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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko Free Now

Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:29 am
First topic message reminder :

SBU opened a case against the officials of the Russian Federation for the abduction Savchenko

Against Russian officials reported the criminal proceedings in connection with the situation around the people's deputy of Ukraine of the delegation to the PACE Hopes Savchenko. This was reported by the Ukrainian Security Service on Twitter.

"Registered criminal proceedings against officials of the Russian Federation for the kidnapping Hope Savchenko," - said the report. In Russian

Last edited by Admin on Sat May 28, 2016 3:34 pm; edited 9 times in total

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty "Everything written here is a lie": Savchenko pleads not guilty

Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:20 pm
Ukrainian helicopter pilot, Member of Parliament Nadia Savchenko said she would not plead guilty in a Russian court during today’s hearing in a criminal case she says has been trumped up against her, according to one of Savchenko’s lawyers Nikolai Polozov.

"Savchenko: I plead not guilty; everything written down in the indictment is a lie," Polozov tweeted.

He also said that the prosecutor in Donetsk city court of the Rostov region was "muttering" the indictment in the court room.

The authorities allowed the cameramen to be present during the prosecutor’s speech “to get the ‘right’ picture,” according to Polozov. Meanwhile, Savchenko’s sister Vera was removed from the court room. She will be later testifying as a witness.

Earlier today, the Donetsk city court of the Rostov region began a hearing in the criminal сase of Nadiya Savchenko.

The journalists were initially banned from the courtroom, although the Ukrainian Consul and Nadiya’s sister were present. not allowed in journalists, but allowed presence of the Ukrainian Consul and Nadiya’s sister.....................

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Ministry of Foreign Affairs is preparing "Savchenko Sentsova List" with the names of those responsible for the persecution of Ukrainians

Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:05 pm
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry is preparing a "list Savchenko Sentsova" against those responsible for the illegal persecution of Ukrainian citizens.

This was reported at the briefing Foreign Ministry spokesman Ukraine Mariana Betz.

"The list is provisionally called" Savchenko Sentsova. " It will apply to all political prisoners, it is being developed. The list will be made to all those who are involved in the illegal detention, the abduction, unlawful imposition of sentences of our citizens ", - said Betz.

Responding to the clarification question whether this list analogue "Magnitsky list", and whether to apply any sanctions to the persons involved, Betz said, "It is too early to say whether this is analogue (the Magnitsky list - ed.). And now he is only in its formative stages. "

As you know, the list of Magnitsky - a "black list", which contains a list of Russian officials connected with the case of «Hermitage Capital Management» and death of Sergei Magnitsky, who are banned from entering the US, and provides economic sanctions.

Magnitsky died in prison in Moscow after a year of detention in prison in conditions that human rights activists have described as torture. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty The [RF] Ministry of Justice will consider a request for extradiction of Nadia Savchenko [Ru source]

Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:27 am
The [Russian] Ministry of Justice will consider a request for the extradition of Nadia Savchenko
The question of its possible issuance of Ukraine can be discussed if the country recognizes the decision of the Russian authorities and will ensure that the homeland convicted will be punished

Now - wait a minute...
the court case is going on. She hasn't been found guilty yet!
But obviously the verdict was written by Putin and the Russian so-called "Ministry of Justice" some long time ago.
That just says it all about the Russian legal system. A farce. Politcal from A to Z.
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Russian Justice Ministry's statement on Savchenko testifies that guilty verdict has been prepared for her, - Ukraine's Justice Minister Petrenko

Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:51 am
The statement by the Russian Justice Ministry on possibility of the Ukrainian pilot and MP Nadiya Savchenko to return to Ukraine after the sentencing proves that the court has its ruling already prepared.
This was announced by Ukrainian Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko, Censor.NET reports citing Interfax-Ukraine.

"The Russian Ministry of Justice has once again confirmed that Russian judicial system and courts are hand-held. This statement, made before Nadiya is sentenced by the Russian court, proves that the sentence has been already prepared and it is guilty verdict for sure," he said commenting on the Russian Justice Ministry's relevant statement.

Ukrainian Justice Minister said that such statements are "far from justice and fairness." "They should be ashamed for making such statements before the sentence," Petrenko added.

He also said the Ukrainian government was doing its best to return Nadiya Savchenko, who is "a hostage of the Russian regime," to Ukraine.

The statement in question read that Nadiya Savhcneko's transfer to her home country could only be possible after the sentencing and on condition that Ukraine recognizes the court's ruling and guarantees the punishment of the convicted. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty PACE explained why the Kremlin keeps Savchenko custody

Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:28 pm
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) said that the Russian authorities keep in custody the people's deputy, member of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to PACE Hope Savchenko, which tried in Russia on a fabricated criminal case, to achieve its foreign policy goals.

This is stated in the PACE resolution on the inadmissibility of the abuse of such preventive measure as custody, says PM.

Among the countries of abusing the measure of restraint, apart from Russia, named Georgia, Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The resolution says that Russia is pursuing a policy, including foreign policy objectives by holding Savchenko.

In addition, detention is used by individual countries as a way to discredit or neutralize political rivals; putting pressure on the prisoners to force them to sell their business; intimidation of civil society and the reduction of criticism.

PACE also expressed concern about the excessive presence of foreign citizens among the detainees.

"This is a concern that the legal grounds for detention is applied in a discriminatory manner", - stated in the resolution.

As reported by the "Observer", formerly a lawyer Nikolai Polozov said that Savchenko can convey to his homeland for six months after conviction. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Attorney Savchenko called the time frame in which pilots to return home

Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:30 pm
Ukrainian pilots and MPs Hope Savchenko can convey to his homeland for six months after conviction.
This was stated by one of her lawyers, Nikolai Polozov, writes "Interfax-Ukraine".

"The verdict in the case of Hope Savchenko take place either at the end of this year or early next. We are confident that he will be guilty," - said the lawyer.

According to him, only upon completion of necessary legal procedures Savchenko can be returned to Ukraine.

"I am confident that Savchenko Nadezhda then be transmitted to the Ukrainian side for half a year or earlier," - said the lawyer.

As reported by the "Observer", earlier in Russia called the condition under which the return to Ukraine Savchenko. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty The lawyer expects the Kremlin's "gift" Savchenko New Year

Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:37 pm
MP, member of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to PACE Hope Savchenko, which tried in Russia on a fabricated criminal case, can transmit to Ukraine on 31 December.

This was stated by Ukrainian lawyer Mark Feigin broadcast Hromadske.TV.

He stressed that the goal of the Russian authorities - to get the maximum dividends from the situation Savchenko.

He said that after the transfer of Ukraine Savchenko Russian propaganda will be able to declare that "we gave her to serve his sentence, and Kiev junta released murderer."

"The court - it is one of the floors of authoritarian rule in Russia. It would be naive to believe that the courts in Russia are free. There is no free courts in Russia", - stated the lawyer.

Feigin said that after the verdict, and the passage of a second appellate court can talk about the application of the Convention, which will pass Savchenko Ukraine.

"I think they sent her home on December 31," - he said.

As reported by the "Observer", formerly a lawyer Nikolai Polozov said that Savchenko can convey to his homeland for six months after conviction. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko threatened with removal from the courtroom

Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:47 pm
The presiding judge in the case of Ukrainian, MPs Hope Savchenko threatened removal of the defendant from the courtroom if she did not stop saying without the referee's permission.

