Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 18 November. [Ukrainian sources]
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:06 am
Please scroll to view news items added during the day.
Russia's FSB fails to kidnap its renegade officer who fought for Ukraine (Video). UN General Assembly committee adopts resolution on human rights in Crimeal. World oil prices, Russian production both predicted to fall over the next 25 years. Russia infiltrates 30,000 persons clad in military uniforms into Donbas. More Olympic Athletes From Russia, Former Soviet States Lose Medals.
Kyiv, Ukraine
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Please scroll to view news items added during the day.
Russia's FSB fails to kidnap its renegade officer who fought for Ukraine (Video). UN General Assembly committee adopts resolution on human rights in Crimeal. World oil prices, Russian production both predicted to fall over the next 25 years. Russia infiltrates 30,000 persons clad in military uniforms into Donbas. More Olympic Athletes From Russia, Former Soviet States Lose Medals.
Kyiv, Ukraine
4c / 40f HI | RealFeel® 4c / 38f
Precipitation 40%
Increasing amounts of sun
Russia's FSB fails to kidnap its renegade officer who fought for Ukraine (Video)
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:09 am
Russia's FSB fails to kidnap its renegade officer who fought for Ukraine (Video)
Ilya Bogdanov, a former Russian citizen and ex-FSB officer who defected to Ukraine and fought against pro-Russian forces in Donbas, has been freed by the Ukrainian security service after the FSB attempted to kidnap him and traffic across the Ukrainian-Russian border, according to an UNIAN correspondent.
"Our special operation was to prevent plans of a criminal gang controlled from abroad, from Russia, to kidnap and kill a civilian, who is a citizen of Ukraine," SBU Chief Vasyl Hrytsak said at a joint briefing with Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko on Friday, November 18. The operation was conducted jointly with the National Police of Ukraine and the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. Bogdanov fought for Ukraine, and "the Russians do not forgive such things," Hrytsak said. "This was a second attempt to kidnap and kill this man. In February last year, we prevented the first attempt. A killer was detained, he was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison last October and is in jail now," the SBU chief said. The hit man was an FSB convert and he confessed he had been hired by the Russian security service in Belgorod. According to the news outlet, the Ukrainian law-enforcement agencies received information that Bogdanov had been kidnapped and was illegally kept for further transportation to Russia...................
UN General Assembly committee adopts resolution on human rights in Crimea
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:10 am
UN General Assembly committee adopts resolution on human rights in Crimea
A UN General Assembly committee has voted to adopt a resolution on human rights in Crimea, the press service of Ukraine's Permanent Mission to the UN reported.
"On November 15, 2016, the Third Committee (focused on the subject of human rights) of the UN General Assembly adopted resolution entitled 'Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)', initiated by Ukraine," the mission said in a statement posted on its website.
A total of 73 states voted for the document, 23 voted against, and 76 abstained. Some 41 states were co-authors of the resolution, the mission said.
"For the first time the official documents of the UN recognize the Russian Federation as an occupying power and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as a temporarily occupied territory. In addition, the resolution confirmed the territorial integrity of Ukraine and reaffirmed the non-recognition of annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula," the statement reads.
The document also urges Russia to allow international human rights mechanisms, in particular the Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, unimpeded access to Crimea in order to monitor human rights situation and asks the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a separate thematic report on the situation in the peninsula.......
More Olympic Athletes From Russia, Former Soviet States Lose Medals
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:11 am
More Olympic Athletes From Russia, Former Soviet States Lose Medals
Ten more athletes, mostly weightlifters and wrestlers from Russia and former Soviet states, have been stripped of medals they won at the 2008 Beijing Olympics after failing doping retests.
The International Olympic Committee said on November 17 that a total of 16 athletes failed the retests and will be disqualified from participating in the Olympics.
The athletes include three Beijing silver medallists - Russia's Khasan Baroev in men's 96-120 kilo Greco-Roman wrestling, Azerbaijan's Vitaliy Rahimov in men's 55-60 kilo Greco-Roman wrestling, and Kazakhstan's Irina Nekrassova in women's 63 kilo weightlifting.
Also penalized were four bronze medallists in weightlifting - Russia's Khadzhimurat Akkaev (men's 94 kilos) and Dmitry Lapikov (men's 105 kilos), Kazakhstan's Mariya Grabovetskaya (women's 75+ kilos) and Ukraine's Natalya Davydova (women's 69 kilos)................
