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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko Free Now

Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:29 am
SBU opened a case against the officials of the Russian Federation for the abduction Savchenko

Against Russian officials reported the criminal proceedings in connection with the situation around the people's deputy of Ukraine of the delegation to the PACE Hopes Savchenko. This was reported by the Ukrainian Security Service on Twitter.

"Registered criminal proceedings against officials of the Russian Federation for the kidnapping Hope Savchenko," - said the report. In Russian

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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Re: Savchenko Free Now

Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:40 pm
It seems that Russia is going to give Savchenko - lawyer

One of the lawyers of the People's Deputy of Ukraine Savchenko hopes Ilya Novikov said that recently the investigation into her case has accelerated sharply.

He said this in an interview with "Novaya Gazeta".

"I must say that the investigation recently customize itself. For example, when we talked to investigators, that we can not come, we are busy, we have other things to do, the investigator himself came to us and brought to sign the papers because he had to be sure the same day to report, "- said Novikov.

According to him, the investigation has accelerated dramatically before being detained by the ATO in the Luhansk region, Russian Special Forces - Sergeant Alexander Alexandrov and Captain Yevgeny Yerofeyev. The lawyer explains that the "command has been given." "Apparently, the decision has been made as soon as possible after the trial court and to negotiate at the level of diplomacy," - said Novikov.

He also believes that everything goes to the fact that Russia intends to "give Savchenko."

"At my current assessment is more to this, because no bonuses that keep her here, the Kremlin does not receive. And all that is needed in terms of public opinion, they made that it will be condemned. And after it condemned, it brings no benefit will not, and will bring inconvenience, because the pressure from the Europeans for her release will only increase, "- said Novikov.

Asked how long the court may appoint Savchenko, Novikov said: "It is easy can be 13-16 years. I would like to emphasize that this is the rare case when we do not intend, in principle, to work in the plane of the punishment, and we are absolutely not interested in what there is a figure. "

According to Novikov, lawyers Savchenko their task in the court sees to "show everyone how the investigation was going, so just turn it all inside-out underwear, **** out", as well as gain additional points of support outside Russia Savchenko.

Recall Savchenko Nadezhda militants kidnapped in the Donbass in the summer of 2014, and then it moved to Russia, where he was accused of involvement in the deaths of Russian journalists. At the same time, according to the defense, she could not be involved in the deaths of journalists, as was captured before their death.

October 26, 2014 at the extraordinary elections Savchenko was elected to the parliament on the list of the party "Fatherland." The Verkhovna Rada has delegated it to the PACE.

April 24, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation presented Savchenko final charge alleged complicity in the murder of two or more persons and illegal border crossing.

On May 21, her lawyer, Mark Feigin, said: "The preliminary investigation is completed. Further examination of art. 217 Code of Criminal Procedure. Familiarization with 24 volumes provided investigation will take about six weeks. Then, the indictment, the preliminary hearing. Therefore, the court can take place in August. " Feigin said Savchenko charged with three counts: complicity in the murder of Russian journalists, illegally crossing the Russian border, as well as the attempted murder of five people. We are talking about citizens who escaped after firing at Russian correspondents Lugansk, he said. In Russian

They'll probably find her guilty and waive sentencing. Or sentence her, then release her. Seems like the global pressure's getting to them, but the damage has been done. Any respect anyone had towards the Kremlin, it's totally gone. Their threats no longer scare anyone, except Europe.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Re: Savchenko Free Now

Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:23 am
Savchenko may be sentenced to 13-16 years - lawyer ovikov

Ilya Novikov, a lawyer of captive Ukrainian pilot, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament Nadya Savchenko, said that the investigation had dramatically accelerated even before two Russian special forces officers were detained by the Ukrainian military in the east of Ukraine, according to Russia's Novaya Gazeta.

"It must be noted that investigators have recently started to whip themselves up. For example, when we told an investigator that we couldn't come, we were busy and had other things to do, the investigator could come to us on his own to bring papers for signing because he had to report on this on the same day," Novikov told Novaya Gazeta.............

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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Re: Savchenko Free Now

Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:03 pm
Moscow activist fined for picket in support Savchenko

Preobrazhensky Court of Moscow fined activist Habib Pogosyan 20 thousand rubles for a single picket in front of the detention center, "Matrosskaya Tishina", which contains the former Ukrainian soldiers Savchenko Nadezhda, accused of involvement in the murder of Russian journalists at Lugansk. On Friday, June 5, the site of the project "Police-info" referring to the online edition of ""

The decision to fine the activist received the judge Leonid Garbar. Himself Poghosyan told "" said that in the course of the proceedings made a lot of violations.

In particular, according to the publication, in the protocol of arrest activists say he shouted: "Putin - a liar." Activist claims that stood silent. He intends to appeal the decision.

"It's totally false. There is no evidence the prosecution has not provided, "- said Pogosyan.

A series of pickets in support of Hope Savchenko held in Moscow on the birthday of the former Ukrainian soldiers, May 11. On that day, the "Matrosskaya Tishina" detained eight, among whom was a journalist from Ukraine. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Moscow Court Extends Savchenko's Pretrial Detention

Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:57 pm
Russian news agencies reported that the Moscow City Court issued the ruling on June 10.

Savchenko, 34, has been jailed in Russia since July 2014.