On Tuesday, the court questioned Inspector DPS Mikhail Lutsenko, who was present at the time the vehicle is stationary with Savchenko in the Voronezh region. The Court then proceeded to the examination of Alexey Miroshnikov, who, according to him, picked up Savchenko from the Rostov region in Voronezh. During the examination of a witness by lawyers Miroshnikov declined to name the name of the person who sent him to the car, where he allegedly later picked up Savchenko. Protection petitioned to oblige the witness to do this, but the court rejected them.

Then Savchenko spoke loudly in the Ukrainian language.

"I make you a note. You are too often speak without the permission of the court. If you do not stop, the court may remove you from the courtroom, "- said the judge, referring to Savchenko.

Earlier, during interrogation Miroshnikov Savchenko also received two comments from the Court for an obscene gesture toward the witness and misconduct. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty #Savchenko puts bag over her head in Russian court (PHOTO)

Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:53 am
Nadiya Savchenko's trial continues today, on October 7, in Russia's town of Donetsk in Rostov region. Defence lawyer of Ukrainian pilot tweeted the picture of her with an embroidered bag over her head.

She did so to protest the testimony of one of Russia's witnesses in her case. According to Savchenko, so-called witness Alexey Pochechuyev, an FSB officer, was directly involved in her abduction from the militant-occupied east Ukraine's Donbas last summer.

She was transported with the bag put over her head, so Savchenko decided to remind him of that fact.

"Do you recognize me like that? Can you see me," she asked.

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Russian Ombudsman considers it appropriate to transfer Savchenko Ukraine after sentencing

Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:03 pm
The Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia Ella Pamfilova welcomed the prospect of transmission Ukraine illegally held in the Russian people's deputy Savchenko hopes to serve his sentence after she will make a decision.

"If, indeed, such a possibility is considered, then, regardless of the sentence, and it would be reasonable and appropriate, and most importantly, humane," - she said, "Interfax".

Russia may discuss the issue of transfer Savchenko Ukraine to serve his sentence on the Ukrainian territory after the verdict, said Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov.

"The actions of the universal principle of the tripartite agreement: the transmitting side, and the host of the convicted person, whose fate is at stake. If Savchenko be condemned if it is, this issue will be discussed. But I do not speak in terms of specific, in fact, I do not know whether it will be condemned, "- said Konovalov reporters in Yalta.

"From the point of view of law - yes, maybe, if this decision will be placed in the existing bilateral agreements and formats", - the Minister said about the possibility of transmission Savchenko Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Matios not preclude the exchange Grushnikov to Savchenko and Sentsova

Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:03 pm
Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios allows the exchange of detainees in Luhansk military GRU of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Yerofeyev and Alexander Alexandrov on the illegally detained in Russia Savchenko Nadezhda Oleg Sentsova Alexander Kol'chenko and other Ukrainians.

"Only after the verdict, before the verdict is impossible," - he said in an interview Matios ZN.UA .

According to him, "Russia is a party to international law, so if those people are convicted and transferred to Russia should ensure completion of sentence its citizens who committed crimes on the territory of another state."

As stated by October 7 lawyer Mark Feigin Savchenko Nadezhda, Moscow and Kiev are in intensive negotiations regarding the transfer of Ukraine Savchenko. Earlier in the Ministry of Justice said they would consider the transfer Savchenko Kiev after her conviction.

As is known, Ukraine does not recognize guilt Savchenko and considers her a prisoner kidnapped in Russia. Previously, different policies put forward the view that Savchenko could return to Ukraine, provided it be exchanged for Russian soldiers detained in Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty "We already know the sentence, it is 25 years of prison," - Savchenko's lawyer

Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:52 pm
Ukraine Today's Viewpoint is joined by Mr. Illya Novikov, one of the defense lawyers for the Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko, who is currently on trial in Russia.

"We clearly understand that the sentence is already written. The sentence will be maximum, it is 25 years of prison term and we can do nothing to change this sentence," Novikov said commenting on the show trial which is currently underway in Russia's Rostov region.

At the same time the lawyer expressed optimism, that in less than 6 month Nadiya Savchenko will be returned to Ukraine:............

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Sister Hope Savchenko denied entry to Russia until 2020

Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:27 pm
Sister illegal detention in Russia Ukrainian, MPs Hope Savchenko Vera, who is also the only witness for the defense, denied entry to Russia until 2020. About this in his Twitter said lawyer Mark Feigin Savchenko.

"Just called Vera Savchenko, Sister Hope. She was denied entry to Russia until 2020! "- He wrote.

This happened at a checkpoint Cherkovo Cretaceous, on the border of Russia and Ukraine. Feigin also said that not a single document in the hands of Vera Savchenko was not given.

Thus, according to Feigin, Hope Savchenko is now deprived of the right to defense, as the sister of Faith was declared the sole witness at the trial.

Protection plans to appeal the decision of the Federal Security Service.

"I assume that the reason for the ban on entry was h. 1 Article 27 of the RF Law" On Exit and Entry ... ', on the threat to national security ", - wrote Feigin. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Putin has assured that it is not aware of the ban on entry into the Russian Federation for Vera Savchenko

Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:15 am
A spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, said that the Kremlin has no data to ban entry into Russia for the sisters Ukrainian pilots, MPs Hope Faith Savchenko.

"I can not tell you. I honestly do not know the details related to the judicial process ", - he said.

According protect Ukrainian, Russian Federal Security Service has banned the entry for Vera Savchenko until 2020. Lawyers said that this is a violation of the right to the protection of Hope Savchenko, since her sister is a witness for the defense.

Today, lawyers Savchenko said a petition in the court of the Russian Donetsk call as a defense witness her sister Vera Savchenko and told the court to ban from the FSB on its entry to the territory of Russia.

On the eve of Savchenko Nadezhda and her lawyers called on international organizations to intervene with the ban on entry into the Russian her sister Faith. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty In Germany, worried about Russia's ban on the entry sister Savchenko

Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:05 pm
Commissioner of the Federal Government of Germany policy on human rights and humanitarian assistance Christoph Shtresser expressed concern about the ban on entry into the Russian sister illegally detained Ukrainian Russian pilots, MPs Hope Faith Savchenko Savchenko.

According to the press service of the Embassy of Germany in Ukraine, in a statement authorized states: "I am very concerned about reports that the October 13 Vera Savchenko, the sister of the accused in the Russian Ukrainian pilots Savchenko Nadezhda, was denied entry to Russia. Vera Savchenko is an important witness for the defense in the trial against her sister. "

"Such a ban would mean a massive obstruction of the work of protection (protection of Hope Savchenko. - Ed.)" - Said Shtresser.

He recalled that the Federal Government has repeatedly strongly advocate for the release of Hope Savchenko. "The process against it contradicts the principles of the rule of law. I again call on the Russian authorities to immediately release Savchenko Nadezhda ", - stressed commissioner, writes LigaBusinessInform.

Recall, Russian Federal Security Service has banned the entry for Vera Savchenko until 2020. Lawyers said that this is a violation of the right to the protection of Hope Savchenko, since her sister is a witness for the defense.

