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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources]

Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:45 pm
Russia has stated evidence of Britain's participation in the Syrian chemical attack.   Putin loses on all fronts: expert evaluated Russia's chances of a direct military clash with the United States.  SBU has revealed plans for Putin's introduction of his troops to Ukraine.  The war on the Donbas: private intelligence gave the US a forecast for the coming year.  The Pentagon admitted that Russia had made Ukraine a testing ground for new weapons.  United States explained how it is possible to change the Kremlin's position on Ukraine.  In the West, the only condition for the appearance on the Donbas of peacekeepers was called.  What could weaken the conflict between the West and Russia: the American diplomat called the key points.  State Duma of the Russian Federation introduced a bill on the response to US sanctions.  Russia pulls in troops for large-scale ground war: 260,000 military personnel, 3,500 tanks, 11,000 armored vehicles at Ukraine’s border.  US Embassy is concerned about information on radioactive contamination in the Donbas.  International investors may lose $1.6 billion through US sanctions against Russia. Yolkin's funny caricature depicted a US sanction blow against Putin. Can not accept independence: in the West they explained why Russia so grappled with Ukraine. We can not allow Russia to continue to destabilize the situation in Ukraine. Pressure on the Russian Federation will continue, - Deputy Minister of Defense of the United States. "We are beating under US dichrome": State Duma deputies of the Russian Federation offer to steal trademarks and counterfeit American goods. The US catches Russia in terms of oil production. Near the Russian airbase in Syria, US reconnaissance aircraft were spotted. Ukraine next week will continue sanctions against Russia and duplicate US sanctions. A massive fire on the beach in Odessa: the restaurant was completely burned down. NATO is looking forward to the opportunity to explore Ukraine's experience in confronting Russian hybrid attacks. This time, sanctions on Russia are having the desired effect.

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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia has stated evidence of Britain's participation in the Syrian chemical attack

Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:48 pm
Russia has stated evidence of Britain's participation in the Syrian chemical attack

In Russia, they said "evidence" of Britain's participation in the phased implementation of a chemical attack in Syria.

This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, reports AFP.

According to him, Moscow has "indisputable" evidence that the British intelligence was related to the implementation of the Syrian chemical attack.

"We have conclusive evidence that this was another stage-by-stage action, and the secret services of a certain state, which is currently in the advanced Russophobic campaign, were involved in this event," he said during a press conference.

AFP later reported that it was about Britain.

According to Igor Konashenkov, a representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the British first informed respondents from the White Helmet organization that a chemical attack in the Syrian city of the Duma was not taking place.

Earlier, Lavrov said that the chemical attack in Syria, in the Duma, was "staged".

On April 8, the city ​​of the Duma in the Eastern Guti controlled the insurgents, which killed at least 70 people.

Volunteer Rescue Service "White Helmets" said that more than 1,000 people were injured as a result of a chemical attack and already confirmed 70 deaths.

Later, the World Health Organization reported that the symptoms of 500 patients hospitalized after the bombing in the Syrian city of Duma show chemical poisoning.

The Air Force, referring to informed sources, reported that Teresa May was ready to support hostilities against the government in Syria without the prior approval of the British Parliament.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Putin loses on all fronts: expert evaluated Russia's chances of a direct military clash with the United States

Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:50 pm
Putin loses on all fronts: expert evaluated Russia's chances of a direct military clash with the United States

If a direct military conflict between Russia and the United States, with the use of conventional non-nuclear weapons, the Russian Federation is likely to suffer a devastating defeat.

The People's Deputy and military expert Dmitry Timchuk told this "Apostrophe".

At the same time, he said, in the United States understand all the threats of collision with the nuclear power, so they fluctuate with a strike on Syria.

"M also sees that Trump does not adhere to a rigid policy - it began with the fact that" we will definitely answer", then, that" we will soon be able to respond, and perhaps not soon. "That is, the White House perfectly understands the possible scenario of confrontation with the Kremlin, a member of the nuclear club, with all possible consequences", - said the People's Deputy.