She says she was illegally brought into Russia after being abducted by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

She is charged with complicity in the killing of two Russian journalists who died in the Ukraine conflict, as well as illegal border crossing.

Savchenko denies her guilt and says Russia has no right to detain her.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty EU demands release of Hope Savchenko

Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:50 pm
The European Union declares that "strongly demands from Russia to release Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko."

A statement on the extension of detention in custody Savchenko made on Wednesday in Brussels spokesperson of EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.

"The European Union firmly calls her release. This would be consistent with "the complex of measures to implement the agreements and commitments of Minsk to release all hostages and detainees related to the conflict in Ukraine", - said in a statement.

The EU recalled that a year ago Savchenko was captured Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. "365 days of detention, most of them in Russia, seriously affected her health. She has repeatedly denied the right to a fair trial ", - stated in the EU.

Pointing out that last week's Russian court decided to extend her time in prison until September 30, and the investigation carried out by the Russian authorities, was closed, and the trial of her case has not yet been announced, the EU expressed the belief in the "unreasonableness extension of its content custody. "

Recall, June 17, 2014 Savchenko militants kidnapped in the Donbass, and then it moved to Russia, where he was accused of involvement in the deaths of Russian journalists. At the same time, according to the defense, she could not be involved in the deaths of journalists, as was captured before their death.

October 26, 2014 at the extraordinary elections Savchenko was elected to the parliament on the list of the party "Fatherland." The Verkhovna Rada has delegated it to the PACE.

April 24, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation presented Savchenko final charge alleged complicity in the murder of two or more persons and illegal border crossing.

May 21, her lawyer Mark Feigin said that the preliminary investigation is completed. Feigin said Savchenko charged with three counts: complicity in the murder of Russian journalists, illegally crossing the Russian border, as well as the attempted murder of five people. Refers to the citizens who escaped after firing at Lugansk Russian correspondents, he said.

May 6 Basmanny Court of Moscow extended the arrest Savchenko until 30 June.

The Moscow City Court on June 10 at the request of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation extended the arrest Savchenko another three months - until September 30, up to 15 months of detention.

Total in Russia illegally hold about 30 citizens of Ukraine. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty The Kremlin can give Savchenko 13 years - lawyer

Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:16 pm
People's deputy of Ukraine, aviatrix Savchenko Nadezhda, which illegally held in Moscow, could get 13 years prison term in Russia. This was on "the details of the week" said her lawyer Ilya Novikov.

"The verdict is guilty, and about 13 years maybe more. We are not interested and do not bother. We understand that it is not dependent on this figure when she gets home, "- said Novikov.

According to the lawyer, the protection of Ukrainian pilots does not expect a fair verdict because justice in Russia has changed over the last 20 years.

"Justice is not justice. Russian justice has become in the last 20 years ridiculous. Savchenko not let go just like that. It will be a blow to the country's leadership, "- said Novikov. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko requests that her case considered the trial by jury

Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:30 pm
Ukrainian pilot, MP Savchenko Nadezhda asks that the jury considered her case. This was stated by her lawyer Nikolay runners.

"Savchenko was finally determined that wants to be considered the case the jury," - he said.

In addition, the protection Savchenko told investigators a motion to dismiss the criminal case. "We demand to immediately stop the prosecution Savchenko," - added the lawyer.

Protecting Ukrainian pilots also asked to consider her case in a Moscow court. In addition, Savchenko signed a protocol on completion of familiarization with the materials of the criminal case. "Savchenko and her lawyers today signed a protocol on completion of the procedure familiarization with the materials of the criminal case" - said runners.

Yesterday the Moscow City Court rejected an appeal protect Savchenko refusal to release her from custody because of her immunity as a delegate to the PACE. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Ukrainian Pilot Savchenko's Trial May Start Late July, Lawyer Says

Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:05 pm
The trial of Ukrainian pilot and parliament member Nadia Savchenko, who has been jailed in Russia since July 2014, may start within weeks, her lawyer said.

Ilya Novikov said on July 2 that Savchenko and her defense team had certified that she had finished reviewing the criminal case material and the preliminary hearing may be held in late July or early August.

Savchenko says she was illegally brought into Russia after being abducted by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.................

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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Jailed Ukrainian Pilot Denied Jury Trial

Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:25 pm
Russian investigators have rejected a request by jailed Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko to be tried by a jury and for the proceedings to be moved to Moscow instead of Voronezh, the city where she is being held.

Savchenko lawyer Nikolai Polozov said on July 6 that he was informed via phone that "all the petitions have been denied and the case was transferred to the prosecutor's office."

Savchenko's defense team said last week the preliminary hearing may be held in late July or early August.............
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty .

Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:35 am
Ukrainian helicopter pilot charged with murder as Moscow trial approaches [in English]
Nadia Savchenko, 34, a Ukrainian army helicopter pilot who has spent nearly a year in Russian jails, now stands accused of the murder of two Russian journalists

[Please note. Author - Roland Oliphant. Works or has worked for RIA Novosti - i.e. on the Russian payroll.
He wrote some pro-Russian articles at the start of the war. Now he seems less aggressively against Ukraine.
Perhaps Putin has cut his pay? This article in The Daily Telegraph, which is famous for the Chief Foreign Idiot Correspondent David Blair writing that Ukraine is being "heavy handed" fighting against Putin's 5000 tanks and 40,000 military. Super-idiot, and Putin butt-kisser. ]
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Attorney Savchenko admitted last hope - to exchange Ukrainian woman in the captured Russian Grushnik

Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:00 pm
Lawyer Mark Feigin Hope Savchenko hopes that his client be released as a result of the exchange of prisoners on the Donbas two Grushnik. He said this in an interview with "Commander in Chief" .