Today, lawyers Savchenko said a petition in the court of the Russian Donetsk call as a defense witness her sister Vera Savchenko and told the court to ban from the FSB on its entry to the territory of Russia.

On the eve of Savchenko Nadezhda and her lawyers called on international organizations to intervene with the ban on entry into the Russian her sister Faith. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Russia demands unacceptable ransom for release of Savchenko & other hostages

Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:31 am
Ukraine cannot and should not recognize sentences in falsified prosecutions of Ukrainian hostages held in Russia, a former judge of the International Criminal Court on Former Yugoslavia stresses. Volodymyr Vasylenko is critical of Ukraine’s government and believes it could have and still must be more assertive in obtaining the release of Ukrainian hostages held in Russian detention.

The situation has become extremely urgent with Wednesday’s 6-year sentence on absurd spying charges passed on 73-year-old Yury Soloshenko. The elderly pensioner has a heart condition, and his son Oleksandr told Radio Svoboda that it doesn’t matter whether they make it 6 years or 20 – it is simply a death sentence. There are clear signs that the trial now underway of Mykola Karpyuk and Stanislav Klykh is likely to end in very long sentences. This is despite strong evidence that all testimony was tortured out of the men, and no evidence that they were ever even in Chechnya where they are supposed to have fought against Russian federal forces. .

There have been repeated suggestions in Russia over the last two weeks that Nadiya Savchenko could be extradited to Ukraine if the latter ‘recognizes’ her sentence and agrees that she will serve it in her homeland. Savchenko’s defence lawyer Mark Feygin responded to the first statement from Russia’s Justice Ministry by saying that Ukraine should agree to everything, and then simply release her. He suggested that Ukraine would thus be ridiculing Russia, yet surely Ukraine’s very pretence at recognizing a predetermined sentence in a thoroughly unlawful trial would be a propaganda coup for Russia.

Vasylenko, who is also a diplomat and former Ukrainian representative at the UN Human Rights Council, believes that Ukraine should have taken the offensive from the outset, deporting or exchanging Russian spies and warning Russia that its nationals could be in danger with retaliatory measures taken in response to Russia’s unlawful action.

Vasylenko was asked if Russia’s current demands that sentences be recognized, and served in Ukraine should be agreed to. His answer is a categorical no. Ukraine cannot and should not recognize the guilt of its citizens since the charges which Russia has laid have no basis in fact and are entirely falsified. This has been demonstrated by the lawyers of Oleg Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Nadiya Savchenko and those representing other Ukrainian prisoners.

The interviewer, Maria Shchur is critical of the high profile manner of Savchenko’s lawyers, and clearly sees greater benefit in the behind-the-scenes work carried out by Estonia resulting in the release of Eston Kohver. Vasylenko simply reiterates the need for retaliatory measures, for the arrest of Russian agents, and in quantity, with them placed in the same conditions as Savchenko; Sentsov and all the others.

In fact, Ukraine’s Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko was blunt in his reaction to the initial statement on Oct 1, saying that Russia’s Justice Ministry had yet again confirmed the rubber stamp nature of the judicial system and courts in Russia.

It should also not be forgotten that Savchenko, Sentsov and Kolchenko have repeatedly denied all the charges, and it is likely that they would refuse any part in a deal that gave even nominal ‘recognition’ of rigged court sentences.

Vasylenko pointed out that we discuss the issue, “assuming that Russia is a normal, civilized state and that is not the case. Russia is a country that ignores the principle of rule of law, both domestic and international.”

One does not have to look far for examples. The 20-year sentence passed on Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov was described by prominent Russian figures as “ideologically motivated state terror”, and the trial of Sentsov and Kolchenko as “absolutely Stalinist”. The entire trial was based on the testimony of two men, one of whom - Gennady Afanasyev – stood up in court and renounced all such ‘testimony’ saying that it had been tortured out of him. This was ignored by the judges, and now Afanasyev has effectively disappeared.

The fast-track ‘trial’ of the elderly Yury Soloshenko was equally lawless, with Soloshenko’s chosen lawyers simply prevented from seeing him. The six-year sentence passed on Oct 14 was with a state-appointed ‘lawyer’ Gennady Blokhin seemingly there to encourage Soloshenko to ‘confess’ in the hope of a suspended sentence and return home.

While a farcical array of witnesses for the prosecution in the Savchenko trial are helped by the court to conceal information that would prove that they are lying, Russia is also repeating a previous number with the 5-year-ban imposed on Vera Savchenko, the former pilot’s sister and a key witness for the defence. Just as in April 2014 when Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemiliev was banned from his homeland, there have been attempts by the Russian President’s Administration and others to distance themselves from the ban on Vera Savchenko and indeed to claim no knowledge of it.

If the ban used on Tuesday to prevent Vera Savchenko from entering Russia – and to give testimony demonstrating her sister’s innocence - proves to genuinely be for five years, Moscow will have demonstrated new depths of contempt for the law and international opinion.

The principle that terrorist demands must not be met surely applies equally to situations like these now where Russia is engaging in State terrorism, with a number of Ukrainians held hostage.
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Canada will be sanctions "list Savchenko"

Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:54 pm
The opposition Liberal Party of Canada promises to create a sanctions list, which will include Russian, responsible for the political persecution of Ukrainians.

This is stated in the answer the president of the Liberal Party of Canada Anna Heine at the request Ukrainian Canadian Congress, reports Ukrinform

"The Liberal government will adopt legislation, following the example of the American" Magnitsky list ", which impose sanctions against Russian officials responsible for the illegal detention of Ukrainian citizens Savchenko Nadezhda Oleg Sentsova Alexander Kol'chenko and other" - said Heine.

The third most popular New Democratic Party and the Green Party of Canada also confirmed their willingness to establish similar sanctions list.

It should be noted that on October 19 in Canada will be a federal election, which resulted in a new government. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty A Russian court has scheduled November 12 meeting of the case Savchenko

Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:45 pm
Donetsk city court of the Rostov region of Russia in November, plans to hold 12 meetings in the case of Hope Savchenko. This was on his Twitter page wrote attorney Mark Savchenko Freygin.

Accordingly, post hearings scheduled for 2,3,9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 30 November.

Today at a meeting held examine prosecution witnesses. In particular they questioned Eugene Kolomiets, who is an adviser to Plotnitsky t. N. "LC".

Savchenko hope itself and its protection have repeatedly stated that many of the witnesses for the prosecution and investigation surrogates.

Hope Savchenko Russia accused of killing two employees of Russian television, which in the summer of last year were illegal under Lugansk, providing information support to the armed separatists, as well as the attempted murder of a group of separatists and illegal crossing of the Russian border.

Savchenko and its defense denies the charges and claim that at the time of the death of Russian journalists it has captured the separatists, then forcibly transported it to Russia. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Useless ’evidence’, managed amnesia & mystery witness in Savchenko trial

Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:44 am
It was clear well over a year ago that Russia’s Investigative Committee had badly miscalculated in its prosecution of former military pilot Nadiya Savchenko. Given Moscow’s grim determination to continue anyway, the investigators really could have come up with a better story. Instead, each hearing is filled with absurdly implausible details and raises even more inconvenient questions. These include why some witnesses for the prosecution should be top secret and why the court should have rejected, as ‘premature’, the defence’s application to interview the most crucial witness, namely Nadiya Savchenko’s sister, Vera. Just last week Vera Savchenko had been told she was banned from Russia for five years, so her testimony before the authorities change their minds again would seem anything but premature.