However, in the opinion of Timchuk, if we talk about collisions with the use of non-nuclear weapons, then in Russia there is not so much chance of anything to oppose the United States.

" We are aware that not comparable Russian groups in Syria and the forces that are used by the Americans. The American military power - is in heaven and earth than Russian. That Putin is not much chance to prove something in Syria... I n case to take into account only the use of conventional weapons, then, of course, Russia loses on all fronts,"- says the expert.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The SBU has revealed plans for Putin's introduction of his troops to Ukraine: named terms

Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:52 pm
The SBU has revealed plans for Putin's introduction of his troops to Ukraine: named terms

Russia plans to launch a full-scale deployment of troops to Ukraine in the fall of 2018.

About this Deputy Head of the Security Service of Ukraine Viktor Kononenko spoke on April 13.

According to the SBU, a group of people from the environment of Russian leader Vladimir Putin is currently engaged in creating preconditions for the introduction of the army. According to preliminary data, the troops want to be introduced under the pretext of "protecting the Russian-speaking population" in Ukraine.

In the Kremlin, they want to use criminality, around criminal structures and athletes for attacks on pro-Russian events and beatings of participants.

"But we will not allow them to implement these plans," Kononenko said.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The war on the Donbas: private intelligence gave the US a forecast for the coming year

Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:55 pm
The war on the Donbas: private intelligence gave the US a forecast for the coming year

It is unlikely that during the next year the situation in the Donbass will change.

Eugene Chausovsky, an analyst at the private intelligence and analytical company Stratfor, told about this "Apostrophe" an American political scientist of Ukrainian origin.

"Now it looks as if the conflict in the Donbas is long-term, in the sense that it is a case of another breakaway region, it resembles the situation in Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Therefore, it is very difficult to imagine that [the occupied part] Donbass will return to Ukraine, I think it's very unlikely now, "said the analyst.

At the same time, he does not expect a significant conflict: "Both sides seemed to adapt to this new reality."

"At the moment, it seems that the current situation of low intensity conflict with a small but constant number of deaths will remain for another year, if not longer," Chausovsky concluded.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The Pentagon admitted that Russia had made Ukraine a testing ground for new weapons

Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:58 pm
The Pentagon admitted that Russia had made Ukraine a testing ground for new weapons

The Russian Federation has transformed Ukraine into a testing ground for the latest weapons.

This was stated by the deputy head of the Pentagon on international security Robert Karem, said "Today."

According to him, Russia continues to support militants in the Donbas, arming them.

"Russia has occupied the Crimea, continues to deepen the crisis in the Donbass, but we can not perceive it as a fait accomplice. We can not tolerate annexation of Ukrainian territory by Russia, we can not allow Russia to continue to destabilize the situation in Ukraine... Ukraine is used as a kind of laboratory for testing of new types of weapons and cyber-weapons. Russia continues to arming, cooking, and financing militants who continue the conflict in the Donbass, breaking international agreements that must protect stability in the world," said Karem.

At the same time, he praised the Ukrainian military who opposed the enemy, and accused the Russians of violating the agreements on the Donbas. He clarified that Americans support the introduction of peacekeepers in the region.

"The United States and its partners will continue to put pressure on Russia to comply with the Minsk agreements... Until this is done, sanctions against Russia will continue. The sanctions related to the Crimea will remain (will be) until the Crimea remains annexed by Russia", - said the deputy head of the Pentagon.

Karem also reminded that the US is opposed to the North Stream-2, which, in his opinion, uses Russia as a weapon against Ukraine and undermines energy security in Europe.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The United States explained how it is possible to change the Kremlin's position on Ukraine

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:00 pm
The United States explained how it is possible to change the Kremlin's position on Ukraine

The Kremlin's position with regard to Ukraine may change if the US or EU will take more decisive steps that will significantly affect the economic loss of the Russian Federation.

About this "Apostrophe" said senior analyst on the subject of post-Soviet space American private intelligence and analytical company Stratfor Eugene Chausovsky.