"We need quicker action against two Grushnik because it is a good tool exchange. One of the options we are considering - exchange Savchenko after the trial Grushnik. On the other hand, is the initiation of direct negotiations, which, as far as I know, and so go to Moscow, to the exchange took place, "- said the lawyer.

According to him, it is necessary to have sounded statements by Ukraine in the event of a conviction Savchenko upon the international community to respond to the verdict.

When asked whether he expects that Savchenko released as a result of the exchange of prisoners, Feigin said, "Yes. I rest my case. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko faces up to 25 years in prison- Russia's Investigative Committee

Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:23 pm
Ukrinform/. The Russian investigators reclassified the charge against Nadiya Savchenko. Now she is accused not of accessory to murder, but of "joint participation in murder of two or more persons by socially dangerous means, motivated by hatred towards a social group with a group of persons in collusion."

This was stated by official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Vladimir Markin.

According to him, the maximum term of imprisonment, which the Ukrainian pilot may face, is 25 years. The term is such only because the Criminal Code does not provide for a life imprisonment for women.
According to Markin, the second article, which appears in the indictment for Savchenko is the attempted murder of civilians, who may have been affected as a result of the shelling allegedly directed by Savchenko.................

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 Savchenko Free Now Empty

Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:43 pm
Also in the bbc now -

Ukraine pilot Nadia Savchenko faces 25-year term in Russia [in English]
She will be tried in a border town in southern Russia, her lawyer tweeted.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Ukraine"s Foreign Ministry voices protest to sending Savchenko"s case to court in Rostov region

Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:11 am
"The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine voices its utter protest to the decision of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office to forward a criminal case against Ukrainian captive pilot, MP Nadia Savchenko to the Donetsk City Court in Russia's Rostov region," reads the statement.

The Foreign Ministry considers this decision is an attempt of Russia to conceal the political punishment inflicted on the Ukrainian pilot from the attention of the international community and human rights organizations.

In addition, the Ukraine's Foreign Ministry is deeply indignant at the approval by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation of additional absurd accusations recently brought by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation about the alleged murder by Savchenko of two Russian citizens as previously Savchenko was accused of complicity in killing of these persons.......

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 Savchenko Free Now Empty The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Savchenko and Sentsova compared with a killer Chikatilo

Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:29 pm
The representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin compared captured Ukrainians and Oleg Savchenko Nadezhda Sentsova serial killer Chikatilo. In his Twitter Markin rude commented on the news that the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin going to call on the EU to respond to the trials of Savchenko and Sentsov.

"But at the same time to rehabilitate Chikatilo and review the results of the Nuremberg trials ... a worthy candidate in the EU!" - Wrote Markin.

Владимир Маркин ✔@VladimirMarkin
А заодно реабилитировать Чикатило и пересмотреть итоги Нюрнбергского процесса… Достойные кандидаты в ЕС!

And at the same time to rehabilitate Chikatilo and review the results of the Nuremberg trials ... a worthy candidate in the EU!
09:09 – 14 Лип 2015

РИА Новости
Климкин призовет ЕС отреагировать на суды в РФ над Савченко и Сенцовым
Министр иностранных дел Украины Павел Климкин требует консолидированной реакции ЕС, обращения к Москве, а также присутствия представителей ЕС и неправительственных организаций во время судебных...
Переглянути на веб-сторінці

Klimkin call for the EU to react to the courts in the Russian Federation over Savchenko and Sentsov
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin require consolidated reaction of the European Union, referring to Moscow, as well as the presence of representatives of EU and non-governmental organizations during the court ...
Exchange glances on the web storіntsі
  189 189 ретвітів  7 7 обраних твітів In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko asks Prosecutor General's Office to judge her in Moscow

Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:44 pm
Illegally detained Russian Ukrainian pilot, MP Savchenko Nadezhda asked the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia with a request to defer consideration of its case from the court of Donetsk, Rostov region. This she said in a statement made public on Twitter, her lawyer, Mark Feigin.

According to Savchenko, holding court in close proximity to the conflict zone in the Donbas is dangerous for her, her lawyers and family.

"Given the situation in the border regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, I believe that holding the trial in my case is actually in the combat zone poses a serious threat to the life and health of my defenders, my sister Vera Savchenko, who as the chief witness for the defense to be summoned to court , my mother Maria Savchenko, who is going to be present in court ", - explained Savchenko.

According to her, Donetsk is the main transit point and a supply base for the pro-Russian militants, who are fighting in the east of Ukraine and sent to Russia.

"I do not believe that the Russian authorities are able to ensure my safety and that of other stakeholders in a city like Donetsk," - wrote Savchenko.

In addition, the Ukrainian aviator noted that all the examination of her case were held in Moscow, and none of the defense witnesses did not live in the Rostov region because of their participation in the trial can be complicated, and in their absence their right to protection is violated.

"I ask you to pay special attention to the situation and set out to intervene in the procedure established by law and replace the earlier decision on the determination of jurisdiction in the city of Donetsk," - he said in a statement to the Prosecutor General of Russia Savchenko.