Both hearings, on Oct 19 and 21, were of militants fighting on the side of the Kremlin-backed and self-styled ‘Luhansk people’s republic. There was no obvious reason why the witness, identified as Pyotr Surkov, on Wednesday was so top secret that he himself was not shown and his voice was changed.

Sergei Zakruzhny from Open Russia points out that Surkov’s testimony, as the person who allegedly filmed Savchenko’s interrogation was uninteresting. The defence has posited three versions as to why, when most militants are coming to the court and giving testimony, this ‘Surkov’ should be so secret. They had previously assumed that the person was a Chechen, who Savchenko believes was called Adam Umarov.

As reported here, she had told this person who was looking for an artillery corrector, that he could regard her as the person. She explained that she had said this since she was already captured, the person they were looking for was not (see: Nadiya Savchenko: “You can call me the artillery spotter” ). Savchenko did not, however, recognize the person as having been Umarov, leaving two other possibilities. The secret witness was an FSB [Russian Security Service] officer in Luhansk at the time, or he was a Russian soldier – one of those whose presence, fighting and sometimes deaths in Donbas, continues to be denied in Moscow. Either way, his identity would be incriminating.

Huge amounts of ‘evidence’ were simply read out in court, including 80 pages from a report on satellite communications antennae. Defence lawyer Ilya Novikov was dismissive, saying that the “most amusing thing” is that when they present just 10 pages of similar information, providing an unbreakable alibi for Savchenko, it will surely be rejected.

The other ‘witnesses’ are memorable for how much they allegedly ‘don’t remember’.

Sergei Moiseyev, a Russian national, is supposed to have driven the car in which Savchenko was taken to Luhansk, and to the Russian border.

He claims that he first saw Savchenko “after lunch”, which is the line taken by the prosecution and refuted by telephone records. He says that she told him she was an artillery spotter, though can’t remember any exact details.

Most significantly, he ‘could not remember’ whom he gave Savchenko’s things to, nor whether she had a rucksack on her or whether it was brought to him by other militants. He doesn’t remember the colour of her telephone, the colour of the alleged rucksack and what the map taken from her looked like. “The faster Novikov asks questions, the slower Moiseyev answers. He says “I don’t remember anything” to almost all questions”.

He supposedly knew exactly why he had personally taken the decision to drive Savchenko to one specific place (the settlement Severny) but didn’t remember where he dropped her, where Severny is or even how far from Luhansk.

At that point the judge tried to stop the questioning, claiming that Novikov was asking the same questions. The latter answered that he was not getting answers to them, at which point Nadiya Savchenko called out that Moiseyev was doubtless no idiot and should show them on a map where Severny is. She then made her disgust plain when the judges consulted and decided not to show Moiseyev a map.

This is not the first time that the judges have resisted the defence’s application to have maps demonstrating the locations in question used in court.

The defence did, however, get Moiseyev’s earlier testimony read out due to numerous contradictions with his ’amnesia’ in court.

Another witness was Yevgeny Kolomiyets, an aide to Igor Plotnytsky, as of Oct 22 still leader of ‘LNR’. He claimed that Savchenko had had a rucksack, machine gun, binoculars and maps and that he had shown all of this to Plotnytsky. “The funniest thing was that several months later Kolomiyets [allegedly] collected up all the things that supposedly belonged to Savchenko, put them in a packet and gave them to a stranger. Seriously, to an absolute stranger who was bringing a humanitarian load to LNR. “ The stranger was supposed to be returning to Moscow region and to hand the Investigative Committee these things.

Unsurprisingly, there is no sign of the things, though in fact this story clashes with Plotnytsky’s given during two earlier visits to Russia....................

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty US outraged by miscarriage of justice shown at Savchenko trial, - US Ambassador to OSCE Baer

Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:27 am
The United States strongly condemns continued detention of Nadiya Savchenko, Oleh Sentsov, and Oleksandr Kolchenko, and demands the release of all Ukrainian hostages illegally held by the Russian side.

This was announced by U.S. Ambassador to the OSCE Daniel Baer at the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, Censor.NET reports citing Ukrinform.

According to him, the U.S. authorities have not forgotten either about them, or about the rest of Ukrainian hostages detained under unfounded accusations by Russia.

Daniel Baer stressed that the United States was deeply concerned by the information about abuse and violence against the Ukrainian prisoners in Russia. He also called Savchenko trial a miscarriage of justice.

U.S. Ambassador to the OSCE stressed that Russia should immediately drop baseless charges against Savchenko and other Ukrainian hostages, and release them.

In this regard, the representative of the United States said that the sanctions against the Russian Federation would remain until its obligations under the Minsk agreements were completely fulfilled. The U.S. Ambassador said that the continued retention of Ukrainian hostages directly contradicted Russia's obligations envisaged by the Minsk package of measures of February 2015. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty French diplomat prohibited to draw at Savchenko's trial. PHOTO

Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:08 pm
Representative of the French diplomacy in Russia was asked to show drawings she made during trial over Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko in the Russian court.

As reported by Censor.NET, this was announced by Mediazona.

A special forces operative in a mask made a comment to the first secretary of French Embassy in Russia Mathilde de Germain for drawing during the trial.

The judge then asked her to show the drawings and announced that it was prohibited to take pictures and draw in the court room. Germain said she had seen drawings from Russian courts before and wasn't aware it was prohibited.

Lawyer Nikolai Polozov noted there was no norm in the Criminal Code of Russia that prohibited to draw in a court room. The judge in his turn asked to show the norm allowing doing that.

The diplomat refused to show her drawings to the judge and the session renewed.

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty The Fighter And The Writer: Jailed Ukrainian Pilot, Nobel Winner Compare Notes On Putin

Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:12 pm
At first glance, there's not much in common between a tough-as-nails Ukrainian military pilot jailed in Russia and a middle-aged Belarusian intellectual recently awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

Nadia Savchenko and Svetlana Alexievich, however, have voiced deep admiration for each other.

The two women, who have never met, also share a strong distaste for Russian President Vladimir Putin, including for the macho stunts he regularly pulls on Russian television.

"As for Putin riding a horse bare-chested, in a fighter jet, and putting out fires, hunting in the taiga, on a ship, a submarine, and wherever else he promoted himself, I say: 'Well done! Every man must know how to do these things,'" Savchenko wrote in a letter to RFE/RL. "But that's the irony: I'm a woman, and, just imagine, I know how to do all these things, too."

Savchenko has been held since July 2014 and charged with participating in the killing of two Russian journalists in war-torn eastern Ukraine and of crossing into Russia illegally -- charges she vehemently denies.

Not Asking For Mercy

The pilot, whose detention has made her a national hero in Ukraine, says she was illegally brought into Russia after being abducted by Russian-backed separatists amid fighting with Ukrainian government forces in eastern Ukraine.

Her lawyers say they have phone-billing data proving that she had already been detained when the journalists were killed.

Her high-profile trial, denounced in the West as political retaliation against Ukraine, is currently taking place in Russia's southern Rostov region. She faces 25 years in prison if convicted.

