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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources]

Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:57 pm

Please scroll to view news items added during the day.

Trump's Former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Agrees To Testify In Russia Probe. Yarosh estimated the probability of a military coup in Ukraine.  NATO Ministers Tentatively Plan Brussels Meeting With Tillerson.  Merkel called major errors EU.  Tymoshenko holds rally "Fatherland".  Macron wins Le Pen in the first round of presidential elections.  'LNR' militants threatened SMM-OSCE observers with mortars. 

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Yarosh estimated the probability of a military coup in Ukraine

Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:59 pm
Yarosh estimated the probability of a military coup in Ukraine

MP Dmitry Yarosh said that in war the elimination of power is possible only in case of high treason heads of state.

He said this in an interview with " Country ".

"No one will stand aside if it is betrayal of national interests of the president, the parliament. This is the return of territories, the signing of surrender" - said Yarosh, adding that he did not think that this will happen.

"I know the mood of the officer corps, no one is satisfied with this government. But they fight at the front, to understand their responsibility. They understand that once in the rear to start the battle front fall. Will begin mass desertion. We were in 1918" - said politician.

Yarosh said that the army should be separated from politics.

"The main thing that is not anti-state group, the Party of Regions," Opoblok "or other anti-Ukrainian agents were in power," - he added.

As reported, "Apostrophe" Yarosh presented the methods of returning Crimea., Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty NATO Ministers Tentatively Plan Brussels Meeting With Tillerson

Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:11 pm
NATO Ministers Tentatively Plan Brussels Meeting With Tillerson

NATO diplomats say a meeting of alliance foreign ministers originally scheduled for April 5-6 is now tentatively planned for March 31, when U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will be in Brussels.

The U.S. State Department announced on March 24 that Tillerson would visit NATO headquarters in Brussels on March 31, the day after he meets in Ankara with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

NATO diplomats on March 25 told RFE/RL that foreign ministers from other alliance countries were working to accommodate Tillerson's schedule after Washington announced he would not attend the April meeting because of a scheduling conflict.

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (Republican-Wisconsin) said during a visit to Brussels on March 25 that Tillerson and other NATO ministers "have worked out the dates."

But NATO diplomats in Brussels told RFE/RL on March 25 that "consultations on scheduling among allies are ongoing."

One NATO diplomat told RFE/RL that many foreign ministers already had previous commitments and would have to rearrange their schedules in order to attend a March 31 meeting.

Another NATO diplomat told AFP on March 25 that bringing all of the foreign ministers together on March 31 could be complicated by the agenda of British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who may not be able to visit Brussels that day.

NATO members have until March 27 to work out the details of their plans.

NATO sources told RFE/RL that the conflict in eastern Ukraine between government forces and Russia-backed separatist fighters would be high on the agenda the next time NATO foreign ministers meet.

U.S. Senator John McCain, a Republican who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, said during a visit to Brussels on March 25 that the United States should start "supplying lethal defensive weapons" to Ukraine..................

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Trump's Former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Agrees To Testify In Russia Probe

Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:22 pm
Trump's Former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Agrees To Testify In Russia Probe

President Donald Trump's former campaign manager has volunteered to speak to a U.S. congressional committee that is investigating Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Republican Representative Devin Nunes, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, said on March 24 that Paul Manafort's lawyer contacted his committee the previous day and offered to make his client available to lawmakers.

The committee is investigating alleged ties between Trump associates and Russia, as well as what U.S. intelligence officials have described as Kremlin-directed interference in the U.S. election.

Nunes thanked Manafort "for volunteering," saying congressional investigators "encourage others with knowledge of these issues to voluntarily interview with the committee."

Nunes said his panel would coordinate with Manafort's lawyers on whether his testimony would be public.

Manafort's spokesman, Jason Maloni, confirmed that Manafort would testify in the congressional investigation.

"Mr. Manafort instructed his representatives to reach out to committee staff and offer to provide information voluntarily regarding recent allegations about Russian interference in the election," Maloni told The New York Times.

"As Mr. Manafort has always maintained, he looks forward to meeting with those conducting serious investigations of these issues to discuss the facts," Maloni said.

News of Manafort's proposed testimony came days after the Associated Press reported that Manafort previously worked for Kremlin-connected Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska and, as early as 2005, proposed a political strategy involving a public influence campaign to benefit Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Manafort resigned as Trump's campaign chief in August 2016 following reports of illicit payments related to his previous work for the political party of Ukraine's pro-Russian former president, Viktor Yanukovych.

FBI Director James Comey on March 20 confirmed publicly that his agency was conducting investigations into communications between Russian officials and Trump associates.

U.S. intelligence agencies released a report in January assessing that Russia conducted a hacking-and-influence campaign aimed at denigrating Trump's Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. The Kremlin rejects the allegation.

After initially expressing skepticism about that assessment, Trump said he now thought Russia was behind the hacking campaign. But Trump continues to insist it had no impact on the outcome of the election.

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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Macron win Le Pen in the first round of presidential elections

Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:29 pm
Macron win Le Pen in the first round of presidential elections

The independent candidate for presidential elections in France Emmanuelle macron wins the first round of elections to be held on April 23
These are the results of sociological research company BVA, reports Le Figaro .

