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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko Free Now

Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:29 am
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SBU opened a case against the officials of the Russian Federation for the abduction Savchenko

Against Russian officials reported the criminal proceedings in connection with the situation around the people's deputy of Ukraine of the delegation to the PACE Hopes Savchenko. This was reported by the Ukrainian Security Service on Twitter.

"Registered criminal proceedings against officials of the Russian Federation for the kidnapping Hope Savchenko," - said the report. In Russian

Last edited by Admin on Sat May 28, 2016 3:34 pm; edited 9 times in total

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Klimkin Mogherini asked to ensure the presence of diplomats at the trial of Savchenko

Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:34 pm
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin asked the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to ensure the presence of Federico Mogherini European diplomats at the trial of aviatrix Savchenko Nadezhda in Russia.

He said this in his Twitter.

"I asked Federico Mogherini evrodiplomatov to ensure the presence of a crucial stage trial of Hope" - said Klimkin and issued an appeal to Mogherini. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko set an ultimatum to the judges

Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:22 am
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Ukrainian aviatrix and MP Hope Savchenko during a court session in the Russian Donetsk on January 28, said it would announce a hunger strike, if it is removed from the courtroom.

According to BBC Ukraine, she said that after the judge made her remark, and said he would be forced to remove her from the hall.

Before he refused to file the testimony of a witness protection - official "Ukrtransnafta", basing its decision on the fact that documents presented in the Ukrainian language, while processes in Russia are conducted in Russian.

Savchenko answered loudly declared that it infringes its language rights.

In turn, the Ukrainian lawyers have promised on Monday, February 1, to submit these documents in Russian.

Earlier Savchenko, which is held in the Russian prison, wrote a letter in which he told about his health, and communication with the employees of the penitentiary.

According to her, during the hunger strike, her health condition deteriorated, she was constantly vomiting, dehydration occurred.

Previously, it stated that it would begin a hunger strike 10 days after sentencing. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty PACE will starve to support Savchenko

Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:04 am
Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly will starve to support Hope Savchenko. This was reported by the PACE rapporteur on the Ukrainian crisis Christina Zelenkova in an interview with DW.

"We have decided to resort to using social media, and have opened a special page on the social network Facebook, which all politicians from all countries can use as a platform to support the Hope Savchenko and other political prisoners, laying there photos, information, interviews - all they see fit . We also join with Ukrainian non-governmental organizations so that they could also use our website and talk about their activities in this area. This week we officially launched the campaign in the Council of Europe, and in late February will hold a symbolic hunger strike in support of Hope Savchenko, "- said Zelenková.

In the Donetsk city court of the Rostov region of the Russian Federation on Monday, February 1, the case will proceed to the MP, Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko to be convicted, then returned to Ukraine, lawyer forecasts

Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:11 am
The issue of release of Ukrainian pilot, MP and member of the Ukrainian delegation to PACE Nadia Savchenko, who is illegally detained in the Russian Federation, is a foregone conclusion, Savchenko's lawyer Mark Feygin wrote on Twitter.

Nadia Savchenko was abducted by Russia-backed militants in Donbas last summer, and then illegally transferred to Russia, where she was charged with complicity in the death of Russian journalists. However, the defense claims she couldn't have been involved in this crime as she had been captured before the journalists were killed.
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Kiev and Moscow have agreed to grant Savchenko - Feigin

Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:21 pm
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The verdict Ukrainian pilots and people's deputy Nadezhda Savchenko will endure until the end of February and it will be an indictment, but Kiev and Moscow have agreed to grant the defendant Ukraine.

This Ukrainian lawyer Mark Feigin said in comments to "5 channel" .

According to him, for a formal sentence Savchenko give Ukraine. He noted that Kiev and Moscow to discuss the conditions under which this happens.

"However, behind bars, it will not sit in Ukraine", - said the defender.

"The first - and of course this court political and propaganda the same power, which led the campaign in Ukraine - in the East, and so on - do not want no other verdict except guilty, as this sentence Ukraine itself, not just the verdict one separately taken serviceman Savchenko, "- said the lawyer.

However, he said the defender, in jail in Ukraine Savchenko will not sit.

"The sentence is for sure - most likely - by the end of the month, and the verdict will be guilty According to the information that comes to me, nothing else will not be." - Udobavil Feigin.

Earlier, in his Twitter, he wrote that the conviction Ukrainian pilots already a foregone conclusion, and the negotiations on it are in the process of sending to Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Lawyer Says Deal Struck For Savchenko's Return To Ukraine

Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:54 pm
Lawyer Mark Feigin told Ukraine's Channel 5 television on February 5 that Savchenko, 34, will be convicted "toward the end of February" on charges that she directed artillery fire in a 2014 incident in which two Russian journalists were killed.

Savchenko says she was kidnapped in Ukraine before being taken for trial in Russia's Rostov region.

Feigin said that after she is convicted, it has been agreed that she will be turned over to Ukraine. He said her trial in Russia was "political and propagandistic."
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty The Russian court will start hearing of arguments on the case Savchenko

Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:16 am
On Wednesday, 2 March, in the Donetsk Court of Rostov region (Russia) will start pleadings in the case of Ukrainian pilots, MPs Hope Savchenko.

The hearing will begin at 11:00.

Wednesday will be the reading of their "proofs" the prosecution. Then the debate will make a lawyer Ilya Novikov.

On Thursday, after the speeches Nikolai Polozova lawyers, Mark Feigin, and most of Hope Savchenko court will announce when the verdict.
Recall Savchenko ready to declare hunger strike if the following sentence in a Russian court it is not extradited to Ukraine.

In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Trial against Savchenko adjourned until tomorrow morning as defendant feels bad

Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:44 pm
Nadiia Savchenko asked the court to adjourn the hearing for tomorrow.

Censor.NET correspondent reports.

"I feel bad and want to leave," Savchenko said.