"If the situation remains roughly the same as now, then it is unlikely that Russia will change its policy towards Ukraine," he said.

At the same time, the expert stressed that it is necessary to remember: European countries are also economically dependent on Russia. That is why they are very indecisive on radical steps that could harm their economy. There is already some sorrow, and that is why Europeans will be more cautious now.

"That is, the possible steps that will force Russia to reconsider their priorities, but they will have consequences for Europe. For the USA it is less because they are not so economically dependent on Russia, for example, in the energy sector," Chausovsky concluded.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty In the West, the only condition for the appearance on the Donbass of peacekeepers was called

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:02 pm
In the West, the only condition for the appearance on the Donbass of peacekeepers was called

The introduction of a UN peacekeeping mission to the Donbas is impossible without the consent of Russia, which prefers to keep the conflict in operation, in order to be able to pressure the Ukrainian government.

The former US Ambassador to Ukraine Stephen Pifer told about this "Apostrophe".

"You will not see a United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Donbass until Russia agrees on it. But unfortunately, as far as I think, Russia still prefers to keep the conflict on the Donbass boiling on low heat as a means of putting pressure on the government here in Kyiv", - says the diplomat.

Also, according to Pifer, if peacekeepers are still to be introduced, they should have broad powers and be placed throughout the occupied areas, and not just on the line of collision.

"They should have a very strong mandate and do their job throughout the Donbas, not only on the line of collision, but also on the Ukrainian-Russian border, which could be an option, but I'm not sure whether Moscow thought follow this path," said the ex-ambassador.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty What could weaken the conflict between the West and Russia: the American diplomat called the key points

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:04 pm
What could weaken the conflict between the West and Russia: the American diplomat called the key points

The countries of the West should outline the rules that Russia should play in order to have a productive dialogue between the parties.

US Ambassador to Ukraine Stephen Pifer told an "American" diplomat about this "Apostrophe" within the framework of the 11th Kiev Security Forum.

The diplomat remarked that Russia was effectively playing in terms of some of its efforts, but a series of unacceptable actions triggered a tough reaction of Western countries, in particular recent US sanctions.

As an example of the Kremlin's actions that can not accept the West, Pifer called Russia's aggression in the Crimea, the Donbas, interference in the internal policies of other countries, and the attempted murder of former Hrushnik Sergey Skripal and his daughter in the British Salisbury.

"We have to find a way to get Russia to step back, to make it clear that there are absolutely unacceptable things that the West will resist," said the ex-ambassador of the United States. "At the same time, the West should clearly tell the Russians that if they are ready we are ready for more productive dialogue, but I think it will be difficult to have such a productive dialogue without taking steps back from Russia and a clear Western position on the red lines that it does not allow Russia to cross."  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The State Duma of the Russian Federation introduced a bill on the response to US sanctions

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:07 pm
The State Duma of the Russian Federation introduced a bill on the response to US sanctions

Russian State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and leaders of four parliamentary factions have introduced a bill on "counter-Russian anti-Russian policy", namely sanctions against the Russian Federation.

The document is not yet registered in the electronic database of the parliament.

The State Duma Council intends to consider the bill on April 16.

"Among other things, the draft federal law" On measures to counteract unfriendly actions of the United States of America and/or other foreign states "gives the Russian government the authority to introduce a number of economic and political measures," he said.

As Kommersant writes , sanctions will affect the import of food and tobacco from the United States, as well as stop cooperation with the United States in the nuclear industry and aviation.

The bill stipulates suspension of cooperation with the United States in the field of nuclear, aircraft and missile industries, the prohibition on the participation of American citizens in privatization in Russia, and the prohibition or restriction on the import of medicines, agricultural products, raw materials and food from the United States and countries that have supported sanctions.

Vice-Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Neverov specified that the ban will not apply to the importation of goods by citizens for personal use.

Earlier Donald Trump's appointment to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the US has not yet fully used the potential of sanctions against Russia.