According to a survey in the first round macron can count on 26 percent of the vote and this is one percentage puknt more than a week ago.

The leader of the far-right "National Front" Marine Le Pen can count on 25% of votes. For a week she lost one point. The results of sociological research macron first time managed to get ahead of Le Pen.

The third place is the candidate of the "Republicans" Francois Fillon - 17% of the vote and the fall rating of 2.5% for the week.

His catches are representative of the "Left Party" Jean-Luc Mélenchon, for him to vote 14% of voters. Next comes the Socialist Benoit Amon - 11.5%.

The survey does not provide data on the results of voting in the second round.

Recall the post of the president of France will fight 11 candidates., Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Merkel called major errors EU

Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:47 pm
Merkel called major errors EU

One of the major mistakes of the European Union was opening internal borders without strengthening external. This was stated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in an interview with Italian television channel RAI, transmits RBC .

She said the European Union was not prepared for the crisis, and did not support the external borders, thus opening the inside.

"But all that we fix now through banking union and stabilization mechanisms. The main thing is that all this must be done in an atmosphere of solidarity", - said the chancellor of Germany.

It also believes that Europe will be able to find a single answer to the problem of migration, particularly by the crisis in Syria.

Merkel added that the EU is not able to do well, but now it's time to finish what is left "unfinished." "For this we have a good base," - she said.

Recall, today, 25 March, EU leaders signed a declaration on the future of the Union ., Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty 'LNR' militants threatened SMM-OSCE observers with mortars

Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:07 pm
'LNR' militants threatened SMM-OSCE observers with mortars

The militants of the 'Luhansk People's Republic' ('LPR') fired into the air and demanded to get out.

Censor.NET informs citing the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (OSCE SMM) spot report.

''At 12:10 on 24 March, an SMM patrol of four mission members in two armoured vehicles stopped at an abandoned bus stop about 800m west of 'LPR'-controlled Znamianka (36km north-west of Luhansk) to monitor the ceasefire. On disembarking the SMM heard eight single shots of small-arms fire approximately 1km south,'' the statement reads.

''Three men wearing camouflage clothes were within 20 metres of the vehicles. The SMM recognized one of the men as an 'LPR' member from previous visits to the area. A second man was armed with an assault rifle (AK-47). The SMM informed him of the patrol's intention. Less than a minute later the SMM heard the third man, who was about 20m west of the patrol, cock a pistol (type undetermined). He then fired one shot straight into the air and shouted in Russian 'Get out of here quickly! Mortar fire!''' OSCE reports.

According to the report, t he patrol did not see or hear mortar fire. The patrol returned to its vehicles and departed, due to security concerns.

No SMM members were hurt or vehicles damaged. The SMM informed the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) about the incident. , Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Tymoshenko holds rally "Fatherland"

Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:13 pm
Tymoshenko holds rally "Fatherland"

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] 63_main

One of the main themes of the collection in an effort - preparation for elections in united communities

In Kiev, is the 14th congress of the party "VO" Fatherland. " This was on his page on Facebook wrote the head of the party in Kyiv Volodymyr Bondarenko .

According to Bondarenko, the Congress is held before the elections united community that will take place April 30. Will be nominated for deputy united communities.

Bondarenko also noted that decentralization and elections in the communities was not the only topic of the meeting. "Yulia Tymoshenko outlined our objectives, going to these elections:
do not give destroy small community, protect the earth, save Ukraine", - said Bondarenko., Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia’s weapons of Ukraine’s destruction were not "found in Donbas mines"

Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:15 pm
Russia’s weapons of Ukraine’s destruction were not "found in Donbas mines"

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] 1490021938

Does Russia think that any old lie will do and, if so, could it be right? The country’s representative at the International Court of Justice in the Hague on March 7 claimed that the main source for the vast amounts of weapons and ammunition used by fighters of the self-proclaimed ‘Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics’ [DPR, LPR] “are stockpiles inherited by Ukraine in 1991 from the Soviet Army”, as well as “the retreating Ukrainian army”.

The assertion elicited incredulous gasps, humorous Internet memes and one or two swift fact-checking articles from, for example, InformNapalm. In general, it passed unnoticed, as do many other such obvious lies. The western media need simple formulations and generally opt for a ‘Kyiv accuses’ and ‘Moscow denies’ format, with that regardless of the amount of direct confirmation of the accusations, including from journalists providing live coverage.

InformNapalm, Bellingcat and other investigative journalists have provided compelling proof of tanks, missiles and other sophisticated weaponry used by the militants in Donbas. Almost all post-date the Soviet era and have never been in the possession of the Ukrainian army.

In February 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary was challenged by a Ukrainian journalist over a report on Russia’s TV Rossiya-1 that the Donbas militants have 700 tanks, three times more than the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Dmitry Peskov responded that you “could just as well ask Kyiv where the tanks are from”. He had no information, he claimed, adding that “of course they’re not from Russia”.

Since the area in question borders only Russia and government-controlled Ukraine, the denial could only have been more absurd had he also suggested that the 700 tanks had emerged from Donbas mines.