Read more: Savchenko threatened to go on total hunger strike: "You will pronounce verdict without me"

The request was supported by Savchenko's lawyer Mark Feigin. He added that today's debate included speeches by the prosecution and Nadiia Savchenko and that it would be logical to go further the next day. The prosecution made no objection. The judge granted the request.

As reported, a debate of sides in Savchenko's case started today in Russia's court.

The Russian prosecution asks for a 23-year imprisonment for the Ukrainian pilot. In turn, Savchenko threatens to go on a "dry" hunger strike tomorrow.  In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko starts "dry" hunger strike: court suddenly adjourned last plea until March 9

Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:40 am
Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko is set to launch "dry" hunger strike today.

She announced this after the judge adjourned the hearing until March 9, Censor.NET correspondent informs.

It was expected that after today's debate, Nadiia Savchenko would deliver her last statement. But after the speech of lawyers and a short argument between Savchenko and prosecutors, the judge adjourned the hearing until March 9.

"The trial is adjourned until March 9, 11 a.m.," the judge said.

The live broadcast in the press room terminated. The debate ended. The lawyers asked the court to completely justify Nadiia Savchenko. The prosecutors said they believed the fault of the defendant was allegedly totally proved.

As reported by Censor.NET correspondent, when Nadiia was taken out, she cried: "Glory to Ukraine!" A few people - supporters from Kyiv and activists shouted back: "Glory to the heroes!" "Glory to the nation!" Nadiia cried. "Death to enemies!" they returned. In turn, the police officer remarked: "Do not cry!"

After the lawyers finished their speech, Kuznetsov took the floor. He said that Savchenko's phone calls passed through cell towers in Luhansk before she was captured.

In turn, Nadiia started to yell at him: "You haven't carried out a single phone examination with representatives of Ukraine! Neither have you done with Russian experts. On that day, I was fighting in Shchastia. I wasn't in any Luhansk! That's bullshit!"

After that, lawyer Novikov once again retold the arguments of the defense.

"You're sitting and smiling. No one even in Russia believes you. Guys, you've screwed up big time!" Savchenko told the prosecutors. After that, the judge suddenly adjourned Savchenko's last plea until March 9, 11 a.m. In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty "I am going on dry hunger strike until I return to Ukraine, dead or alive!", - Savchenko's letter made public. DOCUMENT (in Ukrainian)

Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:17 pm
Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko's lawyer Nikolay Polozov has published her last statement, together with an announcement of the dry hunger strike.

"Nadezhda asked me to post her last plea from the prison," Polozov wrote in his Twitter, Censor.NET informs.

"Freedom has no price! I believe no one in Russia! Am afraid of no one! Pleading no one! I have said my last word!" her letter reads in Ukrainian.

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The lawyer also noted that Savchenko's decision regarding going on dry hunger strike remains unchanged.

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"Nadiia is meeting with her sister Vira and the consuls. But, by all accounts, there are no chances Nadiia will change her decision," the lawyer noted.

"Nadiia Savchenko's only condition and demand is that she is immediately returned to Ukraine," he added.   In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty US granted more nonimmigrant visas to Ukrainians last year than ever before, - Pyatt

Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:23 pm
The US Embassy in Ukraine issued in 2015 the citizens of Ukraine nonimmigrant visas more than ever before, while in 2014 for business travel and tourism issued 10-year visa.

As the Tsenzor.NET with reference to Interfax-Ukraine , reported by the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt.

"Consular services are a priority for the US Embassy in Ukraine, and I am very pleased that in 2015 we issued over non-immigrant visas than ever. Since 2014 the first Ukrainian business travel and tourism issued 10-year visa is high, which allowed US law. as of October last year, the same rules for Ukrainian sailors cabin crew and commercial ships, as we solemnly declared in Odessa ", - said Dzh.Payyett in an interview with" Today "published publication on the official website on Friday morning.

Asked if Ukraine expect visa liberalization with the United States, the minister said that "there are a number of requirements that must be done about the Visa Waiver Program." "In the field of Corrections, sharing (databases. - Ed.) Data related to security, electronic passports, the level of refusals of visas to less than 3% (in the country. - Ed), high combat terrorism, cross-border standards control "- said the ambassador.

"The human links between our two countries is very important and we know how Ukrainian wants to see progress on visa liberalization ... I look forward to increasing ties between our peoples, which is a strong link in our relationship" - Ambassador.

The ambassador stressed the importance of human relations between the two countries, saying that the U.S. was aware of Ukrainians' aspiration for a visa-free regime.   In Ukrainian

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Poroshenko met with the mother Savchenko

Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:21 am
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko met with the mother of Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko. This was reported in the Ukrainian president's Twitter page.

"In these circumstances, I could not meet with her mother Hope Savchenko. I will do everything possible for her release, "- Poroshenko said in a statement.

Earlier, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that would make every effort to return home Savchenko. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Famous Russian musician said that the behavior of Savchenko admired

Sat Mar 05, 2016 1:12 am
Russian musician Andrei Makarevich admired the courageous behavior of Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko and a deputy in the Russian court. This he said in an interview to "Echo of Moscow" radio station.

"It is - a brave man ... her behavior arouses admiration" - Makarevich said.

At the same time musician considers irrational hunger Hope, "because people in any situation is to keep yourself mentally and physically."

"Mentally she kept herself. It is necessary to keep yourself physically, try to still win, if you are sure he is right. I hope that before the death will not come ", - said Makarevich.