The United States has imposed sanctions against Russian oligarchs close to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a case involving Moscow's interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Shares of the Russian oligarch Deripaska dropped twice after the US sanctions. US companies began to cancel contracts with Russian organizations from the list of sanctions.

After new US sanctions in Russia, the dollar for the first time since November 2017 exceeded 60 rubles.

In Russia, they also canceled the sale of state-owned bonds due to the introduction of US sanctions against Russian oligarchs, companies and officials.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Russia pulls in troops for large-scale ground war: 260,000 military personnel, 3,500 tanks, 11,000 armored vehicles at Ukraine’s border, - Turchynov

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:11 pm
Russia pulls in troops for large-scale ground war: 260,000 military personnel, 3,500 tanks, 11,000 armored vehicles at Ukraine’s border, - Turchynov

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

Russia continues using occupation of Crimea for building up powerful military capability on the peninsula and also amasses main attack force at the border with Ukraine getting ready to launch a large-scale ground war.

This was said by Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov as he was speaking at Kyiv Security Forum on Friday, a correpondent for Censor.NET reports.

"The occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is ongoing. A very powerful military capability has been built up there. The 22th Army Corps, units of the Black Sea Fleet, and Russian Air Force division combined make up more than 30,000-strong force. There are powerful missile systems on the peninsula and the latest redeployment of the S400 antiaircraft missile system capable of hitting airborne targets anywhere across our country proves that the Russian aggressor is preparing a powerful capability in Crimea not only to protect its presence there," NSDC chief said.

Turchynov also reminded that active combat operations are underway in Ukraine’s east because Russian terrorists and mercenaries do not observe truce despite the existing agreement.

"The Russian aggressor has two corps in the east [of Ukraine] with more than 35,000 military personnel. ... But what has fundamentally changed in the strategy of the Russian General Staff is that these two corps are now just covering up and buying time for the deployment of Russia's main attack force, which is concentrating along the Ukrainian border as we speak. In Donetsk operational direction, we are confronted by the 8th Army. The 150th Division of this Army is already deployed along our border and is ready to engage in battle at any moment.

"As for the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov operational direction, there is the 49th Army and the 58th Army of the Northern Military District of the Russian Federation on the second line. In the north, we can be confronted by the 20th Army of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation backed by the First Tank Army.

"I mean it when I say ‘Army’ - these troops are ready for large-scale offensive, for a large-scale ground war. 260,000 Russian troops, 3,500 tanks, 11,000 armored vehicles, about 4,000 artillery pieces, more than a thousand multiple rocket launchers, and more can be employed against our country right away. All these troops will be backed by the 4th and 6th Armies of the Russian Air Force. This is the reality which Ukraine lives in today," Turchynov said.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The US Embassy is concerned about information on radioactive contamination in the Donbas

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:13 pm
The US Embassy is concerned about information on radioactive contamination in the Donbas

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

The US Embassy in Ukraine is concerned about information on the pollution of radioactive waste in the Donbas area due to illegal armed formations.

As informs Censor.NET, it is reported on the embassy's page in the social network Twitter on Friday.

"Concerned about reports of radioactive waste caused by Russia's cousins ​​in the Donbas - this poses a great risk to the health of people and the environment,".

"Russia must stop the conflict, it will improve the lives of the inhabitants of Donbas," - stressed in the embassy.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty International investors may lose $1.6 billion through US sanctions against Russia

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:16 pm
International investors may lose $1.6 billion through US sanctions against Russia

International investors who have purchased dollar bonds of the Russian aluminum company Rusal can not sell them through sanctions imposed by the United States of America.

This was reported by Bloomberg.

Due to the fact that intermediaries in the stock market are prohibited from conducting any securities transactions of a Russian company, investors can not get rid of these securities.

It is noted that "Rusal" itself may not pay coupon payments on bonds on time, that is, until May 7, 2018.

"This is a paradox of sanctions: you want to punish Russia, but Western lenders are the first to suffer. Bond owners want to sell them, but they are stuck with these securities, "said Antonio Agrest, a London-based trader at City & Continental.