Not reasonable deduction alone

Automatic denial mode has its cynical logic. The media are on the hunt for new stories, and will not usually remind their audience that they themselves were able to witness columns of Russian military trucks heading into Ukraine. There were numerous western journalists on the ground in Donbas, and in Rostov, the Russian oblast which borders with Ukraine in August 2014. There was particular tension at the time, with Russia preparing its first so-called ‘humanitarian convoy’ which it was insisting on sending into the war zone without proper checks or permission. That first convoy may well have been a ploy to distract attention from other military movements.

OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] 1490022199

Poland has had good reasons for rejecting such convoys, and the Polish media gave wide coverage over several evenings to both the 280 trucks of the ‘convoy’ and to the endless columns of military trucks which were also headed to the border under militant control.

There is considerable footage, both at night and during the day, filmed by Wojciech Bojanowski, TVN 24’s correspondent in the Rostov oblast, close to the border. It clearly shows Russian armed personnel carriers, artillery and anti-aircraft weapons turning onto a road leading to the border. Artyleria, wozy opancerzone i broń przeciwlotnicza. Ruchy Rosjan przed kamerą TVN24 (four separate clips)

Bojanowski acknowledges that there are no photos of the actual crossing, however there is a steady flow of vehicles to the border and shots taken by the militants where you can see, for example, a BTR-80a transporter which the Ukrainian military do not have. The next day, Aug 19 Bojanowski reported further movement towards the border, with many trucks this time carrying tanks. On Aug 22, NATO reported that the Russian military had moved artillery units manned by Russian personnel inside Ukrainian territory and had been using them to fire at Ukrainian forces.

Vast amounts of military technology were clearly taken into Ukraine at that time. They may well have been supplemented since by 90 supposedly ‘humanitarian’ convoys which never undergo proper checks.

The amount of evidence is overwhelming. Dr Igor Sutyagin, in a briefing paper for the Royal United Services Institute [RUSI] on Russian Forces in Ukraine, writes that the “first phase of large-scale incursions by regular Russian troops commenced on 11 August 2014 and has involved a substantial array of forces (see Table 1)”. He put the figure for direct Russian military personnel as up to “10 thousand at the peak of direct Russian involvement in the middle of December 2014.”

All of this is on another country’s territory without any declaration of war.

Sutyagin, in fact, views this as effectively the second act of direct military aggression by the Russian military. He says that Ukraine’s operational successes in late June and early July 2014 first prompted Russian artillery fire from within Russian territory, targeted against advancing Ukrainian troops on their own soil, from mid-July onwards”.

Considerable evidence of this shelling from Russia has since been set out in a report by the International Partnership for Human Rights, and also by Bellingcat in a report entitled ‘Putin’s undeclared war’.

It was after Russia’s deployment from August 2014 of military servicemen, rather than only mercenaries, that the first undeniable reports began emerging in Russia of military deaths in Donbas. These reports – and the deaths – continue to this day.

The first ‘humanitarian convoy’ proved effective at distracting international attention from other illegal incursions, while also serving as a useful damp squib. Whether those 280 trucks were emptied before journalists got a chance to see them, or were always half empty remains unclear, but journalists unfortunately largely lost interest in the subject. It is likely that subsequent loads - there have been 60 - have been far more menacing. A video posted in January 2015 showed militants unloading what they termed ‘New Year gifts’ for Ukraine’s President and other leaders from another such convoy. Both the comments from the militants, and the long crates visible, make it clear that the men are unloading weapons. Neither these convoys nor the many vehicles which cross into Ukraine from Russia (or return) are checked by the Ukrainian authorities or the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission. The numbers entering and leaving, even the specific vehicles, ofte do not match up and it seems likely that this is a way of permanently supplying the militants and Russian forces with ammunition.

None of this makes breaking news anymore, but the war and the killing continue as an immediate and tragic result.
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OSCE - Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Saturday 25 March. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The US imposed sanctions on eight Russian companies - TASS

Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:43 pm
The US imposed sanctions on eight Russian companies - TASS

The US government has decided to introduce sanctions against eight Russian organizations inkryminuvavshy they breach the national legislation of the United States on Iran, North Korea and Syria.

This was reported by TASS representative of the US administration, said Tsenzor.NET.

According to her, the "black list" were the following institutions: JSC "Rosoboronexport", JSC "150th aircraft repair plant" foreign trade association "Aviaeksport", JSC "Scientific-Production Association" Basalt ", JSC" Scientific production Corporation "engineering Design Bureau" Ulyanovsk civil aviation Institute named after chief Marshal BP Bugaev, Urals training center of Civil Aviation, Air Force Academy named after Professor ME Zhukovsky and Y. Gagarin.

All these structures are accused of violating provisions of the US law on non-proliferation on Iran, North Korea and Syria. What exactly are nominated by organizations in the claims, US officials did not specify.

The current restrictive measures the duration of which is two years, include a ban on the purchase of any of the ministries and departments of the US product and services companies that were in the "black list", selling them weapons and military equipment, the issuance of US licenses for the purchase of goods, subject to the regime of export control assistance., Original in Ukrainian / на українській мові
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