Recall, March 4, Savchenko announced a hunger strike "until the return of Dead or Alive." In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty 'I Will Return To Ukraine, Dead Or Alive' -- Savchenko's Unspoken Last Words In Russian Court [Engl]

Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:42 pm
....It is an absurd situation when those who abduct people subject them to torture then act as if they have a right to judge them! How can one talk about a fair trial? In Russia, there are no trials or investigations -- only a farce played out by Kremlin puppets. And I find it superfluous to waste time in my life participating in it!...
And those in the world with democratic values ought to learn their history lessons before it's too late and remember that there was a time when Europe was tolerant toward Hitler, and America wasn’t decisive enough, and this led to World War II. Putin is a tyrant with imperial manners and a Napoleon and Hitler complex put together....
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Russian Ombudsman promised that Savchenko visit

Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:22 pm
Employees of the office of Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation on March 6, will visit Hope Savchenko, which is due to councils over it announced a hunger strike.

Russian Ombudsman Ella Pamfilova promised this sister Ukrainian pilots and deputy Vera Savchenko SMS message on Saturday, 5 March.

"Faith, Hope tomorrow will be my co-workers - tomorrow afternoon'll call you back. I know that you were her "- quoted Vera Savchenko to Facebook.

She thanked Pamfilova for feedback.

Hope Savchenko announced a hunger strike on March 3 after the court has not given her to come up with the last word, and rescheduled the hearing for March 9th.

Lawyer Nikolai Polozov worried that 4 "festive day" March 8 Hope Savchenko can become disabled or die.

He also suggested that it may be transported to some clinic for artificial withdrawal of the hunger strike - and if March 9 Savchenko not be taken to court, is not known whether she was still alive.

Savchenko banned feed themselves by force, but, as explained by lawyers, under Russian law, it can not afford to die. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty On Sunday, at the Independence will take action in support Savchenko

Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:31 pm
On Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday, 6 March, will take action in support of Ukrainian pilots, MPs Hope Savchenko. It is reported by the public initiative "euromaidan SOS».

According to organizers, the event is scheduled for 12:00 pm. The main slogans of her will, in particular, that Savchenko is a political prisoner regime, Russia - the aggressor country, and the war in the east is not a civil war.

"We will look at the whole world. This is an international event. We put our internal affairs for the sake of supporting our foreign policy ", - the report says.

At the same time the organizers have warned activists not to bring any party flags, and take only the national flags and national symbols. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty If Savchenko not be taken to court on March 9 it will be a disaster - lawyer

Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:09 pm
Ukrainian Health, People's Deputy of Hope Savchenko, which has declared a hunger strike, will remain anonymous until 9 March. Detention, which contain it, is closed for four days off for all visitors.

Lawyer Nikolai Polozov Savchenko in an interview with 15 minutes noted that this is a big problem.

"She's in prison, but on weekends he not only does not let lawyers, relatives and consuls, it just does not work. The input and output isolator is closed. Therefore, it is impossible to get any information about the health of Hope. In the dry fasting person can hold a maximum of a week. But we must not forget that this is a healthy person, and Savchenko has been on hunger strike normal, not dry, more than twenty days. That is, it does not eat, drink only water. Her state of internal organs at the moment can not be estimated, because the last survey carried Hope many months ago. In addition, in the remand prison is simply no doctors, "- said the lawyer.

He said that yesterday's lawyers spoke with the head of the detention center - before and after a visit to Hope. "He said that because he does not have health care workers, in the case of ill health it simply transported somewhere in Rostov-on-Don, put in the clinic and artificially derive from a hunger strike, which, of course, is the force-feeding, watering and etc. ", - said Polozov.

He added that the problem is in the fact that all these movements take place under the "classified". "For security reasons, federal laws prohibit employees FSIN (Federal Service of the Russian Penitentiary -. Ed.) To inform anyone about the location of the prisoner during his placement. Therefore, if hope is not delivered to the court on March 9 it will be a disaster. Firstly, no one will know she is alive or not. Secondly, if it is not taken to court, we will go to the detention facility. If it is not there, it will be necessary to raise the global buzz about her whereabouts. Power will hide it, and find hope can be the only way - putting pressure on the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Ella Pamfilova, who can react. At least in the last hunger strike is our appeal to her, not on paper, but the public, forcing Pamfilova help ensure that Ukrainian doctors examined Hope "- said the lawyer. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko could return to Ukraine in March and April

Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:32 am
Ukrainian aviator and MP Nadezhda Savchenko, illegally detained in Russia may return to Ukraine in late March-early April. This was stated by lawyer Mark Feigin Savchenko in an interview with "New time".

He added that "unforeseen circumstances has not been canceled," but if in March, will be weakened personal sanctions, the chances of exchange Savchenko may increase.

Feigin also said that his client may be exchanged for two detained Russian Grushnik Alexander Alexandrov Evgeny Erofeev after their trial in Ukraine.

According to him, the Kremlin has agreed to exchange commandos to Savchenko.

"As far as I know, this is not a direct exchange, since this was not warranted. Savchenko sent to serve his sentence in Kiev, and Alexander and Yerofeyev - Moscow ", - said the lawyer. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Russian MP on the case Savchenko: it is violence, not justice

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:53 pm
Russian MP Boris Vishnevsky called the trial of Ukrainian aviatrix violence.

About this he wrote in his blog on Echo of Moscow.

"The fact that the Russian authorities called the trial of Nadia Savchenko (from my point of view, much more appropriate would be the word" tribunal "), comes to an end. Is it happening justice? From my point of view - not. This violence, not justice" - he wrote.

"Anyone who watched the process (and, for example, read blogs lawyer Ilya Novikov on the site" Echo "), would ensure that no evidence Savchenko guilt and that its" case "sewn thread sparkling white. Make sure that she was captured by militants so-called "LC" two hours before the death of Russian journalists of complicity in which it is accused, "- said Wisniewski.

He stressed that the Russian authorities have tried officer of the Ukrainian army, which defended the territorial integrity of their country.

Wisniewski said that the true perpetrators of the death of the journalists, those who send weapons to terrorists in Ukraine.

