring to the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, recorded the arrival of trains from Russia to the following locations:
- Khartsyzsk - 3 T-72 tanks, BMP 5, 2 152-mm self-propelled artillery units (SAU), 6 122-millimeter howitzer D-30, 120 tons of fuel and lubricants, and 2 car with the outfit (the train was accompanied by Major Armed forces of the Russian Federation Sergey V. Dmitriev (identification officer - AA №0410408), holding the position of "chief of military transport Division of the Office of the rear of the 1st army corps (Donetsk), the Center for the territorial forces of the Southern military District of the Armed forces");
- Ilovaysk - 2 tanks, 2 self-propelled guns, 23-millimeter anti-aircraft gun on the MT-LB, 160 tons of diesel fuel and 3 wagons of ammunition (the train accompanied by Major Russian Armed Forces Pastarnak Denis V. (Russian passport - 0703 416 325), the incumbent " a senior officer of the military transport Division of the Office of the rear of the 1st army corps Center territorial forces of the Southern military District of the Russian Federation Armed forces ").

Mega Russian involvement now. I would think the residents would be very happy for the Russian occupiers to leave now, but - no chance. Putin is a dictatorial nutcase.
Putin employing the "opposite" of Minsk - introducing more and more weapons. And more and more foreign (i.e. Russian) soldiers.
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty From Donetsk morgue the bodies of 15 Russian Armed Forces personnel were taken to Russia - intelligence (

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:43 am
From Donetsk morgue body was taken to the Russian Armed Forces 15 military - intelligence (
It also reported cases of desertion of personnel.
There are reports of loss of new Russian military in Donbas. This is to inform the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine.
According to the report, March 4, from the morgue of the Donetsk Regional Hospital to Russia were taken the bodies of 15 servicemen of the Armed Forces [of RF]. In addition, due to the reluctance to take part in the fighting in the 1 AK Armed Forces, documented cases of desertion personnel. 5 March two soldiers 5 separate motorized rifle brigade (Donetsk) willfully left the place of service and service weapon, having gone back to Russia.
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Rally in support of Savchenko at the Russian embassy in Kiev ended (24 channel)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:48 am
Not sure how many were there. Plenty of eggs, iodine and the like ))
Numbers - perhaps get some idea from the video here from 24 kanal

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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty New video of Kremlin preparations to take Crimea (NewsOboz)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:02 pm
The network has video surveillance cameras in Sevastopol, dated 6 March 2014, in which Russian soldiers prepare for the operation to seize the Crimea.
"Sevastopol exactly 2 years ago. Recording with cameras 6 March 2014. During the period of the operation to the annexation of the Crimea from the territory of the Black Sea Fleet Training Unit, located on the street. Lazarevskaya (Black Sea Branch of Moscow State University, Sevastopol) around the clock, especially at night , arriving and departing army trucks, armored cars "Tiger" and buses. to rotate the personnel divisions of Russian troops to the places of block units of the Armed forces of Ukraine. to coordinate their actions, surveillance and wiretapping including mobile communications involved the FSB, who moved to the civil and military special vehicles (note the white car Gazelle), "- wrote in his Facebook volunteer international community InformNapalm Roman Burko.
"The territory of the Training Unit of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, the main base of illegal armed groups, and videos directly prove their belonging to the armed forces of the Russian Federation", - he added.

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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty "Shakhtar" beat "Vorskla" and draw level with "Dynamo" (Football 24)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:14 pm
I think both on 46 points. Very close at the top of the Ukrainian football league this year.
Other football news - sadly reading that Andre Schevchenko's father died.
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty How to understand Putin’s jaw-droppingly high approval ratings [Engl; WP]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:10 pm
....“Oy! I already have a headache!” one woman said when Kostyrya told her that the survey was about politics. Over the course of five hours, Kostyrya conducted just five interviews after knocking on 144 doors — a worse response rate than comparable door-to-door surveys in the United States.....
One 62-year-old woman answered the door in a blue daisy-print housedress and slippers.... .
A few floors above, a 70-year-old man wearing a thick gray sweater answered the door. He trusted Putin, he said....