Savchenko told RFE/RL she had no intention of backing down in her standoff with Putin. "I won't ask for mercy from this piece of filth," she wrote. "He's already lost his fight against me, considering the fact that I'm a gal and he's a guy."

"Time will tell which one of us has the bigger balls," she concluded.

Mutual Admiration............................

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty In 2016 Savchenko will go home - lawyer

Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:35 pm
People's deputy of Ukraine Savchenko Nadezhda, who was illegally held in Russia will be free in 2016. This on Twitter said her lawyer, Mark Feigin.

"Released from prison in Novocherkassk. Hello from Hope. Freedom is closer than it seems. In the new year Savchenko leave home "- wrote Feigin.

What is the reason for such confidence, Feigin did not elaborate. At the request of subscribers to talk less, not to frighten away your luck, the lawyer said: "We are not superstitious."

Released from prison in Novocherkassk. Hello from Hope. Freedom is closer than it seems. In the new year would go home Savchenko # FreeSavchenko wrote: In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty STB TV crew detained in Russia while going to trial against Savchenko, - journalist

Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:12 am
Ukrainian broadcaster STB's shooting group was detained in Russian city of Donetsk (the Rostov region) by Russian traffic police under an invented pretext, while it was on its way to the trial in Ukrainian pilot Savchenko's case.
This was announced by Radio Svoboda journalist Anton Naumliuk on his Facebook page, Censor.NET reports.

"You'll laugh, but the shooting crew of Ukraine's STB TV channel was detained in Donetsk in the Rostov region an hour before the trial against Savchenko. Their car was stopped by the traffic police," he said.

See more: French diplomat prohibited to draw at Savchenko's trial. PHOTO

The journalist retells the conversation with the officers:

"You are not wearing seat belts.
"We are!
"Oh, sorry, I was wrong. Show your documents."

The journalist says deputy chief of the city police A. Belchik arrived at the scene shortly after. He said that the operation "Anaconda" was underway in the area, and Ukrainian journalists' passports allegedly raised doubts.

"In the end, the guys locked themselves in the car. They are waiting for Consul of Ukraine Moskalenko who is already en route," Naumliuk said.

He later said: "Consul of Ukraine in Rostov Oleksandr Moskalenko and lawyer Ilya Novikov have arrived at the scene. They are tackling the situation." In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Vera Savchenko faced arrest in Chechnya, - lawyer Novikov

Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:43 pm
Sister of Nadiia Savchenko, Vira, who was allowed to court trial against human rights activist Mykola Karpiuk, could be arrested "for insulting the judge," lawyer Ilya Novikov said.

Censor.NET reports referring to Ukrinform.

"They want to detain Vira Savchenko in Grozny for insulting the judge in the trial against Karpiuk," the human rights activist wrote in Twitter.

Later, he said "Vira Savchenko has been released from the Supreme Court of Chechnya, the documents have been returned."

As reported, the Supreme Court of the Chechen Republic in Grozny is hearing the case against Ukrainians Mykola Karpiuk and Stanislav Klykh, accused of involvement in hostilities in Chechnya back in the 1990s. They face 15 years to life imprisonment. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Kremlin set to launch campaign against Savchenko's defense, - lawyer Feigin

Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:55 pm
Russia's Presidential Administration is currently preparing an information campaign which is to be launched prior to convicting Ukrainian pilot, MP Nadiia Savchenko.

As reported by Censor.NET referring to Ukrinform, it was announced by Savchenko's lawyer Mark Feigin.

"I talked to a former colleague at the State Duma, who is now tied to Russia's Presidential Administration. He told me they are now preparing a campaign against Savchenko's defense, related to her conviction," Feigin said.

According to him, administration's domestic policy department is in charge of the issue. "Of course, we are not the first ones on the list, but still we are there. Frankly speaking, I'm surprised at being opposed in Savchenko's case at such a high level," the lawyer said.

The campaign will be financed through several "independent" funds which receive grants from the administration. It will be carried out on the Internet and in so-called independent media (public media are already well aware of what to say). Since no dirt against Savchenko's lawyers is out there, they will stick to a well-known discredit line: "There was a fair process. The court allowed both sides to present their arguments. But Savchenko's defense staked it mainly on the politicization of the process and, therefore, lost."

According to Feigin, operational management in Savchenko's case is done by Alexey Sedov, the head of FSB's Service for Protection of the Constitutional System and the Fight against Terrorism. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Russia’s presidential human rights council does not rule out exchange of Savchenko for captive GRU operatives Aleksandrov and Yerofeyev

Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:40 am
Head of the Russian Presidential Council on Human Rights Mikhail Fedotov does not exclude the possibility of exchange of Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko for captured operatives of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Alexander Aleksandrov and Yevgeny Yerofeyev.

"I hope that both Yerofeyev and Aleksandrov will eventually return home just like Nadezhda Savchenko," Fedotov said at a press conference, Censor.NET informs citing Interfax-Russia.

Asked whether it could take place as a result of bilateral agreements, the Council on Human Rights head said: "Certainly, I just do not see any other way."

Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko has been held in custody in the Russian Federation since July 2014. The Russian investigators trump up charges against her including aiding the murder of journalists Igor Korneliuk and Anton Voloshin in the Luhansk region as well as illegal crossing of the Russian border.
It was reported earlier that GRU commandos Alexandrov and Yerofeyev appealed to the court to recognize them as prisoners of war.

It should be reminded that operatives of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Alexander Aleksandrov and Yevgeny Yerofeyev were captured by the Ukrainian soldiers near the government-controlled city of Shchastia May 16. They were served notice of suspicion of involvement in terrorist activities as part of the so-called "LPR" May 20.

May 22, the Shevchenko district court in Kyiv imposed pretrial restriction against Sergeant Alexander Aleksandrov and Captain Yevgeny Yerofeyev having arrested them for two months.

In a conversation with the OSCE SMM observers, the Russian special forces operatives admitted that they had previously visited eastern Ukraine being on tours of duty by the order of the military authorities of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov stated that the agency expects the release of the Russian citizens detained in Ukraine noting that captured Yerofeyev and Aleksandrov were "former" Russian servicemen. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko The trial will continue today in the Rostov region (RBC-Ukraine)

Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:31 am
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Nadiya Savchenko’s book confiscated on border as ‘suspicious literature’

Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:51 am
Vera Savchenko has reported that Russian customs officials removed 24 copies of Nadiya Savchenko’s book ‘It’s a Strong Name, Hope’. The officials initially reacted that the books were ‘extremist’ literature, then opted for ‘suspicious’. “The illiterate are always afraid of books”, Vera comments. Others read them, and excerpts of Nadiya’s book, translated by Voices of Ukraine, can be found here.

Vera Savchenko writes that she was bringing her sister’s book into Russia to give to Russians who have corresponded with the former military pilot and now Ukrainian MP who was captured by Kremlin-backed militants in Donbas and kidnapped to Russia. Savchenko has been held in Russian detention since late June 2014 and her trial which has elicited international condemnation is now continuing far from Moscow in the small Russian city of Donetsk. She has been recognized as a political prisoner by the Memorial Human Rights Centre, and her release is constantly demanded by all European and international bodies.

The Russian customs officials also removed 18 postage envelopes with a picture of Nadiya Savchenko.