In the near future, as reported by Hope, its advocates will submit a request to change the territorial jurisdiction of the city of Moscow.

Yesterday Hope Savchenko turned to the UN Secretary General, the President of the PACE and the European Parliament. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty The Court of Savchenko can begin July 31 - lawyer

Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:46 pm
Attorney Ilya Novikov said that hearing Ukrainian pilots and people's deputy of Hope Savchenko could begin July 31. He said this on Twitter.

"According to yet unconfirmed reports, a preliminary hearing Savchenko in Donetsk city court (the Rostov region. - Ed.) Could take place on July 31," - wrote Novikov.

As reported earlier, Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko was transferred from Moscow to Rostov region. Before his transfer , she wrote a will

Recall of Hope until July 17 was in a Moscow jail. In Russia, it is accused of involvement in the deaths of Russian journalists in eastern Ukraine, and illegal border crossing. She denies the charges.

June 10, the Moscow City Court extended the arrest Savchenko until 30 September. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Lawyers do not know the whereabouts of Savchenko

Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:28 pm
Where is the people's deputy of Ukraine, aviatrix Hope Savchenko known her lawyers, and 27 July, they may not know this.

About this Savchenko said attorney Mark Feigin.

"At the moment we do not know where Hope Savchenko. And given that it was transferred on July 17, the government is now officially has 10 days, until July 27 not to inform relatives about her whereabouts, "- said Feigin.

The most realistic option of detention Savchenko hopes are still jail in Rostov-on-Don or in Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy, Rostov region. "Everything depends on the reason to who will choose the organizers of the process - says Feigin. - From Rostov to Donetsk 160 km long tiring road. From Shakhtinsk - 15 minutes away. "

Recall that in Russia Ukrainian pilots Savchenko Nadezhda impute direct murder of two Russian journalists in Donbas, and the attempted murder of civilians who may have been affected as a result of the alleged shelling corrected it. According Sledkoma, she faces up to 25 years in prison.

July 17 Hope Savchenko was transferred to the Rostov region, because now her case should be considered Donetsk city court. However, the Russian Donetsk no jail.

Savchenko has immunity as a deputy of Ukraine elected delegates and PACE. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Russia sets trial date for jailed Ukrainian pilot

Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:40 pm
Russia on Tuesday announced that the trial of Ukranian pilot Nadiya Savchenko, whose politically charged case has become emblematic of bitter tensions between Kyiv and Moscow, will begin later this month.

The trial of the 34-year-old helicopter navigator and Ukrainian lawmaker, who faces up to 25 years in prison for her alleged involvement in the killing of two Russian journalists, will begin on July 30 in the southern Russian city of Donetsk, a local court said.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty The investigation on the case of falsified video Savchenko - lawyer

Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:01 pm
The expert found the inept editing of video files provided by the separatists, who allegedly confirmed the guilt of Hope Savchenko. This was written in his Facebook lawyer Ilya Novikov

The lawyer also said that experts are now preparing cellular analysis to clarify the picture of the telephone billing in Savchenko. It will show on this side of inconsistencies in the "evidence base" Sledkoma Russia.

"While my colleagues, Mark Feigin and Nikolai Polozov trying to figure out what exactly insulator driven Savchenko Nadezhda, we suddenly had a Brusilovsky breakthrough in the process of gathering evidence of protection. I have spent this week in Kiev, meet with experts in mobile communication to clarify the picture of the phone billing. SC stated that this billing is irrelevant in view of the terrain, as the phone can not connect to the nearest cell (and in general, all the Ukrainians have come up to my otmazatsya karatelnitsu).

Specialists all revered, chuckled, and sat down to write a detailed analysis of what is wrong in the UK. Meanwhile, another expert in front of me a miracle - climbed into the video provided by a prosecution witness and the right finger on the monitor showed, as they clumsily edited to change the time. Alibi Savchenko supported by videotape, not Ukrainian, and by the separatists. Details will be in due time ", - wrote Novikov. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko The trial will begin July 30 in closed session

Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:44 pm
The trial of Ukrainian pilot and member of parliament will be held in Donetsk misksudi Rostov region July 30 in closed session.

It is reported by "Interfax" referring to the press secretary Tatyana effective court.

"The meeting will begin at 11:00 Moscow time, it will be held behind closed doors," - she said.

As you know, on Tuesday Savchenko etapuvaly in the Rostov region .

Ukrainian been kidnapped in June 2014 by militants in Luhansk region and moved to Russia, where it held more than a year in prison. Savchenko accused of involvement in the murder of two Russian journalists and illegally crossing the border with Russia. In Ukrainian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty On courts Savchenko and Sentsov may come, the EU - Klimkin

Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:38 pm
On courts Savchenko and Sentsov may come, the EU - Klimkin

Today at 18:11"Commander in Chief"
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said that the European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini support Ukrainian initiative on sending EU representatives to monitor trials of Ukrainian Savchenko Nadezhda aviatrix and Ukrainian director Oleg Sentsov, illegally detained in Russia on trumped-up charges .

The minister wrote in Twitter.

"Thank you Federica Mogherini for supporting our initiative of sending EU representatives to monitor trials of Savchenko and Sentsov" - Klimkin said.