Bloomberg also notes that, on the eve of sanctions, Rusal sold $ 500 million in bond market, and the company's total debt is $8.5 billion, including $1.6 billion in bonds.

Let's remind that in the United States sanctions against Russian oligarchs approaching Russian President Vladimir Putin in the case of Moscow's interference in the presidential election of 2016 have been imposed.

Shares of the Russian oligarch Deripaska dropped twice after the US sanctions. US companies began to cancel contracts with Russian organizations from the list of sanctions.

Also, the Russian ruble lost 8% since the introduction of new US sanctions.

Previously, it was reported that the euro in Russia rose to the highest in 2 years of the index.

After new US sanctions in Russia, the dollar for the first time since November 2017 exceeded 60 rubles.

Poroshenko said that the NSDC had already prepared a package of sanctions against Russia , similar to the American one.

Recall that, due to new sanctions, the richest Russians on Monday, April 9, lost a total of $16 billion .

It was also reported that new sanctions could be inflicted on Russian state banks if they try to help companies that are subject to sanctions.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Yolkin's funny caricature depicted a US sanction blow against Putin

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:20 pm
Yolkin's funny caricature depicted a US sanction blow against Putin

Famous Russian artist Sergiy Yalkin with an accurate caricature depicted a US sanction blow in the immediate surroundings of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

The corresponding picture is placed on its Facebook page.

"The fan shut off Russian companies sanctions," says the caricature's signature.

So, the picture depicts US President Donald Trump, who "disconnects" Russian companies.

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] 87bfd679ef3203c7f854f51840fbadee

On Monday, April 9, shares of Russian companies in the bidding collapsed due to the introduction by the US Treasury of sanctions against Russian billionaires and their assets, including public companies Oleg Deripaska UC Rusal and En + Group.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Can not accept independence: in the West they explained why Russia so grappled with Ukraine

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:22 pm
Can not accept independence: in the West they explained why Russia so grappled with Ukraine

To date, many Russians still find it difficult to accept the fact that Ukraine is a separate independent state.

An ex-ambassador to Ukraine, Senior Research Fellow at the Brookings Institution Stephen Pifer, said in an interview with "Apostrophe".

"I think Russian politics has been very counterproductive for Russian interests over the last four years. My impression of being here can be described here: now Ukraine has much more antagonism to Russia than it was five years ago," he said.

According to the diplomat, it is quite natural, because Russia annexed the Crimea and provoked a war on the Donbas.

"This is the course that Russia has chosen, and I think it was a huge mistake that made the watershed between Russians and Ukrainians, which did not necessarily have to emerge," he concluded.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty We can not allow Russia to continue to destabilize the situation in Ukraine. Pressure on the Russian Federation will continue, - Deputy Minister of Defense of the United States Karem

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:24 pm
We can not allow Russia to continue to destabilize the situation in Ukraine. Pressure on the Russian Federation will continue, - Deputy Minister of Defense of the United States Karem

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

It is impossible to allow Russia to continue to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, so sanctions against the Russian Federation will be maintained.

As informs Censor.NET with reference to Interfax-Ukraine, said Deputy Defense Minister of the United States on International Security Robert Karem.

"Russia has occupied the Crimea and continues to deepen the crisis in the Donbass. We can not tolerate the annexation of Ukrainian territory by Russia and we can not allow Russia to continue to destabilize the situation in Ukraine," he said speaking to the XI Kyiv Security Forum on Friday.

Karme paid tribute to the Ukrainian military and emphasized: "We support the idea of ​​a peacekeeping mission in the Donbass and call for the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements."

"The United States and its partners will continue to put pressure on Russia to comply with the Minsk agreements. Until then, sanctions will be kept, sanctions in connection with the Crimea will also remain in force until the annexation of the peninsula ends," the deputy defense minister said.

According to Karame, Ukraine "has done a lot" in the issue of reforming the defense sector.

"We welcome the aspiration of Kiev to join NATO," he added.