"The murder of Savchenko on the part of those who are pre-appointed her guilty, and cynically rejects all evidence of her innocence - disgusting, but no less disgusting propaganda support of this violence volunteer assistants butchers including carefully hiding their faces bloggers name Savchenko.. "military a criminal," I am sure. they themselves - like the other persecutors Savchenko, happen to them to be in place Hope - have not shown would have a negligible proportion of its courage to the contrary, be repented and confessed, begging for leniency, "- wrote Wisniewski.. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Consul General: Moscow has refused to allow doctors to inspect Ukrainian Savchenko

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:59 pm
Moscow has not given permission for it, so that Ukrainian pilots, people's deputy of Ukraine Hope Savchenko, who is in jail-3 Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, visited by a group of Ukrainian doctors.

This was told the Consul General of Ukraine in Rostov-on-Don Vitaly Moskalenko, transfers Tsenzor.NET.

"The relevant inquiry to the Russian Foreign Ministry was sent another March 5, however, so far received no response." - Moskalenko said.

According to him, on Monday, 7 March, the consuls are going to visit the detention center, where contain Savchenko.

"We have a strong commitment and the need for any price to get to it!" - Moskalenko said. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko: Now I’ll be freed on my terms to show that Russia can be defeated

Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:49 am
Nadia Savchenko, a Ukrainian pilot and lawmaker illegally held by Russia for 1.5 years, announced she will continue her dry (without water) hunger strike until her death or until Russia frees her.

In a note from her cell, Savchenko says her liberation will now be on her own terms, journalist Iryna Romalijska writes in Facebook after she received the note, reports March 7.

“Russia can be defeated if we do not fear it and are staunch like me, Savchenko writes.

The Ukrainian consul met with her this morning, saying the signs of the 4-day ‘dry’ hunger strike are already clearly visible.
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko have manifested the first signs of "dry fasting" - cramps and tachycardia - Consul

Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:49 am
Consul General of Ukraine in Rostov-on-Don Vitaly Moskalenko was able to visit in the Russian-held Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko and informed about the state of her health, reports

"She absolutely clear mind, reactions preserved, but because of the dry fasting she manifested some characteristics of it is this state - dry skin, dry eyes, headache, tachycardia, cramps and all related aspects that are inherent to a person in However, the state of dry fasting will her steel and indestructible "-. said Moskalenko.

Besides, he added that yesterday Savchenko has visited the Russian Federation Ombudsman.

He also conveyed words Savchenko, she wins, though alive, though dead

"Alive or dead, I have won Ukraine above all.!" - Conveyed Ukrainian pilots Moskalenko.

On March 4 Hope Savchenko announced a hunger strike. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister also said that the Russian side has not yet granted permission for admission of Ukrainian and European doctors to her. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty In Savchenko was a priest - lawyer

Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:52 am
Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko visited the priest, who had asked her not to fast. This was reported by Ukrainian lawyer Mark Feigin.

"... I called the head of the Public Monitoring Commission in the Rostov region Leonid Petrashis. He came from N.Savchenko. Said Hope in a satisfactory condition. Plans to participate in court March 9. Also it visited the priest today. He asked not to starve. And yesterday prison in turn were the head of central board of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Rostov region, the prosecutor and the local ombudsman, "- wrote Feigin to Facebook.

Earlier, Consul General of Ukraine in Rostov-on-Don Vitaly Moskalenko could visit is held in the Russian Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko said that Ukrainians "completely clear mind, reactions preserved, but dry fasting she manifested some characteristics of it is this state - dry skin , dry eyes, headache, tachycardia, cramps and all related aspects that are inherent to a person in a state of dry fasting. "

On March 4 Hope Savchenko announced a hunger strike. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister also said that the Russian side has not yet granted permission for admission of Ukrainian and European doctors to her. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty The famous Ukrainian actress joined a rally in support Savchenko (VIDEO)

Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:58 am
People's Artist of Ukraine, chief of the troupe of the National Drama Theatre. Franco, actress Galina Yablonskaia supported the Hope Savchenko directly from the theater scene.

6 March, the day when the whole of Ukraine passed the crowded demonstrations, an actress in the final performance of "Samotnya ledі" applause interrupted by reminding the audience, whose fate is now being decided in the dungeons of "Horde" prisons. Yablonsky also read a poem written in honor of Hope.

Galina Yablonskaia first came on the scene back in 1951. Today, the actress is involved in several productions. In the play "Samotnya ledі" actress performs a major role. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty The State Department called the trial Savchenko "disrespect" to the Minsk agreements

Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:04 am
US officials said the trial of Ukrainian female pilot Nadezhda Savchenko accused of the murder of Russian journalists, disrespectful commitments undertaken by Russia in the framework of the Minsk agreements, US Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement posted on the State Department website.

"In the past 20 months, since she was detained in eastern Ukraine and brought to Russia, Savchenko, according to incoming reports, subjected to interrogation, solitary confinement and forced" psychiatric examination ". The trial of her and continued imprisonment indicates contempt of international norms, as well as Russia's obligations under the Minsk agreements, "- says the official announcement.

Kerry also said that the United States urges the Russian authorities to release Savchenko and return it to Ukraine.

Earlier, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power called Savchenko case one of the key problems in the issue of cooperation with Russia over Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Russian human rights activists: danger to life is no Savchenko

Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:05 am
The members of the Public Oversight Commission (POC) in the Rostov region, who yesterday visited the jail in Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko, evaluated her health condition as satisfactory.

This was in the air "112 Ukraine" the head of the PMC Leonid Petrashis.

"On the last day she weighed 69 kg. The pressure was normal. Of course, health is not perfect, but it is normal. Of course, to complain she is not inclined, but we saw her condition is much worse when she weighed and 64 kg. Dry hunger strike is tough thing ", - said Petrashis.

He noted that Savchenko contained in the same chamber, in which was placed originally. "It's a double camera All rules there correspond She found one a TV with a fridge One she found on her personal request....." - Petrashis said.