Ukrainian Minister noted that "the EU share our position on the need for the immediate release of the Ukrainian citizens who are illegally detained Russian. RF must stop violating their rights. "

July 15 Klimkin sent to the Foreign Ministers of the EU and the "Big Seven" with the letter asking them to send their representatives to the city of trials aviatrix Ukrainian Savchenko and Ukrainian director Sentsov illegally present in Russia on trumped-up charges. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko lawyer accused the Prosecutor General of Russia in a lie

Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:26 pm
Lawyer Hopes Ukrainian pilots Nikolai Polozov Savchenko believes that his client is in jail for a long time the Rostov region, and will not be delivered there on Saturday July 25, as reported on Friday on the website of the Russian Ombudsman Ella Pamfilova.

"Lies all. It is a long time in Rostov. This is some kind of game, "- he said, commenting on the official responses of the Prosecutor General and the Federal Penitentiary Service (Federal Penitentiary Service. - Ed.) Russian Federation on the request of the Russian Ombudsman.

Earlier today, the General Prosecutor's Office and the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia said that "July 17, 2015 Hope Savchenko planned railway guard was transferred to the city of Rostov-on-Don with the arrival to the destination July 25, 2015. Its contents will be provided in one of the jail GUFSIN Russia in the Rostov region." In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Telephone billing Savchenko prove her innocence - lawyer

Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:01 pm
In the next day in hopes Savchenko improvements can occur. Ukrainian Defence has evidence of telephone billing confirming alibis pilots. This was stated by her lawyer Ilya Novikov during a briefing.

"It is possible that in the coming days in the case of Hope will be positive developments. I still can not give the details, "- said the lawyer.

He said that the defense has new evidence - expert evaluation of workers from the two leading mobile operators regarding the billing of the two phones Savchenko.

"Ukrainian experts, employees of leading mobile operators, this week completed the preparation of a report analyzing the Russian expert and denied it. The first version of the protection, billing Savchenko exhaustive and bring her alibi confirmed ", - the lawyer said Savchenko.

Novikov has promised that by the end of this week plans to publish a defense of the full text of the indictment.

Recall Donetsk City Court of Rostov region on July 30, should begin consideration of a criminal case against Savchenko.

In Russia Savchenko accused of involvement in the deaths of Russian journalists in eastern Ukraine, and illegal border crossing. She denies the charges.

FAQ: Billing - automated accounting system provided services, their billing and invoicing for payment. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Nadiya Savchenko had been already apprehended when Russian journalists were killed, - PGO

Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:20 am
The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office said that Ukrainian citizen Nadia Savchenko, who has been charged in Russia of complicity in the killing of two Russian journalists in the Luhansk region in the summer of 2014, had been held on a territory controlled by Donbas militants before the journalists' death.

First Deputy Prosecutor General Yurii Sevruk said at a briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday, Censor.NET reports citing Interfax-Ukraine.

"This proof was voiced by a lawyer today. There is information from our mobile operators that, when the journalists were killed, Nadiya Savchenko had already been apprehended, and the telephone operators worked on a territory controlled by the militants," he said.

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin announced on Tuesday that a decision had been made to officially notify a number of individuals of being suspected of having committed crimes against Savchenko, who is a Ukrainian parliamentarian and a delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Savchenko has been held in custody in Russia since July 2014 on charges of complicity in the killing of Russian journalists Igor Kornelyuk and Anton Voloshin in the Luhansk region. She has never admitted her guilt.

The Russian Prosecutor General's Office had reported on July 13 that it had endorsed an indictment against Savchenko and forwarded the criminal case to the Donetsk City Court in the Rostov region.
The first hearing of the Savchenko case will be held behind closed doors in Donetsk, the Rostov region of Russia, on July 30. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko"s exchange is possible — lawyer

Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:25 pm
Savchenko's lawyer, Mark Feygin said this to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"The exchange is always possible. And I have data from different Ukrainian officials that such negotiations are underway. However, the fact is that Ukraine is ready for such an exchange. The Kremlin is the point. The exchange prospects are vague, if Hollande and Merkel from the Normandy Four, the PACE, and the US do not exert pressure on the Kremlin," said the lawyer.

He added that the negotiations were informal at the moment.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko’s lawyer publishes video expert examination, confirming her alibi

Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:57 pm
Mark Feygin, the lawyer of Ukrainian pilot, MP and member of the Ukrainian delegation to PACE Nadia Savchenko, who was abducted from Ukraine and is now detained in Detention Center No. 3 of the town of Novocherkassk in Rostov region, has published a package of documents of video expert examination, confirming her alibi.

"We have an expert examination of video, filmed by a separatist Yegor Russkiy during a fight near the city of Luhansk in the morning of June 17, 2014. As you can see, Nadia had already been captured by the fighters of the Luhansk People’s Republic militant organization. Her alibi started from that moment, confirming that she could not adjust fire on Russian journalists," Feygin said, according to the documents, published on his official website.

"Savchenko was captured at 10:30 Kyiv time. It is clear from the video of Russkiy. Voloshin and Kornelyuk were killed at 12:00 Kyiv time," he tweeted on Friday............. Click to read further  
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Lawyer of Nadia Savchenko: There are many fools and idiots in the Kremlin

Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:43 am
Mark Feygin, lawyer of Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko, considers that there are many fools and idiots in the Kremlin, who could have stupid ideas like exchange of Savchenko for Crimea.