Vera writes that the other passengers on the coach were initially indignant when they were held up, apparently for 9.5 hours, at the border crossing at Beryhivka. This changed, however, when they learned that she was Nadiya Savchenko’s sister. They chanted “Nadya is Ukraine!”.

On October 13, Vera Savchenko was stopped on the Russian border and informed that she had been banned from entering Russia for the next five years. She was told by the Russian border guards that the ban was at the initiative of Russia’s FSB or Security Service.

She was not given any paper, a ploy already used by Russia in banning Crimean Tatar leaders Mustafa Dzhemiliev, Refat Chubarov and others from their native Crimea under Russian occupation. In Vera Savchenko’s case, however, the authorities appeared to back down, possibly due to the international outrage. The ban meant that Russia was not only illegally holding Nadiya Savchenko and trying her on absurd charges, but was preventing the chief defence witness from testifying.

Savchenko’s lawyer Mark Feygin reports that the witnesses for the prosecution may be heard by the end of this week, and the defence will have their turn. He anticipates that their presentation of expert assessments, material provided from Ukraine, questioning of witnesses etc. should begin in December. and take less time. He notes that very important material, on around 300-400 pages, was collected after Russia’s Investigative Committee stated it had finished gathering evidence.

Importantly, he notes that in cases where the prosecution has tried to respond to professional assessments gathered by the defence by producing fake witnesses, the defence has gone out and got new assessments which expose the lies.

As reported, Savchenko has an unbreakable alibi in that her mobile phone billing proves that she had already been captured and was far from the place where two Russian journalists died on June 17, 2014 when they were hit by mortar fire. The prosecution has come up with a ‘witness’ who claims that there were technical problems on the day in question, and that the evidence from Savchenko’s phone is therefore unreliable. This person, Mikhail Pomazan is allegedly an employee of the Life mobile operator. The defence, however, have received a response from the company in question saying that they have never had an employee of that name. The lawyers therefore demanded that ‘Pomazan’ be summoned for cross examination. Despite the obvious validity of such an application, the judge rejected it, refused to add the letters the defence received to the file, and the written testimony was simply read out (See: Imitating a Trial: Lies & Selective Testimony in the Savchenko Hearings).....................
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Criminal suit launched against Savchenko's sister for calling Russian judge 'a schmuck'

Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:44 pm
Vira is the sister of imprisoned Ukrainian fighter pilot Nadiya, who is currently being held in Russia on charges of involvement in the murder of two Russian journalists.

Nadiya's lawyer posted on social media that Vira is accused of showing "disrespect" towards a Russian judge. During a court proceeding Vira reportedly said "He is not a judge, but a schmuck."
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Russia wants to exchange Savchenko on the lifting of sanctions

Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:39 pm
Russia has agreed to change Hope Savchenko lifting of sanctions against Russia. This was in the air "on Channel 5," said the lawyer, Mark Feigin Hope Savchenko.

"The Kremlin would like to trade it for something for yourself valuable Savchenko, well, perhaps alone Yerofeyev and Alexandrova it would be enough, and he would like to, for example, to exchange for the lifting of sanctions. But this is not possible due to many political reasons. Therefore, bargaining is continue, "- he said.

Counsel argues that after the sentence Savchenko possibility it will increase metabolism.

"The fact is that even in March in Minsk talks" Norman format ", Putin said that any negotiations about the exchange or release Savchenko possible only after the verdict. That verdict, whatever it was, in December or January he will, and from that moment the possibility of sharing are greatly increased because of the Kremlin alone Savchenko costs and benefits will not be any, "- said Feigin. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko Trial Expected To Finish By End Of Year

Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:17 pm
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A spokesman for Russia's top investigative agency says the trial of the Ukrainian military officer charged with the murder of two Russian journalists is expected to finish before the end of the year.

Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin told Russian media on December 4 that he expects a "tough" verdict in the trial of Nadia Savchenko.

She faces 25 years in prison if found guilty of complicity in the killing of two Russian journalists in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and of crossing into Russia illegally.

Savchenko rejects the charges and says she was kidnapped by Russians after being captured by Russian-backed separatists.

Savchenko's plight and defiant stance in captivity have made her a national hero in Ukraine..........
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Today at the trial of Savchenko questioned her sister

Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:46 am
On Monday, December 7 at the Donetsk city court of the Rostov region will continue hearing the case Ukrainian pilots, MPs Hope Savchenko.

It is expected that the trial will take place on the interrogation of a key witness for the defense - Savchenko sister Hope - Faith, which should tell you, among other things, details of the events of the day July 17, 2014, when Hope Savchenko was captured by the separatists.

Last week, the prosecution completed its presentation of evidence in the trial of Savchenko.

Recall Savchenko Nadezhda in Russia is accused of the murder of two members of the Russian television, as well as the attempted murder of a group of separatists and illegal crossing of the Russian border.

Savchenko and its defense denies the charges and claim that at the time of the death of Russian journalists it has captured the separatists, then forcibly transported to the Russian Federation.

Recently in an interview with Russian media representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia Vladimir Markin he suggested that the sentence Savchenko Nadezhda can endure until the end of this year and the verdict "will be severe." In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty A Russian court has refused to file Savchenko materials from Ukraine

Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:22 pm
Donetsk city court of the Rostov region (Russia) refused to file illegally held in Russia Ukrainian, MPs Hope Savchenko materials Prosecutor General of Ukraine. About this in his Twitter microblog's lawyer Nikolai runners.

"Donetsk city court for fifteen minutes of discussion decided to refuse the application to adduce materials from Ukraine", - he wrote.

According Polozova, opposed by prosecutors, who were unhappy that the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine materials collected investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Court refuses to consider expert's analysis of video recorded how Savchenko was taken prisoner

Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:13 am
"Court dismissed a petition of the lawyers to call a specialist and to add his conclusion. What a surprise!," Polozov wrote on Twitter.
Basically the above posting, but in English.
Russian courts are a farce. The outcome of this trial was known to Putin before the charges were made.
Russia has become one of the worst regimes for violations of human rights in the world.
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko Goes On Hunger Strike As Detention Is Extended

Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:05 pm
Ukrainian military pilot Nadia Savchenko, who is in detention in Russia after being accused of involvement in the death of two Russian journalists, has gone on a hunger strike.

A Savchenko lawyer, Nikolai Polzov, said in a tweet that the detainee announced the hunger strike in a Donetsk city court in Russia's Rostov region on December 17.

"Nadia Savchenko has gone on a hunger strike until the end of the trial," Polzov said, adding that she will begin a "dry" hunger strike when she is sentenced, meaning that she will refuse both food and water.

"She demands to be released," he said.

Polzov said the court also agreed with a prosecutor's request to extend her detention until April 16.

Russian officials say Savchenko helped relay information to artillery units that fired near a location in eastern Ukraine where two Russian journalists were killed by artillery fire.

Savchenko -- who is also being charged with illegally crossing the Russian border -- says she was captured by pro-Russian separatists in July 2014 and forcibly taken to Russia.

If found guilty, Savchenko faces up to 25 years in prison.................