World oil prices, Russian production both predicted to fall over the next 25 years
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:13 am
World oil prices, Russian production both predicted to fall over the next 25 years
Just how disastrous Vladimir Putin’s decision to rely on the export of oil rather than to modernize and diversify the Russian economy is going to become ever more obvious in the coming years given that world prices of oil may fall to as low as ten US dollars a barrel and Russia’s production of oil to fall by almost 30 percent over the next 25 years.
Those predictions are offered by the new annual report of the International Energy Agency, and they point to a disaster for Russia even if oil prices might occasionally spike upward from where they are now unless Moscow takes step to end Russia’s dependence on oil exports.
The reason the IEA says oil prices will fall is rooted in lower production costs brought about by the fracking revolution. Demand in fact will grow by 12.5 percent by 2040 to 103.5 million barrels a day, Nezavisimaya Gazeta journalist Olga Solovyeva says in reporting on the findings of the agency.
“For Russia, the IAE predictions are hard to call optimistic. Russian oil production is slated to fall by 30 percent to 8.5 million barrels a day from its current rate of 10.9 million.”..............
Ukrainian PM Praises Economy, Pledges to Raise Pensions, Wages
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:14 am
Ukrainian PM Praises Economy, Pledges to Raise Pensions, Wages
In an exclusive interview with RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service on November 16, Prime Minister Volodymyr Hroysman said Ukraine's economy has now grown for three consecutive quarters.
Hroysman also noted that the Fitch ratings agency had raised Ukraine's rating on November 12, meaning that the country is no longer "in a pre-default situation."
As a result, the government will raise pensions by 10 percent in December and double the minimum wage beginning in January.........
Russia infiltrates 30,000 persons clad in military uniforms into Donbas – OSCE
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:16 am
Russia infiltrates 30,000 persons clad in military uniforms into Donbas – OSCE
OSCE special monitoring mission says about 30,000 persons wearing military uniforms has entered Donbas, RBK-Ukrayina quotes the US representative in the OSCE, Daniel Baer, as saying Nov. 18.
The mission has been monitoring traffic only at two cross border checkpoints, Gukove and Donetsk, (both Rostov oblast, Russia), Baer says. It would be difficult to imagine the true dimensions of the military traffic at other checkpoints uncontrolled by Ukraine where there are no OSCE observers, he said.
Despite all the obstacles put up by Russia, the mission could register the destabilizing role of Moscow in Eastern Ukraine, he said.
Baer also said Russia had ignored the OSCE request for admission for its monitors to leave the territory of the checkpoints and patrol their perimeter.
“We all know that when Russia is trying to pass the servicemen off as civilians it is an attempt to cover the truth: they enter Ukraine to fight,” Baer said.
The persons in question receive weapons on arriving in the rebel-held territory, he said.
The OSCE mission also registered 27 incidents of the crossing from Ukraine into Russia of trucks carrying the bodies of the Russians killed in Ukraine.
“The trucks are the Kremlin’s shame. Not only do they send the Russian sons to die in a senseless war, but they disgrace their memory denying they were killed in Donbas,” Daniel Baer said.
Prosecutor General's Office suspects the 14 Russian generals for crimes against Ukraine
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:23 am
Prosecutor General's Office suspects the 14 Russian generals for crimes against Ukraine
Lutsenko said that there are already 13 court verdict
The military prosecutor's office suspects dozens of Russians, including 14 generals, admirals, colonels and two of crimes against national security of Ukraine, and for military aggression has convicted 16 people. Such statistics quoted Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko report on their overall results of the investigation of crimes against the national security of Ukraine and Russian aggression.
In the court directed 9 incriminating actions against crimes of this category and obtained 13 convictions of 14 people.
"At this time, participation in the solution and conduct of aggressive war brought to trial 57 people, including 39 Russians, including 31 servicemen Russia has convicted 16 people, including 6 citizens of other trials continue" - said Lutsenko.
I reported to the Security Service and the GPU together with Natspolitsiyeyu prevent the abduction and murder of former FSB officer of the Russian Federation Ilya Bogdanov, who in 2014 defected to the Ukraine. Operation of kidnapping guided Bogdanova from Russia. In Ukrainian / на українській мові
Who's the 'Putin agent ": Lyashko or Tymoshenko?
Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:38 pm
Who's the 'Putin agent ": Lyashko or Tymoshenko?
Lyashko pours images and accusations against former ally
One of the major scandals of the week, the outgoing charge was triggered by a loud leader of the Radical Party, Oleg Lyashko against Yulia Tymoshenko ( "Fatherland"). Lidertsi opposition attributed the attempt to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.