He stated this in an interview with Polish Press Agency.

"As for exchange of Savchenko for the road to Crimea, I also believe in it. The problem is that apart from very sly, smart, diplomatic and educated people, there are also many fools and idiots in the Kremlin. They could, in fact, have stupid ideas like swapping Savchenko for Crimea. The madness of these people can reach such a level that these proposals could have been put on the table," he said.

According to Feygin, Putin, of course, cannot voice such proposals himself. "If he said something like that to Hollande or Merkel, it would be perceived as madness," he said.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Attorney Savchenko published (VIDEO) footage with the evidence of her innocence

Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:54 pm
Lawyer Ukrainian pilots, MP, Hope Savchenko published video footage of events, which brings together evidence of innocence N.Savchenko. A link to a video posted on his Twitter a lawyer Mark Feigin.

"I request the maximum retweet. This is a story-video evidence of innocence Hope Savchenko. Chronicle of June 17, 2014! », - He said.

In the video, presented in chronological order all the events of June 17, 2014 near the city of Lugansk region Happiness, which was in the service of Hope Savchenko.

Also in the video is a brief biographical note about Savchenko, reconstruction of battle near the road Happiness - Lugansk and captured militants N.Savchenko "LC". The video clearly shown on the map at different times whereabouts Savchenko and Russian journalists, which is accused of the murder of Ukrainian aviator. In chronicling the video evidence mounted that has previously made public lawyers Savchenko. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Lawyer: In case Savchenko could affect the trial Sentsov

Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:25 pm
Delaying the proceedings of people's deputy of Ukraine Savchenko hopes may be associated with more resonance, a process called Sentsova-Kol'chenko. About this in an exclusive interview with "Ukrinform" said the lawyer, Mark Feigin Ukrainian.

"You know, in connection with the new circumstances I propose another assumption. Who ends the process Sentsova-Kol'chenko also caused a great resonance. And, maybe, the authorities want to somehow subsided, I calmed down. Especially as an example of the process, we see that the court can stay within two or three weeks, "- he said.

On the question of which solution may take the Rostov Regional Court jurisdiction over the place of Hope Savchenko, the defender said: "I am not optimistic. I think we will leave in Donetsk Rostov region ".

However, according to the lawyer, in spite of everything that will be performed in the process, in Savchenko also be a conviction.

"Look at the case-Sentsova Kol'chenko on Estonian Kohvera. In one case, the request for 23 years. In another case, he gave 15 years. In Russia there are possible ", - said Feigin.

He insists that "only compelling, supported by powerful arguments denunciation of the Russian court as a tool of political repression, could pave the way for the release of Hope Savchenko."

Recall, at today's meeting on the case-Sentsova Kol'chenko attended court in Rostov sister Hope Savchenko - Vera. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Russian mortar killed Russian journalists near Metalist on June 17th 2014 [English]

Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:55 am
Long long article.
Showing how Russia fakes videos, and how nadia Savchenko could not have killed these journalists.
1,8 secs btwn firing and impact indicates that the mortars were fired from a maximum of 2.3 km. Well within the Russian controlled area.
Russia -
a land of fake, lies, terrorists, and kidnappers.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Proposed To Create Sentsov-Savchenko Sanction List

Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:11 am
We must create a list of sanctions for those Russians involved in the unlawful detention of Ukrainians in Russia, including Oleh Sentsov and Nadiya Savchenko.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said thus in the air of “Inter” TV channel, on Tuesday, August 25.

“I believe that we should gradually move on to the list of “Sentsov-Savchenko”. This should be a specific list of sanctions. Thus, as in the case of Mahnitskyi, we now need the list of sanctions. And everyone in Russia who has connection to these unjust decisions should not feel safe. We’ll be working on this issue from now on,”- Klimkin said.

For your information, Oleh Sentsov and Oleksandr Kolchenko were sentenced yesterday. Sentsov received 20 years in prison, Kolchenko – 10 years. Several human rights organizations and international institutions have expressed their protest against this verdict.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty In Moscow, will consider a complaint against the content Savchenko custody

Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:11 pm
On Thursday, the Moscow City Court will begin at 10.30 am meeting at which the complaint will be reviewed to protect the detention of MP Hope Savchenko, has immunity as a member of the PACE.

This "Ukrinform" said lawyer Nicholas runners.

"The meeting in the Moscow City Court will begin at 10.30. I represent the interests of Nadezhda I will. I think one of the reasons defense position Savchenko will provide the court documents from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine to prosecute in Ukraine three existing Russian judges Melekhina, Karpov Mushnikova, before taking a decision on the content of the illegal detention Savchenko, "- said runners.

He explained that the case against these judges may in the future face of the international wanted list and the risk of arrest while traveling abroad in Russia.

After reviewing the complaint and will most likely deny it will resume the process Savchenko - Donetsk in the Rostov region. Most likely, the next week will be scheduled a preliminary hearing. And it will be called the start date of the merits.

Recall Savchenko Nadezhda in Russia is accused of the murder of two members of the Russian television, which in the past year in the summer without the permission of the Ukrainian authorities were under Lugansk. The prosecution claims that allegedly led Savchenko adjustment fire during the bombardment by the Ukrainian military. Savchenko and its protection refute the accusations and argue that at the time of the death of Russian journalist it had captured terrorists, who then forcibly transported it to Russia. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Upcoming Normandy Four talks to cover Sentsov, Savchenko, other compatriots illegal held in Russia

Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:57 am
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will raise the issue.