Recall, the Consul General of Ukraine in Rostov-on-Don Vitaly Moskalenko said that Hope Savchenko, the first signs of a dry hunger strike, in particular, dry skin, bright eyes, cramps, cold sweats, tachycardia.

March 4 Hope Savchenko announced a hunger strike after the court has not given her to come up with the last word, and rescheduled the hearing for March 9th. Savchenko said that the hunger strike will continue "to return to Ukraine dead or alive." In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty "Putin underestimated Ukrainian women and most of all - Savchenko," - US Ambassador Pyatt

Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:07 am
Russian President Vladimir Putin underestimated Ukrainian women and more than anybody else - Nadiia Savchenko whose courage and resilience is a powerful symbol of Ukrainian endurance.

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt said at the Women's History Month reception, Censor.NET informs citing embassy press service.

"One of the real stories of Ukraine over the past 28 months or so is Vladimir Putin's underestimation of Ukrainian women. Whether it was the courage of Ruslana standing out on the Maidan stage singing the national anthem, the courage of Olha Bohomolets and her medical corps... the many of you who have been part of the civil society and have now walked on the other side of the line to become leaders in the Rada and in government... all of the Ukrainian women who have played leading roles in the ATO as volunteers, soldiers... and more than anybody else, Nadiya Savchenko whose courage and resilience is such a powerful symbol of Ukrainian endurance," Pyatt said.   In Russian

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Russia promised to let Ukrainian doctors see Savchenko as mobile unit en route, - MP Iryna Herashchenko

Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:39 am
The Ukrainian side has managed to get permission from Russia's government for a group of Ukrainian doctors to be let in the detention center where Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko, who has recently declared a "dry" hunger strike, is held.

Poroshenko Bloc MP Iyna Herashchenko wrote on Facebook, Censor.NET reports.

"In the coming hours, a group of Ukrainian doctors will depart from Kyiv [for Russia -ed.] to examine Nadiia Savchenko and provide medical assistance. Our diplomats have succeeded in making Russia's authorities promise our doctors will be allowed to see Nadiia on March 9. The president of Ukraine has ordered that a mobile unit be formed from the best Ukrainian doctors, taking into account the wishes and position on this important issue of Nadiia's family - mother and sister. Today, a mobile unit of three doctors is leaving Kyiv for the Rostov region," she wrote.

"The president has also instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to set up a coordinating office for Nadiia's release. These days, he has repeatedly spoken to Nadiia's mother Maria - both in person and on phone. Every effort is made for Maria to wait until her daughter is back home. Yesterday, our consul general was granted access to Nadiia. The EU also came up with a rigid statement, calling to release Nadiia Savchenko and all hostages, as stipulated by the Minsk agreements. An international campaign in support of Savchenko and all political prisoners in the Russian Federation is to be launched on March 9 - our diplomatic missions and Ukrainian communities around the world are working to arrange peaceful protests. The rally will take place in various European capitals and cities around the world. On behalf of the Verkhovna Rada committees on European Integration and foreign affairs, we have also sent a statement to our European colleagues and politicians to intensify public pressure on the Russian Federation," the MP added.  In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Consul General Moskalenko on Savchenko's health: Morale is high, physique could be better

Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:54 am
Ukrainian consuls, who visited Nadiia Savchenko in the 3rd remand prison of Novocherkassk, the Rostov region of Russia, are concerned with her physical health.

Ukrainian Consul General in Rostov-on-Don Vitalii Moskalenko said to Censor.NET correspondent, who is currently in Novocherkassk.

"In what condition could a person on a dry hunger strike be. Of course, it's a heart hurry, dry skin, eyes glinting, legs swelling, blood pressure low - 100 by 60. She has all symptoms of dry hunger, and her condition is getting worse," he noted.

"Her morale is, as always, high; I would like to note that all her mental reactions are completely adequate, she controls her thoughts and her deeds. But her physique is not the best,"Moskalenko said.   In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty On March 9, help #FreeSavchenko. Clickable tweets here

Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:07 am
On March 9, Nadiya Savchenko will be 85 days on hunger strike and 6 days on dry hunger strike. She is protesting her illegal detention and the criminal actions of Russia’s prosecution and has demanded to be returned home dead or alive. Her life is counted by days. Only international action can help save her.

Tweet #FreeSavchenko, take part in the twitter storm (easy clickable tweets coming here soon!)

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty The Briefing By Brian Whitmore (PODCAST report: The Magician's Successor And The Savchenko Endgame

Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:18 am
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Hope Savchenko: I get out of prison alive or dead. I've already won (LETTER)

Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:40 am
Ukrainian political prisoner Hope Savchenko, which continues the hunger strike in the Russian prison, wrote a new short message.

"Now I'm going to get out of prison on their own terms, to show the world that Russia can be twisted together into a ram's horn, if not fear, and be steadfast as I", - said Savchenko in the letter.

She also stressed in his speech that more "does not want to wait for the uncertainty." Hope Savchenko assured that convinced the victory.

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March 7 at the detention center, which contains Savchenko arrived Consul General of Ukraine in Rostov-on-Don Anatoly Moskalenko and Vice Consul Alexander Kovtun.

They reported that Savchenko already seen the first signs of ill health: heart palpitations and cold hands. However, in the minds of aviatrix and adequately react.

The whole meeting lasted half an hour. Ukrainian diplomats Hope Savchenko stated that it intends to hold on to the court, which will take place on March 9 at the Russian Donetsk. It plans to come up with the final word.

According to diplomats, the Ukrainian woman attends a medical detention facility, which measures the pressure of it. All entreaties to take food and water aviatrix refuses.

Russia has not yet given permission for inspection Savchenko Ukrainian doctors.

March 3 Donetsk city court of the Rostov region of the Russian Federation suffered a hearing on March 9, Savchenko. Court prematurely closed the meeting and Savchenko announced a hunger strike.