As you know, on 15 November Lyashko tore statement from the parliamentary rostrum his party members, the eldest MP Yuriy Shukhevych, saying it was "manipulation" because the word 83-year-old People's representatives handed "Fatherland". Lyashko asked Speaker Andrew Parubiya of a break in the meeting. During a break on the sidelines of the parliament a fight involving Lyashko and "radical" Igor Mosiychuk on one side and Alexander Bilyk - on the other. Lyashko argued that Bilyk - seems assistant Medvedchuk and the Council is "to destabilize the situation." The very same Tymoshenko said that Bilyk "never worked even close to Medvedchuk. Moreover Bilyk is now executive director of the newly created public association "Ukrainian patriots", headed by Yuriy Shukhevych himself ... ".
After this Lyashko appealed to the President to strip Tymoshenko Ukrainian citizenship through its "anti-state" activities and caused it to public debate . The "radicals" completely blocked the access of journalists to Shukhevych, which could present his version of events. Recall, MP moves with third party because it has poor eyesight.
Ляшко сипле образами і звинуваченнями на адресу колишньої соратниці
Один з головних скандалів тижня, що минає, був спровокований гучним звинуваченням лідера Радикальної партії Олег Ляшка на адресу Юлії Тимошенко («Батьківщина»). Лідерці опозиції приписали спробу дестабілізації ситуації в Україні.
Як відомо,15 листопада Ляшко зірвав виступ з парламентської трибуни свого однопартійця, найстаршого депутата Ради Юрія Шухевича, заявивши, що це «маніпуляція», оскільки слово 83-річному нардепу передала «Батьківщина». Ляшко попросив у спікера Андрія Парубія про перерву в засіданні. Під час перерви в кулуарах парламенту сталася бійка за участю Ляшка і «радикала» Ігоря Мосійчука з одного боку та Олександра Білика – з іншого. Ляшко стверджував, що Білик - начебто помічник Медведчука і знаходиться в Раді «для дестабілізації ситуації». Сама ж Тимошенко заявила, що Білик «ніколи в житті не працював навіть близько біля Медведчука. До того ж нині Білик працює виконавчим директором новоствореного громадського об’єднання «Українські патріоти», яке очолює... сам Юрій Шухевич».
Після цього Ляшко звернувся до президента з вимогою позбавити Тимошенко українського громадянства через її «антидержавну» діяльність та викликав її на публічні дебати. При цьому «радикали» повністю заблокували доступ журналістів до самого Шухевича, який би міг викласти свою версію подій. Нагадаємо, депутат пересувається за допомогою сторонніх, оскільки має поганий зір.
In "Fahterland" told who heads the corruption in Ukraine
Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:32 pm
In "Fahterland" told who heads the corruption in Ukraine
The pressure became government policy, said MP Vlasenko
People's deputy VO " Fatherland " Sergey Vlasenko live Shuster LIVE said that corruption in Ukraine is headed by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman and.
" Ukraine has never been a fight against corruption! It is headed by President Poroshenko and Groisman. Now pressure is carried out against anyone who says even a word of truth, thinks otherwise and protects human rights. It is not only Saakashvili, it said. I remember the pressure on Savik Shuster. The pressure became government policy, and Poroshenko himself clearly knows that decision and against whom it takes , "- said the deputy. In Ukrainian / на українській мові
Another sovietized Tymoshenko plant, doing her dirty work for her.
He should be asked how many MPs, Mayors, Governors and others have been charged by Lutsenko and company, who Poroshenko put in place, just to do that job? ANYONE who's stuck to the news daily will see the horrendous list of those that have been charged.
If Poroshenko was corrupt, the Ukraine's economic ratings wouldn't have been increased by the likes of Fitch and World Bank. Of course MANY don't even know what that's all about. If corruption (which there's still lots to do, due to how embedded in Ukraine it is) was so bad, why has there been in increase in foreign investments. And investors were very concerned when Yanukovich was in office. Many big companies left and those same are returning. The GDP's increased. Pensions and wages are going to be increased and already have recently. Now again it'll go up. If the economy was so bad, that wouldn't happen.
Yes! Corruption is still bad in Ukraine, and not Lyashko, Tymoshenko, Symnonenko, Boyko or anyone else wouldn't be able to eliminate completely in a short time.
All I see is, election campaigning already starting with daily propaganda from the likes (mainly now) from within Tymoshenko's team of crooks. NOBODY can deny that she's as dirty as they come, with an obsession that is sickening and will bring back Ukraine and Ukrainians to the Yanukovich and late years of Yushchenko, who she tried to bring down, for her own power greed.