"I will raise the issue of Oleh Sentsov, Nadia Savchenko and other hostages at the talks of Normandy Four, which might take place soon," Poroshenko said.

According to the report, the agenda also includes the ceasefire, civilian casualties, arms withdrawal, and OSCE permanent posts which will be set up to ensure the observance of both sides of the conflict in Donbas to the Minsk agreements.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Prison administration stops passing mail to Ukrainian pilot Savchenko - lawyer

Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:11 pm
Ukrainian aviator Nadia Savchenko, who has been charged in a criminal case related to the killing of Russian journalists in Luhansk region in 2014 and who is being held at a pretrial detention facility in Novocherkassk, Rostov region, has stopped receiving mail, lawyer Mark Feigin said .

"They stopped passing mail to Nadia in the Novocherkassk prison. I am asking friends to send complaints to the administration," Feigin said on Twitter on Saturday.

Media had reported earlier that Savchenko might be swapped for Russian citizens Yevgeny Yerofeyev and Alexander Alexandrov, who are being held in Ukraine.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Nadiya Savchenko first planned to be tried and then exchanged, - lawyer commented on Russia’s Justice Ministry statement

Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:33 am
One of Nadiya Savchenko’s lawyers Nikolai Polozov commented on the statement of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on possibility of the exchange of the Ukrainian pilot for the captured Russian military. Nadiya Savchenko’s defense believes it would not be very easy to exchange her for the Russians.

Nikolai Polozov expressed this opinion Wednesday on Twitter commenting on the statement made by Justice Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Konovalov, Censor.NET reports.

"In other words, they are going to convict and then exchange [her]," Polozov wrote. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty BREAKING: Russian Justice Ministry admits possibility of Savchenko exchange, - Russian media

Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:57 am
Russian Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov admitted a possibility of exchange of Ukrainian Nadiya Savchenko for the Donbas-detained Russians.

This is reported by Censor.NET citing RIA Novosti. This is the first announcement by a high-profile Russian official of the exchange possibility.

"Legal possibility can be based on various rationales, based on existing bipartite, conventional, via diplomatic channels. As a rule, matters like this are being solved via diplomatic channels," the agency quoted Konovalov.

He also added that as long as the detained are accused of criminal offenses, they should be punished according to the law. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Attorney Savchenko presented the first copy of her book

Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:25 pm
The first copy of the book Savchenko hopes that Ukrainian aviator wrote while in custody in Russia, saw the light. This was on his Facebook page said her lawyer Ilya Novikov. "An advance copy of the book Hope Savchenko. Thank you, "- wrote the defender.

Іllya Novіkov
By Posted NewsOne TV on 3 Veresnya 2015 p.

Recall, the presentation of the book, which is called "Strong name of Hope" will be held next week at the Forum of publishers in Lvov. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Klimkin spoke about the exchange of Savchenko and Sentsova on Russians

Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:19 pm
The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin not preclude the exchange of Russian military captured in Donbas, in the Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia.

"I think we should do everything to free Nadia and Oleg and other political prisoners," - he said, speaking of Nadezhda Oleg Savchenko and Sentsova in the air "Channel 5".

He reflects on the possibility of such an exemption in the form of exchange.

"If this will have to go through the negotiations on the exchange - we will look at this opportunity, of course," - Klimkin said. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko Nadezhda verdict is already written - lawyer

Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:28 pm
The verdict in the case that Russia is waging against illegally detained and deported to the Ukrainian Russian pilots, MPs Hope Savchenko, already written. This was stated by counsel Ukrainian Ilya Novikov, reports «Hromadske.TV».

"The verdict is already written. It is not necessary illusions ... People who believe that the Russian court purely procedural activity can lead to anything, let them look Sentsova thing - if there are still issues its verdict on them fully responsible. Savchenko The verdict will be the same, "- said Novikov.

At the same time, he said, diplomatic pressure in Hope will grow and because of his pilots, sooner or later be released.

"At our first meeting with Nadezhda happened some intuitive trust - it is believed that we will be able to extract it. And while we have not lost faith. We really think we can do this "- admitted Novikov.

According to him, there is evidence that the entire story of the firing of journalists has been sucked from the finger.

"Judging by what we know from the story, there's just a shell flew a group of militants. These fighters brought the Russian investigation of the brackets, "- said the lawyer.

Novikov also added that the protection Savchenko is actively cooperating with the Ukrainian side - the SBU, the GPU and diplomats.

"A month ago, it was a criminal case against Russian judges who handed down the decision on the extension of his arrest Savchenko. I was informed that the issue is being considered that has three or four judges will get this list for the same reason - they carried illegal decisions "- he said. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty U.S. diplomats going to Donetsk, Russia, to attend hearing of Savchenko case

Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:44 am

See also
Savchenko case not to be returned to prosecution service – court ruling
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Russian prosecution asks court to prolong Savchenko's arrest for six months

Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:40 am
On Tuesday, Sept. 15, pre-trial hearing in the case of Ukrainian MP Nadiya Savchenko is taking place in Donetsk, the Rostov region, Russia. Prosecution is asking to prolong the aviatrix's arrest for another six months.
As reported by Censor.NET, this was announced by one of Savchenko's lawyers Mark Feigin in his Twitter.