Savchenko's lawyer Nikolai Polozov called the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Ella Pamfilova start monitoring the state of health of Ukrainians. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty EU Lawmakers Demand Sanctions On Putin, 28 Others Over Savchenko

Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:25 pm
A March 8 letter signed by 57 European lawmakers names Russian individuals and pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine accused of being "responsible for the political decision to kidnap" Savchenko, to "transport her to the territory of Russia, detain her unlawfully, and fabricate charges against her."

In addition to Putin, the letter calls for the blacklisting of Federal Security Service (FSB) director Aleksandr Bortnikov, Russian State Duma foreign affairs committee chief Aleksei Pushkov, senior investigators in Russia, and eastern Ukraine's separatist leader Igor Plotnitsky.

ALSO READ: Hundreds March In Kyiv Demanding Savchenko's Release

It also lists prosecutors, judges, and other individuals who are accused of fabricating evidence against Savchenko, declaring fabricated evidence to be legally valid in court, and lengthening Savchenko’s detention while awaiting the conclusion of her trial for 20 months........
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko: Now I am fighting not with death, and with their desires to eat and drink

Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:14 pm
Ukrainian aviator Hope Savchenko, which from March 3 continues hunger strike in protest against her illegal arrest of Russian invaders, said Tuesday that the fighting is not with death, and with their desires to eat and drink. This was reported by Public Monitoring Commission (PMC) member of the Rostov region Cherevatenko Valentine, who visited March 8th Nadezhda in jail in the city of Novocherkassk (RF) along with other members of the PMC, wrote on his Facebook in the village known Russian journalist Victoria Ivlev.

"Well what can I say ... In comparison with yesterday's day, it seems to me that it is not better. She said a phrase that "Now, at the moment, I am not fighting with death, and with their desires. I want to eat, and this can not be done, I want to drink, but this can not be done ", - said Cherevatenko.

Recalling the details of the conversation, Cherevatenko said: "The mood at it (at Savchenko) normal. She normally speaks. It's true. She smiles. Her dinner was on the floor. Again. We came yesterday, he stood on the floor. " At the same time head of the detention center I asked her why she puts dinner on the floor, what Savchenko replied: "What does it matter where he stands. I am still will not. "

Cherevatenko said: "Today, I noticed that, probably, it is more difficult. Condition, of course, does not improve. " She added that today Savchenko brought flowers, which she was happy.

"She said:" For all this time, how much I am in prison for the second time I was presented with flowers. For the first time in Moscow, one of the Embassy of Ukraine. And now. " She really was very happy, "- stated Cherevatenko.

She stressed that it considers it important that Savchenko "really monitors their state, is aware of everything and getting ready for tomorrow."

Cherevatenko reported that, embracing, Savchenko asked "if necessary" to call her by prison staff, who immediately informed about it, and she will come to Nadia "at any time". In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Singer Jamal said Savchenko: Stay alive, we need you!

Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:29 pm
Singer Jamal, who will represent Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest, wrote a letter to Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko and Deputy. Jamal text of the letter published on his page to Facebook.

This appeal is a response to a letter of Hope in which the aviator wished the singer wins Eurovision.

"Dear Hope! I am very grateful to you for your kind words and faith in our victory! You - a very strong woman, your whole world admires courage! ", - Said in the letter.

Jamal added that Hope Savchenko is expected in Ukraine.

"We are waiting for you at home! Stay alive, we need you! "- Wrote Jamal.

As you know, today, March 9, held a hearing on the case of Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko and the deputy, which the Russian government illegally keeps imprisoned. Hope plans to read the last word, in spite of ill health because of the dry hunger strike, which she started back on March 4. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty People's Artist of Russia appealed to Putin to demand the release Savchenko: God forbid, she dies

Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:30 pm
Demanding the release of Hope Savchenko to Vladimir Putin addressed the People's Artist of Russia, composer Vladimir Nazarov. Video message posted on You Tube.

Nazarov said that Putin in 2004 awarded him the title of People's Artist.

"And then I could not imagine in my worst nightmare, that in 2016 I would ask you not to kill a woman - not to kill Hope Savchenko, not to kill military officer, whose only fault is only that it is honestly served his native Ukraine", - Nazarov said.

He urged the President to take Savchenko with respect.

"Remember that you - the officer, and the officer's honor there. To show mercy to his enemy - the same officer. God forbid, die Hope Savchenko: Fire breaks out for decades. And they will die, and Ukrainian, and Russian boys. I understand you do not feel sorry for them, but they feel sorry for me and millions of fathers and mothers feel sorry for his sons who will die for the sake of your ambitions, "- he tried to explain Nazarov Putin.

The actor said that the Russian leader will not be able to avoid responsibility for the matter. After all, according to Nazarov, was Putin has built a legal system in which any decision in Russia dictated from the Kremlin.

"You like to emphasize that there is honor officer. So respect your enemy. The whole world knows that you have created a judicial system in which no judge, no prosecutor, even a police officer will not do anything without a command from above, without you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, the team ", - he said.

Nazarov said that Putin had no right to judge Nadezhda Savchenko, because she is a prisoner of war, and so all the "proof" of her "guilt" fabricated. It is assured the composer, known both in Russia and around the world. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty In Russia Ukrainian deputies who flew to see Savchenko in court detained - Polozov (Zik)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:32 am
In Russia Ukrainian deputies who flew to see Savchenko in court detained - Polozov (Zik)

Ukrainian deputies were flying on the court to the Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko was detained in Moscow.

Reported lawyer Nikolai Savchenko Polozov in his Twitter.

"Deputies from the homeland, who flew to the court to Hope, was detained at the airport in Moscow and was released only after the departure of the flight to Rostov," - he wrote.

Polozov not specify what deputies were arrested.

As you know, Savchenko announced a dry hunger strike on March 3, after the court had not given her come up with the latest and moved meeting on 9 March.