I'd hate to say it, and it disturbs me very much, because I love Ukrainians, including my wife who's Ukrainian. But the old soviet ways of thinking still runs deep in Ukraine. Seems propaganda is like tasty food to a vast majority. They swallow it whole. No attempt to research on it, no attempt to become educated on the country's economic issues. Just go with what they're told. AND! If you confront them and give them facts, you're ignored. I've experienced it with my young extended family from Ukraine. It's difficult for them to listen and consider facts. It's very hard for them to accept that they've been misinformed, because it's their friends that tell them the crap. So they find it more comfortable to continue in denial.
It's going to take a long-long time for this to change. I do have a lot of hope for them and the country, but it's going to be a hard road to travel through. They all need our prayers, so they can ALL one day soon see the light that is in front of them for them to reach out and grab. IMO, Ukrainians are much capable of loving one another, as compared to Americans. And I'm an American. They're very loving and their families are the most important to them. They work much harder than in the US. They don't subordinate their authority as done in the US. They can be a very successful society and one for the rest of the globe to admire. But they MUST fight hard to fight that soviet atmosphere that still exists. They need the assistance of the rest of the western democratic country, to make it happen. I thank Canada and the US mainly, along with some of their neighboring countries for helping them recently, to keep it on its feet. But don't fall for the likes of some of the OLD Ukrainian politicians and want to continue to have that mafia attitude and corruption ongoing in Ukraine. It's the only way for them to survive. But hook or by crook. That's not dignity.
Слава Україні
His Holiness Patriarch Filaret: Ukraine destroys the aggressor from the middle
Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:30 pm
His Holiness Patriarch Filaret: Ukraine destroys the aggressor from the middle
Statement of His Holiness Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Filaret at the meeting of the Council of Churches.
President Petro Poroshenko met with representatives of Ukrainian Council of Churches and religious organizations and thanked them for prayer and action to unite the Ukrainian people.
Heads of Churches and Religious Organizations stated that doing everything possible to support Ukraine and pray for the unity of the Ukrainian people.
Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Filaret said that the Church does not support moves aimed at destabilizing Ukraine.
"We understand that the aggressor arms Ukraine did not take, so now wants Ukraine to destroy from within. Our short-sighted politicians do not understand what they are doing and that is mainly today for Ukraine. No seats in parliament, and keep Ukraine as an independent state. Because if not, God forbid, an independent state, in which they will Parliament? What is the meaning of this struggle? All our forces, all political forces should be focused on the main thing - to preserve the Ukrainian state ", - said Patriarch Filaret. In Ukrainian / на українській мові
In Kiev, a fisherman caught a huge catfish
Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:46 pm
In Kiev, a fisherman caught a huge catfish
In the capital on the River from Kiev Desenka caught a giant catfish.
According to the man, his cousin caught fish - amateur underwater fishing.
Мой двоюродный брат давно увлекается подводной охотой, но кто бы мог подумать , что в Десенке водится вот такое чудовище!) Словил днем возле скаймолла!) Нет слов, одни эмоции) In Ukrainian / на українській мові
IMF summarized: Reforms have been completed successfully between Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:57 pm
IMF summarized: Reforms have been completed successfully between Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund
To the third revision of the program of reforms in the framework of cooperation between Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund has been completed successfully, the Verkhovna Rada should adopt the draft of the State Budget-2017 with all the advanced requirements approved a key lender.
This is stated in the statement of the IMF mission concluded its work in Kiev, reports UNIAN.
"Although the country has demonstrated considerable progress certain steps must be made to secure the financial stability in the medium term Among them -. The draft state budget for 2017, maintaining financial stability and the fight against corruption Discussions on these issues will continue.", - Said in a statement.
At the same time, in a statement it said that the presented point of view does not necessarily coincide with the views of the IMF Board of Directors.
As reported by the "Observer", the director of the IMF's communications department Gerry Rice said that the lender is willing to continue cooperation with Ukraine, while maintaining the independence of the NBU. In Ukrainian / на українській мові
Stoltenberg spoke to Trump about NATO: Need to increase defense spending
Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:12 pm
Stoltenberg spoke to Trump about NATO: Need to increase defense spending
The leaders agreed that equity financing NATO advances, but must continue
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had a "good conversation" with US president-elect Donald Trump.
This he said on Twitter.
Talk with US Good President-elect @realDonaldTrump . Both the underlined We enduring importance of #NATO and increased spending defence.
Jens Stoltenberg (@jensstoltenberg) November 18, 2016
"Excellent conversation with president-elect Donald Trump. Emphasize the importance of NATO and the current need to increase defense spending," - wrote Stoltenberg.
Online NATO clarifies that Trump and Stoltenberg spoke on the phone.
The two leaders agreed that NATO equity financing progress has been made, but must continue.
NATO Secretary General Donald Trump invited to Brussels for the NATO summit to be held next year.