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Putin confirmed his readiness to discuss a prisoner exchange with Ukraine - expert

Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:48 pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed his readiness to negotiate with Ukraine on the exchange of prisoners. This was in the air "on Channel 5," said the former deputy defense minister of Ukraine Leonid Polyakov.

"In general, Putin confirmed his readiness to negotiate the prisoner exchange. Earlier this as it was not "royal affair", this was done by someone else, but not the Russian leadership. If the President of the Russian Federation started to talk about it, then it is a signal that this issue has been at the level of management, "- he said.

Polyakov said: "I hope that this can be regarded as a positive signal, but how it will be implemented now to predict, will probably be difficult."

Recall, during his press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin has admitted the possibility of exchanging Ukrainian Hope and Oleg Savchenko Sentsova which are in Russian prisons in the Russian military, who are in Ukraine. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko left in custody until April

Fri Dec 25, 2015 1:53 pm
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Rostov Regional Court dismissed the appeal of the Russian Federation to protect Ukrainian pilots, MP, PACE delegate Savchenko hopes the decision of Donetsk city court to extend the period of her arrest.

This was announced on Twitter one of the lawyers, Nikolai Polozov, reports UNIAN.

"Rostov Regional Court upheld Hope Savchenko custody. Russia has once again violated the PACE resolution "- he wrote.

Polozov also noted that today began the second week of hunger strike, his client, who was illegally detained in the Russian jail.

As reported on December 17, Donetsk city court upheld the Rostov region prosecutor's request to extend the term of Savchenko custody until April 16 next year.

The same day Savchenko announced a hunger strike since 18 December. As reported, in the summer of 2014 Savchenko kidnapped by terrorists in the Donbas and moved to Russia. In Russia, she was accused of involvement in the deaths of Russian journalists. However, according to the defense, she could not be involved in the deaths of journalists, as was captured before their death.

The indictment in the criminal case against Savchenko talking about attempted murder and murder, and illegal border crossing. According to the lawyer, Savchenko faces a maximum sentence - 25 years. Be aware of all events! In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko to remain in custody while PACE resolution further violated, - lawyer

Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:40 pm
Russia's court has dismissed the appeal by Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko's defense regarding the decision on the extension of her detention.

Lawyer Nikolay Polozov wrote in Twitter, Censor.NET reports.

"The Rostov regional court has extended Savchenko's detention. Russia has once again violated the PACE resolution," he wrote.

He also recalled it was the second week PACE delegate Nadiia Savchenko had started a hunger strike.

As previously reported, the hearing of the appeal regarding the decision to extend Savchenko's arrest was scheduled for Dec. 25, 2015 at 10 a.m. at the Rostov regional court.

As also reported, the court extended Ukrainian pilot's arrest until April 16, 2016. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty The expert who watched the video, came to the conclusion that Savchenko captured before the shelling and destruction of Russian journalists - lawyer

Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:01 pm
Court in Donetsk, Rostov region of Russia at the session on the case of a citizen of Ukraine Savchenko hopes interrogates researcher Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University Olga Vozyakovu.

As reported Tsenzor.NET citing Radio Liberty, question Vozyakovu as an expert lawyer asked Savchenko Ilya Novikov.

According to the newspaper, Vozyakova has examined the video June 17, 2014, when Savchenko captured. Experts identified the events. According to the examination, Savchenko captured before the shelling, which killed journalists VGTRK, of involvement in the death of accused Ukrainian.

According to the lawyer, the court in Donetsk holds the last meeting this year on the case Savchenko. In Russian

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko made in Russian detention center Christmas tree with an angel. A PHOTO

Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:07 pm
Illegally detained in the Russian prison Ukrainian pilot, MP Hope Savchenko made a Christmas tree with his hands.
As reported Tsenzor.NET about this on his page on Twitter wrote her lawyer Ilya Novikov.

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Nadia shows her in person made a Christmas tree made of paper. December 23, the 6th day of hunger strike," - wrote the lawyer.

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Exchange of Savchenko for Russian GRU operatives seriously discussed by Putin's encirclement – Savchenko's lawyer

Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:27 pm
The exchange of Ukrainian pilot Nadiia Savchenko for Russian GRU commandos Alexander Aleksandrov and Yevgeniy Yerofeyev is seriously discussed by Vladimir Putin's encirclement.

Nadiia Savchenko's lawyer Mark Feigin said, Censor.NET reports citing 112 Ukraine TV channel.

"It seems that the issue is indeed seriously discussed in the back rooms of Russia's president, since those who have no decisive influence on it, such as Pamfilova (Ella Pamfilova, the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia. - ed.) and Fedotov (Mikhail Fedotov, Presidential Aide, chairman of the Presidential Council for Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights. - ed.) voice a position, which is more or less acceptable for us. I think that the exchange is a real perspective, not some hypothetical possibility. The fact that Pamfilova spoke about it, means that there is a real discussion on the issue," Feigin said. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Counsel for the exchange Savchenko: Putin understands that you can not pull more

Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:06 am
In a short time you can exchange MP from the faction "Motherland", a member of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to PACE Savchenko hopes that trial in Russia on trumped-up criminal case on Russian prisoners of saboteurs and Alexander Alexandrov Evgeny Erofeev.

This was on his Facebook page defender wrote in Ukraine, a lawyer Ilya Novikov.

"In the last days of the year increased talk of a possible exchange Savchenko Grushnikov Yerofeyev and Alexandrov, whose trial in Kiev (or someone one of them). Such conversations have been many in the past. December 17 it expressed Ombudsman Ella Pamfilova," - he said.

"The hope is that it does not express a personal opinion, and gives us message across the top. The message itself is not interesting, promises (Russian President Vladimir. - Ed.) Putin's nobody to believe will not. But the fact of transmission may indicate that he understands, that you can not drag on. Well, if you understand. Hope resumed a hunger strike and is not going to retreat, "- said Novikov.

The lawyer also conveyed greetings from Savchenko 2016.
"Hope asked me to thank and congratulate the new year, everyone who was with us. Diplomats, journalists, parliamentarians, lawyers, human rights activists, experts, observers, readers, viewers, the picket participants, those who write letters to those who are of their forwards. Thank you, that have been with us all the time. You're quite a bit. We dodavit them soon, "- he concluded.

Case Hope Savchenko. The events and results of 2015 until all had left to celebrate holidays and walking holidays, remember ... In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Lawyer positive Savchenko to be released in 2016

Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:55 am
The Defense team of Ukraine’s female pilot, MP Nadia Savchenko, who is illegally held in the Russian prison, assures that the release of their client is imminent.

Russian lawyer Mark Feygin has tweeted that he is sure that Nadia Savchenko will be freed from the Russian prison in 2016.

"Happy New Year to all my friends! But there is one person I want to greet in particular. Nadia, Happy New Year! In 2016, you will be free," wrote Feygin......................
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko feels fine as she continues hunger strike

Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:54 am
People's deputy of Ukraine Nadiia Savchenko, illegally detained in Russia, feels fine as she continues hunger strike and is feeling fine.

Chairman of the Public Oversight Commission (POC) of the Rostov region Leonid Petrashis said, Censor.NET reports citing ТАSS

Read more: Nadiia Savchenko sent New Year greetings to Ukrainians. PHOTO

"She feels fine; she has no problems. She does not complain much. She is in the same cell. Her appearance did not change much; she did not lose weight. They do not feed her by force," Petrashis added. In Russian

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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko may release in 2016 through negotiations - lawyer

Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:45 pm
Ukrainian pilots Hope Savchenko release political negotiations. Such an opinion on the TV channel «» expressed lawyer Mark Feigin Savchenko.