On Wednesday, hope has come up with the latest. Also on Wednesday will be known date of sentencing.

The US and Europe urged Putin to release Savchenko.

Russia Nadezhda Savchenko Court

No fuirther details. Putin obviously realizing he's created a mega-problem for himself with the kidnapping of Savchenko.
Normally he loves publicity. But not on this. Here's the original twitter -
Депутатов от Батькивщины, летевших на суд к Надежде, задержали в аэропорту Москвы и отпустили только после вылета рейса. #FreeSavchenko
07:29 – 9 Бер 2016
Just from an hour or so ago. Says Deputies from Batkivshina.
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Ukraine pilot Savchenko to make final Russia court statement [Engl]

Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:05 am
CR@P report from the BBC, not for the first time.
I presume this is from "reporter" Sarah Rainsford, Moscow resident. No name attacked, not surprisingly. She gives the Moscow position first in the report.
Only later on do you read about her kidnapping (according to her, of course). Rainsford sits of the fence, to keep buddy with the Kremlin. Makes me puke.
Typical BBC cr@p. Phrases like -
"She is reported to...", and "She says she was kidnapped.... " Shaun Walker stuff.

The typical British reader will not realise that you could go to Russia as a tourist, spend 5 days looking at art in the Hermitage, and then be charged with spying and locked up for 60 years. That is Russia today.
Reminds me of Shaun Walker's report in the Guardian about the downing of MH17. "Maybe", "possibly"....
See our post on "Journalists reporting in Ukraine" for more on these so-called "journalists", at
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Russian president’s spokesperson calls MEPs’ demand to impose sanctions against Putin over Savchenko interference in judicial process

Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:44 am
The demand of the Members of the European Parliament to impose sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin with regard to the trial of Ukrainian MP Nadiia Savchenko is interference in the judicial process.

Russian President's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said, Censor.NET reports citing TASS.

"We cannot tolerate the attempts to interfere in the judicial processes that take place in our country in strict accordance with applicable Russian legislation," he said.

According to him, such trials also include Savchenko's case. "Any interference is unacceptable," the representative of the Kremlin stressed.

Peskov said that "there are certain procedures that are carried out at the moment" in Russia. "Due to the fact that the trial is underway, we actually consider any comment regarding it to be impossible and unacceptable," he stressed.  In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko has fever on 6th day of hunger strike

Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:50 am
Nadia Savchenko has developed a fever on her 6th day after going on a dry hunger strike, but the Russian authorities do not let Ukrainian doctors examine her, Savchenko’s lawyer Mykola Polozov says March 9.

Her temperature is 38C but she will have her last speech in court today, the lawyer says.

Savchenko stopped eating food and drinking water on March 3, and is now in a danger zone regarding her health, doctors say.

Nadia, a chopper pilot in the Ukrainian army,  had been kidnapped by the Donbas rebels and taken to Russia where she had spent 1.5 years in jail awaiting trial.
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko Gives Court Defiant Gesture In Final Statement

Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:07 am
Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko refused to recognize the authority of the Russian court where she is on trial for murder. In her final statement to the court, she said the Russian people would rise up to protest against President Vladimir Putin. She then jumped up on her bench and made an obscene gesture to the court. (RFE/RL's Russian Service)
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko To Continue Hunger Strike As Court Delays Verdict

Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:13 am
Ukrainian pilot and parliament deputy Nadia Savchenko has told a Russian court she will continue her dry hunger strike after a tense hearing in which the judge postponed the verdict in her closely watched case until March 21.

A defiant Savchenko declared that she would recognize neither the court nor its verdict, before she stood on a bench inside the cage for defendants and raised her middle finger in the direction of the judge.

Savchenko emphasized that she is willing to continue the no-food, no-water hunger strike no matter what happens, saying, "You must understand that we are playing with my life; the stakes are high and I have nothing to lose."

She also said a popular uprising similar to Ukraine's Euromaidan movement is inevitable in Russia, adding that Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot hold on to power by means of people's blood."

Savchenko, 34, wore her trademark T-shirt with the Ukrainian trident symbol at the March 9 hearing in the court in the southern Russian city of Donetsk, near the border with the home country she has vowed to return to "dead or alive.".....................

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Court denies Savchenko's mother, sister visit with her before sentencing

Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:41 am
Ukrainian doctors, consular officials and relatives of Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko have been denied a visit with her, her lawyer Nikolai Polozov said.

"The court has declined to allow Savchenko's sister and mother a visit with her, and also [a visit] by Ukrainian doctors for an examination. Ukrainian consuls have also been denied a visit with Nadia Savchenko before the sentencing," Polozov said on Twitter.

Ukrainian consuls Oleksandr Kovtun and Vitaly Moskalenko have recently visited Nadia Savchenko in the detention facility.....
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Biden: Savchenko's unlawful continuing detention violates Minsk agreements

Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:16 am
"Her unlawful continuing detention is a clear violation of Russia's commitment under the Minsk agreements, and she should be freed at once," Biden said in a statement posted on the White House.

"Nadia has been unjustly imprisoned in Russia since 2014—detained and facing trial on trumped up charges. Nadia was proudly serving her country as a member of the Ukrainian armed forces, fighting in the eastern part of the country when she was abducted by separatists and taken across the border against her will," the vice president said.

He called on Russia to drop all charges against Savchenko and release her at once..........
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Odessa Demonstrators Burn Putin in Effigy to Protest Savchenko Trial [Engl]

Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:19 pm
Demonstrators in the Ukrainian city of Odessa have burned a dummy of Russian President Vladimir Putin in protest against the trial of Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko, local online news site reported Wednesday.
The dummy — with the face of Putin depicted as Adolf Hitler — was burned by the protesters in front of the Russian consulate....