Also, the leaders discussed the importance of NATO and its role in countering modern challenges, including terrorism.
Trump is known, as a presidential candidate in an interview said that other countries do not invest enough money in NATO, which gives them protection.
Recall that London intends to call on NATO to increase defense spending by Trump rhetoric .
Recall that on November 9 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg congratulated US President-elect Donald Trump on his victory in elections in the US . He also said that eagerly awaits meeting with Trump and soon invited him to the NATO Summit next year. In Ukrainian / на українській мові
Pentagon: Trump Chairman may appoint a fierce opponent of Putin and ally of Ukraine
Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:24 pm
Pentagon: Trump Chairman may appoint a fierce opponent of Putin and ally of Ukraine
Position can be offered Mattysu James, criticized Obama for lack of military support to allies
The post of defense minister in the administration of US President-elect could take retired Marine General James Mattis, who has two nicknames "Crazy Dog" and "warrior monk". He relentlessly criticized President Barack Obama for alleged lack of military support to allies.
It is reported by " Voice of America".
On Sunday at Trump scheduled to meet with James Mattysom. Billionaire meet with Mitt Romney, Betsy DeVos, Michelle Rhee, rickettsia Todd and Andrew Puzderom said in a text message to Twitter journalist CNN, which refers to the "Voice of America".
It is reported that Mattis called Russian aggression against Ukraine in the Crimea and Donbas "much more acute and serious" than believe in Washington and the EU. Also pointed out that the aim of President Vladimir Putin - split NATO. "In the Crimea and Ukraine is a war" - said Mattis. In Ukrainian / на українській мові
Patriarch Filaret addressed the UPC calling facilitate the release of prisoners and hostages
Sat Nov 19, 2016 12:11 am
Patriarch Filaret addressed the UPC calling facilitate the release of prisoners and hostages
Patriarch delivered the opinion of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, which took place in Kramatorsk
UOC-KP Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Filaret addressed the Blessed Onuphrius UOC (in the Moscow Patriarchate) to help people suffering in Russian captivity.
This is stated on the official website of the UOC-KP.
" As you know, terrorist groups that operate in parts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions and the Russian authorities that carried out the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in captivity, the hostages and as political prisoners held by many citizens of Ukraine. Regarding them often violates basic rights guaranteed by international agreements in such cases of torture carried out up to irreparable harm, committed torture, humiliation of human dignity. With many of them completely missing contact prevents further assistance", - the statement says.
Also noted that according to Minsk II all prisoners, hostages and political prisoners should be released, but neither Russia nor the Kremlin collaborators in the Donbas not perform properly these agreements are still unlawfully and in terms of suffering for holding a large number of citizens of Ukraine.
" We know that both the occupied Crimea, and in the occupied areas of Donbas led your Church is the one that has the possibility to work and is in contact with the de facto authorities and can influence it" - turns of the Ukrainian churches to Metropolitan Onuphrius.
The Patriarch said that appeals not only on its own behalf, but also conveys the opinion of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, which took place in Kramatorsk, refer to the UOC calling for all possible ways to promote the release of prisoners, hostages and political prisoners held by terrorists and Russian occupation authorities as to how this happens - do everything possible to alleviate their situation.
" Joining this call and supporting it, I ask you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who commanded to be compassionate, to visit prisoners stand up for the weak, to resist injustice - do everything in order to held in inhumane conditions Ukrainian prisoners, hostages and political prisoners were released and returned to their families", - the statement says. In Ukrainian / на українській мові
"Manchester United" canceled the tickets for the match in Odesa fans with Russian citizenship
Sat Nov 19, 2016 12:37 am
"Manchester United" canceled the tickets for the match in Odesa fans with Russian citizenship
It is reported that the decision not to issue tickets, government of the host country because of the political situation"
"Manchester United" canceled the tickets for the match Europa League against Ukrainian "Dawn" to all the fans who have Russian citizenship.
Told site for fans of the club in Russia, reports Eurosport.
Today all Russian fans of the club, who were planning a trip to Odesa on December 8 and bought tickets for the match, received a text message that their tickets canceled, the report said.
It also notes that the decision not to issue tickets for the game took a "government of the host country because of the political situation" and potential problems related to the security of Russian fans.
The report said that spent on tickets money will be reimbursed within five days. In Ukrainian / на українській мові
- Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 11 November. [Ukrainian sources]
- Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 4 November. [Ukrainian sources]
- Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 20 November [Ukrainian sources]
- Ukraine crisis. News in brief. Friday 25 November. [Ukrainian sources]
- Ukraine crisis. News in Brief. Friday 06 November [Ukrainian sources]
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