The US Deputy Defense Minister also stressed that "collective action is a key to success in confronting (Russian - Ed.) Threats."  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty "We are beating under US dichrome": State Duma deputies of the Russian Federation offer to steal trademarks and counterfeit American goods

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:27 pm
"We are beating under US dichrome": State Duma deputies of the Russian Federation offer to steal trademarks and counterfeit American goods

Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the bill on the response to the US sanctions offered to produce American goods in Russia without the consent of the right holders.

This is reported by Censor.NET with reference to the edition of "Medusa".

What specific goods are mentioned is not specified. The list will be determined by the RF Government. "Exhaustion of the exclusive right" can apply not only against the US and American companies, but also against "other states".

"That is, we are striking Americans because all the successes and, above all, the domination of the Anglo-Saxon, the Western world is provided by the right of intellectual property, and we are striking on this right," said Mikhail Yemelyanov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislation.

The document was prepared by Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin and leaders of parliamentary factions, but not yet published on the Duma website.

The bill also proposes to give the government the right to impose restrictions on the importation of any goods from the United States, to limit the work of Russia's international rating agencies, to suspend cooperation in various sectors.

As reported by Tsensor.NET, the US Treasury Department announced on Friday that after consulting with the State Department, the US administration imposed sanctions on seven Russian businessmen, 12 companies, 17 government officials of the Russian Federation, as well as against a Russian arms trade company, jar with her bank.

Shareholders of the companies on the list of sanctions in a few days lost hundreds of millions of dollars. At the same time, the Russian companies that formally did not fall under the sanctions collided with the fall. Only on Monday, April 9, the total loss of Russian billionaires is about $ 16 billion.

Sanctions also led to a weakening of the Russian currency.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty The US catches Russia in terms of oil production

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:28 pm
The US catches Russia in terms of oil production

In March 2018, the United States overtook Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production and ranked second in the world after Russia.

It is reported by the International Energy Association.

"Oil extraction continues, although there are some infrastructure barriers that may slow down this trend to some extent," the report said.

According to the organization, the United States will make the largest contribution to the extraction of oil from countries that are not members of the OPEC.

Earlier, it was reported that in Bahrain the oil field had been discovered for more than 86 years . The found deposit is several times higher than the stocks are valid. In particular, it is the largest of those discovered since 1932.

Economists also warned that oil prices in the world could drop by 30% in the event of a further sharpening of trade relations between China and the United States.

Following the announcement of Donald Trump in Twitter, Brent's oil prices jumped to its highest since 2014.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Near the Russian airbase in Syria, US reconnaissance aircraft were spotted

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:34 pm
Near the Russian airbase in Syria, US reconnaissance aircraft were spotted

Nearly seven airplanes of the Naval Force were registered in Syria at the Russian airbase Khmeimim
This is reported by Twitter on the Mil Radar aviation monitoring service.

American planes also noticed near the base of logistics of the Russian Navy in Tartus. This is the case of six anti-submarine patrol boeing P-8 Poseidon flew from the Sigonella air base on the island of Sicily (Italy).

In addition, the Lockheed EP-3E Aries II, which started from the base on the Greek island of Crete, was spotted.

-Recall that earlier there was an attack on the Syrian Eastern Gut, during which toxic gas was used . The Bochkov bomb containing the zarin was probably dropped from the helicopter.

-According to the Union of Medical Organizations, as a result of this attack, 60 people were killed and more than 1,000 injured.

-On April 9, Syria announced that at their airbase, Tias (T-4) near the city of Homs was hit by a strike in. -The Syrian government has blamed the United States, but the Pentagon rejected these allegations, and Israel refused to comment. As a result of air strikes killed 14 people, mostly - Iranians.

-The Russian Ministry of Defense said that two F-15 aircraft of the Israeli Air Force struck eight guided missiles at the T-4 airfield. Subsequently, Syria's media also said that Israeli air strikes near Homs occurred.

-Russia in the UN Security Council has blocked a draft US resolution on the creation of a new mechanism for investigating chemotac in Syria.