Read more: Feigin announces campaign in support of Savchenko during Putin's speech at UN. PHOTO

"The court has recessed for making a decision on prolonging the arrest for six months," he noted.

Feigin said that the lawyers are appealing to Savchenko's status as the PACE delegate who has immunity prohibiting from prolongation of the arrest term.

Besides, the lawyer informed that his client started to receive mail. Savchenko asks that not only Ukrainians, but also Russians write to her. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Jailed Ukrainian Pilot Savchenko's Defense Announces Trial Date [22 Sept]

Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:11 am
Re the post above, this request was rejected.
What will Putin decide? Personally I expect him to instruct the judge to lock her up for a long time.
Sadly some people in the west have some bizarre notion that courts in Russia are like those in the west. This is absolutely not so.
If Putin wants a particular decision, he gets it. No ifs, no buts. A totalitarian regime, idiolized by Seumas Milne, editor at the Guardian, and by his new English idol, Corbyn, the Labour party leader in the British parliament.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty The sanctions list on Russia include Russian nationals involvement in the Savchenko case

Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:36 pm
The sanctions list Ukraine were Russian nationals involved in the case of Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko. This was stated by Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, according to "Ukrinform".

"In this list, there were citizens of Russia, who took part in the illegal persecution of Hope Savchenko. But this is only the beginning, "- Klimkin said.

According to him, "the next phase in the sanctions list will be a separate section."

"In him we will include all those involved in the politically motivated prosecution of Russian Ukrainian citizens. I emphasize the word "all." We protect each of our citizen. And anyone who violates their rights, will be responsible. We conventionally call this list "List Sentsova Savchenko," but it will touch all political prisoners, "- said Klimkin.

Earlier it was reported that an updated list of sanctions Ukraine among others included the head of the Russian Defense Ministry Sergey Shoigu, State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, and a children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty The network posted a video proving innocence Savchenko

Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:12 pm
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Aerorazvedka Regiment "Dnepr-1" published video evidence that the Ukrainian aviatrix Savchenko Nadezhda, which is held in Russia, not guilty of the death of Russian journalists in Luhansk in June 2014

The corresponding video was posted on the shelf on the page to Facebook.

"We believe that this video is grounds for removal from Hope all charges, and request the maximum extend it. No one has any doubt that Hope is not to blame. We demonstrate this in practice. For this year, it became a symbol of the strength of spirit of the Ukrainian people . Each of us should pray for her release from captivity occupiers. And I hope that this video is a little help in this, "- said the People's Deputy, the honorary commander of the regiment" Dnepr-1 "Yuri Birch.
Russian investigation concealed the death toll in Savchenko Porto image

The video shows flying drone aerorazvedki "Dnepr-1" on the tower, which allegedly led Savchenko adjustment fire during the shelling, and the place where Russian journalists were killed.

 Savchenko Free Now 210997 In Russian, VIDEO at this link
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty The Kremlin has justified suicide for the failure of the Minsk agreement: it is a forced step

Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:44 pm
The decision of the leader of the terrorist "DNI" Alexander Zakharchenko hold "elections" in the Donbass - a necessary measure due to violations by Ukraine.

This September 17 said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova, reports Tass.

"We consider this step as a forced and both caused by disorders of the official Kiev provisions Minsk agreements and, by and large, an imitation of their implementation, especially regarding the implementation of unilateral steps in matters of a political settlement, and not on the basis of direct dialogue between Kyiv and the Donbas "- said the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the aggressor.
Portnikov on elections in the "DNR" and "LC": gamble failed

According to Zakharov, the cornerstone of the implementation of the agreements Minsk Ukraine is the problem of ignorance of a direct dialogue with representatives of the "DNR" and "LC".

As reported by the "Observer", leader of "DNI" Alexander Zakharchenko obviously went to another flagrant violation of the agreements and Minsk signed a "decree on the 18 October local elections" in the occupied territories.

In response, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called on the West to expand the sanctions against the Russian Federation and its controlled terrorists.

The EU, in turn, said that is not going to recognize the results of the pseudo. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty "If you respect international law, I have to be free, otherwise, there are 10 more separatists killed in that battle, that are victims by your laws," Savchenko in court. (VIDEO)

Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:35 pm
During court's hearing in Donetsk, Russia, Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko said that under the Russian law she could be charged with deaths of another 10 separatists who had fought in Ukraine with Russian arms.

As reported by Censor.NET, according to Savchenko, this is the number of Russian militants killed along with two rosTV journalists. At the same time, Savchenko said that if Russia had followed the international law, she would have been free. In Russian
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Trial of Ukrainian pilot accused of murdering Russian journalists begins

Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:46 pm
The murder trial of Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko has begun despite international condemnation and accusations that the charges have been fabricated for political purposes.
Sadly, from all I read, the verdict has already been written. Very few expect a "not guilty" verdict.
Almost all prosecutions in Russian result in conviction. It is that sort of dictatorship - Totalitarian regime, loved by Seumas Milne and the right-wing, extreme left-wing nutcases.
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 Savchenko Free Now Empty Savchenko Trial Opens In Russia

Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:56 pm
The trial of Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko has begun in Russia. She is accused of involvement in the killing of Russian journalists, but many see the trial as simply another means for Russia to bring pressure to bear on Ukraine.
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