Say no more.
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukrainians rally to demand Russia release Savchenko [Engl]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:23 pm
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — About 2,000 people rallied on Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday to demand that Russia release Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko, with hundreds then marching to the Russian Embassy to vent their anger by throwing eggs and rocks at the building....
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Thousands stage anti-Russian protest in Georgia capital [Engl]

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:27 pm
Thousands of opposition supporters rallied Sunday in the Georgian capital Tbilisi against the government's controversial plan to purchase natural gas from arch-foe Russia's state-owned energy giant, Gazprom.
Holding Georgian flags and chanting "No to Gazprom!" protesters formed a six-kilometre human chain
stretching across the city, from the Russian embassy building to the government headquarters.
The protest was organised by former president Mikheil Saakashvili's staunchly pro-Western United National Movement party (UNM), which has long accused the Kremlin of using Gazprom as a political weapon in a bid to prevent Georgia from forging closer ties with the West....
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Kiev protests urge Russia to release pilot Savchenko

Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:57 pm
...Ms Savchenko has become a heroine in Ukraine and is seen as a symbol of the country's resistance against Russia....
Pretty cr@p bbc report, to be honest. Clearly they have no reporters in Ukraine. Short-sighted. Stupid.
But the photos, taken from various networks, are quite nice -

The crowd on Maidan,

Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Nad1

and also at Maidan, I think.
The sign around Putin's neck says убийца - killer.

Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Nad2
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine strongly disagree with appeals in OHCHR report to legitimize documents issued by self-proclaimed 'authorities' in Crimea and Donbas

Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:08 pm
"We strongly disagree with the appeals contained in the report to legitimize the documents issued by the illegal occupant self-proclaimed "authorities" of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and of certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, as well as to any kind of cooperation between them and the Government of Ukraine," the ministry said in comments to the OHCHR report for the period of November 15, 2015 to February 15, 2016 published on March 3.

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine said that Ukrainian diplomats share the conclusion of the authors of the report on the relevance of the Minsk agreements and the importance of their implementation in order to stop large-scale human rights violations.

"However, we believe that the Mission should be more precise and objective in determining the real reasons, the level of responsibility for such violations and the exact role of the Russian Federation, the ongoing military aggression of which is clearly the root cause of this shameful phenomenon," the ministry said.

"The 13th OHCHR Report once again proved the mass atrocity crimes committed against our citizens by the Russian occupation authorities in Crimea as well as the Russian military and their proxies in Donbas. Once again we are compelled to note the continued criminal practice of murder of civilians, kidnapping, torture, sexual violence, forced labor, extortion of money and other human rights violations the Ukrainian citizens suffer every day," the ministry said...................

To read further go to this link: 
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Intelligence reports the Russian army losses in the Donbas

Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:12 pm
Ukrainian intelligence claims about the latest casualties of the Russian troops in the occupied territories of Donbass. It is reported by the press service of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense.

"Fourth of March from the morgue of the Donetsk Regional Clinical Hospital of the Russian Federation exported 15 dead bodies of servicemen of the Armed Forces," - said in a statement.

In addition, according to the survey, due to the reluctance to engage in combat cases of desertion personnel continue. "Fifth day of March two soldiers 5 separate motorized rifle brigade (Donetsk) voluntarily left the place of service and service weapon and left for Russia", - reported in the department.

Earlier, the Ukrainian volunteers informed of the death of the Donbas from the beginning of the ATO 2 thousand Russians, in particular, they have found out about the burial of 649 Russian soldiers who fought in the Donbas. In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine is losing the referendum on association with the EU in the Netherlands - Kuleba

Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:14 pm
Ukraine is that losing a referendum on association with the EU, which is scheduled for April 6 in the Netherlands. This was stated by Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba, reports "Gromadska".

However, in this matter the dynamics is positive, he said.

"The dynamics of positive and the number of those who would vote against the association gradually decreases. And we are working to get a positive result, "- said Kuleba.

According to him, the opponents of Ukraine for the referendum using the substitution of notions.

"They are in the Netherlands spread the idea that it is not an association agreement and membership agreement", - said Kuleba. In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Under fire in the Donbas was a Russian general

Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:07 am
Major General Rustam Muradov, who is on the Donbass observer mission came under fire.

This was at a press briefing on Sunday, 6 March, said "deputy commander of the Ministry of Defense of self-proclaimed DND" Eduard Eduard Basurin, reports , referring to RIA Novosti.

"Yesterday (March 5th - Ed.) At 19:15 in the area Yasinovataya (Donetsk region - Ed.) Took fire from an RPG, and anti-aircraft heavy machine guns, as a result of which he fell under the Russian representatives in STSKK in particular-General . Major Muradov The shelling lasted for 15-20 minutes, "- said Eduard Basurin. In Russian
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty

Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:59 am
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Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Re: Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Sunday 06 March. [Ukrainian sources]

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