-In response, the UN Security Council did not support the Russian version of the resolution on chemical attacks in Syria.

-US President Donald Trump said he was preparing an air strike on the Assad forces.

-The head of the Pentagon, James Mattheys, said that the department headed by him was ready for a military scenario in Syria.

-Government airports and airbases are being evacuated in Syria.

-Russia has made air defenses, strikes and intelligence ready for combat readiness.

-The United States has selected 8 targets in Syria , which can hit rockets.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty Turchinov: Ukraine next week will continue sanctions against Russia and duplicate US sanctions

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:36 pm
Turchinov: Ukraine next week will continue sanctions against Russia and duplicate US sanctions

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

Next week, a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine will be held, where the sanctions that exist today against Russia and the duplicated sanctions imposed by the United States and European countries will be continued.

According to Censor.NET, this was stated by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov at the XI Kyiv Security Forum.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council thanked European partners and the United States for imposing sanctions on Russia.

"We are grateful to our partners for the concerns they expressed about Russian aggression in Ukraine. We are grateful for the sanctions that are being implemented against Russia, and especially the recent sanctions imposed by President Trump, the United States, which are quite substantial and painful. for the Russian Federation", - said Turchinov.

"I want to inform you immediately that on the instructions of the president next week will be a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, which will continue the sanctions that exist today against Russia and duplicate sanctions imposed by the United States and European countries," Turchinov said.

Recall, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that Ukraine will impose sanctions on several Russian oligarchs in the near future.

On Friday, April 6, the United States imposed new sanctions on some Russian oligarchs and companies. New sanctions concern possible interference of Moscow in the presidential election in 2016.  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty A massive fire on the beach in Odesa: the restaurant was completely burned down. VIDEO + PHOTOS

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:44 pm
A massive fire on the beach in Odesa: the restaurant was completely burned down. VIDEO + PHOTOS

The restaurant "Sand" burned down on the beach in the area of ​​the 13th station of Big Fountain in Odesa.
As informs censor.NET, this is reported by " Domskaya".

According to the patrol police, the fire began at around 11:00. Rescuers came to the place of the fire who were trying to get to the burning room. In addition, the fire is extinguished by staff of the restaurant, with the pump pumping water from the sea.

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] 650x433

It is noted that the fire began in the restaurant and began to roll over to the rescue station, which is nearby. At the moment, the firefighters have started extinguishing and trying to save the boat.

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] 650x433

As the fire extinguishing member, a serviceman of the National Guard Alexander, told his correspondent, he and his comrades were trained nearby and saw a fire. The National Guard helped to leave the bar of the young man who was there, and took from the restaurant about a dozen gas cylinders. At the same time, the motor pump, which was provided to extinguish the restaurant staff, did not start. At this point, the fire is localized.

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] 650x433
 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] 650x488
 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] 650x488
 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] 650x488  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty NATO is looking forward to the opportunity to explore Ukraine's experience in confronting Russian hybrid attacks, - Gottemoeller

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:47 pm
NATO is looking forward to the opportunity to explore Ukraine's experience in confronting Russian hybrid attacks, - Gottemoeller

 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Censor_news_big3

NATO wants to learn Ukraine's experience in confronting Russian hybrid attacks.

According to Censor.NET , referring to Interfax-Ukraine, Deputy Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, Rose Gottemoeller, speaking at the XI Kyiv Security Forum on Friday.

"Over the past year, we have seen that there has been stability in Ukraine, and we very much hope that it will be possible to continue to move through reforms," ​​she said.

At the same time, she stressed that Russia does not stop its aggressive actions.

"We see a heated conflict in the Donbass, cyber attacks, misinformation, interference in electoral processes, the use of chemical weapons, and we see these attempts to destroy our unity every day," said Gettomyeller.

At the same time, she underlined the Alliance's willingness to study Ukraine's experience in confronting Russian hybrid attacks.