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One has to question Putin's large-scale tactics. He is just building up more and more hate against Russia, Russians, and all things Russian.
Putin has a Stalin brain, and believes fear makes people comply. This is not the case in countries like Ukraine where freedom reigns.
Russia itself, of course, is a different matter. The Russian people are mere peasants, scared to do anything. North Korea II in the making.
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Ukrainian doctors won't be allowed to see Savchenko over her defiant behaviour in court, - Lavrov

Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:14 pm
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimkin have discussed in a phone conversation the issue of access of Ukrainian doctors to Nadiia Savchenko who is tried in Russia over her alleged complicity in the death of two Russian journalists in the Donbas.
Censor.NET reports referring to Russia's Foreign Ministry website.

The conversation took place on March 9 at the initiative of the Ukrainian side.

Read more: Relatives, activists, and Ukrainian MPs initiate rally in support of Savchenko outside jail

"Klimkin was said that the Russian side took steps in order to meet the request for a visit of Savchenko by Ukrainian doctors only as an exception based on the principles of humanism," the statement reads.

According to Lavrov, a judge of the Donetsk city court where the Savchenko's case is heard was ready to let the Ukrainian doctors visit the defendant as soon as on March 9.

"However, Savchenko's defiant behavior in the course of today's trial and her offensive language at the court changed the situation, making such a visit impossible," the ministry noted.  In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko ends dry hunger strike following requests of her supporters and Ukrainian president, - lawyers

Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:16 am
Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko has decided to stop dry hunger strike by starting to drink liquid.

Savchenko's lawyer Mark Feigin said to activists who have gathered outside the Novocherkassk prison, where the Ukrainian is held, Censor.NET correspondent informs.

"Nadiia is ending her dry hunger strike and starts drinking water!" Feygin said.

"She has really stopped dry hunger strike after President Poroshenko wrote her a letter asking to stop dry hunger strike. She accepted the request." Feygin added.

This information was also confirmed by another lawyer of Savchenko Nikolai Polozov.

"Thank God, Nadiia Savchenko stopped dry hunger strike. The request of Petro Poroshenko and all those who supported her has influenced her decision!" Polozov wrote on Twitter.

Later, Feygin told reporters that Savchenko wrote a return letter, in which she appeals to all Ukrainians. According to Feygin, Savchenko does not consider her action a concession, but rather her victory, and very much expects that her fate will eventually be determined in a manner making successful the efforts taken by the Ukrainian authorities for her release.

Mark Feygin noted that yesterday's appeal of Petro Poroshenko to the Kremlin on the exchange of Nadiia Savchenko should get an answer no matter what procedural form it would have. He added that Nadiia was very much counting on it.

"It is senseless to expect the acquittal, but the convention on extradition, which both Russia and Ukraine are signatory to, may be implemented in the case of Savchenko. In her letter Savchenko particularly thanks for the support provided to her and stops dry hunger strike. She believes that this appeal to her has been caused by a great concern about her health. She will continue fighting until the verdict, which is expected to be delivered on March 21-22. Prior to that, she will continue the hunger strike the same way as previously, taking only organic mixture, baby food. Nothing endangers her life anymore," the lawyer added.

Later Feigin posted Savchenko's response to a letter of Petro Poroshenko on Twitter.   In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty US Permanent Representative to UN urges Russia to release Savchenko

Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:19 am
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations says Russia demonstrates blatant disregard for its commitments under the Minsk agreements.

Censor.NET reports citing the statement by Ambassador Samantha Power on Russia's continued detention and trial of Nadiia Savchenko.

She wrote: " Nadiya Savchenko, a former Ukrainian pilot and current member of Ukraine's parliament, was abducted in eastern Ukraine on June 17, 2014 and taken across the border to Russia, where she remains detained on baseless charges. Today, in spite of a "dry" hunger strike in which she has not had any food or liquid for nearly a week, Savchenko took the stand to deliver her closing statement in a farcical trial.

"Russia's continued detention of Savchenko demonstrates blatant disregard for its commitments under the Minsk agreements. Savchenko - as well as all Ukrainians who are being held illegally by separatists and by Russia - should be free.

"Twice I've had the honor of meeting Maria Savchenko, Nadiya's mother. She has had to follow from afar the harrowing accounts of her daughter's health deteriorating in prison, with no idea when she might be freed, or worse, whether she might die. In a video statement she released yesterday, Maria said, "I'm so nervous, I forgot what it's like to sleep."

"Yesterday marked Nadiya Savchenko's 600th day of wrongful imprisonment. She belongs back in Ukraine, working alongside her colleagues in the Rada to build a better future for her country. We call on Russia to release her at once."   In Ukrainian

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty More than 20 countries spoke in support of Savchenko, - Foreign Ministry

Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:25 am
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine says more than 20 countries addressed Russia in their support of Ukrainian MP Nadiia Savchenko on Wednesday.

Foreign Ministry Political Director Oleksii Makeiev said on air of 5 Channel, Censor.NET reports citing Ukrainski Novyny.

"Over the day, more than 20 foreign ministries and ministers personally have expressed support (of Savchenko in their calls on Russia)... All over the world, official authorities have reacted," he said.

Earlier, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland urged Russia to release Savchenko.

As Censor.NET previously reported, Ukraine's Foreign Ministry views adjourning the date of verdict against Nadiia Savchenko until March 21 and denying her right to be visited by Ukrainian consuls, doctors, and family members is viewed as a violence.  In Ukrainian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 3 Empty Savchenko said to the fake letter: no one else believe in Russia (LETTERS)

Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:58 pm
Lawyers Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko published his client response to the fake treatment which began distributing networks.

Lawyer Nikolai Polozov published a photo of three sheets, two of them wrote Nadezhda Savchenko, and other false started to spread on its behalf.

In his letters to the Russian and Ukrainian Savchenko explained why decided to abandon the dry fasting.

But in a fake web address mentioned that Ukrainian aviator supposedly ready to admit his guilt in the murder of Russian journalists.

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