According to him, the process is useful, because the publicity given exculpatory evidence Savchenko.

"The verdict will indictment, Savchenko release political negotiations. Nevertheless, how the protection of professionally present the evidence, even if not taken legal effect, I think will depend on the speed and efficiency of the negotiations for the release of Savchenko, "- he said.

"Everything will continue the defense continued to present evidence as part of this stage of the process. But the fate of such applications is known, you've seen it all. Every now and again. All documents, we provide service of process in Kiev by the innocence Savchenko rejected. So I do not think that there is fundamentally something will change, "- he said.

Feigin also said he believes that the issue will be resolved Savchenko release in 2016.

"I believe that in 2016 this issue is solved, there develops a number of factors that the net will have a solution to the issue of political prisoners Ukrainian in Russia in this coming year, because in Russia a critical situation, negotiations on the Ukrainian prisoners definitely go" - he said .

He also said that Savchenko well kept during the hunger strike until the early to worry. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Lawyer: Savchenko's Health 'Worrisome'

Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:57 am
A lawyer for Ukrainian military pilot Nadia Savchenko, who has been on hunger strike in Russian custody for nearly a month, has described the state of his client's health as "worrisome."

Lawyer Nikolai Polozov said in a tweet on January 12 that Savchenko had lost 15 kilograms of weight since she started a hunger strike on December 17.

Polozov also said she feels pains in her stomach and heavy nausea.

Savchenko launched the hunger strike to protest a Donetsk city court's decision in Russia's Rostov region to prolong her detention until April 16.

Russian officials say Savchenko helped relay information to artillery units that fired near a location in eastern Ukraine where two Russian journalists were killed by artillery fire in 2014....................
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Verdict in Savchenko's case may be deliberately postponed until February, - lawyer Polozov

Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:11 pm
The verdict against Ukrainian people's deputy Nadiia Savchenko will not be delivered by Russian court prior to the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Lawyer Nikolay Polozov said on air of 112 Ukraine TV channel, Censor.NET informs.

"At the moment, the defense is presenting evidence. We provide the proof of her innocence: both material evidence and the conclusion of experts. I believe that the presentation of evidence by the defense will take at least two meetings this week and, perhaps, several more meetings next week.

"After all this, we are likely to move on to the debate stage with a sentence to be passed afterwards. But taking into account that the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, where Savchenko is to be present as a delegate, opens on Jan. 25, even if all hearings have ended by this date, it is unlikely that Russia will pass the sentence immediately before the session.

Read more: Savchenko might be released in 2016 through negotiations, - lawyer Feigin

"Apparently, the court will take a pause for consultations and will wait until the session is over. Thus, I expect the verdict to be delivered not earlier than February," Polozov said. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko due to the hunger strike started having problems with the pancreas, - the lawyer

Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:04 am
At Hope Savchenko Ukrainian pilots because of the hunger strike started having problems with the pancreas. This was the TV channel «» the lawyer said Savchenko Ilya Novikov.

"We do not know from whom he takes (the ban to photograph - Ed.), But after we journalists have expressed strong protest, after they were allowed to take pictures of Hope. I have the opinion that the management of our vessels are simply afraid that people will see hope in its current state, pale, thin, it may be some kind of scandal, and they recently trying to avoid any scandals. They do not need it. But the scandal is still started, I took a picture of Hope, posted on the Internet, and everyone saw, might look like a man who is starving 4th week. It is not very good feeling, she began some problems with the pancreas, "- he said.

"We are concerned that under the pretext of this state, it may prohibit participation in further court hearing. It is scheduled for tomorrow (the next meeting, - Ed.). We are waiting for the main event, the main defenders of our work Savchenko Nadezhda, next week, when we can see the following two may be three witnesses, which we have not yet announced, but did not warn our process opponents ", - he said. In Russian
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OSCE -  Savchenko Free Now - Page 2 Empty Savchenko court bans photos on 27th day of hunger strike, rejects more defence evidence

Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:51 pm
Crimean Political Prisoners Oleg Sentsov & Oleksandr Kolchenko have passed letters of greetings and support to Nadiya Savchenko, whose trial resumed in the Russian city of Donetsk on Jan 13, Nadiya’s 27’th day on hunger strike. According to one of her lawyers, Ilya Novikov, the court has refused to allow videos and photography in the courtroom, probably because of mounting concern about the 34-year-old former military pilot, now Ukrainian MP’s health

Both letters, made public by Nadiya’s sister Vera, are brief but to the point. Oleksandr Kolchenko writes in Ukrainian with New Year and Christmas Greetings.

“I wish you the earliest release from this enemy captivity and for the moment – as much strength and resilience as possible. I am sure they can’t break you!.” He signs off “until we meet in Ukraine”.

“I wish you just one thing – freedom and victory. That may be two words but their meaning for us is one!.

Take care! I won’t try to persuade you to eat, you know what you’re doing, but I so don’t want you to suffer – they’re just not worth that! Glory to Ukraine!”

Nadiya Savchenko declared hunger strike on Dec 17 in protest at the latest extension of her detention. Her lawyer Nikolai Polozov has reported that she has lost 15 kilograms, and is experiencing pancreatic pain and nausea.

The lawyers also report that the court has once again refused to add evidence to the case, this time proving that Savchenko was taken by force from Ukraine to Russia with the active involvement of Igor Plotnytsky, now leader of the so-called ‘Luhansk people’s republic’ and Russian investigators, including FSB colonel Sergei Pochechuyev (more details about the appearance in court, wig and all, here: Savchenko Trial turns into Insultingly Absurd Pantomime ).

It is an indicator of the political nature of this ‘trial’ that evidence of Savchenko’s alibi and material showing up the prosecution’s case, has been consistently rejected by Leonid Stepanenko, the presiding judge

Nadiya Savchenko was taken prisoner in the morning of June 17, 2014, several hours before Voloshin and journalist Igor Kornelyuk came under mortar fire while reporting from an area in the Luhansk oblast where there was heavy fighting.

She was captured by Kremlin-backed militants who even posted a video of her being interrogated. It first became clear that she was in Russia when a court in the Voronezh oblast (nowhere near where the trial is now taking place) remanded her in custody.

For a long time the Russian investigators were silent about Savchenko’s abduction. Then they claimed that she had escaped and inexplicably crossed the border into Russia. The final version is that the militants themselves ‘released her’, after which she allegedly hurtled towards the Russian border, covering a huge distance in an hour and a half.

The investigators’ version is that she crossed the border illegally ‘pretending’ to be a refugee, and that she was stopped initially in a routine check of papers. The Investigative Committee responded with particular cynicism to the demand from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (which Savchenko is now a delegate of) by adding another charge of having ‘crossed the border illegally’.

As mentioned the charges are now of murder and attempted murder. The prosecution has failed to find the binoculars with which Savchenko is supposed to have seen the journalists 3 and a half kilometres away and the equipment with which she is alleged to have informed Ukrainian soldiers of their whereabouts. And she has an alibi. ..............

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