"Ukraine has learned to deal with these attacks ... NATO is looking forward to learning your experience. There is a platform to combat the hybrid manifestations between the Alliance and Ukraine, this is a very important opportunity for us to learn your experience," the Deputy Secretary General said.

According to R.Gettemoeller, under the current conditions, "we must be careful, steady and ready to respond to these hybrid threats, perhaps - symmetrically."  In Ukrainian/український
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 Ukraine News. Friday 13 April. [Ukrainian sources] Empty This time, sanctions on Russia are having the desired effect

Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:49 pm
This time, sanctions on Russia are having the desired effect

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When the US imposed sanctions last week on 24 Russian oligarchs and officials, and 12 related companies, in response to “worldwide malign activity” by the Russian state, the impact was not immediately clear. But by Monday morning it was unmissable.

The share prices of Rusal, one of the world’s largest producers of aluminium, and its parent company EN+ Group, both sanctioned for their material connection to Oleg Deripaska (also on the sanctions list), fell roughly 50 per cent. The wider Russian market was down 10 per cent. Those, such as commodity traders, transacting with designated companies found related payments blocked as banks reacted to the news. Clearstream, a key component of investment market infrastructure, announced it would stop processing related securities transactions.

Sanctions have become the preferred tool of policymakers feeling an imperative to act — a step short of conflict. The UN, the EU and the US have made extensive use of sanctions against Iran for a range of issues, including its nuclear programme and human rights abuses. The UN and US have imposed sanctions on North Korea in response to its continued development of a nuclear capability. Each missile launch or underground test is greeted with a further round of economic pressure.

In 2014, the US and EU imposed sanctions on Russia following the annexation of Crimea, military incursions into Ukraine and the shooting down of a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft over eastern Ukraine.

On the face of it, the latest sanctions designations, declared by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control, seemed little different from those that have gone before. But a week on from that announcement, there is a sense that this time things might be different. Why?

Despite the rise of China and the growth in economic prosperity across the globe, the US — and, importantly for sanctions, the dollar — remain dominant. Alternative payment methods have emerged — currencies such as the euro and the Chinese renminbi have increased in liquidity and asset markets outside the US have grown. Yet approximately 50 per cent of global trade is still conducted in dollars and nearly two-thirds of global currency reserves are held in the US currency.

During the past two decades, the US has taken advantage of its economic and financial hegemony. Successive administrations have sought to “weaponise” the dollar against those acting counter to its interests and beliefs.

What does this mean for Russia and the latest round of sanctions? Why does the impact seem so immediate and severe, in contrast to previous sanctions put in place by the US against Iran and North Korea?

Russia is a very different target from either of those countries. Since Russia emerged from its debt crisis in 1998, its banks and corporates have benefited from globalisation. The former have tapped the deep capital markets in Europe and the US for funding, and corporates, particularly those from the extractive sector, have benefited from the global demand for commodities and have listed their shares in London, Hong Kong and New York.

Russia has thus become integrated into global supply chains and global finance. But just as globalisation has benefited Russia, this integration presents a vulnerability if the markets in which these companies operate are turned against them.

The recent history of banking is scarred by enforcement actions against an extensive roll-call of names. HSBC, Standard Chartered and many others have paid fines to settle claims that they breached US sanctions. In the case of BNP Paribas of as much as $8.9bn. Any bank that uses the dollar can find itself subject to the long-arm of US law enforcement. This extraterritorial reach is often criticised but, as long as it lasts, the US will exert pressure to conform with its priorities on any bank that wishes to have access to the American market or the dollar.

The extent to which Russian banks, companies, oligarchs and officials are exposed to the dollar means that no bank, whether US-based or not, will want to risk handling funds that could bring unwelcome attention from American authorities. Guidance accompanying last week’s sanctions announcement played on this fear. It underlined that foreign persons are also covered by these new designations if they “knowingly facilitate significant transactions, including deceptive or structured transactions, for or on behalf of any person subject to US sanctions with respect to the Russian Federation, or their child, spouse, parent, or sibling”...................... Click here for full access of entire article in English
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